Macworld UK 02 2024
Macworld UK 02 2024
Macworld UK 02 2024
MAC 56
21 MacBook buying guide
30 How to connect two or more
external displays to an M1,
M2 or M3 MacBook
47 Those disappointing M3
benchmarks? You’re just
reading them wrong
51 Opinion: After four years,
Apple’s entry-level MacBook
is terrible value REVIEWS
80 FJDynamics Pony 500
iPHONE 83 PC Matic for Mac
56 iPhone buying guide
74 How to figure out which HELP DESK
iPhone model you have 87 Help Desk
ccording to a Bloomberg down a decision prohibiting Apple’s
report ( anti-steering rules for music services.
that cites “people familiar Currently, Apple requires that
with the investigation”, regulators digital subscription services on
in the EU are getting ready to hand iPhone or iPad offer subscriptions
he academic research Bluetooth protocol, including the
institution Eurecom (fave. current 5.4 version, as well as the 5.3
co/47Xe9F5) has discovered version that’s used in Apple’s current
security holes in the Bluetooth hardware line-up.
wireless standard that could allow a Eurecom has developed a set of
threat agent to impersonate devices attacks called ‘Bluetooth Forward
and set up man-in-the middle attacks and Future Secrecy’ (BLUFFS) that
( The holes have exploit the discovered Bluetooth
been in several versions of the weaknesses. According to a
acBooks are great portable Mark Gurman provides a progress
computers, but they lack report about Apple’s in-house chip
one key feature for true, development. One major project
on-the-road usability: cellular Apple has been working on is its own
connectivity. That may change in cellular modem, which has been in
a future MacBook, but it’s going to the works for some time. Gurman
take a while. reports that the modem could be
In a recent Power On newsletter ready by 2026, but it will take “two
(, Bloomberg’s or three additional years” for it to be
used in the iPad and Apple Watch of this decade to see what cellular
(both of which can be bought with connectivity looks like on the Mac.
Qualcomm modems), and the Mac.
If the modem is ready in 2026, why
so long for it to be used in the Mac?
Gurman says Apple needs that time
to figure out how to integrate the
modem into the System on a Chip –
also known as the M-series chip at
the heart of every Mac.
Speaking of the SoC, Gurman
mentions that Apple will eventually
create chips using a 2nm process,
but no timeline is provided. The M3,
which Apple uses in the new iMac
and MacBook Pro that just started
shipping around two months ago,
is made with the 3nm process, a
process that we’ll likely see for a
couple of generations, at least.
A cellular-equipped MacBook
would be a boon for users, especially
those who often work on location.
Public Wi-Fi isn’t reliable and often
not secure – if Wi-Fi is available at
all. (Gurman also reported that Apple
is working on its own combined
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chip.) Lots
of MacBook users resort to using
their iPhone as a hotspot, which
means battery life is being expended
by two devices. Alas, it looks like
those solutions will be it for now
and we’ll have to wait until the end
pple has released a rare so we don’t know what bug fixes or
update to the 140-watt features it brings, but according to
power adapter that ships Aaron613 on X (,
with the 16-inch MacBook Pro. who tracks software and firmware
Before you ask, no, we have no updates, it’s the first time Apple has
idea what it does. But we do know it updated the 140-watt charger since
brings the version number to 1.4.73 it debuted alongside the 16-inch
and the build number to 10M5237. MacBook Pro in 2021.
Apple doesn’t document this kind of Apple ships all 16-inch MacBook
firmware update with release notes Pros with the 140-watt power
ince it follows the winter Mark Gurman reports that Apple is
months, spring is often planning to release new iPads and an
thought of as a season of M3 MacBook Air (
awakening. And it looks like Apple is by the end of March.
hoping for a bit of spring influence on The iPad Air, which was last
iPad and Mac sales, as Bloomberg’s updated in March 2022, will
reportedly see the biggest change, model and possibly the 1st-gen too
with Apple launching a new 12.9-inch if Apple ditches the last remaining
model to go along with the 10.9-inch Lightning Pencil.) As for the new
version. Gurman did not mention any Magic Keyboard, Gurman says it
other updates to the iPad Air, but we “will make the iPad Pro look more
can assume it will get a new chip as like a laptop and include a sturdier
well, either the M2 or M3. frame with aluminium”.
