Taiwan Panorama 2024 Feb
Taiwan Panorama 2024 Feb
Taiwan Panorama 2024 Feb
2024 中英文國外版
. 百百 款的 台灣 泡麵 . 海 廢新 演繹
Remembering Elephant
Trunk Rock
圖/文•莊坤儒 版面設計•馬英凱
新 岩」,因長期受海浪拍打 E lephant Trunk Rock was located at Shen’ao in New
Taipei City’s Ruifang Township. Sadly, due to erosion
caused by ocean waves and northeasterly monsoon winds,
象鼻部分在2023年12月16日 the sea arch that formed the elephant’s trunk fractured on
斷裂。這特殊地質景觀,只能 December 16, 2023. The spectacular scenery of this unusual
從照片裡重溫美好回憶。 geological formation now lives on only in photographs.
(photo and text by Kent Chuang/tr. by Phil Newell)
編人 的
編者 絮話語
為讓國內外讀者了解台灣精釀的酒類飲 此外,本期的「泡麵」專題,有當歸鴨、
出版者 光華畫報雜誌社 品,本期《光華》封面故事將帶讀者探訪台 麻油雞、藥燉排骨等食補風味的泡麵品項,
發 行 人/ 吳釗燮
Publisher: Jaushieh Joseph WU
社 長 / 徐詠梅 灣百花齊放的釀製產地,從充滿在地風味的 也有加入料理酒包的紹興肉燥拉麵、紹興櫻
Director: Catherine Y.M. HSU
總 編 輯/ 陳亮君
Editor-in-Chief: CHEN Liang-chun 啤酒、茶酒,到讓台灣成為國際威士忌新興 花蝦拌麵,以及許多國外遊客來台必吃的牛
主 編/ 曾蘭淑
Editor: Esther TSENG
文 稿 副 主 編 / 鄧慧純 郭美瑜
產區之台味威士忌,來一趟屬於台灣的酒鄉 肉麵口味……等,讓《光華》編採團隊跟讀
Deputy Editors: Cathy TENG, Mei KUO
文 字 編 輯/ 陳群芳 蘇俐穎 李雨莘 巡禮。 者一同品嚐台灣泡麵的好滋味,還有早期泡
Writers: CHEN Chun-fang, Lynn SU, Cindy LI
美 術 編 輯/ 蕭郢岑 馬英凱 劉俊良
Art Editors: HSIAO Ying-tsen, MA Ying-kai, 除了精釀酒品,另帶讀者走訪以海芋聞 麵的源頭及其歷史淵源,以及與「食」俱進
Lance LIU
攝影組召集人/ 莊坤儒
Photographic Coordinator: Kent CHUANG
名的陽明山竹子湖,除了賞海芋,這裡還是 的台灣泡麵文化。
攝 影 組 長/ 林格立
Photographic Director: Jimmy LIN 早期台灣蓬萊米的原產區,「……將稻穀倒 「我在填寫派駐地時,台北是唯一且優先
攝 影 編 輯/ 林旻萱
Photojournalist: LIN Min-hsuan
英 文 編 輯/ 陳瑩潔 唐樂榕 倪凱駿 人風斗中,右手轉動著風鼓手把,左手上 的選擇。」西班牙商務辦事處處長Eduardo
English Editors: Audrey CHEN, Robert TAYLOR,
Euba Aldape娓娓道來派駐來台三年多的心
日 文 編 輯/ 山口雪菜 施家騏 下搖晃著風鼓揠,稻穀便從風斗落入風穀箱
Japanese Editors: Yukina YAMAGUCHI,
Shila SHIH
印 尼 文 編 輯/ 陳德銘
……」看穀東俱樂部召集人陳永如帶民眾體 得與體驗,從台灣的人情味、美味小籠包、
Indonesian Editor: Temmy WIRYAWAN
越 南 文 編 輯/ 武秋香 驗碾米的過程,以及講述台灣蓬萊米的由來 自行車體驗,到僅需十分鐘就可到的登山步
Vietnamese Editor: VU Thu Huong
泰 文 編 輯/ 王玉雯
Thai Editor: WANG Yu-wen 與故事。 道,再再驚豔了這位來自西班牙的國際友
資深行政編輯/ 段蜀華
Senior Administrative Editor: DUAN Shu-hwa
社 群 編 輯/ 蕭淑憶
屬於在地產業的,還有嘉義東石鄉的廢蚵 人,更多的分享內容盡在本期「全球視野」
Social Media Editor: Dawa HSIAO
繩與漁網的循環再利用。「一綑一綑回收的 單元報導當中。
總 監 / 鍾宜蓉
Marketing Director: Carianne CHUNG
業 務 協 理/ 陳俊偉 漁網整齊地排列,另一端是切成段、等待進 而位於花蓮的支亞干遺址,自1929年首次
Deputy Manager: CHEN Jyun-wei
資 訊 部 主 任 / 卓宏基
Director of Information Systems: CHO Hung-chi 熔融爐的廢蚵繩……」如果以嘉義境內的牡 被日本博物學家鹿野忠雄發現以後,便一直
綜 合 服 務 組/ 李淑慧
General Affairs: S.H. LEE
蠣養殖面積估算,一年會產出可繞台灣十圈 受到考古界重視,可謂數千年前的國際玉器
的1,300公噸廢蚵繩,而這些廢料如何轉化並 工廠。看《光華》編採團隊親訪考古現地,
再製成環保絲,提供國際品牌大廠製成機能 藉由這台灣考古界的成果,串起玉器遺址、
衣等環保產品,在本期的「產業新創」單元 海洋貿易、南島語族等新石器時代的榮景,
當中,有詳細的報導內容。 以及還原台灣歷史上的重要片段。 l
Diverse and Innovative EDITOR’S NOTE
Local Industries
O ur Cover Story this month takes read and braised pork ribs with medicinal herbs, GPN: 2006500016 ISSN1991-525X
原刊名光華 Sinorama Magazine
ers on a journey to various micro as well as other options including pork ra 中華民國95年1月改為台灣光華雜誌
Taiwan Panorama
breweries, wineries and distilleries around men with Shaoxing wine, sakura shrimp dry SUBSCRIPTION RATES:
Taiwan. We explore the places where a noodles with Shaoxing wine, and beef noo Republic of China: NT$150 per copy,
NT$1500/year, NT$2600/2 years
diversity of alcoholic beverages are made— dle soup (a musttry for foreign visitors). For
Asia & Pacific Regions: US$40/year,
US$72/2 years by airmail
from beers and teabased drinks with local this story we sampled the delicious flavors
Elsewhere: US$45/year,
US$80/2 years by airmail
flavors to Taiwanesestyle whisky, which of Taiwanese instant noodles, and we trace 社址/中華民國台灣台北市100209中正區愛國西路
has put Taiwan on the map of international the origins and history of instant noodles
Address: 3F, No. 2, Aiguo W. Rd., Zhongzheng
area, famous for its calla lilies. Besides being ences for overseas postings, Taiwan was
傳真機/Fax: +886-2-2397-0655
a place for admiring flowers, Zhuzihu is the the only place I even listed.” Eduardo Euba 網址/http://www.taiwan-panorama.com/
place where Japonica rice was first grown Aldape, director general of the Spanish
E-mail: service@taiwan-panorama.com
in Taiwan. We see Chen Yongru, chairman Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, describes 著作權所有,本雜誌圖文非經同意不得轉載。
of the Zhuzihu Ponlai Rice Seed Field Club, what he has learned and experienced in the 如發現書頁有裝訂錯誤或污損事情,
lead people in getting handson experience threeplus years he has been stationed here. All rights reserved. Photos and articles may not
be reprinted without our permission.
of rice milling, and we tell the origin story Taiwan has delighted this friend from Spain If you wish to reprint any of our articles or
photographs, please contact our senior
of Japonica (a.k.a. Penglai or Ponlai) rice va with its warm and friendly people, delicious administrative editor.
Damaged or misbound copies returned to us will
rieties in Taiwan. xiaolongbao dumplings, bicycling experi be gladly replaced.
Another example of a local industry is ences, and mountain hiking trails that are
the recycling of oyster shellstring cords and only ten minutes from downtown.
discarded fishing nets in Chiayi’s Dongshi We also report on the Ciyakang heritage
Township. Based on the size of its oyster site in Hualien County. First discovered in
farms, Chiayi County alone is calculated to 1929 by Japanese naturalist Tadao Kano, it is
generate 1,300 metric tons of waste shell an important archaeological site featuring
string cords a year, enough to circle Taiwan an international jade production area dating 本刊物印刷油墨使用環保認證大豆油墨
ten times. We report on how this waste back thousands of years. We visit the site
material is turned into environmentally and use the findings of archaeologists to
friendly yarn used by international brands piece together a Neolithicera story of jade
in products such as technical clothing. mining and carving, maritime trade, and the
Our article on instant noodles features Austronesian speaking peoples, highlight
noodles paired with “tonic” ingredients, ing an important period in Taiwan’s past. l
such as dong quai duck, sesame oil chicken, (Chen Liang-chun/tr. by Phil Newell)
CONTENTS 中華民國113年2月 第49卷 第2期 Vol. 49 No. 2 February 2024
6 酒杯裡的台灣風土
A Glass of Good Cheer
—Taiwan’s Flourishing Drinks Industry
8 零到無限的釀造魔術秀
Brewing Up Endless Possibilities:
Craft Beers from Taiwan
文•李雨莘 圖•林格立
20 釀地瓜、稻米和甘蔗的酒
Sweet Potato, Rice, and Sugarcane:
Local Distillers Promote Taiwanese
文•李雨莘 圖•林旻萱
30 當茶遇見酒
When Tea Meets Alcohol:
A Fascinating Combination
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱
42 威士忌裡的台灣味
Whisky, Taiwan Style:
Kavalan and Omar
文•曾蘭淑 圖•莊坤儒、林格立
編者的話 來自地方的明信片
Editor’s Note Postcards from Home
72 「他」眼中的台灣
Eduardo Euba Aldape
Through Spanish Eyes:
A Diplomat’s View of Taiwan
文•李雨莘 圖•林旻萱
80 台灣奇「玉」記
Jade the Obscure:
The Prehistoric Workshops of Ciyakang
文•蘇俐穎 圖•莊坤儒
92 竹子湖不只有「花名」
More than Just Flowers
—Zhuzihu and the History of
Japonica Rice in Taiwan
文•郭美瑜 圖•莊坤儒
產業新創 Entrepreneurship
102 與「食」俱進,經典滋味
Tradition and Innovation:
The Protean Power of Instant Noodles
文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立
112 海廢新演繹
Marine Waste and the Circular Economy:
New Life for Shellstring Cords and
Fishing Nets
文•郭美瑜 圖•林格立
封 面 故 事
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
A Glass of Good Cheer
—Taiwan’s Flourishing
Drinks Industry
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
封 面 故 事
Microbrewers are using their creativity to combine craft beer, originally a Western drink, with Taiwanese
elements to produce a diverse array of products.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
Brewing Up
合,一路玩到添加台灣在地食材,打破限制,讓 Endless Possibilities:
Craft Beers from Taiwan
文•李雨莘 圖•林格立 版面設計•劉俊良
aiwan’s microbreweries, filled with a passion
for their craft, are continually trying out new
ideas and concepts. From rearranging and recom-
bining the four main raw materials they have ex-
可口,但水果入酒在國際上並不罕見,因此,如 tended their imaginations to add local Taiwanese
何讓水果與啤酒迸發出不同風貌,便是他們的首 ingredients. They have broken through barriers to
要課題。 enable craft beers to really “grow” in this land.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
從工廠外觀、l o g o設計,到團隊氣氛,都可以感受到酉鬼啤酒活潑、特立獨行的
You can feel the vitality and unique style of Ugly Half Beer from the appearance of their
brewery, the design of their logo, and the team spirit of their employees.
選擇了台灣人從小到大最熟 不只東方人著迷,飄洋過海後,也擄獲許多西方
悉的小包裝梅粉作為配件。 人的心,那何不將啤酒和茶湯結合呢?
那梅粉,怎麼搭配啤酒最合適 啤酒頭釀造從家釀起步,歷經吉普賽酒廠時
呢?王明易的答案是「都可以」。 期(形容沒有固定酒廠釀製啤酒的小型精釀啤酒
團隊原先設定飲用方式是調酒常見的 廠),直至2023年成立釀造觀光酒廠,總計七、
「鹽口杯」,讓人在品酒的同時,可以 八年的時間內,他們曾推出多款獨特的精釀啤
嚐到梅粉帶來的多重滋味,但她也分享,產 酒,引發許多話題,例如:原先是愚人節玩笑,
品推出後有許多消費者發揮創意,有人是一口 卻弄假成真的香菜啤酒;與餐飲集團合作,讓人
梅粉、一口啤酒,也有人選擇把梅粉直接混入酒 無法想像風味會是如何的青花椒啤酒。
中,各種方式全憑個人喜好,這也是團隊在發想 但真正讓啤酒頭聲名大噪的,其實是根據24節
時選擇保留下來的「空間」,如同不一定每個台 氣設計的系列啤酒。其中四個酒款以茶葉作為輔
灣人都會在吃芭樂時蘸梅粉,他們希望透過這樣 料,不但廣受台灣消費者喜愛,在國際更是獲獎
的小巧思,讓喝酒的人體驗到台灣民眾日常吃甘 無數,單「立秋」一支品項,總計就為啤酒頭贏
草芭樂的樂趣。 得七張啤酒賽事獎牌,當中包含堪稱精釀啤酒界
奧運級比賽的世界啤酒盃(World Beer Cup)。
另一個台灣人的日常,自然也不能忘記「喝 及英式IPA與之相似的熟果味,「立秋」將東西
茶」。小小一座島,孕育了百種茶葉,在這裡的 方的古老飲品,不論在歷史,或是氣味上完美融
每個人都能找到自己最愛的一盞茶。它的魅力, 合。而獲獎數緊追在後的「雨水」,背後也有啤
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
Guava Gose craft beer has a refreshing
taste that is enhanced by adding the
critical ingredient of plum powder.
goes down your throat becomes richer and denser. It per- plum powder? Wang Ming-yi’s answer is that “anything
fectly reproduces the sweet and sour taste of the popular goes.” Initially the team expected that people would
night-market treat of guava with licorice powder, creat- adopt the “salt-rimmed glass” method often used in
ing the illusion of drinking licorice-flavored guava juice. bartending, but with plum powder instead of salt.
“Guava dipped in plum powder is very much a down- However, she notes, after the product came out many
home Taiwanese snack,” says brewer Wang Ming-yi. Af- consumers came up with creative alternatives, with
ter the team at Ugly Half Beer decided to make this beer, some people taking a smidgen of plum powder on their
they tried many plum powders available in the market tongue followed by a mouthful of beer, and others opt-
in search of one whose flavor would most authentically ing to mix the plum powder directly into the beer. Such
match Taiwanese people’s collective memories of guava methods are based on individual preferences, for this is
with plum and licorice powder. Ultimately, they selected
a plum powder that comes in small packets, which is the
most familiar kind to Taiwanese, as the ideal accompa-
niment to their Guava Gose.
So what’s the best way to enoy Guava Gose beer with
As well as beers that are widely popular in the market, Ugly
Half Beer also continually comes out with rare and innovative
experimental beers, hoping to show more people the fun and
diverse side of beer brewing.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
的故事。 酒」。兩支酒皆使用金棗蜜餞入酒,並分別佐
Taiwan Head Brewers cofounder Ray Sung tells us the complex
story of the connections between tea and beer.
酒頭釀酒師們的精細設計。 以麻油雞、薑母鴨為例,中藥入菜對多數台
釀酒師宋培弘和我們細細拆解其中玄妙。首 灣民眾來說是日常,使用米酒等蒸餾酒釀製藥
將這兩種元素結合在一起後,讓「雨水」喝來不 差異。
僅有濃濃奶味,還能在尾韻感受到茶的回甘感。 Taiwan Head Brewers cofounder Jay Duan explains to us the
different flavors in each beer.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
The “24 Solar Terms” series put out by Taiwan Head Brewers incorporates the tradition of consuming drinks with different
flavors and alcohol concentrations according to the changing seasons, challenging the widely held idea that beer is only
for summer.
a “space” that the team deliberately chose to leave open only after arriving in distant England, with British-style
when they came up with the idea for the product. And India Pale Ale and its fruity notes, this beer perfectly
because not every Taiwanese necessarily eats guava blends venerable old Asian and Western beverages in
dipped in plum powder, they hoped to employ their terms of both history and flavor. Meanwhile “Jin Xuan
clever idea to enable beer drinkers to experience the Tea Ale,” made for the “Rain Water” solar term, com-
pleasure of consuming guava with licorice powder that bines a Scotch-Ale-style beer with Jin Xuan oolong tea,
is such a part of daily life for so many people in Taiwan. and has won nearly as many awards.
Tea beers: Combining Asian and Western flavors Brewer Ray Sung, one of the brewery’s cofounders, ex-
Another part of daily life for Taiwanese is of course plains the thinking behind the latter beer. First, Scotland
drinking tea. Tea’s charm has not only captivated has a damp and rainy climate, reminiscent of the Rain
Asians, but it has also won many hearts in the West Water solar term, which begins in late February. Second,
since crossing the ocean. In that case, why not combine while Scotland is internationally renowned as a source of
beer and tea? whisky, it also produces its own unique beers. “The steps
Taiwan Head Brewers has designed a series of beers for making whisky and beer are much the same, differ-
based on the 24 “solar terms” of the traditional Chinese ing only by the distillation process,” says Sung. However,
calendar. Of these beers, four have tea as an additive. a big difference with beer as compared to whisky is that
These have not only won widespread affection from low temperatures hamper fermentation.
Taiwanese consumers, but also received countless As a result, beers brewed in Scotland, with its cold,
international awards. The beer named after the solar wet environment, have a creamy flavor. Once consid-
term “Beginning of Autumn” (labeled “Taiwan Tea Ale ered a defect, over time this became a defining feature
2” on the bottle and named “Oriental Beauty Tea Beer” in the appeal of Scottish ales. “Meanwhile, in Taiwan
on the company website) has won seven competition the only tea variety with a creamy flavor is the Jin Xuan
awards for Taiwan Head Brewers, including a bronze at oolong tea developed by the Tea and Beverage Research
the 2018 World Beer Cup, which is considered the most Station.” By combining these two elements together, the
prestigious contest in the craft beer community. master brewers at Taiwan Head Brewers not only gave
Combining Oriental Beauty tea, which got its name Jin Xuan Tea Ale a rich creamy taste, its finish also has
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
酒,更是民眾在身體虛寒時補身體的選擇之一, 破中藥湯苦澀、難入口的既定印象。
但中藥精釀啤酒,可就陌生許多。 不過,中藥材中也有甜味的選擇,為何最終
為了化解消費者對中藥啤酒的未知感,釀酒 會使用金棗呢?劉書維坦言,他們曾試過紅棗和
師劉書維選擇加入醃漬金棗作為原料之一。他表 枸杞,但都遇到了一些問題。以枸杞來說,釀造
示,融合中藥和蜜餞,不僅降低了消費者看到產 2,000公升酒液時,需要的使用量過大;紅棗雖果
品的衝擊度,同時也能創造驚喜感,讓消費者留 粒較大,相對沒有使用量問題,但卻出現與鳳梨
下對蘭城舊味系列的印象。 等台灣水果同樣的甜味消散狀況。
糖漬後的金棗,不僅補足鮮果肉酸度過強的缺 除了成本和風味考量,劉書維更提到安全性的
點,保留果皮濃郁香氣的特色,也讓金棗因果皮 問題。他說,每項食材在進入釀酒製程時,都要
厚、天然精油衍生的釀酒問題迎刃而解,最重要 經過反覆測試,不僅因為要保留風味或甜味而改
的是,在平衡中藥苦味的同時,也因為醃漬中帶 變添加時機點,還要多留心啤酒裝瓶後到送達消
有的鹹感而不會過度甜膩,讓人能順暢品酩,打 費者手上的過程中,是否有任何風險疑慮,「做
J&D offers both its Old Time Yilan Flavors series made with medicinal herbs and candied kumquats, and Taiwan-flavored beers
brewed using ingredients such as rice and tea.
禁止酒駕 14
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
the sweet aftertaste of tea. “Beer drinkers will see this as
a Scotch ale, while tea drinkers will say it has the char-
acteristic flavor of Jin Xuan oolong,” says Sung.
This complex story is one of the main strands in the
design of Taiwan Head Brewers’ 24 Solar Terms line of
beers. Ray Sung says that whether it be tealeaves or the
local Taiwanese ingredients used in other products in
the Solar Terms line, their use is not only about blending
Asian and Western flavors. “We have our reasons for us-
ing all of them, as only in this way can they intermingle Brewer Douglas Liu joined Jim and Dad’s Brewing Company right
after graduating from university. He uses his expertise to produce
with beer to produce the flavors and stories that they do.” many beers that include local Yilan County ingredients.
TCM beers: Familiar yet strange
Jim and Dad’s Brewing Company (J&D), located in
Yilan County’s Yuanshan Township, has chosen some- Adding TCM herbal ingredients to comestibles is a
thing quite different to mix into their craft beers: herbs common practice for the majority of Taiwanese people.
used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). For example, using a distilled beverage such as rice
In 2020 J&D worked with the local Guangshen Herbal wine to brew medicinal spirits is one of the ways peo-
Pharmacy to come out with two “Old Time Yilan Fla- ple combat the condition known in TCM practice as
vors” beers called “Kumquat Kiss Good Morning” and “deficiency cold.” However, TCM herbal craft beers are
“Kumquat Kiss Good Night.” Both beers are infused quite unfamiliar to people in Taiwan.
with candied kumquats, but paired with herbal ingre- To address consumers’ unfamiliarity with TCM beer,
dients with different functions: Kiss Good Night was brewer Douglas Liu chose to add candied kumquats as
inspired by sleeping aids used in TCM and incorporates an ingredient. He says that combining TCM herbs with
medicinal ingredients that include lucid ganoderma, candied fruit not only reduces the shock that consumers
chrysanthemum, and creeping liriope, giving this beer feel on seeing the product, but can also generate a feel-
a soporific effect. Meanwhile, Kiss Good Morning con- ing of delight, leaving consumers with a deep impres-
tains refreshing and stimulating herbal ingredients, sion of the Old Time Yilan Flavors product line.
including red ginseng and dried longan. Using candied kumquats not only compensates for
the strong acidity of the fresh fruit while retaining the
rich fragrance of the peel, it also solves the brewing
problems produced by the thickness of the peel and
the presence of natural essential oils. Most importantly,
while the kumquat balances out the naturally bitter
flavor of the TCM ingredients, the brine used in the
pickling and candying process adds a slightly salty
sensation, so that the kumquats are not too sweet. Thus
people can enjoy the beer without concerns about the
These wooden kegs placed in a corner of the brewery are part of
the process for brewing wood-aged beers, which are very popular
with consumers.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
高森興業總經理陳昱成創立公司數十年來,持續為國產材多 箱和客製緩衝材,也生產建材、家具。
Since founding his company Gao Sen several decades ago, 儘管紙箱創造的收益已足夠支撐公司營運,但
Chen Yucheng has always been thinking of ways to develop new
applications for domestically produced materials. 總經理陳昱成仍不因此而滿足,他不斷地思考,
禁止酒駕 16
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
widely held impression that TCM herbs are bitter, astrin-
gent and unpalatable.
However, there are sweet-tasting options among TCM
ingredients, so why did J&D ultimately use kumquat?
