HVM 12 WyrdsoftheMultiverse SEP22 V02a

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A class for those changed by

strange phenomena and granted

a mysterious quirk of fate.
version 0.2a
Table of Contents
Wyrds and the
Multiverse 3
Weavers of Chaos 3
Transformed by Fate 3
Vigilantes and Villains 4
Known Wyrds 4

New Class: Wyrd 5

Children of Fate 5
Great Power, Great Responsibility 5
Class Features 6

Wyrd Subclasses:
Wyrd Quirk 8
Amorphous 8
Beast Within 9
Cosmic Fire 10
Iron Clad 11
Lightspeeder 12
Mother Seed 13
Contents of this ‘zine are
based on Wizards of the Planar Glitch 14
Coast’s Dungeons & Dragons Relic Keeper 15
Fifth Edition and used with
permission granted by the
Open Gaming License. No
mention of D&D, Wizards of Write a Wyrd Subclass 17
the Coast, Forgotten Realms,
Ravenloft, Eberron, the drag-
on ampersand, or any other
Wizards of the Coast product
name, respective logos ap-
pears directly other than here,
though reference to their prod-
ucts and trademarks may be
alluded to. All aforementioned HCvTM: Wyrds of the Multiverse // September 2022
trademarks remain the prop-
erty of Wizards of the Coast in
the USA and other countries. LEAD DESIGN: Haggard Clint
All other work featured in this COVER ARTIST: Haggard Clint
work remains the copyright of GRAPHIC DESIGN: Haggard Clint
Clint Skene, operating under
the name Haggard Clint, and EDITING: Matt Allen
its listed respective artists. SPECIAL THANKS: Bradley Grehan, Mitch Cutting & the
entire HaggardClint & Indestructoboy communities.

HCvTM September 2022: - 02 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
Hello and welcome to another issue of Weavers of Chaos
Haggard Clint vs. the Multiverse where we Wyrds are surrounded by chaos and constantly at
explore the weird and fascinating within war with the way of the world. Both the beloved
our endless cosmos! This month we bring children of fate and it’s great defilers, every day be-
you an update to the earlier Wyrd, a class comes a battle of wills against fate as it consistently
attempts to bring balance to the world around them.
all about using fate to turn the tide in battle Plagued by mysterious forces, the Wyrd can
through incredible transformations. sometimes feel like one of the most cursed creature
on the planet. It is, however, this constant call to
adventure that inspires the Wyrd to find their trade-
Wyrds and the mark indomitable will and the ability to weave the
chaos of fate into the phenomenal transformations
Multiverse they’re known for. In fact, the true sign of any Wyrd
is in just how determined they are not to go down
The first thing you have to understand about a without a fight!
Wyrd is that every single one of them is a viola-
tion to the natural order of the cosmos. You see,
there is a force in our universe, unknowable to
Transformed by Fate
us, that is influencing every aspect of our exis- It is their extraordinary encounter with fate that
tence. It makes us late for work, stops us from allows the Wyrd to exploit their condition and sew
getting into horrible accidents, and generally chaos through themselves. The transfomations
presents itself as the standard cause and effect of they evoke are often so dangerous they can only be
our actions throughout our daily lives. sustained for a short period of time. Until they learn
The Wyrd is a thorn in the side of this natural or- to control it indefinitely, the power’s it grants will
der. For these creatures, the standard governance of always recede eventually. To master this, the Wyrd
our universe is merely an obstacle that with enough flexes their will like a resource, fueling themselves
effort can be denied, even transformed. Some would with almost unlimited potential and an unbreakable
say that to be the master of one’s own fate is a fools resolve.
errand, but for the Wyrd, it’s just a matter of will. In any normal scenario such use of chaos would
Wyrds are created when a seemingly ordinary result in some random attempt at rebalancing from
creature experiences some great upheaval in their the cosmos, resulting int the Wyrd being hit by a
day-to-day course of life. Perhaps they survived a runaway carriage, crushed by a falling beam or
near death experience like being struck by lightning some other warning shot from fate. Thankfully,
or infected by a strange poison? Referred to here the phenomenal transformations of their quirk is
as a “Quirk of Fate”, these and similar instances exactly what protects them. Some become raging
challenge the Wyrd in ways no ordinary humanoid green monsters able to withstand any force, others
would usually overcome. By summoning the deep- burst into flames and are shielded by fire, and some
est depths of their will, the Wyrd not only survives even lift into the air and are clad in divine armor to
their encounter with fate, but in time, may also learn become the temporary avatar of their demi-gods!
to control it!

HCvTM September 2022: - 03 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
Villains and Vigilantes
Local law enforcement are frequently at odds with
Wyrds due to their penchant for taking matters into
their own hands as either villains or vigilantes.
As villains, they’ll sew the seeds of chaos using
their abilities to get rich or execute violence until
they get what they want. In some cases their quirk
can overcome their sense of reason and drive them
insane, or perhaps free their inhibitions and allow
them to become the true villain they’ve always been.
Oddly enough, in many worlds being a vigilante is
seen as even more of a threat. With anonymity and
power, the Wyrd rarely answers for their so-called
good deeds. Sure, the Wyrd may save the day, but
they are ultimately breaking the law each time they
hold their own moral code above the rules civilised
society has agreed to follow!
Whether or not a Wyrd becomes a vigilante or
a villain depends largely on who and how they are
trained. Most Wyrds encounter their quirks alone
and can become frightened of them due to the dra-
matic transformations they evoke. Without support,
it is an unfortunate liklihood the Wyrd will become
villainous or at the very least, extremely self-serving.
If a Wyrd does take this darker path, however, it is
not necessarily because they were just born bad or Wyrds of the Beast Within appear in a variety of ways.
Artist: DomCritelli
suffered some traumatic break (though that does
happen). In most cases, much like how a vigilante
would justify the greater good in their violation of Known Wyrds
the law, so too does the villain! As usual, regardless
of the chaos they cause, everyone is a hero in their The multiverse is littered with Wyrds of all walks,
own story. talks, and types. The following section lists a few of
these more well known adventurers, including the
name and the alter-ego they go by when they invoke
their phenomena and transform.
Billy Batson + Captain Marvel
Bradley Biggle + Mint Berry Crunch
Bruce Banner + The Hulk
Chato Santana + El Diablo
Dan Garrett + Blue Beetle
Danny Fenton + Danny Phantom
Dexter Douglas + Freakazoid
Dr. Jekyll + Mr. Hyde
Eddie Brock + Venom
Eric + Bananaman
Hal Jordan + Green Lantern
Jason Lee Scott + Red Ranger
Johnny Blaze + Ghost Rider
Johnny Storm + Human Torch
June Moon + Enchantress
Kent Nelson + Dr. Fate
Lamont Cranston + The Shadow
Prince Adam + He-Man
Scott Howard + Teen Wolf
Sue Richards + Invisible Woman
Ted + SuperTed
Early artwork depicting a Wyrd defying the will of fate.
Artist: Slava Gerj
Takeshi Hongo + Kamen Rider 1
Toshinori Yagi + All Might
Usagi Tsukino + Sailor Moon