At the higher end, the iPad Pro To top off the spring
models will get a major update to announcements, Apple will update
its displays. Gurman says Apple will the 13- and 15-inch MacBook Air
replace both the LED screen in the 11- with the M3 chip. Apple introduced
inch model and the mini-LED screen the M3 with the 14-inch MacBook
in the 12.9-inch iPad with OLED Pro back in October.
screens that offer a wider range of iPad and Mac sales have been
colours. Additionally, the M2 chip in down in Apple’s recent quarterly
both Pro models will be upgraded to fiscal results. Apple released new
the M3, which made its debut in the M3-based MacBook Pros and a new
14-inch MacBook Pro. iMac for the holiday sales season,
To go along with the new iPad which could boost Mac sales for the
Pro, Gurman reports that Apple current quarter, but none of Apple’s
is “preparing revamped versions iPads have been updated in over a
of the Apple Pencil and Magic year. Apple regularly releases new
Keyboard accessories”. The news products in the spring, but Apple’s
of a revamped Apple Pencil is a recent sales numbers have put new
bit surprising since Apple recently focus on the company’s release
released a new USB-C Apple Pencil, schedule and how it can boost sales.
though the Pro model with wireless As for the rest of 2024, Gurman
charging hasn’t been updated since reports that Apple could unveil the
2018. (Gurman does not clarify if Vision Pro “early next year”. Later
the ‘revamped’ Pencil will be in in 2024, we could see an Apple
addition to the three other Pencils Watch with blood pressure sensing,
Apple offers, or if it will replace any a new iPad mini, a new low-end
of them, though it seems likely to iPad, revamped USB-C AirPods and
be a replacement for the 2nd-gen “larger upscale iPhones”.
oogle has released a critical According to Google’s Chrome
update for the Chrome Releases blog (,
browser on the Mac to patch the latest Stable channel update
several security flaws, at least one of for the Mac desktop browser
which exists in the wild. (119.0.6045.199) is rolling out to
Risk: High
Description: Out of bounds memory
CVE-2023-6350: Reported by Fudan
Risk: High
Description: Use after free
023 ended up being a good stage in the M-series Mac evolution
year for the Mac, thanks to that will likely be more routine than
the somewhat surprising revolutionary. Put it all together and
introduction of the M3 series of you’ve got the makings of a very dull
chips and the launch of the 15-inch year for the Mac.
MacBook Air. But what about next
year? What will happen to the Mac CHIP CYCLE PLATEAU
line-up in 2024? The M3 chip got a lot of attention
Well, it looks like not a whole lot. leading up to its October release in
We’ll get some new macOS features the iMac and MacBook Pro. It’s the
revealed at WWDC in June, but first 3nm chip to be used in a Mac
hardware-wise, we’ve reached a (or any personal computer), and
with it being the third generation M-chips for some time, until chip
of the M-series, there was a lot of manufacturer TSMC has the 2nm
speculation about how Apple would process ready in 2025 or 2026. We’ll
handle the rollout. see enhanced 3nm before that, but
But since the M3’s arrival, there it’s unlikely to demonstrably change
hasn’t been any buzz about upcoming much for the user.
chips. Since Apple released the We could see an M4 chip towards
base, Pro, and Max versions of the the end of 2024. But even if we do,
chip at the same time, the only M3 we’ve entered a maturation phase
chip variation to look forward to is of the M-series, similar to what we
the Ultra, which will probably happen experienced with Intel chips. The
in the spring or at WWDC in June. performance boosts are going to be
And we have a basic idea of how incremental, about 15 to 20 percent,
the Ultra will be configured–Ultra if Apple continues with a typical
chips are basically a pair of Max product progression. While any
chips tied together with a super-fast performance improvement is always
interconnect, so it’s not a totally new good, it may never reach the scale
concept. We pretty much know it’ll be that we saw when Apple switched
a 28-core CPU and 80-core GPU. from Intel to its M1.
Then after that, Apple will Apple is always tinkering,
go through generations of 3nm however, as seen with the M3 Pro
CPU core configuration.
The company could do
something completely
different to the chip
structure that changes
how it works or enhance
the Neural Engine and
the media codecs. Or
maybe even increase the
base amount or unified
memory. There’s plenty
The Mac Studio with an M3 Ultra will probably be that can be done to make
revealed in the spring of 2024 or at WWDC. the chips better than ever.
on something
major that’s
around the
corner. You can
feel safe and
secure in your
That’s a nice
feeling – even
if it makes
for a pretty
boring year.
The rumoured rebirth of the iMac Pro may not happen next year.
hen it comes to buying a following pages, we reveal everything
MacBook, you have two you need to know when choosing a
options: the Air or a Pro. new MacBook.
Apple sells five MacBook Airs and
nine Pros as standard, plus you can RELEASE DATES
add extra RAM, more storage or a One consideration to make when
faster processor should you need shopping for a MacBook is when it
to. All this choice can be confusing, was released and whether the current
which is where we come in. Over the version is likely to be updated soon.
