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Kech106 PDF
* We could have chosen only the reactants as system then walls of the beakers will act as boundary.
One way: We do some mechanical work, say the route taken. Volume of water in a pond,
1 kJ, by rotating a set of small paddles and for example, is a state function, because
thereby churning water. Let the new state be change in volume of its water is independent
called B state and its temperature, as TB. It is of the route by which water is filled in the
found that T B > T A and the change in pond, either by rain or by tubewell or by both.
temperature, ∆T = T B–TA. Let the internal (b) Heat
energy of the system in state B be UB and the
We can also change the internal energy of a
change in internal energy, ∆U =UB– UA.
system by transfer of heat from the
Second way: We now do an equal amount (i.e., surroundings to the system or vice-versa
1kJ) electrical work with the help of an without expenditure of work. This exchange
immersion rod and note down the temperature of energy, which is a result of temperature
change. We find that the change in temperature difference is called heat, q. Let us consider
is same as in the earlier case, say, TB – TA. bringing about the same change in temperature
(the same initial and final states as before in
In fact, the experiments in the above
section 6.1.4 (a) by transfer of heat through
manner were done by J. P. Joule between
thermally conducting walls instead of
1840–50 and he was able to show that a given
adiabatic walls (Fig. 6.4).
amount of work done on the system, no matter
how it was done (irrespective of path) produced
the same change of state, as measured by the
change in the temperature of the system.
So, it seems appropriate to define a
quantity, the internal energy U, whose value
is characteristic of the state of a system,
whereby the adiabatic work, wad required to
bring about a change of state is equal to the
difference between the value of U in one state
and that in another state, ∆U i.e.,
∆U = U 2 − U 1 = w ad
Fig. 6.4 A system which allows heat transfer
Therefore, internal energy, U, of the system
through its boundary.
is a state function.
By conventions of IUPAC in chemical We take water at temperature, TA in a
thermodynamics. The positive sign expresses container having thermally conducting walls,
that wad is positive when work is done on the say made up of copper and enclose it in a huge
system and the internal energy of system heat reservoir at temperature, TB. The heat
increases. Similarly, if the work is done by the absorbed by the system (water), q can be
system,wad will be negative because internal measured in terms of temperature difference ,
energy of the system decreases. TB – TA. In this case change in internal energy,
∆U= q, when no work is done at constant
Can you name some other familiar state
functions? Some of other familiar state
functions are V, p, and T. For example, if we By conventions of IUPAC in chemical
bring a change in temperature of the system thermodynamics. The q is positive, when
from 25°C to 35°C, the change in temperature heat is transferred from the surroundings to
is 35°C–25°C = +10°C, whether we go straight the system and the internal energy of the
up to 35°C or we cool the system for a few system increases and q is negative when
degrees, then take the system to the final heat is transferred from system to the
temperature. Thus, T is a state function and surroundings resulting in decrease of the
the change in temperature is independent of internal energy of the system..
* Earlier negative sign was assigned when the work is done on the system and positive sign when the work is done by the
system. This is still followed in physics books, although IUPAC has recommended the use of new sign convention.
be achieved in a single step and the final If the pressure is not constant but changes
volume be Vf . During this compression, during the process such that it is always
suppose piston moves a distance, l and is infinitesimally greater than the pressure of the
cross-sectional area of the piston is A gas, then, at each stage of compression, the
[Fig. 6.5(a)]. volume decreases by an infinitesimal amount,
then, volume change = l × A = ∆V = (Vf – Vi ) dV. In such a case we can calculate the work
done on the gas by the relation
We also know, pressure = Vf
Therefore, force on the piston = pex . A
w=− ∫p
ex dV ( 6.3)
If w is the work done on the system by Here, pex at each stage is equal to (pin + dp) in
movement of the piston then case of compression [Fig. 6.5(c)]. In an
w = force × distance = pex . A .l expansion process under similar conditions,
= pex . (–∆V) = – pex ∆V = – pex (Vf – Vi ) (6.2) the external pressure is always less than the
pressure of the system i.e., pex = (pin– dp). In
The negative sign of this expression is
general case we can write, pex = (pin + dp). Such
required to obtain conventional sign for w,
processes are called reversible processes.
which will be positive. It indicates that in case
A process or change is said to be
of compression work is done on the system.
reversible, if a change is brought out in
Here (Vf – Vi ) will be negative and negative
such a way that the process could, at any
multiplied by negative will be positive. Hence
moment, be reversed by an infinitesimal
the sign obtained for the work will be positive.
