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* The digestive system is also commonly referred to as the alimentary canal. The alimentary
canal is a tube, usually
coiled, which extends from the mouth to the anus, and consists of three regions: the foregut,
midgut, and
hindgut. The foregut is also known as the stomodaeum; the midgut is also known as the
mesenteron; and
the hindgut is also known as the proctodaeum. Each of these regions may be divided into two or
subregions; and there are usually valves and sphincters between these regions which regulate the
passage of
food from one region to another. As we mentioned in our last lecture the stomodaeum and the
are ectodermal in origin and the mesenteron is endodermal in origin.

* The mouthparts lie close together and form a small cavity often called the mouth cavity. Since
it lies anterior to the
true opening to the stomodaeum it is more properly known as the preoral cavity [Snodgrass]. The
true mouth is the opening of the stomodaeum. This preoral food chamber is also sometimes
called the cibarium. There are usually muscles attached to the cibarium that have their other
origins inserted on the clypeus (they are located anterior or ventral to the frontal ganglion) - these
are called the dilators of the cibarium.

* Since the foregut is ectodermal in origin it is lined with a layer of cuticle, known as the intima,
which is shed at each molt in the same way as the rest of the cuticle. The foregut epithelium
consists of flattened cells with indistinct boundaries. Outside the epithelium is a layer of
longitudinal muscle and a layer of circular muscle, the latter often being relatively well
developed. The circular muscles are not inserted into the epithelium, but are continuous around
the gut so that when they contract the epithelium becomes longitudinally folded. When the gut is
distended with food these folds are flattened out. In addition, especially in the proventriculus,
there may be 6-8 permanent infoldings of the wall. The longitudinal muscles may be inserted
into the circular muscles or into the epithelium. Outside the muscle layers is a delicate
connective tissue sheath.

Buccal Cavity:
* This is the initial region just within the mouth and is often indistinguishable from the pharynx.
It is the oral part of the stomodaeum and should not be confused with the cibarium.
* The first part of the foregut is the pharynx which connects anteriorly with the buccal cavity. In
general the pharynx is that part of the foregut that lies within the head and for the most part
beneath and in front of the brain. The pharynx has associated with it a set of muscles called
precerebral dorsal dilator muscles of the pharynx (or sometimes just called the dilators of
the pharynx) which arise ventrally on the tentorium and dorsally from the frons. They insert on
the pharynx posterior to (or above) the frontal ganglion. These are best developed in sucking
insects, especially in Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera which use the pharyngeal pump to draw up
fluids. They are also present in biting and chewing insects and play a part in passing food back
from the mouth to the oesophagous. The frontal ganglion of the stomodaeal nervous system
lies on the pharynx just above the mouth. In some insects the pharynx is divided into 2 regions
called the anterior pharynx and the posterior pharynx.

* The next part of the foregut is the oesophagus which is an undifferentiated part of the foregut
serving to pass food back from the pharynx to the crop. In the simplest case it is a simple tube
leading from the pharynx to the midgut, but usually it is regionally differentiated, in which case
only the tubular region lying just posterior to the pharynx is called the oesophagus.

* The crop or ingluvies is an enlargement of the foregut in which food is stored. Usually it
represents the posterior part of the oesophagus, but in some fluid feeders (Diptera and
Lepidoptera) it is a lateral diverticulum. Often the crop is folded longitudinally and transversely
when it is empty. In general, secretion and absorption do not occur in the crop, being limited by
the impermeable intima. Digestion can occur, however, as a result of salivary enzymes passing
back to the crop with the food and midgut enzymes being regurgitated from the midgut.
Although the proventriculus acts as a valve limiting the backward movement
of food, it does not prevent the regurgitation of fluids.

* The next structure is the proventriculus. This structure can be quite variable. In fluid feeders it
is often absent except for a simple valve at the origin of the midgut. A valve is also present in
many other insects and often the circular muscles form a sphincter at the entrance to the midgut.
This valve or sphincter is called the esophageal or cardiac valve. The proventriculus often has
on its internal surface sclerotized structures for the grinding of food. For example, in the
cockroach and cricket the intima is developed into six strong plates or teeth, which serve to break
up the food. The proventiculus as a whole controls the passage of food from the crop to the
* The proventriculus is very specialized in bees. An anterior invagination into the crop ends in
four mobile lips each armed with a number of spines. Again the proventriculus controls the
movement of food from the crop to the midgut, but it is also able to remove pollen from a
suspension in nectar in the crop while the nectar is retained. Writhing movements of the crop
keep the pollen dispersed while the lips of the proventriculus make snapping movements in such
a way that the spines strain off the grains of pollen and retain them. In this way a bolus of pollen
is formed and is then passed back through the proventriculus to the midgut. Nectar is retained in
the crop for regurgitation and processing to form honey.

