Rhapsody of Blood Handouts and Reference Sheets Icons
Rhapsody of Blood Handouts and Reference Sheets Icons
Rhapsody of Blood Handouts and Reference Sheets Icons
+2 Iron
0 Glass
+1 Sulphur
-1 Mercury
Choose one:
Weapon Fists (tags: stun, close)
Greatsword (tags: cleave, unstable).
One of the other founders risked great Looks: Gleaming chivalric plate; basic
danger to save your life. Say what they did peasant garb; rugged travelling gear.
and give their bloodline 2-pact on you. Name: Joseph, Gerda, Ambrose, Faysal,
They say how you’re still wounded. Fatima, Katerina, Zlatomir.
Name n Audacious †
When your explorer confronts the Regent, roll
n Secret Technique †
There’s a particular fighting style passed down
+1 Iron
-1 Glass
2 Sulphur
0 Mercury
Choose one:
Weapon Claws (tags: tether, close)
Rapier (tags: piercing, grazing).
One of the other founders is helping you keep Looks: Half-human, half-beast; undead
control. Give their bloodline 2-pact on you. pallor; grotesque chaos.
You say how they’re keeping you sane, Name: Willem, Annah, Petra, Mico,
they say what will happen if they stop. Amelia, Lyko, Tali, Haruto.
Name n Dark Legacy †
All your explorers bear the curse of the castle,
n One of the Horde
When you send your family members to blend
+1 Iron
+2 Glass
-1 Sulphur
0 Mercury
Choose one:
Weapon Ceremonial Staff (tags: holy, brace)
Sling (tags: ranged, ammo).
One of the other founders joined your flock Looks: Ancient and venerable; young and
and helped spread your healing truth. naive; grizzled survivor.
Give their bloodline 2-pact on you. You Name: Irene, Timothy, Marija, Dobroslav,
say how you blessed them, they say what Zhang,Costin, Malina.
doubts remain.
Name n Stoke The Flame
When an explorer on the verge of death is brought
n Holy Vanguard †
You are vigilant protectors of the mundane. When
0 Iron
+1 Glass
-1 Sulphur
+2 Mercury
Choose one:
Weapon Sharp dagger (tags: piercing, close)
Crossbow (tags: ranged, reload).
One of the other founders helped Looks: Young and ambitious; portly
you find a wondrous treasure. Give and arrogant; spindly and scheming.
their bloodline 2-pact on you. Name: Sigismund, Mohana,
They say what form the treasure Livonia, Ciannait, Vígi,
took, you say how it’s liable to Kwame, Halim.
taint its owner.
Name n Avarice
The strange by-products of the castle’s intrusion
n Opulence
When you shower luxury on party of explorers, you
Chalices Wands into our reality retain their power, if you let them
feed from you. When you would spend a relic,
you may mark contamination to keep it in your
may roll +Coins to give them Rest & Relaxation.
n Bodyguard †
bloodline’s stocks. Your explorer has a skilled companion to back
-1 Iron
+1 Glass
+2 Sulphur
0 Mercury
Choose one:
Weapon Blood whip (tags: flexible, painful)
Pyromancy (tags: ranged, reload).
One of the other founders is a lynchpin Looks: Robes covered in sigils; a bandoleer
in your ritual to keep the Regent’s power of charms; tattooed with occult sigils.
contained. Give their bloodline 2-pact on Name: Morgan, Imar, Jabir, Vyasa, Virgil,
you. You say what they had to sacrifice to Albertus, Ramon, Pietro, Ursula, Isobel.
empower the ritual, they say what insight
it’s given them into the Regent.
Name n Dimensional Relocation
When you warp space to move explorers between two
n Eldritch Insight
You have learned how to turn the castle’s
Chalices Wands safe camps, roll +Wands. On a hit, they make the
journey successfully; on a 7-9, pick one:
• They leave something important behind.
burgeoning power towards your own ends.
Whenever the Regent’s clock ticks down, gain
a Relic.
Swords Coins
• They bring something nasty with them. n A Miracle of Science †
n Arcane Library † When your explorer dissects a defeated Acolyte,
While at your safe camps, any explorer can archive gain 1-organ. With a few minutes of preparation,
Relics a spell (learned via Drink Deep) and receive a they may spend 1-organ to:
Relic in return. At any later point anyone can • Craft a healing salve and remove a minor or
spend a Relic to learn a spell from the archive. major wound.