HCvTM September 2022: - 04 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
The material in this article has been updat-
ed since the Wyrd’s release in June 2022. It
is again available for playtesting again here.
The mechanics represented here are still in
draft form, usable for your campaign but still
undergoing refinement.
“I’ve got no strings, to hold me down, to
make me fret, or make me frown. I had experience cursed them to have visions of the dead,
strings but now I’m free, there are no and other creatures granted supernatural abilities
strings on me.” through a mysterious quirk of fate. As a supernat-
ural being, the Wyrd lives a life without strings,
- Ned Washington, Bard
enabling them to transcend the limits bestowed
on them by fate and develop innate and powerful
In a dazzlement of lights, a dwarf rises into the abilities.
air, spinning slowly as radiant armor manifests Unlike those who train, study, or pledge alle-
itself onto their form, and transforms them into giance to some grand purpose or entity, the Wyrd
the embodiment of their demi-god. draws their power from the chaotic forces of fate
Removing their spectacles and tossing their itself, manifesting it into a phenomenal transforma-
shirt aside, the half-orc bursts into flames and takes tion. These transformations come on so dramati-
flight, trailing fire as they rush to catch their friend. cally the Wyrd is practically unrecognisable to who
Struggling in the darkness, a human clutches they once were, granting them a unique kind of an-
their head in agony, failing to hold back the curses’s onymity. With thier natural mask, all Wyrds benefit
desire as it envelops them in its thick, armored hide from a double life; both the one they are known by,
and reveals the true beast within. and the supernatural creature they truly are.
Wyrds are the supernatural quirks of fate, trans-
formed by strange phenomena and entwined with
the chaotic forces of destiny. Their transformations Great Power,
are extremely dangerous, requiring immense focus
and control to master. Through sheer force of will, Great Responsibility
the Wyrd weaves the raw chaos of fate through If fate determines destiny, then the Wyrd is an agent
themselves to evoke a powerful transformation, and of chaos. With the innate gifts of their quirks, the
unleash their true potential. Wyrd weaves the will of fate as their own, empow-
ering themselves and others around them to be
Children of Fate masters of their own destiny. Once transformed,
there is little that can stand in their way. They’ll
Living creatures, such as humanoids, beasts and round up common street thugs, shut down escaped
other animate things, are fundamentally different to renegade demons, reroute the ocean tide, and even
inanimate entities due to a mysterious phenomenon stand face-to-face against cosmic titans attempting
known as “the wyrd”. Theologians call this “wyrd” to devour the world if it means delaying fate just one
the will of the gods, scientists know it as physics, second longer.
and poets sing of it as destiny, but whatever its title, The eccentricities and abilities of the Wyrd’s
there’s no denying its influence over our universe. transformations cause them to stand out in common
It governs everything, weaving its threads of cause society, requiring them to adopt secret identities to
and effect throughout the cosmos and binding keep them and their loved ones safe. For the more
together all things. So powerful are its threads, cautious or fearful, it is a life spent on the run,
no science or magic can sever or sway them from hiding away as hermits and street urchins. Most
their predetermined ends. However, every now and Wyrds, however, cannot help but stand out in a
again, through a mysterious quirk of fate, a creature crowd, and even go so far as to become famous for
can find its thread entangled with the strange and their deeds and the champions of their cities.
unusual, and transform into something weird. Equal parts villain and vigilante, Wyrds live by
Wyrds are the children of fate, destined to change their own moral code, freeing themselves to go
by random and impossible phenomena to become above and beyond in the name of what they think
“more than humanoid”. They are the soldier granted is right and true. Though their paths may entwine
psychic power after exposure to aberrant blood, with the threads fate spins, for the Wyrd, a life of
the explorer who fell through a cosmic storm and great power and responsibility means the only fate
became a living star, the survivor whose near-death that matters is the one you can make for yourself.

HCvTM September 2022: - 05 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
The Wyrd Table
Prof. Quirk Temp.
Level Features
Bonus Die Hit Points
1st +2 Wyrd Identity, Holistic Entanglement, Wyrd Quirk d4 20
2nd +2 Unfathomable Resolve d4 20
3rd +2 Sew Chaos, Wyrd Quirk d4 20
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement d4 20
5th +3 Extra Attack, Wyrd Quirk d6 30
6th +3 Challenge Fate d6 30
7th +3 Touch of Destiny d6 30
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement d6 30
9th +4 Indomitable Fortitude d8 40
10th +4 Wyrd Quirk d8 40
11th +4 Force of Will d8 40
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement d8 40
13th +5 d10 50
14th +5 Wyrd Quirk d10 50
15th +5 Enduring Focus d10 50
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement d10 50
17th +6 d12 60
18th +6 Wyrd Quirk d12 60
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement d12 60
20th +6 d12 60

Creating a Wyrd Proficiencies

Armor: light armor
To create a Wyrd, consult the following subsec- Weapons: All simple weapons
tions which will give you hit points, proficiencies, Tools: disguise kit
and starting equipment. Then look at the Wyrd Saving Throws: Constitution
table to see which features you get at each level. Skills: Choose one from Arcana, Medicine, Nature,
These features are described in the “Class Fea- Survival and Religion.
tures” section.
Starting Equipment
Quick Build You start with the following equipment, in addition
to the equipment granted by your background:
You can make a wyrd quickly by following these
suggestions. First, Constitution should be your • any simple weapon
highest ability score, followed by your Charisma. • (a) an entertainer’s kit or (b) an explorer’s pack
Secondly, choose the Haunted One or Urchin back- • (a) a costume, outfit or disguise used to hide
ground. your true identity or (b) an item, heirloom, or
token from your Wyrd Quirk encounter

Class Features If you forgo this starting equipment, as well as the

items offered by your background, you start with
As a Wyrd, you gain the following class features, 1d6 x 10 gp to buy your equipment.
which are summarised in the Wyrd table.


Hit Dice: Quirk Die per wyrd level If your campaign allows for multiclassing,
Hit Points at 1st Level: 4 + your Constitution you must have at least a Constitution score of
modifier 13 to gain a level in this class or take another
Hit Points at Higher Levels: Quirk Die + your level in this class if you already are a Wyrd.
Constitution modifier per wyrd level after 1st