change. A reversible process proceeds
If the pressure is not constant at every
infinitely slowly by a series of equilibrium
stage of compression, but changes in number
states such that system and the
of finite steps, work done on the gas will be
surroundings are always in near
summed over all the steps and will be equal
equilibrium with each other. Processes
to − ∑ p ∆V [Fig. 6.5 (b)]
other than reversible processes are known Isothermal and free expansion of an
as irreversible processes. ideal gas
In chemistry, we face problems that can For isothermal (T = constant) expansion of an
be solved if we relate the work term to the ideal gas into vacuum ; w = 0 since pex = 0.
internal pressure of the system. We can Also, Joule determined experimentally that
relate work to internal pressure of the system q = 0; therefore, ∆U = 0
under reversible conditions by writing Equation 6.1, ∆ U = q + w can be
equation 6.3 as follows: expressed for isothermal irreversible and
Vf Vf reversible changes as follows:
w rev = − ∫p
ex dV = − ∫ (p
in ± dp ) dV 1. For isothermal irreversible change
q = – w = pex (Vf – Vi )
Since dp × dV is very small we can write 2. For isothermal reversible change
w rev = − ∫ pin dV (6.4) q = – w = nRT ln V
Vi i
or ∆U = ∆H – ∆n g RT , substituting the
values, we get
∆U = 41.00 kJ mol −1 − 1
× 8.3 J mol −1K −1 × 373 K
= 41.00 kJ mol-1 – 3.096 kJ mol-1 Fig. 6.6 (b) Partition, each part having half the
= 37.904 kJ mol–1 volume of the gas
at constant pressure as qp = C p ∆T = ∆H
The difference between Cp and CV can be
derived for an ideal gas as:
For a mole of an ideal gas, ∆H = ∆U + ∆(pV )
= ∆U + ∆(RT )
= ∆U + R∆T
∴ ∆H = ∆U + R ∆T (6.12)
On putting the values of ∆H and ∆U,
we have
C p ∆T = CV ∆T + R∆T
C p = CV + R
Cp – CV = R (6.13) Fig. 6.7 Bomb calorimeter
(b) ∆H Measurements
of the bomb calorimeter is 20.7kJ/K,
Measurement of heat change at constant pressure what is the enthalpy change for the above
(generally under atmospheric pressure) can be reaction at 298 K and 1 atm?
done in a calorimeter shown in Fig. 6.8. We know
that ∆Η = qp (at constant p) and, therefore, heat
absorbed or evolved, qp at constant pressure is Suppose q is the quantity of heat from the
also called the heat of reaction or enthalpy of reaction mixture and CV is the heat capacity
reaction, ∆rH. of the calorimeter, then the quantity of heat
absorbed by the calorimeter.
In an exothermic reaction, heat is evolved,
q = CV × ∆T
and system loses heat to the surroundings.
Therefore, qp will be negative and ∆rH will also Quantity of heat from the reaction will
be negative. Similarly in an endothermic have the same magnitude but opposite
reaction, heat is absorbed, qp is positive and sign because the heat lost by the system
∆rH will be positive. (reaction mixture) is equal to the heat
gained by the calorimeter.
q = − CV × ∆T = − 20.7 kJ/K × (299 − 298) K
= − 20.7 kJ
(Here, negative sign indicates the
exothermic nature of the reaction)
Thus, ∆U for the combustion of the 1g of
graphite = – 20.7 kJK–1
For combustion of 1 mol of graphite,
coefficients of the products and reactants ethanol at 298 K is pure liquid ethanol at
respectively in the balanced chemical 1 bar; standard state of solid iron at 500 K is
equation. For example, for the reaction pure iron at 1 bar. Usually data are taken
CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 2H2O (l) at 298 K.
∆r H = ∑ a i H Pr oducts − ∑ bi H reac tan ts Standard conditions are denoted by adding
i i
= [Hm (CO2 ,g) + 2Hm (H2O, l)]– [Hm (CH4 , g) the superscript 0 to the symbol ∆H, e.g., ∆H0
+ 2Hm (O2, g)] (b) Enthalpy Changes during Phase
where Hm is the molar enthalpy. Transformations
Enthalpy change is a very useful quantity. Phase transformations also involve energy
Knowledge of this quantity is required when
changes. Ice, for example, requires heat for
one needs to plan the heating or cooling
melting. Normally this melting takes place at
required to maintain an industrial chemical
constant pressure (atmospheric pressure) and
reaction at constant temperature. It is also
during phase change, temperature remains
required to calculate temperature dependence
constant (at 273 K).
of equilibrium constant.