The 13-inch
MacBook Air is
a good choice,
now that the
entry-level of
the MacBook
Pro range is
much more
expensive than
before. The main
disadvantage right
now is that the 2.
Air doesn’t come
with Apple’s new M3 chip, whereas version, which is significantly less
the 14-inch MacBook Pro does. We than the £2,149 the M2 Pro model
expect that Apple to rectify this in sold for. But the 15-inch Air will still
the coming months, so if you can cost you £300 less, so if the only
wait, we recommend holding on for thing that matters is getting a big
a bit. If you need more power we screen, then it’s a great option.
recommend the MacBook Pro due If the choice is between the
to the lack of fan in the Air. 13- and 15-inch Air, other than the
bigger screen, there are a few other
2. 15-INCH MACBOOK AIR differences to consider, including
(M2, 2023) better audio capabilities on the
Price: £1,399 from larger model (six speakers, rather
When Apple introduced the 15-inch than four). The entry-level 13-inch Air
Air in July 2023 it answered a need starts at £1,149, but that offers only
for anyone who wanted a larger an eight-core GPU, while the entry-
screen without having to fork out level 15-inch Air, which is £250 more
£2,000 (at the time) for a 14-inch at £1,399, has a 10-core GPU. To add
MacBook Pro. The 15-inch Air starts that GPU option to the 13-inch Air
at £1,399. The 14-inch MacBook would cost an additional £100. The
Pro now starts at £1,699 for the M3 price gap is so small it’s definitely
be slower), MacBook Air would cost configurations of the two chips. You
£1,799, which is £100 more than the don’t need to buy a 16-inch MacBook
14-inch MacBook Pro (M3), which Pro to get the best specifications.
comes with the same 8-core CPU, For those deciding between the
10-core GPU, 512GB SSD, while 14- and 16-inch Pro, the best place
the 16GB RAM update would add to start is to compare like-for-like.
another £200. These two similarly The 12-core CPU, 18-core GPU M3
specified models have very similar Pro with 18GB RAM and 1TB SSD
prices. If this scenario applies to you, 14-inch MacBook Pro costs £2,499
we recommend you wait for the M3 compared to the almost identically
Air to arrive. specified 16-inch model with 12-
core CPU, 18-core GPU M3 Pro
4. 14-INCH MACBOOK PRO with 18GB RAM and 512GB SSD
(M3 PRO, 2023) for £2,599. So you are paying £100
Price: £2,099 from more to get a larger screen, but
At the same time it launched the forfeiting half the SSD. If you want
14-inch MacBook Pro (M3), Apple an equivalent 1TB SSD in the 16-inch
also introduced the M3 Pro and M3 that’s an extra £200.
Max version. Both the 14- and 16- On the other hand, if you are
inch Pro can be bought with various considering spending more to get the
M3 Pro rather than the M3
in a Pro, the price difference
is much greater. The 14-inch
model with 8-core CPU and
10-core GPU M3, with 8GB
RAM and 512GB SSD costs
£1,699, while the 14-inch
Pro with 11-core CPU and
14-core GPU M3 Pro, 18GB
RAM and 512GB SSD costs
£400 more at £2,099.
The jump from M3 to M3
Pro is an expensive one,
4. but you get a lot for your
So, the choice is clear in
terms of what you get for
your money. Buying an entry-
level MacBook Air (M1) for
£999 will get you a decent
6. Mac laptop for less than a
grand, but it only costs £150
less than the entry-level M3 Max at more to get an Air (M2) with a new
£3,299, but you also get a 14-core design, bigger screen, and a better
CPU, 30-core GPU rather than a chip. The only reason not to buy the
12-core CPU, 18-core GPU. MacBook Pro (M2) right now is that
Apple is likely to upgrade it to the M3
7. 16-INCH MACBOOK PRO soon. When it does, expect the M1
(M3 MAX, 2023) model to disappear from the line-up.
Price: £4,099 from Perhaps Apple will keep a M2 model
The story is much the same if you on to keep the entry-level price low?
are considering the 16-inch
MacBook Pro. The leap from
M3 Pro to M3 Max if you
look at the standard options
is £600, but if you were to
up the RAM in the M3 Pro
model to 36GB, then that
would be £400, leaving a
difference of £200 for the
14-core CPU, 30-core GPU
(compared to the 12-core
CPU/18-core GPU of the 7.
hile the higher-end compared to the previous Intel-based
MacBooks with M1/ generation of Mac laptops that could
M2/M3 Pro and Max run two displays when connected to
chips support multiple external a USB-C or Thunderbolt 3 docking
displays, Apple’s lower-end range of station or hub that we hope will be
MacBooks that use a standard M1, rectified with the M3.