HCvTM September 2022: - 06 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
Wyrd Quirk Sew Chaos
Your fateful encounter has granted you a mysterious 3rd-level Wyrd feature
quirk. Choose one Wyrd Quirk related to the fateful Your entanglement with fate is represented by your
encounter that made you a Wyrd. Each quirk is quirk die, which you can use to sew the raw chaos
detailed at the end of the class description. of fate in powerful ways. You can spend your quirk
Evidence of your quirk shows in the form of a die to sew chaos and evoke a Phenomenal Transfor-
tell. Your tell could be shards of potion bottles in mation. You learn more ways to sew chaos as you
your skin, a contraption in place of where your heart gain levels in the class, and as detailed in your wyrd
should be, eyes of black ichor, an enlarged cranium, quirk’s description.
or any other similarly notable feature. Some of your sew chaos features may require
Your wyrd quirk grants you proficiencies at 1st saving throws. When such an ability is used from
level, and abilities at 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th, 14th and this class, the saving throw DC is calculated as
18th level. follows:
Quirk Die Wyrd save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
Your wyrd quirk turns your hit die into Quirk Die. your Constitution modifier.
As well as being your hit dice, you can spend your
quirk die whenever indicated by an ability or feature. Phenomenal Transformation
When you spend a quirk die, it is unavailable to you As a bonus action, or as a reaction to taking dam-
until you next finish a long rest. When you finish a age, you can expend a quirk die and sew chaos
long rest, you regain all spent quirk die in full. through you. Your will is amplified, granting you
Your quirk die is a d4, and increases as you level temporary hit points equal to ten times your profi-
in this class to a d6 at 5th level, a d8 at 9th, a d10 at ciency bonus and evoking a phenomenal transfor-
13th, and a d12 at 17th. mation. These temporary hit points represent your
strength of will over fate and last until your transfor-
Wyrd Identity mation ends, or you transform again, replacing any
1st-level Wyrd feature temporary hit points you had.
When you transform, you don your Wyrd Iden-
Your life as a wyrd has required you to develop a tity and are unrecognisable from who you once
natural mask, granting you two identities: secret were. Any creature who does not see you transform
and wyrd. Your secret identity is who you are known cannot be sure you or your transformed self are the
as by those closest to you. The other is your wyrd same creature without extensive investigation.
identity. Your wyrd identity comes with a name or While transformed, you wear your natural armor.
title, either chosen by you or bestowed on you by Your natural armor AC is 10 + your Dexterity mod-
others, and is who you are seen as during your Phe- ifier + your proficiency bonus, and you gain addi-
nomenal Transformation. tional benefits and abilities as detailed in your Wyrd
As part of maintaining your mask, you learn Quirk’s description.
skills to help you pass in everyday society. When Your transformation requires your concentration
you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and as if you were maintaining a spell for the duration.
19th level, you gain proficiency in one skill, tool, You do not roll Constitution saving throws to main-
vehicle or language you are not already proficient in. tain your transformation if you have any remaining
temporary hit points. Your transformation lasts up
Holistic Entanglement to 1 minute, or until your concentration is broken or
1st-level Wyrd feature ended by you, requiring no action.
Your fate shares a strange connectedness to the
universe. This sense is vague but can lead you to Ability Score Improvement
seemingly impossible coincidences. Your Passive 4th-level Wyrd feature
Perception gains a bonus equal to your Wyrd level. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th,
16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability
Unfathomable Resolve score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two
2nd-level Wyrd feature ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you
No matter how bad it gets you can do this all day. can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this
If you have no Quirk die remaining, as an action, feature.
you can summon a well of resolve and grant your-
self a number of Quirk dice equal to your proficiency Extra Attack
bonus. 5th-level Wyrd feature
You have one use of this feature and you regain You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you
all uses the next time you finish a long rest. take the attack action on your turn.

HCvTM September 2022: - 07 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
Challenge Fate
6th-level Wyrd feature
Wyrd Quirk
You defy fate at every turn, daring it to challenge “We are a fluke of nature, a quirk of evolution, a
your resolve. When you are forced to make a saving glorious contingency.”
throw, you can spend a Quirk die and make a Con- - Michael Shermer, Poet
stitution saving throw instead.
At 1st level, an encounter with a mysterious quirk
Touch of Destiny of fate has made you into a wyrd. Your quirk
7th-level Wyrd feature grants you abilities as you level in this class that
The chaos which surrounds you assures a touch of differ depending on your Wyrd Quirk.
destiny. The enemies’ cloak catches on a branch, the
sunlight shines in the eyes of the archer, the wind
knocks over a bottle of oil causing it to drips along Amorphous
the bookshelf and onto your manacles, or a similar Mr Fantastic, Clayface, Plastic Man, Elastigirl, etc.
series of events occur to twist fate in your favor.
Wyrds of the Amorphous reach through fate to
When a creature of your choice within 10 feet of
bend and twist themselves beyond their physical
you rolls at either advantage or disadvantage, you
limits. When transformed, the Wyrd becomes
can spend a Quirk die and add your Constitution
malleable, capable of tying up their foes and
modifier to the roll.
squeezing through just about any obstacle.

Indomitable Fortitude Amorphous Origins Table

9th-level Wyrd feature d4 Origin
You can overcome just about any ailment through Mechanical. After losing your limbs in a horrible
sheer will alone. As a bonus action, you can spend a 1 accident, you obtain a rare liquid metal com-
quirk die to impose your will and end any condition pound, greatly aiding your mobility.
or effect currently afflicting you for 1 minute. Mutation. Triggered by an exposure to ecto-
2 plasm, a rare deformity in your physiology aug-
mented your form with stretchable properties.
Force of Will
11th-level Wyrd feature Mystical. A fey tricks you into accepting a curse
3 that would grant you greater flexibility, turning
Your strength of will over fate is so strong, you can your body into a rubbery mass.
innately cause fate to make a bad situation worse. Natural. You were born with muscle and bone
The chandelier swings into their head, the bucket 4 abnormality that through careful study and train-
rolls under their feet, the arrow ricochets into them, ing, you’ve turned into your greatest strength.
or similar series of events occur.
When a creature misses an attack against you Quirk Proficiencies
or fails your saving throw, you can spend and roll a 1st-level Amorphous ability
number of quirk dice up to your proficiency bonus
Your quirk extends the subtleties of your move-
and add their result as bonus force damage, and
ments. You are proficient in Deception and Sleight
the creature is at disadvantage on attack rolls they
of Hand, and Dexterity saving throws.
make until the end of their next turn.

Enduring Focus Abnormal Stretchability

1st-level Amorphous ability
15th-level Wyrd feature
Your body is abnormally malleable, granting you
You have found balance between fate and chaos,
resistance to bludgeoning damage and capable of
and achieved mastery over your quirk. Your phe-
grappling up to two people, instead of one.
nomenal transformation has no maximum duration
and now lasts until your concentration ends.
Amorphous Malleability
1st-level Amorphous ability

olves or When you evoke your Phenomenal Transformation,

I'm not afraid of wedrew ho tels, I'm the physical bonds of your body squeeze, separate,
vam pir es or hau nte
afraid of wh at rea l hu ma n beings and stretch. While transformed, you have the follow-
to do other rea l hu ma n beings. ing benefits:
- Walter Jon Willi s, Autho
• Amorphous. You can change your appearance
to look like any other creature you’ve touched

