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Cisco's Talos Intelligence Group Blo
Cisco's Talos Intelligence Group Blo
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F R I D A Y , J U LY 1 7 , 2 0 0 9
Earlier this week, we posted this blog item: Ask the VRT a Comments
question. We had a few people write in and ask us
questions about Snort, Snort rules and the other obvious Subscribe via Email
Snort related questions. Then, we got something
► 2 0 1 4 (67)
We threw this around between various VRT people and it ► 2 0 1 3 (30)
apparently hit the hot button on our Senior Director of ► 2 0 1 2 (53)
Vulnerability Research, Matt Watchinski. Here is his
► 2 0 1 1 (23)
manifesto in reply to mish's question:
► 2 0 1 0 (93)
▼ 2 0 0 9 (146)
1. You need to Px your thought process. Most people see
computers and programs as tools that have functions that (14)
complete the tasks they need accomplished on a day to ► NOVEMBER
day basis. If you see everything around you as something
that needs to work to do your job then you'll never see it (12)
for what it is, something to break and use to your
advantage. The best way I've heard this summed up is "Be (13)
Evil". ► A U G U S T (9)
▼ J U LY (19)
2. Reading books without ever turning that information Freakshow
into practical knowledge is not going to make a ninja. Only Microsoft Out of
Start doing exactly what this guy is doing. Also its now ► J U N E (11)
time to download the C99 standard, and actually read it. ► M A Y (13)
Also since it takes a bit to get, order the Intel OPCode ► A P R I L (10)
After auditing a couple of hundred programs you'll be (13)
which result in coding mistakes that you can now use to ► 2 0 0 8 (37)
your advantage. It's really all about patterns at this stage,
since real software packages are huge, being able to
quickly Pnd patterns that might be bad is important, as it
lets you skip lots of code and only focus on what is
Sourceforge Hosted
7. Now it's time to start using and playing with a couple of Snort Mailing Lists
other tools. Fuzzers, the best place to start in my opinion CISCO BLOG
is with something like FileFuzz from iDefense. Also check Threat Round-up for
June 2- June 9
out Sully or Peach. Get a bunch of VM's up and running
with different programs and let these things in go in the CLAMAV®
background, while you learn other things. Eventually, you'll ClamAV Main.cvd
hate these tools so much you'll get that idea that you can and Main-cdiff.cvd
have been published!
write a better one, go with that feeling and start writing a
simple Plefuzzer. Just learn to hate Sully or Peach and be
ok with it, as rewriting one of these takes a long time, and
you'll forget a bunch of stuff along the way. However, you
might come to like python in the process, not sure if thats
a good thing or a bad thing.
9. Once you get your Prst actual working 0-day, you will
now need to invent a root dance. This is important, as it
will used in the future when you Pnd more to signify to
your friends that you have a new 0-day. Comes in very
handy at a Defcon, as long as you're not playing
vulnerability poker, as it will tip your hand. While this
seems silly, its very important, since you are now an
alcoholic, you need to be able to quickly celebrate your
accomplishments, without dulling your senses.
Now that you've read all of the above I'm going to assume
something in the back of your mind says "You didn't
answer my question, I asked for speciPc steps, books, and
articles to help me out." Well, unfortunately nothing you
P O S T E D B Y N I G E L H O U G H T O N AT 1 1 : 2 6 A M
Great article.
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