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Engineering Thermodynamics 2 Marks

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THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

1. What is meant by Thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is the science of energy transfer and its effects on physical
propertiesof substances.

2. Define the term thermal engineering.

Thermal engineering is the science that deals with the energy transfer to
practicalapplications such as energy transfer power generation, refrigeration, gas
compression and itseffect on the properties of working substance.

3. What is meant by Macroscopicapproach in thermodynamics?

Macroscopic thermodynamics deals with the effects of the action of many

4. The two approaches by which the behaviour of matter can be studied in

thermodynamics are
................. and ........................
[Ans: Macroscopic, Microscopic]

5. What is Microscopic (or) Statistical thermodynamics?

Microscopic approach in thermodynamics deals with the study of the behaviourof
thesystem by summing up the behaviour of each molecule

6. Give few applications of thermodynamic laws and principles:

The laws and principles are applied in the steam and nuclear power plants, IC
engines,Gas turbines, refrigeration etc.

7. What is thermodynamic medium?

A matter of growing material chosen for the conversion of one form of energy
intoanother is called thermodynamic medium.

8. What is meant by thermodynamic system?

Thermodynamic system is defined as the any space or matter or group of matter
wherethe energy transfer or energy conversions are studied.

9. Define thermodynamic system.

A thermodynamic system is defined as a quantity of matter or a region in space,
onwhich the analysis of the problem is concentrated.

10. How do you classify thermodynamic system?

It may be classified into three types.
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

a. Closed system (only energy transfer and no mass transfer)

b. Open system (Both energy and mass transfer)
c. Isolated system (No mass and energy transfer)

11. What is meant by closed system? Give an example.

When a system has only heat and work transfer, but there is no mass transfer, it
iscalled as closed system.
Example: Piston and cylinder arrangement.
Compression of a gas in a piston -. cylinderarrangement.

12. What is meant by open system? Give an example.

When a system has both mass and energy transfer it is called as open system.
Example: Air Compressor.

13. Differentiate closed and open system.

Closed System Open System
1. There is no mass transfer. Only heat and
work will transfer.1. Mass transfer will take place, in addition to
the heat and work transfer.
2. System boundary is fixed one 2. System boundary may or may not change.
3. Example: Piston & cylinder arrangement,
Thermal power plant
3. Example: Air compressor, boiler

14. What is meant by isolated system? Give an example.

Isolated system is not affected by surroundings. There is no heat; work and
masstransfer take place. In this system total energy remains constant.
Example: Entire Universe

15. Explain homogeneous and heterogeneous system.

The system consist of single phase is called homogeneous system and the system
consist ofmore than one phase is called heterogeneous system.

16. What is boundary?

System and surroundings are separated by an imaginary line is called boundary.

17. What is meant by surroundings?

Any other matter outside the system boundary is called as surroundings.
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

18. What is universe ?

A system and· its surroundings together is called an universe.

19. What are the various types of open system?

The types of open system are:a. Steady flow system
b. Unsteady flow system.

20. In an isolated system, the total energy of the system............................

Ans: remains constant.

21. What is meant by control volume?

Control volume is an imaginary region within which interactions are studied.

22. What is known as control surface?

The boundary of the control volume is called as control surface.

23. Define change of state of a system

Any process in which one or more of the properties of the system changes iscalled
change of state.

24. What is meant by thermodynamic property?

Thermodynamic property is any characteristic of a substance which is used to
identifythe state of the system and can be measured, when the system remains in an
equilibrium state.

25. How do you classify the property?

Thermodynamic property can be classified into two types.
a. Intensive or Intrinsic property
b. Extensive and Extrinsic property

26. What is meant by intensive or intrinsic property? Give an example.

The properties which are independent on the mass of the system is called
Example: Pressure, Temperature, Specific Volume etc.

27. What is meant by extensive or extrinsic property? Give an example.

The properties which are dependent on the mass of the system are called
Example: Total energy, Total volume, weight etc.

BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

28. What do you understand by equilibrium of a system?

When a system remains in equilibrium state, it should not undergo any charges to
itsown accord.

