2022 01 01macworld
2022 01 01macworld
2022 01 01macworld
42 What Wi-Fi 6E means for the
future of the iPhone
67 How to quickly navigate to a
AIRPODS folder
45 Review: AirPods (3rd gen) 69 How to turn on Low
Power Mode
FEATURE 71 How to use Keychain Access
50 Three products that could to view and manage your
transform Apple in 2022 passwords
74 How to keep your MacBook
REVIEWS battery fit
54 MacCleaner Pro 2 77 How to customize your Mac
57 BetterTouchTool keyboard like a pro
81 How to use Disk Utility in
MACOS MONTEREY macOS to manage your
60 How to create a bootable hard drive
installer drive 84 How to reset a Mac’s
65 How to improve your Bluetooth settings
Mac’s speed by adjusting
Spotlight’s settings HELP DESK
86 Help Desk
he M1 Pro and M1 Max M1 series being based on a 5nm
might still have that new- process with a single die. The next
chip smell, but that’s not generation of chips – presumably the
stopping Apple from moving M2, M2 Pro, and M2 Max – will use an
ahead with the next generation of its enhanced 5nm process, according to
desktop processors. And according to The Information. That likely refers to
a new report by The Information, the TSMC’s N4P node, which represents
future is bright for Apple silicon. a small 6 per cent die shrink and a 10
Apple makes its current chips per cent performance boost over the
in partnership with TSMC, with the current node, according to reports.
pple has always changing with the new Apple
encouraged the use of Business Essentials service.
Apple devices at work, Currently in beta with a full
often pitching Macs launch in the spring of 2022, Apple
and iPads as powerful productivity Business Essentials combines
machines, but the company hasn’t device management, iCloud storage,
really directed a lot of software employee onboarding, and service/
and services specifically at support into a single monthly
the corporate interests. That’s subscription package. It’s aimed as
fter backtracking on a programme that lets anyone repair
move that would have their broken iPhone at home with
made iPhone 13 screen Apple genuine parts and tools.
repairs nearly impossible The new Self Service Repair
for all but the largest repair centres, programme, which is launching early
Apple has announced a new next year in the US and expanding to
additional countries throughout 2022, earlier this month after iFixit, a long-
will offer consumers access to Apple time Right to Repair advocate, found
parts and repair manuals as well as a small Face ID chip embedded in
recycling for the parts that are being the iPhone 13 that made it nearly
replaced. Apple says the programme impossible to repair without going to
will initially focus on the most an Apple Store or authorized service
commonly serviced parts, such as the provider. Apple backtracked on that
iPhone display, battery and camera, plan in the upcoming iOS 15.2 update.
and expand to more technical repairs
later in the year.
The programme will offer more
than 200 individual parts and tools
via a dedicated online storefront and
is ‘intended for individual technicians
with the knowledge and experience
to repair electronic devices’. The
programme is initially limited to the
iPhone 12 and 13 but will soon expand
to M1 Macs, according to Apple.
Apple says customers must
first review the Repair Manual
before placing an order, but offers
few specifics on the programme,
including how much parts costs.
It’s not clear whether the Self
Service Repair includes phone
support or access to Services
Toolkit 2, Apple’s diagnostic tool.
For years, the Right to Repair
movement has been fighting for
nationwide legislation that allows
equal access to the tools and parts
needed to repair modern electronic
devices. Apple came under criticism
f you’ve downloaded iOS 15, you the existing iCloud storage, sync,
might have noticed something and cloud features, but the most
different about your iCloud interesting might be something Apple
account. Apple is upgrading all calls iCloud Private Relay. At first, it
paid iCloud accounts to something sounds like a VPN: your web browsing
it calls iCloud+. It includes several traffic is encrypted and sent through
interesting new features on top of a relay to hide your exact location,
IP or the contents of your browsing and then sent to Apple, so your ISP
traffic. It’s not a VPN, though. Not can’t see any of your web browsing
quite. There are important differences, requests. Once at Apple’s proxy
which we’ll describe here. But iCloud server, the DNS request (the thing
Private Relay may be enough for that points a domain name like
most people, giving the most obvious ‘macworld.co.uk’ to a specific server
benefits of a VPN to millions of users IP address) and your iPhone, iPad
who would never consider signing up or Mac’s IP address are separated.
for one. Here’s what this Private Relay Your IP address is retained by
feature is, how it works, and how it’s Apple, while your DNS request is
different from a traditional VPN. passed on, encrypted, to a ‘trusted
partner’ that has the decryption
HOW DO YOU TURN ON key, along with a fake intermediary
iCLOUD PRIVATE RELAY? IP address that is based on your
iCloud Private Relay is a free upgrade approximate location. Apple didn’t
in iOS 15 for anyone who pays for name its partners, but some web
iCloud storage either separately or as sleuths have figured out that they are
part of an Apple One bundle. To turn it major internet backbone companies
on, head to the Settings app, then tap such as Akami, Cloudfare and Fastly.
your Apple ID name at the top. Then This means that Apple knows your
tap iCloud and Private Relay (Beta) IP address but not the name of the
and flip the toggle green to turn it on. sites you’re visiting, and the trusted
You can also choose between two IP partner knows the site you’re visiting
address locations: General ‘so that but not your IP (and therefore not
websites can provide local content in who or where you are). Neither party
Safari’ or broader country and time can piece together a complete
zone for more anonymity. picture of both who you are and
where you’re going.
