Basic Word Structure (MT)
Basic Word Structure (MT)
Basic Word Structure (MT)
bi- two
brady- slow
dys- painful
cata- down
con- With, together
contra- Against, opposite
endo- within
epi- Above, upon, on
Ex-, exo- Out, outside of, outward, away from
Ec-, ecto- Out, outside
eu- Good, normal
hyper- Excessive, above, more than normal
hypo- Deficient, below, under, less than
hemi- half
neo- new
nulli- no, not, none
-cyte cell
-cele hernia
-centesis surgical
-coccus (singular) berry-shaped
-cocci (plural) bacterium
-crine To secrete
-chezia Defecation, elimination
-cyesis pregnancy
-dynia pain
-drome To run
-malacia softening
-megaly enlargement
-meter To measure
-mission To send
-oma Swelling, collection of fluid, tumor,
-opsy Process of viewing, to view
-osis Condition, usually abnormal (slight
increase in number when used with
blood cell)
-ose Pertaining to, full of
-ole Little, small
-oid Resembling, derived from
-ous Pertaining to
-or One who
-oxia oxygen
-osmia smell
-one hormone
-sphyxia pulse
-somes bodias
-scop Instrument to visually examine
-scopy Process of visually examining
-sis State of, condition
-sclerosis hardening
-stasis Controlling, stopping
-stomy Opening to form a mouth (stomach),
new opening
-salpinx fallopian(uterine) tube
-y Process, condition
Combining forms
aden/o gland
arthr/o joint
adbomin/o abdomen
adip/o fat
anter/o front
acr/o Extremities, top, extreme point
acu/o Sharp, severe, sudden
anmi/o amnion(sac surrounding the embryo
in the uterus)
angi/o vessel
arter/o artery
axill/o armpit
an/o anus
appendic/o appendix
appendic/o appendix
amy/o starch
andr/o male
aort/o aota
ather/o Yellowish plaque, fatty
substance(greek athere means
atri/o Atrium, upper heart chamber
adenoid/o adenoids
alveol/o Alveolus, air sac
acetabul/o Acetabulum (hip socket)
ankyl/o stiff
articul/o joint
bi/o life
bol/o To cast (throw)
blephar/o eyelid
bronch/o Bronchial tubes (two tubes, one right
and one left, that branch from the
trachea to enter the lungs)
bi/i Gall, bile
bucc/o cheek
bilirubin/o Bilirubin (bile pigment)
brachi/o arm
bronch/o, bronchi/o Bronchial tube, bronchus
bronchiol/o Bronchiole, small bronchus
bartholin/o Bartholin gland
balan/o glans penis (Greek balanos, means
derm/o skin
dermat/o skin
dist/o Far, distant
dors/o Back portion of the body
dacty Fingers, toes
duct/o To lead, carry
dent/o tooth
duoden/o duodenum
electr/o electricity
enphal/o brain
enter/o intestines(usually the small intestine)
erythr/o red
epiglott/o epiglottis
esophag/o esophagus
episi/o vulva
epididym/o epididymis
flax/o To bend
furc/o Forking, branching
faci/o face
gastr/o stomach
glyc/o sugar
gnos/o knowledge
gynec/o Women, female
gloss/o tongue
gingiv/o gums
gluc/o sugar
glycogen/o Glycogen, animal starch
galact/o milk
gon/o seed (Greek gone, seed)
hepa/o liver
hist/o tissue
hem/o blood
hydro/o Water, fluid
hyster/o uterus, womb
jejun/o jejunum
kary/o nucleus
leuk/o white
log/o Study of
later/o side
lumb/o Lower back (side and back between
the ribs and the pelvis)
lapar/o Abdomen, abdominal-wall)
laryng/o Larynx, voice box
labi/o lip
lap/o Fat, lipid
lith/o stone
lob/o Lobe of the lung
lymph/o lymph
lact/o milk
medi/o middle
mandibul/o Lower jaw, manside
mamm/o breast
most/o breast
morph/o Mucus, shape, form
my/o, myom/o Muscle, tumor
myel/o Spinal cord, bone marrow
mort/o death
myx/o mucus
medistin/o mediastinum
men/o menses,menstruation
metr/o, metri/o uterus
nephro/o kidney
neur/o nerve
nucle/o nucleus
necr/o Deat (of cell or whole-body)
nat/o birth
nect/o To bind, tie, connect
norm/o Rule, order
nas/o nose
once/o tumor
ophtha/m eye
oste/o bone
ox/o oxygen
ot/o ear
or/o mouth
orth/o Straight, upright
odont/o tooth
obstetr/o pregnancy and childbirth
o/o egg
oophor/o ovary
ov/o egg
ovari/o ovary
ovul/o egg
orch/o, orchi/o, testis, testicle
path/o disease
ped/o child
psych/o mind
pelv/i Pelvis, hip
proxim/o nearest
peritone/o peritoneum
phag/o To eat, swallow
phleb/o vein
proct/o Anus and rectum
pylor/o Pyloric sphincter
protel/o protein
py/o pus
pericardi/o pericardium
pector/o chest
pharyng/o Pharynx, throat
phon/o voice
phren/o diaphragm
pleur/o pleura
pheum/o Air, lung
pneumon/o Air, lung
pulmon/o lung
pleur/o Pleura (membrane surrounding lungs
and adjacent to chest wall)
plas/o Formation, development
pneumon/o lungs
pulmon/o lungs
pub/o Pubis (pubic bone), anterior portion
of the pelvic or hip bone)
palat/o palate
pancreat/o pancreas
path/o disease
poster/o Back, behind
perine/o perineum
phor/o to bear
pen/o penis
prostat/o prostate gland
radi/o x-rays
ren/o hidney
rhin/o nose
rat/o rectum
rrhythm/o rhythm
sarc/o Flash, sacrum
sect/o To cut
sacr/o Spine, backbone
splet/o Twisted chains
splen/o spleen
staphyl/o clusters
seps/o infection
somn/o sleep
son/o sound
sialaden/o Salivary gland
sigmoid/o Sigmoid colon
stomat/o mouth
sial/o Saliva, salivary
steat/o fat
sphygm/o pulse
steth/o chest
sinus/o Sinus, cavity
spir/o breathing
salping/o fallopian tubes
semin/i semen, seed
sperm/o, spermat/o Spermatozoa, semen