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org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Abstract: In this paper, we have developed a system for detecting criminal faces, for this, we have used deep learning algorithms.
Since deep learning is now the most famous technology, it is used in different applications. One such application is crime detection
and prevention. This system identifies the criminal face, retrieves the information stored in the database for the identified criminal
and a notification is sent to the police personnel with all the details and the location at which the criminal was under the
surveillance of the camera.
Crime is one of our societies most serious and pervasive issues, and preventing it is a critical duty. Different types of crimes
and the full consideration of the protection and safety of citizens in any society are significant components that play a vital role
directly in the quality of the lives of residents. Certain types of criminal incidents such as larceny, identity theft, or even pick-
pocketing can cause disturbance and stress in an individual’s life and affect his mental peace. The use of large numbers of closed-
circuit television systems (CCTV) in both public and private settings has been considered a necessary in response to rising
concerns about crime and its danger to security and safety. A deep learning-based approach is employed as it provides a better
performance and faster results as compared to the existing techniques, thereby providing real-time data for police forces to function
more efficiently.
3.1 Modules/Techniques
The below are the modules used in accomplishing the goal
3.1.1 MTCNN (Multi Task Cascade Neural Network):
MTCNN (Multi-task Cascaded Neural Network) detects faces and facial landmarks on images/videos. The MTCNN
concept may be broken down into three stages, the third of which involves performing facial detection and facial landmarks at the
same time. These stages consists of various CNN’s with varying complexities.
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© 2021 JETIR July 2021, Volume 8, Issue 7 (ISSN-2349-5162)
The MTCNN creates numerous frames in the first step, which scan the entire image starting from the top left corner
and progressing to the bottom right corner. The information retrieval process is called P-Net (Proposal Net) which is
a shallow, fully connected CNN.
In the second stage all the information from P-Net is used as an input for the next layer of CNN called as R-Net
(Refinement Network), a fully connected, complex CNN which rejects a majority of the frames which do not contain
In the third and final stage, a more powerful and complex CNN, known as O-Net (Output Network), which as the
name suggests, outputs the facial landmark position detecting a face from the given image/video.
3.1.2 FaceNet:
Face-embedding were created using the FaceNet algorithm. The facial features of a person's face are represented by the
embedding vectors. As a result, the embedding vectors of two separate photos of the same person will be closer together, whereas
those of a different person will be more apart. The distance between face encodings created by the Encoder network (Inception-
ResNet-v1) is used as a metric to compare two faces' similarity. The Triplet Loss is used to train the Encoder network, which
necessitates effective Triplet Mining.
3.1.3 OpenCV:
OpenCV is a video and image processing library that is used for image and video analysis such as facial detection, licence plate
reading, photo editing, advanced robotic vision, and many more applications. OpenCV is used to do real-time face detection from a
live stream via our webcam. The collection contains over 2500 optimised algorithms, which include a complete mix of both classic
and cutting-edge computer vision and machine learning techniques. These algorithms can be used to detect and recognise faces,
identify objects, classify human actions in videos, track camera movements, track moving objects, produce 3D point clouds from
stereo cameras, extract 3D models of objects, stitch images together to create a high-resolution image of an entire scene, and find
similar images from an image database.
3.2 Implementation
The criminal face identification is implemented by extracting the face from video or image, identify the face. The face is
searched in the database to look for the details about the criminal.
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© 2021 JETIR July 2021, Volume 8, Issue 7 (ISSN-2349-5162)
The criminal database with 50 records is collected and trained. The accuracy achieved is 86%. The system considers
threshold (which tells how accurate faces should be compared) parameter which can be adjusted according to our requirement.
The below shows the Home page of the criminal Identification System. On the side bar we have list of options to navigate like Add
criminal details, video surveillance and crime statistics.
In the below figure we can see the “Add criminal details” option. This is used by police officers to add the details of newly
identified criminals to the database. Before entering the details the officer needs to log in using his/her credentials. Only after the
successful login, they can add the details.
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© 2021 JETIR July 2021, Volume 8, Issue 7 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Below figure depicts the notification sent to police when a criminal is found. When a criminal is identified in video surveillance,
the database is queried for all of the suspect's information. The place where the criminal is identified is also forwarded to the
appropriate authority along with the details.
In the present world, almost all people are aware of the importance of CCTV footage, but in most cases, this footage is being
used for investigation purposes after a crime/incident has happened. The proposed model has the benefit of identifying and
catching criminals before they commit another crime. The real-time CCTV footage is being tracked and analysed. The result of the
analysis is a command to the respective authority to take any action if in case the system identifies the criminal. Hence this can be
We are glad to express our deep sense of gratitude to Sri. K.Kranthi Kumar M.Tech.,(Ph.D) Assistant Professor in
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY for his guidance and cooperation in completing this project. Through this we want to convey
our sincere thanks to his inspiring assistance during our main project.
We express our heartfelt gratitude and deep indebtedness to our beloved Head of the Department Dr.Ch.Kavitha
M.Tech., Ph.D., Professor and HOD for her great help and encouragement in doing our main project successfully.
We also express our gratitude to our principal Dr.G.V.S.N.R.V.Prasad M.Tech, M.S, Ph.D., for his encouragement and
facilities provided during the course of the main project.
We express our heartfelt gratitude to all faculty members, all Lab Technicians, who help us in all aspects of lab work. We
thank one and all who have rendered help to us directly or indirectly in completion of this work.
[1] MTCNN method which is used in this project was proposed by Kaipeng Zhang et al. in their paper ‘Joint Face Detection and
Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks’, arXiv:1604.02878. DOI: 10.1109/LSP.2016.2603342.
[2] Florian Schroff, Dmitry Kalenichenko: “Face Net: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering”, 2015; arXiv:
1503.03832. DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2015.7298682.
[3] Sanika Tanmay,Aamani Tandasi,Shipra Saraswat at 2021 11th international conference on cloud computing,Data
Science&Engineering :"Face Detection and Recognition for criminal Identification system",
[4] Facenet : A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering by Florian Schroff, Dmitry Kalenichenko, James Philbin (arXiv:1503.03832v3 [cs.CV]
17 Jun 2015)
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