WHAT IS iCLOUD The website you’re visiting
PRIVATE RELAY? typically gets your exact IP address
When Private Relay is enabled, all of and DNS request, so it can easily
your browsing activity in Safari will build a pretty detailed profile of
be routed through two Internet ‘hops’ exactly who you are, where you
or relays. Your data is encrypted are, and where you’re going online.
s one of the biggest During an interview as part of
and most influential The New York Times’ DealBook
companies in the world, Online Summit, Tim Cook offered
Apple is usually on board his thoughts on the digital currency
with the latest tech trends. But when currently valued at over $60,000 per
it comes to cryptocurrency, the Bitcoin. For one, he’s an investor. He
company is taking its time. said cryptocurrency is “interesting”
ccording to a new report Apple has been hiring engineers
from Bloomberg’s Mark and automotive veterans for years
Gurman, Apple is stepping under what is widely believed to
up its car ambitions. The be called Project Titan. In fact, the
company now aims to launch a fully project has gone on so long that many
autonomous vehicle in four years, of Apple’s original hires have since left
though that 2025 target date is fluid. the company. Notably, Apple poached
year ago last month the processors, but that optimism was
era of Apple silicon truly tempered by Apple’s recent Mac
began, as the first reviews missteps. There were also a lot of
of M1 Macs arrived, questions about a processor that
followed shortly thereafter by M1 had only really seen success in
Macs arriving in Apple Stores and in iPhones and iPads. Would there be
the hands of Mac users everywhere. unexpected pitfalls of abandoning
We had hope that the future would Intel? Could Apple pull off its latest
be brighter with Apple-designed Mac chip transition with the same skill
have been seriously impressed that native code that runs at full speed.
Intel had managed to make those (For example, an Intel-built game
processors and that Apple had been using the Apple silicon-native Metal
able to ship them in its laptops. graphics engine may run faster on an
Bottom line: Apple’s skill in making M1 Mac than it did on an Intel model.)
chips for iPads and iPhones does As someone who relies on a few
translate to the Mac, after all. apps that were what Steve Jobs used
to call “laggards” – they took a long
THERE WERE VERY FEW time to run natively on Apple silicon,
GROWING PAINS or are still not there – I am happy to
Shifting to an entirely new processor report that they run just fine, to the
architecture isn’t easy, but Apple point where it doesn’t matter that
has done it to the Mac three times, they’re not native. (And yet, I am
and in every case it’s acquitted angry at those laggard developers,
itself well. That said, there’s because I know their software could
probably nobody left at Apple who run much faster than it does. One of
worked on the PowerPC transition, these days they’ll release an update
and even the Intel transition is and all of a sudden, those apps will
probably only a distant memory fly. I continue to wait.)
in the mind of the most grizzled of Even better, it seems like there
veteran Apple engineers. are very few apps that are actually
And yet the streak remains intact. laggards. Most of my apps embraced
In fact, I’m tempted to call the past Apple silicon very, very quickly.
year painless. Compatibility has That’s down to the flexibility and
largely been a non-issue, starting motivation of Apple’s developer
with Rosetta 2, the code-translation community, and to Apple for
system that allows Intel-based apps providing them with tools to make
to run on Apple silicon without trouble. the transition relatively painless.
Rosetta got a huge leg up with the
speed of the M1 chips, of course – it’s THE COMPETITION DOES
a lot easier to run translated code NOT HAVE AN ANSWER
when it’s running on a really fast Apple’s long-time frenemy Qualcomm
processor – but Apple also did a good insists that it is going to make chips
job in letting translated apps tie into that can match up with Apple silicon –
hen Apple released Here’s how the Apple silicon transition
the M1 chip at the end has gone so far – and where it’s going.
of last year, we were
blown away by the M1: DECEMBER 2020
speed improvements over its Intel Apple’s current M1 processor is based
predecessors. A year later Apple did on the 5nm A14 chip the first arrived
it again with the M1 Pro and M1 Max in the iPad Air and later the iPhone 12.
and rumours suggest that the next It has 4 high-performance cores with
generation will be an even bigger leap. 192 KB of L1 instruction cache and 128
KB of L1 data cache and shared 12MB next-gen processors the M1 Pro and
L2 cache and 4 energy-efficient cores M1 Max, and true to their names, they
with 128 KB of instruction cache, are a massive leap over the M1.