H2O(s) → H2O(l); ∆fusH = 6.00 kJ moI–1
(a) Standard Enthalpy of Reactions 0
Here ∆fusH is enthalpy of fusion in standard
Enthalpy of a reaction depends on the
state. If water freezes, then process is reversed
conditions under which a reaction is carried
and equal amount of heat is given off to the
out. It is, therefore, necessary that we must
specify some standard conditions. The
standard enthalpy of reaction is the The enthalpy change that accompanies
enthalpy change for a reaction when all melting of one mole of a solid substance
the participating substances are in their in standard state is called standard
standard states. enthalpy of fusion or molar enthalpy of
The standard state of a substance at a fusion, ∆fusH 0.
specified temperature is its pure form at Melting of a solid is endothermic, so all
1 bar. For example, the standard state of liquid enthalpies of fusion are positive. Water requires
∆f H ) at 298K of a
Table 6.2 Standard Molar Enthalpies of Formation (∆
Few Selected Substances
H2(g) + ½O2 (g) → H2O(1); Here, we can make use of standard enthalpy
∆f H = –285.8 kJ mol
0 –1 of formation and calculate the enthalpy
change for the reaction. The following general
C (graphite, s) + 2H2(g) → Ch4 (g); equation can be used for the enthalpy change
∆f H0 = –74.81 kJ mol–1 calculation.
2C (graphite, s)+3H2 (g)+ ½O2(g) → C2H5OH(1); ∆rH0 = ∑ ai ∆f H0 (products) – ∑ bi ∆f H0 (reactants)
∆f H0 = – 277.7kJ mol–1
i i
It is important to understand that a where a and b represent the coefficients of the
standard molar enthalpy of formation, ∆f H ,
0 products and reactants in the balanced
0 equation. Let us apply the above equation for
is just a special case of ∆rH , where one mole
decomposition of calcium carbonate. Here,
of a compound is formed from its constituent
coefficients ‘a’ and ‘b’ are 1 each. Therefore,
elements, as in the above three equations,
where 1 mol of each, water, methane and ∆rH0 = ∆f H0 = [CaO(s)]+ ∆f H0 [CO2(g)]
ethanol is formed. In contrast, the enthalpy – ∆f H0 = [CaCO3(s)]
change for an exothermic reaction: =1 (–635.1 kJ mol–1) + 1(–393.5 kJ mol–1)
CaO(s) + CO2(g) → CaCo3(s); –1(–1206.9 kJ mol–1)
∆rH0 = – 178.3kJ mol–1 = 178.3 kJ mol–1
is not an enthalpy of formation of calcium Thus, the decomposition of CaCO3 (s) is an
carbonate, since calcium carbonate has been endothermic process and you have to heat it
formed from other compounds, and not from for getting the desired products.
its constituent elements. Also, for the reaction (d) Thermochemical Equations
given below, enthalpy change is not standard A balanced chemical equation together with
enthalpy of formation, ∆fH for HBr(g). the value of its ∆rH is called a thermochemical
H2(g) + Br2(l) → 2HBr(g); equation. We specify the physical state
∆r H0 = – 178.3kJ mol–1 (alongwith allotropic state) of the substance in
Here two moles, instead of one mole of the an equation. For example:
product is formed from the elements, i.e., . C2H5OH(l) + 3O2(g) → 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(l);
∆r H0 = 2∆f H0
∆rH0 = – 1367 kJ mol–1
Therefore, by dividing all coefficients in the
The above equation describes the
balanced equation by 2, expression for
combustion of liquid ethanol at constant
enthalpy of formation of HBr (g) is written as
temperature and pressure. The negative sign
½H2(g) + ½Br2(1) → HBr(g); of enthalpy change indicates that this is an
∆f H0 = – 36.4 kJ mol–1 exothermic reaction.
Standard enthalpies of formation of some
common substances are given in Table 6.2. It would be necessary to remember the
By convention, standard enthalpy for following conventions regarding thermo-
formation, ∆f H 0, of an element in reference chemical equations.
state, i.e., its most stable state of aggregation 1. The coefficients in a balanced thermo-
is taken as zero. chemical equation refer to the number of
Suppose, you are a chemical engineer and moles (never molecules) of reactants and
want to know how much heat is required to products involved in the reaction.
decompose calcium carbonate to lime and 0
2. The numerical value of ∆rH refers to the
carbon dioxide, with all the substances in their number of moles of substances specified
standard state. by an equation. Standard enthalpy change
CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g); ∆r H0 = ? 0
∆rH will have units as kJ mol–1.
To illustrate the concept, let us consider (e) Hess’s Law of Constant Heat
the calculation of heat of reaction for the Summation
following reaction : We know that enthalpy is a state function,
therefore the change in enthalpy is
Fe2 O3 (s ) + 3H2 ( g ) → 2Fe ( s) + 3H2 O ( l ) ,
independent of the path between initial state
From the Table (6.2) of standard enthalpy of (reactants) and final state (products). In other
formation (∆f H 0), we find : words, enthalpy change for a reaction is the
∆f H 0 (H2O,l) = –285.83 kJ mol–1; same whether it occurs in one step or in a
series of steps. This may be stated as follows
∆f H 0 (Fe2O3,s) = – 824.2 kJ mol–1;
in the form of Hess’s Law.