M2 or M3 processor cannot natively Later, we list our tested and
connect more than one external recommended software and
monitor. This is a massive limitation hardware solutions for adding more
won’t allow
it – at least
states in
the M1,
M2 or M3
Air and Plugable docking station and three external displays via DisplayLink.
Pro tech specs that they support only third-party docks, although some
“one external display with up to 6K manufacturers, such as Caldigit,
resolution at 60Hz”. While the M1, M2 don’t recommend it.
or M3 MacBooks natively support A whole new category of docks –
just one monitor, the M1 and M2 Mac many reviewed below – has appeared
Mini does natively support up to to solve the M1/M2/M3 Mac
two external monitors – one via the one-screen problem. DisplayLink
HDMI port and a second via USB-C. USB-C docks or just USB-C docks
But the M1 models of the MacBook require software drivers to enable
Air and MacBook Pro lack an HDMI data compression that make them
port and only support a single almost as powerful as a Thunderbolt
external display over Thunderbolt. dock. You’ll need to download the
Apple doesn’t look like it will solve appropriate DisplayLink software
this problem – it would prefer you buy from the dock manufacturer – full
one of its more expensive laptops. instructions later on.
Many multi-display docks use
WORKAROUND 1. a combination of native USB-C
INSTALL DISPLAYLINK Alternate Mode (native ‘Alt Mode’
SOFTWARE DRIVERS video output) and DisplayLink
You can use a combination of display technology. This combination serves
technologies to get around the M1/ as a workaround to the M1/M2/M3
M2/M3 MacBooks’ single-monitor platform supporting only a single
limitation. This should work with most external display via USB-C.
3. For the first screen you can the hardware hubs and adapters we
connect via the dock’s DisplayPort or review below.
HDMI Port, and this will be handled The initial set-up is easier than
natively by the M1/M2 MacBook. DisplayLink with the hubs from
You could also connect the first Hyper but similar to the Satechi hub,
external display via the dock’s other but it suffers the same challenge
display ports or via a Thunderbolt that Apple’s software updates can
or USB-C to HDMI or DisplayPort disable it, which will entail installing
adapter. The HDMI or DisplayPort a newer version and allowing the
output uses Alternate Mode (Alt necessary Security & Privacy
Mode), and as it is basically a pipeline settings for screen recording, just
directly to the system’s native GPU, as with DisplayLink.
it will behave just like if you hooked You can download the latest
up a USB-C to HDMI dongle to your version of InstantView software
laptop. This requires no user driver here:
installation. Neither software solution is
The second and third displays complicated and both worked well in
will rely on the DisplayLink software. our tests as you can read below.
DisplayLink uses an installed
driver and the system CPU and WHICH DOCKS SUPPORT
GPU to convert graphics data on DISPLAYLINK AND
the system into data packets. That INSTANTVIEW?
data is then sent over the cable as Originally, dock manufacturers
data packets and converted back to did not officially support such a
video information and output to the DisplayLink set-up for Macs. The
monitors via the DisplayLink chip in solution works, but they rightly
the docking station. warned that this could become
unstuck in future versions of the
WORKAROUND 2. INSTALL macOS. Whenever there is a new OS
INSTANTVIEW SOFTWARE update the drivers may need to be
Another third-party software solution updated each time.
is SiliconMotion’s InstantView, However, after some recent
which operates in a similar way to testing and improvements Plugable,
DisplayLink and works with three of for example, has updated its
easier than
Cons: Second 4K
display is 30Hz
rather than 60Hz;
requires USB-C
The Hyperdrive
Dual 4K HDMI
10-in-1 USB-C
Hub doesn’t use
2. DisplayLink and
instead uses
We prefer Alogic’s DX3 that supports SiliconMotion’s InstantView. Hyper
up to three 4K displays and offers says it works “without having to
more ports and faster charging for download cumbersome drivers”, but
not much more cost, but the DX2 is there is some software installation
fine if all you require is two top-end involved, and you need to allow
monitors connected to your mid- InstantView access to your Privacy
sized MacBook. settings in System Preferences.
It features two DisplayPort 1.4 You connect the hub or adapter
ports, one 10Gb/s USB-C with 7.5W to your M1 MacBook and find the
charging, three 5Gb/s USB-A ports HyperDisplay app that appears in
(one with 7.5 watts), a 3.5mm audio a Finder folder sidebar. Double-
jack and Gigabit Ethernet.
