Engineering Thermodynamics 2 Marks
Engineering Thermodynamics 2 Marks
Engineering Thermodynamics 2 Marks
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers
36. when there is uniform pressure at all points of the system, then it is said to
be in .........Ans: Mechanical equilibrium
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers
65. What is the work done in a closed system in terms pressure and volume?
Workdone = Pdv.
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers
Zeroth law of thermodynamics states that when two systems are separately in
thermalequilibrium with a third system, then they themselves is in thermal
equilibrium with each other.
78. State the First law of thermodynamics
First law of thermodynamics states that when system undergoes a cyclic process
the netheat transfer is equal to work transfer.
79. What are the limitations of first law of thermodynamics?
a. According to first law of thermodynamics heat and work are mutually
convertible during anycycle of a closed system. But this law does not specify the
possible conditions under which
the heat is converted into work.
b. According to the first law of thermodynamics it is impossible to transfer heat
from lowertemperature to higher temperature.
c. It does not give any information regarding change of state or whether the process
ispossible or not.
d. The law does not specify the direction of heat and work.
80. Define the term enthalpy?
The Combination of internal energy and flow energy is known as enthalpy of the
system.It may also be defined as the total heat of the substanceMathematically,
Enthalpy (H) = U + pv ……..KJ
Where, U – internal energyp – Pressurev – Volume
In terms of Cp & T → H = mCp (T2-T1) ……… KJ
81. Define the term internal energy
Internal energy of a gas is the energy stored in a gas due to its molecular
interactions. Itis also defined as the energy possessed by a gas at a given
82. Define Heat.
Heat is the energy crossing the boundary due to the temperature difference
betweenthe system and surroundings.
83. What is meant by thermodynamic work?
It is the work done by the system when the energy transferred across the boundary
ofthe system. It is mainly due to intensive property difference between the system
84. Define Specific heat capacity at constant pressure.
It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise or lower the temperature
ofunit mass of the substance through one degree when the pressure kept constant.
It is denotedby Cp.
85. Define Specific heat capacity at constant volume.
It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise or lower the temperature
ofunit mass of the substance through one degree when volume kept constant.
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers
98. If in the equation PVn = C, the value of n = then the process is called
Constant Volume process
104. Prove that for an isolated system, there is no change in internal energy.
In isolated system there is no interaction between the system and the
surroundings.There is no mass transfer and energy transfer.
According to first law of thermodynamics as
dQ = dU + dW; dU = dQ - dW; dQ = 0, dW = 0,
Therefore dU = 0 by integrating the above equation U = constant, therefore the
internalenergy is constant for isolated system.
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers
106. What is the difference between steady flow and non – flow process?
During the steady flow process the rate of flow of mass and energy across the
boundaryremains constant.In case of non – flow across the system and boundary.
1. State the Kelvin – Plank statement of second law of thermodynamics
Kelvin – Plank states that it is impossible to construct a heat engine working on
cyclicprocess, whose only purpose is to convert all the heat energy given to it into
an equal amount ofwork.
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers
15. Write the expression for COP of a heat pump and a refrigerator?
COP of heat pump
Heat Supplied T2
COP HP = ------------------- = --------
Work input T2-T1
COP of Refrigerator
Heat extracted T1
COP HP = --------------- = --------
Work input T2-T1
18. Name two alternative methods by which the efficiency of a Carnot cycle
can be increased.
a. Efficiency can be increased as the higher temperature T2 increases.
b. Efficiency can be increased as the lower temperature T1 decreases.
BASIC ENGG. THERMODYNAMICS : Questions and Answers