64KB of L1 data cache, and shared Built using the same 5nm
4MB L2 cache. That makes a total process as the M1, the M1 Pro and
of 8 cores split evenly among power M1 Max bring a new 10-core CPU,
and efficiency leading to tremendous including eight high-performance
speed boosts over the prior models. cores and two high-efficiency cores,
The system-on-a-chip also has an that delivers speeds up to 70 per
8-core GPU in most models (the cent faster than the M1. The M1 Pro
entry-level MacBook Air and 24in offers up to 200GB/s of memory
iMac have a 7-core GPU) with 128 bandwidth with support for up to
execution units and up to 24,576 32GB of unified memory while the
concurrent threads. M1 Max delivers up to 400GB/s of
Memory has also changed. With memory bandwidth with support for
the M1, the LP-DDR4 memory isn’t up to 64GB of unified memory.
just soldered to the motherboard, it’s On the graphics side, the M1 Pro
actually part of the chip itself. That has a 14- or 16-core GPU that is up to
means it’s faster and more efficient 2x faster than M1, while the M1 Max
than before, but it’s also a bit more adds a 32-core GPU options for up
limited – you can only get 8- or 16GB to 4x faster graphics performance
in an M1 Mac and there’s no way to than M1. According to Apple, the new
upgrade it after purchase. (That won’t M1 Max MacBook Pro can transcode
be a surprise for MacBook buyers ProRes video in Compressor up to 10x
but the same also applies to desktop faster compared with the Intel 16in
models, though we’re no sure about MacBook Pro.
the Mac Pro yet.) And finally, the chip Additionally, the chips also have
has a 16-core Neural Engine, along a 16-core Neural Engine, additional
with the Secure Enclave and USB 4/ Thunderbolt 4 controllers, and a new
Thunderbolt support. display engine that can drive up to
We started hearing about the four external displays on the M1 Max.
development of an M1X chip earlier You can find them in the MacBook
this year, but the rumours weren’t Pro and likely the upcoming 27- or
quite accurate. Apple is calling its 30in iMac.
or the past 10 months, I’ve upgrade over my previous 2016 model.
used a 13in M1 MacBook Pro But some days it’s nearly impossible
supplied by my employer. to get anything done. More than
Most days it’s great, with any Mac I’ve owned, this MacBook
exceptional battery life and excellent regularly experiences freezes,
speeds, and is an overall massive crashes, and restarts that often seem
better, because all the aspects Maybe now that it’s more of a
of the processor can access all widespread issue, Apple will figure it
of the system memory, there’s no out. We’ve reached out to Apple for
performance hit when the graphics comment but haven’t heard back,
cores need to access something that and it’s entirely possible that Apple
was previously being accessed by a fixes it in a future version of macOS
processor core. On other systems, without ever addressing the issue
the data has to be copied from one publicly. That’s what happened with
portion of memory to another – but on the excessive SSD usage earlier this
the M1, it’s just instantly accessible.” year, though that Apple says that
It’s possible that macOS isn’t was a “data reporting error” and not
managing this unified memory an actual problem. The memory bug
structure properly, and will continue is an actual issue that needs to be
to allocate RAM beyond what is fixed as soon as possible.
available without freeing up RAM that In the meantime, there are a few
is no longer needed. This is commonly ways to mitigate the issue. The first is
referred to as a ‘memory leak’. to be vigilant. As I said, keep Activity
Performance gradually deteriorates Monitor open, and when you see
until you need to either wait for the an app’s memory usage creeping
RAM to clear, force-quit the app, or up, address it. You can also use a
restart the machine. third-party memory cleaner that
Sometimes a warning will appear lets you quickly clear RAM. Running
when no single app is even using that periodically will help keep your
that much memory and other times resources available. And finally, stay
apps are seemingly using way more up to date with the latest version
memory than is available. I’ve seen of Big Sur or Monterey, as a fix will
single websites report using as much hopefully arrive soon.
as 20GB of RAM for no discernible
reason, crippling my machine.
ven before Apple’s M1 Pro M2, this chip is the likely successor to
and M1 Max MacBooks hit the M1 that powers the MacBook Air,
the market, rumblings of 13in MacBook Pro, Mac mini and the
future Apple silicon were 24in iMac. According to reports it will
already hitting the wire. Dubbed the arrive in the first half of 2022.
ith the removal of the 2015’s ‘butterfly’ keyboard, out with
Touch Bar from top-of- 2016’s Touch Bar, in with the Magic
the-line MacBook Pro Keyboard and a row of full-height
models – and make no function keys.
mistake, the grim reaper is coming for For some reason, in the middle of
the 13in MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, the 2010s, Apple decided it was ready
too – Apple’s era of experimentation to reinvent how keyboards on laptops
with the keyboard is over. Out with work. It was a bad decision that the
write on a mechanical keyboard that bears from the mid-2010s, I’ve got to
looks and sounds a lot like something think Apple designers and engineers
I would have written on in the 1980s.) will continue to ask themselves if
Longevity also leads to ubiquity, and there are ways they can improve the
ubiquity equals familiarity. Pretty input experience on Mac laptops.
much everyone knows how a keyboard A few years ago I pondered this
works, and we can all pick up a very question with more than a
computer and start using it without little trepidation. Over the years,
needing to familiarize ourselves with we’ve seen patent filings for various
how text input will work. keyboard ‘improvements’ that made
That’s boring and not cutting it seem like Apple was driving to a
edge… but it’s powerful all the same. future where the physical keyboard
Everyone knows how it works. If would be entirely replaced with a
you want to change it, you’d better second touchscreen. No moving
change it for the better. parts, no key travel, but maybe a
In fact, the only real recent little tactile feedback. The ultimate
innovation Apple has introduced victory of the Touch Bar.