Douglas Liu admits that they previously tried Chinese
jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) and goji berries, but had problems
with both. With the latter, for instance, brewing a batch of
2,000 liters of beer required too large a quantity of goji ber-
ries, causing them to abandon them in the end. Although
jujubes are larger in size, so that fewer are needed, they
have the same problem of their sweetness becoming dissi-
pated as affects other Taiwanese fruits like pineapples.
Liu also mentions the issue of food safety. He says that
each time a new ingredient is added during the brewing
process, there must be repeated trials. Brewers not only
adjust the timing of when the new ingredient is added to 蛋牌發想將相思木餘材加入啤酒釀造,讓木頭香喝得到。
Design company The Egg came up with the idea of using acacia
optimally preserve its fragrance or sweetness, they must wood in beer brewing, making it possible to drink beers with a
also pay close attention to whether there are any risks in woody flavor.
that may affect the beer after it is bottled and on its way
to consumers.
Brewing beer is like a chemistry experiment, and each
element added to the process can cause different changes
in the beer.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康 17
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
器、木地板,還有水杯和運動用品。那是怎麼想 經過一年研發,相思木精釀啤酒系列「初相
到釀製啤酒的呢?「切割相思木的時候,刀具和 思」、「醉相思」和「忘相思」,於2019年末
木頭摩擦產生了一股香味,我們思考想要怎麼利 正式誕生,有趣的是,三支風味不同的啤酒,
用這個味道,才想到說可以釀酒。」蛋牌品牌經 各自吸引到了不同客群。酒精濃度3%的「初相
理孫啟豪說。 思」口感清爽,較受女性消費者歡迎;醉意較
他也透露,團隊最初想到的其實是威士忌, 濃的7%「醉相思」和9.9%「忘相思」則受男性
但木桶釀造以年為單位,在成本上有一定程度 及精釀啤酒喜好者族群喜愛,但幾乎消費者都
的壓力,因而改鑽研精釀啤酒。 有志一同地為喝到木頭味道感到驚艷。
沒有釀酒硬體設備和釀酒經驗的蛋牌,帶著 金黃酒體中,除了有烘烤後的碳化層在桶槽
相思木入酒的想法,在新竹找到最終合作酒 經過45天發酵,在酒液中留下的醇香木質味,
廠,開始與釀酒師反覆試驗,希望覓求木頭釀 還有內裡的原木帶來的厚實感,不僅是蛋牌為
酒的可能性。但在過程中,出現一個問題。 國產木產業創造的新方向,也或為台灣精釀啤
為保存相思木碳化後的香味,團隊不假思索 酒產業中台灣風土味的另一詮釋。
地在試驗初期烘烤整支木頭,卻意外在放入發 這片土地上,還有許許多多的釀酒師正在為
酵槽後產生活性碳效果,硬生生地將應帶有麥 創造更多「台味」精釀啤酒而努力。若有機
香的啤酒,濾到清澈、無味。孫啟豪笑說: 會,不妨淺嚐幾口,或許不是每支酒都能深得
「那時候的啤酒喝起來像有酒精的水。」但團 你心,但一定能讓人喝到真正來自台灣風土的
隊沒有放棄,仍持續努力。 韻味。 □
禁止酒駕 18
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
product companies, endeavoring to innovate and find
new uses for wood materials, such as bathtubs, fur-
若來到酒吧,不妨點一杯精 niture, musical instruments, wood flooring, and even
釀啤酒,淺嚐幾口台灣在地 water cups and athletic equipment. But where did the
Next time you visit a bar in idea of brewing beer come from? “When acacia wood
Taiwan, why not order a craft is cut, the friction between the cutting tool and the
beer? It will give you a taste of
the special flavors that can be timber produces a pleasant aroma, and we thought
brewed with local ingredients.
about how we could put this fragrance to use. That’s
when we came up with idea of brewing beer with it,”
says brand manager Sun Qihao.
Lacking any brewing equipment or experience, The
Egg brought their idea for brewing beer with acacia to
some brewers for repeated experiments in search of
possibilities for making acacia beer. However, during
the process a problem turned up.
To preserve the fragrance of acacia wood after
carbonization, the development team unhesitatingly
burned entire pieces of wood into charcoal during the
trial period, but to their surprise, after the carbonized
Acacia beers: The flavor of the land wood was placed in a fermentation tank an activated
Flavors that are highly familiar to Taiwanese in- charcoal effect was produced and the beer was left clear
cluding fruit, TCM herbs, and tea, can all be added to and flavorless. Sun Qihao says with a laugh: “Drinking
beer. But what about acacia? the beer from that period was like drinking water with
Entering the factory campus of Gao Sen Establish- alcohol in it.”
ment Company in Hsinchu County, what first strikes After a year of development, The Egg formally
the eye is a two-story-high pile of raw acacia timber. launched its acacia craft beer series. Forty-five days of
As a wood products firm that handles everything from fermentation in a tank with partially carbonized aca-
tree felling to manufacturing finished products, Gao cia wood gives the golden-yellow beverage a pleasant
Sen makes products ranging from cardboard boxes woody fragrance and a feeling of substance. This prod-
and custom-made cushioning packaging materials to uct not only represents a creative new direction for the
building materials and furniture. domestic wood industry, it offers an alternative interpre-
Although the profits generated by cardboard boxes tation of “the flavor of Taiwan” in local craft brewing.
were enough to keep the company in business, General In this land of Taiwan, there are many brewers work-
Manager Chen Yucheng was not satisfied with that and ing to create craft beers with a “Taiwan flavor.” If you
was constantly thinking about what the limits were for have the chance, why not try some? Although not every
domestically produced wood products in Taiwan. This one is sure to win your heart, they will certainly enable
is what motivated him to found the subsidiary brand you to experience a taste that reflects the natural terroir
“The Egg” in 2014. and social customs of this island. l
The Egg follows a different path from most wood (Cindy Li/photos by Jimmy Lin/tr. by Phil Newell)
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康 19
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
封 面 故 事
Sweet Potato, Rice, and Sugarcane:
Local Distillers Promote Taiwanese Flavors
Expert distillers concentrate the essence of our island’s natural terroir and cultural environment
into locally made spirits that embody the purest and most original flavors of Taiwan.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
文•李雨莘 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•劉俊良
T aiwan has lo ng e njo yed an ab u n dan c e of
agricultural products. Moreover, rice, sweet
potatoes, and sugarcane can do more than serve as
供糧,釀酒也是綽綽有餘。雖無現代化釀酒工 foods: they can also be used to make alcoholic bev-
erages. While ordinary people did not in the past
have access to modern fermenting and distilling
techniques, they could always use whatever equip-
台灣地酒雛形。 ment they had to hand to bring together raw in-
gredients, water, and other elements and produce
tasty alcoholic drinks. T his was the embryonic
民間家用自釀文化歷經日治時代徵收酒造稅, form of localized alcohol production in Taiwan.
Kinou Luo, founder of Heng Chi Distillery, tells the
story of how a corporate chairman in his 70s, whom Luo
說到曾有素未謀面的70歲董事長指名買恆器地 had never met before, made a point of ordering the dis-
瓜酒的故事,恆器製酒創辦人羅己能口氣中隱約 tillery’s sweet potato spirit. Luo’s voice reveals the deep
透著當時的感動,「他說以前年代不能私釀酒, emotion he felt at the time: “He explained that in the past
但多出來的地瓜還是會釀一些,然後誰家辦喜事 it was illegal to privately produce alcoholic beverages in
就拿出來送,而恆器地瓜酒就是他阿公那時候釀 Taiwan, but people with extra sweet potatoes would still
make their own liquor, which they would give away to
whoever’s family was celebrating some special occasion.
蕃薯島的家釀地瓜酒 He said that Heng Chi sweet potato spirit tasted just like
the liquor his grandfather made back then.”
但他初嚐地瓜酒滋味的地方,是在日本。醇 Homemade sweet potato spirit
厚又帶有地瓜蜜香氣的酒水,明明如此熟悉,卻 However, the first time Luo ever tasted sweet potato
又有些陌生。「台灣為什麼沒有地瓜酒?」全憑 spirit was in Japan. “Why doesn’t Taiwan have sweet
這個想法,羅己能決定回台開設酒廠、釀製地瓜 potato spirit, too?” Armed with this inspiration, he de-
cided to open a distillery in Taiwan to make it.
With a background in the machinery industry, Luo
first sought out books and information to understand
業,並和多數開放民間釀酒時起家的釀酒師一 the principles of liquor distillation, and then through
樣,靠著查找資料和閱讀書籍,了解製酒原理, practical experimentation he gradually established his
再透過實際操作釀酒過程,逐步建立釀製地瓜酒 process for distilling sweet potato spirit.
的程序。 At the Heng Chi distillery, located in Taoyuan, the
走進恆器製酒位於桃園的釀酒廠房,空氣瀰漫 air is filled with the rich fragrance of roasted sweet po-
tatoes. We listen as Luo explains the process of brew-
ing and distilling sweet potato spirit.
He tells us that before sweet potatoes are fermented,
勤地攪拌著地瓜泥與酵母。 they must first be thoroughly steamed. Potatoes of
他和我們說明,地瓜進入蒸餾前,需蒸熟,這 any size can be used, so Heng Chi buys Tainung
樣製程下的地瓜果實不分大小皆可使用,恆器使 No. 57 sweet potato “rejects” that don’t meet market
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
“Ugly” sweet potatoes come in irregular sizes, but while their appearance is
unprepossessing, they are an important raw material for making sweet potato spirit.
用的台農57號地瓜皆是特別收來的「格外品」, 看完地瓜製作,他接著邀請我們一品地瓜酒。
它們多半因外觀或尺寸不符市場標準而難以售得 酒體看來清澈,風味層次卻相當多變,入口時先
好價格。 是帶來地瓜獨特厚實蜜甜感,轉瞬間又變得清
「我和農夫說:『你把好的東西賣掉,不漂亮 爽。
的我跟你買。』」羅己能多次親赴產地,除了為 酒入喉後,羅己能回憶起結識重要人物的故
使農家放心把地瓜交到自己手上,也確認環境狀 事。疫情期間,恆器構思門神保平安的概念,希
態、安全性等。 望覓求與彩繪師合作,最後聯繫上雲林縣水林鄉
去化格外品的做法,不僅可以為農民帶來額 蕃薯厝順天宮的廟宇彩繪師洪平順。
外收益,還能減少浪費。他舉例,以一分田(約 數次親訪、懇談,洪平順最終首肯「借出」出
300坪)來算,稻米可收穫約2,000∼3,000公斤, 自他手的門神圖。外盒設計放入廟宇大門的門神
地瓜則是3,000∼7,000公斤,且在多數農家施行 禮讚地瓜酒禮盒甫推出,不僅成功在市場引起話
慣行農法的狀況下,仍有約30%收成會是格外 題,也使大眾重新注意到洪平順這位文化部認定
品。 的國寶級大師。巧合的是,水林鄉正好也是台農
農夫看來需額外費心處理的醜地瓜們,對羅已 57號地瓜主要產地。
能來說,卻都富含地瓜酒所需的蜜糖味。經過處 產地串聯酒、酒再串聯藝術家,一組渾然天
理,綿密的地瓜在一次次蒸餾過程中,釋放出果 成的行銷素材,羅己能卻說:「我希望大家多認
肉中最精華的滋味。 識老師就好。」因為他不希望把產品直接推到消
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
The body of the liquor looks clear, and the nose is com-
Distilled sweet potato spirit is as clear as water. plex and layered. On taking a sip, the first sensation
is the distinctively powerful sweetness characteristic
of sweet potatoes, followed in an instant by a sense of
standards in terms of size or appearance and therefore refreshment.
can’t be sold for a good price. As the spirit glides down our throats, Luo recounts
“I tell farmers, ‘You sell the good ones, and I’ll buy the story of how he got to know a very important
the ugly ones.’” Luo has spent a great deal of time in person. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Heng Chi con-
production areas, both to ease farmers’ minds about ceived the idea of putting out a product with paintings
putting their sweet potatoes in his hands and also to of door gods on the packaging, to symbolize protec-
confirm the environmental safety of the farms. tion of people’s wellbeing. Their search for an artist to
By taking sweet potatoes that do not meet retail work with finally brought them to Hung Ping-shun,
specifications, Heng Chi not only provides farmers temple painter for Shuntian Temple in the Fanshu area
with some extra income, but also reduces food waste. of Yunlin County’s Shuilin Township.
After processing, repeated rounds of distillation After several in-person meetings and heartfelt con-
release the essence of the flavor of the dense mass of versations, Hung finally gave the nod to “lending out”
sweet potato. images of door gods that he had painted. The outer box
Luo invites us to taste-test some sweet potato spirit. for these products shows a temple door god looking
Besides making pure sweet
potato spirit, Heng Chi Distillery
founder Lo Chi-neng also
combines barrel-aged whiskey
and fruit wines with his main
ingredient to create novel
products that go beyond the
aroma of sweet potatoes.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
When visitors step into the Yudo winery, the first thing they see is a
honeycomb cabinet displaying medicinal wines.
費者面前,寧願把商標隱藏起來,「先讓客人被 櫃,才是中福酒廠的重頭戲。
酒香吸引、親自了解故事,這樣才有意義。」就 只見馬何增陸續將七罐酒放在桌上,由左至
如同70歲董事長靠著恆器的地瓜酒找到家釀味那 右分別是無酒精的甘酒、米香檳、吟釀、米酒、
般,羅己能希望讓更多台灣人在地瓜酒香裡,看 梅子酒、茶酒和咖啡酒。這樣的順序是以米釀製
到家鄉的模樣。 酒的流程,同時也是中福酒廠累積20年成績的縮
米酒是台灣的長銷酒款,也是許多媽媽料理家 口感十足的米香檳,馬何增話說從頭。當年剛從
常味的關鍵角色。 軍中退役的他,赴中國轉任職台灣的某一生技公
對宜蘭三星鄉的鄉親來說,他們料理中的那 司,不久後,將麴菌培育研究案帶回台灣執行,
一味,來自中福酒廠。鄉親們騎車到酒廠買酒, 並以生產清酒為目標。
已是日常光景,中福酒廠創辦人馬何增透露,還 不懂釀酒的他,靠著在軍中養成的實作精神,
有遠從台北來的客人指名就要印有父親肖像的米 摸索製酒流程,最終成功產出中福酒廠的第一支
酒,他笑說:「大家來了把錢放在桌上,東西拿 清酒。但因當時市場對清酒認識不多,銷售量不
了就走,這裏很像最大的雜貨店。」 佳,為了酒廠生計,他只好將清酒再次蒸餾,製
這家「雜貨店」,其實是宜蘭縣第一家取得 成米酒,並命名「磨耐閤」(意即台語「無奈
製酒執照的酒廠。來此參觀的訪客們,多數會先 何」)。
被蜂巢型藥酒櫃和50年歷史的碾米廠機器的場面 中福酒廠的清酒路臨時轉了方向,故事也在此
給震懾住。不過,隔壁品酒間中,環繞四周的酒 中場休息,此時他神祕地從未貼酒標的小罐玻璃
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
on approvingly at the sale of these sweet potato spirit For the people of Yilan County’s Sanxing Township,
gift packs. This not only caused a stir in the market, it this kitchen staple comes from the Yudo Distillery and
also brought new public attention to Hung, who has Winery Company. It is common to see local people riding
been named a living national treasure by the Ministry their motor scooters to the winery to buy alcoholic bever-
of Culture. Coincidentally, Shuilin is also an important ages. Its founder, Ma He-tseng, says with a smile: “Every-
production center for Tainung No. 57 sweet potatoes. body comes and puts their money on the table and leaves
The links between the production area, the liquor with their purchases. We are like a big general store.”
and the artist naturally suggested numerous marketing Most of the visitors who come here to tour the facility
angles. But Kinou Luo says: “It’s enough for me if more are initially struck by the honeycomb-shaped medicinal
people learn about this master painter.” He doesn’t wine cabinet and the 50-year-old rice-mill machinery in
want to push his product directly in consumers’ faces, the winery’s foyer. However, it is the tasting room next
but prefers to hide the trademark. “It is more meaning- door, lined with cabinets of alcoholic beverages, that is
ful if customers are first attracted by the fragrance of the real highlight at Yudo.
the spirit and personally come to understand the story We watch as Ma He-tseng lines up seven bottles on
behind the product.” Just as the corporate chairman the table: alcohol-free amazake (sweet sake), rice cham-
in his 70s rediscovered the flavor of his grandfather’s pagne, ginjo sake, rice wine, plum wine, tea wine, and
home-distilled alcohol through Heng Chi’s sweet po- coffee wine. This sequence is based on the various steps
tato liquor, Luo hopes that even more Taiwanese people involved in producing each of the beverages, and it of-
will be reminded of their hometowns amidst the fra- fers a microcosm of the accomplishments that Yudo has
grance of sweet potato spirit. accumulated over the last 20 years.
Limitless possibilities for rice wine Back in the day, Ma had just left military service, and
Rice wine has long been popular in Taiwan, and it he went to China to work in a Taiwanese-owned biotech
has played a key role in family cuisine made by moth- company. Not long afterward, he returned to Taiwan to
ers across the island. work on a research project to culture koji mold (Asper-
gillus oryzae) for the purpose of producing sake.
While Ma lacked an understanding of the sake brew-
ing process, he applied the practical spirit he had de-
veloped in the military to successfully produce Yudo’s
first sake. However, because at that time there was little
awareness of sake in the market, sales lagged. To keep
the company afloat, his only option was to distill the
sake into rice wine, which he named after the Taiwan-
ese expression for “no alternative.”
Each drinks bottle on the shelves here has a story behind it about
the joint efforts made by Yudo Distillery and Winery Company
founder Ma He-tseng and many farmers to find new possibilities
for Taiwanese rice.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
中福酒廠與農民合作酒款皆看不到明顯酒廠標誌,為的就是 也有許多農民慕名而來,希望能將過剩稻米製
讓品酒人能記住台灣稻米釀出的最美好滋味。 酒。
The winery brand name is not prominently displayed on the rice
wines that Yudo produces in collaboration with farmers. The 但馬何增看得更遠,他除了協助釀製米酒,也
reason is that they want to let consumers focus on the excellent
flavor of wines made from Taiwan rice. 嘗試輔導農民施行計畫耕種、復耕古米種。擺在
Having described how Yudo’s focus turned away But Ma had even longer-term plans in mind. Besides
from producing only sake, Ma pauses and mysteriously making rice wine for these farmers, he also tried to
brings out an unlabeled glass bottle, from which he guide them to undertake planned cultivation and re-
pours a glass of clear liquid. Then he asks us to guess sume cultivation of rice varieties from the past.
which of the drinks bottles on the table it matches. The plum wine, tea wine, and coffee wine that Yudo
The clear liquor is fragrant and has a very smooth has gone on to produce are a small part of the inno-
mouthfeel, but we cannot readily identify what in- vative possibilities the company has devised for rice
gredient gives it its flavor. Ma laughs and announces wines. Ma says with a laugh: “To tell you about every
that this is rice wine. He explains that because Yudo’s one of our wines would take three days and three
rice wine tastes different to the cooking rice wine gen- nights.” For behind every one them lies the whole-
erally sold on the market, many visitors (unless told hearted commitment of the master wine makers as well
in advance) will guess that this some other beverage. as the sweat and tears of the farmers who have assid-
Through this kind of comparison, he hopes to break uously grown the rice and the fruit that make up their
down people’s stereotypes about rice wine. ingredients.
Rice wine production marked the turning point for Recovering the ideal taste of sugarcane
Yudo. As the firm’s reputation for making premium Sugarcane was introduced into Taiwan in the era
wines spread, not only did local residents become long- of Dutch colonial rule (1624–1668), and thanks to the
time customers, many farmers also came forward hop- island’s hot, humid climate, it was grown in large
ing to turn their surplus paddy rice into wine. amounts. It therefore became one of the options for
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
米酒旁的吉野吟釀,便是中福酒廠與青農任永旭 「二水」和「三水」。「頭水」品質最好,又稱
共同努力多年,於2020年正式推出的成果。 「甘蔗酒」;「二水」略帶雜質,則稱「離仔
接續下來的梅酒、茶酒和咖啡酒,則是中福酒 酒」;「三水」不僅雜質更多,還帶有惡臭,名
廠為米酒創造新可能的小部分軌跡。放下酒杯, 為「糖蜜酒」。
環視擺滿整間品酒室的酒瓶,馬何增笑說:「這 但隨著法規限制民間釀酒、製糖產業沒落,甘
裡每支酒講完,可能要花三天三夜。」因為每支 蔗製酒也逐漸消失。
酒背後有釀酒師真摯的心意,還有農夫辛勤地耕 直至今日,全台灣僅存兩間仍製糖開工的糖廠
種稻米、照顧果樹的血汗與淚水。 中,虎尾糖廠便是其中一間。每年12月中旬的採
甘蔗,是製糖的主要原料,於荷據時代引入台 氣瀰漫著一股甜味。
灣,受惠於氣候的潮濕和高溫,產量豐盛,故此 「那是我小時候喜歡的味道。」虎尾釀創辦人
成為許多民眾釀酒的選擇之一,是僅次米酒和地 鄭文維如此評價,而這股味道也是他堅持釀進蘭
瓜酒的第三大酒項。 姆酒的風味。
傳統釀造法是將甘蔗汁,透過反覆煮沸、加 走進虎尾釀酒廠,我們隨鄭文維從釀酒廠、酒
入「離仔土」(石灰類粉末)的過程,提煉出砂 窖,再進到品酒室,流暢地看完一支酒從原料處
糖,依次剩餘下來的水,分別被稱為「頭水」、 理、蒸餾,再到陳釀的過程,但虎尾釀蘭姆酒的
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
誕生,可就沒這麼順利了。 究竟自己喜歡的味道,市場接受嗎?消費者給
2013年取得酒廠執照後,鄭文維將虎尾主要農 的答案,或許是肯定的。虎尾釀蘭姆酒上市後數
作物──稻米、甘蔗作為虎尾釀製酒主力釀製原 月內銷售一空,還有一位法國品酒師向他表示:
料,但眼看米威士忌於2016年問世,以甘蔗作為 「虎尾釀蘭姆酒是他在台灣喝過的蘭姆酒中,最
原料的蘭姆酒卻遲遲不見蹤影。 好喝的。」
鄭文維坦言,因為釀出來的蘭姆酒風味,始終 但鄭文維也補充,口味偏好沒有對錯,和臭
與他在採收季時聞到的味道不符。 豆腐並非人人愛一樣,虎尾釀蘭姆酒想傳遞的是
經過多次嘗試後,他才發現,關鍵在於使用 他作為虎尾在地子弟與土地相處多年的記憶,
的原料型態不同。多數源於加勒比海地區的蘭姆 如同創立虎尾釀的宗旨:「用職人的心釀造土地
酒,是將糖蜜加水稀釋,再加入酵母發酵後,經 記憶。」就是要讓喝到虎尾釀酒的人,都能感
多次蒸餾而成,儘管符合大眾市場期待,卻不是 受專屬虎尾的滋味。「因為好喝的酒太多了,要
他要的味道。 做出有靈魂、生命的酒,才能嚐到文化真正的味
而源於法屬馬丁尼克島的農業蘭姆酒(又稱 道。」他說。
法式蘭姆酒),則是使用甘蔗汁作為原料產製蘭 小心翼翼地打開全工廠僅存一瓶蘭姆酒,將淺
姆酒,因此讓鄭文維靈光一閃,決定以此作法為 咖啡色的酒液倒入杯中,淡淡蔗香從杯中飄出,
基礎,並輔以蔗糖稍加改良,置入木桶中陳釀兩 入喉後在口中散開的糖蜜香,讓人彷彿看到過往
年,虎尾釀蘭姆酒於2020年正式上市。 「糖都」虎尾在甘蔗採收季時的盛況。 □
Every cask in the barrel storehouse embodies the rice fragrance and
sugarcane sweetness of Cliff Cheng’s memories.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
By fermenting and distilling sugarcane juice and raw cane
sugar, Favorland imbues its rum with the essence of the sweet
fragrance that fills the air at sugarcane harvest time.