29. Define thermodynamic equilibrium.

If a system is in Mechanical, Thermal and Chemical Equilibrium then the system is
inthermodynamically equilibrium.(Or)
If the system is isolated from its surrounding there will be no change in the
macroscopicproperty, then the system is said to exist in a state of thermodynamic

30. Differentiate Intensive and Extensive properties

Intensive Properties Extensive Properties
1. Independent on the mass of the system Dependent on the mass of the system.
2. If we consider part of the system theseproperties remain same.
Example: pressure, Temperature specificvolume etc.,If we consider part of the
system it will have alesser value.
Example: Total energy, Total volume, weightetc.,
3. Extensive property/mass is known as intensive property

31. What are the conditions for thermodynamic equilibrium?

The system in thermodynamic equilibrium must essentially be in
a. Mechanical Equilibrium
b. Thermal equilibrium
c. Chemical equilibrium

32. What is meant by thermodynamic equilibrium?

When a system is in thermodynamic equilibrium, it should satisfy the following
threeconditions.a. Mechanical Equilibrium: - Pressure remains constant
b. Thermal equilibrium: - Temperature remains constant
c. Chemical equilibrium: There is no chemical reaction.

33. Explain Mechanical equilibrium.

If the forces are balanced between the system and surroundings are called

34. Explain Chemical equilibrium.

If there is no chemical reaction or transfer of matter form one part of the system
toanother is called Chemical equilibrium
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

35. Explain Thermal equilibrium.

If the temperature difference between the system and surroundings is zero then it is
inThermal equilibrium.

36. when there is uniform pressure at all points of the system, then it is said to
be in .........Ans: Mechanical equilibrium

37. When a system wiII be in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium?

A system is said to exist in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, when no change
in anymicroscopic property is registered, if the system is isolated from the

38. Define nuclear equilibrium

A system is said to be in nuclear equilibrium when nuclear reactions such as
fusion,fission reaction does not cause any change.

39. Define magnetic equilibrium

A system is said to be in magnetic equilibrium when the
magnetisationanddemagnetisationeffects do not change its properties.

40. Define continuum

The Atomiestructure of a substance is disregarded in classical thermodynamics and
thesubstance is viewed to be a continuous, homogenous matter without
microscopic holes. Thisconcept is called as continuum.

41. Define the term process

It is defined as the change of state undergone by a gas due to energy flow.

42. Define the term thermodynamic Cycle

When a system undergoes a series of processes and return to its initial condition, it
isknown as thermodynamic cycle.

43. What is meant by open cycle?

In an open cycle, the same working substance will be exhausted to the
surroundingsafter expansion.

44. What is meant by closed cycle?

In a closed cycle, the same working substance will recalculates again and again.

BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

45. What is meant by reversible process?

A process is said to be reversible, it should trace the same path in the reverse
directionwhen the process is reversed. It is possible only when the system passes
through a continuousseries of equilibrium state.

46. What is meant by irreversible process?

If a system does not pass through continuous equilibrium state, then the process is
saidto be irreversible.

47. What is meant by Point function?

The quantity which is independent on the process or path followed by the system
isknown as point functions.Example: Pressure, volume, temperature, etc.,

48. What is meant by Path function?

The quantities which are dependent on the process or path followed by the system
isknown as path functions.
Example: Heat transfer, work transfer.

49. What is Quasi – Static process?

The process is said to be quasi – static, it should proceed infinitesimally slow and
followscontinuous series of equilibrium states. A quasi- static process is that a
succession of equilibriumstates. A quasi-static process is also called as reversible

50. State True or False:

Quasi static process is also called as Reversible process.
[Ans: True]

51. Define pure substance

A pure substaneeis a homogenous and invariable chemical composition through
outthe mass.

52. Define absolute pressure

The total algebricsum of the atmospherie pressure and gauge pressure is
calledabsolute pressure.

53. What is gauge pressure?

The pressure measured above the atmospheriepressure gauge pressure.

BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

54. Define atmospheric pressure

Pressure exerted by air on a column of 760 mm of mercury is called

55. What is meant by state of a system?

State is an unique condition of the system and at equilibrium. It can be identified
by itsproperties, such as pressure, volume.

56. Define path of change of state

The succession equilibrium states passed through, is called the path of change of

57. Define energy

Energy of system is the ability or capacity to do work.