to the keyboard is its rechristening That seems… a lot less likely now.
of the venerable Fn key – used to In 2020 Apple introduced the Magic
toggle between functions on the Keyboard for iPad, which seems like
function-key row of the keyboard – a pretty solid admission that physical
as the Globe key. iPadOS 15 makes keys and a trackpad are the answer,
great use of the Globe key for global not just on the Mac, but on any
keyboard shortcuts, but that globe laptop-like device.
symbol also appears on the Mac, Still, there might be ways for
and it seems like Apple is going to Apple to move input forward on the
lean into it as an additional layer Mac. Making the Mac’s display a
for keyboard shortcuts. touchscreen is still out there as a
possibility, despite Apple’s refusal
IT’S HARD TO RESIST thus far to consider it. A future
And yet, it’s hard to imagine that Mac that could be used with an
Apple isn’t still dreaming of ways Apple Pencil is another possibility.
it could improve or reinvent the Ergonomic considerations probably
keyboard. So despite the scars it prevent this from being very likely. The
t was just a few short years ago And now we have an even newer
when we told you about a then- name, Wi-Fi 6E. It’s an updated version
upcoming wireless technology of Wi-Fi 6 that includes access to the
called Wi-Fi 6. At the time, what new 6GHz frequency band. But while
was once known as 802.11ax was it doesn’t bring new technology over
henceforth given a much more Wi-Fi 6, this new frequency could be a
consumer-friendly name, and previous huge deal and will make a major impact
convoluted Wi-Fi standards got on the future of wireless networking.
similar names: 802.11ac became Wi-Fi Rumours suggest that Wi-Fi 6E could
5, 802.11n became Wi-Fi 4, and so on. show up in the iPhone 14.
e’ve been waiting for it improved battery life and added
Apple to release an hands-free ‘Hey, Siri’ support and
update to its basic not much else.
AirPods for quite AirPods Pro are a wonderful step
some time. First released five years up from basic AirPods, but the £239
ago, AirPods have become a huge price is out of reach for many.
hit and nearly ubiquitous everywhere Now we have the third-generation
you see in-ear wireless earbuds, but AirPods. Finally, basic and more
the second-generation update two affordable AirPods bring some of what
years ago left much to be desired – we love about the AirPods Pro down
your ear shape. I suggest trying them shape of your ears will determine just
on before you buy, if at all possible. how secure and comfortable the fit is.
The shorter stems are nice, and
help reduce incidents where they BATTERY LIFE AND
get caught on a hat or strap or CHARGING CASE
bumped free. Apple has replaced Apple promises that the battery will
‘tap’ controls with the ‘squeeze the last up to six hours, and that seems
stem’ force sensor as found on the a pretty accurate claim. I managed
AirPods Pro. It gives you a little more to get just a bit more than that on a
control but, as ever, I find it hard to full charge, but volume plays a factor,
use without messing up the AirPods and you can expect less when using
fit in my ear. I generally control them spatial audio, too. These are the
either through voice or the controls longest-lasting AirPods you can buy,
on my iPhone or Mac. though you can buy wireless earbuds
There’s certainly no way in which with longer battery life (they are
I feel that the third-gen AirPods are usually larger, though).
a worse design than the second- The charging case, which looks
gen, and the shorter stems and very much like that for the AirPods
water/sweat resistance are both Pro but is just slightly less wide, holds
improvements I can appreciate. But another 4 full charges, so you can
as with the second-gen model, the juice up the earbuds several times
before you have
to find a plug.
Speaking of
finding a plug,
the charging case
supports charging
via Lightning or Qi
wireless charging
and has magnets to
attach to MagSafe
The third-gen AirPods case (centre) is just a touch less wide Apple claims
than the AirPods Pro case (right). that about five
s the waning days of 2021 launches of new iPhones and iPads,
are upon us, it’s time once and a continued transition on the
again to look ahead to Mac that is redefining the product
the future, to the horizon. line for the next generation.
Despite a global pandemic and supply But in the tech business, you’re
chain woes aplenty, Apple has had only as good as your next move. No
a blockbuster year, with successful company can afford to rest on its
scratcher if Apple
didn’t bring its
high-end iMac
up to the Liquid
Retina XDR
standard in the
MacBook Pro.
It’d be nice if
it bumped the
display size up a
bit further than
27in, just as the
21.5in iMac went A new HomePod that can compete with Google’s and
to 24 inches, but Amazon’s offering is long overdue.
rumours seem
split on that. of their strategies and, in the case of
Of course, the high-end Mac the latter, their very identities.
mini and the Mac Pro are also still Rumours of an Apple headset
waiting for the Apple silicon chips have been circulating for some time
to power them. It seems likely that now, and they’ve started to coalesce
we’ll see them by the end of 2022, as on next year as a time when they
Apple puts the bow on its two-year might finally see the light of day. The
processor transition. most persistent is about a device
that does ‘mixed reality’, with both
GETTING META AR and VR functionality.