Choose two spells to have in your archive already: • Merge it with a weapon and give the weapon
MAKING YOUR MAGI • See your foes with perfect clarity. a new perk.
Stats Traditions • Charge your weapon with lightning (add • Graft it on and raise Blood by 1.
Pick one: Pick one from each or write one of your own: perk: stun). • Inspire those around them, restoring 4
Style: Skin covered in arcane glyphs, thick robes • Float gently down instead of falling. harm to all explorers nearby or rejuvenating
Chalices 0 Swords -1 Coins 1 Wands 1
of strange fabrics, bags and bandoleers loaded any wraiths.
if you’re a selective academic institution n Empowered Wards
teaching occult rituals to those that can with reagents.
Lore: A bag full of scholarly texts, drilled-in When you roll 10+ on Resist Doom, your ritual
afford your fees..
mnemonics, a chorus of spirits bound into your lingers providing active opposition to the Regent.
Chalices 0 Swords 1 Coins -1 Wands 1 if
gear to offer advice. The next time their clock would tick down, it’s
you’re hands-on learners, extracting occult
Name: The name of your school, The ____ stopped from doing so.
wisdom from the beasts and devils you hunt.
Chalices 1 Swords 0 Coins -1 Wands 1 if Way, The Path of ______ .
you’re occultists without borders, travelling
the world and pushing back blights
wherever you find them. You taught another bloodline how to use the
castle’s power safely. Gain 1 pact on them. They SHELTER MOVE
say what the ritual allows them to do; you say When your explorer finds Shelter in the castle, they may lead the group in a ritual of controlled
what it costs them instead of their souls. corruption. Each explorer may transfer 1 point of contamination to another explorer, with that
explorer’s consent.
You prize arcane insight. At the end of each While at one of your camps, other bloodlines can Each generation, pick one from each or make your own:
session, pick the explorer who wielded the most spend 1 pact on you to get an item of power from REFUGE DRIVE BREACH
supernatural power and raise their pact with your your stores. They can destroy it to cast a spell as per
A caravan on the city’s A celestial conjunction promising A garden of perfect geometric
bloodline by 1. Drink Deep.
outskirts selling charms and great power - or great doom. statuary, and a hole in its iron fence.
Bloodline Pact with them occult paraphernalia. An opportunity to rectify a mistake A pocket dimension outside reality,
A visionary made in your apprenticeship. and a ritual to transport you there.
doctor’s surgery-laboratory. An unnatural plague sweeping An alchemical storage vault, and the
A cafe where the intelligentsia gather through the city’s slums. combination for the vault door.
and debate.
Bonded Moves Pick two:
Astral Projection Spiritual Fusion
With force of will you can send your spirit out to act in the castle. When you fuse with your spirit, roll +Sulphur. On a 7-9 hold 2,
As long as you concentrate you can see through its eyes and - with on a 10+ hold 3. On a 6- hold 1 but mark contamination. Spend
effort - pull switches, open doors, move small object, etc. a hold to use the spirit’s power. Work it out with the GM, but
it should be about the level of a spell from Drink Deep: rapid
Bloody Insight healing, temporary invulnerability, a burst of flight, etc. When all
When you take harm from an adversary, hold 1. Spend 1 to reveal hold is gone the spirit’s power is spent, and you can’t fuse again
a weakness in their fighting style and give an ally advantage until you use Shelter or Rest and Recreation.
against them. Spend 3 to create an Opening.
Spectral Knowledge
Soul Blade When you ask your spirit for advice, roll +Glass. On a hit, ask a
Your spirit has its own weaponry. Pick a perk and a flaw for question and the GM will answer honestly... for the most part.
it. When the spirit fights, roll +Sulphur to Strike and Face the On a 7-9 pick two, on a 10+ pick one:
Horde. If you have Astral Projection, the spirit can fight with the
• The spirit confuses parts of its past for the present.
weapon when distant from you; otherwise, it must stand beside
• The spirit cannot perceive some significant detail.
you as it fights.
• The spirit asks you to agree to something before it answers.
C o n ta mi
Blood Gifts
Blink Half-Dead
tio n
Pick one when Blood increases:
When your spirit is away from you
thanks to Astral Projection, you may mark
contamination to swap places with it.
