Macworld UK 02 2024

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NEWS 15 Update Chrome on your

4 Apple to be hit by antitrust Mac to fix this exploit
order in the EU over its App already in the wild
Store anti-steering rules
6 Apple devices vulnerable NEWS ANALYSIS
to new Bluetooth security 17 What’s in store for the Mac in
hole vulnerability 2024? A whole lot of nothing
9 If you’re waiting for a 5G
MacBook, it’s coming – but 17
not for a while
Credit: Getty Images/amgun

11 If you own a 16-inch MacBook

Pro, your adapter just got its
first ever update
13 Forget flowers, this spring
will be all about M3 iPads
and Macs

2 Macworld • February 2024


MAC 56
21 MacBook buying guide
30 How to connect two or more
external displays to an M1,
M2 or M3 MacBook
47 Those disappointing M3
benchmarks? You’re just
reading them wrong
51 Opinion: After four years,
Apple’s entry-level MacBook
is terrible value REVIEWS
80 FJDynamics Pony 500
iPHONE 83 PC Matic for Mac
56 iPhone buying guide
74 How to figure out which HELP DESK
iPhone model you have 87 Help Desk

February 2024 • Macworld 3


Credit: Getty Images/iantfoto

Apple to be hit by antitrust
order in the EU over its App
Store anti-steering rules
Spotify’s long fight with Apple is allegedly going to result in a ruling
and possibly a fine. Michael Simon reports

ccording to a Bloomberg down a decision prohibiting Apple’s
report ( anti-steering rules for music services.
that cites “people familiar Currently, Apple requires that
with the investigation”, regulators digital subscription services on
in the EU are getting ready to hand iPhone or iPad offer subscriptions

4 Macworld • February 2024

only through Apple’s own payment be given some deadline after which it
processing, for which the company must allow competing music services
takes 15- to 30 percent of every to offer subscription options other
purchase. Services such as Spotify than Apple’s own in-app purchase
can allow you to subscribe on the system. It could be more broad,
web or somewhere else where they demanding such concessions beyond
don’t have to pay Apple a big cut of just music services. A monetary fine
the in-app-purchase fee, but they’re could even be involved: the penalty
very limited in their ability to direct for running afoul of the EU’s antitrust
customers to do so. Apple prohibits regulations in this matter can be as
companies like Spotify (and others) high as 10 percent of a company’s
from actually providing links or other total annual global revenue, which in
direct means of letting customers go Apple’s case would be tens of billions
somewhere else to pay. of dollars. Such maximum fines are
Spotify has been fighting this for rare, though.
years, arguing that it gives Apple an
unfair advantage with its own Apple
Music service, and requires them
to raise prices to compensate for
Apple’s revenue cut.
The report claims that the
commission is “putting the finishing
touches to a decision that would
prohibit Apple’s practice of blocking
music services from pushing their
users away from the App Store to
alternative subscription options”. The
decision is expected to be handed
down early this year.
It’s unclear what exactly the
decision would demand of Apple.
With past decisions, Apple has been
forced to change its policies (at least
in the EU). The company is likely to

February 2024 • Macworld 5


Apple devices vulnerable

to new Bluetooth security
hole vulnerability
BLUFFS exploit could intercept personal data. Roman Loyola reports

he academic research Bluetooth protocol, including the
institution Eurecom (fave. current 5.4 version, as well as the 5.3
co/47Xe9F5) has discovered version that’s used in Apple’s current
security holes in the Bluetooth hardware line-up.
wireless standard that could allow a Eurecom has developed a set of
threat agent to impersonate devices attacks called ‘Bluetooth Forward
and set up man-in-the middle attacks and Future Secrecy’ (BLUFFS) that
( The holes have exploit the discovered Bluetooth
been in several versions of the weaknesses. According to a

6 Macworld • February 2024

research paper ( HOW TO PROTECT
by Eurecom’s Daniele Antonioli, YOURSELF
“The attacks exploit two novel Considering that BLUFFS is part
vulnerabilities that we uncover in of a research project, users don’t
the Bluetooth standard related to have to worry about it being used in
unilateral and repeatable session the wild. But Eurecom has exposed
key derivation.” flaws in Bluetooth that have existed
“We show that our attacks have for some time.
a critical and large-scale impact The Bluetooth Special Interest
on the Bluetooth ecosystem,” Group ( is
wrote Antonioli, “by evaluating responsible for overseeing the
them on 17 diverse Bluetooth development of the Bluetooth
chips (18 devices) from popular standard and will need to address
hardware and software vendors these holes. In a statement posted
and supporting the most popular to the website, SIG
Bluetooth versions.” stated ( that,
In order to execute the BLUFFS “For this attack to be successful,
attacks, a threat agent needs to an attacking device needs to
be within range of the target’s be within wireless range of two
devices. BLUFFS exploits four vulnerable Bluetooth devices
flaws in the Bluetooth session key initiating an encryption procedure
derivation process that an attacker using a link key obtained using BR/
can exploit and use to pretend to be EDR Secure Connections pairing
one of the devices. procedures,” SIG also recommends
Antonioli provides direction for that “Implementations [should]
developers on how the security reject service-level connections
holes can be fixed. “We propose on an encrypted baseband link
an enhanced Bluetooth session with key strengths below 7 octets.
key derivation function that stops For implementations capable of
by-design our attacks and their always using Security Mode 4 Level
root causes. Our countermeasure 4, implementations should reject
is backward compatible with the service-level connections on an
Bluetooth standard and adds encrypted baseband link with a key
minimal overheads.” strength below 16 octets. Having

February 2024 • Macworld 7


both devices operating in Secure

Connections Only Mode will also
ensure sufficient key strength.”
Apple, for its part, can address
some of these issues with operating
system patches. So it’s important
to install OS updates as soon as
possible. The BLUFFS-related
vulnerabilities have been recorded
in the Nation Vulnerability Database
as CVE-2023-24023 (fave.
co/487YF0C); if/when Apple issues
patches for this, the company should
record them in its security releases
document (
Users who want to take a
proactive approach can turn off
Bluetooth when it’s not in use.
This can be done quickly on the
iPhone, iPad and Mac through
Control Centre.

