Devil v10
Devil v10
Devil v10
This is perhaps one of the least descriptive paths to power, but it yet remains one path that a player
might seek to gain power based not on class or race choice.
Progressing as a Devil
There are several caste levels within devil society, ranked by physical as well as social power. These
levels are specifically outlined in the table below. Any devil can be promoted or demoted within this
system by a devil that is in a caste above them. Specifically, a greater devil can promote or demote
lesser devils and lemure and Archdevils can further promote or demote up to the greater devil caste.
Only Asmodeus himself can promote devils to or from the level of archdevil, which is extremely unlikely
to occur. These promotions and demotions are always as a reward or punishment and almost always
progress on stage at a time, so quests to please your superior plays a very big part in this process. These
changes do not only effect the rank of a devil, but result in the transformation into the new kind of devil
at that rank. That’s really all there is to it. Make a more powerful devil, they may bump you up to the
next most powerful level. Make a more powerful devil, they are likely to knock you down a rank.
To properly handle the transformations into the various devil types, a character’s original stats will need
to be maintained. The descriptions below describe how each type of devil modifies the character from
their original form. This is done this way to prevent confusion if, and when, levels are skipped or there
are many promotions and demotions involved. Each time a character changes forms they lose any
benefits from the previous devil form and do not retain any racial traits from their mortal form, beyond
their stats. They do retain class levels, however. All devils also rejuvenate in the nine hells if they are
killed on any other plane.
When you take on the form of a Lemure you have the following statistics modification: Dexterity -3,
Intelligence -5, Charisma -4.
When you take on this form you have the following statistics modifications: Strength -2, Dexterity +3,
Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, and Charisma +2.
You are a Tiny fiend (devil, shapechanger) with a speed of 20 feet and fly speed of 40 feet.
You are a Small fiend (devil) with a speed of 20 feet and fly speed of 40 feet.
Standard Equipment Bearded Devils are almost always given a special Glaive, which they are
automatically proficient with, which has the following characteristics beyond those of a normal glaive.
If the target is a creature other than an undead or a construct, it must succeed on a Constitution
saving throw with a DC of 10 + your Strength modifier or lose 1d10 hit points at the start of each
of its turns due to an infernal wound. Each time you hit the wounded target with this attack, the
damage dealt by the wound increases by another 1d10 points. Any creature can take an action
to stanch the wound with a successful DC 12 Medicine check. The wound also closes f the target
receives magical healing.
You are a Large fiend (devil) with a speed of 40 feet and a fly speed of 40 feet.
You are a Large fiend (devil) with a speed of 20 feet and a fly speed of 60 feet.
Standard Equipment Bearded Devils are almost always given a special Fork weapon, which they are
automatically proficient with, which has the following characteristics:
Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10 feet, one target. Hit: 2d8 piercing damage. Two-handed.
When you take on this form you have the following statistics modifications: Strength +4, Dexterity +3,
Constitution +4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, and Charisma +4
You are a Medium fiend (devil) with a speed of 30 feet and a fly speed of 60 feet.
Standard Equipment Erinyes are almost always given a full plate armor, a longsword, and a Longbow.
You are proficient with these as an Erinyes. They are also sometimes equipped with a rope of
Equipment Ice Devils are sometimes given Ice Devil Spear. Ice Devils are proficient with these
automatically. These spears have the following characteristics:
Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10 feet, one target. Hit: 2d5 piercing damage plus 3d6 cold
damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, or for
1 minute, its speed is reduced by 10 feet; it can take either an action or a bonus action on each
of its turns, but not both; and it can’t take reactions. The target can repeat the saving throw at
the end of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Pit Fiend
When you take on this form you have the following statistics modifications: Strength +8, Dexterity +2,
Constitution +7, Intelligence +6, Wisdom +4, and Charisma +7
You are a Large fiend (devil) with a speed of 30 feet and a fly speed of 60 feet.
The ability score adjustments do not count toward the score maximum. You may modify your base
scores up to their maximum and the ability modifiers listed adjust your scores from there. For example,
you can have a base strength up to 20 and as a Pit Fiend will have a modified strength value of 28.