The spirit’s connection to your body is
pushing your mortality away. Gain 1
Armour against physical attacks, but take 1
NAME Get +1 to a stat (max 3).
Get +1 to a stat (max 3).
Apotheosis more harm from magical/spiritual attacks.
Your spirit reveals its true form, though
Get a Blood Gift. it taxes your body to host it. Mark You can mark contamination to summon a
Get a Blood Gift. contamination to channel its full power spirit of place, the unquiet dead, or a lesser
Iron Glass Sulphur Mercury Retire your character; they
may return as an Acolyte.
into an attack, giving it Advantage and a
tag of your choice.
imp or seraph. They won’t be hostile - at
least, at first.
You start with this array; add 1 to a Make a weapon (1 perk, 1 flaw). Go around the table, introducing
As your life fades, the spirit reveals why it was bound to you and reveals a choice:
stat of your choice. your explorer to the group.
Transfiguration: The spirit Guardian Angel: As you die Damnation: The spirit is
Iron ±0 Glass ±0 Pick a covenant you have with merges with you. You stand back the spirit vows to continue your banished, but the castle takes
Sulphur +1 Mercury -1 the player to your left at rank
Minor Wound up, burning with power, and mission. For the rest of this its place. Mark contamination
Blood starts at 0. Pick one extra armament: 1. Examples:
Major Wound you’re immune to harm for the generation, it’ll follow the other for each point of Harm you
Looks Martial arts training • You grew up together. Mortal Wound rest of the fight. Then you die. players and provide whatever heal. From then on, any time
(tether, close). • You were close friends or lovers. aid it can. you would take Harm you mark
Ambiguous, Concealed, Reinforced coat (1 armour). • You have a grudge between you. contamination instead.
Feminine, Masculine. Spiritual aura (Advantage to
Maimed body, lithe body, muscular Add extra details and context for
body, stout body.
attack intangible foes).
the covenant the player to your
Asian, South Asian, Black, Pick two pieces of utility gear: right has chosen. EXPLORER STRENGTHEN WHEN... WEAKEN WHEN... RATING
Caucasian, Hispanic, Survivalist gear.
Latino, Indigenous, Middle Old journals of past
Eastern, ________ encounters with the castle.
Kujo, Aamir, Malkhazi, Aretha, A hip flask of spirits, skin of
Temperance, Christa, Camilla, wine or pouch of tobacco.
Sebastian, Drahomíra, Annette. As many rations as you need.
Slayer Moves Pick two:
Lightning Swift Blood Trail
You’re incredibly fast. Your attacks always have the cleave You’re merciless in pressing your advantage. Once you’ve
tag, and you have Advantage on Dodge. landed a Strike on a target, get Advantage on future Strikes.
Regain Momentum Trophy
Flesh and blood is less important that confidence. When You know secret rituals to preserve an enemy’s power in a
you land a successful Strike, heal the last Harm you took. severed part of their body. When you draw on the power of
a trophy carved from an Acolyte, roll +Iron on Drink Deep
Trick Weapon instead of +Sulphur.
Your weapon is versatile, enchanted or a marvel of
engineering. Pick two perk/flaw sets for it: you can switch
between the two at a moment’s notice.
C o n ta mi
Blood Gifts
Frenzy Burning Blood
tio n
Pick one when Blood increases:
When you roll a miss on Strike, you can
mark contamination to immediately
make another Strike.
Your blood burns as it leaves your
body. You may mark contamination
to create a wall of fire most monsters
NAME Get +1 to a stat (max 3).
Get +1 to a stat (max 3).
Lupine won’t willingly cross.
Get a Blood Gift. Your teeth and fingernails gain a keen Voice of Command
Get a Blood Gift. edge. You always have access to them, When an Adversary is bearing down on
Iron Glass Sulphur Mercury Retire your character; they
may return as an Acolyte.
as a weapon with Piercing/Close. an ally, you can mark contamination
to force them to target you instead.
You start with this array; add 1 to a
Make a weapon (1 perk, 1 flaw).
Go around the table, introducing
Harm Death Move
stat of your choice. your explorer to the group. As the final blow comes down you choose not to defend yourself, instead using your attacker’s
Iron +1 Glass ±0 Pick a covenant you have with momentum to drive your weapon home. Now it’s lodged in them, slowing them down and
Sulphur ±0 Mercury -1 the player to your left at rank creating a weakness your allies can use to take revenge. Until they take advantage of the
Blood starts at 0. Pick one extra armament: 1. Examples: Minor Wound embedded weapon as an Opening, your allies take advantage on Dodge and Stand With Me.