4. Hyper Hyperdrive
Dual 4K HDMI Adapter
Price: £66 from
Pros: Supports two external
displays at 4K; 100-watt 4.
7. Alogic DV4
Universal Quad Display
Docking Station
Price: £199 from
Pros: Supports three
external displays, one
at 4K 60Hz; 14 ports,
6. inc. 5Gb/s USB-C and
USB-A; 3x HDMI 2.0 and
its two HDMI and two DisplayPorts, 1x DisplayPort 1.4 video ports; 12-
which you can choose between when watt USB-C charging; 85-watt PD
adding two displays to your M1, M2 or charging
M3 MacBook. This should suit most Cons: 2 displays at HD, not 4K;
monitors, unless you prefer direct requires USB-C charger
USB-C displays.
Its spare USB ports (2x USB-A Apple-led limitations mean that
and 1x USB-C) are fast (10Gb/s) for no docking station can connect
data transfer, and another USB-C four external displays, which is
port can be plugged into a USB-C restricted to PCs with MST built-in.
charger (not included, which is With third-party DisplayLink drivers,
common with the docks reviewed this dock will support up to three
here) and supply up to 100 watts of displays on a Mac. You can connect
charging power to the connected one 4K at 60Hz display (3,840x2,160
laptop. There’s also a Gigabit pixels) via either the DisplayPort or
Ethernet port for fast, stable wired one of the HDMI ports. The other two
Internet access. displays via HDMI, however, are at a
You need to install DisplayLink on lesser HD (1,920x1,080) resolution,
your Mac – instructions above – and both at 60Hz.
9. Alogic Dual 4K
Universal Compact 9.
Docking Station
Price: £159 from This neat, compact dock doesn’t
Pros: Supports two external displays feature as many ports as others
at 4K 60Hz; 7 ports, including mentioned here but what it has are
10Gb/s USB-C and USB-A; HDMI top-rated: both the USB-A and
and DisplayPort versions USB-C ports support 10Gb/s data
Cons: Requires USB-C charger transfer. There is also a Gigabit
Ethernet port and a UHS-II SD card
The Alogic Dual 4K Universal reader. A passthrough USB-C port –
Compact Docking Station comes you need to add a suitably powerful
in two models – the CH2, which charger – can handle 100 watts,
features two HDMI 2.0 ports; and the although 22 watts is required by the
CD2, with two DisplayPort ports – so dock so leaving 78 watts for laptop
you can choose which best suits the and device charging. The dock must
external displays you already own. be connected to the laptop to allow
Two external screens are probably device charging.
enough for most people. If you
require three, see the other hubs and 10. Baseus 17-in-1 Docking
docks reviewed here. Both screens Station
can be up to 4K at 60Hz. Basic Price: £115 from
instructions are given on installing Pros: Supports three external
the DisplayLink software for M1, M2 displays at 4K 30Hz; 15 (actual)
and M3 Macs. ports; 85-watt PD
Cons: Requires USB-C charger for to add power the dock via a USB-C
laptop; 30Hz at 4K not 60Hz; only charger and then onto the laptop.
mirrors laptop display But it has 15 other ports including the
upstream 5Gb/s USB-C connection
The Baseus 17-in-1 Docking Station to the MacBook, plus Gigabit
has three HDMI ports, each of Ethernet, card readers and 5Gb/s
which can connect to an external USB-A and USB-C ports.
4K display at 30Hz. If you require
three 4K external displays at 60Hz, WORKAROUND CAVEATS
the Ugreen Triple Display Dock will Whenever there is a new operating
fulfil your needs better. If 30Hz is system update DisplayLink and
fine, the Baseus will save you money. InstantView drivers may need to be
60Hz is better for gamers as it offers updated each time.
smoother video. Plugable doesn’t recommend
One big limitation for Macs, the workaround for gaming, video
though, is that the external displays editing, digital audio workstations
can only mirror and not extend the (DAWs), and protected content
Mac’s screen. (HDCP) playback. For these
Its claim to have 17 ports is workloads, users will want the full
exaggerated slightly as one is for the throughput of a ‘bare-metal’ native
external power supply that powers GPU connection – such as provided
just the dock at 12 watts, and another by the DisplayPort or HDMI port
on the dock using
Alt Mode.