General - The middle section of the alimentary canal is the stomach and is commonly called the
ventriculus. This is the portion of the alimentary canal where digestive juices are secreted, and
as such this is where most of the digestion takes place. This portion of the alimentary canal
begins at the posterior foldings of the stomodaeal valve, the line being marked by the termination
of the stomodaeal intima. Posteriorly the midgut ends just anterior to the Malpighian tubules.
The midgut is usually a simple tube, undifferentiated except for the presence of 4, 6, or 8 caeca
at the anterior end called gastric caecae. Gastric caecae may occur on other parts of the midgut
also. In some Diptera, the midgut is differentiated into an anterior cardiac chamber (Snodgrass
called it this, but other authors call it the proventriculus) and a long ventriculus. In the
Heteroptera there are 4 regions, the last giving rise to numerous caecae which house bacteria.
* The most characteristic cells of the midgut epithelium are tall and columnar with microvilli
forming a striated border bounding the lumen. Typically, the basal membrane is very deeply
infolded and large numbers of mitochondria are associated with the folds. Rough endoplasmic
reticulum is also often extensive and it is probable that this is concerned with enzyme
production. There may be several different cell types present. For example, there may be
lipophilic cells which are packed with lipoid spheres and glycogen, and the striated border
consists of parallel lamellae rather than microvilli. In these cells the mitochondria are rather
uniformly distributed. Another type of cell is a cuprophilic cell which contain esterases and
cytochrome oxidase and the microvilli are sparse and squat. Mitochondria are associated with the
infoldings of the basal membrane.

* The columnar cells are concerned with enzyme secretion and with absorption. During secretion
granules appear in the cytoplasm and these give rise to vacuoles which may be liberated
separately into the gut lumen through the striated border or they may first coalesce into a single
large vacuole. Secretion may involve the complete breakdown of the cell which is then replaced
by the regenerative cells. Such breakdown may occur randomly throughout the gut or it may pass
in waves along the length of the epithelium. Secretion that involves the complete breakdown of a
cell is called holocrine secretion. When the cell does not breakdown completely, but recovers
and functions again, the process is known as merocrine secretion.
* In some insects (Lepidoptera caterpillars, Ephemeroptera, and Plecoptera) there are also goblet
cells in addition to the columnar cells. Goblet cells probably play a role in secretion, but they
appear to also be involved in storage secretion. In some Lepidoptera they accumulate metals and
dyes in the goblet cavity or in the cytoplasm of the cell. These substances are discharged at the
following molt when the whole of the epithelium is renewed.
* As mentioned earlier there are also regenerative cells present to replenish the columnar cells
when they breakdown during secretion. These regenerative cells are small cells lying at the base
of the epithelium either scattered or in groups called nidi. Sometimes they occur at the bottom of
folds or crypts in the epithelium.
* The muscle layers of the midgut are usually poorly developed, but the circular muscles lie
adjacent to the epithelium, which is the reverse of the position in the foregut. The muscle layers
are bounded by a delicate connective tissue sheath.

Peritrophic membrane:
* The midgut does not have a cuticular lining, but in most insects, it is lined by a delicate
peritrophic membrane. It is absent in many fluid-feeding insects and in a few Coleoptera.
There are 2 types of peritrophic membrane classified by the way it is produced. In some Diptera
it is secreted as a viscous fluid at the anterior end of the midgut. This fluid is forced through a
mold or press formed by the stomodaeal invagination and the wall of the midgut so that it forms
a tube which becomes the membrane. This type of membrane is formed continuously, and is
usually composed of a single layer of disoriented fibers in an amorphous matrix. The second type
of membrane is formed by delamination from the whole surface of the midgut. This type occurs
in Orthoptera, Odonata, Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera, and there is often several membranes
one inside the other. The function of the peritrophic membrane is to protect the cells from
damage by the gut contents and this is consistent with its absence or delicate nature in many
blood-feeding insects. In general the membrane acts as a barrier to microflora so that infection is
prevented, and it may also facilitate absorption in fluid feeders. It will allow the passage through
it of water, salts, glucose, and amino acids, but it will allow the passage of enzymes only inward
from the outside, but not back to the outside from the inside.

Filter chamber:
* The Homoptera and some Heteroptera feed on fluids and as such they must ingest large
quantities of fluid. The gut has undergone modifications to handle the large intake of fluids and
the need for rapid elimination of large quantities of excess water. This is necessary to avoid
excessive dilution of the haemolymph and to concentrate the food to facilitate enzyme activity.
In the Cicadoidea the rapid removal of water to the large rectum is achieved by the anterior
midgut forming a large thin-walled bladder which is closely bound to the anterior hindgut and
Malpighian tubules by its own basement membrane. The chamber formed within the folds of the
anterior midgut is called the filter chamber. Water passes directly from the midgut to the
hindgut along an osmotic gradient.

* The hindgut is lined by a layer of cuticle which is thinner and more permeable than that of the
foregut. The epithelium generally is thin, but the cells are more cuboid than in the foregut while
those of the rectal pads are tall with a clear cytoplasm. The musculature is poorly developed
except around the rectum, but where it is present the longitudinal muscles are usually external to
the circular. Along the rectum the longitudinal muscles are often collected into strands opposite
the gaps between adjacent rectal pads.