A pistol (ranged, reload). Major Wound
Looks Breastplate or mail shirt
• You’re teaching them to fight.
• They nursed you back to health.
Mortal Wound
Maimed body, lithe body, (1 armour). • You’re monster-hunter partners.
muscular body, stout body. A shield (advantage on Confront,
Add extra details and context for
Asian, South Asian, Black, disadvantage on Dodge).
the covenant the player to your Covenants
Caucasian, Hispanic, Pick two pieces of utility gear: right has chosen. EXPLORER STRENGTHEN WHEN... WEAKEN WHEN... RATING
Latino, Indigenous,
Middle Eastern, ________ Torches and fire lighting kit.
Bandages and healing salves.
Lilianna, Isidor, Ayako, Farhana, Anti-venoms and stimulants.
Laura, Peter, Simon, Julian, As many rations as you need.
Laurens, Jiddu
Reckoner Moves Pick two:
Bend Time Pinning Fire
When you roll 10+ on Dodge, time seems to slow for everyone Your shots are precise and lethal. When you attack a foe with
except you. If you can perform your next action within a few a ranged weapon, the foe must choose: remain where they are,
seconds, it’ll have Advantage. or be taken out (if they’re a minion) or provide an Opening (if
they’re an adversary).
Reshape Chaos
The shifting nightmare of the castle bends to your will. You may And next you’ll say...
spend Travel the Labyrinth hold, 1-for-1, to uncover one of these When you tell an opponent what they’ll do next, roll +Glass. On a
details in your environment: hit, they pick one:
• A mechanism that will close off a passage. • They do exactly what you predicted.
• A secret passage or trapdoor to shelter from harm. • They stumble, hesitate or flinch.
• An environmental hazard (caustic vat, rock-slide, fuel tank, On a 10+, reveal a trap you set up to take advantage of your
etc) ready to be set off. prediction. If they go through with the predicted action, the trap
True Sight creates an immediate Opening or takes out a minion.
You can always recognise an illusion or supernatural deception as
what it truly is. In addition, you get Advantage on See Clear.
C o n ta mi
Just You and Me Chaos Eyes
Blood Gifts
If a foe’s within arm’s reach, you can mark The shifting chaos of the castle bleeds out
tio n contamination to reshape the castle and of your mind and into those that meet your
Pick one when Blood increases: trap you both within an empty room. The gaze. Your eyes are a weapon with ranged,
NAME Get +1 to a stat (max 3).
Get +1 to a stat (max 3).
previous state is restored when you will it,
or when you take a major wound.
piercing, unstable.
Get a Blood Gift. Worlds Away You can mark contamination and spend
Get a Blood Gift. If a foe’s within arm’s reach, you can mark 2 Travel the Labyrinth hold to guide your
Iron Glass Sulphur Mercury Retire your character; they
may return as an Acolyte.
contamination to reshape the castle such group to or from: an individual’s psyche,
that you are separated by a deep chasm, a the land of the dead, where the castle
barricade or a surging river (of what?). comes from.
Stats Gear Covenants
C o n ta mi
Eyes on the Inside Ghost Eater
Blood Gifts
You can mark contamination to perceive You can consume the spirits trapped in
tio n the intangible and immaterial. When you your Soul Vessel. When you do, mark
Pick one when Blood increases: Assess or See Clear with this sight, you can contamination but heal your last wound.
NAME Get +1 to a stat (max 3).
Get +1 to a stat (max 3).
roll +Mercury instead of +Glass.
The Unquiet Flesh
The Blood is Life
When you shed your blood as a medium for
Get a Blood Gift. Your body is shifting to become something spirits, roll +Harm taken. On a 7-9 pick 1,
Get a Blood Gift. ancient. You may mark contamination to on a 10+ pick 2 about the spirit that forms a
Iron Glass Sulphur Mercury Retire your character; they
may return as an Acolyte.
grow an organ or limb - arms, tentacles, body from it: they follow your commands,
they remember useful information, you
wings, eyes, mouths or similar.
can banish them at will.