Entering Favorland’s Huwei distillery, we follow Favorland’s rum sold out within a few months of
Cheng as he shows us the well-established process of reaching the market. There was even a French somme-
making rum, from the processing of the raw ingredi- lier who told Cheng: “Favorland rum is the most deli-
ents to distilling to aging. However, Favorland’s initial cious rum I ever tasted in Taiwan.”
attempts to distill rum did not go so smoothly. However, he adds that there is no right or wrong
After getting a distillery operating license in 2013, when it comes to taste. Just as not everyone enjoys
Cheng decided to use Huwei’s main crops—paddy rice stinky tofu, Favorland aims for its own unique style: It
and sugarcane—as the major ingredients for Favor- wants its rum to convey memories of the long-term re-
land’s production of alcoholic beverages. However, lationship between the people of Huwei and its land, so
while his rice whisky hit the market back in 2016, his that people who drink Favorland rum can taste a flavor
rum, made from sugarcane juice, was still nowhere to that belongs exclusively to Huwei.
be seen. Cliff Cheng carefully opens the only remaining bot-
Cheng says that this was because the flavor of the tle of Favorland rum at the distillery, and as he pours
rum he distilled was never the same as the aroma that it the delicate fragrance of sugarcane wafts out of the
he had smelled at harvest season. glasses. In our mouths the rum releases a sweet taste,
Most rums are made by diluting sugarcane molasses and in our mind’s eye we see the abundant sugarcane
with water, fermenting it with yeast, and then distill- harvest of days gone by in Huwei, once known as Tai-
ing the resulting liquor multiple times. Although these wan’s sugar capital. l
rums meet the expectations of the market, they don’t (Cindy Li/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
have the flavor he was looking for. tr. by Phil Newell)
Rhum agricole, as made on the French Caribbean is-
land of Martinique, has fresh sugarcane juice as the raw
material, and Cheng decided to use this method as his
foundation. After he modified the process by adding
raw cane sugar to the juice, Favorland rum finally hit
the shelves in 2020.
The sight of narrow-gauge trains shuttling freshly harvested
sugarcane into the Huwei Sugar Refinery is part of the collective
memories of local residents. (photo by Kent Chuang)
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康 29
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
封 面 故 事
From groupings as small as families to ones as large Government General of Taiwan in the era of Japanese
as nations, dietary culture is linked to history and is rule. Her mother, a child of a prominent local family,
stored in collective memories. Tea is an important ele was born at Wangyangju, a historic house in New
ment that threads through the history of Taiwan. Taipei City’s Yingge District. Stories like these from
In 1869, Scottish merchant John Dodd and Dadao long ago laid the foundations for Laura Lu’s deep emo
cheng based businessman Li Chunsheng exported tional attachment to Taiwan, and she says: “I’ve always
“Formosa Oolong Tea” from Tamsui to New York, wanted to help more people learn about Taiwan.” Many
launching the rise to prominence of Taiwan tea. years ago, she happened upon two teas that are hard to
The story of Taiwan through tea find in the market: premium quality Oriental Beauty
Her grandfat her handled procurement for t he tea produced in Hsinchu County’s Beipu Township,
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•劉俊良 「東方美人」(Oriental beauty tea)。
小至家族,大至國族,飲食勾連著歷史,貯存 以茶為引,說台灣故事
群體的記憶。茶,則是在台灣歷史中穿針引線的 祖父是日治時代,總督府的採購;來自地方望
重要信物。 族的母親,出生在鶯歌市定古蹟「汪洋居」裡頭
1869年,英國商人約翰•陶德與大稻埕商人李 ……這些遠久以前發生的故事,點點滴滴,匯集
春生,將「Formosa Oolong Tea」從淡水出口到紐 成可觀的感情基礎。對台灣始終有著難以言喻的
約,開啟台茶大時代。 情深,「一直想讓更多人認識台灣。」Laura說。
新竹北埔有一勤儉的茶農,將錯就錯將經小 多年前,無意邂逅坊間罕見,新竹北埔產的頂級
綠葉蟬咬過的白毫烏龍製成茶,獨具的蜜香卻大 東方美人茶,以及當年被日本人進貢給天皇享用
受歡迎,茶商爭相搶購,茶農以此回鄉宣傳,同 的日月潭阿薩姆紅茶,一向喜歡喝茶,也喜歡歷
鄉無人相信,揶揄該茶為「膨風茶」,而茶飄洋 史的她,靈機一動,心想,可以讓更多人藉台灣
過海銷售到英國,竟受到英國女王的喜愛,賜名 茶看見台灣,為此,她創辦了「綠茗堂」。
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
Tea is an important cultural symbol by which Taiwan can
distinguish itself in the international community.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
品牌底下的茶只有12支,但手採一心二葉的好 and Assam tea from the Sun Moon Lake area of Nan
品質,加上精品等級的設計,十多年前,還不講 tou County, which back in the day was presented to the
年的短期活動,卻足足持續了三年。 three to six months, this project lasted for three years.
Lu has retained this inspiration, and later she brought
her products to the Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corpo
ration (TTL) to propose a joint project. “My grandfather
著兩處辦公室的祖父,說不定就曾在這裡辦公 formerly had two offices on Bo’ai Road, so perhaps he
哦?」這樣的念頭一閃而逝。爾後,雙方順利得 worked right here?” was a thought that flashed through
到共識,推出名之為「台灣印象」的聯名茶酒調 her mind. She and TTL subsequently agreed to launch a
飲。嫣粉的「粉色珊瑚海」,結合日月潭紅茶、 series of tea–alcohol mixed drinks called “ThéJà Vu.”
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
台酒的琴酒、屏東的西瓜,瑰麗的顏色如映照在 酒的優勢:「因先天擁有的苦味與單寧所形成的
海岸線的霞光,也像海中妍麗的珊瑚。或如另一 迷魅韻致,取以調飲,都能創造不遜於酒品的豐
款「山嵐星河」,金黃閃爍的色澤,如高山茶燦 富質地與複雜層次,特別茶,因本身寬容度夠,
亮,風味結合了梨山高山茶、新鮮梨子與山櫻 且從綠茶青茶紅茶到產地系譜森羅龐然,更是備
花酵母製的清酒,「每一支調酒,就是一個故 受青睞。」
此時,餐飲市場正是飲品相互混搭、調合、 起直截端茶上桌,更能引發共鳴。
實驗的年代。又稱雞尾酒的調酒尤其顯著,從傳 「世界50大酒吧」、「亞洲50大酒吧」、「米
統作法:取蒸餾烈酒,混搭非酒精飲料、食材, 其林」的榜上常客Indulge Bistro,創辦人是被譽
到近來衍生以茶或果汁為基底、全無酒精性調飲 為「華人雞尾酒教父」的王偉勳,他談起自己從
Mocktail,凸顯調酒師的個人創意,也強調飲料 酒出發,卻涉足台茶領域的緣由。
背後的文化、歷史內涵。 16歲國中畢業後即入行,擔任調酒師超過30
在「越在地,越國際」的年代,台灣茶,成 年,其中,長達10年的時間都在東京、大阪、紐
為台灣調酒師傳達地方特色的不二選擇──而這 約、倫敦等國際大城市工作。長年與老外共事,
樣的加法美學,對於素來以包容、創新著稱的台 深刻地體會到不同族群、文化的差異,「法國人
灣,顯得裡應外合、毫不陌生。畢竟,與調酒近 講葡萄酒,蘇格蘭人有威士忌,日本人可以說清
似的調飲手法,不早就嫻熟運用在街頭巷尾的手 酒,我曾經拿高粱酒來表達台灣,才發現自己對
搖飲店中了嗎? 高粱的製程根本都不熟悉。」
而以茶入酒,除了飲料自然而然具備「台灣 下午,休息時段的酒吧,王偉勳信手沏起東方
性」,並呼應餐飲市場強調在地的時代潮流,飲 美人茶。時間拉到15年前返台初期,為了尋找台
食作家葉怡蘭在〈調飲新時代〉更提及了以茶入 灣文化的象徵與差異性,他開始領著團隊在台灣
Diverse ingredients can be used in making cocktails, making it easier for them to convey stories.
The photo shows the “ThéJà Vu” series of drinks put out jointly by Le Vert thé and the Taiwan
Tobacco and Liquor Corporation.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
Taiwan in the age of mixed drinks a great deal of time learning about Taiwan tea, before
Today the beverage market is in an era of mixing, finally returning to work in his original profession of
blending, and experimentation. This is especially mixology. He has high standards for the alcoholic drinks
marked for mixed alcoholic drinks, also known as he composes. He admits that mixology is not that diffi
cocktails. From the recombination of traditional cock cult, and that all cocktails are based on a combination
tails (distilled spirits blended with non alcoholic of sour and sweet. However, one cannot have only sour
beverages and ingredients) to the recent emergence and sweet to make a good mixed drink—the ingredients
of completely alcoholfree “mocktails” made with tea have to have a certain logic, and have a story or cultural
or fruit juice, mixologists have been showing off their background to them. Blending in elements of Taiwan tea
personal creativity while also drawing attention to the is a good way to give a distinctly Taiwanese character to
culture and history behind their drinks. the art of cocktails, which originated in the West.
In an age when people are encouraged to “think However, most teas have elegant, delicate flavors,
globally, act locally,” Taiwan tea has become the top whereas alcoholic beverages have strong and vigorous
choice for local mixologists to convey somet hing tastes, so how did Wang combine the two in such a way
unique about Taiwan.
Adding tea to alcoholic beverages naturally gives
the resulting drinks a “Taiwaneseness” and resonates
with the trend in the food and beverage market to em
phasize local products. But there is another advantage
to this mixture that has been noted by culinary writer
Yeh Yilan in an essay entitled “A New Era for Blended
Drinks”: “Because tea has a charm produced by its in
herent slightly bitter flavor and tannins, when used in
blended drinks it can create a rich texture and complex
layers that are in no way inferior to alcoholic beverages.
Teas in particular have a naturally broad compatibility.
Moreover, the complex lineages of green and black teas
from different production areas enhance their appeal.”
The Five Elements
In particular, foreigners and especially visitors from 出於對台灣文化的好奇,作為調酒師的王偉勳,一步步涉足
Europe and the Americas will feel a greater sense of
Curiosity about Taiwanese culture prompted bartender Aki Wang
identification with mixed tea–alcohol drinks as com to progressively cross over into the field of tea.
pared to tea served directly.
The Indulge Experimental Bistro, which has been that one element did not overshadow the other? He
listed as one of Asia’s 50 Best Bars and cited by the points out that the compatibility of tea and alcoholic
Michelin Guide, was founded by Aki Wang, who has beverages depends on the grasp that the mixologist has
been called “the godfather of cocktails among ethnic of these two expansive fields of learning. The optimal
Chinese.” He talked to us about his reasons for bringing demonstration of this is the “Five Elements Formosa”
Taiwan tea into the world of alcoholic beverages. bottled cocktails produced under the name of Indulge
Wang, an experienced bartender who started in the Bistro. These five mixed drinks, named after the five
business at age 16, worked in international locations elements (or “five agents”) of Chinese philosophy—
including Tokyo, New York, and London, then spent metal, wood, water, fire, and earth—imply the five tea
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
六大產區走訪。走入茶園、結識茶農,甚至後來 出,茶與酒的融合度,關乎調酒師對於這兩大領
買下了險些廢耕的農田留種復育。他稱以東方美 域知識的掌握能力。以Indulge Bistro名義推出的
人屢屢獲獎的「茶狀元」姜肇宣、因碧螺春揚名 「五行茶雞尾酒」是絕佳示範,「金、木、水、
的「三峽茶王」黃文雄,還有老字號茶館「相思 火、土」五支調酒,個別暗示北中南東離島的五
李舍」的主人李威德為老師。他們教導他茶的相 座茶園。
關知識,關乎茶的種作,茶葉的優劣、品茶與泡 以「金」來說,採用的是有「金酒」別稱的
茶的方式等。氤氳茶香裡,當他逸興遄飛地分享 琴酒為風味基底,再加入七里香與白桃,一來呼
著一路走來的見聞與收穫,無疑證實著他在茶領 應包種茶特有的白花香後韻,也暗示茶園所在地
域的戮力之深。 ──坪林漁光村的風土環境。一如他繪聲繪影地
回歸調酒本業,王偉勳對出手的調飲要求嚴 種著七里花與水蜜桃。夕陽西下,曬成整片金
謹,他直言,製作調飲不會太困難,「酸+甜」 黃。茶園周遭的風土,包括夏摘的包種、花果的
即是所有調酒的基礎;但好的調酒,不能光只 香氣、黃昏的顏色、金屬撞擊的聲音,都被放到
有酸、甜,材料的選用要有邏輯,還要兼具故事 酒裡頭。」
台灣落地生根的模樣。 因為擔任不少酒品牌大使,常赴海外出席活
但多數的茶滋味高雅縹渺,酒則風味雄渾強 動,王偉勳也常以茶酒代表台灣來作外交。因
烈,如何能讓兩者相融,不顧此失彼?王偉勳點 歐美人大多嫻熟Old Fashioned(經典雞尾酒)、
Combining alcoholic beverages with Taiwan tea
can tell the stories of Taiwan’s terroir and culture
and convey the uniqueness of the island.
禁止酒駕 36
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
石門產的阿里磅紅茶、仙楂、海 most Europeans and Americans are familiar with clas
sic cocktails like the Old Fashioned, the Martini, and
人頗有似曾相識之感。 the Cosmopolitan to produce related drinks. “Before
The interaction of various flavors
produced in New Taipei’s Shimen
you introduce yourself, you have to first pay respect to
District, including Alibang black tea, the other party’s culture and traditions.” For example,
Chinese hawthorn, sea salt, and
egg white, creates a taste similar he replaces the bitters that are an essential ingredi
to old-fashioned black tea and
Taiwanese salt sponge cake (a.k.a.
ent in any Old Fashioned with Tungting (Dongding)
savory cake), giving Taiwanese a oolong tea, causing people to ask with surprise: How
sense of familiarity.
can this Old Fashioned be so fragrant? He always ex
plains patiently that the source of the osmanthus and
longan aromas in this “Tungting Fashioned” is Taiwan
Tungting oolong tea.
plantations from which the tea is sourced, located in “I choose similar elements to substitute for classic
northern, central, southern, and eastern Taiwan as well elements, or to enhance a particular feature.” These bev
as the offshore Penghu Islands. erages act as a leadin that sparks foreigners’ curiosity
Taking “Metal” for example, the foundation of the about Taiwan, and from tea–alcohol beverages they can
drink is gin (because “metal” in Chinese is pronounced be introduced first to Taiwan tea, then to tea producing
jin), to which orange jessamine flowers and white peach areas, then to Taiwan’s terroir and cultural environment
are added, and these work in concert with the distinc and its diverse array of unique products. In this way,
tive orange jessamine aftertaste of Pouchong (Baozhong) foreigners can be left with a deep impression of Taiwan.
tea. The drink also hints at the environment of the tea
plantation, located at Yuguang Village in New Taipei’s
Pinglin District. Wang vividly describes the scene: The “Five Elements Formosa” series of tea-based
alcoholic beverages give consumers a lasting
“Looking down from the mountainside, you can see impression of Taiwan.
a river snaking through the valley, your ears pick up
the sound of bells from mountain temples, and the
land around the tea plantation is planted with orange
jessamine and peaches. As the sun sets in the west,
the whole is bathed in a goldenyellow light. The ter
roir of the tea plantation—including summerpicked
Pouchong tea, the scent of flowers and fruit, the color of
the sunset, and the metallic striking of the bells—has
been fully incorporated into the drink.”
Introducing Taiwan tea through alcoholic drinks
Wang has served as an ambassador for many alco
holic beverage brands and frequently travels overseas
to attend events. He routinely interacts with foreigners
by using tea–alcohol beverages as a representative
product of Taiwan. He takes advantage of the fact that
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
Aki Wang (left), who has been a
mixologist for nearly 30 years,
has founded a laboratory to turn
his professional experience into
quantified scientific data.
馬丁尼、柯夢波丹等經典調酒,他順勢借力, 高年級釀酒師的國酒夢
典。」好比如,他把Old Fashioned中必備,由龍
厚甘韻的凍頂烏龍取而代之,讓客人驚嘆詢問, 店中陳列的各類酒款中,有一支特別的存在,是
為什麼Old Fashioned能如此香氣撲鼻?他再不疾 由「賀木堂」推出,以高粱酒為基底的茶酒。
不徐地介紹,這一杯「Tungting Fashioned」,桂 2010年才成立的賀木堂,在眾酒廠當中堪稱年
花、龍眼的香氣來源,是來自台灣的凍頂烏龍。 輕,不過,品牌的四位創辦人,均是在酒業服務
「我會取類似的元素取代經典元素,或者將 超過30年以上的老將,他們是:前公賣局局長鄭
重要特色加以放大。」經過此番穿針引線,打開 世津、前台灣菸酒公司總經理賴舜堂、前台灣菸
外國人對台灣的好奇,從茶酒說到台灣茶,說到 酒公司董事長蔡木霖、前台灣菸酒公司總務課課
茶產區,再說到風土、物產的多樣性。還能適度 長阮金賀。
引台灣茶與酒類比,讓外國人心領神會,「倘若 賀木堂的成立,乘載著四人老驥伏櫪的壯心。
他們說,強調果香的法國波爾多紅酒很棒,我們 擔任賀木堂董事長的蔡木霖談及,2002年時,民
也可以介紹,因小綠葉蟬著涎有著紅色漿果香氣 間釀酒倏然開放,過渡期的市場,難免亂象紛
的東方美人。蘇格蘭說他們有高地威士忌,我們 呈,甚至偶有假酒事件發生,這些社會議題成為
可以介紹,產在2,000公尺以上因為結霜才有的 幾位高年級釀酒師聚會時的話題,繼而催生出他
冬片。當外國人提海島威士忌,我們也可以談產 們的創業想法,「台灣實行專賣制度超過百年,
在低海拔的海濱、採重烘焙的海口茶。」如此一 製酒技術都掌握在公賣局手上,開放之後,民間
來,能讓外國人為台灣留下深刻的印象。 一窩蜂地做酒,但卻不知道如何做『好的酒』。
禁止酒駕 38
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
Dreams of a national alcoholic beverage Hometown’s chairman, recalls the situation after it be
Drinks made by adding tea to alcoholic beverages came legal for privatesector operators to brew or distill
are among the things that many foreign visitors find so their own alcoholic beverages in 2002. Inevitably there
attractive about Taiwan. When the time comes to leave, was a great deal of confusion in the market during the
what kind of drink can they take with them as a sou transitional phase, and there were incidents of counterfeit,
venir? At Taoyuan International Airport, the alcoholic adulterated, or even toxic beverages. These issues became
beverages on display in the dutyfree shop include one a common topic of conversation when these four old pros
very special option: a drink produced by the Home got together, and inspired them to found this enterprise.
town Liquor Corporation that is made by mixing Kao A potential national drink
liang (gaoliang, i.e. sorghum) liquor with tea. “Setting an example” implies the highest standards.
Hometown, founded in 2010, can be considered Hometown, whose product line mainly comprises
young in comparison with many other manufacturers Kaoliang based drinks, allows its founders to fulfill
of beers, wines, and liquors, but the brand’s four found professional dreams that they were unable to realize at
ers were all veterans with more than 30 years of expe TTL within the strictures of a governmentrun enter
rience in the industry. They are Zheng Shijin, former prise. Hometown’s brand image is one of dignity and
director of the Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly strength, but not without vigor. The flavors are created
Bureau; Lai Shuntang, former president of the Taiwan by combining Kaoliang liquor with Taiwanese agricul
Tobacco and Liquor Corporation (TTL); Tsai Muhlin, tural products, thereby demonstrating the abundance of
former TTL chairman; and Ruan Jinhe, former head of such products in Taiwan and the creativity of the drinks’
TTL’s Department of General Affairs. skilled producers. At Hometown, the sourcing of raw
The founding of Hometown represented the aspi materials is not limited by the Government Procurement
rations of these four industry veterans. Tsai Muhlin, Act, so the firm can select high-grade ingredients and it
Hometown Liquor Corporation
has been actively developing
a series of tea–alcohol
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康 39
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
Two of Hometown Liquor’s founders:
Zheng Shijin (left) and Tsai Muh-lin (right).
因為在公賣局任職,我們才有機會累積技術上的 陸羽」系列最受歡迎,包含高山茶酒、烏龍茶
實力,藉著退休後成立私人公司,也將技術帶了 酒、阿薩姆茶酒等。
出來,希望為社會豎立下典範。」蔡木霖娓娓道 說來,讓茶遇見酒,不是今人的創舉,「茶
來賀木堂成立的初心。 酒採茗釀之,自然發酵蒸餾,其漿無色,茶香
典範,代表了最高標準。以高粱酒產品為主力 至成熟,有調酒師在吧台,運用最基本的浸漬
的賀木堂,彌補了公家單位未能完整實踐的職人 (infuse),將適量茶葉浸泡在基酒,即成最簡易
夢。品牌形象,端莊大器,卻又不失活力。口味 版的茶酒,但由於茶湯仍將持續氧化,必須即席
以高粱酒搭配台灣農產品為主,用以展現台灣豐 飲用,不利長久保存。也有如王偉勳利用電磁攪
富的物產與職人創意。原料的取得,不再受採購 拌器,以肖似煮塞風咖啡的方式,將茶葉萃取後
法之限,可以盡情選用上等材料,也更易於溯源 過濾,成為高濃度「茶漿」,再加入其他風味,
品管。最關鍵的製程,從製麴、發酵、蒸餾的溫 進而與酒結合。
度、壓力與流速,乃至對員工的訓練與要求,各 至於成品看上去如水一般剔透澄淨的賀木堂,
方面細節都竭盡可能地顧得圓全。 技術含量最高。製酒過程中的各變數經過整理與
不同於更普遍的液態發酵,賀木堂的高粱, 調整,利用科學儀器的輔助,將茶葉與高粱酒共
採中式白酒的傳統製程,以麴餅進行固態發酵, 同蒸餾,成為透明的茶酒,是茶還是酒,難辨彼
再逐一剔除掉不好的成分,豐富的微生物組成帶 我,撲鼻酒香中,茶香縷縷不絕,同時能確保百
來豐富的香氣,滋味醇厚、層次紛繁,但又沒有 年不壞。
高粱常見,因甲醇、酯類而發出的酒臭味。這一 「茶酒,是最可以代表台灣的酒類。」蔡木
橫空出世的作品,實則上是「復刻」,「五、六 霖認為。承繼了華人釀酒綿遠的文化內涵,與台
○年代司令官所喝的高粱,就是這個味道。」鄭 灣的獨特物產。酒的寬容,茶的獨特,讓不同輩
世津相當自豪地說。而賀木堂的酒,均以此為基 份、不同領域的專業人士從中取道,有志一同,
底,發展出34種口味,其中又以代表茶酒的「最 各自打造出心目中,足以代表台灣的一滴入魂。□
禁止酒駕 40
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
is easier to implement traceability and quality control. made. Next, other flavors are added to the liquid tea and
They carefully oversee every detail of the most critical the final blend is combined with an alcoholic beverage.
steps in the production process, from the yeast starter Hometown, whose finished products are as trans
culture to fermentation to the temperature, pressure, parent as water, requires the highest level of technol
and rate of distillation, as well as the training and re ogy. They use scientific instruments to assist them in
quirements for staff. regulating and adjusting all the variables in the liquor
Hometown has developed Kaoliangbased beverages making process as they distill tealeaves and Kaoliang
in 34 flavors. The most popular are the “Tea Liquor” liquor together to create their clear tea–alcohol drink.
series, made by combining tea with alcohol, which in It is hard to say whether the resulting product is tea
cludes HighMountain Tea Liquor, Oolong Tea Liquor, or an alcoholic beverage, as there is a steady tea aroma
and Black Tea Liquor. amidst the alcohol fragrance. At the same time, their
In fact, combining tea with alcoholic beverages is products have a very long shelf life.
not a modern idea. But the form that this combination “Tea–alcohol drinks are the type of alcoholic bever
takes has evolved and matured over time. Today most age that can best represent Taiwan,” says Tsai Muhlin.
bartenders use the most basic method, infusion, im They build on the ancient cultural tradition of alcohol
mersing a suitable amount of tealeaves in a base alco production among ethnic Chinese people while also
holic beverage to make the simplest type of tea–alcohol incorporating Taiwan’s distinctive tea products. The
drink. However, because tea in its liquid form will compatibility of alcoholic beverages and the unique
rapidly oxidize, these drinks must be consumed right characteristics of tea make it possible for professionals
away, as they are not suited to longterm storage. Mean from different generations and different fields of exper
while some, like Aki Wang, use a magnetic stirrer to tise to find a common path forward. Working together,
produce a highly concentrated waterbased liquid tea, each can produce the kind of extraordinary beverage
after which the tealeaves are removed and the liquid is that in their minds best represents Taiwan. l
passed through a filter, similar to how syphon coffee is (Lynn Su/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/tr. by Phil Newell)
Tea is a part of everyday
life for Taiwanese, so it
makes a natural additive
for alcoholic beverages.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康 41
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
封 面 故 事
噶瑪蘭 +OMAR
Maggie Siff喝了噶瑪蘭Vinho 葡萄酒桶威士忌
後,發出「Wo w∼」的讚嘆聲,男演員P a u l
Kavalan Whisky
The Kavalan Whisky Distillery was Taiwan’s first whisky distiller.