8 Macworld • February 2024

If you’re waiting for a 5G
MacBook, it’s coming
– but not for a while
A report says Apple plans to bring cellular connectivity once it makes
its own cellular modem. Roman Loyola reports

acBooks are great portable Mark Gurman provides a progress
computers, but they lack report about Apple’s in-house chip
one key feature for true, development. One major project
on-the-road usability: cellular Apple has been working on is its own
connectivity. That may change in cellular modem, which has been in
a future MacBook, but it’s going to the works for some time. Gurman
take a while. reports that the modem could be
In a recent Power On newsletter ready by 2026, but it will take “two
(, Bloomberg’s or three additional years” for it to be

February 2024 • Macworld 9


used in the iPad and Apple Watch of this decade to see what cellular
(both of which can be bought with connectivity looks like on the Mac.
Qualcomm modems), and the Mac.
If the modem is ready in 2026, why
so long for it to be used in the Mac?
Gurman says Apple needs that time
to figure out how to integrate the
modem into the System on a Chip –
also known as the M-series chip at
the heart of every Mac.
Speaking of the SoC, Gurman
mentions that Apple will eventually
create chips using a 2nm process,
but no timeline is provided. The M3,
which Apple uses in the new iMac
and MacBook Pro that just started
shipping around two months ago,
is made with the 3nm process, a
process that we’ll likely see for a
couple of generations, at least.
A cellular-equipped MacBook
would be a boon for users, especially
those who often work on location.
Public Wi-Fi isn’t reliable and often
not secure – if Wi-Fi is available at
all. (Gurman also reported that Apple
is working on its own combined
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chip.) Lots
of MacBook users resort to using
their iPhone as a hotspot, which
means battery life is being expended
by two devices. Alas, it looks like
those solutions will be it for now
and we’ll have to wait until the end

10 Macworld • February 2024

If you own a 16-inch
MacBook Pro, your adapter
just got its first ever update
Who knows why. Michael Simon reports

pple has released a rare so we don’t know what bug fixes or
update to the 140-watt features it brings, but according to
power adapter that ships Aaron613 on X (,
with the 16-inch MacBook Pro. who tracks software and firmware
Before you ask, no, we have no updates, it’s the first time Apple has
idea what it does. But we do know it updated the 140-watt charger since
brings the version number to 1.4.73 it debuted alongside the 16-inch
and the build number to 10M5237. MacBook Pro in 2021.
Apple doesn’t document this kind of Apple ships all 16-inch MacBook
firmware update with release notes Pros with the 140-watt power

February 2024 • Macworld 11


adapter, which is needed for fast

charging along with the supplied
USB-C to MagSafe 3 Cable. On
the newest M3 models, fast charging
is also available with Apple’s
240-watt USB-C Charge Cable,
so the update may be related to
that new functionality.
There’s no way to force your
charger to update. The power
adapter will update when plugged
in and attached to your MacBook,
but there’s no guarantee it will do
it today. To check your firmware
version, go to the General tab in
System Settings, then click About
and scroll down to System Report.
Then click the Power tab and scroll
down to AC Charger Information.

12 Macworld • February 2024

Forget flowers, this
spring will be all about
M3 iPads and Macs
A new 12.9-inch iPad Air is coming – along with yet another Apple
Pencil. Roman Loyola reports

ince it follows the winter Mark Gurman reports that Apple is
months, spring is often planning to release new iPads and an
thought of as a season of M3 MacBook Air (
awakening. And it looks like Apple is by the end of March.
hoping for a bit of spring influence on The iPad Air, which was last
iPad and Mac sales, as Bloomberg’s updated in March 2022, will

February 2024 • Macworld 13


reportedly see the biggest change, model and possibly the 1st-gen too
with Apple launching a new 12.9-inch if Apple ditches the last remaining
model to go along with the 10.9-inch Lightning Pencil.) As for the new
version. Gurman did not mention any Magic Keyboard, Gurman says it
other updates to the iPad Air, but we “will make the iPad Pro look more
can assume it will get a new chip as like a laptop and include a sturdier
well, either the M2 or M3. frame with aluminium”.
At the higher end, the iPad Pro To top off the spring
models will get a major update to announcements, Apple will update
its displays. Gurman says Apple will the 13- and 15-inch MacBook Air
replace both the LED screen in the 11- with the M3 chip. Apple introduced
inch model and the mini-LED screen the M3 with the 14-inch MacBook
in the 12.9-inch iPad with OLED Pro back in October.
screens that offer a wider range of iPad and Mac sales have been
colours. Additionally, the M2 chip in down in Apple’s recent quarterly
both Pro models will be upgraded to fiscal results. Apple released new
the M3, which made its debut in the M3-based MacBook Pros and a new
14-inch MacBook Pro. iMac for the holiday sales season,
To go along with the new iPad which could boost Mac sales for the
Pro, Gurman reports that Apple current quarter, but none of Apple’s
is “preparing revamped versions iPads have been updated in over a
of the Apple Pencil and Magic year. Apple regularly releases new
Keyboard accessories”. The news products in the spring, but Apple’s
of a revamped Apple Pencil is a recent sales numbers have put new
bit surprising since Apple recently focus on the company’s release
released a new USB-C Apple Pencil, schedule and how it can boost sales.
though the Pro model with wireless As for the rest of 2024, Gurman
charging hasn’t been updated since reports that Apple could unveil the
2018. (Gurman does not clarify if Vision Pro “early next year”. Later
the ‘revamped’ Pencil will be in in 2024, we could see an Apple
addition to the three other Pencils Watch with blood pressure sensing,
Apple offers, or if it will replace any a new iPad mini, a new low-end
of them, though it seems likely to iPad, revamped USB-C AirPods and
be a replacement for the 2nd-gen “larger upscale iPhones”.