Stats Gear Covenants
You start with this array; add 1 to a Make a weapon (1 perk, 1 flaw). Go around the table, introducing Harm Death Move
C o n ta mi
Titan’s Might Paradox Bag
Blood Gifts
You can mark contamination to augment When you reach into your sack, you can mark
na your strength and stability, letting you carry contamination to pull out something it’d be
tio n any weight. Leverage may still present issues. impossible to have in there - e.g. something
Pick one when Blood increases:
NAME Get +1 to a stat (max 3).
Get +1 to a stat (max 3).
Junk Homunculus
When you assemble the various odds and
too big, or too dangerous, or on the other side
of the world, or in your antagonist’s hands.
Get a Blood Gift. ends in your pack into a rough human form, Maw of the Void
Get a Blood Gift. bound together with spit and blood and If you can fit something into your bag, it
Iron Glass Sulphur Mercury Retire your character; they
may return as an Acolyte.
twine, you can mark contamination to give
it life. It will follow your commands faithfully
cannot escape without your say-so. Mark
contamination to turn the bag into a
to the best of its ability, but cannot leave powerful vacuum (tether, close) that keeps
Stats Gear Covenants the castle. sucking until something’s entirely consumed.
You start with this array; add 1 to a Make a weapon (1 perk, 1 flaw). Go around the table, introducing
Covenant Moves
When you assault a group of castle lookout for? When you size up the enemy to locate
denizens, roll +Iron. On a hit, you a weak spot, roll +Glass. On a hit you: create an Opening.
Get fleeting advantage when you act
tear through them - say how. on each answer. you find an Opening. Say where it’s Stand With Me
On a 7-9 pick 2, on a 10+ pick 1:
coming from - the environment, When you heal, encourage or aid an Help or Hinder
• They hit back - suffer harm. a chink in their armour, a flaw in ally, roll +Sulphur. On a hit, pick 1:
When you look for a safe space to When you help or hinder another explorer, spend a point of covenant
• You get some on you - their fighting style. On a 7-9, pick 2,
recover, roll +Mercury. On a hit, • They’re rescued from danger: a with them to give a dice to roll as per dis/advantage. If the dice you
mark contamination. on a 10+ pick 1:
precipice, poison, a curse, etc. gave is the highest, get a point of covenant back; if it’s the lowest, gm
each explorer picks 1:
• You end up in a risky position. • The foe makes you its • They heal their lightest wound.
• Tend to another explorer: they will say what misfortune you suffer.
• More are coming. highest priority. • They heal 2 harm.
heal 2 Harm, or remove their • The Opening only lasts a Summon Aid
Drink Deep lightest Wound. On a 10+ the camaraderie shown
few moments. When you call on your covenants for help, distant (or dead) characters
When you draw on the power • Encourage another explorer - gives your ally fleeting Advantage.
• Attempts to use the Opening can answer. If they do, they step from the shadows near you as a
of a potent item or ritual site, they get fleeting advantage. without one weapon perk
roll +Sulphur. On a hit, mark • Use your bloodline’s
Victory wraith. They take action as normal, but can’t take wounds. The first
have Disadvantage.
contamination and learn a spell - Shelter move.
When the foe is defeated, everyone harm they take weakens them; the second harm banishes them,
the GM says what it does. Flee still living may raise Blood and add weakening their covenant with you by 1.
• Gain aid from a contact.
When you cast it, pick 1: When you use an Opening to retreat, 1 to their Covenant with each other.
On a 7-9, advance the any and all characters can flee the The foe’s sanctum becomes a place Betrayal
• Mark contamination.
• Forget the spell.
Regent’s clock. battle. Advance the regent’s clock of power, usable for Forward Base. Why let your sentiments hold you back when the castle will give
Each explorer checks over their by one. you power in return for betrayal? Each covenant sets out a way the
• Take 1 Harm.
covenant strengthen/betrayal bond between you is weakened: whoever hits that trigger marks
On a 10+, you don’t need to pick an triggers, and see if any have been hit
option on your first cast. contamination, and the covenant’s rating is weakened by 1.
since they last rested.
Bloodline Moves Generation Moves
Arcane Power Lend aid Darkness Falls Spoils of Victory
When you use the castle’s cast-offs to When you help another bloodline with a When the regent’s clock fills, they blight the mortal world. The If you leave the castle without claiming the grail, pick one of
empower your bloodline’s actions, spend 1 move, offer them a dice. If they take it, GM marks one: the choices unlocked by your Explorer’s Blood.