聘請來的兩位蘇格蘭威士忌專家,無法拿捏台灣 S w a n的到來,有「威士忌界愛因斯坦」之稱的
不同於蘇格蘭的氣候環境與釀造條件,對於從磨 Jim Swan,針對台灣特殊的氣候、環境,重新調
麥、糖化、發酵到蒸餾的過程與參數,眾說紛 整製程參數與定位。
紜,莫衷一是。 2006年與Jim Swan同一天報到的噶瑪蘭酒廠資
直到擁有生物與化學博士的蘇格蘭籍顧問J i m 深調酒師楊順清用「撥亂反正」來形容Jim Swan
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
Whisky, Taiwan Style:
Kavalan and Omar
T aiwanese whiskies have become so well known that they are now appearing on US-made TV shows.
During an episode of the American T V show Billions, a taste of Kavalan Solist Vinho Barrique
whisky elicits a “Wow!” from actress Maggie Siff, prompting co-star Paul Giamatti to respond: “Right?
The Taiwanese do it better than the Scots these days.”
We arrive at the Kavalan Distillery in Yilan’s Yuan- gle Cask Strength while a guest on Suchwita, a Korean
shan Township on a clear, bright day. There we learn TV talk show that involves chatting while tippling.
that South Korean tourists have been visiting the dis- Kavalan introduced Taiwan’s first domestically made
tillery in large numbers in recent years, in no small whisky in 2008 and has gone on to win 798 gold medals
part thanks to RM, leader of the South Korean boyband at international whisky competitions in the years since.
BTS, recommending Kavalan Solist Oloroso Sherry Sin- It now produces 10 million bottles of whisky per year,
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
Zerose Yang, head of Kavalan’s Spirits Research
Institute, says: “If you like our whisky, you’ll really like it.”
的貢獻。四年後,從海外傳來一個令人振奮的消 節都重要。
息,開啟了噶瑪蘭威士忌在全球威士忌競賽中 他指出,現今每年各項威士忌大賽無年分的類
「獎」不停的序幕。 別中,噶瑪蘭威士忌由於富含濃郁果香、熟成度
這個消息是英國泰晤士報刊登台灣噶瑪蘭單 夠,縱使在盲測的情況下,評審都能斷定是噶瑪
一麥芽威士忌,在蘇格蘭一項由威士忌鑑賞家進 蘭威士忌酒廠,得獎已是常態。再加上因為台灣
行的「伯恩斯之夜」(Burns Night)」盲測中, 位於亞熱帶,熟成速度是蘇格蘭的三倍,很難掩
以黑馬之姿,打敗三家蘇格蘭與一家英格蘭威 蓋「來自台灣」的風味。
士忌,榮獲冠軍。亞熱帶台灣也能釀出好威士 不論是主打原酒的單一風格,或是調配工藝的
忌,2010年麥芽威士忌年鑑(Malt Whisky Year 創作,針對普飲、收藏等不同的市場,噶瑪蘭威
Book)將台灣列入世界威士忌產區。 士忌酒廠至今已有30款酒上市。
選用形似台北101大樓瓶身的噶瑪蘭經典單一 汁原味的波本原酒(Cask strength),雖是高達
麥芽威士忌,至少在波本、雪莉橡木桶熟成滿四 58.6%的酒精強度,由於口感圓潤,甜感的感受
年以上,富有亞熱帶芒果、青蘋果、櫻桃的水果 度更強,成為他平時在家心血來潮小酌,或是與
香,自2014年至2020年拿到29項威士忌競賽的金 朋友小聚的基本配備。
牌,名副其實成為噶瑪蘭酒廠的「金」字招牌。 如果心情不好想喝酒呢?「噶瑪蘭威士忌蘇
身兼烈酒研究所主任、首席化學分析師的楊順 打調酒 KAVALAN Highball」這罐以經典單一麥
清反問道:「你知道設備、原料、製程、風土、 芽威士忌為基底,強調辛口的威士忌調酒,楊順
職人,那一個因素最重要嗎?」答案是每一個環 清開玩笑地說:「真的會愈喝愈辛酸。」特別的
The Kavalan Distillery is a frequent winner in
international whisky competitions.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
distributes its products to more than 60 countries and “brought order to chaos.” Yang tells us that these ef-
territories, and is one of the ten largest single-malt forts bore fruit in 2010, when a Kavalan single-malt
whisky producers in the world. whisky outperformed three Scottish and one English
The company has had great success in convincing whisky in a blind Burns Night tasting organized by
the world to taste Taiwanese whiskies. What has it the UK paper The Times. The surprise win turned out
done right? to be only the beginning of a long succession of inter-
The right people national awards and accolades for Kavalan whiskies.
King Car Group founder Lee Tien-tsai established The right methods
Kavalan Whisky in 2005. Sold in a bottle meant to suggest Taipei 101, the
The company then hired biochemist Jim Swan, single malt Kavalan Classic is aged at least four years
known as the “Einstein of whisky,” in 2006. Once on in oak bourbon and sherry casks and has a fruity
board, Swan tweaked Kavalan’s production processes flavor with notes of mango, green apple and cherry.
to account for Taiwan’s climate and environment. The whisky won 29 gold medals in competitions from
Zerose Yang, who joined Kavalan on the same day 2014 to 2020 and has truly become Kavalan’s “classic”
as Swan and serves as its senior blender, says Swan single malt.
In Taiwan’s subtropical climate, whiskies mature quickly and acquire layers of distinctive flavors.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
金車總經理李玉鼎有一句名言:「樹與樹的距 橡木桶透過刨、烘、燒烤桶處理,既保有前身葡萄酒的香
離是風,人與人的距離是酒。」開發團隊銜他之 Oak barrels, which are infused with the aromas of the sherry
they once held, are refreshed by a process of shaving, toasting
命,開發下一世代經典款,「層豐雪莉三桶」便 and re-charring, in preparation for maturing a new batch of
應運而生。楊順清說,開發過程中,就廠內七種 whisky.
軸,加入甜雪莉代表的PX(Pedro Ximénez)桶及 忌實驗室」(WHISKY LAB),吸引各國喜歡威
Moscatel桶,呈現多層次、豐郁口感,適合不同 士忌的遊客,一探台灣威士忌的多樣風味。
場合,餐前或餐後品酩的百搭款,亦展現噶瑪蘭 為應付行銷60多國的通路訂單,尤其是機場免
酒廠的創作理念。 稅店訂單爆增,其中又以歐洲、美國、韓國與中
疫情解封,國內外旅遊逐漸回溫,噶瑪蘭酒廠 國名列前茅。金車噶瑪蘭酒廠目前正在興建熟成
自2019年開園至今已吸引超過1,000萬入園人次, 三廠,預計2024年完工,希望未來讓全球更多人
尤其是可自行DIY,調配自己喜歡風味的「威士 品嚐台灣威士忌的味道。
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
「威士忌實驗室」(WHISKY LAB),讓遊客聞香、
Kavalan’s Whisky Lab enables visitors to smell and
taste various whiskies, and then blend one that
perfectly matches their preferences.
Zerose Yang, who is also the chair of King Car’s brought along a bot tle of Kavalan Solist Oloroso
Spirits Research Institute and its chief chemist, says Sherry Single Cask Strength. “Taiwanese really enjoy
that Kavalan whiskies’ strong fruity aromas and suf- the extravagant flavors of a sherry cask, and our sub-
ficient maturation have made them regular winners in tropical climate really highlights the toffee and dried
blind testing in the “no age statement” category of in- fruit flavors of this kind of cask. This whisky makes a
ternational whisky competitions. Taiwan’s subtropical great gift. It’s stylish, looks good, and is even red!”
climate causes its whiskies to mature three times as International sales
fast as those aged in other regions, giving them their With domestic and international tourism picking
own unique “made in Taiwan” flavor profile. up since the lifting of pandemic restrictions, Kavalan
Kavalan has 30 whiskies on the market, including has received more than 10 million visitors since 2019.
cask strength and tempered bottles, that target both Its Whisky Lab, where guests can blend whiskies to
drinkers and collectors. their own taste and explore the many flavors of Tai-
“If you like it, you’ll really like it,” says Yang, rec- wanese whisky, is a particularly popular destination
ommending an unadulterated cask-strength ex-bour- for whisky lovers.
bon whisky. Though the spirit clocks in at a potent Kavalan is currently constructing a third distillery
58.6% ABV, it has a smooth and round mouthfeel and to meet strong global demand for its products, and es-
intense sweetness. Yang says he likes to enjoy a few pecially from duty-free shops in Europe, the US, Korea
glasses at home or with a few friends. and China. The company expects to complete the new
He also reveals that when he visited his fiancée’s facility in 2024 and hopes that it will enable still more
parents to discuss the wedding arrangements, he global citizens to experience Taiwanese whiskies.
Kavalan’s lantern-shaped pot stills produce an alcohol
with a perfectly balanced body, neither too heavy nor
too light.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
The barrel storehouse at the
Nantou Distillery.
The angel seated on the oversized whisky bottle at the entrance to the Nantou
Distillery represents the “angel’s share.”
中台灣的暖陽照著南投酒廠二層樓高的橡木 南投酒廠設立的初衷,原是為了照
桶品酒室閃閃發亮,比人高的威士忌酒瓶上坐著 顧台灣的果農,利用生產過剩的水果
Omar Whisky
「抽稅的天使」,引發威士忌愛好者會心的一 來釀白蘭地與葡萄酒。
笑。造訪此酒廠,除了品飲全球獨一無二的荔 原本即有生產蘇格蘭調和威士忌的
枝、柳丁風味威士忌外,也可以進行全台唯一從 南投酒廠,為了彌補原酒的不足,2008年投入威
橡木桶取酒的桶邊品飲體驗。 士忌麥芽工廠的生產線,由台灣第一位去蘇格蘭
1999年921大地震重創南投酒廠,六棟儲酒庫 南投酒廠將自家蒸餾的威士忌品牌,以蘇格蘭
全部付之一炬。由於儲酒庫裡全是酒精,消防員 的蓋雅古語 OMAR 命名,意指「琥珀」。歷經
無力救火,包括窖藏20∼30年的白蘭地,任其燒 許多的實驗與測試,2015年推出全世界第一支,
了三天三夜,總損失達台幣40億元。 也是全球唯一酒廠釀造的「荔枝酒單一純麥威士
天使抽稅(Angel’s share)
禁止酒駕 48
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
T he Nantou Distillery of the Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation (TTL) has enjoyed quite a re-
surgence since the Jiji earthquake reconstruction effort. You might well describe it as having arisen
from the ashes, with its Omar Whisky label the emergent phoenix.
The warm sunlight of Central Taiwan sparkles in- Jiji Earthquake and lost six of its warehouses to fire.
side the two-story-tall barrel-shaped tasting room, These had stored alcohol and blazed so intensely that
where the sight of an angel representing the “angel’s the fire department had no chance to extinguish the
share” sitting atop a giant bottle brings a smile to visit- flames, which burned for three days and three nights.
ing whisky fans. Distillery guests can not only taste its Included in the NT$4 billion in losses were brandies
unique lychee- and orange-flavored whiskies, but also that had been cellared at the distillery for 20 to 30 years.
sample whisky drawn straight from the cask. Established to support Taiwanese agriculture, the
Advantageous local conditions Nantou Distillery made wines and brandies from ex-
The Nantou Distillery was badly damaged by 1999’s cess domestic fruit production.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
O M A R威士忌品牌大使余政彥,每年約要主講150場品
Omar Whisky brand ambassador Yu Cheng-yen speaks at
roughly 150 tastings per year.
Taiwan’s fruit whiskies bottle elements of our domestic terroir,
culture, and history of fruit production.
成為O M A R威士忌的一大特色,不只得到許多
余政彥說:「芒果、鳳梨、百香果等富有強烈果 鎮廠之寶,奇貨可居
香味的水果,以及柑橘體系,我們全都做過,但 一個新品牌打知名度,最好的辦法就是參賽得
大多以失敗告終,因為過桶後很難留住新鮮的果 獎,為了出國比賽拿獎,南投酒廠特地成立十人
香味。」 的品評小組,研究每場競賽歷年得獎的紀錄、評
為了做出獨一無二代表台灣的威士忌,酒廠研 審的喜好,先從每年裝桶3,000顆橡木桶中,選出
發人員抱著「不設限」理念,余政彥認為:「大量 600桶高年份的威士忌,再選出前三名參賽。
實驗是讓我們品牌成長,走出全新之路的唯一方 OMAR單一麥芽威士忌自2014年起參加ISC、
法。」南投酒廠甚至與台大森林系合作,以台灣特 SFWSC、MMA、IWSC、WWA及CMB等多項國
有木頭取代橡木進行酒桶實驗,包括整合台灣菸酒 際酒類競賽,已獲超過200面獎牌,在全球威士
公司旗下酒廠的酒桶也在實驗之列,例如以紅露 忌版圖中搶占一席之地。
禁止酒駕 50
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
When the Nantou Distillery launched its own whisky Omar has even made a whisky finished in a craft-
brand in 2008, it chose to name it Omar, from the Scottish beer IPA cask developed by the TTL Wurih Brewery.
Gaelic word for “amber.” Drawing on its 40-plus years The resultant product has the hoppy nose of a beer,
of expertise in making fruit liquors, the company intro- but the palate and finish of a whisky, and brims with
duced the world’s first lychee-liqueur- barrel-finished Taiwanese flavor.
single-malt whisky in 2015, selling out the first batch on Rare and collectible
the day of its release. International competitions are a great way for new
Omar Whisky brand ambassador Yu Cheng-yen says brands to build a reputation. The Nantou Distillery
that this fruity, distinctively Taiwanese whisky uses ly- created in internal team of ten people specifically
chees from Fenyuan Township, Changhua County. These aimed at winning awards. The team researches each
are macerated and fermented to make a 12% ABV lychee competition’s awards history to identify which prod-
liqueur, the ABV of which is further raised by the addition ucts won awards and what the individual judges’
of brandy. The resultant liqueur is matured in oak casks, preferences are. It then selects 600 of the 3,000 casks
which the company retains. The distillery creates its ly-
chee whisky by first aging the whisky in a bourbon cask
for four years, and then transferring it to a lychee-liqueur-
seasoned cask to age for another one to two years. The
process adds a fresh lychee flavor to the whisky’s finish.
The distillery also makes cask-strength whiskies fin-
ished in plum-, orange- and black-queen-grape-liquor-
seasoned casks using plums from Xinyi Township,
oranges from Zhongliao Township, and grapes from Erlin
Township in Changhua County. Omar has also made the
world’s first osmanthus-liqueur-barrel-finished whisky.
These whiskies have a distinctly Taiwanese character that
has made them popular with both Taiwanese and Japa-
nese whisky aficionados.
Participants in a distillery event learn a great
deal about whisky.
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康 51
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
This wall of Solera-system PX sherry casks is worth NT$200 million, yet is held together by nothing more than wooden supports.
Nobody has dared to make any changes since the cask supplier personally ensured that the supports were placed just as they had
been in Spain.
造訪南投酒廠,莫錯過一面市價超過二億元的 酒廠2008年開發產線時第一年蒸餾的威士忌。由
橡木桶牆,這裡存放著標榜自1918年Solera系統 於「天使抽稅」的原因,每年桶內的水位都在
PX雪莉桶的威士忌。 下降。2018年開始挑出四桶橡木桶,以水晶瓶裝
每年主講上百場品酒會、酒展的余政彥解釋, 瓶,每桶可以裝入250瓶威士忌原酒,每瓶定價
Solera System是釀造雪莉酒的一種陳釀方式,就 10,000元;2023年一桶僅能裝200瓶,瓶身則與
像台灣製作老滷汁的概念。Solera1918即是自西 台灣畫家馬白水的《太魯閣之美》、《墾丁》、
元1918年,使用高糖度Pedro Ximénez葡萄品種釀 《南海岸》、《美濃鄉村人家》聯名,深具收藏
的PX雪莉酒,不斷陳釀的系統。 及投資價值,目前一組四瓶市價預 計將超過八萬
由於全球珍稀雪莉桶愈來愈少,2015年台灣菸 元,而且都是尚未上市就預購一空。
酒公司從虎視眈眈的蘇格蘭酒商的競爭中脫穎而 看好全球威士忌的市場,台灣菸酒公司正斥資
出,自創建近300年歷史的西班牙金三角雪莉酒 13億元興建二棟尖塔造型的威士忌酒堡,屆時可
產區酒莊Ximénez-Spínola,買進了整套珍稀的雪 存放三萬顆橡木桶,還有微型博物館在內的威士
莉酒桶,據說是因為莊主有一位台灣媳婦,「有 忌工廠,讓消費者可以進行五感體驗,預計2025
關係就沒有關係」。 年完工,屆時可以讓更多的「台威迷」品酩深具
這套奇貨可居的雪莉酒桶,裡面裝的是南投 台灣風土的好酒陳釀。 □
禁止酒駕 52
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
The Nantou Distillery’s four onion-
shaped pot stills fill the stillhouse
with the scent of sugar cane and
of the esters produced by distilling
the “wash” (fermented barley wort).
of whisky the distillery produces annually and be- made in 2008, the year the Nantou Distillery initiated
gins assessing them, eventually winnowing them whisky production. The distillery began selling this
down to the three that the company will submit to special whisky in 2018, bottling it in crystal bottles
competitions. at a rate of just four casks per year. Initially, each
Omar has entered its single malt whiskies in many cask produced 250 bottles of whisky that sold for
international tasting competitions since 2014, includ- NT$10,000 each, but the angel’s share means that the
ing the International Spirits Challenge, San Francisco amount of whisky in the remaining casks declines
World Spirits Competition, Malt Maniacs Awards, every year. By 2023, the angel’s share had reduced the
Inter nat iona l Wi ne & Spi r it Compet it ion, World volume to just 200 bottles per cask. In that year, the
Whisky Awards and Concours Mondial de Bruxelles. distillery chose to enhance the whisky’s collectability
The distillery has distinguished itself by accumulat- and investability by decorating each of the bottles
ing more than 200 medals to date. with one of four of painter Ma Pai-sui works: The
If you happen to visit the Nantou Distillery, be Beauty of Taroko, Kenting, Southern Coastline or Meinong
sure to check out the “oak cask wall” while you are Village Home. Sold out before they were even released,
there. Believe it or not, the “wall,” which is where the a set of four bottles is expected to be priced at more
distillery stores the whiskies aged in its Solera system than NT$80,000.
PX sherry casks, is worth more than NT$200 million! Convinced of the positive outlook for the global
Global competition for sherry casks is intense, but whisky market, TTL is investing NT$1.3 billion in
in 2015 TTL managed to outmaneuver Scottish dis- building two whisky chateaus with spires at the Nan-
tillers to acquire an entire set of sherry casks from tou Distillery that it expects to finish in 2025. Once
Ximénez-Spínola, a winery in Spain’s famous Jerez complete, these chateaus will house a whisky pro-
wine region with a nearly 300-year history. Rumor duction facility and small museum, store 30,000 oak
has it that TTL was able to arrange the deal because casks, and show visiting fans of Taiwanese whisky
the winery’s owner has a Taiwanese daughter-in-law. just how those whiskies are made. l
“Having connections makes things easier.” (Esther Tseng/photos by Kent Chuang and
This set of rare sherry casks is filled with whisky Jimmy Lin/tr. by Scott Williams)
禁止酒駕 飲酒過量,有害健康 53
Don’t drink and drive. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.
