AISSCE 2021-2022
This is to certify that the Chemistry project on “ELECTROMAGNETIC
INDUCTION” has been successfully completed by A.PREETHI RUBA
JASMINE of Class XII, The Avatar Public School for consideration in partial
fulfillment of curriculum of Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) of
Chemistry (043) for the awardof AISSCE Practical Examination 2021-2022
I certify that this project is up to my expectation and as per the guidelines issued
by the CBSE.
(External Examiner)
I R.GOPIKA , bearing roll no 20661376, a student of Class XII from the Avatar
Public School hereby declare that I own the full responsibility for the
information, results etc. provided in this project titled “Electromagnetic
Induction”. It has been developed successfully by using the facilities provided at
The Avatar Public School in complete fulfillment of project (curriculum of
Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE of Chemistry (043) conducted by
CBSE, New Delhi for the academic session 2021-22.
I also declare that this project work has neither been submitted to any other
board nor published at any time by me in the past.
Class XII
Avatar Public School
∙ Certificate
∙ Acknowledgements ∙
∙ Aim
∙ Introduction
∙ Magnetic flux
∙ Law
∙ Conclusion
∙ Bibliography
To determine the faraday’s law of Electromagnetic Induction using a copper
wire wound over an iron rod and strong magnet.
1)Insulated Copper Wire
Magnetic flux
фв = A dE,
where the line integral is taken over the boundary of the surface S.
The most widespread version of Faraday's law states:
This version of Faraday's law strictly holds only when the closed circuit
is a loop of infinitely thin wire and is invalid in other circumstances as
discussed below. A different version, the Maxwell – Faraday equation
(discussed below), is valid in all circumstances.
When the flux changes because B changes, or because the wire loop is
moved or deformed, or both Faraday's law of induction says that the
wire loop acquires an EMF , defined as the energy available per unit
charge that travels once around the wire loop (the unit of EMF is the
volt). Equivalently, it is the voltage that would be measured by cutting
the wire to create an open circuit and attaching a voltmeter to the leads.
According to the Lorentz force law (in SI units),
where E is the electric field, B is the magnetic field (aka magnetic flux
density, magnetic induction), de is an infinitesimal arc length along the
wire, and the line integral is evaluated along the wire (along the curve
the coincident with the shape of the wire).
The Maxwell - Faraday equation states that a time varying magnetic
field is always accompanied by a spatially-varying, non-conservative
electric field, and vice-versa.
∙ https://en.wikipedia.org
∙ https://www.google.co.in