Relic and get advantage on a roll. they roll it with their own as if they had A section of the region’s population is cursed and BLOOD 0+
advantage. If your dice is the highest, say made monstrous.
how you made the difference and gain • Your explorer loots the castle for valuable trinkets. Say what
Day is short and nights are starless.
Rest and Relaxation 1-Pact on them. If it’s the lowest, the Monsters walk the world every full moon.
they spend the rest of their life doing with their fortune,
When you provide aid to characters in a GM will say how helping them hurt you. and start the next generation with 1 more Relic.
Weather becomes unnatural and devastating. • Your explorer devotes their life to preparing the next
safe camp, roll +Chalices. On a 7-9, pick Plagues strike a section of the population.
2; on a 10+ pick 3. generation. Choose one other bloodline - say how you
Resist Doom If all are marked, the castle claims the mortal world. All is lost. helped train their next explorer, and increase your Pact with
• Each explorer may heal all harm. them by 1.
• Each explorer may heal all wounds. When you work a grand ritual, spend Each player picks how their bloodline responds to the blight,
1-3 Relics on occult resources and and adjusts their stats: • Your bloodline works to heal the wounds left in this community
• Each explorer can repair and when the castle leaves. Gain advantage on all Coins moves
resupply their weaponry. ceremonial paraphernalia and roll • You stayed safe, at the cost of withdrawing from the world. Say
+Wands. On a hit, choose one for each which of your connections suffered in your absence. if the castle returns here.
• Each explorer may form a new
covenant, or raise an existing Relic spent: +1 Chalices, -1 Coins. BLOOD 2+
covenant by a step. • Reduce the Regent’s clock by 1. • You fought to push it back, but your best mystics lost their lives. • Your explorer instils their skills into a piece of gear. Describe
• The regent’s clock doesn’t • Bless a weapon to strike true Say what their sacrifice achieved. +1 Swords, -1 Wands. how they pass it down to the next generation: when they
tick down. against one Acolyte, giving it the • You took some of the taint into your family. Say what lingering use it, they can access one of your current explorer’s moves,
Holy perk. malady the blight has left you with. +1 Wands, -1 Chalice. but it gains the heirloom tag.
Each explorer checks over their
• Reduce a character’s Blood rating by • You waged a shadow war keeping society safe at great cost to • Your explorer forces permanent order on the castle. One ward
covenant strengthen/betrayal triggers,
one - they lose a Blood Advance. your warriors. Say which settlement still stands thanks to will remain in its current form for the rest of time, and your
and see if any have been hit since they
you. +1 Coins, -1 Swords. bloodline gets Advantage Travelling the Labyrinth there.
last rested. On a 7-9, the Regent weaves a counter-
spell; you’ll need to defeat an Acolyte • You invest in improving your bloodline’s resources. Sacrifice 3
before anyone can work further rituals. Relics to raise a bloodline stat by 1.
Forward Base When the Regent is slain, the explorer with the highest Blood BLOOD 4+
When you claim a place of power as a can choose to inherit the Grail. If they do, they increase • You let the corruption sink deep into your bloodline, controlled
forward base in the castle, roll +Swords. a bloodline stat by 1 but reduce their Pacts with the other but ever-present. Your future characters start at Blood 1,
When you Bloodline members search for
On a hit it’s yours, and you can use it as bloodlines by 1. They get one wish from the Grail: with a Blood Advance to match.
rumours or resources in the mortal world,
a safe camp for the purposes of Rest and • Life Everlasting: Your character can return in each • You form a bond with the castle. Your explorer can always
roll +Coins. On a 7-9 choose 1, on a 10+
Relaxation and Travel the Labyrinth. On subsequent generation, and will never truly die. mark contamination to get a vision of what the regent is
choose 2.
a 10+ pick one bonus: • The Resurrection of the Dead: One person of your choice is doing at the moment, and ask one follow-up question the
• They find resources worth 1 Relic. GM must answer truthfully.
• There’s room for more: it counts as returned to life.
• They hear tales of a ward’s acolyte,
another Bloodline’s camp too. Get • Insight From Beyond: Gain a new bloodline move.
and clues to how they’re helping
1-pact on them. • Wealth of Kings: Your bloodline gains 5 Relics.
the regent.