HCvTM September 2022: - 08 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
and can squeeze through a space as narrow
as 1 inch wide, provided you are wearing and
carrying nothing.
Beast Within
Hulk, Werewolves, Mr. Hyde, Venom, etc.
• Greater Grip. Your unarmed strikes use your Wyrds of the Beast Within barrel through fate
Quirk die and you are not at disadvantage on with unstoppable force, smashing and clawing
attack rolls you make while grappled. through obstacles and stopping foes in their
As a bonus action, you can extend your tracks. When transformed, the Wyrd unleashes
reach to 10 feet. When you hit a target with an their primal power and reveals the beast within.
unarmed strike, you can use a bonus action to
grapple the target. Beast Within Origins Table
d4 Origin
Relax Body Mechanical. An over-ambitious alchemist inject-
5th-level Amorphous ability 1 ed you with a parasite in the hope of harvesting
your organs once it was done feeding.
If you are not wearing heavy armor, you can relax
your form and glide as far as you fall. While gliding, Mutation. Accidental exposure to a strange mist
2 roused the dormant monstrous blood passed
you fall at half speed, you take no damage from fall- down through your family for centuries.
ing, and you can use your movement to fall in any
Mystical. While attempting to escape a hag, you
direction you choose. When you land after gliding,
3 stumbled into the wrong set of shelves and cut
your speed is reduced to 0 until the start of your yourself on a jar of strange living black liquid.
next turn.
Natural. Word of a crashed meteorite gave you
While transformed, your body can always bear 4 the final clue to tracking down the entity that con-
the brunt of impact and you take no damage from sumed your family, but something went wrong.
Quirk Proficiencies
Minor Mimicry 1st-level Beast Within feature
10th-level Amorphous ability
The beast amplifies your physiology for its own
As an action, you can spend a Quirk die and morph gains. You are proficient in Athletics and Acrobatics,
your your hands into any simple object you’ve and Strength saving throws.
touched, such as a simple melee weapon and shield,
a key, hammer, or similar. You are proficient in any Beast Instincts
object your morph your hands into. 1st-level Beast Within ability
Your morphed objects act exactly as the objects
you mimick. If mimicking an object that would The beast lurks within, heightening your instincts
deal damage the object deals bludgeoning damage and agility. You add double your proficiency bonus
instead of its normal damage. While morphed, you when making Perception checks relying on your
cannot hold objects using your morphed hands. sense of smell or hearing, and you do not provoke
You can return your hands to their normal form attacks of opportunity from leaving another crea-
at any time, requiring no action. ture’s space.

Change Shape Beast Unleashed

14th-level Amorphous ability 3rd-level Beast Within ability

While transformed, as an action, you can spend a When you evoke your Phenomenal Transformation,
Quirk die and reshape your entire body into any sol- the beast enlarges your body and emerges in its
id shape, such as a cube, wall, set of stairs, spring, ultimate monstrous form. While transformed, you
or similar. Your size changes depending on the have the following benefits:
amount of area you fill. Your shape cannot exceed • Monstrous Hide. Your AC increases by 1, your
a 15-foot sphere area or support weight greater size is Large and you count as one size larger
than you can carry. Your shape lasts until the start when determining how much you can lift, pull
of your next turn. At the start of your next turn, you or carry.
can spend another Quirk die to maintain your form,
requiring your action. • Monstrous Beast. Your unarmed strikes use
your Quirk die and deal your choice of bludgeon-
ing, piercing, or slashing damage.
Elongated Elasticity As a bonus action, you can leap up to 10
18th-level Amorphous ability
feet towards a creature and attempt to tackle
Your Change Shape now lasts until your transfor- them. The creature makes a Dexterity saving
mation ends, and can be ended early by you, requir- throw or is knocked prone and grappled.
ing no action.

HCvTM September 2022: - 09 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
Monstrous Mobility
5th-level Beast Within ability Cosmic Fire
The distance of your long jump and high jump Elizabeth Sherman, Human Torch, Pyro, Wheeler, etc.
doubles. You do not require 10 feet of movement to Wyrds of the Cosmic Fire share fate with the first
jump. element that birthed the cosmos into existence.
While transformed, you have a climb speed equal When transformed, the Wyrd is engulfed in cos-
to your walking speed. When you make a long or mic flames, converting them into a living torch.
high jump while transformed, any Athletics or Acro-
batics check you make with a result of 5 or lower is Cosmic Fire Origins Table
treated as a 5 instead. d4 Origin
Mechanical. An explosion warped the suit you
Deafening Roar 1 wore to protect yourself against the elements,
10th-level Beast Within ability making you a conduit for it instead.
As an action, you can spend a Quirk die and let Mutation. Exposure to a certain element trig-
out a long, deafening roar and any creature within gered a reaction designed to protect you from it.
30 feet that can hear you must make a Constitu- 3
Mystical. An early experiment in spellcasting
tion saving throw. A creature takes 2d10 thunder permanently enchanted you with druidic magic.
damage and become deafened for 1d4 rounds on a Natural. You were born with a unique sensitivity
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful 4 to your element that through training, you’ve
one. Your roar can be heard up to 300 feet away and learned to amplify.
frightens creatures with an Intelligence score of 6
or lower for 1 minute. A creature frightened by your Quirk Proficiencies
roar can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of 1st-level Cosmic Fire ability
their turn to end the frightened condition. The element illuminates you to the dangers of the
cosmic world. You gain proficiency in Nature and
Unrelenting Force Survival, and Dexterity Saving Throws.
14th-level Beast Within ability
Your strength is near limitless. While transformed, Thermal Heart
your attacks deal double damage to objects and 1st-level Cosmic Fire ability
structures, and you can make an attack as a bonus The fire burns within, lighting your way through the
action. dark. You know the light cantrip and can see heat
and warmth as if it were dim light. Any heat you see
Absolute Carnage appears as a spectrum with blue appearing at its
18th-level Beast Within ability coldest, yellow to red at its normal or warmest, and
While transformed, when you hit a creature, you white at its hottest. Living creatures give off 5 feet
can spend a Quirk die and add it’s result as bonus of dim light to you, allowing you to see their vague
damage. On the die’s highest result, you can make shape but not any specific details other than what
another attack roll. If you roll a 20 on an attack roll, they might be wearing.
the creature is critically hit and injured, lowering it’s
AC by 1 and its movement by 5 feet until it receives Cosmic Ignition
hit points and heals. 3rd-level Cosmic Fire ability
When you evoke your Phenomenal Transformation,
you are engulfed by fire and erupt in cosmic energy.
While transformed, you have the following benefits:
WYRDS IN TRAINING • Flame Body. You are resistant to fire damage
Wyrds often experience their quirks in mo- and immune to any fire you conjure. Your flames
ments of great distress. These moments can emit bright light out to 5 feet and dim light for
be scary and scarring, causing the wyrd to an additional 5 feet. When you grapple a crea-
hide away so that they might heal, train and ture, or a creature grapples you, the creature
attempt to understand what has happened takes 1d4 fire damage. If a creature starts it’s
to them and how they’ve changed. For the turn either grappled or restrained with you, it
lucky ones, they learn to control their quirks takes 1d4 fire damage.
under the tutelage of a mentor or academy of
other wyrds like them. In some worlds, entire • Flamethrower. You can conjure motes of fire
teams of wyrds band together as heroes! and shape them in various ways to make ranged
attacks. Your unarmed strikes and motes of fire
use your Quirk die and deal fire damage.