三個深呼吸 ◎ 鄭育慧
場,閃 爍 的 黃 綠 色 斑 光 與 樹 影 隨
們在這裡。 邃寧靜的星球,有著獨特安穩的律
搓暖手心芬芳的精油,將帶有香 動。
氣的雙手放到長者的鼻子前,植物 身為定居廣大後山的芳療師,服
天然的香氣環抱著眼前的人們,也 務的對象遍布整個臺東,從長濱到
深呼吸。」 山傍海的狹長土地往返奔馳,進到
在 臺 東 廣 大 的 天 空 下,陽 光 穿 各個部落的文健站(文化健康站)
或是日間照顧據點,為老人家與照 在 短 短 十 分 鐘 按 摩 腿 部 的 過 程,
顧者們進行芳香按摩。 這位失眠多日、無法入睡的大姐,
源 自 二○ ○九 年 八 八 風 災 的 救 援 植物芬芳的氣味,無形中轉化了整
行動。 個環境的氛圍。
那年莫拉克颱風重創臺灣,許多 於 是 那位 芳 療 師 打 電 話 給 好友
人與賴以為生的家園一同遭受土 們 募 集 精 油,盤 算 著 長 期 支 援 所
石掩 埋。炎熱的夏日,臺東嘉 蘭的 需:「人力的部分,至少有我在。」
聚集了許多失去親人、目睹家園被 生了根,留了下來。
氣氛瀰漫。 * * * * * *
一 位恰 好從臺北來到臺東的芳
書名: 《三個深呼吸》
療師N i c o l e也想為受災 戶們盡些 我 初 次 遇 上 這 個 芳 療 團 隊,是
心力,於是每日跟著醫院的救災團 在二○一八年大學的寒假期間,我
頁數:256頁 定價:360元
隊 開 車往 返一 條 路 況 極 差 的 狹 窄 已 從 花 蓮 返 回 新 竹 的 家,和 家 人 出版時間:2023年10月
發舒緩撫慰的香甜氣息。 和溫 柔的氛圍。說來滿奇 特的,那 不太 會 講 的丈 夫。還有另一次,一
當 我 撫 滑 過 這個 彷 彿 拼 湊 起 來 芳療志工,跳上這群芳療師的公務 節炎。我握住他冰冷的手,挑 選合
放著紅色助行器,我蹲在她身邊, * * * * * * 的 困 惑,有 時 候 我 真 的 覺 得 芳 療
聽 她 說 地 震 時 衣 櫃、桌 子 全 都 倒 很 沒 用,質 疑 我 們 大 老 遠 跑 去 部
帶 我 服 務 這 位 阿 嬤 的 芳 療 師, 須習慣面對許多現實狀況。 身體還是在壞啊。」
我 在 一 旁 靜 靜 看 著,記 下 她 們 的 仍 要 負 責 照 顧 另 一 位 坐 在 輪 椅上 有機會可以像這樣被好好對待。」
意 不 顯 露 任 何 表 情,然 而 我 想 起 念;透 過 撫 觸,經 由 肌 膚,滲入 內 屬名Helichr ysum,意思是金黃的
坐在輪椅上,當同事的手放上他的 所 以,我 該 怎 麼 面 對 我 們 作 為 永 久花 的 氣 味 並 沒 有 一 般 花 朵
先 生 在 臺 灣 沒 有 妻 小,一 個 人 生 逝 呢?這 問 題 像 是 卡 爾 維 諾《 看 會漸 漸 聞 見 類 似 龍 眼 乾 的 優 雅 清
我 們 語 言 不 通,只 能 用 表 情 和 肢 聖 母 醫 院 芳 香 照 護 推 廣 中 心 的主 我 能 足 夠 透 徹,把 生 死 都 視 作
體 互 動,把 同 樣 的 氣 息 吸 進 彼 此 任,曾 帶 著 精 油 走 過 許 多 災 難 現 自然的循環嗎?
的肺葉,肌 膚 觸碰 肌 膚,在吸吐 之 場,以 香 氣 陪 伴 身 心 承 受 巨 大 衝 身為 必 須 不 斷 置 身 現 場 的 芳 療
間,以靈魂交流。 擊的人們。 師,究 竟要站 在何處,才能安穩 正
或 許 我 想 成 為 的 芳 療 師,並 不 我 首 次 與 N i c o l e 老 師 相 遇,起 視必然的死別和病苦?
是 懂 得 使 用多 少 種 功 效 驚 人 的 精 因 於 花 蓮 的 震 災,那 時 我 還 是 個
油,而是身為 一 個 人,能 和 他 人有 大學生,聽聞災情讓許多人無家可 * * * * * *
真心的互動、一起好好過生活。如 歸,於 是 決 定 參 與 花 蓮 的 芳 療 師
果 時 間 必 定 會 帶 走 健 康 的 身 體、 們 發 起 的 芳 療 計 畫,到 避 難 收 容 抵 達 殯 儀 館,走 向 悲 傷 輔 導 室
入 人 間 的 角 色 ── 怎 麼 回 應 這 世 然 而 這 次 前 往 殯 儀 館 前,我 卻 嗓。
深呼吸,讓香氣 環繞她。接著我使 覺到身體慢慢放鬆了下來,內在有 迫的工作現場,芳療師要能精準理
上,輕柔地撫觸。 了。 最適切的精油,直接就對方所關切
同 時 以 另 一隻 手 緩 緩 為 她 塗 上 按 知 道 這 個 香 氣 裡 含 有 什 麼 精 油, 與 快 速 掌 握,這 是 許 多 芳 療 師 花
感 到 生 命 的 氣 息 失 落,自 己 也 如 杜松漿果,它們是陽光下香甜圓滿 課。
塵土,向下墜落。 的果實,像充滿熱情力量的孩子, 而 看 似 只 有 肢 體 活 動 的 按 摩,
Readers’ Photos
Local Industries and
Regional Revitalization
Food and Farming Education in Shuishang (Lin Lisheng)
Chiayi County’s Shuishang Township hosts food and farming
workshops for participants to experience the trials and delights
of agriculture through harvesting rice. By actively promoting
food and agriculture education, the organizers help revitalize
the local economy and give children opportunities to learn about
their homeland.
Indigo Dyeing in Sanxia (Xiao Qingliang)
The Indigo Dye Festival in New Taipei City’s Sanxia District is a perfect example
of local revitalization. By holding workshops, the festival draws public attention
to the charm of indigo dyeing, aiming to promote this traditional craft and keep
it alive. The riverside workshops offer opportunities for visitors to reimagine the
glory days of indigo dyeing in an evocative setting.
Oyster Farms in Wanggong (Hong Xiuqing)
Wanggong is the only fishing port in Changhua County. The estuary here offers ideal
environmental conditions for local aquaculturists, many of whom make a living by farming
oysters. The oyster industry has helped catalyze tourism. Visitors can take a ride on a
tractor and admire the oyster farm scenery, harvest clams, and learn about the ecosystem
of the intertidal zone, gaining insights into the rich natural resources here.
Drying Persimmons in Xinpu (Zhang Wenxiong)
Hsinchu County’s Xinpu Township has hilly terrain and a relatively dry climate. When autumn arrives locals begin to dry
persimmons, taking advantage of the intense heat of the autumn sun and the vigor of the northeasterly monsoon winds. The
sun-drying process removes the astringent flavor of the fruit, turning it into a sweet and fragrant dainty.
Day Lilies in Yuli (Liao Liangxiang)
Chike Mountain Swiss Farm in Hualien County’s Yuli Township is home to four hectares of day lilies, covering the slopes
with an immense sea of yellow blossoms. The farmers grow day lilies as a cash crop, while also contributing to local
development by stimulating tourism.
Wandering in Chishang (Luo Shuhui)
Taitung County’s Chishang Township is known for its remarkably rich geological features and local cultural attractions. The fertile
valley here offers an ideal environment for an abundance of crops. Especially famous for its rice, Chishang delights visitors with
a vast patchwork of paddy fields. The Autumn Rice Harvest Arts Festival here has also garnered international acclaim.
Rice Terraces in Shimen (Li Shengzhang)
The rural regeneration program in New Taipei City’s Shimen District aims to reawaken shared local memories. Combining education with recreation, it stages agricultural
workshops where participants can try their hands at planting out rice seedlings or harvesting rice. Visitors get to know the natural environment intimately while
engaging in physical labor. The activities not only help revive local history and culture, but also enable the terraced fields to continue to play a crucial role in local water
conservation and agriculture.
Calla Lilies on Yangmingshan (Wang Ruifu)
The calla lilies in Yangmingshan’s Zhuzihu
play a vital role in local soil and water
conservation, recreational farming,
environmental protection, and floristry. The
white spathes of the flowers evoke images of
inverted horse’s hooves, and because calla
lilies grow in water like lotus flowers, one of
their names in Chinese is “horse hoof lotus.”
Ruili Tea Trail (Liao Liangxiang)
Ruifeng Village in Chiayi County’s Meishan Township has a hiking trail that winds through tea plantations. Rows of tea plants form
countless green tunnels, revealing their beautiful geometry when seen from a distance. Visitors come here to immerse themselves
in the charming panoramas of tea country.
Hot Air Balloons in Luye (Wang Changlin)
Luye Township in Taitung County hosts a summer festival
that includes a concert featuring light art, a drone show, and
a fireworks display. This is the most popular event in Eastern
Taiwan for tourists interested in hot air balloons. Watching
the balloons rising slowly from the Luye Highlands brings a
tremendous sense of satisfaction. The festival not only brings
gorgeous colors to Taitung’s sky but also serves as a magnet
for international visitors.
Eduardo Euba。
Eduardo Euba, director
general of the Spanish
Chamber of Commerce
in Taipei.
Eduardo Euba Aldape
S lightly different from the Portuguese and Dutch,
(F o r m o s a)」,16世紀的西班牙人稱台灣為 who once referred to Taiwan as “Ilha Formosa,”
「艾爾摩莎(Hermosa)」,但一樣的是,意義 the Spaniards in the 16th century called Taiwan “Isla
A preference for Taiwan
「這裡假日的時候會有很多人,包含騎腳踏車、 “A lot of people come out here on weekends and hol-
散步、打網球、打籃球等等。」穿著運動服、牽著 idays to ride bikes, take walks, play tennis or basketball,
and whatnot.” Dressed in sports gear and pushing a
YouBike of the sort that can be rented just about any-
事處處長Eduardo Euba站在自行車道旁,和我們
where in Taipei, Director General Eduardo Euba Aldape
of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Taipei stands
他從2020年到任駐台北西班牙商務辦事處,至 on the riverside bike path and tells us about Meiti River-
今已三年多,公務繁忙之餘,喜歡閱讀、料理、 side Park, located along the Keelung River near the Meiti
登山還有騎自行車。 Evacuation Gate.
這塊從他住所路程僅需10分鐘的綠地,便是他 In the three-plus years since he was named as the
廣的Eduardo Euba總能信
Intimately familiar with many
aspects of life in Taiwan, (下圖)從畫中可以看出
Eduardo Euba chats easily with 北中南各地風格的鐵欄
us on a wide range of topics. 杆,到參考名畫《侍女》
(below) The metal gratings
in El Balcón reflect
regional styles in Spain,
while women in hoop
skirts call to mind those
portrayed in Las Meninas
by Velázquez. Chiang
also sketches a middle-
aged man reminiscent of a
fellow shown in silhouette
by Picasso. Every detail is
redolent of Spain. (courtesy
of Chiang Shu Yi)
上,每天幾乎都可以看到Eduardo Euba親自出席
Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and on the second no matter what the field, he never misses an opportu-
occasion, while posted in Shanghai, he came to Taipei nity to promote friendship between Taiwan and Spain.
for a short personal vacation. A very straightforward example can be found at the
Those two visits made a deep impression on him. Spanish Chamber of Commerce itself, where a painting
Says Euba: “The friendly people and the beautiful scen- entitled El Balcón (“The Balcony”) hangs on display at
ery really attracted me to this country.” the end of a Mediterranean blue corridor. It was Euba
Since being posted to Taiwan, he has come to feel who commissioned Taiwanese artist Chiang Shu Yi to
thoroughly enchanted by the Taiwanese way of life. create the work.
Asked to comment about Tai-
wan’s natural scenery, Euba notes
that if someone in Madrid feels
like spending some free time in the
hills, it will take quite a while to
get there, but in Taipei you can get
into the mountains or to a riverside
in just ten minutes, and there is no
better example than Meiti River-
side Park.
After telling us about how he
spends his free time in Taiwan,
Euba waves goodbye, marking the
end of a few rare moments in which
he has managed to get away from
his tightly packed work schedule.
Promoting friendship
The Spanish Chamber of Com-
merce in Taipei has a “Spain in Tai-
wan” Facebook page where posts
come out almost daily to report on
activities in which Euba has taken
Euba’s work gets him involved
in many different matters, includ-
ing politics, economics, culture,
history, the arts, and education, but
Euba(右)在《陽台》(El Balcón)
After El Balcón was hung at the Spanish
Chamber of Commerce, Chiang Shu Yi
(left) and Eduardo Euba (right) posed for
a commemorative photo. (courtesy of the
Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Taipei)
最直接的例子,就在西班牙商務辦事處。倘 江書逸轉述,將成品掛上牆面那一天,Eduardo
若親自拜訪辦事處,可以看到牆面上掛滿許多畫 E u b a仔細審視著畫中每個細節,並說:「M u y
作,其中,在地中海藍走廊盡頭的《陽台》( El bien.(很好)。」短短一句話,讓他感到光榮,
Balcón),便是他在任期間邀請台灣藝術家江書 如同古時畫師為教堂榮耀而畫,而他也對西班牙
逸繪製的作品。 帶給他的溫暖、熱情而畫。
2021年辦公室整修期間,Eduardo Euba希望能 除此之外,在例行舉辦的活動中,也能看到
在走廊掛上一幅代表西班牙的畫作,經過辦公室 Eduardo Euba獨特的巧思。
同仁一番尋覓,最終決定與2020年剛從西班牙學 緊跟在中華民國國慶後,每年10月12日西班牙商
成歸國的江書逸合作。 務辦事處都會在台北舉行國慶酒會,但近年活動觸
在被太陽眷戀的國度實際生活過,寫實派的 角開始伸向其他縣市,包括台中、台南,2024年更
江書逸向Eduardo Euba提案,以更有溫度的插畫 預計前往高雄,如此變化便是在他到任之後才出現。
風格,將西班牙藝術、歷史、名人和文化等元 「台灣除了首都,還有其他城市、更多不同的
素,放進一個個獨具特色的陽台,就像當地每 樣貌。」他認為,將國慶酒會帶到不同都市,會
個角落都帶給他驚喜一樣,希望這幅畫也可以 是一個讓西班牙音樂、藝術和美食,透過活動在
讓每位來到西班牙辦事處的人,發現在畫裡埋 不同城市宣傳開,並藉此加深西班牙與台灣各地
藏的彩蛋。 城市交流的好機會,不僅可以讓更多台灣人認識
這幅幾乎與一個人同高的水彩畫,讓沒有窗戶 西班牙這個國家,更可達到促進兩國之間文化、
的辦公室走廊盡頭,彷彿有陽光灑落。 藝術等領域交流的目的。
The remains of the Convento de Todos los Santos
(Convent of All Saints) on Heping Island, just offshore
from Keelung, are among the physical proofs of the
first-ever contacts between Spain and Taiwan.
(photo by Kent Chuang)
參與研討會,與學者共同探究台灣被稱為「艾爾摩莎」時的歷史軌跡,也是Eduardo Euba在台灣
Part of Eduardo Euba’s job involves attending academic conferences and talking with scholars about
the historical period when Taiwan was called “Hermosa” by the Spanish.
(courtesy of the Asociación Taiwanesa de Hispanistas)
When the chamber’s offices were being renovated in this case, the painting was his way of giving back
in 2021, Euba wanted to hang a painting that would some of the warmth that Spain had shown him.
be distinctively Spanish in style, and in the end he Euba’s creat ive touc h ca n also be noted i n t he
decided to have one executed by Chiang, who had just events and activities regularly staged by his office.
returned to Taiwan in 2020 after completing a master’s On October 12 every year, the Spanish Chamber of
degree in art in Spain. Commerce has long celebrated Spain’s National Day
Having lived for a time in sunny Spain, Chiang, in Taipei, but during Euba’s tenure the chamber has
who paints in a realist style, proposed to Euba that he begun holding celebrations in other parts of Taiwan,
would use warm-toned illustrations to insert images as well.
of well-known Spanish art, historic scenes, celebrities, “Besides the capital city, Taiwan has other cities
and cultural elements into a series of separate balco- and places that are quite different.” He feels that cel-
nies, each one very different from the rest. The intent ebrating Spain’s National Day in other cities gives
would be to encourage every person visiting the Span- people in other parts of Taiwan the chance to become
ish Chamber of Commerce to search for the delights familiar wit h Span ish music, arts, and food, and
hidden throughout the painting. generates good opportunities to deepen interactions
Chiang recalls that when the painting was first hung, among Spain and all parts of Taiwan.
Euba looked it over closely, focusing in on every de- It’s hard to talk about “getting to know Taiwan”
tail, and commented with pleasure: “Muy bien” (“very without mentioning the predictable topic of semicon-
good”). That one short remark filled Chiang with the ductors, but Euba notes that Taiwan is also rich in
sort of pride that a master of centuries past must have terms of culture, the arts, and history, and for exam-
felt after completing a painting for a cathedral. And ples he points to Taiwan’s Austronesian cultures and
Eduardo Euba與歐盟成員國駐台辦事處代表們,在金山共襄盛舉淨灘活動。
Eduardo Euba and personnel from the Taiwan representative offices of other EU member nations are shown here taking
part in a joint beach cleanup activity in Jinshan. (courtesy of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Taipei)
說到認識台灣的角度,不免俗地提到國際聞 只是這段歲月的痕跡,隨歷史洪流掩埋於塵土之
名的晶片。他認為,雖然台灣因為半導體的重要 下,直至2019年,在台、西考古學家的聯合努力
性,而躍升世界舞台,但除了蓬勃經濟和產業發 下,重現世人眼前,是為如今的和平島考古遺跡。
展,台灣其實還有豐富的文化、藝術和歷史等層 而兩年後即將到來的2026年,正好是西班牙
面,例如南島文化和原住民族等,就像一個「包 人首度踏上台灣土地的400周年,因此,Eduardo
裹(package)」,等待著世界來發掘。 Euba認為這是一個能讓更多西班牙國民注意到台
而想要快速了解一個文化,最直接的切入點 期的緣故,而對菲律賓有更多認識。但這在台的
便是飲食。當我們問到最喜歡的台灣美食時, 短短16年,卻被Eduardo Euba視為相當重要的歷
Eduardo Euba選了許多外國觀光客也非常喜歡的小 史,並希望能藉由400周年的機會,與台灣合作
籠包,並和我們推薦與一個個白嫩湯包有異曲同工 舉辦系列活動,讓更多西班牙民眾可以注意到台
之妙的西班牙著名飲食文化「Tapas」。 灣,進而產生踏上台灣土地的念頭。
西班牙飲食文化多樣,但當地政府向聯合國教 「友誼建立在對彼此的認識上,」E d u a r d o
科文組織申請保護的,不是燉飯、烘蛋,卻是這 Euba如此說道,並接著提起希望同時促進台灣旅
些小份小份的點心。他說,Tapas不只是一份餐 客前往西班牙旅遊的想法,讓台灣人也能親身體
點,更是親朋好友聚餐時,能一同分享美味食物 驗同樣以熱情著稱的國度。雖然因為疫情影響,
的交流文化,他希望台灣人可以親自到西班牙餐 讓訪西的台灣旅客人數一度大幅下滑,但他相當
廳品嘗Tapas,感受兩國同樣對食物有所堅持的文 有自信,這樣的狀況會在今年大幅改善。
化內涵。 這位笑容可掬的外交官,用自己獨到的視角和
除了對食物的堅持,他還說到,台灣與遠在幾 方法,串聯起台灣與西班牙的友誼,下次若在路
萬公里外的西班牙在歷史軌跡上的重疊。 上碰到他,不妨和這位台灣的朋友說聲:「Hola,
1626年至1642年間,西班牙人曾短暫來到基隆, cómo estás? (你好嗎?)」 l
indigenous peoples. It’s all like a package, he says, ish archeologists unearthed remains they left behind
that is waiting for the world to discover it. on Heping Island, just outside the entrance to Keelung
We are not so different Harbor. The team’s findings are now part of a well-
When asked about the Taiwanese food he likes best, known archeological site.
Euba names xiaolongbao steamed dumplings, which The year 2026, which is now just two years away,
are a favorite with foreign visitors. He then goes on will mark the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the
to recommend that we in Taiwan should get to know Spanish in Taiwan, which is why Euba feels this is a
Spain’s famed “tapas” culture. good opportunity to get more Spanish people to take
Tapas, he says, is more than this or that sort of dish, note of Taiwan.
but an entire way of socializing, where friends and He hopes to seize this opportunity to work with
relatives get together to share good food and good Taiwan in carrying out a series of activities designed
times. He would like to see Taiwanese people partake to raise Taiwan’s profile in Spain.
personally of tapas at Spanish restaurants so they can “Friendship is built on mutual understanding,”
feel how the people of both countries have similarly says Euba, who says he hopes to encourage Taiwanese
exacting culinary cultures. travelers to visit Spain so they can personally expe-
Besides food, Euba also mentions how Spain and rience life in a country that, like their own, is well
Taiwan first crossed paths very long ago. known for the warmth of its people. l
From 1626 to 1642, Spain had a presence in Kee- (Cindy Li/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
lung, and in 2019 a joint team of Taiwanese and Span- tr. by David Mayer)
採訪完成後,Eduardo Euba和我們道別,
At the end of our interview, Eduardo Euba
waves goodbye and prepares to cycle away
on the bike path to Tamsui.
── 花 蓮 支 亞 干 遺 址
Jade the Obscure:
The Prehistoric Workshops
of Ciyakang
文•蘇俐穎 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•蕭郢岑
When the Truku people came to Ciyakang, they called this
area of gentle slopes “Takaday” after the Japanese word
for “high plateau.”
倘若不明究理,遊客對於並無大型景點的支 名,將這片山麓上的緩坡命名為「Takaday」。
亞干,大多不會留下多麼深刻的印象。但時空若 經過部落青年Apyang Imiq(漢名程廷)的解
倒流回兩千年以前,這一在東南亞規模無出其右 說,山林間,原本一概不識的植物逐漸明朗了
的玉器工廠,絕對會令人大吃一驚。 起來:有族人用來蓋屋頂的山棕;滋味辛辣的荖
三支菸、三盅酒,入山以前,先向祖靈致意。 芋;表皮堅韌,可以搓揉成繩子的構樹;因應市
腳踩在太魯閣族人傳說中,巨人腳印所踏之處,百 場需求大規模種植的山蘇等。
年以前,因為日本殖民政府實施集團移住政策, 看似空蕩的荒地,經過A p y a n g的悉心解說,
他們才從天祥一帶遷居到支亞干(Ciyakang), 展現出層層疊疊的歷史紋理。有日治時期所留下
並從日語「たかだい」(高台、高崗之意)命 的瓷碗碎片、陶製的清酒蓋、貯水的石槽與護坡
C iyakang might not leave a big impression on
the uninitiated. Yet visitors may be surprised
to learn that 2,000 years ago its workshops were the
kang, in what is now Xilin Village in Hualien County’s
Wanrong Township. From the Japanese word mean-
ing high plateau, they called the gentle slopes of this
largest producers of jade in all of Southeast Asia. mountainside “Takaday.”
Our guide, Apyang Imiq, grew up in Ciyakang.