14 Macworld • February 2024

Credit: Getty Images/brightstars
Update Chrome on your
Mac to fix this exploit
already in the wild
Seven high-risk security fixes are patched in the latest update.
Michael Simon reports

oogle has released a critical According to Google’s Chrome
update for the Chrome Releases blog (,
browser on the Mac to patch the latest Stable channel update
several security flaws, at least one of for the Mac desktop browser
which exists in the wild. (119.0.6045.199) is rolling out to

February 2024 • Macworld 15


users and includes seven security CVE-2023-6350: Reported by Fudan

fixes, all of which have been rated University
as ‘high’ risk.
Spellcheck Risk: High
Risk: High Description: Integer overflow
Description: Type Confusion CVE-2023-6345: Reported by
CVE-2023-6348: Reported by Mark Benoît Sevens and Clément Lecigne
Brand of Google Project Zero of Google’s Threat Analysis Group

Mojo Google says it is aware that an

Risk: High exploit for CVE-2023-6345 exists in
Description: Use after free the wild, meaning that an attacker
CVE-2023-6347: Reported by has used the vulnerability to attack
Leecraso and Guang Gong of 360 a computer. As Google explains,
Vulnerability Research Institute Chrome uses Skia for nearly all
graphics operations, including text
WebAudio rendering, so it’s not so easy to avoid.
Risk: High To update Chrome, go to Settings
Description: Use after free in the Chrome menu, then About
CVE-2023-6346: Reported by Chrome and check for a new update.
Huang Xilin of Ant Group Light-Year
Security Lab

Risk: High
Description: Out of bounds memory
CVE-2023-6350: Reported by Fudan

Risk: High
Description: Use after free

16 Macworld • February 2024

Credit: Getty Images/amgun
What’s in store for the Mac in
2024? A whole lot of nothing
The Mac line-up is entering the phase of incremental updates. Roman
Loyola reports

023 ended up being a good stage in the M-series Mac evolution
year for the Mac, thanks to that will likely be more routine than
the somewhat surprising revolutionary. Put it all together and
introduction of the M3 series of you’ve got the makings of a very dull
chips and the launch of the 15-inch year for the Mac.
MacBook Air. But what about next
year? What will happen to the Mac CHIP CYCLE PLATEAU
line-up in 2024? The M3 chip got a lot of attention
Well, it looks like not a whole lot. leading up to its October release in
We’ll get some new macOS features the iMac and MacBook Pro. It’s the
revealed at WWDC in June, but first 3nm chip to be used in a Mac
hardware-wise, we’ve reached a (or any personal computer), and

February 2024 • Macworld 17


with it being the third generation M-chips for some time, until chip
of the M-series, there was a lot of manufacturer TSMC has the 2nm
speculation about how Apple would process ready in 2025 or 2026. We’ll
handle the rollout. see enhanced 3nm before that, but
But since the M3’s arrival, there it’s unlikely to demonstrably change
hasn’t been any buzz about upcoming much for the user.
chips. Since Apple released the We could see an M4 chip towards
base, Pro, and Max versions of the the end of 2024. But even if we do,
chip at the same time, the only M3 we’ve entered a maturation phase
chip variation to look forward to is of the M-series, similar to what we
the Ultra, which will probably happen experienced with Intel chips. The
in the spring or at WWDC in June. performance boosts are going to be
And we have a basic idea of how incremental, about 15 to 20 percent,
the Ultra will be configured–Ultra if Apple continues with a typical
chips are basically a pair of Max product progression. While any
chips tied together with a super-fast performance improvement is always
interconnect, so it’s not a totally new good, it may never reach the scale
concept. We pretty much know it’ll be that we saw when Apple switched
a 28-core CPU and 80-core GPU. from Intel to its M1.
Then after that, Apple will Apple is always tinkering,
go through generations of 3nm however, as seen with the M3 Pro
CPU core configuration.
The company could do
something completely
different to the chip
structure that changes
how it works or enhance
the Neural Engine and
the media codecs. Or
maybe even increase the
base amount or unified
memory. There’s plenty
The Mac Studio with an M3 Ultra will probably be that can be done to make
revealed in the spring of 2024 or at WWDC. the chips better than ever.

18 Macworld • February 2024

Maybe Apple will come up with a new colour, but don’t expect the MacBook Pro
design to change anytime soon.


If you’re holding out on investing DOWN THE ROAD
in a new Mac because you are Maybe it’s not new designs you want.
waiting for Apple to introduce new Maybe it’s a new model completely,
designs, you’re going to wait a long like an iMac Pro with a screen bigger
time. Apple’s current line-up is than 24 inches. If there’s going to
almost certainly set from a design be big Mac news in 2024, an iMac
standpoint for the next few years. Pro would be it. Reports do say an
The MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac Pro is in the works, but it’s
Mac Studio and iMac are all relatively hardly a lock and almost certainly not
recent designs, and they aren’t dated coming in 2024. Both Mark Gurman
from a technological standpoint. of Bloomberg and analyst Ming-Chi
Apple won’t be changing them, and Kuo had said that Apple has 2024 in
they have no reason to. The Mac mind, but have pushed the ship date
mini’s design is 13 years old, but it to 2025 – if it is released at all.
still works – maybe it can be smaller, Or maybe it’s a cheap MacBook
but Apple would’ve done that already you want. Rumours have floated
with the M1 or M2 release. The Mac around that Apple is working on a
Pro’s design is actually only four-plus Chromebook-like laptop to address
years old, and it’s a Mac that sells in the education market, and if this is
such small quantities that a new case truly the case, this laptop won’t be
would just be a design exercise. available until 2025.