HCvTM September 2022: - 010 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
As an attack, you can conjure a mote and
hurl it at a target you can see within 60 feet as a
ranged attack.
Iron Clad
Blue Beetle, Cyborg, Green Lantern, Iron Man etc.
As an action, you can conjure a mote and
blast either a 5-foot wide, 15-foot long straight Wyrds of the Iron Clad reconstitute fate through
line or a 10-foot cone of fire from your position. an enchanted or technological object, allowing
Any creature caught in your blast must make a them to operate the functions of almost anything
Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 fire damage. from nearly anywhere. When transformed, the
Wyrd converts into a living weapon and a true
Fire Flight machine of war.
5th-level Cosmic Fire ability Iron Clad Origins Table
Your fire can propel you off the ground and send you d4 Origin
scorching through the air. You have a hover speed Natural. An incredible feat of artificery provides
equal to your walking speed. While transformed, 1 you with an incredibly advanced suit of armor
you have a fly speed equal to your walking speed. that you control with your mind.
Mechanical. An alien device attaches itself to
Smoldering Radiance 2 your spine, fusing with you and bringing with it
10th-level Cosmic Fire ability the defenses of it’s peoples distant war.
Mystical. An enchanted ring travels across time
As an action, you can expend a Quirk die and sim-
3 and space containing the means to manifest your
mer with smoldering heat for 1 minute. For the du- will into weapons and armor.
ration, any creature within 10 feet of you is resistant
Mutation. An explosion causes hundreds of
to cold damage and any fire damage you deal counts 4 metallic shards to scatter into you, triggering a
as radiant damage. strange malformation to your exterior.

Boiling Point Quirk Proficiencies

14th-level Cosmic Fire ability 1st-level Iron Clad ability
Your fire has reached it’s boiling point. While trans- The iron floods your mind with the knowledge of its
formed, the range of your mote attacks doubles and creation. You are proficient in History and one tool
now set fire to any unattended flammable objects of your choice, and Intelligence saving throws.
within 5 feet of their target on a hit.
Iron Mind
Interstellar Supernova 1st-level Iron Clad ability
18th-level Cosmic Fire ability
Your iron grants you a natural intuition for the
Your fire burns with the heat of a thousand suns. function of things. You can add your Intelligence
While transformed, as an action, you can spend a modifier to any check you make using an object, tool
Quirk die and explode in a 5-foot radius sphere with or vehicle you’re currently using that you are not
the heat of a dying star. Any creature within your already proficient in.
sphere must make a Dexterity saving throw or take
two Quirk die in fire damage, or half as much dam- Suit of Iron
age on a successful saving throw. Each time you 3rd-level Iron Clad ability
explode before your transformation ends, you add
a bonus 1d10 fire damage and the radius of your When you evoke your Phenomenal Transformation,
sphere doubles (maximum of 30-foot radius). the iron becomes a living suit of armor around you.
While transformed, you have the following benefits:
• Well Armored. You are resistant to non-magi-
HUMANOIDS VS. cal bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage,
SUPERHUMANOIDS you do not require air to breathe and you count
as one size larger when determining how much
The greatest challenge with understanding
you can lift, pull or carry.
the Wyrd is that although every adventurer is
special in their own way, the Wyrd is special • Forge Weapons. As a bonus action, you can ex-
in a very specific way. This often has them tend a free hand and forge it into any non-mag-
learning gifts and wielding powers much ear- ical one-handed weapon you’ve touched, or a
lier than their compatriots. It’s important to shield. You are proficient in your forged weapon
remember that while the Wyrd can do incred- and shield. Your forged weapon shares the exact
ible things, those things are often extremely same properties as the weapon you duplicate. If
narrow and limited. your forged weapon requires ammunition, you
must use your bonus action again to reload it as

HCvTM September 2022: - 011 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
required. Damage dealt by your forged weapon Lightspeeder Origins Table
uses your Quirk die.
d4 Origin
Transformative Travel 1
Natural. An incredible feat of artificery provides
you with an incredibly advanced suit of armor
5th-level Iron Clad ability that you control with your mind.
The iron anticipates your needs and alters your Mechanical. An alien device attaches itself to
limbs to accommodate their environment. As an 2 your spine, fusing with you and bringing with it
action, you can change your walking speed to a fly- the defenses of it’s peoples distant war.
ing speed or a climbing speed. While transformed, Mystical. An enchanted ring travels across time
you have a flying and climbing speed equal to your 3 and space containing the means to manifest your
walking speed. will into weapons and armor.
Mutation. An explosion causes hundreds of
4 metallic shards to scatter into you, triggering a
Overload Senses strange malformation to your exterior.
10th-level Iron Clad ability
As an action, you can spend a Quirk die and en- Quirk Proficiencies
hance your senses for 1 minute. This enhancement 1st-level Lightspeeder ability
makes it nearly impossible to hide from you, alert-
The lightning crackles through you, quickening
ing you to subtle details like the heartbeats of living
your observations and reflexes. You are proficient in
creatures, the movement of air resting around a
Investigation and Perception, and Dexterity saving
body, and the sound of a pin drop. For the duration,
you gain the following benefits:
• You cannot be surprised by invisible creatures Lightning Heart
sharing the same plane of existence as you. 1st-level Lightspeeder ability
• You can see and hear clearly out to 1 mile.
• You are at advantage when making Perception The lightning puts your responses into overdrive.
checks relying on your sight and hearing. You add your Constitution modifier when you roll for
• You are not at disadvantage when making a initiative and can take the Dodge action as a bonus
ranged attack against a target you can see with- action.
in 1 mile.
Ride the Lightning
Extensive Arsenal 3rd-level Lightspeeder ability
14th-level Iron Clad ability When you evoke your Phenomenal Transformation,
The range of your armor’s malevolent replications your speed, perceptions and reflexes make you near
has upgraded. While transformed, you can now rep- impossible to capture. While transformed, you have
licate and forge your hands into any weapon you’ve the following benefits:
touched. Your forged weapon maintains no magical • Lightning Reflexes. You do not provoke attacks
properties if magical and if the weapon is cursed or of opportunity from leaving another creature’s
requires attunement your forge fails. space and you are immune to the effects of diffi-
cult terrain when you take the Dash action.
Adaptive Iron • Lightning Strikes. Your unarmed strikes use
18th-level Iron Clad ability
your Quirk die and deal bludgeoning damage.
While transformed, when you take damage from When you make an attack, as a reaction, you
an attack, you can spend a Quirk die and resist that can make a single attack using your unarmed
damage as a reaction. Until the end of your next strikes.
turn, or you next use this ability, you are resistant to
the last damage type you resisted using this ability. Super Speed
5th-level Lightspeeder ability
The lightning pulses through your limbs, speed-
Lightspeeder ing your movements so fast they defy gravity. Your
speed increases by 10 feet.
A-Train, The Flash, Sonic, Quicksilver, etc.
While transformed, your walking speed is dou-
Wyrds of the Lightspeeder outrun fate at the bled and you can run up walls, across ceilings and
speed of light, allowing them to run circles across bodies of liquid without falling or sinking.
around their foes and leave them in a daze. When If you end your turn on any surface other than the
transformed, the Wyrd generates lightning they ground, you fall or sink, and take the appropriate
can travel through to literally run back in time. damage as normal.