• It’s well-located: explorers • Peace on Earth: Each bloodline gains 1 Relic; you gain
• They learn what the regent plans
leaving the camp get +1 Travel the 1-Treaty on the others.
next, and which clock segment it’ll
Labyrinth hold. • Purification: Remove a Blight infected by a previous Regent.
• It’s comfortable and secure: trigger on.
The castle then takes you with it as it leaves reality behind. You
get advantage on Rest and will return as its next regent unless you chose Life Everlasting -
Relaxation here. in which case the next regent is Death Itself.
GM Guidelines Building Antagonists Contacts
Use these to add a bit of variety to your castle, give the
AGENDA Acolyte Roles Acolyte/Regent Harm players non-hostile characters to interact with and build
You have three guiding rules as you run this game: • The Acolyte strengthens the Regent. Give the Each quality should give the adversary some kind of relationships with, and flesh out the world of this time
Regent an extra quality, so long as this Acolyte is attack, to which you should assign a harm rating. Here’s period. When you make a neutral character, work out
• Make the world feel real. what’s motivating them and what the players could do
still serving them. some guidelines - though feel free to adjust up and down
• Fill the character’s lives with action and adventure.
• The Acolyte guards the Regent. While the depending on the circumstances in play. to win their support. If they do, these contacts are usable
• Play to find out what happens. Acolyte is serving the Regent, it will ambush with the Shelter move, conferring particular benefits:
1 harm: An adversary may deal one harm if they
the explorers when they attempt to travel to the Alchemist: Can convert a Relic into a potion of vigour.
WHAT TO SAY castle’s heart.
are particularly weak in a certain circumstance - for
Consume it to give yourself fleeting advantage.
example, if a fire demon is attacking you while
• What your prep demands. • The Acolyte speeds the world’s blight. If the you’re underwater. Apothecary: Sacrifice a Relic to create a healing salve - 1
• What the rules demand. Acolyte still serves the Regent when the clock 2 harm: The default. Stick with this if you don’t have use, heals 4 Harm.
• What honesty demands. has ticked a certain number of times, it will enter reason to change it.
the mortal wound and cause terror, ruin and Armourer: Performs repairs, giving each explorer
3 harm: If an adversary’s attacks are particularly
PRINCIPLES corruption. At best, this will remove one of the effective in a certain circumstance - for example,
fleeting Advantage on Confront.
• Keep momentum up. player bloodline’s safe camps outside the castle. At if a lightning demon is attacking you while Chronicler: When you tell them a story of your
• Make a move that follows. worst, it will trigger one of the options listed under you’re underwater. expedition, write it down. Later generations can strike
• Begin and end with the fiction. Darkness Falls. The first Acolyte given this role 4 harm: An attack that the adversary needed to take off a story to get fleeting Advantage on a related roll.
• Think offscreen too. triggers on the 4th tick, the second on the 3rd tick, some action setting up. For example, if a flesh demon Civilian: Get up-to-date information on the state of the
• Taint everything the castle contacts. and the third on the 2nd tick. needs to merge with your flesh before bursting out in world outside.
• Give power alongside corruption. shower of gore. Engineer: Collapse a corridor, bridge a narrow gap or
• Twist reality around them. create a route between different floors.
MAKE REACTIONS WHEN: Ideas for Qualities Minion Harm Lure: Can make enough noise to attract all monsters in
an area, letting you sneak by or set up an ambush.
• A player rolls a 6- on a move. • A quality representing the main way they attack. Minions deal 1 Harm by default. Add 1 for each:
• A quality giving them useful movement abilities, Mapmaker: Name a destination you’ve been to and
• Everyone’s looking to you to find out what • The minion is towering and powerful.
letting them close the gap with the explorers or spend the appropriate Travel the Labyrinth hold.
happens next. • The minion empowers its attacks with
escape close combat. The resulting map will take whoever holds it there
• The regent’s clock ticks. magical force.
• A quality that lets them alter the battlefield: plunge for 0-hold.
• The players offer you up a golden opportunity. • The attack is close-range and brutal.
it into darkness, open fissures, command hordes of Medics: One Explorer can heal their least
minions, unleashing traps. severe wound.
REACTION LIST • A defensive quality that the explorers must remove Priest: Spend 1 Relic to create purifying incense,
• Use a reaction from a minion or foe. to target their other qualities. removing 1 Blood and an Advance.
