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© 2022 JETIR February 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)


Bhushan Vanziwale, 2Ashwini Bavdane, 3Nayana Dahatonde
Designation of 1st Author, 2Designation of 2nd Author, 3Designation of 3rd Author
Department of Computer Engineering,
Rizvi College of Engineeringr, Mumbai, India

Abstract : Face recognition , is one of the most successful applications of image analysis, has recently gained significant attention. It is due to
availability of feasible technologies , including mobile solutions. Research in automatic face recognition has been conducted since 1960s, but the
problem is still largely unsolved. Last decade has provided significant progress in the areas owing to advices in the face-modelling and analysis
techniques. Although system have been developed for face detection and recognition researchers. There are several reasons for recent increased
interest in face recognition, including rising public concern for security, the need for identity verification in the digital world , face analysis and
modelling techniques in multimedia data management and computer entertainment.

IndexTerms - Face recognition, detection, PCA, MATLAB, Biometrics, GSM, GPS, Mobile Application.


Nowadays, biometrics data has become popular for automatic personal identification in access control instead of using cards, passwords or pattern.
Most of the biometrics data must be collected by using special hardware such as fingerprint scanner, DNA analyzer, and palm print scanner. and,
the target objects have to touch with the required hardware in the stage of data collection. The influence of this system is that face recognition
does not require to be touched with any hard-ware. Face is detected significantly by using face detection technique and the entire face recognition
is completed without touching with any hardware.
It is one of the few biometrics methods that acquires the qualities of both low intrusiveness and high accuracy. Face recognition technology has
range of applications in law enforcement and inspections, access control, information security, smart cards, others. It has many potential
applications such as surveillance, credit cards, password security, etc. So in this paper we proposed a system with two level security checks. This
system uses password with face recognition technique for theft detection. First system acquires password from user. If that password matched
with authorized password, then current captured image will get compared with authorized image stored along with that password. This two level
security reduces the number of comparisons required to match the image with authorized person. If any unauthorized person tries to get access of
area, then system raises alarm and sends message to registered mobile number using GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) module.
If any unauthorized person tries to harm the system, vibration sensor sends signal to microcontroller 89E51RD2 which in turns raises alarm.
This system helps users for improvement of the door security of sensitive locations byusing face detection and recognition. This system uses
sensor, namely passive infrared receiver (PIR) which detects presence of human in front of door, Vibration sensors for detecting vibrations at door
or window area, Microcontroller 89E51RD2 for sending signals to computer, Camera for capturing images, GSM module for sending messages
and a buzzer for alerting authorized persons. In the field of face recognition, the measurement of the facial images is very high and require
considerable amount of computing time for classification. The classification and subsequent recognition time can be reduced by reducing
dimension of the image data. Principal component analysis (PCA) is one of the famous methods used for feature extraction and data representation.
It not only reduces the dimensionality of the image, but also retains some of the fluctuations in the image data and provides a compact
representation of a face image. The key idea of the PCA method is to reconstruct the face images into a small set of attribute feature images,
reffered eigenfaces, which are the principal components of the initial training set of the face images. PCA yields projection directions that
maximize the total scatter across all classes, i.e., across all face images.


There are several methods available today to perform sentiment classification, and thus it is important to carefully select appropriate methodology.
One of the earliest works on sentiment analysis was conducted by Mohammad Amanullah [1].Digital door lock security system provides security
and safety to house or office owners, belongings, assets from being damaged by external agent or undesired strangers. They have used a new
technology, incoming number verification system which gives more protection for controlling & security system. As Conventional security system
does not use any password, there is a chance to hack or break the system. In this regard they used a desire mobile number without verification
which doesn't allow the door to be opend.That system is composed of the microcontroller based by using matrix keypad & GSM/CDMA network.
The microcontroller based digital door lock security system is an access control system that allows only authorized persons to access restricted

Another sentment analysis proposed by Kawser Wazed Nafi [2]. This paper presents work done on minutiae based palmtop recognition system
for automatic door open and locking system. Here, the palmtop recognition system works by taking an image of the person, partitioning it,
processing it and finally verifying the person. This system provides input for an electric circuit. The circuitry system consists of two unique states;

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© 2022 JETIR February 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 (ISSN-2349-5162)
door open and door lock. The whole system basically uses extensive Image processing for minutiae based palmtop recognition. Thus reducing the
probability of error in human recognition and solves maximum problems of fingerprint recognition.