Caldigit actively
recommends against
using DisplayLink, as
it finds it unreliable
and there would be
no synergy between
the driver and the
dock. Because it
requires a third-
10. party driver, users
ast month, we reviewed the in our email and on social media. A
new M3 iMac and the M3 Max frequent comment that struck us
16-inch MacBook Pro, and is the opinion that the M3 doesn’t
we’ve seen interesting and insightful provide enough of a boost over the
responses to Apple’s new Macs, both M1 and M2.
becomes obvious when you look at can’t get the Ultra chip in a laptop.
the M3 Max’s Geekbench scores. The Mac Studio beats the MacBook
Pro in graphics performance, but
Geekbench 6 (single-core) that’s a desktop chip – and the laptop
M3 Max chip (16-core CPU): 3,185 doesn’t disappoint. You get a lot of
M2 Ultra chip (24-core CPU): 2,856 power in a portable.
M3 Max chip (14-core CPU): 3,185
M1 Ultra chip (20-core CPU): 2,381 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
Everyone knows processors are
Geekbench 6 (multi-core) getting faster, but for a lot of general
M3 Max chip (16-core CPU): 21,111 consumers, Apple’s M1 chip is fast
M2 Ultra chip (24-core CPU): 21,329 enough. So the disappointment
M3 Max chip (14-core CPU): 19,379 comes when the speed increases
M1 Ultra chip (20-core CPU): 17,671 are predictably incremental. For
those who have an insatiable need
On the other side of the M3 coin, for speed, the M-series development
the M3 Max has 16 CPU cores, 12 of seems laggard.
which are performance cores. That’s But there’s more to it than that.
the most performance cores in an Chips that are being issued now are
M-series chip except for the 24-core not just replacing their older brethren
M2 Ultra, which has 16 performance on the same level, but one above it,
cores. And the M3 Max’s CPU as well. For example, today’s M3 Max
performance is equal to that of the bests the M2 Max and equals the
M2 Ultra. M2 Ultra. You get a level-up for your
The jump in performance from Pro money just a generation later.
to Max is a lot more profound with the Looking ahead, the time when
M3. This seems like a strategic move an M-series base chip is as fast as
by Apple to get its pro customers to today’s M2 Ultra chip is coming,
go with a Max and not settle for a Pro. and it may not be that far away. The
It seems like it’s worth it. gains might not be as blow-away as
The M3 Max with a 40-core GPU they were when the M1 arrived, but
in the MacBook Pro (£3,799) is £200 don’t sleep on the M3. You’re getting
cheaper than the Mac Studio with an significantly more bang for your buck,
M2 Ultra with a 60-core GPU – you and it’s only going to get better.
ust over three years ago, a single M1 Mac remains in Apple’s
Apple’s M1 chip had a current Mac line-up: the MacBook
tremendous debut in the Air (M1).
Mac mini, 13-inch MacBook Pro, and Apple keeps the M1 Air around
the MacBook Air. Since then, those because, at £999, it’s the company’s
Macs have gone through their cycles only sub-£1,000 laptop (yes, by
and have had chip upgrades – or only a £1, but, you know, marketing).
have been replaced altogether. But It’s actually a decent MacBook by
with a price reduction, and the model Which would be too bad. It’s still
that is two cycles older than the a good laptop and with a lower price,
brand-new one is still on sale at an it could be the Mac that breaks the
even cheaper price. So the M1 would sales barrier that exists for Mac. If
be £899, the M2 would be £999, and the MacBook Air (M1)’s run does end
the M3 is £1,149. next year, it was a good one.
That £899 MacBook Air (M1) in
particular would be very popular
and could be the Mac that boosts
the lagging sales numbers that have
the company concerned. (£849
or £799 would be even better, but
Apple loves its margins.)
iMAC (M3)
eciding which iPhone to We talk you through each of the
buy has always been tricky. phones currently available from
Which screen size is best for Apple, to help you decide which is
you, and how much storage do you best for you. We discuss iPhone
need? Should you save money by prices, specs and features, paying
selecting an older model or should particular attention to the cameras,
you splash out on the latest iPhone? screens and durability, so you should
Which iPhone is the best compromise leave feeling much more confident
between specs and value for money? about which iPhone you should get.
and Max models have a more metallic Colours: Pink; Yellow; Green; Blue;
colour finish, and Apple no longer Black
sells that model.