February 2024 • Macworld 19


on something
major that’s
around the
corner. You can
feel safe and
secure in your
That’s a nice
feeling – even
if it makes
for a pretty
boring year.
The rumoured rebirth of the iMac Pro may not happen next year.

In any case, 2024 looks like a year

that won’t see Apple introduce new
Mac models into the line-up. What
you see now is what you’re getting.


The M-series Mac was going to
get to this point of routineness
eventually. After all, the Mac is
a very mature product – it’ll be
40 years old in January. Its core
functionality has been set for
decades, and excitement comes with
implementations of new technology.
And those implementations happen
periodically, not annually. Which,
actually, makes it easier for you to
buy a new Mac when you need it. You
don’t have to worry about missing out

20 Macworld • February 2024

MacBook buying guide
Not sure whether to buy a MacBook Air or Pro? Read on to find out
which is right for you. Karen Haslam reports

hen it comes to buying a following pages, we reveal everything
MacBook, you have two you need to know when choosing a
options: the Air or a Pro. new MacBook.
Apple sells five MacBook Airs and
nine Pros as standard, plus you can RELEASE DATES
add extra RAM, more storage or a One consideration to make when
faster processor should you need shopping for a MacBook is when it
to. All this choice can be confusing, was released and whether the current
which is where we come in. Over the version is likely to be updated soon.

February 2024 • Macworld 21


Here is a quick look at when each £1,349: M2 chip; 8-core CPU;

laptop was released. 10-core GPU; 8GB RAM; 256GB
SSD Storage
November 2020: 13-inch MacBook £1,549: M2 chip; 8-core CPU;
Air (M1) 10-core GPU; 8GB RAM; 512GB
July 2022: 13-inch MacBook Air (M2) SSD Storage
June 2023: 15-inch MacBook Air (M2)
October 2023: 14-inch MacBook Pro The 13-inch MacBook Pro has
(M3, M3 Pro and M3 Max) been replaced by the M3 version of
October 2023: 16-inch MacBook Pro the 14-inch Pro, which costs more,
(M3 Pro & M3 Max) but has a far superior screen, better
battery life and many other benefits
We expect an M3 version of the that we discuss below.
MacBook Air to be released in the
spring of 2024. 1. 13-INCH MACBOOK AIR
(M2, 2022)
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE Price: £1,149 from
13-INCH MACBOOK PRO? The MacBook Air is the cheapest way
Before we begin, there’s one to get a Mac laptop. Starting at £999
MacBook missing from the line-up for the older M1 model, or £1,149 for
that we should mention briefly. The the M2 version (reduced in July 2023
13-inch MacBook Pro is no longer from it’s original £1,249).
sold by Apple, but it’s still available It’s easy to think that the cheapest
from third-party retailers and Apple’s Mac laptop will be the one that is the
refurbished store ( best value, but that’s not necessarily
There were two standard 13-inch the case. The M1 Air is the cheapest
Pros to choose from and the only Mac laptop you can buy right now,
difference between them is the but you only have to spend another
amount of storage on offer. The £150 to get a far superior machine
only real difference is storage here, with M2 chip with an 8-Core GPU
though. Note that the prices we rather than M1 chip with a 7-core
quote here are the original retail GPU. Both models offer the same
prices and you should be able to find amount of storage 256GB and the
them for less if you shop around. same 8GB RAM as standard.

22 Macworld • February 2024

points in its favour.
But the 13-inch Pro
had a big benefit
compared to the Air:
the inclusion of a fan
instead of relying on
an aluminium heat
spreader to draw
heat away.
Although Apple
no longer sells the
1. 13-inch MacBook
Pro, this is still
With the M2 13-inch MacBook Air relevant because the lack of a fan
you also get a brand-new design with may mean the Air struggles when
an even bigger (13.6- versus 13.3- performing more strenuous tasks and
inch) and brighter (500- versus 400 the 14-inch MacBook Pro might be a
nits) screen, and more colour choices better option. Because the Pro has
(Midnight, Starlight, Space Grey and a fan, it isn’t necessary for the Mac
silver, rather than Space Grey, silver to slow down to stop overheating in
and gold). The design of the new processor-intensive applications.
model may be reason enough for you It’s the key difference between these
to pay the extra money. laptops and the reason why the Pro
Back when Apple still sold the is better suited to more demanding
13-inch MacBook Pro there was a applications. Unfortunately, the
question of whether it would be a price difference between a MacBook
better option than the MacBook Air. Air and Pro is a lot bigger than it
The price difference wasn’t that great was before Apple discontinued the
and the size and weight difference 13-inch model.
wasn’t as much as you would expect. Another benefit the Pro has over
The Air had a lot going for it, the the Air is longer battery life. The 14-
lighter, slimmer case, a bigger screen inch Pro with M3 chip offers up to 22
(13.6- versus. 13.3 inches), and a hours compared to 18 hours for the
better FaceTime camera being a few 13-inch Air.

