Basic Principle of Extraction - DTS 3

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Date Planned : __ / __ / __ Daily Tutorial Sheet-3 Expected Duration : 90 Min

Actual Date of Attempt : __ / __ / __ Level-1 Exact Duration :_________

31. Consider the following statements :

Roasting is carried out to :
I. convert sulphide to oxide and sulphate II. remove water of hydration
III. melt the ore IV. remove arsenic and sulphur impurities.
Of these statements :
(A) I, II and III are correct (B) I and IV are correct
(C) I, II and IV are correct (D) II, III and IV are correct

32. Calcination is the process of heating the ore :

(A) in presence of CO2 (g) (B) in the presence of air
(C) in the absence of air (D) in the presence of CaO and MgO

33. Reduction of a metal oxide by excess carbon at high temperature is a method for the commercial
preparation of some metals. This method can be successfully applied in the case of :
(A) BeO and Al 2O3 (B) ZnO and Fe2O 3
(C) CaO and Cr2O3 (D) BaO and U 3O8

34. The methods chiefly used for the extraction of lead and tin from their ores are respectively :
(A) self reduction and carbon reduction (B) self reduction and electrolytic reduction
(C) carbon reduction and self reduction (D) cyanide process and carbon reduction

35. Consider the following reactions :

 
2 XS  3O2 
 2 XO  2SO 2 ; 2 XO  XS 
 3 ' X '  SO2
Then ‘X’ can not be :
(A) Hg (B) Pb (C) Zn (D) None of these

36. In the alumino-thermite process, Al metal acts as :

(A) Oxidising agent (B) Reducing agent
(C) Catalyst (D) Flux

37. Extraction of aluminium from bauxite ore, reduction is carried out by :

(A) Carbon (B) Magnesium (C) Electrolysis (D) Hydrogen

38. Chromium is obtained by reducing concentrated chromite ore with :

(A) Red hot coke (B) Gaseous hydrogen
(C) Aluminium powder (D) Carbon monoxide

39. The element which is recovered from electrometallurgy is :

(A) iron (B) lead (C) Aluminium (D) zinc

40. Magnesium is manufactured by electrolysing fused magnesium chloride using :

(A) A nickel as cathode and a graphite as anode
(B) The iron container as anode and a nickel as cathode
(C) The iron container as cathode and a graphite as anode
(D) The nickel container as cathode and iron as anode

Level-1 52 DTS-3 | Basic Principles of Extraction

41. Copper is extracted from sulphide ore using the method :
(A) Carbon reduction (B) Carbon monoxide reduction
(C) Auto reduction (D) None of these

42. In the extraction of copper, metal is formed in the Bessemer converter due to reaction :

(A) Cu2S  2Cu2O  6Cu  SO2 (B) Cu2S  2Cu  S
(C) Fe  Cu 2 S  2Cu  FeO (D) 2Cu 2O  4Cu  O 2

43. Silica is added to roasted copper ore during extraction in order to remove :
(A) Cuprous sulphide (B) Ferrous oxide
(C) Ferrous sulphide (D) Cuprous oxide

44. Calcium is extracted by the electrolysis of :

(A) Fused mixture of CaCl2 and CaF2 (B) CaCl2 fused salt solution
(C) Fused mixture of CaCl2 and NaF (D) Ca 2 (PO4 )2 fused salt solution

45. Lead is mainly extracted by :

(A) Carbon reduction method
(B) Self-reduction method
(C) Electrolytic method
(D) Leaching with aqueous solution of NaCN followed by reduction

Level-1 53 DTS-3 | Basic Principles of Extraction

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