HCvTM September 2022: - 012 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
Sonic Boom fe devours
Nature is brutal . Li the death.
10th-level Lightspeeder ability life. It's a battle to
As an action, you can spend a Quirk die and take - Jason Woodrue,
the Dash action. When you do, you cause a thun-
derous boom to sound at your position, and every
creature within 10 feet of the space you left must
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the
Mother Seed
Poison Ivy, Swamp Thing, Groot, Willow Park, etc.
creature takes 1d10 thunder damage. This thunder
can be heard from up to to 300 feet away. Wyrds of the Mother Seed are the bearers of
Until the end of your turn, you leave a 5 foot wide aberrant nature who develop an innate patronage
trail of lightning behind you. Any creature that occu- with the natural world. When transformed, the
pies your lines space takes 3d10 lightning damage Wyrd blooms and flowers into the embodiment of
and knocked prone. As part of this Dash action, you mother nature itself.
can interact with any object you can touch before
Mother Seed Origins Table
the start of your next turn. You can only interact
with the object once during your turn. The results of d4 Origin
your interaction begin at the start of your next turn. Natural. An ancient cult sought to bring about a
1 new generation of god, and selected you as the
Faster than Light mother and harbinger of its rebirth.
14th-level Lightspeeder ability Mechanical. In an attempt to help plants better
2 defend themselves against of man, you now pos-
Your lightning has made you barely perceptible. sess the means to control them.
When you use your movement on your turn, you
Mystical. An eldritch creature shares its magic
become invisible. If you move within 5 feet of 3 from deep within space, sharing its life thread
creature, you have advantage on the first attack you with yours.
make against that creature. When you interact with Mutation. Your linage has carried with it the
a target after moving during your turn, your invisi- 4 seed for centuries, cursing each of its carriers
bility ends. with great illness and disease, until you.

Flashpoint Quirk Proficiencies

18th-level Lightspeeder ability 1st-level Mother Seed ability
While transformed, you can spend a Quirk die and The seed awakens you to the natural wonders. You
take your turn as normal. At the end of your turn, are proficient in Nature and Animal Handling, and
you can use your reaction to negate the effects of Wisdom saving throws.
your turn and take your turn again. You have one
use of this ability and you regain all uses when you Hybrid Nature
finish a long rest. 1st-level Mother Seed ability
The seed has forged a womb for itself to grow
within you, augmenting your creature type. Your
creature type is both Plant and Humanoid. As a
FAST ENOUGH TO plant-humanoid hybrid, you have the following
• You are resistant non-magical poison and dis-
Lightspeeder’s seem to defy the laws of
reality itself with their incredible speed.
• You can cast speak with plants at will.
Whilst theoretically a humanoid moving at • You age at half your normal speed.
such speeds would see their flesh ripped right • If you spend an hour in sunlight, you do not
off their bones and their legs generate enough require food to live.
friction to ignite the sun, the Lightspeeder
seems immune to such physical limitations. Mother’s Wrath
When you see a Lightspeeder move in 3rd-level Mother Seed ability
a way that makes little sense to your When you evoke your Phenomenal Transformation,
own sense of reality, just remember this the seed emerges from you in the form of roots,
helpful but at times infuriating fact... vines, and leaves, allowing you to summon plants.
They’re wyrd. While transformed, you have the following benefits:

HCvTM September 2022: - 013 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
• Green Skin. You are resistant to poison Earthen Warrior
damage and do not suffer the effects of difficult 18th-level Mother Seed ability
While transformed, as an action, you can spend a
• Roots and Vines. You can summon plants in Quirk die and call upon any plants within 90 feet to
the form of roots and vines, which you use to defend you. The plants use your AC and temporary
make unarmed strikes. Your unarmed strikes hit points, and die instantly if they take fire damage.
use your Quirk die, have a reach of 10 feet, and As a bonus action, you can command any plant to
deal bludgeoning damage. either attack using your unarmed strike or attempt
As an action, you can choose a point you to grapple a creature within 5 feet using your
can see within 90 feet and summon a plant to Strength. Each plant is considered a creature when
burst out of the ground and attempt to grapple a targeting, and each plant may take opportunity
target within 10 feet. attacks as if they had their own reaction.
The plant uses your Strength, hit points
and AC. While the plant is grappling a target,
it acts as an extension of you and the grappled
creature can attack it as it were you. The limit of Planar Glitch
creatures you can grapple using a plant is equal Blink, Kitty Pryde, Nightcrawler, Vanellope von Schweetz, etc.
to your proficiency bonus.
Wyrds of the Planar Glitch fracture fate through
As an attack, you can release a grappled
a tear, opening and closing portals on a whim,
creature and throw them as you would an
and hopping in and out of reality. When trans-
improvised weapon, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning
formed, the Wyrd punches holes in the planes
damage to them and the target on a hit.
and can phase through time and space.
Dirt Digger Planar Glitch Origins Table
5th-level Mother Seed ability d4 Origin
The seed roots you in the soil, allowing you to Natural. You were randomly struck by lightning,
become it. You can breathe comfortably in soil and 1 resulting in a chaotic violation to your form that
underwater. While transformed, you have a burrow takes all your willpower to hold together.
speed equal to your walking speed. Mechanical. Your platoon was the first to wear
2 a new kind of armor designed to augment the
perception of light, but something went wrong.
Pheromantic Spores
10th-level Mother Seed ability Mystical. At the exact same time you were
3 teleporting using a tree stride spell, the tree you
As an action you can spend a Quirk die and emit a were teleporting into was destroyed.
60-foot radius sphere of pheromantic spores for 1d4 Mutation. You were born with the ability to con-
rounds that can influence the actions of creatures. jure fields of distortion capable of warping time
Any creature that starts its turn within your and space. It’s taken a long time to figure out how
sphere and requires air to breathe must make a to do it safely.
Constitution saving throw or become charmed by
you for 1d4 rounds. A charmed creature can leave Quirk Proficiencies
the sphere’s area to make this saving throw again 1st-level Planar Glitch ability
and end your charm. The glitch connects you to the subtle movements
As a bonus action, you can command one crea- of time and space. You are proficient in Sleight of
ture charmed by you to defend you and your allies or Hand and Stealth, and Dexterity saving throws.
perform a single action.
Phase Out
Germinating Sap 1st-level Planar Glitch ability
14th-level Mother Seed ability
The glitch fractures your placement within reality,
The seed’s protective need of you has evolved it to allowing you to phase in and out of existence. As a
produce a sap capable of being smeared on other bonus action, you can step out of reality and become
creatures. Once per day, as an action, you can touch intangible.
up to 3 willing creatures and smear them with sap. As an intangible creature, you can be seen and
The sap lasts for 1 hour and alters how your Pher- heard by creatures as a translucent specter, but you
omantic Spores effects the creatures it sticks to. cannot be targeted by attacks or physically interact-
When you use your Pheromantic Spore ability, any ed with. While intangible, you can move through
creature that breathes your spores while smeared any occupied or obstructed space as long as you
with your sap gains hit points equal to your Quirk hold your breath while doing so.
die roll.