February 2024 • Macworld 23


The 13-inch
MacBook Air is
a good choice,
now that the
entry-level of
the MacBook
Pro range is
much more
expensive than
before. The main
disadvantage right
now is that the 2.
Air doesn’t come
with Apple’s new M3 chip, whereas version, which is significantly less
the 14-inch MacBook Pro does. We than the £2,149 the M2 Pro model
expect that Apple to rectify this in sold for. But the 15-inch Air will still
the coming months, so if you can cost you £300 less, so if the only
wait, we recommend holding on for thing that matters is getting a big
a bit. If you need more power we screen, then it’s a great option.
recommend the MacBook Pro due If the choice is between the
to the lack of fan in the Air. 13- and 15-inch Air, other than the
bigger screen, there are a few other
2. 15-INCH MACBOOK AIR differences to consider, including
(M2, 2023) better audio capabilities on the
Price: £1,399 from larger model (six speakers, rather
When Apple introduced the 15-inch than four). The entry-level 13-inch Air
Air in July 2023 it answered a need starts at £1,149, but that offers only
for anyone who wanted a larger an eight-core GPU, while the entry-
screen without having to fork out level 15-inch Air, which is £250 more
£2,000 (at the time) for a 14-inch at £1,399, has a 10-core GPU. To add
MacBook Pro. The 15-inch Air starts that GPU option to the 13-inch Air
at £1,399. The 14-inch MacBook would cost an additional £100. The
Pro now starts at £1,699 for the M3 price gap is so small it’s definitely

24 Macworld • February 2024

worth getting the larger model if you £550 more than the entry-level 13-
want a larger screen. inch Air. The MacBook Pro now has
a better screen, better battery life,
3. 14-INCH MACBOOK PRO and other benefits. It’s also a chip
(M3, 2023) generation ahead, though that’s
Price: £1,699 from unlikely to be the case for long and
As we’ve previously mentioned, when Apple updates the Air it will
Apple has discontinued the 13-inch make the choice even simpler. So if
MacBook Pro and replaced it with budget is what is important to you,
an M3 version of the 14-inch Pro save your money and buy a MacBook
(you can’t get the M3 in the 16-inch Air when the M3 model arrives since
MacBook Pro). This move brings it will support up to 24GB RAM.
many benefits: it’s not just bigger, If, however, you upgrade a 15-
the 14-inch HDR ProMotion display is inch MacBook Air to make a more
significantly better than the 13-inch powerful machine, the gap between
model’s screen. The larger laptop it and the 14-inch Pro with M3 isn’t
also offers twice the storage, HDMI, as large as you might think. If you
SDXC slot, better battery life and a increase the amount of RAM from
newer design. Mind you, the 14-inch 8- to 16GB, and upgrade the SSD to
model, while starting at the lower 512GB (the 256GB SSD is known to
price of £1,699 (versus
£2,149 for the M2 Pro
model), is quite a bit higher
than the £1,349 price that
the 13-inch laptop sold for.
The higher starting price
also means the difference
between the MacBook
Air and Pro is wider than
before. Apple did sell two
almost identically specified
machines for a very similar
price. But now the 14-inch
Pro costs an astonishing 3.

February 2024 • Macworld 25


be slower), MacBook Air would cost configurations of the two chips. You
£1,799, which is £100 more than the don’t need to buy a 16-inch MacBook
14-inch MacBook Pro (M3), which Pro to get the best specifications.
comes with the same 8-core CPU, For those deciding between the
10-core GPU, 512GB SSD, while 14- and 16-inch Pro, the best place
the 16GB RAM update would add to start is to compare like-for-like.
another £200. These two similarly The 12-core CPU, 18-core GPU M3
specified models have very similar Pro with 18GB RAM and 1TB SSD
prices. If this scenario applies to you, 14-inch MacBook Pro costs £2,499
we recommend you wait for the M3 compared to the almost identically
Air to arrive. specified 16-inch model with 12-
core CPU, 18-core GPU M3 Pro
4. 14-INCH MACBOOK PRO with 18GB RAM and 512GB SSD
(M3 PRO, 2023) for £2,599. So you are paying £100
Price: £2,099 from more to get a larger screen, but
At the same time it launched the forfeiting half the SSD. If you want
14-inch MacBook Pro (M3), Apple an equivalent 1TB SSD in the 16-inch
also introduced the M3 Pro and M3 that’s an extra £200.
Max version. Both the 14- and 16- On the other hand, if you are
inch Pro can be bought with various considering spending more to get the
M3 Pro rather than the M3
in a Pro, the price difference
is much greater. The 14-inch
model with 8-core CPU and
10-core GPU M3, with 8GB
RAM and 512GB SSD costs
£1,699, while the 14-inch
Pro with 11-core CPU and
14-core GPU M3 Pro, 18GB
RAM and 512GB SSD costs
£400 more at £2,099.
The jump from M3 to M3
Pro is an expensive one,
4. but you get a lot for your

26 Macworld • February 2024

money: more memory, more cores, in comes with a 1TB SSD, while the 16-
essence a more powerful machine in inch model offers only 512GB. If you
every way. want a 1TB SSD in the 16-inch Pro, it
But if you don’t have that kind of will cost you an extra £200. So that’s
budget, we’ve found the MacBook a difference of £300 if you want the
Pro (M3) is equal to the M2 Pro in bigger screen and better battery.
terms of performance.
5. 16-INCH MACBOOK PRO (M3 MAX, 2023)
(M3 PRO, 2023) Price: £3,299 from
Price: £2,599 from Back to the 14-inch model and what
The entry-level 16-inch MacBook Pro if you want an even more powerful
offers the same specs (12-core CPU, machine? The M3 Max chip will
18-core GPU, 18GB memory) as the offer that and more, but there is a
top-of-the-range 14-inch Pro for just high price to pay with the difference
£100 more: £2,499 versus £2,599. between the standard M3 Pro and
This isn’t a bad deal given the larger M3 Max models being £800.
screen and increased battery life. If, however, you want more
The other big difference though, memory, then the M3 Max is the way
is that the 14-inch Pro in question to go. This is not just because the M3
Max can support 48-, 64-,
96- and 128GB RAM, while
the M3 Pro only offers 18- or
36GB. The M3 Pro version
ships with 18GB memory
as standard, while the M3
Max model ships with 36GB
memory as standard. That
36GB memory, if you added
it to the M3 Pro model as
a build-to-order option
would cost you an extra
£400, bringing the price to
5. £2,899, which is still £400

February 2024 • Macworld 27


M3 Pro). If you need the M3

Max, Apple is making the
upgrade worthwhile, but it’s
still a high price to pay.