* The pylorus is the first part of the hindgut and from it the Malpighian tubules often arise. In
some insects it forms a valve between the midgut and hindgut. This valve is called the pyloric
valve or the proctodaeal invagination. It is on the pylorus that the Malpighian tubules open.
These serve an excretory function and will be discussed in more detail later.

* The hindgut in general is divided into two main regions; the first is the anterior intestine.
Sometimes the anterior intestine may be divided into an anterior ileum and a posterior colon. In
most insects the ileum is An undifferentiated tube running back to the rectum, but in some
termites it forms a pouch in which the flagellates concerned with cellulose digestion live, and in
some larval Scarabaeoidea there is a comparable fermentation chamber in which the intima is
produced into spines. It is believed the ileum is involved in the removal of water from the
haemolymph in Heteroptera, and is some Diptera it is thought to aide in the excretion of

* The second main region of the hindgut is the posterior intestine or rectum. The rectum is the
terminal structure and opens externally through the anus. The rectum is often an enlarged sac
and is thin walled except for certain regions, the rectal pads, which have a columnar epithelium.
There are usually 6 rectal pads and they may extend longitudinally along the rectum or they may
be papilliform. Each pad may consist of a single layer of cells (Odonata, Orthoptera) or there
may be 2 layers (Neuroptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera). The pads have a good tracheal supply
indicating a high level of metabolism.
* The rectum, and in particular the rectal pads, are important in the reabsorption of water, salts
and amino acids from the urine. In addition in some aquatic insects, there are tracheal gills in the
rectum. In larval Anisoptera water is pumped in and out of the rectum so that the water round the
gills is constantly renewed, and by the
forcible ejection of water the insect is able to propel itself forwards rapidly.

Movement of food through the gut:

* Food is pushed back from the pharynx by the pharyngeal pump, aided by the cibarial pump
when this is present, and subsequently passed along the gut by epristaltic movements. The
movement of food from the crop to the midgut is controlled by the proventriculus and the
associated sphincter. In the midgut the passage of the food is aided by the peritrophic membrane
which, as it moves down the gut, will carry the enclosed food with it.

Head glands:
* Associated with the mouthparts are the mandibular, maxillary, pharyngeal, and labial glands
although they are not usually all present together.
* Mandibular glands - Found in Aptergota, Isoptera, Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera. They are
usually sac-like structures in the head near the bases of the mandibles. In Apis, the glands are
larger in the queen than in the worker and are very small in the drone. In the queen, they produce
the pheromones concerned with colony control, while in workers they probably produce some
saliva and serve to soften the coccoon (breakdown silk) at the time of emergence. They are also
quite large in larval Lepidoptera where they are the functional salivary canals, but they are absent
from adult Lepidoptera.
* Maxillary glands - Found in Protura, Collembola, Heteroptera, and some Neuroptera and
Hymenoptera. They are usually small, opening near the bases of the maxillae, and they may be
concerned with the lubrication of the mouthparts. In carnivorous Heteroptera, they may play a
part in producing the toxin which kills the prey.
* Pharyngeal glands - [Snodgrass calls the hypopharyngeal glands]. Found in Hymenoptera and
particularly well developed in worker honeybees. They are vestigial in the queen and absent in
the male. There is one gland on each side of the head, each consisting of a long coiled tube to
which large numbers of solid lobules are attached. The glands open at the base of the
hypopharynx by separate ducts. They produce brood food with which young larvae are fed and
which probably plays some part in caste determination.
* Labial glands - These are found in most insects; absent from some Coleoptera. They are large
and extend back into the thorax. In most insects the labial glands are acinuous glands (a cluster
of connected spheres, like a cluster of grapes), the acini containing 2 cell types. In larval Diptera
the cells are enormous and contain polytene chromosomes. Part of the gland may be
differentiated to form a salivary reservoir, while in the Heteroptera the gland consists of a
number of separate lobes. Anteriorly the glands open into a narrow duct on each side and these
join to a single median opening into the salivarium. In fluid-feeding insects the salivarium is
modified to form a pump. This has a rigid lower wall and a flexible upper one which can be
drawn upwards by dilator muscles so that fluid is sucked into the lumen and then, when the
muscles relax, the upper wall springs down by virtue of its elasticity and forces saliva out.
* In most insects the labial glands are the functional salivary glands. The saliva serves to
lubricate the mouthparts, more is produced if the food is dry, and it also contains enzymes which
start the digestion of food. The saliva of some blood-sucking insects also contain an
anticoagulant. In larval Lepidoptera and Trichoptera the labial glands produce silk which is used
in the construction of larval shelters and the coccoon. Silk consists of an inner tough protein
called fibroin which is enclosed by a water-soluble gelatinous protein called sericin.

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