58. Define stored energy

Energy possessed by a system within its boundaries is called stored energy.
Example: Potential energy.

59. Define power

The rate of energy transfer is called power.

60. Define transit energy

Energy possessed by a system which is capable of crossing its boundaries is.called
Example: Heat energy, Electrical energy'.

61. Define internal energy

Energy possessed by a substance due to its molecular arrangement and. motion of
itsmolecules is called internal energy.

62. What is meant by thermodynamic work?

A thermodynamic work is said to be do ne by a system if its sole effect outside
itsboundary is equivalent to raising a weight against the force of gravity.

63. Work done by a system is.............

Ans: Positive.

64. Work done on a system is ...............

Ans: Negative
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

65. What is the work done in a closed system in terms pressure and volume?
Workdone = Pdv.

66. Zeroth law is the basic of .................measurement.

Ans: Temperature

67. Heat supplied to the system is......................

Ans: Positive.

68. Heat rejected by the system is....................

Ans: Negative

69. State True or False:

Heat and work are not properties of the system.
Ans: True

70. State True or False:

During all adiabatic process, the change in internal energy is equal to work done.
Ans: True
71. State True or False:
During an isothermal process, the net heat interchange is el to the work done by
thesystem.Ans: True
72. Work done is a ------------------- function.
Ans: Path
73. Define mean effective pressure.
The mean effective pressure.of a cycle is defined as the average pressure acting on
thepiston which produces the same amount of work as that produced by the actual
varyingpressure during the cycle.
74. Define specific heat
The heat required by a'unitmass of a substaneeto raise its tem .peratureby
onedegree is called the specific heat of subs.tance
Unit: kJ I kg I K.
75. Define Latent heat
Latent heat is the amount of energy required to convert liquid completely
intovapour per unit mass of a substance at a given pressure.
76. What is Triple point?
The point at which Solid, liquid and vapour phases are equilibrium is called as
triple point.
77. Explain Zeroth Law of thermodynamics?

BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

Zeroth law of thermodynamics states that when two systems are separately in
thermalequilibrium with a third system, then they themselves is in thermal
equilibrium with each other.
78. State the First law of thermodynamics
First law of thermodynamics states that when system undergoes a cyclic process
the netheat transfer is equal to work transfer.
79. What are the limitations of first law of thermodynamics?
a. According to first law of thermodynamics heat and work are mutually
convertible during anycycle of a closed system. But this law does not specify the
possible conditions under which
the heat is converted into work.
b. According to the first law of thermodynamics it is impossible to transfer heat
from lowertemperature to higher temperature.
c. It does not give any information regarding change of state or whether the process
ispossible or not.
d. The law does not specify the direction of heat and work.
80. Define the term enthalpy?
The Combination of internal energy and flow energy is known as enthalpy of the
system.It may also be defined as the total heat of the substanceMathematically,
Enthalpy (H) = U + pv ……..KJ
Where, U – internal energyp – Pressurev – Volume
In terms of Cp & T → H = mCp (T2-T1) ……… KJ
81. Define the term internal energy
Internal energy of a gas is the energy stored in a gas due to its molecular
interactions. Itis also defined as the energy possessed by a gas at a given
82. Define Heat.
Heat is the energy crossing the boundary due to the temperature difference
betweenthe system and surroundings.
83. What is meant by thermodynamic work?
It is the work done by the system when the energy transferred across the boundary
ofthe system. It is mainly due to intensive property difference between the system
84. Define Specific heat capacity at constant pressure.
It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise or lower the temperature
ofunit mass of the substance through one degree when the pressure kept constant.
It is denotedby Cp.
85. Define Specific heat capacity at constant volume.
It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise or lower the temperature
ofunit mass of the substance through one degree when volume kept constant.
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

86. What do you understand by pure substance?

A pure substance is defined as one that is homogeneous and invariable in
chemicalcomposition throughout its mass.

87. Define entropy of a pure substance.

Entropy is an important thermodynamic property, which increases with addition of
heatand decreases with its removal. Entropy is a function of temperature only. It is
an unavailabilityof energy during energy transfer.