So, the choice is clear in
terms of what you get for
your money. Buying an entry-
level MacBook Air (M1) for
£999 will get you a decent
6. Mac laptop for less than a
grand, but it only costs £150
less than the entry-level M3 Max at more to get an Air (M2) with a new
£3,299, but you also get a 14-core design, bigger screen, and a better
CPU, 30-core GPU rather than a chip. The only reason not to buy the
12-core CPU, 18-core GPU. MacBook Pro (M2) right now is that
Apple is likely to upgrade it to the M3
7. 16-INCH MACBOOK PRO soon. When it does, expect the M1
(M3 MAX, 2023) model to disappear from the line-up.
Price: £4,099 from Perhaps Apple will keep a M2 model
The story is much the same if you on to keep the entry-level price low?
are considering the 16-inch
MacBook Pro. The leap from
M3 Pro to M3 Max if you
look at the standard options
is £600, but if you were to
up the RAM in the M3 Pro
model to 36GB, then that
would be £400, leaving a
difference of £200 for the
14-core CPU, 30-core GPU
(compared to the 12-core
CPU/18-core GPU of the 7.

28 Macworld • February 2024

The 15-inch MacBook Air shook screen size. The 16-inch models
up the range when it arrived in July are more expensive, but once you
2023, also featuring an M2 chip. spec them out in such a way to be
With it, Apple lowered the price of comparable, the price difference is
getting a larger screen on a Mac minor. So if you want 16-inch screen,
laptop. Even now that price of entry then go for it. Alternatively, plug your
for the 14-inch Pro has been lowered, MacBook into an external display
the 15-inch Air is still an attractive when you are at your desk. One of
proposition, but again, we’d wait for the major benefit of the M3 Pro and
the M3 model to arrive. M3 Max chips compared to the M3 is
Now that the 13-inch MacBook support for more external displays:
Pro has been retired the price of the M3 will only support one external
entry model has increased, which screen while you can plug in multiple
is another point in favour of the Air. displays and use them with an M3
But the 14-inch MacBook Pro is a far Pro or M3 Max MacBook Pro. For a
superior machine to the old 13-inch workaround see page 30.
version due to a much better screen
and other design improvements. The
M3 chip supports more memory –
and we recommend you get as much
RAM as you can afford because the
standard 8GB is not nearly enough
these days.
The price of the M3 Pro models
is high, but they offer the kind of
specifications professional users,
especially creatives, need, including
support for up to 36GB RAM, and
more CPU and GPU cores. If you can
afford to stretch to the M3 Max, then
you will get the ultimate Mac.
When it comes to the choice
between the 14- and 16-inch
MacBook Pro it’s all down to the

February 2024 • Macworld 29


How to connect two or

more external displays to
an M1, M2 or M3 MacBook
Get around Apple’s annoying M1/M2/M3 Mac single-display limitation
via software and adapters. Simon Jary reports

hile the higher-end compared to the previous Intel-based
MacBooks with M1/ generation of Mac laptops that could
M2/M3 Pro and Max run two displays when connected to
chips support multiple external a USB-C or Thunderbolt 3 docking
displays, Apple’s lower-end range of station or hub that we hope will be
MacBooks that use a standard M1, rectified with the M3.
M2 or M3 processor cannot natively Later, we list our tested and
connect more than one external recommended software and
monitor. This is a massive limitation hardware solutions for adding more

30 Macworld • February 2024

than one display to the plain M1, M2 case, there’s a software download
and M3 Macs. and a docking station, hub, or
Here are the external display adapter required.
specs for Apple’s current laptops: The simplest solution is to get
a USB graphics-enabled docking
MacBook Air (M1): Maximum one station or hub – and we’ve reviewed
external display the best ones in this article. USB
graphics is a software-based
MacBook Air (M2): Maximum one technology that compresses the
external display video signals from the computer to
the monitor, enabling you to connect
MacBook Pro (M2): Maximum one multiple external displays to your M1,
external display M2 or M3 MacBook.
Installing third-party software
MacBook Pro (M2 Pro): Maximum drivers leads to a slight risk that
two external displays these might later be unsupported by
future updates of the macOS, but
MacBook Pro (M2 Max): Maximum the two drivers we recommend are
four external displays recognized industry standards we
think will continue to be supported.
MacBook Pro (M3): Maximum one
external display EXTERNAL DISPLAYS:
MacBook Pro (M3 Pro): Maximum Apple’s Mac mini, MacBook Air
two external displays and 13-inch MacBook Pro were the
first Macs to feature the Apple-
MacBook Pro (M2 Max): Maximum designed M1 processor (CPU). They
four external displays received rave reviews for their speed
improvements over Intel-based
However, there are ways around laptops, including here on Macworld.
this plain M1/M2/M3 limitation, But if your MacBook set-up
allowing you to run two or more includes running more than one
external displays off your MacBook, external display, you have a major
which we will outline here. In each problem. Apple’s M1, M2 or M3 chips