Apple’s talk on augmented reality But Tim Cook has also spoken
has been a constant over the last much more positively of the
several years, but it has continued to experience of AR than of VR, and
focus on improvements to software, Apple is always going to put its own
and we’ve yet to see a big push spin on things. The company will have
on the hardware end. Meanwhile, its work cut out for it to explain why
companies like Microsoft and Meta this device is one that the average
(née Facebook) have been making consumer is going to want – although
these technologies an increasing part perhaps that’s a low-bar, given Meta
MacCleaner Pro 2
Price: £29.36 from fave.co/3nF00rf
here’s no shortage of tutorial system that opens when
cleaning and optimization you activate each new module for
utilities for the Mac these the first time. Once you give each
days, and while Ukranian tool full permissions and access to
developer Nektony’s MacCleaner Pro folders such as Downloads, Desktop,
2 doesn’t offer the most revelatory Documents and others, they’re free to
set of features, its utilities are go to work and dig around for files that
competent, clever and run smoothly may be clogging up your Mac.
while delivering what’s promised. The Speed Up Mac module allows
Each of MacCleaner Pro 2’s tools both standard and expert modes,
is fairly powerful, and it has a good offering changes such as freeing up
which folders
are targeted
for clean-up.
While the
module was
able to get the
vast majority
of the files,
it didn’t have
to remove
five small MacCleaner Pro 2’s Funter module, which allows quick access to
files, which hidden files within the macOS.
a small hiccup that needed to be field of utilities, complete with speedy
worked around. replies to email requests, a good
The Funter module allows macOS interface, and smooth operation. It
to show and work with hidden files may not be the flashiest thing out
without having to unlock these via there, but it offers a good interface,
Terminal commands, which is useful good set of utilities, and is worth your
in instances where you need to consideration. Chris Barylick
work with or remove these files. The
module’s name may be unusual, but
the module itself comes in handy.
Finally, the Memory Cleaner
module allows you to quickly free up
RAM on the fly, as well as monitors
which applications are chewing up
this resource.
MacCleaner Pro 2 comes as an
unexpected surprise in a crowded
etterTouchTool offers the rabbit hole of BetterTouchTool’s
features that are missing incredibly deep and broad options
in macOS. Apple would for input triggers and actions that
never, ever include the you might forget to get actual work
kind of extensible configuration for done. Fortunately, it’s as easy to add
adding input shortcuts to provide a few missing gestures as it is to build
the degree of power this app brings an entire ecosystem of Touch Bar
to your fingertips, gestures, and buttons and Siri Remote actions.
clicks, extending Apple’s modest I initially installed BetterTouchTool
but incomplete set. My only proviso years ago when Apple discontinued
is that you could fall so far down the three-finger swipe up and down
to simulate the Home and End when that trigger fires. The number
movement keys. (It looks like that was of actions from which you can select
in Mac OS X 10.8 in 2012.) The app is fairly huge, drawn from navigation,
was a simple and inexpensive way to typing, system events, Shortcuts,
regain gestures I used hundreds of clicks, and much more. Fortunately,
times a day. That barely scratched there’s a convenient search field.
the wax polish on top of the surface You can also scope triggers to work
of BetterTouchTool. only with a particular app in the
The app centres around input foreground, in the Finder or in all apps.
methods, assigning trigger sets Vastly more complicated
to common items like a trackpad, sequences can be built to trigger
Magic Mouse or trackpad, regular and perform actions in ways that
mouse, keyboard, and Touch Bar. more closely resemble Keyboard
But it can also accept inputs from a Maestro (or the late, lamented
paired Siri Remote, MIDI triggers, key QuicKeys), TextExpander, LaunchBar
sequences (like a macro or shortcut and other automation and shortcut
app), and even things you draw. If that apps. Each of those apps has a
doesn’t sound like enough, there’s significantly different purpose from
also BTT Remote, a way for the app BetterTouchTool, so it’s more precise
to receive remote input through a free to say BetterTouchTool has a core
iOS app.
In the
you pick
an input
click ‘+’
to add a
trigger, and
choose at
least one
action that
occurs You can set up BetterTouchTool with useful gestures in a few clicks.
ou’ll find the latest version what you need to create a bootable
of macOS – Monterey – in macOS Monterey installation drive.
the Software Update pane (These instructions are for the
in System Preferences. officially released version of Monterey,
However, if you want to update the not a beta. It was performed on a Mac
old-fashioned way, we’ll show you running macOS Big Sur.)
n any Mac, you can a drive, or testing drive performance.
experience odd That’s because Spotlight never
slowdowns when copying sleeps. It’s constantly looking for
or acting on a large modified or new files to index.
number of files, such as duplicating Spotlight’s ‘polling’ can have
a folder with many items in it, cloning a significant performance toll. For
secret weapon in the working with low-level settings files
Finder arsenal is the Go or items hidden away in the user or
> Go to Folder feature. system Library folder.