Three cigarettes and three bowls of wine are left as Through his eyes, a seeming wasteland reveals its his-
offerings for the ancestors before we head up into the torical layers. From the modern era, there are shards of
mountains to a place that a Truku legend describes as energy drink Paolyta B bottles left by Truku laborers.
having been flattened by a giant’s footsteps. Some 100 From the Japanese era, there are fragments of porce-
years ago, under a Japanese policy of tribal relocation, a lain bowls, ceramic sake lids, stone cisterns, and earth
group of Truku people from Tianxiang moved to Ciya- retaining walls. And well camouflaged amid the grass
入列國寶的人獸形玉玦。(外交部資料) 裝飾在頭部的玉鈴。(外交部資料)
This jade pendant depicting two human figures and a beast is listed as a national treasure. A decorative jade circlet. (MOFA file photo)
(MOFA file photo)
用的駁坎;近代的太魯閣族人在勞動後所喝的保 的各種玉器,如:裝飾在頭部的玉鈴串飾;造型如
力達玻璃瓶碎片;以及隱藏在泥壤與草叢之間, 吸管的圓柱型玉管;戴在手臂上的喇叭型手環;入
數量龐大,卻極容易忽略的石斧、石片刀鋸;以 列國寶行伍,形如雙人並列,雙手叉腰,頭頂站著
及呈淡綠色,圓柱形或三角形等不規則形狀的玉 一隻雲豹或鹿一類動物的「人獸形玉玦」等。
器廢料,這些物件「走路就可能踢到」的無所不 而且,這樣的現象不單出現在卑南遺址,前中央
在,暗示著此處的非比尋常。 研究院歷史語言研究所研究員、考古學家劉益昌便指
這些起人疑竇的物件,身世可追溯到2,000至 素形成的黑色斑點,經儀器檢測後,鋅元素的含量
4,000年前的新石器時代,也吸引了歷代如柯南一 特別高,得以被確認為台灣出身。而在中央山脈東
般的考古學家聞聲而來。日籍學者鹿野忠雄是第 側的荖腦山區,支亞干溪(壽豐溪)、荖溪、白鮑溪
一人,1929年時他便斷言,這裡可能存在著同時 流經之處,則是台灣至今所知,唯一的玉礦所在處。
逐步受到重視。尤其1980年代,台灣規模最大的 豔陽下,我們與Apyang勤奮地揮汗,經過考古
史前遺跡──台東卑南遺址挖掘出土,與矗立在 學家與花蓮縣考古博物館團隊的指導下,參與投入
地表上的大型石板同樣可觀的,是地底下的2,000 考古工作現場,或展開地表調查;或用手鏟挖掘土
多具石棺,以及超過萬件的玉飾陪葬品。 壤,並以水清洗,篩揀出當中具價值的存在。未消
據出土文物顯示,顯而易見地,對尚未進入鐵 片刻,大夥兒便陸續發現有著明顯經人工打製痕跡
器時代,材料選擇仍很有限的史前人類來說,經過 的石斧;還有經人工切割的玉石與銳利的石鋸刀,
切鋸、打磨、拋光後,散發著幽綠光澤的玉石, 兩者相互比對下,竟能吻合地鑲嵌。面對未知的挑
在當時是最能傳遞出審美品味,乃至身分地位的象 戰,以及凝神投入後有所收穫的滿足,呼應著歷代
徵。足作為證明的,是被妥適裝點在已故親人周身 以來,考古學家在此孜孜矻矻的心境寫照。
Slender tubes of jade. (MOFA file photo)
and soil are all manner of stone axes, saws, and irregu- acteristics identify the jade as Taiwanese in origin. And
larly shaped jade remnants—pale green and cylindrical the area around Mt. Laonao on the eastern side of the
or triangular in shape. They are everywhere, and one Central Mountain Range (including the Ciyakang River
can’t help but walk over them. Their ubiquity bears watershed) is the only place on the island known to
witness to the remarkable legacy of this place. have jade deposits.
Unrivaled jade workshops Jade: A key to understanding prehistory
Dating to the Neolithic period, some 2,000–4,000 Under the guidance of archaeologists and a team
years ago, these artifacts have long attracted archaeolo- from the Hualien Archaeological Museum, we work
gists. The first to come was the Japanese scholar Tadao alongside Apyang under the hot sun. Some of us sur-
Kano (1906–1945), who in 1929 conjectured that Ta ka vey the surface, while others dig up soil and spray
day may have been the site of the largest jade work- water on what we unearth, hoping to find something
shops of their era in Southeast Asia. of value. We quickly discover artifacts that were clearly
The site only drew more attention as the field of Tai- crafted by human hands, such as stone axes and sharp
wanese archaeology developed after World War II. In stone saws as well as meticulously cut jade. To our sur-
the 1980s, excavation of the Beinan site in Taitung, the prise, the jade shows evidence of having been cut by
largest prehistoric site discovered in Taiwan, revealed those very same stone tools. We thus have a taste of the
not only large erect stone slabs on the surface but also satisfaction that archaeologists feel when hard work
more than 2,000 stone coffins buried underground, and dedication bear fruit.
along with over 10,000 jade artifacts. Building on Tadao Kano’s research, Liu Yichang
Archaeologist Liu Yichang, a former research fellow began a dig at the Ciyakang site in 1998. What has most
at the Institute of History and Philology of Academia astounded archaeologists is the huge quantities of an-
Sinica, has pointed out that these jade burial artifacts cient artifacts found in the cultural strata here. Shards
have now been found at over 100 sites across Taiwan. of discarded nephrite jade are particularly copious.
There are spots on them created by the presence Taiwanmined nephrite ranges in color from dark green
of iron, manganese, chromium, and the jade material to aquamarine and is commonly known as “Fengtian
contains unusually large amounts of zinc. These char- jade” or “Taiwan jade.”
當1998年,承襲著鹿野忠雄的研究基礎,在支 作為製造源頭的支亞干一帶,對台灣史前文化發
亞干遺址啟動考古計畫的劉益昌,正是如此吧。 展的重要性,無庸置疑。」接手劉益昌等前輩的
讓考古學家大為驚嘆的,便是這些藏身在「文化 步履,近年在此進行考古研究的成功大學考古學
層」裡、數量龐大的古老文物。當中最為大宗的 研究所副教授鍾國風如此說。此一席話,也說明
玉器廢料,是由民間俗稱「豐田玉」、「台灣 了我們遠道來此的理由。
於史前時代,戰後也曾因地質學家的「再發現」 面對著支亞干遺址豐碩的發現,考古學家無
而轟動一時,1960至1970年代還創造出佔全球軟 不好奇的是,這些形狀各異的玉器究竟是如何製
玉總產量60%的耀眼成績。 作?由於南島語族並沒有文字,全然仰賴口述與
不同的是,玉器在一般人眼中是具有經濟價值 個人記憶,當文明由新石器時代進入鐵器時代,
的裝飾物,對考古學家而言,是貫穿台灣數千年 關乎玉器工藝乃至相關的文化,歷經長時的汰
來不同時代,富文化意涵的關鍵性文物。尤其, 換,所有的蛛絲馬跡,有如被消磁了一般,紛紛
在人類文明邁進鐵器時代以前,必須經過冶煉, 深埋在考古地層。舉凡玉器的加工方法、技術的
五顏六色的玻璃珠、瑪瑙、琉璃,甚至是鐵器、 傳承、使用方式、工坊運作的方式、玉器消費與
銅器,均未出現,一枝獨秀的玉石,因其稀有、 交換模式等議題,均成未解之謎。唯獨可確定的
貴重,加上手工賦予的工藝性、文化性,自然 是,玉器製作的背後,涉及買賣、管理、交換、
而然成為台灣新石器時代人類用以區分身分、階 運輸等結構複雜的社會體制,足以顯示當時的文
級、財富的上上之選。 明已達相當的水平。
「又因玉器陪葬品的存在橫跨全台各地遺址, 作為當年蓬勃興盛的大型玉器作坊,支亞干遺
Due to the site’s unique importance,
teams of archaeologists have been
coming here since the Japanese era.
Following in the footsteps of earlier generations of scholars,
Chung Kuo-feng (left) has been conducting research at
Ciyakang in recent years. (courtesy of Chung Kuo-feng)
In the eyes of archaeologists, Taiwan jade artifacts archaeologists have naturally been curious about how
have more than just decorative value. They are, in fact, they were crafted. Since the Austronesian peoples his-
important cultural relics that span thousands of years of torically lacked writing, they were entirely reliant on
the island’s history. Before smelting techniques were de- oral traditions and memory to pass along information,
veloped in the Iron Age, there were no iron and bronze and when civilizations transitioned from the Neolithic
tools or colorful glass, crystal glass or agate beads. There to the Iron Age, jade craftsmanship and culture were
was, however, jade, which held unique significance gradually lost and forgotten, and are now preserved
during Taiwan’s Neolithic period due to its rarity, value, only within the archaeological record. What is certain
craftsmanship, and cultural importance. Symbolically, it is that behind the production of jade artifacts there lay
came to denote social status, class, and wealth. structurally complex societal systems involving trade,
Indeed, the Ciyakang area has been identified as the management, exchange, transportation, and more. This
source of the jade found in burial sites around Taiwan, complexity bears witness to a civilization that had ad-
giving it “unique importance to the prehistoric cultural vanced to a high level of sophistication.
development of Taiwan.” Walking in the footsteps of As the site of largescale jade workshops, Ciyakang
predecessors like Liu Yichang, Associate Professor offers something unique: Although finished jade ar-
Chung Kuofeng from the Institute of Archaeology at tifacts from here remain somewhat rare, a plethora of
National Cheng Kung University has been carrying out jade waste and processing tools have been left behind.
research in this area in recent years. His statement about Archaeologists are attempting to reconstruct the pro-
the site’s significance explains why we are here today. cess of crafting jade objects from raw stone by studying
Explaining prehistoric mysteries these artifacts and the remnants left over from the pro-
Faced with such an abundance of diverse artifacts, duction process.
Taiwan jade has distinctive black spots resulting from the presence
of iron, manganese, chromium and other elements.
址的特殊性在於,此地的玉器成品相當少見,反 最後才在靠近中間的位置進行崩斷,故產生的玉核
之,留下了大量製作過程中留下的玉器廢料及加 廢料中央往往留下明顯的突脊──考古學家稱這段
工工具。考古學家嘗試從中這些文物裡推敲、還 程序為「截方取圓」。如此所得的環形玉料,可再
原玉器從原石加工的過程。 進一步打磨、切割、加工,成為戴在耳朵上的玉玦
鍾國風解說,史前人類為了材料取得的方便, (有缺口的環形配飾)或者玉環等飾物。
工坊往往選擇坐落在材料源頭的鄰近,因為河床 遺址現場挖掘到的大量四角形、圓柱形,以及
平地容易氾濫,靠近淺山的緩坡順理成章成為了 帶有弧度的不規則形廢料,被視為加工過程的重
他們落腳居住的首選。 要證明。一看即知的「人工」痕跡,還因切面過
From discarded jade dug up at the site, archaeologists have been reconstructing how prehistoric artisans worked jade here.
(left) A wide variety of remnants from jade processing have been found at Ciyakang.
Discarded cores often feature a distinct ridge.
(right) This length of bamboo with quartz teeth installed at one end is a reconstruction
of a tubular saw used for creating jade pipes.
From today’s perspective, prehistoric jade production, Southeast Asia. How did these jade objects reach such
executed entirely by hand, seems both laborintensive distant places? These questions only lead to more,
and primitive. Yet intriguingly it also demonstrated about ship design and navigation techniques. A soli-
technical prowess that is hard to match even today. For tary clue comes from the Zhishan Rock site in Taipei,
instance, how were jade bells, smaller than fingernails, where a fragmented jade artifact in the shape of a boat
crafted? What tools were used to hollow out extremely was unearthed. It appears to be carrying at least four
slender jade tubes? Archaeologists have found it very individuals and possibly even animals such as dogs. It
difficult to replicate these processes using modern tools. can’t help but spark our imaginations.
Archaeologist Hung Hsiaochun, a senior research Now a backwater, once a fashion hub
fellow in the Department of Archaeology and Natural One of the few things that archaeologists unani-
History at Australian National University, has led a mously agree upon with regard to the Beinan site is
team that excavated ear ornaments made from Taiwan- that its finished jade artifacts stand out in terms of
ese jade in various locations, including sites on Palawan their number and cultural sophistication—and by ex-
Island in the Philippines, as well as coastal areas of cen- tension the purchasing power of their society—when
tral and southern Vietnam, and central Thailand. Her compared to other contemporaneous sites in Taiwan
findings lend credence to the “Out of Taiwan” hypoth- or Southeast Asia. Bei nan could be likened to today’s
esis, which posits Taiwan as the “mother island” of the fashion capitals of Paris or New York—a hub of wealth,
Austronesianspeaking peoples. In addition to linguis- style and influence. As the leading source of crafted
tic and genetic evidence, the diffusion of Taiwanese jade jade, Ciyakang led not just Taiwan but all of Southeast
compellingly corroborates this theory. Asia in setting fashion trends.
Many questions remain. These Taiwanese jade ar- Excavated from Orchid Island and popular in South-
tifacts unearthed from Southeast Asia bear witness east Asia but not in Taiwan, “linglingo” jade earrings,
to thriving maritime trade. Yet it’s puzzling how pre- with three pointed protrusions, provide additional evi-
historic humans were able to travel so frequently to dence. They suggest that artisans of Ciyakang not only
After receiving guidance, visitors dig in the cultural strata.
於不「自然」的銳利,一度讓鹿野忠雄誤判,這 島語族的「母親島」,除了語言、構樹的DNA可茲
是金屬管旋切而得。後來,考古學家利用低倍數 證明,台灣玉的移動與擴散,同樣是有力的佐證。
顯微鏡觀察切鋸痕跡,並以遺留在遺址現場大量 然而,疑問接踵而來。這些從東南亞出土的台
的石片刀微痕為證,才確認了加工程序。 灣玉文物,固然反映了當時代海洋貿易的興盛,
倘以今日文明發展的眼光來看,全面倚賴人手 樣的脈絡下運抵遙遠的彼方?然而,舉凡船隻的
加工的史前玉器工藝,既手工、原始又耗時,然 設計,以及航海技術與知識等相關問題,均難以
而值得玩味的是,與之同時並存的,是今日仍難 求證,惟從台北芝山岩遺址曾出土一只破碎的船
以解釋的技術水平。好比如,尺寸比指甲還小的 型玉器,船上至少四人共乘,甚至還有狗一類的
玉鈴,究竟如何製作?極其細長的中空玉管又是 動物同船而行,讓後代的我們平添臆想。
另外,旅澳考古學家、澳洲國立大學考古學和自 獨獨可確定的是,考古學家咸認,出土大量玉
然史學系資深研究員洪曉純曾率團隊,陸續在菲律 器成品的卑南遺址,在規模、文化水平及消費能
賓巴拉望島,越南中、南部的沿海,以及泰國中部 力,放眼同時期的台灣或東南亞,都稱得上數一
等地,挖掘到由台灣玉製作的耳飾。此一發現,呼 數二,倘若以今日的眼光來看,當時的卑南,類
應著人類學上出名的「出台灣說」──台灣作為南 比於現在時尚薈萃的巴黎或紐約,實不為過。作
exported these items but also accepted instructions
to make jade items to order. They bear witness to how
knowledgeable the Austronesianspeaking peoples
were of geography and how adept they were at utiliz-
ing maritime resources.
This history may seem surprising today, when West-
ern Taiwan is routinely given precedence over Eastern
Taiwan. As Wen Mengwin from the Hualien Archae-
ological Museum puts it, “Ethnicity and society are
understood through stories, such as myths, that reflect
the values of the community.” The stories told by the
Ciya kang site hold particular significance now, espe-
cially for people living on the East Coast. After all, as
Wen points out, “What is now called ‘beyond the moun- 花蓮縣考古博物館展出支亞干遺址的相關文物,包含玉器
tains” was actually Taiwan’s front door back then!” 原石、管狀旋截器等。
The Hualien Archaeological Museum has a display of items
Community archaeology related to the Ciyakang site, including rough jade stones, pipe
With its unrivaled archaeological importance, Ciya drills, rotary cutters, and so forth.
Located near the Ciyakang
site, the Hualien Archaeological
Museum provides additional
opportunities to gain in-depth
knowledge about archaeology.
為玉器製造源頭的支亞干,則是引領全台,甚至 取得共識,文化部、考古團隊與部落居民歷經超
整個東南亞地區的時尚重地哩。蘭嶼還曾出土、 過十年以上鍥而不捨的溝通,並納入部落族人的
僅流行在東南亞地區的三突起玉玦耳飾「鈴鈴 意見與土地權益,希望除了遺址的保存、維護,
翁」(Lingling-O)還可以從旁佐證,當時支亞 也兼顧社區經濟創生,找到永續運作的一條路。
干的工匠不僅有能力「外銷」,甚至還能接單, 即或考古乍聽離日常生活相距甚遙,但鍾國
利用台灣玉做「代工」生產。 風表示:「考古遺址不只有學術價值,同時也具
足以見得,當時的南島語族是多麼諳曉且能擅用 有跨世代與多元族群文化的當代性價值與社會責
海洋資源與地理條件的族群啊,「台灣玉在東南亞 任。」對於生活在此的太魯閣族人而言更是如
環南海地區廣泛分布的情形,說明了海洋對史前人 此,雖說,千年以前在此生活的史前人類,難以
來說不是阻隔而是道路,他們在環南海地區早就行 被歸類為哪一原住民族,卻是台灣原住民族共同
動自如了。」台灣史前文化博物館副研究員黃國恩 的祖先,倘若族人能理解遺址背後的文化意涵,
在〈跨越千年傳播萬里的台灣玉〉寫道。 對歷史文化的累積與傳承也有莫大助益。
這樣的想像,對於今日相當習慣「重北輕 目前,在文物現地保存及遺址活化的大方向
南」、「重西輕東」的我們,可謂別開生面。因 下,花蓮縣考古博物館、考古團隊及社區居民三
此,花蓮縣考古博物館溫孟威特別強調:「民 方攜手,推動以「考古學園」為名,結合社區部
族、社會,會藉由故事(好比神話)來理解族群 落與公眾的永續考古行動。活動開場,由部落青
的價值,」支亞干遺址講述的故事對於現在的我 年主動帶領遊客走往遺址現場,並講述支亞干當
們,尤其生活在東岸的人們,更是別具意義,畢 代歷史的來龍去脈──此舉,象徵了當代原住民
竟,「現在被稱作『後山』的地方,在過去,其 對於共有之文化遺產的理解、認同,乃至守護。
實是台灣的『前門』啊!」 至於對一般民眾如我們,除了藉此初探考古工
因其不言可喻的重要性,2010年起支亞干被指 進與遞變,且從先民的生活樣貌中,凝塑與召喚
定為花蓮縣定遺址,但卻因影響到原本居住在此 海島國家的共感。在這裡,對東岸,對大海,對
的太魯閣族人的生活,一度引起激烈反彈。為了 台灣,有了截然不同的想像與啟發。 l
residents entered into talks that continued for more tors to the site, explaining the modern history of Ciya
than a decade. Aiming to respect the opinions and kang and conveying Taiwan’s indigenous peoples’
land rights of the tribal people, these stakeholders sense of identity and guardianship over their cultural
have worked to find a sustainable approach for pro- heritage. Heartfelt connections are built through these
tecting and preserving the site while fostering eco- interactions.
nomic development within the community. Apart from conveying basic knowledge of archaeo-
Aiming to both preserve and reinvigorate the site, logical work, these activities give the public a glimpse
the Hualien County Archaeological Museum, archae- into the lives of Taiwan’s earliest inhabitants. We be-
ological teams, and local community residents have come witnesses to the evolution of a civilization and
joined forces to initiate an ongoing archaeological en- culture and gain a sense of connection to Pacific is-
deavor called “Archaeology Academy.” The initiative land nations. The experience sparks our imaginations
stresses “sustainable archaeology” that involves both about Taiwan, the East Coast, and the sea. l
indigenous communities and the general public. These (Lynn Su/photos by Kent Chuang/
events begin with tribal youth actively guiding visi- tr. by Jonathan Barnard)
因河道忽然敞開,遷徙到此的太魯閣族人將支亞干溪命名為「打開的樹洞」(Rangah Qhuni)。
Because the river suddenly widens here, the Truku people who were relocated to this area named the
Ciyakang River “Rangah Qhuni” (“open tree gap”).
Z huzihu (Bamboo Lake) is famous for its calla lilies, but 100 years ago it was the
first place in Taiwan where Japonica rice was cultivated. Today, farmers have
founded a club and worked with National Taiwan University to resume cultivation
of Nakamura rice, the precursor of Taiwanese Japonica rice varieties, on a subplot
of land in the Dinghu area of Zhuzihu. The people who have worked together to re-
plant this rice are writing a fascinating new chapter in the history of paddy rice
cultivation in Taiwan.
Rice is one of the main staple foods for Taiwanese. Most of the rice we eat with meals
today is Japonica rice, whereas many traditional rice-based foods, including radish cake,
wagui (savory rice pudding), and rice noodles, are made using Indica rice.
Japonica rice was introduced to Taiwan in the era of Japanese rule (1895–1945), but it has
been continually improved over time and today there are more than 200 varieties. Besides
edible Japonica rices there are also functional varieties, as well as colorful varieties that are
used to decorate rice fields for tourism purposes. The place where the ancestor of these Ja-
ponica varieties was first planted in Taiwan is Zhuzihu on Yangmingshan.
Zhuzihu farmers have organized themselves into a club to resume
growing Nakamura rice, a Japonica variety that 100 years ago
became the progenitor of Taiwan’s Penglai rices.
追 尋 領 航 台 灣 米 的 故 事
More than Just Flowers
—Zhuzihu and the History
of Japonica Rice in Taiwan
文•郭美瑜 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•馬英凱
每到春天,竹子湖的「海芋季活動」總是吸引 快手快腳地將稻穀倒入風斗中,右手轉動著風鼓
滿滿的遊客上山賞花,海芋成了她的代名詞。但 手把,左手上下搖晃著風鼓揠,稻穀便從風斗落
自2011年,社區居民及海芋農友開始追尋在地的 入風穀箱。
稻米歷史:與湖田國小推動「稻鄉課程」,連結 「你看,這些飄出來的是空包彈。」陳永如指
在地的稻米文化,農友還組成「竹子湖蓬萊米原 著被風吹出的稻殼說,空殼與較輕的雜物會隨風
種田穀東俱樂部」,與台灣大學農藝學系推動復 飄出風箱,較重的實穀會落入近端的斜出口。
耕蓬萊米,共耕「苗榜海芋花園」農主高于玄無 路過的學童看到罕見的風鼓車在運轉,紛紛好
償提供的田地,2011年開始復耕台稉九號稻米, 奇圍觀,有人忍不住動手體驗碾米的「樂趣」,
2016年更種回消失數十年的蓬萊米始祖「中村 也有人邊轉動風鼓一邊驚呼:「哇,我是大力士
種」。 耶。」陳永如則提醒學童離開風口:「這個(稻
「草山風,竹子湖雨,金包里大路」是形容 粒粒飽滿的實穀接著被送進脫穀機脫殼;第一遍
陽明山氣候的台灣俗諺。12月的冬日,竹子湖微 脫出粗糠,再次脫出米糠,最後碾出精米。粗糠
雨,氣溫較市區低了將近五度,遠山山頂雲霧飄 與米糠作為有機肥,精米用來食用。「剛碾好的
渺,漫步在山嵐氤氳的山路,頗有詩意。此時, 米最好吃,不要放太久,否則香氣會退得快。」
海芋花農、也是穀東俱樂部召集人的陳永如,帶 陳永如說。
著經過日曬的三小袋「中村米」,到湖田國小借 隔天,近20名穀東俱樂部成員與「磯永吉小
用設備碾米。 屋」學會的志工,就齊聚苗榜餐廳,一邊享用中
網購的古董級風鼓車看起來歷經風霜,陳永如 村米煮成的米飯,一邊分享種海芋、種稻的農事
(above) When students from Hutian Elementary School see this
rare old winnower in action, they all want to try their hands at
operating it. (photo by Mei Kuo)
(left) Chen Yongru, head of the Zhuzihu Ponlai Rice Seed Field
Club, operates a rice milling machine. (photo by Mei Kuo)
Members of the Zhuzihu Ponlai
Rice Seed Field Club joyfully gather
together to try freshly harvested rice.