February 2024 • Macworld 31


won’t allow
it – at least
states in
the M1,
M2 or M3
Air and Plugable docking station and three external displays via DisplayLink.
Pro tech specs that they support only third-party docks, although some
“one external display with up to 6K manufacturers, such as Caldigit,
resolution at 60Hz”. While the M1, M2 don’t recommend it.
or M3 MacBooks natively support A whole new category of docks –
just one monitor, the M1 and M2 Mac many reviewed below – has appeared
Mini does natively support up to to solve the M1/M2/M3 Mac
two external monitors – one via the one-screen problem. DisplayLink
HDMI port and a second via USB-C. USB-C docks or just USB-C docks
But the M1 models of the MacBook require software drivers to enable
Air and MacBook Pro lack an HDMI data compression that make them
port and only support a single almost as powerful as a Thunderbolt
external display over Thunderbolt. dock. You’ll need to download the
Apple doesn’t look like it will solve appropriate DisplayLink software
this problem – it would prefer you buy from the dock manufacturer – full
one of its more expensive laptops. instructions later on.
Many multi-display docks use
WORKAROUND 1. a combination of native USB-C
INSTALL DISPLAYLINK Alternate Mode (native ‘Alt Mode’
SOFTWARE DRIVERS video output) and DisplayLink
You can use a combination of display technology. This combination serves
technologies to get around the M1/ as a workaround to the M1/M2/M3
M2/M3 MacBooks’ single-monitor platform supporting only a single
limitation. This should work with most external display via USB-C.

32 Macworld • February 2024

Note that DisplayLink requires a in Security & Privacy; navigate to
third-party driver to be installed on Screen Recording in the list on the
the Mac. There are different versions left, then tick the Screen Recording
of the DisplayLink driver, and some permission for DisplayLink Manager
bring their own compromises to after unlocking the padlock using
the party. But, in general, set-up is your admin password. You may
straightforward. Some of the docks need to quit and restart DisplayLink
we review below offer the DisplayLink Manager afterward.
software when you first connect the Installation is straightforward.
dock to your Mac. Older versions did not support
The DisplayLink macOS app or laptops’ closed-display/Clamshell
DisplayLink Manager app are ways mode, but 1.8.1 does support
of enabling DisplayLink technology Clamshell mode if the MacBook
on macOS. The app is available is Intel-based running macOS
as a standalone installer (fave. Monterey or if the MacBook is M1-
co/48mXw5n) rather than through based running Big Sur or later.
the Mac App Store. The most scary bit is when you
need to enable ‘Screen Recording’
1. First, download the latest to allow the DisplayLink Manager
Mac DisplayLink driver (fave. app to capture pixels and send
co/48mXw5n). As stated above, them to your USB peripheral. This
some docks, do this for you but entails making some adjustments
it’s always best to use the latest in the Mac’s ‘Privacy’ tab, but you
version. DisplayLink Manager are walked through it step by step.
Graphics Connectivity App v. 1.8.1 Take a look at the instructions here:
is compatible with macOS Big Sur,
Monterey and Ventura. It can be There’s an option in DisplayLink
managed via the DisplayLink icon in manager to ‘launch at start-up’,
the Apple Menu bar. or you can drag the DisplayLink
The macOS requires the user Manager to your Login Items in
to permit ‘Screen Recording’ in Users & Groups.
order for DisplayLink devices to
work properly. This can be found in 2. Then connect the MacBook to a
System Preferences under Privacy docking station.

February 2024 • Macworld 33


3. For the first screen you can the hardware hubs and adapters we
connect via the dock’s DisplayPort or review below.
HDMI Port, and this will be handled The initial set-up is easier than
natively by the M1/M2 MacBook. DisplayLink with the hubs from
You could also connect the first Hyper but similar to the Satechi hub,
external display via the dock’s other but it suffers the same challenge
display ports or via a Thunderbolt that Apple’s software updates can
or USB-C to HDMI or DisplayPort disable it, which will entail installing
adapter. The HDMI or DisplayPort a newer version and allowing the
output uses Alternate Mode (Alt necessary Security & Privacy
Mode), and as it is basically a pipeline settings for screen recording, just
directly to the system’s native GPU, as with DisplayLink.
it will behave just like if you hooked You can download the latest
up a USB-C to HDMI dongle to your version of InstantView software
laptop. This requires no user driver here:
installation. Neither software solution is
The second and third displays complicated and both worked well in
will rely on the DisplayLink software. our tests as you can read below.
DisplayLink uses an installed
driver and the system CPU and WHICH DOCKS SUPPORT
GPU to convert graphics data on DISPLAYLINK AND
the system into data packets. That INSTANTVIEW?
data is then sent over the cable as Originally, dock manufacturers
data packets and converted back to did not officially support such a
video information and output to the DisplayLink set-up for Macs. The
monitors via the DisplayLink chip in solution works, but they rightly
the docking station. warned that this could become
unstuck in future versions of the
WORKAROUND 2. INSTALL macOS. Whenever there is a new OS
INSTANTVIEW SOFTWARE update the drivers may need to be
Another third-party software solution updated each time.
is SiliconMotion’s InstantView, However, after some recent
which operates in a similar way to testing and improvements Plugable,
DisplayLink and works with three of for example, has updated its