Choose that menu item (or Apple made a significant change
type Command-Shift-G) and you can between macOS Big Sur and
leap around the macOS file system Monterey in how it helps you find
without having to navigate folders. folders: Monterey offers a squishier
This is frequently useful when you’re set of matching options, making it
f you have an iPhone, you’re and system clock speed to save
probably familiar with Low Power battery life and make your Mac run
Mode, an option you can set so the more quietly.
device preserves battery life. Now Low power mode is available on
the Mac has a low power mode too, the MacBook (Early 2016 and later)
and it does a similar thing: Reduces and MacBook Pro (Early 2016 and
energy consumption by automatically later) running macOS Monterey.
turning down the screen brightness Here’s how to turn it on:
Monterey doesn’t have
a quick way to turn Low
Low Power Mode setting while on battery power. Power Mode on or off. But
developer Jordi Bruin made
a little menu bar utility that
you can use to do this. It’s
called Cooldown and it’s
free (though you do have the
option to toss the developer
a few pounds).
idden inside the Mac If you think managing your
Utilities folder, Keychain passwords on the Mac is limited
Access provides access to to Safari, you’ve never explored
the passwords and other the Keychain Access utility. With
private information saved through Keychain Access, you can review,
your Mac’s keychain. change, delete and create passwords
for your online accounts and examine certificates and keys. Click the tab
security keys and certificates and add for Passwords, then in the left pane,
password-protected notes. select the option for iCloud.
First, you’ll need to make sure The list will most likely be sorted
that iCloud Keychain is enabled. by name in ascending order, but you
Open System Preferences, click can change that by clicking any of the
the icon for Apple ID and click the other column headings. For example,
checkbox for Keychain. Then when to see your most recent saved
you browse to a password-protected accounts, click the heading for Date
website, iCloud Keychain will ask Modified and then click the arrow to
if you want to save the password. display the list with the most recent
Click Save Password and it’ll be items at the top.
securely stored in your Keychain. To edit a user name or password,
As you visit websites, you’ll double-click a specific entry. A pop-
automatically accumulate logins up window displays the attributes for
and passwords, which you can that account, including the website
view by clicking the Go menu in name, the account username, and the
the Finder, selecting Utilities, and URL. Click the checkbox for Show
then double-clicking the icon for password. You’re prompted to enter
Keychain Access. The tool starts your Mac’s password. Enter it, and the
by showing you all saved Keychain password for the selected account
items, including passwords, appears in plain text.
unlocked, you’ll
be able to see
your existing
and enter new
ones like in
a third-party
manager. Click
the icon at the
To edit a user name or password, double-click a specific entry. top for Create
hat a difference a year from readers asking exactly how to
and a few months avoid overcharging their battery and
make. My advice in shortening its lifetime. Fortunately,
July 2020 about how Big Sur swept in a new approach to
to keep your Mac laptop’s battery in battery charging, and the upcoming
good shape included lots of hedges, macOS Monterey adds more options.
provisos, and tweaks. Despite that, The upshot? Plug in when you
Mac 911 continues to receive email want, unplug when you want. For
slightly less
brightness, it can
add hours to run
Optimize video
streaming while on
battery: while M1-
based laptops can
seemingly stream
video forever,
older Intel models
benefit from
having this setting
Low power mode
In Big Sur and Monterey, you can optimized battery usage (Monterey only):
with a check of a box; Monterey adds low-power mode, too. Monterey will offer
the low-power
consumes so little energy when not mode added previously to iOS and
in use and the screen is dim, macOS iPadOS. When selected, this mode
doesn’t limit charging to 80 per cent – reduces background activities that
it seems to keep it at 100 per cent. But drain the battery. This can keep
that’s because it’s essentially micro- you running for an extra hour or far
charging: it provides a trickle of power more, depending on how intensive
to keep it at that rate. According to your foreground task is. (In iOS and
Apple’s algorithm, that’s ideal. iPadOS, you’re prompted to enable
If you’re trying to eke out the most Low Power Mode when the battery
life from your battery, check out the drops to 20 per cent; Monterey, so
other settings in Big Sur and the far, appears to require checking
upcoming Monterey: this box manually.)
he Mac can support keyboard layout in macOS Monterey
different keyboard layouts and Big Sur. First, you’ll need to go
and you can switch between to System Preferences and open the
them quite easily. It’s one Keyboard pane. The keyboard layouts
way you can get more out of the appear in the Input Sources tab, and
keyboard, especially if you work in the ones you currently have active
multiple languages. will be in the left column. Apple offers
However, it’s not slap-your- several keyboard layouts based on
face obvious on how to change the different languages, and you can add
more by clicking on the ‘+’ button on the Use Caps Lock key to switch to
the lower left (clicking ‘-’ removes a and from last used Latin input source
layout). A pop-up window will appear checkbox. With this active, you’ll need
with the layouts that are available. to press and then hold the Caps Lock
You can add as many keyboard key to enable typing in all caps.
layouts as you want. The trick then • Also under Input Sources is an
becomes how to switch the layout. option to Automatically switch to a
You have a few options: document’s input source. This allows
you to assign a layout to a document.
• If you check the box for Show input For example, if you are using the
in menu bar, a menu bar icon appears, Maori layout but use English in a
and you can quickly change the layout Microsoft Word document, macOS
by clicking that icon and selecting the will automatically switch the layout
one you want. when you’re using Word.