• Reveal an unwelcome truth. • Only one quality is active at any one time. As the
• Forecast doom. Occultist: Spend 1 Relic and mark 1 Blood to learn a
explorers strip each one away, the next one activates simple spell, as per Drink Deep.
• Deal harm as established. and the battle enters a new stage. Each individual
• Take away their stuff. quality will need to pull more weight here, so write Oracle: Sacrifice a Relic to see what the Regent or an
• Turn their move back on them. ones that give offense and defence. Acolyte is currently up to.
• Separate them. • The acolyte is multiple individuals. Maybe each Scout: They’ll have information on the monsters seen
• Put someone in a spot. individual is represented by their own quality in neighbouring areas.
• Highlight a weakness of their gear. - remove the quality, remove the adversary. Or Soldiers: They’ll travel with you, and can take out a
• Give them an opportunity fitting their strengths. maybe the explorers are striking away their single mob of minions.
• Offer an opportunity, with or without cost. formation, their cohesion, their armaments.
• Strike at their mortal allies. Weaponsmith: Can use 2 Relics to add a perk to a
• After every reaction: “what do you do?” weapon, or 4 Relics to remove a flaw.
Weapon Tags Example Covenants There's a grudge or rivalry between you.
One of you nursed the other back to health.
When one of you protects the When one of you recklessly When one of you risks When one of you shows off
• Cleave: Can slice through many foes in a single swing. danger or cost to aid their superiority over the
• Flexible: It wraps around defences and can be other from harm, strengthen puts the other in danger,
the covenant. betray the covenant. the other, strengthen other, betray the covenant.
redirected mid-swing. the covenant.
• Hefty: Knocks an enemy back on a hit.
• Holy: Causes intense pain against a particular foe. This tag is One of you is teaching the other to fight.
only accessible via moves. You grew up together.
When the trainee gets a When one of you shows
• Lingering: It causes ongoing pain: if you hit someone with it killing blow, strengthen concerning brutality, betray When you take time out When you turn your back
they’ll try to stay away from you. the covenant. the covenant. to catch up, strengthen on the ways of your youth,
• Piercing: Can penetrate armour and thick hide. the covenant. betray the covenant
• Ranged: Can attack any foe in eyesight.
• Stun: Makes enemies slow and sluggish on a hit. You're hunting down a lost treasure together.
You follow different faiths.
• Tether: After you hit, you can easily hold onto/keep pace with When you find a clue to When you lie to or
the foe. the treasure's location, mislead the other, betray When one makes sure the When you preach the
strengthen the covenant. the covenant. other has time for their superiority of your
Flaws observances, strengthen faith's teachings, betray
• Ammo or Fragile: If any dice on an attack come up 1, the the covenant. the covenant.
weapon’s useless until you Shelter or get Rest and Relaxation. You used to be close friends or lovers.
• Brace: You need to stand on steady ground to use it. When you share stories of When you act as you did One of you is heavily in debt to the other.
• Close: You need the enemy to be within arm’s reach to use it. the good times, strengthen when you broke up, betray
• Grazing: It only deals surface harm, not deep wounds. the covenant. the covenant. When one of you forgives When you take the other's
• Heirloom: If you lose it, get Disadvantage on bloodline moves or pays back the debt, gear without permission,
until you get it back. strengthen the covenant. betray the covenant.
You're afflicted with the same curse.
• Painful: If any dice on an attack come up 6, take 1 Harm.
• Reload: You need to take some action to attack again after When you help the When you willingly One of you has strange dreams the other
using it. other manage the curse, embrace the curse's benefits, is studying.
• Thrown: Once you attack with it, you need to recover it. strengthen the covenant. betray the covenant.
When one of you benefits When one of you is hurt
• Unstable: You’re vulnerable and unable to move after using it.
from an insight gained from because they followed
You're long-time monster hunter partners.
Example Weapons the dreams, strengthen the dreams, betray
Warhammer: hefty/brace. When one of you saves When one of you embraces the covenant. the covenant.
the other from danger, the Castle's corruption,
Rapier: piercing/superficial. strengthen the covenant. betray the covenant.
Harpoon: tether/thrown.
Flintlock: ranged/ammo.
Greatsword: cleave/unstable.
Blood whip: flexible/painful.
Bareknuckle boxing: stun/close.