Zhuzihu is located in Yangmingshan National Park at points to rice husks flying out of the device and explains
an elevation of 650–670 meters. Each spring, the calla lily that empty husks and lightweight sundries are blown out
season there attracts crowds of visitors to admire the flow- by the fan’s draft. Meanwhile full grains of rice, which
ers, and the calla lily has become virtually synonymous are heavier, fall down into an outlet.
with the place. However, since 2011 Zhuzihu residents and The rice is passed repeatedly through the winnower to
lily farmers have been tracing the history of paddy rice in screen out impurities. Next, the remaining plump grains
this area and have restarted rice cultivation here. Farm- are put into a huller to remove the husks and bran, and
ers have even organized the “Zhuzihu Ponlai Rice Seed then milled to produce polished rice. The husks and bran
Field Club” and have been working with the Department can be turned into organic fertilizer, while polished rice is
of Agronomy at National Taiwan University (NTU) to eaten as food. “Freshly milled rice tastes best,” says Chen.
promote cultivation of Japonica rice. In 2016 they began re- “Don’t store it for too long, or it will lose its aroma.”
planting the Nakamura variety, the forerunner of Taiwan- The next day, nearly 20 people, including members of
ese Japonica varieties, which had disappeared for decades. the Seed Field Club and volunteers from the Eikichi Iso
Zhuzihu and Nakamura rice Historical Association, gather at the Miau-Ban Garden
When we arrive at Zhuzihu on a December day, it is Restaurant to enjoy a meal accompanied by Nakamura
drizzling and the temperature is 5°C lower than down in rice. As they eat, they discuss the cultivation of calla lil-
the city. At this time Chen Yongru, head of the Seed Field ies and paddy rice and exchange lighthearted anecdotes.
Club, is carrying three small bags of sun-dried Nakamura People in Taiwan today frequently eat Taikeng No. 9
rice to Hutian Experimental Elementary School, to use
their equipment to mill the rice.
The antique winnower that they purchased online
seems to have been through a lot. Chen Yongru deftly tips
the rice grains into the feeding hopper and uses his right
hand to turn the hand crank for the blower fan while with
his left he shakes the feed quantity regulator up and down.
“Look, the ones coming out here are all ‘blanks.’” Chen
What the club members of Zhuzihu most care about isn’t the mouthfeel of
their Nakamura rice, but the stories behind it.
與趣事。稻米,串起農村的濃情味。 村種」種在高地成功,在平地多處栽培卻告失敗。
條棕色線,米飯有淡淡的飯香,口感則偏硬且有 台灣大學農藝學系名譽教授謝兆樞說,當時擔
嚼勁。 任台中州試驗農場(現為農業部台中區改良場)
「這在當時(日治時期)已是口感很好的米, 主任的末永仁,受到台灣總督府農事試驗場技師
現在對穀東來說,這(中村種)是有故事的米, 磯永吉的鼓勵,在1923年提出「幼苗插植法」,
不是好不好吃的問題。」陳永如說。 成功改良、栽培中村種水稻,產量擴大,栽種面
明清時期,中國閩粵地區移民進入台灣,引入 「嘉義晚二號」取代「中村種」普及全台。這一
秈稻品種。日治時期,日人吃不慣食味黏性不如 年,時任總督府選出「蓬萊米」,作為在台灣栽
The Penglai Rice Seed Field Office, now renamed the Zhuzihu Ponlai Rice Foundation Seed Field Story House, has
been registered as a heritage site, and continues to tell the story of Japonica rices in Taiwan.
rice, which has translucent grains and a pleasantly firm a new method of planting out seedlings and successfully
texture. We notice that Nakamura rice is off-white, with grew Nakamura paddy rice at low elevations. Cultivation of
a brown line in the middle of the grain, and it has a very this variety expanded southward into Central Taiwan.
mild rice fragrance and a relatively harder texture. In 1926 a new disease-resistant variety, Chiayi Late No. 2,
Chen explains: “Back in the Japanese era, this rice was was bred from Iyo Sengoku rice, and it replaced Nakamura
considered to have a very good mouthfeel. But today, for rice throughout Taiwan. The same year, the colonial govern-
the club members, Nakamura rice is a variety with a mean- ment chose the name “Horai rice” in Japanese (“Penglai” in
ingful story behind it—it’s not a question of whether or not Mandarin, often spelled “Ponlai”) as the name for improved
it is better to eat.” varieties of Japonica rice developed in Taiwan. Indica rice
The story of Japonica rice was renamed “Zairai rice” (“native rice,” pronounced “Zailai”
During the Ming and Qing dynasties, when people from in Mandarin) to distinguish it from Penglai rice, as these In-
China’s Fujian and Guangdong began to migrate to Taiwan, dica varieties were already widely consumed in Taiwan.
they introduced Indica rice varieties to the island. During Academics have concluded that the most impactful mo-
the era of Japanese rule, Japanese couldn’t get used to eat- ment in Taiwan rice history was the breeding of Taichung
ing Indica rice, which has less flavor and is less sticky than No. 65 rice by Megumu Suenaga. This variety was selected
Japonica rice, so they set about breeding and improving Ja- in 1929 from among breeding lines produced by crossing the
ponica rice for cultivation in Taiwan. Kameji and Shinriki varieties, which Suenaga began in 1924.
The Yangmingshan National Park Headquarters notes Hsieh Jaw-shu says that Taichung No. 65 was high-yielding,
that in 1921 Iwao Suzuta, a specialist in the agriculture de- of superior quality, and resistant to rice blast. It was cul-
partment of the colonial government’s research institute, and tivated at the Zhuzihu seed nursery and later promoted
Kiichiro Hirazawa, a technician in the Taihoku Prefecture across Taiwan, becoming the main variety of Penglai rice
farmers’ association, were inspecting farming operations in grown here in the early days of Japonica cultivation.
the Datun Mountains and discovered that Zhuzihu, with
its higher elevation, had a climate similar to that of Kyushu
Island in Japan. Moreover, it was protected on its eastern,
northern, and western sides by mountains, which could re- The Zhuzihu Ponlai Rice Foundation Seed Field Story House has
many early agricultural tools on display.
duce hybridization of rice through natural pollination. Hence
they established a Japonica rice seed nursery at Zhuzihu.
However, while they successfully cultivated Japanese Na-
kamura rice at this elevation, attempts to do so in the plains
met with failure.
Nakamura rice and Taichung No. 65
Hsieh Jaw-shu, professor emeritus in NTU’s Department
of Agronomy, states that in 1923 Megumu Suenaga, then di-
rector of the Taichu Prefecture agricultural research station
(today’s Taichung District Agricultural Research and Exten-
sion Station, DARES), with support from Eikichi Iso, a special-
ist at the government agricultural research station, proposed
多雜交育種皆以之為親本,「台灣 85% 以上的蓬
大農藝系教授彭雲明說:「能種出來,有段很 Star jelly, or “lovers’ tears” as it is known in Taiwan, tastes great
fried with eggs.
功,2016年種回竹子湖。 夏季的竹子湖,繡球花接力綻放。
When summer comes to Zhuzihu, blooming
hydrangeas take over the show.
的水車寮步道,有一叉路通往日治時期地方仕紳 A little egret strolls casually among the fields of calla lilies,
enjoying the tranquility of its mountain home.
們對農村的記憶與想像。 例如,頂湖的陽明溪溪畔步道,大地處在溪岸運
溪畔的步道,現在是民眾休閒、運動的所在。 煙波裊裊的小油坑、頂湖環狀步道,四通八達。
to rice blast, ultimately disappeared from Taiwan’s fields as
new cultivars were developed. But today the Zhuzihu Ponlai
Rice Seed Field Club has successfully resumed cultivation
of Nakamura rice. Professor Pong Yun-ming of NTU’s De-
partment of Agronomy says: “There is a touching story con-
nected to this.” Thanks to the efforts of Hsieh Jaw-shu and
others, in 2014 they received seeds from Japan’s National In-
stitute of Genetics, and with technical support from the Tai-
chung DARES, in 2015 this variety was successfully grown
at NTU, while cultivation resumed in Zhuzihu in 2016.
Tracing the trail of rice to Zhuzihu
Eikichi Iso worked on paddy rice breeding and research
in Taiwan, and he founded the predecessor to NTU’s De-
partment of Agronomy, in Taihoku Imperial University’s
Faculty of Science and Agriculture. He had a workshop at
the university, now known as the Iso House, for breeding
work, and in 1928 the colonial government set up the Peng-
lai Rice Seed Field Office (now the Zhuzihu Ponlai Rice
Foundation Seed Field Story House). These two locations
played key roles as bases for academic study and germ-
plasm propagation of Penglai rice in the Japanese era, and
today both are Taipei municipal heritage sites.
Calla lilies have become synonymous with Zhuzihu.
Eikichi Iso has been dubbed “the father of Penglai rice”
by later generations, while Megumu Suenaga is known as
“the mother of Penglai rice.”
In recent years the Taipei City Geotechnical Engineering
Office (GEO) has rebuilt the banks of many irrigation chan-
nels and waterways around Zhuzihu. The Shuicheliao Trail,
located in Zhuzihu’s Donghu area, has a branch that leads to
the spot where in the Japanese era local gentry used pooled
capital to build a rice mill. Although all that remains of it is
a waterwheel and a wall, the GEO has put up a glass panel
next to the surviving wall that depicts in detail the structure
of early mills, awakening our memories and imaginations of
life in rural communities in days gone by.
Segments of the Taipei Grand Trail
The walking trails that the GEO has created alongside
various waterways have become great locations for citizens
to enjoy leisure time or get some exercise.
Hsing Yue-ie, distinguished research fellow at the Institute The Shuiweibalaka Trail, the Yangming Creek Creekside
of Plant and Microbial Biology at the Academia Sinica, says Trail, and the Dinghu Circular Trail are all part of the Tai-
that the most important thing was that Taichung No. 65 could pei Grand Trail, which links together Taipei’s five major
be harvested twice a year. Moreover, it has been a parent mountain chains. It offers hiking, tourism, and cultural
plant for many crossbred varieties produced in Taiwan: “Over experiences all in one go.
85% of Taiwanese Penglai rice varieties are its descendants!” The Calla Lily Circular Trail, in Zhuzihu’s Xiahu area,
Meanwhile the Nakamura variety, which is not resistant follows a stream and winds past calla lily fields. This is
陽明溪的其中一條支流為土石流潛勢溪流,大 the most popular trail with tourists who come to admire
地處整治後災害風險低,支流旁設有鐘聲幸福觀 the lilies at flowering season, and the city government has
景台,登高可以欣賞頂湖地區的景觀。 thoughtfully laid out a section of trail that is accessible for
頂湖的水尾巴拉卡步道連接大屯山及竹子湖, wheelchair users and other people with disabilities.
A fascinating chapter of history
Zhuzihu has passed through various phases in its eco-
nomic history. In the Qing Dynasty, the main crops grown
增加步行的舒適感。 there were tea, moso bamboo shoots, and citrus fruit.
水尾巴拉卡步道、陽明溪溪畔步道、頂湖環狀 Under Japanese rule these were replaced by Japonica rice.
步道,串連台北市五大山系的「台北大縱走」路 In the early period after the ROC government relocated
線,一次滿足健行、觀光與文化體驗。 to Taiwan in 1949, temperate-zone vegetables and flowers
下湖的海芋環狀步道沿著溪溝,蜿蜒在海芋農 were cultivated in the cool mountain environment here. In
the 1980s, in response to growing demand for recreational
activities, a shift toward leisure farms began that contin-
再寫台灣稻米的動人篇章 ues today. A survey by the national park headquarters
revealed that farmers introduced Zhuzihu’s most famous
cash crop, calla lilies, to the area as early as the 1960s.
橘為主,日治時期以蓬萊米為產業輪替,國民政 “We hadn’t grown paddy rice here for 40 years,” says
府來台時種植高冷蔬菜及花卉,1980年代因應休 Chen Yongru. Zhuzihu is where Japonica rice was first
閒旅遊需求,轉型為休閒觀光農業至今。陽管處 cultivated in Taiwan, and Chen adds: “We feel we should
調查,知名的經濟作物海芋,早在1960年代就由 bring back the glory of our predecessors and pass it along
The Taipei City Geotechnical Engineering Office has used eco-friendly construction methods to manage waterways and create
scenic spots, making Zhuzihu an ideal place for hiking and recreation.
水車寮步道的叉路可通往日治時期的水車遺跡。 醒目的地景是熱門的打卡景點。
This branch of the Shuicheliao Trail leads to the remains of a Eye-catching scenic locations provide many popular places for
water-powered rice mill from the era of Japanese rule. travelers to “check in.”
竹子湖至今仍保有稻作遺跡及農村風情。(台北市大地工程處提供) 竹子湖的步道串連「台北大縱走」路線,一路走訪台北五大山系。
Zhuizihu still retains its rural style, including its legacy of paddy rice The trails around Zhuzihu form part of the Taipei Grand Trail, which
cultivation. (courtesy of GEO) connect five major mountain ranges in the Taipei area.
W ho invented instant noodles? In Taiwan, we
come across the forerunner of instant noodles,
the world’s first instant noodles with sauce packets
containing sumptuous chunks of meat, as well as
了就可以吃的麵。 those featuring distinctively local recipes that make
說到全球泡麵的始祖、全球第一款調理包的 use of Chinese medicinal herbs and huadiao, a classy
泡麵、以及加入花雕酒、藥膳等獨家配方的泡 cooking liquor made from glutinous rice.
In the 2017 film This Is Not What I Expected, the male
protagonist Lu Jin (played by the Japanese-Taiwanese ac-
tor Takeshi Kaneshiro) opines that instant noodles belong
to lonely souls—people’s best friend on a sleepless night.
Ever fussy about food, Lu applies his culinary perfection-
三分鐘煮透,但將透時未透,麵才最彈牙,時間 ism to instant noodles. “It takes three minutes for instant
是麵的敵人,這一秒的麵和下一秒的麵根本是完 noodles to be cooked through,” he says, “but that al dente
全兩碗不同的麵。」 bounciness happens only at the moment when the noodles
時間對泡麵麵條的軟硬很重要。 麵,應該是來自被稱為「速食麵之父」、日清創
在泡麵史上則有一個重要的時間點,來到1946 辦人安藤百福在1958年所開發出來的。
年創立的彰化縣員林清記冰果室,早期夏天賣 巧的是,安藤百福也與台灣有關,他是台裔
冰,冬天則以麵茶、雞絲麵為主。旅日作家劉黎 日籍的企業家,本名吳百福,出身於嘉義縣朴子
兒、旅台資深媒體人野島剛皆曾為文指出,日本 市。
泡麵的源頭是台灣的「雞絲麵」,而且比日本的 論及台灣企業化生產的第一包速食麵,源自名
日清泡麵更早問市,指的就是這一家。 立食品1967年自日本引進速食麵製造技術,可以
清記冰果室第三代接班人戴逸說,他的奶奶戴 乾泡兩吃的雞汁麵──「生力麵」,可惜這家企
謝月鳳在1951年將麵線以豬油油炸,為的是煮起 業因經營不善,已退出市場。
來快熟的效果,因為形狀像雞肉絲,就稱為Ke- 反而是歷史第二悠久的「統一麵」,如今全系
si-mī(雞絲麵的台語)。若客人只想外帶麵條, 列的泡麵占了台灣市場的48%,成為泡麵產業的
就用土黃紙包著,附上冬菜、柴魚片、蒜酥等調 龍頭。統一企業發言人凃忠正指出,以麵粉、飼
味料。 料起家的統一企業,為了提升麵粉的利用價值,
作家曹銘宗認為,這種以麵線油炸做成的熟 1969年自日本考察後,1970年開始生產有調味粉
麵,只是小規模生產,還不能算是食品工業生產 包的泡麵「統一麵」。
Deep-frying transforms Qingji Ice Dessert Parlor’s
noodles into veritable “instant noodles.” They only
need to be soaked briefly in boiling water before
being served.
are just about to be cooked through. Time is the
enemy of noodles. Just one second’s difference will
result in a completely different bowl of noodles.”
What were the decisive moments in the history
of instant noodles? Qingji Ice Dessert Parlor opened
its doors in Yuanlin, Changhua County, in 1946. In
its early days, Qingji sold ice desserts in summer and
seasoned millet mush and jisi noodles in winter. Both
Japan-based Taiwanese writer Liu Li-er and Japanese
writer and journalist Tsuyoshi Nojima have suggested
that Taiwan’s jisi noodles are actually the prototype of
Japanese instant noodles. Qingji’s delectable invention in
fact predated Japan’s famous Nissin instant noodles.
Dai Yi, Qingji’s third-generation owner, tells us that it
was in 1951 that his grandmother Dai-Xie Yuefeng started
to prepare noodles by frying them in pork fat. The inten-
tion was to reduce the cooking time when they were later
Qingji Ice Dessert Parlor’s jisi (“shredded chicken”) noodles are
regarded as the prototype of instant noodles.
量排行榜上的第一名。 全回收。
Recently harvested oysters are turned in a roller
machine to separate the oyster strings from the shells
so the former can be entirely recycled.
Chen Li-ting, senior research
scientist at Taiwan’s Food Industry
Research and Development
Institute, says that the history of
instant noodles yields insights into
local food culture.
「麵好吃、湯好喝,就是那個味。」 凃 忠正 等歷久不衰,仍受消費者喜愛歡迎的長青產品。
請來名廚傅培梅研發的配方;1989年針對女性客 依據80/20法則,亦是食品研究所企劃室策劃
層推出麵體只有55克的來一客杯麵;1991年針對 與整合行銷單元主持人的陳麗婷指出,20%指的
國、高中生推出阿Q桶麵,每項系列的泡麵推出 是創新的口味,能在試驗的過程中活下來,就有
均已超過30年,至今仍都是高掛在熱銷排行榜上 可能成為未來80%中的長青產品。
的主力泡麵。 如何詮釋食品的創新?陳麗婷認為,速食麵創
1973年台灣維力食品公司開發的炸醬麵,獨特 新的邏輯,就像組合樂高玩具,將泡麵基本的元
鹹香的豆瓣醬包,成為「乾溼分離」速食乾麵的 素──麵體、調味料與包裝,運用想像力,針對
始祖,網民連同味王公司原汁牛肉麵、味丹公司 不同的TA,玩出千百種無限可能的樣態。
的味味A排骨雞麵,加上統一肉燥麵,並稱台灣 她舉例說,創新的作法可以混搭、聯名,甚至
泡麵的「四大天王」,每一款都是超過30年的長 是開發衝突的口味。例如五木拉麵與可樂果推出
青品牌。 聯名炒麵,將壓碎的可樂果與避風塘炒蟹、川香
食品工業發展研究所(以下簡稱「食品研究 口水雞炒麵做結合,吃麵還可以吃出趣味性。
所」)資深研究員陳麗婷指出,泡麵的發展史, 為了與千禧世代連結,味丹將網友對雙響泡
可以反映當地飲食脈絡的基底,扣合飲食文化的 「最難吃泡麵」、「太軟爛」等負評,轉化為推
麵條經過切線刀、快速滾動的輸送帶造波,成為捲捲 Production of instant noodles in the factory of Uni-President
儒攝) Enterprises is entirely automated, but there are many workers on
site for quality assurance.
Workers driving for
Machines a compact
makingwheel loader
instant turn over
noodles havepiles of waste
blades that
dough intoand fishing
thin nets drying
strands, which in thecrinkled
are sun. (photo by Kent
on the
fast-moving conveyor belts.
出沙茶鍋燒湯麵等新產品的動力,亦展現企業勇 除了花雕雞麵、花雕酸菜牛肉麵、麻油雞麵
於改頭換「麵」的決心。 等前三名暢銷款外,台灣菸酒公司善用其製酒實
老牌食品廠金車集團2023年宣布重返泡麵市 的蒜香茅台椒麻拌麵;酒香蒙古鍋拉麵使用十多
場,推出睽違30年的金車「漢寶」杯麵。原本 種藥酒釀造五加皮料理酒、清酒粕,讓泡麵的湯
80%的經典口味,則必須不斷提醒消費者,藉此 頭更濃郁、有層次,都是台灣限定的泡麵產品。
拉近與客群之間的距離。 而味王公司也推出威士忌桶麵,搶攻超商通路。
復刻、包裝來變身,才能創造食品的火花。 「泡麵更是與『食』俱進的象徵,什麼時代
主辦,食品研究所承辦的「新味食潮FUN FOOD
凃 忠正透露,沖泡式非油炸麵是統一企業花
With its rich experience of producing alcoholic beverages, 了15年時間才研發出來的產品,後端脫水過程
Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation has launched a series
of instant noodles accompanied by condiment packs made with 中,以烘乾替代傳統油炸,因此製麵時間是傳統
cooking liquors. These are distinctively Taiwanese flavors.
(photo by Kent Chuang) 泡麵的兩倍。統一企業商業研究中心參考市調、
麵,參加2023年在比利時舉辦的I T I國際風味評
她舉例,強調大份量、具有兩塊麵的雙響炮, 鑑,猶如現煮麵的口感,成為台灣第一碗獲得風
用漫畫來變身,增加能見度,亦可帶動其他系列 味絕佳獎章二星獎的沖泡式非油炸泡麵。
的產品。小份量的泡麵變得更小,例如韓式泡 泡麵的第二要素──調味料,則是要能因應食
菜、蕃茄蔬菜風味維力迷你麵,標榜加180cc的水 品潔淨標示的趨勢,透過製程、包裝,減少化學
沖泡,只有90大卡。 添加物。
滿漢大餐推出升級版的「金牛肉麵」,研發 至於便利永續的部分,鼓勵廠商使用環保包
人員特地到四川蹲點,找到「黃燈籠辣椒」,為 材,或是使用在地食材,例如味王「惦惦吃乾拌
湯頭注入了酸甜香辣的層次感;或是只在年節 麵」,在麵體中添加新鮮南瓜泥,並使用非油炸
推出、一碗要價248元的「滿漢御品火巴燒牛肉 方式製麵,雖非泡麵,但標榜在地風味,又結合
麵」,訴求送禮市場。 健康的趨勢。
Chicken-Flavored Noodles, and Uni-President’s Tung-I repackaging and relaunching classic flavors. Only by doing
Minced Pork Noodles. so can individual brands stand out in a world inundated
Chen Li-ting, senior research scientist at Taiwan’s Food with upwards of 300,000 new food products every year.
Industry Research and Development Institute (FIRDI), She draws our attention to Uni-President’s upgraded
says that the history of instant noodles can yield insights Gold Beef Noodles, a new addition to the Imperial Big
into local food culture, as it is closely bound up with deep- Meal series. For this the company’s R&Dstaff traveled to
seated culinary habits. She applies what she calls an “80/20 China’s Sichuan Province, where they discovered the “Yel-
rule” to describe the evolution of Taiwan’s culture of in- low Lantern” chili pepper (a variety of Capsicum chinense).
stant noodles. The higher percentage, 80, refers to endur- This magic ingredient lends a multiplicity of flavors to the
ingly popular products like Tung-I Noodles and the rest of broth—sour, sweet, spicy, with a pleasant scent. Designed
the Four Kings. for the Lunar New Year, Uni-President’s Imperial Pashao
Competing for classic status Beef Noodles, which cost NT$248 per serving, are avail-
Chen, who is responsible for planning and integrated able only during the festive season.
marketing in FIRDI’s Planning Office, goes on to tell us that Taiwan’s state-owned Tobacco and Liquor Corpora-
“20%” refers to innovative new products. If these should tion (TTL) draws on its rich experience of manufacturing
survive initial market competition, they stand a chance of alcohols to produce its own instant noodles. Aside from
becoming one of the “evergreen” classics of the 80% group. its three most popular products—Huadiao Chicken Noo-
Chen explains that there are several ways to achieve dles, Huadiao Beef Noodles with Pickles, and Sesame Oil
innovation, including mashups, co-branding, and even Chicken Noodles—TTL’s Minced Pork Ramen and Sakura
bringing together seemingly conflicting elements. For ex- Shrimp Dry Noodles are flavored with mature Shaoxing
ample, Wu-Mu Ramen and Lian Hwa Foods’ Koloko Pea rice wine; the company also combines its Yushan Mau Tai
Crackers have joined forces, combining crushed crackers liquor with spicy, garlicky noodles; and its Mongolian Hot
with Hong Kong fried crabs and Sichuan chicken fried Pot Ramen, known for the exquisitely flavorful broth, con-
noodles. Their co-branding strategy aims to arouse curios- tains wujiapi liquor and rice-wine lees, using more than
ity as well as whetting appetites. ten medicinal ingredients. These intoxicating noodles are
Innovations available only in Taiwan. Another company, Ve Wong, has
Fierce competition, Chen tells us, compels manufactur- launched its own whisky-flavored instant noodles, vying
ers of instant noodles to resort to creative strategies such as for space on the shelves of local convenience stores.
Uni-President is one of the first
companies to develop non-fried
instant noodles, combining them
with innovative flavors.
海外市場吸力,飲食文化的延伸 一大特色。陳麗婷指出,台灣具有「罐頭王國」
嶼的經典滋味。 l
A bowl of instant noodles with pork ribs stewed with medicinal
herbs promises both the texture of real meat and the attractive
fragrance of traditional herbs.
Future trends Many Korean tourists in Taiwan buy Imperial Big Meal
Chen Li-ting observes that the Fun Food Taiwan instant noodles as presents for their friends and families
Awards—organized by FIRDI and sponsored by the Indus- back home. So popular are these noodles that they can
trial Development Administration of the Ministry of Eco- now be found in convenience stores in South Korea. It’s
nomic Affairs—place a high premium on purity, design, not far-fetched to call them Taiwan’s pride and joy.
convenience and sustainability. These criteria can help us The second authentically Taiwanese attraction is TTL’s
identify future trends for instant noodles. range of instant noodles, enlivened by special alcohols
Referring to the noodles themselves, Chen says that that cannot be found elsewhere in the world.
there’s a tendency to move away from oil frying in order to The third is that group of instant noodles which carry
meet the growing demand for healthy food. For example, memories of traditional food culture. Apart from minced
Uni-President’s non-fried broad noodles, which won silver pork noodles, there are instant noodles that reincarnate
at the 2023 Fun Food Taiwan Awards, are an innovation the flavors of familiar night-market snacks, such as oys-
made possible by new technology. ter vermicelli, battered pork and noodles in thick soup,
Tu Chung-cheng reveals that Uni-President spent 15 and “tonic” dishes such as dong quai duck, sesame-oil
years developing its non-fried instant noodles. For the dehy- chicken, and pork ribs stewed with herbs. These are par-
drating process, the company uses heat rather than oil fry- ticularly popular among Hongkongers and Malaysians
ing. Non-fried noodles thus take twice as long to produce. of Chinese heritage. Other characteristically Taiwanese
Global appeal products include crispy, cracker-like noodles that do not
If instant noodles may be regarded as an extension of need to be cooked: Prince Noodles, Science Noodles, and
local food culture, what is it about Taiwanese instant noo- GGE (Little Girl Zhang Junya).
dles that can lure international taste buds? For Chen, beef Some have instant noodles as late-night meals while
noodles are unquestionably the most saliently Taiwanese they’re working overtime, doing homework or preparing
invention. Most foreign tourists have Taiwanese beef noo- for exams. Others turn to instant noodles for their main
dles on their must-eat lists. Beef-flavored instant noodles meals when they run out of money before payday. Still
win out because they not only capture the island’s culinary others have them for snacks while watching live broad-
soul but have the added strengths of being convenient and casts, or store them up for typhoons. Instant noodles
long-lasting. come in handy when we’re traveling abroad, and they
One prominent feature of Taiwanese instant noodles is may be presented as gifts to our overseas friends. Tai-
the richness of the sachets of flavorings and other ingredi- wan’s instant noodles not only pamper our palates with
ents that accompany the noodles. Uni-President’s Imperial myriad flavors but also perfectly capture our island’s
Big Meal series first introduced sealed bags with chunks of unique tastescapes. l
cooked beef more than 40 years ago. Now selling some 30 (Esther Tseng/photos by Jimmy Lin/
million packets per year, the series is a classic success story. tr. by Brandon Yen)
Uni-President’s non-fried noodles take 8.5 hours to dry. Additive-free, they cater to the
increasing demand for clean and healthy food.
The hard part about recycling
fishing nets is that it takes a
great deal of human labor to
disassemble, sort, and recycle
the various materials used in
海廢新 演 繹
蚵 繩 與 漁 網 的 循 環 經 濟
Marine Waste and the Circular Economy:
New Life for Shellstring Cords and Fishing Nets
文•郭美瑜 圖•林格立 版面設計•馬英凱
G iven the technological level of Taiwan’s aquaculture industry and the scale
of its fisheries sector, there is never a lack of fresh seafood available for din-
ing tables. In the past, the oceans around Taiwan were polluted by marine waste
such as abandoned fishing nets and discarded oyster shellstring cords. Today,
with fishermen, aquaculturists, citizens, enterprises, and government all working
together, such waste fishing gear is being proactively recycled. It has become part
of the circular economy, and is being made into high-value-added clothing and
goods for everyday life, becoming a truly “gilded” product.
Using cutting edge technology. Formosa Chemicals and Fibre Corporation recycles waste
oyster shellstring cords and fishing nets and makes them into environmentally friendly yarn.
Zhang Huichuan, director of the
Chiayi County Environmental
Protection Bureau, says that the
most difficult step in recycling
marine debris is finding uses for
the recovered materials.
冬陽暖照,嘉義東石鄉的季津合作社洗蚵 台灣的牡蠣養殖主要分布在西南沿
場,許多外縣市的蚵農將採收的牡蠣(台灣稱 海,從彰化、雲林、嘉義、台南及澎湖、
蚵仔)運到這裡淘洗,在地剖蚵,處理廢蚵殼 連江縣等地都有。嘉義有外傘頂洲做為天然
及廢蚵繩。 屏障,水中營養源豐富,成為全台最大的牡蠣
採訪之日,大貨車載進場的牡蠣來自台南, 產地,縣內東石鄉及布袋鎮的養殖海域面積廣
塑膠簍裡一串串牡蠣被倒進分離槽,牡蠣與蚵 達一萬公頃,年產牡蠣9,181公噸,佔全國產量
繩瞬間分離:滾筒卡住蚵繩,牡蠣從輸送帶滑 47.15%。縣府以境內的牡蠣養殖面積估算,一
進塑膠簍裡。 年會產出1,300公噸廢蚵繩。若以台灣海岸線一
接連兩、三簍之後暫停,作業平台的工作人 圈1,200公里計算,廢蚵繩足足可以繞台灣十
員拿起剪刀,剪斷卡在捲軸的蚵繩,下方的工 圈,這還不包括外縣市送到嘉義洗蚵的數量。
作人員收集後將之運送至暫置場曝曬,再駕著 塑膠蚵繩泡在海水,久了變硬,只能使用一
小山貓碾壓繩子上殘留的牡蠣殼,接著將沒有 次,以往僅少數廢蚵繩被回收,利用物理法直
殘留牡蠣殼的蚵繩洗淨後曝曬,最後打包送進 接熔融再製成蚵繩,用途有限,其餘無處去
嘉義新港鄉的台灣化學纖維股份有限公司(以 化,最後去了哪裡?棄置?焚化?掩埋?這始
下簡稱「台化」),繼續下一站循環再生。 終是難解的城市治理事項。
牡蠣濾食浮游生物,蚵農會先將牡蠣殼以塑 西,像鋼絲一樣,帶回來研究之後發現,原來
膠材質的繩索綁成蚵串,再置於海水中,讓蚵 是泡在海裡許久的蚵繩。」嘉義縣環保局長張
苗附著在殼上生長,少則半年採收,多則兩、 輝川說。
三年養成老蚵才收成。 四年前,嘉義縣前任環保局長張根穆曾親訪
The plastic cords used in
oyster shellstrings harden
over time when immersed
When aquaculturists bring harvested oysters to a washing facility
in seawater, making them
for processing, it provides an opportunity to recover the shellstring
single-use products.
cords. (photo by Kent Chuang)
(photo by Mei Kuo)
Under the warm rays strings to grow into oysters that can be harvested in as
of a winter sun, we arrive little as six months or as long as two or three years.
at the Jijin Cooperative, Oyster aquaculture in Taiwan is mainly concentrated
the largest private-sector oys- along the southwest coast in Changhua, Yunlin, Chiayi,
ter washing operation in Chiayi and Tainan, as well as in Penghu and Matsu. Two town-
Cou nt y ’s Dongsh i Tow n sh ip, ships in Chiayi County—Dongshi and Budai—produce
where many oyster farmers from 9,181 metric tons of oysters annually, accounting for
the surrounding region bring their 47.15% of the national total. Based on the area occupied
harvested oysters to be washed and by oyster farms in Chiayi, the county government calcu-
shucked. The cooperative also handles lates that within its jurisdiction some 1,300 metric tons
waste oyster shells and shellstring cords. of waste oyster shellstring cords are generated each year.
On the day of our visit, a large truck has brought This is enough cord to circle Taiwan’s coastline
oysters from Tainan. Oyster shellstrings loaded in large ten times over, and that doesn’t include the quantity
plastic baskets are tipped into separation machines,
and in an instant the oysters are stripped from the
cords that hold the shellstrings together. 廢蚵殼也可進入循環經濟體系,可再生製成建材、拖鞋、織布等。
The shellstring cords are transported to a holding (莊坤儒攝)
Waste oyster shells that enter the circular economy can be used
area to be dried in the sun, after which workers drive to make building materials, footwear, fabrics, and more.
(photo by Kent Chuang)
a compact loader over them to crush any oyster shells
that remain attached to the cords. Then the shell-free
cords are washed and dried in the sun again. Finally,
they are baled and shipped to the Formosa Chemicals
and Fibre Corporation (FCFC) in Chiayi’s Xingang
Township, where they enter the next stage of the recy-
cling process.
Finding uses for waste shellstring cords
Oysters feed on plankton, and farmers thread syn-
thetic cords through oyster shells to create shellstrings
(a.k.a. clutch strings), which they suspend in seawater.
Oyster spat (larvae) attach themselves to the shell-
Freshly harvested oysters are tipped into a
roller machine that separates the cords from
the shellstrings, enabling the cord material to be
台化,探詢有沒有辦法再利用廢蚵繩。張輝川 2022年台化與金洲簽署廢漁網回收合作意向
說,台化事先不知蚵繩屬於哪一種塑料,經過 書,當時台化董事長洪福源說,目標是要達到
分析,才發現是尼龍6(又稱耐隆6,以下簡稱 「We produce. We recycle.」的企業社會責任。
N6),而且成分很單純,因此促成回收案。 來到台化新港廠聚合廠區,廠方引領我們循
(Caprolactam, CPL),但都是下腳料。」台化
飾品牌P a t a g o n i a合作說起,當時台化越南廠將
廢尼龍漁網還原成C P L,再製成環保絲,提供
The cords used in oyster shellstrings harden
after being immersed in seawater for a long time,
so they can only be used once.
Workers drive a compact loader over piles of waste shellstring cords
and fishing nets drying in the sun. (photo by Kent Chuang)
FCFC personnel use test instruments to check that waste fishing
nets are made of Nylon 6.
An employee at FCFC explains the process of turning discarded 蚵繩再製成環保絲,提供品牌大廠例如N i k e、
fishing nets and shellstring cords back into caprolactam.
是切成段、等待進熔融爐的廢蚵繩,工作人員 「海廢回收有三大難題。」張輝川以廢蚵
手持檢測儀器,確認皆為N6材質。 繩、廢漁網回收為例指出,如何讓漁民有回收
切段成堆的廢蚵繩,被倒入GRS(Global Re- 意願、回收物要暫置何處、最後也是最重要
cycled Standard)認證的熔融槽熔融,再透過散 的,是如何去化,這些是推動海廢回收的最大
聚(解聚、分解)及過濾三道純化工序,將之 挑戰。
還原成N6纖維己內醯胺(CPL)。 2020年海洋委員會海保署執行「向海致敬──
C P L送進原絲廠再製:添加催化劑,在儲槽 海岸清潔維護計畫」,整合海廢回收產業鏈,
加熱、聚合,製成N6料粒,經過押出機製成環 包括補助地方臨海19個地方政府清除海廢;委
保絲。成捲的絲餅經過套袋、包裝就可出貨, 外執行台灣海域清除、回收海廢作業;成立淨
供下游廠商加工。 海大聯盟,號召公民參與淨灘;招募漁民擔任
「再製的CPL與石化提煉的新鮮CPL並無明顯 環保艦隊、招募公民擔任潛海戰將,協助清除
差異。」台化說,再製的C P L是經由輕油裂解 海廢及海漂。
而來,較石化提煉的新鮮C P L節電15%、減碳 以嘉義縣政府為例,縣府在東石及布袋漁港
49%,並可減少耗用石油,降低浪費地球資源。 設置處理廢漁網、廢蚵繩回收區,以每公斤15
2021年,金門縣政府也因台化的化學法散聚 元高價收購、提供漁民回收獎勵,讓漁民有意
回收廢漁網技術,解決了數十年來堆置在金湖 願回收,並委外回收業者分類、去除雜質,最
鎮新塘掩埋場、累積逾70公噸的廢棄漁網,並 後提供給台化。
建置回收鏈,讓未來的廢漁具也得以再生。 張輝川說,海廢回收後,最終要有去化的管
今(2024)年台化新港廠開闢第二條N6回收 道,若能創造高質化的產品,更有回收誘因。
還原產線,未來台、越兩廠每月的廢漁網、廢 例如瑞典品牌北極狐(Fjällräven)的背包,原
蚵繩回收產能上看1,250公噸。近年,台化加 料之一就是使用台灣廢蚵繩還原的塑料,這種
入海保署推動的海廢再生聯盟,將廢漁網與廢 高質化再利用,較原本回收再製成蚵繩的價值
Yuan said that the company’s goal was to put into prac- Vietnam are expected to have a combined capacity to
tice the corporate social responsibility principle of “We recycle 1,250 metric tons of nylon fishing nets and oys-
produce, we recycle.” ter shellstring cords. In recent years, FCFC has been
At the FCFC factory in Xingang, staff take us on a tour turning waste nets and shellstring cords into environ-
of the production line to learn about the recycling pro- mentally friendly yarn that it supplies to major brands
cess for oyster shellstring cords and fishing nets. Workers including Nike, Adidas, Patagonia, and Formosa Taf-
use test instruments to verify that all the material is N6. feta Company, who use it to make technical apparel.
Shellstring cords that have been cut into short lengths Building a recycling value chain
are put into melting tanks are certified as meeting the “There are three main problems with recycling ma-
Global Recycled Standard requirements. After melting, rine waste,” says Zhang Huichuan. For example, he
the material is depolymerized, refined and filtered, turn- notes, the biggest challenges to promoting the recycling
ing it back into the main ingredient of N6 fiber, CPL. of waste fishing nets and oyster shellstring cords are
This material is then taken to the filament plant to how to get fishermen to participate, where to tempo-
be remanufactured. The CPL is heated in tanks with rarily store recyclable material, and finally, and most
an added catalyst, resulting in polymerization into N6, importantly, what it can be used for.
which is formed into pellets. These are extruded into N6 Zhang says that after marine waste is recovered,
filament, which is spooled, packaged, and shipped to ultimately there must be channels to dispose of it. If
downstream plants for processing. high-value-added products can be made from it, this
“There is no significant difference between remanufac- will increase the incentives to recover the material. For
tured CPL and virgin CPL refined from petrochemicals.” example, the Swedish brand Fjällräven uses plastic made
Remanufactured CPL is produced by a steam cracking
process, and it requires 15% less electricity than virgin
CPL, reduces carbon emissions by 49%, and decreases the
use of petroleum, thereby saving global resources.
In the future, the FCFC factories in Taiwan and
FCFC uses chemical depolymerization technology to turn waste
fishing nets and shellstring cords back into caprolactam.
Reclaimed caprolactam can be manufactured into environmentally
friendly yarn.
FCFC personnel use an added visual inspection to ensure the quality of the yarn.
高了一兩百倍,他出訪瑞典時以此背包為伴手 櫃、涼亭、小木屋、置物籃、小椅凳、手機架
禮,當告知受訪者「這是用廢蚵繩製成的」, 等。
對方都覺得不可思議。 台捷董事長劉興朋說:「回收熱塑性塑料資
2021年,海保署串聯回收再利用業者、品牌 源能做出木頭、板建材質感,許多國外訪團成
商、設計商、金融及研究機構,成立海廢再生 員都覺得不可思議。」台捷也獲邀參與印尼政
聯盟,透過公私協力,研發海廢再利用商品, 府主要城市打造東南亞第一座淨零綠色城市示
至今已有49家企業加入。 範計畫,主導城市熱塑性塑料去化、生產基地
去年海保署召開海廢再生聯盟年會,展示海 設備規劃、技術人員培訓等。
廢商品化的成果,業者採用廢漁網回收料的製 海保署署長黃向文說,廢漁網具有經濟價值
品,包括鏡架、觸感柔軟且通過C N S 15290規 之後,漁民及企業更願意主動回收,目前許多
範的嬰兒友善毛巾、洗髮精押瓶、辦公椅滑輪 東南亞國家面臨廢棄漁網無處去化的難題,台
等。 灣企業有這項技術,未來可望跨國合作,為永
另外,處理熱塑性塑料(具加熱軟化、冷卻 續與環保提供解方。
主要回收廢漁具上的浮球、浮標、保麗龍P S、
H I P S等,在透過自行研發的原料配比與生產 家住東石掌潭村白水湖的嘉義縣牡蠣養殖產
技術,將回收料與其它材質共同改質組成複合 銷協會理事蕭明富,養蚵也捕魚,家門口像是
式材料,產出工業棧板、展示架、課桌椅、 櫉 小型的漁具工廠,自己串蚵殼、織漁網,也自
from recycled shellstring cord from Taiwan as one of the desks and chairs, cabinets, gazebos, small cabins, stor-
materials for its backpacks. This kind of high-quality age baskets, stools, cell phone cases, and more.
reuse increases the value of recycled shellstring cords by Taijei chairman Luka Liou says: “By recycling ther-
100–200 times. When Chang went to Sweden, he brought moplastics we can make materials that have the texture
back some of these backpacks as gifts, and when he told of wood or lumber building materials, which many
people to whom he gave one, “This is made using waste visitors to our company find amazing.” Taijei has also
oyster shellstring cords,” they were astonished. been invited by the Indonesian government to join in
In 2020 the Ocean Conservation Administration a project to transform one of the country’s major cities
(OCA) instituted a program of coastal cleanups under into Southeast Asia’s first net-zero green demonstration
a policy called “Salute to the Sea: Coastal Cleaning and city. Taijei will guide the city in handling the disposal
Maintenance Program.” Under the program the OCA of thermoplastics, planning the equipment for a pro-
aims to integrate the industrial chain for marine waste duction site, and training technical personnel.
recycling, including subsidizing 19 coastal cities and OCA director-general Julia Hsiang-wen Huang says
counties to clean up marine debris; outsourcing tasks that now that waste fishing nets have economic value,
related to cleaning up Taiwan’s seas and recycling ma-
rine waste; establishing the Ocean Cleanup Alliance and
calling on citizens to take part in beach cleanups; and re-
cruiting fishermen to join the Environmental Protection
Fleet and citizens to monitor inshore waters, to assist in
cleaning up both sunken and floating marine debris.
For example, the Chiayi County Government has set
up special areas for recycling fishing nets and oyster
shellstring cords in the fishing ports at Dongshi and
Budai. It pays a high price of NT$15 per kilo for these
materials and provides fishermen with other incentives
to recycle, thereby increasing their willingness to partic-
ipate. The county also contracts specialized businesses
to separate out recyclable materials and clean off impu- 醯胺更節電、減碳。
rities, after which they are supplied to FCFC. Recovering caprolactam from waste fishing nets and oyster
shellstring cords saves electricity and reduces carbon emissions
In 2021 the OCA brought together recycling busi- as compared to refining virgin caprolactam from petrochemicals.
nesses, brand owners, design firms, and financial and re-
search institutions to form the Marine Debris Recycling
Coalition. The coalition develops products that reuse ma- fishermen and enterprises are more willing to take the
rine waste and already has 49 participating enterprises. initiative to recycle them. Taiwanese businesses have
Companies are using recycled material from dis- the technology to handle this material, and there are
carded fishing nets to make many products, including prospects for future transnational cooperation, provid-
eyeglass frames, infant-friendly towels that are soft to ing solutions to issues of sustainability and environ-
the touch and meet CNS 15290 safety standards for tex- mental protection.
tiles, shampoo bottles, and office chair casters. The rise of the circular economy
In addition, Taijei Precision Company is recycling Xiao Mingfu, chairman of the Chiayi County Oys-
thermo plastics (polymer materials that soften when ter Aquaculture Association, not only farms oysters
heated and solidify when cooled), mainly recycling fish- but also fishes, and his front yard is like a miniature
ing gear floats, buoys, expanded polystyrene, and high fishing gear factory. He makes oyster shellstrings and
impact polystyrene. They combine recycled material with fishing nets himself, and also takes apart waste fishing
other inputs to make composite materials which they use nets. The floats and weights that he uses for new nets
to produce industrial pallets, display racks, classroom are made from recycled materials.
己拆解漁網,新漁網的浮子、鉛子用的皆是回 “In the old days discarded fishing nets weren’t
收料。 worth anything, but now that there are subsidies for
recycling fishing gear, people will even pick up any
fishing nets tossed away by the roadside.”
The island of Xiaoliuqiu off the coast of Pingtung
County is Taiwan’s one and only coral reef island, and
長地說:「存(省)一點,要用就有。海洋愈 is a popular tourist destination.
乾淨,愈有東西(海洋生物)。」 Over the past 14 years, Xiaoliuqiu’s Ocean Volun-
南台灣的小琉球,是台灣離島中唯一的珊瑚 teers have made 430 dives and cleaned up a lot of ma-
礁島,也是觀光勝地。2009年屏東縣琉球鄉觀 rine debris including many discarded fishing nets. In
光發展協會與熱心人士成立「小琉球海洋志工 addition, the government has banned gillnet fishing in
these waters. The coral reefs now have a chance to sur-
vive, providing a habitat for undersea life, says Hsu Po-
han, head of the volunteers.
除許多廢漁網等海廢,加上政府禁此海域使用 “Discarded fishing nets are very damaging to the
刺網作業,珊瑚獲得生存空間,海底生物也有 ecological chain of life. It may seem hard to imagine,
棲息之地,志工隊長許博翰說:「許久不見的 but many of our volunteers used to arm themselves
生物,例如鯊魚,也回來小琉球了。」 with spear guns and set up undersea fishing nets, but
許博翰並說:「廢漁網對生態鏈的殺傷力很 now they see things differently,” says Hsu.
Waste oyster shellstring cords, discarded fishing
nets…. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the fact that
the ocean is not merely the basis for seafood culture
or the source of materials for the circular economy. We
廢蚵繩、廢漁網……讓我們省思,海洋不僅有 should also consider how to prevent further degrada-
海鮮文化或回收經濟,避免海洋環境再劣化, tion of the marine environment. l
更是刻不容緩。 l (Mei Kuo/photos by Jimmy Lin/tr. by Phil Newell)
The ocean is not just the source of seafood culture. We should also think
about the meaning of marine culture. (photo by Kent Chuang)
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