Also ∆f H 0 (Fe, s) = 0 and
If a reaction takes place in several steps
∆f H 0 (H2, g) = 0 as per convention then its standard reaction enthalpy is the
Then, sum of the standard enthalpies of the
∆f H 10 = 3(–285.83 kJ mol–1) intermediate reactions into which the
overall reaction may be divided at the same
– 1(– 824.2 kJ mol–1)
= (–857.5 + 824.2) kJ mol–1
Let us understand the importance of this
= –33.3 kJ mol–1 law with the help of an example.
Note that the coefficients used in these Consider the enthalpy change for the
calculations are pure numbers, which are reaction
equal to the respective stoichiometric
coefficients. The unit for ∆ r H
is 1
C (graphite,s) + O (g) → CO (g); ∆r H 0 = ?
kJ mol , which means per mole of reaction. 2 2
Once we balance the chemical equation in a Although CO(g) is the major product, some
particular way, as above, this defines the mole CO2 gas is always produced in this reaction.
of reaction. If we had balanced the equation Therefore, we cannot measure enthalpy change
differently, for example, for the above reaction directly. However, if we
1 3 3 can find some other reactions involving related
Fe2 O3 (s ) + H2 ( g ) → Fe ( s) + H 2O ( l ) species, it is possible to calculate the enthalpy
2 2 2
change for the above reaction.
then this amount of reaction would be one
0 Let us consider the following reactions:
mole of reaction and ∆rH would be
C (graphite,s) + O2 (g) → CO2 (g);
∆f H 20 = (–285.83 kJ mol–1) ∆r H 0 = – 393.5 kJ mol–1 (i)
1 1
– (–824.2 kJ mol–1) CO (g) + O (g) → CO2 (g)
2 2 2
= (– 428.7 + 412.1) kJ mol–1 ∆r H 0 = – 283.0 kJ mol–1 (ii)
= –16.6 kJ mol–1 = ½ ∆r H 10 We can combine the above two reactions
It shows that enthalpy is an extensive quantity. in such a way so as to obtain the desired
reaction. To get one mole of CO(g) on the right,
3. When a chemical equation is reversed, the
0 we reverse equation (ii). In this, heat is
value of ∆rH is reversed in sign. For
example absorbed instead of being released, so we
change sign of ∆rH value
N2(g) + 3H2 (g) → 2NH3 (g);
∆r H 0 = – 91.8 kJ. mol–1 1
CO2 (g) → CO (g) + O (g);
2NH3(g) → N2(g) + 3H2 (g); 2 2
∆r H 0 = + 91.8 kJ mol–1 ∆r H 0 = + 283.0 kJ mol–1 (iii)
Adding equation (i) and (iii), we get the Similarly, combustion of glucose gives out
desired equation, 2802.0 kJ/mol of heat, for which the overall
equation is :
C (graphite, s) + O2 ( g ) → CO ( g ) ; C6 H12 O6 ( g ) + 6O2 ( g ) → 6CO2 ( g ) + 6H 2 O(1);
∆C H 0 = – 2802.0 kJ mol–1
for which ∆r H 0
= (– 393.5 + 283.0)
Our body also generates energy from food
= – 110.5 kJ mol–1 by the same overall process as combustion,
In general, if enthalpy of an overall reaction although the final products are produced after
A→B along one route is ∆rH and ∆rH1, ∆rH2, a series of complex bio-chemical reactions
∆rH3..... representing enthalpies of reactions involving enzymes.
leading to same product, B along another
Problem 6.9
route,then we have
The combustion of one mole of benzene
∆rH = ∆rH1 + ∆rH2 + ∆rH3 ... (6.16)
takes place at 298 K and 1 atm. After
It can be represented as: combustion, CO2(g) and H2O (1) are
produced and 3267.0 kJ of heat is
∆rH liberated. Calculate the standard
A B 0
enthalpy of formation, ∆f H of benzene.
∆H1 ∆rH3 Standard enthalpies of formation of
CO2(g) and H2 O(l) are –393.5 kJ mol–1
∆rH2 and – 285.83 kJ mol–1 respectively.
CH4(g) → CH3(g)+H(g);∆bond H0 = +427 kJ mol–1 given in Table 6.3. The reaction enthalpies are
CH3(g) → CH2(g)+H(g);∆bond H = +439 kJ mol
0 –1 very important quantities as these arise from
the changes that accompany the breaking of
CH2(g) → CH(g)+H(g);∆bond H0 = +452 kJ mol–1 old bonds and formation of the new bonds.