• If you prefer a keyboard shortcut,
you can activate it in the Shortcuts CHANGE KEYBOARD
tab. Select Input Sources in the left LAYOUT AT LOGIN
column, and you can use the default You can set up macOS so that
key combination or set up your own. whenever a user logs in, they can
• Under Input Sources, you can select select the keyboard layout at the login
The default Keyboard menu bar icon (left) doesn’t look like a keyboard. When
you set up Keyboard with different layouts (middle), the icon changes to a flag or
symbol that represents the language that is active. If you activate the keyboard
shortcut and use the default Control-spacebar combo, a layout switcher (right)
appears in the middle of the screen and you tap the spacebar until the layout you
want is highlighted.
screen. To do this, you need to have keyboard layout you want, and then
administrator rights. Users can still log in to the Mac.
change the layout in the Keyboard
system preferences after logging in. CHANGE THE DEFAULT
Here’s how to set it. KEYBOARD LAYOUT IN
1. While logged in to an administrator If you use multiple keyboard layouts
account on your Mac, go to System and want to change the one that
Preferences > Users & Groups. is the default, you have to do that
2. Click on the padlock on the lower in the Terminal, the command-line
left corner to unlock the settings and interface for the Mac. The Terminal
enter an administrator’s username is located in Applications > Utilities.
and password. Here are the instructions.
3. Click Login Options in the bottom
of the left column. 1. Set macOS to the keyboard layout
4. In the right section, check the box you want to use as your default.
for Show Input menu at login window. 2. In the Finder, hold down the Option
5. Click the lock and exit. key, and select Go > Library.
3. In the Library window that appears,
With that option on, the Keyboard open the Preferences folder.
icon appears in the upper right of the 4. Look for the file called ‘com.apple.
login screen. Click it and select the HIToolbox.plist’ and then select it and
hether you need to view details on your hard drive, add
better organize your or remove partitions and volumes,
hard drive or resolve and check the disk for glitches.
disk errors, Disk Here’s how it works.
Utility is the tool for the job. Built into To access Disk Utility while logged
macOS, Disk Utility allows you to in, go to the Finder and click the Go
menu, select Utilities, and then in the and space sharing. With space
window that appears, double-click sharing, a single APFS container or
the Disk Utility icon. The tool displays partition can dynamically allocate
details and a graph of your hard drive space as needed to different volumes.
configuration, showing the overall Now let’s say you want to
capacity as well as the used and free organize your physical drive into
space and the various volumes. different sections, maybe one for
To dig up more information on your operating system, a second one
your drive, click the Info icon at the for your personal files, and a third
top. The window that pops up displays for your work-related files. You can
a host of details, including the OS certainly set up multiple partitions.
name and version, file system, drive (A partition is a specific segment of
connection type, encryption status, space on your Mac’s storage device.)
and much more. But if you opt to use volumes instead,
Before we go further, a quick your free space is allocated among
primer on the Mac’s file system. With them on the fly.
macOS 10.13 High Sierra, Apple To create a new volume, select any
replaced the old HFS+ format with existing volume on the left and click
APFS (Apple File System). AFPS the ‘+’ sign for the Volume icon at the
offers certain benefits, including top. Change the name from Untitled
faster performance, greater reliability, to something specific and click Add.
When the
process is
click Done.
Next, you
may want
to change
the name of
an existing
To do this,
right-click on
The Disk Utility main user interface. the volume,
select Rename and type the new it finds. When the process is done,
name. In the Finder, if you click the click the entry to Show Details to
Go menu and select Computer, you see the results.
should see the new and renamed
volumes you created.
If you no longer need or use a
volume you created, right-click on it
and select Delete APFS Volume.
If you wish to keep a volume you
created but want to remove the data
stored on it, right-click on it and
select Erase. Then click the Erase
button to confirm.
Finally, maybe you’re bumping
into errors or problems with your
hard drive. Select any volume on the
drive and click the First Aid icon at the
top. Click Run. A scan kicks off and
tries to resolve any disk errors that
luetooth can be a useful your Mac seems to get the wrong idea
technology for short-range about one or more devices. Even after
connections, sometimes unpairing and re-pairing, you can’t
known as personal area make a connection. Or, worse, macOS
networks (PANs). We use Bluetooth won’t let you remove a paired device
for fitness bands, earbuds and from the Bluetooth preference pane.
headphones, hotspot tethering and Apple hides Bluetooth reset options
input peripherals. But sometimes in the Bluetooth menu:
The Allowed People section lets you MEMBERS AND FORWARD
pick individuals to override Focus for THEIR EMAIL
text notifications and incoming calls. I have noted many times that the
Apple ID is the centre of one’s Apple
This setting affects both calls and life. It’s your ID across all stores
notifications. This is parallel to but and services, and a tool to recover
managed entirely separate from the access to your Mac, iPhone, and
Emergency Bypass option above. iPad (or erase them remotely if lost
What are the differences between or stolen), depending on how you’ve
Emergency Bypass and Allowed configured things.