Research on face detection done by W. Zhao, R. Chellappa [3]. Them aim was to perform face recognition and verification system that can
run on mobile devices. The developed applicationwa s based on comparing the faces in two photographs. The user uploads two photos to the
system, the system identifies the faces in that photos and performs authentication between the two faces. As a result, the system gives the output
that the two faces in the photo belong to the same or different persons. So the system provides a security measure thanks to the face identification
and verification feature included in that application.

M. Turk and A. Pentland [4] present their approach to the detection and identification of human faces near-real-time face recognition system
which ract subject to head and then recognize the person by comparing characteristics of face to those of known indivisuals.

Pantic M. and Rothkrantz L.J.M [5] tweet that humans detect and interpret faces and facial expressions in a scene with little or no effort. Still,
development of an automated system that accomplishes this task is rather difficult. There were several related problems: detection of an image
segment as a face, extraction of the facial expression information, and classification of the expression (e.g., in emotion categories). A system that
performs these operations accurately and in real time would form a big step in achieving a human-like interaction between man and machine.
They overcome that problem . The capability of the human visual system with respect to these problems is discussed, too. It is meant to serve as
an ultimate goal and a guide for determining recommendations for development of an automatic facial expression analyzer.

C.Bunney [6] proposed that his paper was a review of existing face detection and recognition which is conducted to investigate the result of
different approaches in terms of recognion accuracy and some of them are discussed for minimizing processing time point of view. The goal of
the paper was to present a critical survey of existing literature on human face recognition. Their paper had two level security which makes the
security stronger and reliable. In turn, this give the user more control. Due to the advancement in recent techniques, some door lock security
systems are based on PROTEUS, GSM, GPS, many sensors, iris recognition, software like MATLAB, microcontroller, biometrics like face
recognition, face detection, RFID and smart cards. His paper was basically comprised of three subsystems – Face detection, Face recognition and
automatic door access control.

Hong Duan1, Ruohe [7] infers that the technique has strength and reason for use.Along with data and information accumulating in abundance,
there is a crucial need for high security. Biometrics had received more attention. Face biometrics, useful for a person’s authentication is a simple
and non-intrusive method that recognizes face in complex multidimensional visual model and develops a computational model for it. They present
an overview of face recognition and discuss the methodology and its functioning. Thereafter they represent the most recent face recognition
techniques listing their advantages and disadvantages. They specified some techniques to improve the efficiency of face recognition under various
illumination and expression condition of face images.

A. S. Tolba [8] stated that face recognition research still face challenge in some specific domains such as pose and illumination changes. Although
numerous methods have been proposed to solve such problems and have demonstrated significant promise, the difficulties still remain. For these
reasons, the matching performance in current automatic face recognition is relatively poor compared to that achieved in fingerprint and iris
matching, yet it may be the only available measuring tool for an application. Error rates of 2-25% are typical. It is effective if combined with other
biometric measurements.

Jyoti S. Bedre [9]. The authors reported 96 percent, 85 percent, and 64 percent correct classifications averaged over lighting,
orientation, and size variations, respectively. Their database contained 2,500 images of 16 individuals. As the images include a
large quantity of background area, the above results are influenced by background. The authors explained the robust performance
of the system under different lighting conditions by significant correlation between images with changes in illumination. But she
proposed a new method to compute the covariance matrix using three images each was taken in different lighting conditions to
account for arbitrary illumination effects, if the object is Lambertian.

R. Bruneli and T. Poggi [10] said that person identification system based on acoustic and visual features. They use two different methods for
the rejection of an unknown person to introduced. The performance of the integrated system was shown to be superior to that of the acoustic and
visual subsystems. The resulting identification system can be used to log personal access and, with minor modifications, as an identity verification

In march 2001 Moon H. [11] published paper on principal component analysis (PCA) form the basis of numerous studies in the psychological
and algorithmic face-recognition literature . He stated that PCA is a statistical technique and its incorporation into a face-recognition algorithm
requires numerous design decisions. He explicitly state the design decisions by introducing a generic modular PCA-algorithm. This allows us to
investigate these decisions, including those not documented in the literature. He experimented with different implementations of each module,
and evaluated the different implementations using the September 1996 FERET evaluation protocol (the de facto standard for evaluating face-
recognition algorithms). He experimented with (i) changing the illumination normalization procedure; (ii) studying effects on algorithm
performance of compressing images with JPEG and wavelet compression algorithms; (iii) varying the number of eigenvectors in the
representation; and (iv) changing the similarity measure in the classification process. He performed two experiments. In the first experiment, he
obtained performance results on the standard September 1996 FERET large-gallery image sets. In the second experiment, he examined the
variability in algorithm performance on different sets of facial images. The study was performed on 100 randomly generated image sets (galleries)
of the same size. Their two most significant results are (i) changing the similarity measure produced the greatest change in performance, and (ii)
that difference in performance of ±10% is needed to distinguish between algorithms.

With data and information accumulating in abundance, there is a crucial need for high security. Biometrics has now received more attention. Face
biometrics, useful for a person’s authentication is a simple and non-intrusive method that recognizes face in complex multidimensional visual
model and develops a computational model for it proposed by Riddhi patel [12]. She present an overview of face recognition and discuss the
methodology and its functioning. Thereafter she represent the most recent face recognition techniques listing their advantages and disadvantages.
Some techniques specified here also improve the efficiency of face recognition under various illumination and expression condition of face images.

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© 2022 JETIR February 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 (ISSN-2349-5162)

1. Components:
In the present system we have been using the equipment’s as follows:
Esp32 cam module
Solenoid Lock
Jumper wires
Relay Module

2. Implementation:

Fig. Flowchart of implementation

In this fig 2.3 shows that the flowchart of face captures and recognition process, at initial stage the authorized person comes in front of camera.
The camera module will capture the face image with current poses. The captured face of current poses creates a data base ofthe authorized person
and stores this. At the next time camera module will capture the current live face of the person. All this process is done in Esp32 cam module.
When comparison done successfully the Relay switch is ON to unlock the door otherwise Esp32 cam module will capture an image once again
through the camera and process is repeat Esp32 cam will send a command to the Mobile device send a message to the Authorized person is “FACE
MATCHED” when comparison is done successfully otherwise send security alert “Unknown person will try to unlock the door”.

In this system we have implemented the Smart Door Unlock System using Face Recognition. The system in able the accurately detect and
recognize the face ,and informing the owner/admin about the user name and taking access from the owner. The owner is able to remotely access
the door from any other location. The owner is also able to blacklist the person and get alert if the blacklisted person comes in from of the door.
The implemented system is moderate cost, so that it is a affordable to the averaged salaried person.


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[3] W. Zhao, R. Chellappa, P. Phillips, A. Rosenfeld, “Face recognition: a literature survey”, ACM Computing Surveys vol. 35, pp.399–458,
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[4] M. Turk and A. Pentland, “Eigenfaces for Recognition,” J. Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 71-86, 1991.

[5] Pantic M. and Rothkrantz L.J.M., “Automatic analysis of facial expressions: the state of the art “, IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine
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[6] “Survey: Face recognition systems:” C. Bunney, Biometric Technology Today, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 8-12, 1997.

[7] “Research on Face Recognition Based on PCA:” Hong Duan1, Ruohe

[8] A. S. Tolba ” Face Recognition: A Literature Review”, International Journal of Signal Processing 2:2 2006

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[9] Jyoti S. Bedre , ”Comparative Study of Face Recognition Techniques: A Review”, Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information
Technology – 2012(ETCSIT2012) Proceedings published in International Journal of Computer Applications® (IJCA) 12

[10] R. Bruneli and T. Poggio, “Face recognition: features versus templates,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 15, pp.
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[11] Moon H, Phillips P J, "Computational and performance aspects of PCA-based face-recognition algorithms", Perception 30(3) PP.303 –

[12] Riddhi Patel , Shruti B. Yagnik"A Literature Survey on Face Recognition Techniques"International Journal of Computer Trends and
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[13] B.S. Manjunath, R. Chellappa, and C. von der Malsburg, “A Feature based approach to face recognition,” Proc. IEEE CS Conf. Computer
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