When Apple introduces the new iPhone 15 Plus
Pro and Pro Max models it stops Dimensions: 160.9x77.8x7.8mm
selling the previous generation, so Weight: 201g
the only way to buy the 14 Pro and Colours: Pink; Yellow; Green; Blue;
Pro Max will be through a third-party Black
reseller, or the Apple refurbished
store. Colour choices are more iPhone 15 Pro
similar between these handsets. Dimensions: 146.6x70.6x8.25mm
The iPhone 15 and 15 Pro and the Weight: 206g
15 Plus and 15 Pro Max share screen Colours: Natural Titanium; Blue
sizes (more on the screens in the Titanium; White Titanium; Black
next section), but that is where the Titanium
comparison ends. The screen size
might be the same, but the size of the iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone differs: the Pro and Pro Max Dimensions: 159.9x76.7x8.25mm
models are slightly smaller, though Weight: 240g
thicker and heavier. The iPhone 15 is Colours: Natural Titanium; Blue
also a tiny bit smaller and lighter than Titanium; White Titanium; Black
the iPhone 14. Titanium
Speaking of size, now that Apple
has discontinued the iPhone 13 mini iPhone 14
the only small iPhone available is the Dimensions: 146.7x71.5x7.8mm
iPhone SE with its 4.7-inch display. Weight: 172g
This is also the only iPhone with a Colours: Blue; Purple; Midnight;
Home button for Touch ID. Starlight; Red
Here’s how the dimensions and
colours compare: iPhone 14 Plus
Dimensions: 160.8x78.1x7.8mm
iPhone 15 Weight: 203g
Dimensions: 147.6x 71.6x7.8mm Colours: Blue; Purple; Midnight;
Weight: 171g Starlight; Red
iPhone SE
(3rd gen)
Rear cameras: 12Mp;
f/1.8 (wide); PDAF; OIS
Front camera:
FaceTime HD camera;
7Mp (ƒ/2.2 aperture)
The iPhone 13 may have been released in 2021, but it Video: 4K video
still takes great pictures. recording at 24-,
hether you’re an There are various reasons why
experienced iPhone user you might be wondering what iPhone
or just got your first one, I have. Not everyone walks into an
it can be hard to know which model Apple shop to buy the latest model.
you have. Apple updates its handset You might have been handed down an
every year, but it doesn’t always iPhone by a family member who was
change the design – sometimes the unclear about which model it is, in
significant changes are on the inside, which case you might be wondering
such as faster new components. if it would be a good idea to update
Tip: You can also scroll down to There’s a huge number of possible
check the capacity of your iPhone, M numbers, far more than we can list
which is something you will want to here. Check the iPhone Wiki for a full
share if you are thinking of selling it. list:
(Note, Apple stopped putting SIM iPhone 14 Pro/14 Pro Max: The 14
trays in iPhones with the iPhone 14.) Pro has the Dynamic Island instead
of a notch and comes in two unique
LOOK FOR DESIGN colours, Deep Purple and Space
DIFFERENCES Black, along with silver and gold.
If you simply can’t turn the iPhone on
to check Settings for the information iPhone 14/14 Plus: The iPhone 14
above, don’t worry. You can still line is the first with a 6.7-inch model
tell which kind of iPhone you’ve in the Plus and comes in several new
got by checking its build, external colours, Midnight, Starlight, red,
features, and so on. Simply compare blue, purple and yellow.
it against this guide, which includes
all models of iPhone. iPhone 13 Pro/13 Pro Max: The
If you’re trying to identify a iPhone 13 Pro has a smaller notch
bricked device or one you can’t than its predecessor and comes in
unlock, this visual identification guide the following colours: graphite, gold,
section is for you. silver, Sierra Blue and Alpine Green.
iPhone 15 Pro/15 Pro Max: Apple’s iPhone 13/13 mini: Like the Pro, the
newest iPhone has titanium sides iPhone 13 has a smaller notch than
instead of stainless steel and comes the 12 and has a diagonal camera
in four new colours: Black Titanium, layout for the first time. It comes
in purple, blue, green, red, white iPhone 11: The iPhone 11 has curved
and black. edges and a dual camera with a
vertical array. It has a plastic back
iPhone SE (3rd gen): Unless you and comes in white, black, green,
have an iPhone that’s many years old, yellow, purple and red.
the SE is the only iPhone made since
2017 that has a home button. It’s iPhone XS/XS Max: The XS looks
trickier to tell the difference between extremely similar to the iPhone X but
the 2nd- and 3rd gen models, as the the Max model is the first iPhone over
colours are only slightly different six inches. It comes in a new colour,
(Starlight and Midnight versus white gold, along with white and black.
and black).
iPhone XR: The iPhone XR is Apple’s
iPhone 12 Pro/12 Pro Max: The first 6.1-inch iPhone and has a single
iPhone 12 Pro has a ‘flat’ design with camera on the back. It comes in six
a relatively small camera array on colours: black, white, blue, yellow,
the back. The Pro Max is Apple’s first coral and red.