HCvTM September 2022: - 014 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
You can end your phase at any time, requiring Planar Rip
your bonus action. If you use an action or take magi- 14th-level Planar Glitch ability
cal damage while phased your phase ends.
Your glitch extends beyond its limits, shaking the
If your phase ends while inside an object, you
very foundations of reality. When you use your Fold
take 2d10 force damage and your movement is
Space ability, your portals increase in size, allowing
reduced to 0, and can take no actions other than
anything Large or smaller to pass through, and you
to Phase Out. If your phase ends while inside a
generate a 10-foot aura of quaking reality at your po-
creature, you take 2d10 damage and are shunted to
sition, causing the ground to shake, crack and warp.
a space 5ft from the creature and fall prone.
Your aura’s area becomes difficult terrain and any
creature that enters or starts their turn in your aura
Glitch Distortion must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked
1st-level Planar Glitch ability prone.
When you evoke your Phenomenal Transformation,
abstract distortion echoes around you, causing aber- Planar Rip
ration in your appearance. While transformed, you 18th-level Planar Glitch ability
have the following benefits:
While transformed, as an action, you can spend a
• Distortion Field. A ripple effect shadows your Quirk die and rip open a 15-foot radius sphere in
movements, obscuring your true position. the plane centered at your position. The sphere lasts
Creatures are at disadvantage when making until the end of your next turn.
attacks against you. On a hit, this distortion Your sphere converts its area into a demi-
field and disadvantage ends until the start of plane-like space, separating it and any creature
your next turn. within its area from your current plane of existence.
Until your sphere ends, any creature outside
• Phase Strikes. Your unarmed strikes use
of your rip’s area cannot target or effect anything
your Quirk die and generate small pockets of
within its area. You can use your action at the start
planar disturbance. When you hit a target with
of your next turn to spend another Quirk die and
a melee weapon, as a reaction, you can teleport
maintain your sphere.
within 5 feet of the target and grant yourself
You have one use of this ability, and you regain all
advantage on your next attack roll against that
uses when you finish a long rest.

Time Tunneler
5th-level Planar Glitch ability Relic Keeper
The glitch’s distortion fluctuates reality around you, Thor, He-Man, Sailor Moon, Power Rangers, etc.
allowing you to tunnel through it. When you use Wyrds of the Relic Keeper wield fate through a
your movement on your turn, you can choose to go mythic relic by channeling the essence the an-
invisible. Your invisibilty ends when your movement cient entity that forged it. When transformed, the
ends. Wyrd siphons the entity’s power through the relic
While transformed, on your turn, you can forego and transforms into their avatar upon the planes.
any remaining movement you have to instantly tele-
port a distance equal to your remaining movement. Relic Keeper Origins Table
You can teleport into any unoccupied space you can
d4 Origin
see, provided it is a solid surface, or in a liquid that
can support you. Natural. You broke a small statue containing the
1 trapped spirit of your entity, forcing it to choose
you as it’s new vessel.
Fold Space Mechanical. An alien deity grants you a unique
10th-level Planar Glitch ability 2
artifact capable of summoning it’s cosmic power.
As an action, you can spend a Quirk die and fold Mystical. In an attempt to save a person from
two points in space, connecting them. You choose drowning, you discovered it was only a mask...
two unoccupied spaces within 120 feet of you Mutation. An affliction has plagued your family
and create a portal at each space. These portals 4 for decades, but only after dying and returning to
are connected, allowing anything of a Medium or life have you now learned why.
smaller size to pass through them as if they were
5 feet apart. Your portals last until the start of your Quirk Proficiencies
next turn. If you take damage before the start of 1st-level Relic Keeper ability
your next turn, you make must a Constitution saving The relic bestows on you wisdom beyond your
throw to maintain the portals. years. You are proficient in Arcana and Religion,
and Wisdom saving throws.

HCvTM September 2022: - 015 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
Guardian of the Relic Relic Blessed
1st-level Relic Keeper ability 14th-level Relic Keeper ability
The relic is a Tiny object or trinket that acts as a The effectiveness of your Mythic Enchantment is
conduit for an ancient entity’s supernatural power. intensified. When a creature you’ve chosen deals
You choose this object at this level and it remains magical damage within your aura, the attack deals a
your relic for the remainder of your character. bonus 1d6 radiant damage.
As the relic’s keeper, the relic grants you the
means to defend it, magically bestowing on you a Legendary Guardian
fighting style of your choice as listed in the Fighter 18th-level Relic Keeper ability
Only you are worthy of carrying the relic. If a Your relic has deemed you worthy as it’s eternal
creature other than you attempts to use the relic, it keeper, enchanting you with it’s final form. When
becomes too heavy to lift, pull or carry to any crea- you transform, you can spend an additional Quirk
ture other than you. die to enter your Legendary form, and your Ascend-
If the object is ever lost, destroyed, or out of your ed Weapon becomes a Legendary Weapon.
reach, you can use your reaction to extend a free In your Legendary form, critical hits against you
hand and summon it to you, causing it to fly into count as a normal hit, and your Legendary Weapon
your hand or magically appear on your person. grows, extending it’s reach to 10 feet and dealing a
bonus 2d6 damage of a damage type reflective of
the relic. Demonic relics usually deal fire damage,
Ascended Guardian celestial relics deal radiant, and elemental relics
1st-level Relic Keeper ability
deal in anything from acid, to fire, cold, lightning or
When you evoke your Phenomenal Transformation, thunder.
the relic ’s magic encircles you, lifting you into the
air and surrounding your body in ceremonial armor.
While transformed, you have the following benefits:
• Ascended Armor. Your AC is 17. When you
When a quirk of fate occurs, a Wyrd is
take damage, your armor automatically attempts
born. Here are just a few subclasses that
to heal itself and heals you 1 hit point.
are being explored for the future:
• Ascended Weapon. Your relic transforms
Daywalker. An inversion of the unholy
into its Ascended form and becomes a martial
creature that blessed you with it’s dark gift
weapon of your choice. You choose your relic’s
causes you to gain its strengths, but not its
martial weapon form the first time you use this
ability, and this remains your relic weapon’s
Ascended form anytime you transform again. Greedful Needs. A hungry entity demands
While in its Ascended form, damage dealt sustanance of money, food, or whatever it
by your relic is considered magical for the pur- deems powerful, increasing your reach and
poses of overcoming resistances and immuni- beyond measure.
Frostlung. A biting chill cools you to your
core, allowing you to freeze the air into
Soaring Swing snow and frost.
5th-level Relic Keeper ability
Misfortunate One. A chaotic force pos-
The relic is the wind beneath your wings. You gain a sesses your heart, causing clamity and
fly speed equal to your walking speed. wild accidents everywhere you go, revers-
ing the fortunes of others in your favour.
Mythic Enchantment
10th-level Relic Keeper ability Soul Mate. A divine joy radiates from you,
invigorating and inspiring good feelings
As an action, you can spend a Quirk die and en- and joy in all those around you, empower-
chant your allies. Until the end of your next turn, ing you with friendship.
you generate a 10-foot aura of enchantment. Dam-
age dealt by creature’s you choose within you aura Wanderluster. An augmentation of your
is considered magical for the purposes of overcom- form drives a passion in distant travel and
ing resistances and immunities. mobility, granting affinity with the very
spirit of transport.

HCvTM September 2022: - 016 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
A “Wyrd” is a heroric archtype in which the hero has powers and abilities only when transformed.
This transformation is usually granted by a special entity, item or phenomena and invoked by
reciting a special word or phrase, using a special item, or some other special action of the hero.