Notifications > Allowed People? But many, many people started
down a path years ago, where a single
Calls: Emergency Bypass can be set adult in the family set up an Apple
just for calls; Allowed People can’t be ID, then shared it with a partner or
limited to just calls. spouse, then extended it to their
Texts: Likewise Emergency Bypass parents or children. You may even
can be set just for texts; Allowed have added aliases for email and as
People cannot. backup contact emails to your Apple
1. If you have an
existing Apple ID
account you don’t
want to use,
log out: go
to Settings > You can remove payment methods from your Apple ID account.
cost. Such apps will have a Get and click Remove. Repeat for each
button. Click Get. payment method.
4. In the Apple ID dialog that appears,
click Create Apple ID. HOW TO SET UP SLEEP
5. Follow prompts. At the point where MODE ON A MAC THAT
you’re asked for a payment method, HAS BUS-POWERED
6. Follow the remaining steps to An external hard drive or SDD can
validate your account. be very useful with a Mac that has
a low-capacity internal drive. Some
If you have an existing Apple ID Mac laptop users routinely keep an
You can remove payment methods external drive plugged in, and they
from existing Apple ID accounts may have encountered a problem
in some cases. Apple requires a with unmounting that can be easily
payment method on file if you are the solved with sleep settings found
family organizer for a Family Sharing in the Energy Saver or Battery
group, and for accounts set up for preference pane (depending on your
children under 13. version of macOS).
In iOS and iPadOS: If your drive has its own power
adapter that plugs into an AC
1. Go to Settings > account name > outlet, you almost certainly haven’t
Payment & Shipping. encountered this situation with either
2. Tap the Edit button. a laptop or desktop Mac. The AC
3. Tap the remove (minus in a red power keeps the drive running even
circle) button for each method. when your Mac goes to sleep.
4. Tap Done. However, if you’re using a bus-
powered drive – one that gets its juice
In macOS: from a USB or Thunderbolt 3 port of
your Mac, or a connected hub – you
1. Launch the App Store. can wind up with settings that power
2. Choose Store > View My Account down the drive and thus unmount it
and then click View Information. without proper safeguards.
3. Click Manage Payments. (A side piece of advice: this can
4. Click Edit next a payment method also sometimes happen when a USB
The first setting keeps your Mac click sound. Many of us prefer to
from going to sleep while plugged in avoid that sound.
unless you explicitly choose Apple Remarkably, there’s no click on/
> Sleep. This way, you can eject off switch in the Camera settings!
your drive manually before putting Instead, you have one of three
the Mac to sleep. While this adds alternatives:
cognitive overhead, it will prevent
drive integrity problems. Enable Live Photo: If you’re hearing
The second option disables a click, you don’t have this feature
macOS from attempting to put hard turned on, which retains some still
disk drives (HDDs) to sleep; it has images from before and after the
no effect on SSDs. An external HDD point at which you take a pictures,
may correctly respond to this effort providing some animation – and
by the Mac to reduce usage that can audio. If the click were on, it would
reduce its lifespan, but apparently be captured in a Live Photo. You can
not all HDDs interpret macOS’s have Live Photo always on when
command correctly, so it can cause an you launch the Camera by enabling
unintentional unmounting, too. Settings > Camera > Preserve
With a fresh external drive, you can Settings > Live Photo.
test which of the two settings should Mute switch: With the hardware
be used separately or together, and Ring/Silent switch set to Silent, the
then use Disk Utility’s First Aid feature snapshot sound is disabled. You can
to ensure that the drive’s logical flip this switch on and off at will if you
structure remains intact if its volume prefer to have the click off sometimes
or volumes unmount incorrectly and on at others. However, the Silent
during testing. switch is a system-wide mute, so no
iPhone sounds will be made.
HOW TO DISABLE THE Set system volume to zero: You can
CAMERA SHUTTER SOUND also or instead set your alert sounds
ON AN iPHONE OR iPAD volume to zero. If Settings > Sounds
Apple tries to simulate the experience & Haptics > Change with Buttons
of a snapshot camera when you is enabled, you can use the Control
take a picture in the Photos app on Center or the side volume down
an iPhone or iPad by issuing a little button. However, if that switch is
or another
for trade-in
credit, handing
it down to a
family member,
selling it, or
recycle the
1. failing unit.
If you used
3. Hold down the Command key iCloud on that device, Apple has tied
and drag the app from the main a lot of your identity to the device,
Applications folder into your personal including synced data and making
one. (You must hold down Command services available on your hardware.
or macOS will create an alias instead iPhones, iPads, Macs and Watches
of moving the app.) with a Secure Enclave may also have
4. You may be prompted to enter an Activation Lock enabled if you have
administrative password, or if you Find My turned on. (Apple builds
have a Mac with Touch ID, to validate Secure Enclave into a large range of
the move with a fingertip. its hardware. This includes all iPhones
starting with the iPhone 5s, all Intel
This doesn’t prevent another Macs with a T1 or T2 Security Chip,
user from installing the same app, if and all M1 Apple silicon Macs. You
they have access to an installer or can see a list at fave.co/2Vv01ST.)
download, into the main Applications You can sign out from any device,
folder or for themselves, however. but take care with the next step: