With Reference to
A synopsis for project work submitted for the partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of
Submitted by
Regd. No. – PG192001043
Under the guidance of
Asst. Professor
Department of Management Studies (MBA)
I hereby declare that the project work entitled “A Study on Employee Engagement with
College for degree and PG courses (A), Vishakhapatnam, in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration is a record of
bonafide project work carried out by me under the guidance of MRS. DSB. PALLAVI, I
further declare that the work reported in this project has not been submitted and will not be
submitted, either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree or diploma in this
Date: (PG192001043)
This is to certify that the project report title “A Study on Employee Engagement
ADMINISTRATION, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for degree and PG courses (A),
Vishakhapatnam, is a record of bonafide work carried out by him under my guidance and
I here, feel very grateful presenting this project report on “A Study on Employee
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. S. Rajani, Principal & Director Gayatri
Vidya Parishad College for degree and PG courses (A), Vishakhapatnam. I extend my thanks
to Prof. KS. Bose, Head of the Department-MBA, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for
degree and PG courses (A) Vishakhapatnam. For having given me this opportunity to do this
I wish to record deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to DR. V.V.V. SESHAGIRI RAO,
KAKINADA, for their most valid suggestions and assistance in completing my report work
successfully for providing all the facilities and guiding me where ever necessary.
I would also like to thank authority of ADANI WILMAR LTD, KAKINADA. for helping
me by giving an opportunity to work with them, and the respondents of their kind co-
operation for filling up the questionnaire by spending their valuable time and giving back on
time, without their support I would never be able to complete my survey successfully.
Finally I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my beloved parents without
whose support and encouragement,, I would not have finished this work. I also express my
sincere thanks to friends and well-wishers too who helped me in preparing the project work
Organizations have come to realize that in today’s constantly changing business scenario, the
most valuable resource that needs to be leveraged is human resource. This means not just
attracting the best talent and retaining them but keeping them motivated and committed to
achieving the organization goals.
Though Employee Engagement (EE) as a business buzzword has generated research and
steam since the new economy service industries like IT (Information Technology) and ITES
(IT enables services) have taken off, the origins of engagement are as old as mankind itself.
An engaged workforce produces better business results, does not hop jobs and more
importantly is an ambassador of the organization at all points of time. This engagement is
achieved when people consider their organization respects their work, their work contributes
to the organization goals and more importantly their personal aspirations of growth, rewards
and pay are met.
The Hay Group defines engaged performance as “a result that is achieved by stimulating
employees’ enthusiasm for their work and directing it toward organization success. This result
can only be achieved when employers offer an implicit contract to their employees that elicit
specific positive behaviours aligned with organization’s goals.”
Lanphear defines EE as “the bond employees have with their organization ” Lanphear further
espouses that “when employees really care about the business, they are more likely to go the
extra mile.”
i. Prepare and Design: The first step in the process is about discovering the specific
requirements of your organization and deciding the priorities. After that a customized design
of carrying the whole process can be designed. It is recommended to seek advice of expert
management consultant in order to increase the chances of getting it done right at the first
ii. Employee Engagement Survey: Design the questions of the employee engagement survey
and deploy it with the help of an appropriate media. It can be either in printed form or set
online depending upon the comfort level of the employees and your questionnaire evaluation
iii. Result Analysis: It is the most important step in the entire process. It is time when reports
are to be analyzed to find out what exactly motivates employees to perform their best and
what actually disengages them and finally compels them to leave the organization. The results
and information can then be delivered through presentations.
iv. Action Planning: ‘How to turn the results of the survey in to an action’ is a challenging
question that organizations need to deal with the utmost care. Coaching of line managers as
well as HR professionals is very important in order to tell them how to take appropriate
actions to engage employees. They should also be told about dos and don’ts so that they can
successfully implement the changes.
v. Action Follow-up: Action follow up is necessary in order to find out if the action has been
taken in the right direction or not and if it is producing the desired results.
The study will aim at establishing Employee Engagement at Adani Wilmar Limited Kakinada to
finding out the factors affecting Employee Engagement in large corporate organizations. This
will enable them respond to employee issues and challenges that they face in day to day
Organizations will be able to understand the challenges of employee engagement and enable and
continued existence in this competitive environment. It will also aid investment in Human
The study will be important to the management of the organization since the management is
responsible for the day to day running of the company. The issues identified will affect the
actions of the managing either positively or negatively. The management of the various
companies in existence can also use this information when making decision towards improving
the performance of their companies. Human resources department may use the study findings to