Writing a Wyrd Otherwise

known as a
Transformation Bonuses
1st-level Wyrd subclass ability

Subclass “Henshin
This is the moment the Wyrd reveals their true
nature. It powers them up, making them stronger, Think of
A guide for creating a Wyrd Subclass is supplied faster, smarter, or generally better than they once Tony Stark.. .
here. One of the most important things to remem- were. This is also what their Quirk is all about, and “If you're
ber when writing your Wyrd Subclass is that they where their Primary and Secondary Purpose really nothing
are a Controller. comes into play. These two purposes are hidden without
Possible Quirks. As quirks require an immense amount under the guise of an Defensive Buff and Offensive the suit
Wyrds: of control, each quirk is built around the idea of than you
Buff. The Offensive buff should be single targeting shou
controlling the battlefield. Unlike enchantment or with its attacks as the 9th-level Crowd Controller
* Werewolves have it.”
other forms of magical control, the Wyrd focuses ability deals with group control/mobility. Remem-
* Vampires
on contolling their enemies movements and actions ber, these buffs are temporary, so they shouldn’t be
* Anything
to do with a by physically intervening using the benefits their “what makes them a Wyrd”. It goes
creature's Phenomenal Transformation provides. • Armor Bonus. Your armor grants some sort Armor then
emotions Primary/Secondary Purpose. The Wyrd class of passive bonus, potentially a unique boon to Weapons
(NOT RAGE) is all about doing one thing very well. It does not do do with your sight or a saving throw, or simply because
that's the
* Natural, a lot of damage, rather, it should aid in navigation making you harder to hit, resistant to a damage, order these
like seasons and mobility by putting up obstacles and effecting or similar. things
& elements the movements/actions of their allies/enemies. • Attacks/Weapons. You can can boost your usually
are also Not Magical. The Wyrd is not a spellcaster and appear on a
an option. should be limited to cantrips only, if at all. Spell-like attacks, make an attack that offers range, or
* Creature abilities are ok, but a Wyrds abilities are always generally do something that controls a specific Character
Shee t and is
types are a targets movements or actions, such as knock- therefore
potential innate, specific and not granted by magical beings. ing them prone, lowering their speed, forcing a what the
gold mine. save, grappling them, etc. player is
Wyrd Subclass Origins Table used to.
This should be
d4 Origin Mobility Ability passive requiring no
Mechanical. A mechanical origin is any con- 5th-level Wyrd subclass ability actions or invoke.
1 structed or manufactured control the Wyrd holds
over their quirk. This ability is specifically about how the Wyrd can
Mutation. A mutation origin is similar to a natu- better move around the environment. Think about
2 ral origin, except the Wyrd evolves or is augment- the action when writing this ability more than just
ed in some way by the experience. saying “You get a fly speed...” Use jumping, leaping,
Mystical. A mystical origin is any event of a mag- rushing, scrambling, and other envocative words to
3 denote a sense of cinema and make their movement
ical nature, accidental or otherwise.
Natural. A natural origin is any event which seem more than it might be mechanically.
4 involves the Wyrd training or seeking out their
quirk. Crowd Control Ability This shouldn't be a
10th-level Wyrd subclass ability “se t it and forget it”
abilit y that lasts
Quirk Proficiencies This should be something that benefits them as long as
It is 1st-level Wyrd subclass ability their invoke
whether invoked or not, but should make sense for does.
with this You can grant up to three proficiencies, none of them to do so while in either state. It should require
class to which can be Arcana, Medicine, Nature, Survival an Action, for them to expend a hit die, and should
come up or Religion. You generally want to grant two skill hinder, harm, heal or otherwise benefit at least 2 or
with a proficiencies and a saving throw proficiency. Try more creatures.
special to stay away from tool or language proficiencies as
origin for
the player's they tend to tie heavily into the Wyrd’s origins which Upgraded AoE Ability
backstory. should be left a little ambiguous, but feel free to 14th-level Wyrd subclass ability
DON'T! obey this direction at your discretion.
One big buff to their AoE “Crowd Controller” ability.
Exploratory or This is their big blow off
Capstone Major abil ity! It's the Humanit's
Utility Ability Torch going supernova , the
1st-level Wyrd subclass ability
Theme Ability Black Bolt speaking, it'srds
Flash running backwa .
19th-level Wyrd subclass ability through time, etc . etc
This ability should be passive and provide some sort
of exploratory or utility to the player, but it should One big action requiring them to expend a Quirk
ultimately set up the entire theme of the class. It die. It should be something spectacular that only
will come back into effect later at 14th-level, so leave their quirk could offer/do.
room for a big blow off.
Also note! The reason we use a hit die is
Please Note! These last two abilities need to use a lot of to signal to the player that this ability
the HCvTM to apply any stakes to their
hit die2022:
September use. Abilities requires a greater amount of will to
that just sort of turn on once in combat are weak.
Wyrds of the Multiverse
017 -
perform . Write the abilities accordingly!
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product
Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as
expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark
and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing
Rights Reserved. Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another,
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or
trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open
(b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership
derivative works and translations (including into other computer of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used
languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, exten- in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in
sion, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other and to that Product Identity.
form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must
adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distribut-
sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; ing are Open Game Content.
(d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and in-
cludes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may
extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and publish updated versions of this License. You may use any autho-
is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content rized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any
clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of
and means any work covered by this License, including transla- this License.
tions and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this Li-
excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product cense with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
and product line names, logos and identifying marks including
trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise
plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, art- the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor un-
work, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, less You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with
audio representations; names and descriptions of characters,
any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the
spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likeness-
Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmen-
es and special abilities; places, locations, environments, crea-
tal regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so
tures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects,
logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or
registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You
owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach
Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to iden- shall survive the termination of this License.
tify itself or its products or the associated products contributed
to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be un-
or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, enforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game necessary to make it enforceable.
Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright
agreement. 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC. System Reference Document
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike
that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Pe-
may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must ter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris
affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E.
terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions HaggardClint vs. the Multiverse, Copyright 2021, Haggard’s Ta-
may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this ble, Author: Clint Skene (Haggard Clint).
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. The following items are designated Product Identity, as defined
in Section 1(e) of the Open Gaming License Version 1.0a and
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use are subject to the conditions set forth in Section 7 of the Open
this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, Gaming Licence, and are not Open Content:
royalty-free, nonexclusive license with the exact terms of this Li-
cense to Use, the Open Game Content. All trademarks, registered trademarks, propernames, dialogue,
plots, storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contribut- (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game
ing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Content are not included in this declaration).
Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have
sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. OPEN GAMING CONTENT

6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPY- All content from the System Reference Document 5.1 is Open
RIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text Game Content as described in Section 1(d) of the License. No
of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You portion of this work other than the material designated as Open
are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the ti- Game Content may be reproduced in any form without permis-
tle, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the sion.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you END OF LICENSE

HCvTM September 2022: - 018 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse
HaggardClint vs. the Multiverse
Wyrds of the Multiverse - September 2022

HCvTM September 2022: - 019 -

Wyrds of the Multiverse

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