88. Define PMM of first kind

PMM of first kind delivers work continuously without any input. It violates first
law ofthermodynamics, it is impossible to construct an engine working with this

89. What is perpetual motion machine of first kind?

It is defined as a machine, which produces work energy without consuming
anequivalent of energy from other source. It is impossible to obtain in actual
practice, because nomachine can produce energy of its own without consuming
any other form of energy.

90. What is Perpetual motion machine of the second kind?

A heat engine, which converts whole of the heat energy into mechanical work, is
knownas Perpetual motion machine of the second kind.

91. Give the general gas energy equations.

dH = dE + dW.

92. State the law of conservation of energy

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be transferred from one
form toanother.

93. Define an isentropic process.

Isentropic process is also called as reversible adiabatic process. It is a process
whichfollows the law of pVy = C is known as isentropic process. During this
process entropy remainsconstant and no heat enters or leaves the gas.

94. Explain the throttling process.

When a gas or vapour expands and flows through an aperture of small size, the
processis called as throttling process.

BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

95. Work done in a free expansion process is _________

Ans: Zero

96. Define free expansion process.

When a gas expands suddenly into a vacuum through a large orifice is known as
freeexpansion process.

97. Which property is constant during throttling?


98. If in the equation PVn = C, the value of n = then the process is called
Constant Volume process

99. The polytropic index (n) is given by ________

n = log (P2/P1)/ log (V1/V2)

100. Work transfer is equal to heat transfer in case of ________ process.

Isothermal process

101. Write down the characteristic gas equation.

Characteristic gas equation is pV = mRTWhere,p = pressureV = VolumeR =
Characteristic gas constantT = Temperature.

102. What is a steady flow process?

Steady flow means that the rates of flow of mass and energy across the control
surfaceare constant.

103. What is meant by steady flow process?

During the process the rate of flow of mass and energy across the boundary
remainsconstant, is known as steady flow process.

104. Prove that for an isolated system, there is no change in internal energy.
In isolated system there is no interaction between the system and the
surroundings.There is no mass transfer and energy transfer.
According to first law of thermodynamics as
dQ = dU + dW; dU = dQ - dW; dQ = 0, dW = 0,
Therefore dU = 0 by integrating the above equation U = constant, therefore the
internalenergy is constant for isolated system.

BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

105. Indicate the practical application of steady flow energy equation.

a. Turbine
b. Nozzle
c. Condenser
d. Compressor

106. What is the difference between steady flow and non – flow process?
During the steady flow process the rate of flow of mass and energy across the
boundaryremains constant.In case of non – flow across the system and boundary.

1. State the Kelvin – Plank statement of second law of thermodynamics
Kelvin – Plank states that it is impossible to construct a heat engine working on
cyclicprocess, whose only purpose is to convert all the heat energy given to it into
an equal amount ofwork.

2. Define Kelvin Planck Statement.

It is impossible to construct a heat engine to produce network in a complete cycle
if itexchanges heat from a single reservoir at single fixed temperature.

3. State Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics.

It states that heat can flow from hot body to cold without any external aid but
heatcannot flow from cold body to hot body without any external aid.

4. Define Claussius statement.

It is impossible for a self-acting machine working in a cyclic process, to transfer
heatfrom a body at lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature without the
aid of anexternal agency.

5. State Carnot theorem.

It states that no heat engine operating in a cycle between two constant
temperatureheat reservoirs can be more efficient than a reversible engine operating
between the samereservoirs.

6. State Carnot’s theorem.

No heat engine operating in a cyclic process between two fixed temperatures can
bemore efficient than a reversible engine operating between the same temperature

BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

7. What are the Corollaries of Carnot theorem?

a. In all reversible engine operating between the two given thermal reservoirs with
fixedtemperature, have the same efficiency.
b. The efficiency of any reversible heat engine operating between two reservoirs
isindependent of the nature of the working fluid and depends only on the
temperature of thereservoirs.

8. Define – PMM of second kind.

Perpetual motion machine of second kind draws heat continuously from single
reservoirand converts it into equivalent amount of work. Thus it gives 100%

9. What is the difference between a heat pump and a refrigerator?

Heat pump is a device which operating in cyclic process, maintains the temperature
of ahot body at a temperature higher than the temperature of surroundings.
A refrigerator is a device which operating in a cyclic process, maintains the
temperatureof a cold body at a temperature lower than the temperature of the

10. Define Heat pump.

A heat pump is a device, which is working in a cycle and transfers heat from
lowertemperature to higher temperature.