6.7-inch iPhone and comes in silver,
graphite, gold, Pacific Blue. iPhone X: The iPhone X is Apple’s
first iPhone without a home button
iPhone 12/12 mini: The iPhone 12 and is available in two colours, silver
has a vertical camera arrangement and Space Grey. It has a completely
and comes in black, white, red, light new design with stainless steel sides
green, dark blue and purple. The 5.4- and a notch for the front camera. If
inch mini model is one of only two and you have one you should keep it.
the only with a vertical camera array.
It’s also Apple’s first non-Pro phone iPhone 8/8 Plus: The iPhone 8 is
with an OLED display. Apple’s last design with a home
button (until the SE revived it) and
iPhone 11 Pro/11 Pro Max: The iPhone comes in silver, Space Grey, gold
11 Pro is Apple’s first triple-camera and red.
phone and its last with curved edges.
It comes in gold, silver, Space Grey iPhone 7/7 Plus: The iPhone 7 is
and Midnight Green. Apple’s last with an aluminium back
iPhone 6 Plus/6S Plus: The iPhone iPhone 3G/3GS: the iPhone 3G has
6 Plus introduced a 5.5-inch display a similar design to the original but
for the first time and come in black, with a plastic back. The iPhone 3GS
silver, gold and Rose Gold. also came in white along with black.
iPhone SE (1st gen): The original Original iPhone: The first iPhone
iPhone SE is a revamped iPhone 5s has a silver back with a large black
with a new Rose Gold colour. antenna band across the bottom. It
has a 3.5-inch display.
iPhone 5/5S: The iPhone 5 has a
larger 4-inch display while the 5S
ditched the clicky Home button for
a new Touch ID fingerprint scanner.
The iPhone 5c
came in a range
of bright plastic
s the name implies, which is used in many power banks,
FJDynamics’ Pony 500 lasts longer.
houses a 504-watt- The Pony 500 is clean and cool
hour (Wh) battery. looking, with a housing made of an
FJDynamics uses a lithium nickel aluminium alloy that is resistant to
manganese cobalt oxide (NMC) shock, splash water, and dust and
battery that allows the Pony 500 has a protection class of IP4X. It
to be more compact and usable in a weighs just under 3.6kg and measures
wider temperature range. A lithium 220x145x83mm. The leather carrying
iron phosphate battery (LiFePO4), handle is a nice touch.
crowd of competitors
and the price is slightly
below comparably
large power stations.
However, FJDynamics
has also forgone
longer-lasting LiFePO4
battery technology
in favour of an NMC
battery that allows
for a smaller size. The
The adapter includes a set of ports for charging devices. Pony 500 does pack
a lot of power, and the
wear on it. FJDynamics offers a additional ports on its power adapter
36-month guarantee on the Pony are a nice touch. Thomas Bergbold
500, which seems a little short if
you’re using the device constantly and
putting more wear on the battery.
When charging via USB-C for
30 minutes, I charged an iPhone 15
by 49 percent, an iPad Pro by 33
percent, and a MacBook Air by 39
percent. The Pony 500 itself can be
fully charged within five hours using
the included USB-C power adapter,
but the power adapter gets very hot.
The power supply has added value – it
delivers a maximum output power of
100 watts and has two USB-C and
two USB-A ports.
With its compact and modular design,
the Pony 500 stands out from the
ometimes an application regains its stride, and a series of
that could have been infuriating corporate decisions makes
outstanding shoots itself a frustrating interface only that much
in its own feet, a series of more infuriating.
corporate and engineering decisions First and foremost, PC Matic
as well as bugs twisting a potentially is an application for macOS that,
great idea into something clunky and like similar applications, works to
awkward to use. This may have been scan for and remove viruses and
the case with PC Matic, as the macOS malware. The app takes a unique
version stumbles out the gate, never approach in that it’s centred around
unanswered, and while it was easy expected. Yes, there’s a good engine
enough to call and get a refund here, but until these problems have
from an automated phone tree been fixed, it might be best to look
system, it just feels as if PC Matic is elsewhere for your macOS security
arguably busy chasing after B2B and needs. Chris Barylick
federal markets.
There’s arguably a good security
application for the macOS to be had
here, along with some impressive
features, and perhaps a few weeks
with a debugging sprint and a
significant revision of corporate
policies could bring it to the surface,
but for now, there’s a considerable
amount of work to be done. Trial
versions of software existed for a
reason and allowed people to make
up their minds without surrendering at
least £60 to a company to see if they
even liked the software in question,
and the lack of a minimize feature for
PC Matic’s windows feels entirely lazy,
especially when it’s one of the first
things addressed in Apple’s software
development kits.
There’s a way to program an
application and a way to treat your
customers, and while it may be more
fun and lucrative to chase down
bigger game from the corporate end,
this detracts from what PC Matic for
macOS could have been and what was
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