CH(g) → C(g)+H(g);∆bond H0 = +347 kJ mol–1 We can predict enthalpy of a reaction in gas
Therefore, phase, if we know different bond enthalpies.
The standard enthalpy of reaction, ∆rH0 is
CH4(g) → C(g)+4H(g);∆a H0 = 1665 kJ mol–1 related to bond enthalpies of the reactants and
In such cases we use mean bond enthalpy products in gas phase reactions as:
of C – H bond.
For example in CH4, ∆C–HH is calculated as: ∆r H 0 = ∑ bond enthalpiesreactants
∆C–HH = ¼ (∆a H0) = ¼ (1665 kJ mol–1) − ∑ bond enthalpies products
= 416 kJ mol–1 (6.17)**
We find that mean C–H bond enthalpy in This relationship is particularly more
methane is 416 kJ/mol. It has been found that useful when the required values of ∆f H0 are
mean C–H bond enthalpies differ slightly from not available. The net enthalpy change of a
compound to compound, as in reaction is the amount of energy required to
CH3CH2Cl,CH3NO2, etc, but it does not differ break all the bonds in the reactant molecules
in a great deal*. Using Hess’s law, bond minus the amount of energy required to break
enthalpies can be calculated. Bond enthalpy all the bonds in the product molecules.
values of some single and multiple bonds are Remember that this relationship is
Table 6.3(a) Some Mean Single Bond Enthalpies in kJ mol at 298 K
H C N O F Si P S Cl Br I
435.8 414 389 464 569 293 318 339 431 368 297 H
347 293 351 439 289 264 259 330 276 238 C
159 201 272 - 209 - 201 243 - N
138 184 368 351 - 205 - 201 O
155 540 490 327 255 197 - F
176 213 226 360 289 213 Si
213 230 331 272 213 P
213 251 213 - S
243 218 209 Cl
192 180 Br
151 I
Table 6.3(b) Some Mean Multiple Bond Enthalpies in kJ mol at 298 K
* Note that symbol used for bond dissociation enthalpy and mean bond enthalpy is the same.
** If we use enthalpy of bond formation, (∆f H bond
0 ), which is the enthalpy change when one mole of a particular type of
bond is formed from gaseous atom, then ∆f H 0 = ∑ ∆f H 0 bonds of products – ∑ ∆f H 0 bonds of reactants
+ − + −
5. Na ( g ) + Cl ( g ) → Na Cl ( s )
Fig. 6.9 Enthalpy diagram for lattice enthalpy The sequence of steps is shown in Fig. 6.9,
of NaCl and is known as a Born-Haber cycle. The
importance of the cycle is that, the sum of The enthalpy of solution of AB(s), ∆solH , in
the enthalpy changes round a cycle is water is, therefore, determined by the selective
zero. A p p l y i n g H e s s ’ s l a w , w e g e t , values of the lattice enthalpy,∆latticeH and
∆latticeH = 411.2 + 108.4 + 121 + 496 – 348.6 enthalpy of hydration of ions, ∆hydH as
0 0 0
0 ∆sol H = ∆latticeH + ∆hydH
∆latticeH = + 788kJ 0
For most of the ionic compounds, ∆sol H is
for NaCl(s) d Na+(g) + Cl–(g)
positive and the dissociation process is
Internal energy is smaller by 2RT ( because endothermic. Therefore the solubility of most
∆ng = 2) and is equal to + 783 kJ mol–1. salts in water increases with rise of
Now we use the value of lattice enthalpy to temperature. If the lattice enthalpy is very
calculate enthalpy of solution from the high, the dissolution of the compound may not
expression: take place at all. Why do many fluorides tend
0 0 0 to be less soluble than the corresponding
∆solH = ∆latticeH + ∆hydH
chlorides? Estimates of the magnitudes of
For one mole of NaCl(s),
enthalpy changes may be made by using tables
lattice enthalpy = + 788 kJ mol–1
0 of bond energies (enthalpies) and lattice
and ∆hydH = – 784 kJ mol –1( from the
energies (enthalpies).
∆sol H = + 788 kJ mol –1 – 784 kJ mol –1 (f) Enthalpy of Dilution
= + 4 kJ mol–1 It is known that enthalpy of solution is the
The dissolution of NaCl(s) is accompanied enthalpy change associated with the addition
by very little heat change. of a specified amount of solute to the specified
amount of solvent at a constant temperature
(e) Enthalpy of Solution (symbol : ∆solH0 )
and pressure. This argument can be applied
Enthalpy of solution of a substance is the to any solvent with slight modification.
enthalpy change when one mole of it dissolves Enthalpy change for dissolving one mole of
in a specified amount of solvent. The enthalpy gaseous hydrogen chloride in 10 mol of water
of solution at infinite dilution is the enthalpy can be represented by the following equation.
change observed on dissolving the substance For convenience we will use the symbol aq. for
in an infinite amount of solvent when the water
interactions between the ions (or solute
molecules) are negligible. HCl(g) + 10 aq. → HCl.10 aq.
When an ionic compound dissolves in a ∆H = –69.01 kJ / mol
solvent, the ions leave their ordered positions on Let us consider the following set of enthalpy
the crystal lattice. These are now more free in changes:
solution. But solvation of these ions (hydration
(S-1) HCl(g) + 25 aq. → HCl.25 aq.
in case solvent is water) also occurs at the same
∆H = –72.03 kJ / mol
time. This is shown diagrammatically, for an
ionic compound, AB (s) (S-2) HCl(g) + 40 aq. → HCl.40 aq.
∆H = –72.79 kJ / mol
(S-3) HCl(g) + ∞ aq. → HCl. ∞ aq.
∆H = –74.85 kJ / mol
The values of ∆H show general dependence
of the enthalpy of solution on amount of solvent.
As more and more solvent is used, the enthalpy
of solution approaches a limiting value, i.e, the
value in infinitely dilute solution. For
hydrochloric acid this value of ∆H is given
above in equation (S-3).
If we subtract the first equation (equation between them, it is at an extremely slow rate.
S-1) from the second equation (equation S-2) It is still called spontaneous reaction. So
in the above set of equations, we obtain– spontaneity means ‘having the potential to
HCl.25 aq. + 15 aq. → HCl.40 aq. proceed without the assistance of external
∆H = [ –72.79 – (–72.03)] kJ / mol agency’. However, it does not tell about the
= – 0.76 kJ / mol rate of the reaction or process. Another aspect
of spontaneous reaction or process, as we see
This value (–0.76kJ/mol) of ∆H is enthalpy
is that these cannot reverse their direction on
of dilution. It is the heat withdrawn from the
their own. We may summarise it as follows:
surroundings when additional solvent is
added to the solution. The enthalpy of dilution A spontaneous process is an
of a solution is dependent on the original irreversible process and may only be
concentration of the solution and the amount reversed by some external agency.
of solvent added. (a) Is Decrease in Enthalpy a Criterion
for Spontaneity ?
If we examine the phenomenon like flow of
The first law of thermodynamics tells us about
water down hill or fall of a stone on to the
the relationship between the heat absorbed
ground, we find that there is a net decrease in
and the work performed on or by a system. It
potential energy in the direction of change. By
puts no restrictions on the direction of heat
analogy, we may be tempted to state that a
flow. However, the flow of heat is unidirectional
chemical reaction is spontaneous in a given
from higher temperature to lower
direction, because decrease in energy has
temperature. In fact, all naturally occurring
taken place, as in the case of exothermic
processes whether chemical or physical will
reactions. For example:
tend to proceed spontaneously in one
direction only. For example, a gas expanding 1 3
to fill the available volume, burning carbon N2(g) + H2(g) = NH3(g) ;
2 2
in dioxygen giving carbon dioxide. 0
∆r H = – 46.1 kJ mol–1
But heat will not flow from colder body to
1 1
warmer body on its own, the gas in a container H2(g) + Cl2(g) = HCl (g) ;
will not spontaneously contract into one 2 2
corner or carbon dioxide will not form carbon ∆r H0 = – 92.32 kJ mol–1
and dioxygen spontaneously. These and many 1
other spontaneously occurring changes show H2(g) + O (g) → H2O(l) ;
2 2
unidirectional change. We may ask ‘what is the 0
∆r H = –285.8 kJ mol–1
driving force of spontaneously occurring
The decrease in enthalpy in passing from
changes ? What determines the direction of a
reactants to products may be shown for any
spontaneous change ? In this section, we shall
exothermic reaction on an enthalpy diagram
establish some criterion for these processes
as shown in Fig. 6.10(a).
whether these will take place or not.
Thus, the postulate that driving force for a
Let us first understand what do we mean
chemical reaction may be due to decrease in
by spontaneous reaction or change ? You may
energy sounds ‘reasonable’ as the basis of
think by your common observation that
evidence so far !
spontaneous reaction is one which occurs
immediately when contact is made between Now let us examine the following reactions:
the reactants. Take the case of combination of N (g) + O2(g) → NO2(g);
hydrogen and oxygen. These gases may be 2 2 0
∆r H = +33.2 kJ mol–1
mixed at room temperature and left for many
years without observing any perceptible C(graphite, s) + 2 S(l) → CS2(l);
change. Although the reaction is taking place ∆r H = +128.5 kJ mol–1
( )
∆Stotal ∆Ssys + ∆Ssurr . For calculating ∴ ∆G sys = ∆H sys − T ∆Ssys
∆S surr, we have to consider the heat Usually the subscript ‘system’ is dropped
absorbed by the surroundings which is and we simply write this equation as
equal to – ∆rH . At temperature T, entropy
∆G = ∆H − T ∆S (6.21)
change of the surroundings is
Thus, Gibbs energy change = enthalpy
change – temperature × entropy change, and
is referred to as the Gibbs equation, one of the
( −1648 ×10 3
J mol −1 ) most important equations in chemistry. Here,
we have considered both terms together for
298 K spontaneity: energy (in terms of ∆H) and
= 5530 JK–1mol–1 entropy (∆S, a measure of disorder) as
indicated earlier. Dimensionally if we analyse,
Thus, total entropy change for this
we find that ∆G has units of energy because,
both ∆H and the T∆S are energy terms, since
∆r Stotal = 5530 JK –1mol –1 + T∆S = (K) (J/K) = J.
( −549.4 JK –1
mol –1 ) Now let us consider how ∆G is related to
reaction spontaneity.
it permits the calculation of absolute values proceed with a decrease in free energy, which
of entropy of pure substance from thermal seems impossible. It is possible only if at
data alone. For a pure substance, this can be equilibrium the free energy of the system is
q minimum. If it is not, the system would
done by summing rev increments from 0 K spontaneously change to configuration of
lower free energy.
to 298 K. Standard entropies can be used to
calculate standard entropy changes by a So, the criterion for equilibrium
A + B l C + D ; is
Hess’s law type of calculation.
∆rG = 0
6.7 GIBBS ENERGY CHANGE AND Gibbs energy for a reaction in which all
EQUILIBRIUM reactants and products are in standard state,
We have seen how a knowledge of the sign and ∆rG is related to the equilibrium constant of
magnitude of the free energy change of a the reaction as follows:
chemical reaction allows: 0 = ∆rG + RT ln K
(i) Prediction of the spontaneity of the or ∆rG = – RT ln K
chemical reaction. 0
or ∆rG = – 2.303 RT log K (6.23)
(ii) Prediction of the useful work that could We also know that
be extracted from it. (6.24)
So far we have considered free energy For strongly endothermic reactions, the
changes in irreversible reactions. Let us now 0
value of ∆rH may be large and positive. In
examine the free energy changes in reversible such a case, value of K will be much smaller
reactions. than 1 and the reaction is unlikely to form
‘Reversible’ under strict thermodynamic much product. In case of exothermic
sense is a special way of carrying out a reactions, ∆rH0 is large and negative, and ∆rG0
process such that system is at all times in is likely to be large and negative too. In such
perfect equilibrium with its surroundings. cases, K will be much larger than 1. We may
When applied to a chemical reaction, the expect strongly exothermic reactions to have
term ‘reversible’ indicates that a given a large K, and hence can go to near
0 0
reaction can proceed in either direction completion. ∆rG also depends upon ∆rS , if
simultaneously, so that a dynamic the changes in the entropy of reaction is also
equilibrium is set up. This means that the taken into account, the value of K or extent
reactions in both the directions should of chemical reaction will also be affected,
Table 6.4 Effect of Temperature on Spontaneity of Reactions
0 0 0
∆rH ∆rS ∆rG Description*
* The term low temperature and high temperature are relative. For a particular reaction, high temperature could even
mean room temperature.
depending upon whether ∆rS is positive or
negative. ( –13.6 × 10 3
J mol –1 )
2.303 (8.314 JK ) (298 K )
= –1 –1
Using equation (6.24), mol
(i) It is possible to obtain an estimate of ∆G = 2.38
V 0
from the measurement of ∆H and ∆S , Hence K = antilog 2.38 = 2.4 × 102.
and then calculate K at any temperature
for economic yields of the products. Problem 6.14
(ii) If K is measured directly in the At 60°C, dinitrogen tetroxide is 50
laboratory, value of ∆G at any other per cent dissociated. Calculate the
temperature can be calculated. standard free energy change at this
Using equation (6.24), temperature and at one atmosphere.
N2O4(g) 2NO2(g)
Problem 6.12
If N 2O4 is 50% dissociated, the mole
Calculate ∆rG 0 for conversion of oxygen
fraction of both the substances is given
to ozone, 3/2 O2(g) → O3(g) at 298 K. if Kp
for this conversion is 2.47 × 10 –29. by
Solution 1 − 0.5 2 × 0.5
xN = : x NO2 =
We know ∆rG 0 = – 2.303 RT log Kp and
2 O4
1 + 0.5 1 + 0.5
R = 8.314 JK–1 mol–1
Therefore, ∆rG =
pN = × 1 atm, p NO =
2 O4 1.5 2
– 2.303 (8.314 J K–1 mol–1)
× (298 K) (log 2.47 × 10–29) 1
× 1 atm.
= 163000 J mol–1 1.5
= 163 kJ mol–1. The equilibrium constant Kp is given by
Problem 6.13
(p )
Find out the value of equilibrium constant NO2 1.5
Kp = =
for the following reaction at 298 K. p N 2O 4 (1.5)2 (0.5 )
= 1.33 atm.
0 Since
Standard Gibbs energy change, ∆rG at 0
the given temperature is –13.6 kJ mol–1. ∆rG = –RT ln Kp
Solution ∆rG = (– 8.314 JK–1 mol–1) × (333 K)
× (2.303) × (0.1239)
We know, log K = –1
= – 763.8 kJ mol
Thermodynamics deals with energy changes in chemical or physical processes and enables us
to study these changes quantitatively and to make useful predictions. For these purposes, we
divide the universe into the system and the surroundings. Chemical or physical processes
lead to evolution or absorption of heat (q), part of which may be converted into work (w). These
quantities are related through the first law of thermodynamics via ∆U = q + w. ∆U, change in
internal energy, depends on initial and final states only and is a state function, whereas q and
w depend on the path and are not the state functions. We follow sign conventions of q and w by
giving the positive sign to these quantities when these are added to the system. We can measure
the transfer of heat from one system to another which causes the change in temperature. The
magnitude of rise in temperature depends on the heat capacity (C) of a substance. Therefore,
heat absorbed or evolved is q = C∆T. Work can be measured by w = –pex∆V, in case of expansion
of gases. Under reversible process, we can put pex = p for infinitesimal changes in the volume
making wrev = – p dV. In this condition, we can use gas equation, pV = nRT.
At constant volume, w = 0, then ∆U = qV , heat transfer at constant volume. But in study of
chemical reactions, we usually have constant pressure. We define another state function
enthalpy. Enthalpy change, ∆H = ∆U + ∆ngRT, can be found directly from the heat changes at
constant pressure, ∆H = qp.
There are varieties of enthalpy changes. Changes of phase such as melting, vaporization
and sublimation usually occur at constant temperature and can be characterized by enthalpy
changes which are always positive. Enthalpy of formation, combustion and other enthalpy
changes can be calculated using Hess’s law. Enthalpy change for chemical reactions can be
determined by
∆r H = ∑ (a ∆
i f ) (
H products − ∑ bi ∆ f H reactions )
f i
NH2CN(g) + O (g) → N2(g) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
2 2
CH3OH (l) + O (g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) ; ∆rH 0 = –726 kJ mol–1
2 2
C(graphite) + O2(g) → CO2(g) ; ∆cH = –393 kJ mol–1
1 0
H2(g) + O (g) → H2O(l) ; ∆f H = –286 kJ mol–1.
2 2
6.15 Calculate the enthalpy change for the process
CCl4(g) → C(g) + 4 Cl(g)
and calculate bond enthalpy of C – Cl in CCl4(g).
∆vapH (CCl4) = 30.5 kJ mol–1.
∆fH (CCl4) = –135.5 kJ mol–1.
0 0
∆aH (C) = 715.0 kJ mol–1 , where ∆aH is enthalpy of atomisation
∆aH (Cl2) = 242 kJ mol–1
6.16 For an isolated system, ∆U = 0, what will be ∆S ?
6.17 For the reaction at 298 K,
2A + B → C
∆H = 400 kJ mol–1 and ∆S = 0.2 kJ K–1 mol–1
At what temperature will the reaction become spontaneous considering ∆H
and ∆S to be constant over the temperature range.
6.18 For the reaction,
2 Cl(g) → Cl2(g), what are the signs of ∆H and ∆S ?
6.19 For the reaction
2 A(g) + B(g) → 2D(g)
0 0
∆U = –10.5 kJ and ∆S = –44.1 JK–1.
Calculate ∆G for the reaction, and predict whether the reaction may occur
6.20 The equilibrium constant for a reaction is 10. What will be the value of ∆G ?
R = 8.314 JK–1 mol–1, T = 300 K.
6.21 Comment on the thermodynamic stability of NO(g), given
1 1 0
N (g) + O (g) → NO(g) ; ∆rH = 90 kJ mol–1
2 2 2 2
1 0
NO(g) + O (g) → NO2(g) : ∆rH = –74 kJ mol–1
2 2
6.22 Calculate the entropy change in surroundings when 1.00 mol of H2O(l) is formed
under standard conditions. ∆f H = –286 kJ mol–1.