11. Define Heat engine.

Heat engine is a machine, which is used to convert the heat energy into
mechanicalwork in a cyclic process.

12. What is meant by heat engine?

A heat engine is a device which is used to convert the thermal energy into

13. What are the assumptions made on heat engine?

a. The source and sink are maintained at constant temperature.
b. The source and sink has infinite heat capacity.

14. Define the term COP?

Co-efficient of performance is defined as the ratio of heat extracted or rejected to
workinput.Heat extracted or rejected
COP = --------------------------------
Work input
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

15. Write the expression for COP of a heat pump and a refrigerator?
COP of heat pump
Heat Supplied T2
COP HP = ------------------- = --------
Work input T2-T1
COP of Refrigerator
Heat extracted T1
COP HP = --------------- = --------
Work input T2-T1

16. What is the relation between COPHP and COP ref?

COPHP = COPref +1

17. Why Carnot cycle cannot be realized in practical?

a. In a Carnot cycle all the four processes are reversible but in actual practice there
is noprocess is reversible.
b. There are two processes to be carried out during compression and expansion.
Forisothermal process the piston moves very slowly and for adiabatic process the
piston movesas fast as possible. This speed variation during the same stroke of the
piston is not possible.
c. It is not possible to avoid friction moving parts completely.

18. Name two alternative methods by which the efficiency of a Carnot cycle
can be increased.
a. Efficiency can be increased as the higher temperature T2 increases.
b. Efficiency can be increased as the lower temperature T1 decreases.

19. Why a heat engine cannot have 100% efficiency?

For all the heat engines there will be a heat loss between system and surroundings.
Therefore we can’t convert all the heat input into useful work.

20. When will be the Carnot cycle efficiency is maximum?

Carnot cycle efficiency is maximum when the initial temperature is 0°K.

21. What are the processes involved in Carnot cycle.

Carnot cycle consist of
a. Reversible isothermal compression
b. Isentropic compression
c. Reversible isothermal expansion
d. Isentropic expansion
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

22. Write the expression for efficiency of the carnot cycle.

T2 – T1
n = ---------

23. What are the limitations of Carnot cycle?

a. No friction is considered for moving parts of the engine.
b. There should not be any heat loss.

24. What is meant by reversible process?

A reversible process is one, which is performed in such a way that at the
conclusion ofprocess, both system and surroundings may be restored to their initial
state, without producingany changes in rest of the universe.

25. What is meant by irreversible process?

The mixing of two substances and combustion also leads to irreversibility.
Allspontaneous process is irreversible.

26. What is absolute entropy?

The entropy measured for all perfect crystalline solids at absolute zero temperature
isknown as absolute entropy.

27. Explain entropy?

It is an important thermodynamic property of the substance. It is the measure
ofmolecular disorder. It is denoted by S. The measurement of change in entropy for
reversibleprocess is obtained by the quantity of heat received or rejected to
absolute temperature.

28. Define availability.

The maximum useful work obtained during a process in which the final condition
of thesystem is the same as that of the surrounding is called availability of the

29. Define available energy and unavailable energy.

Available energy is the maximum thermal useful work under ideal condition.
Theremaining part, which cannot be converted into work, is known as unavailable

BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers

30. Explain the term source and sink.

Source is a thermal reservoir, which supplies heat to the system and sink is a
thermalreservoir, which takes the heat from the system.

31. What do you understand by the entropy principle?

The entropy of an isolated system can never decrease. It always increases and
remainsconstant only when the process is reversible. This is known as principle of
increase in entropy orentropy principle.

32. What are the important characteristics of entropy?

a. If the heat is supplied to the system then the entropy will increase.
b. If the heat is rejected to the system then the entropy will decrease.
c. The entropy is constant for all adiabatic frictionless process.
d. The entropy increases if temperature of heat is lowered without work being done
as inthrottling process.
e. If the entropy is maximum, then there is a minimum availability for conversion
in towork.
f. If the entropy is minimum then there is a maximum availability for conversion
into work.


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