34 Macworld • February 2024

compatibility to officially support that Macs such as the M1 and M2
configuration. For Mac compatibility, MacBooks. USB-C docks and hubs
it has validated both Apple and Intel are usually cheaper, though.
platforms running at least Big Sur. Docking station and hub
manufacturers are now actively
WHICH DOCK IS BEST? marketing their products as
A docking station connects to your solutions to the M1/M2/M3 external
MacBook via Thunderbolt or USB-C. display limitation. Each requires
It then offers multiple ports that your either the DisplayLink download or
laptop now has access to. These can another similar software solution,
include new display ports, such as such as InstantView, but no further
HDMI, as well as Gigabit Ethernet hardware adapter except for the
for wired Internet access, USB-C/ dock or hub itself. And of course,
Thunderbolt/USB-A ports at varying these hubs offer the usual multi-
speeds, audio plugs and card readers. port benefits as well as the external
Look for a dock with two or monitor solution.
more display ports, preferably ones If your hub or dock has just one
that can connect to your preferred display port, you could also attach
displays without the need for an a second or third display via one or
adapter. Thunderbolt 4 docks or more of the spare USB ports, using
hubs often have no dedicated an adapter such as
display port but three available TB4 USB 3.0 to Dual HDMI Adapter.
ports that can be used to
connect directly to a
USB-C display or via
adapters to HDMI or
DisplayPort monitors.
While you may have to
buy an adapter cable,
40Gb/s Thunderbolt
4’s port flexibility
and backward
compatibility are USB 3.0 to Dual HDMI
recommended for users of modern Adapter is an affordable solution.

February 2024 • Macworld 35


This costs around £40 from fave. BEST MULTI-SCREEN HUBS

co/3TuB7il, so needs to be factored & ADAPTERS FOR M1, M2
in when pricing an M1/M2 MacBook AND M3 MACBOOKS
purchase if you require multiple Below we’ve gathered the best
monitors and want to use the USB-A dedicated hubs and docks for
port rather than a video port such as multi-screen M1/M2/M3. Note that
HDMI or DisplayPort. these listed (and tested) below use
Another option is Plugable’s USB USB-C rather than Thunderbolt, so
Dual 4K Display Adapter (£114 from don’t benefit from the MacBook’s, which can work potential 40Gb/s data bandwidth.
via USB-A or USB-C. If you require all 40Gb/s, go for
If you need to connect to an old- a Thunderbolt dock and install
school DVI or even VGA monitor, DisplayLink as instructed above.
the USB 3.0 to
HDMI/DVI Adapter (£101 from fave. 1. Alogic DX3 Triple 4K Display
co/41pZOhK) will fulfil your needs. Universal Docking Station
This adapter turns an available Price: £289 from
USB-A 3.0 or USB-C port – via an Pros: Supports three external
included USB-B adapter cable – displays at 4K 60Hz; 12 ports,
into one DVI-I or VGA port (DVI to including 10Gb/s USB-C; 3x
VGA adapter included) and one DisplayPort 1.4 video ports;
HDMI output. Each display can speedy SD and microSD card
simultaneously support the maximum readers; 100-watt charging and
resolution of 2,048x1,152 at 60Hz. 135-watt power supply
Make sure to use an active HDMI
DisplayLink adapter that can support This Alogic DisplayLink docking
4K at 60Hz, as some are limited to station supports up to three external
4K at 30Hz. 4K displays at an impressive 60Hz
Remember that these will only refresh rate and has an array of
work when you have installed the useful non-display ports. It can power
DisplayLink software; see above. the connected laptop at 100 watts
We prefer to stick with USB-C where and has a decent 135-watt external
possible, and so recommend the power supply so doesn’t require an
more functional docks tested below. extra USB-C charger.

36 Macworld • February 2024


The DisplayLink download link with 7.5-watt charging) and two

is clearly shown in the user manual, 10Gb/s USB-C (one 100-watt PD
and instructions make sense – upstream to the laptop, and one 7.5-
although you need a magnifying watt smaller device charging).
glass to read them. Reviewed next is Alogic’s DX2,
The DX3’s video ports are top- which supports two 4K displays at
notch DisplayPort 1.4. If any of your 60Hz and lacks some of the other
monitors lacks DisplayLink but had ports found on the DX3. If you just
HDMI, you’ll need to add an adapter need two external monitors for your
between dock and display. As you’ll M1/M2/M3 MacBook this may be a
need to buy video cables anyway, cheaper option.
this doesn’t matter as prices for
straight cable and adapter cable 2. Alogic DX2 Dual 4K Display
are close enough. Universal Docking Station
This dock also has two card Price: £249 from
readers – SD and microSD, both at Pros: Supports two external displays
top 312MB/s UHS-II – allowing you at 4K 60Hz; 10 ports; 2x DisplayPort
to add inexpensive portable storage 1.4 video ports; 65-watt charging and
to your laptop set-up. It also has 100-watt power supply
Gigabit Ethernet, four USB-A (one Cons: No card reader

February 2024 • Macworld 37


easier than
Cons: Second 4K
display is 30Hz
rather than 60Hz;
requires USB-C

The Hyperdrive
Dual 4K HDMI
10-in-1 USB-C
Hub doesn’t use
2. DisplayLink and
instead uses
We prefer Alogic’s DX3 that supports SiliconMotion’s InstantView. Hyper
up to three 4K displays and offers says it works “without having to
more ports and faster charging for download cumbersome drivers”, but
not much more cost, but the DX2 is there is some software installation
fine if all you require is two top-end involved, and you need to allow
monitors connected to your mid- InstantView access to your Privacy
sized MacBook. settings in System Preferences.
It features two DisplayPort 1.4 You connect the hub or adapter
ports, one 10Gb/s USB-C with 7.5W to your M1 MacBook and find the
charging, three 5Gb/s USB-A ports HyperDisplay app that appears in
(one with 7.5 watts), a 3.5mm audio a Finder folder sidebar. Double-
jack and Gigabit Ethernet.

3. Hyper Hyperdrive Dual 4K

HDMI 10-in-1 USB-C Hub
Price: £189 from
Pros: Supports two external displays
at 4K; 10 ports, including 5Gb/s
USB-C and USB-A; 100-watt
passthrough charging; InstantView 3.

38 Macworld • February 2024

click the macOS InstantView icon passthrough charging; InstantView
and follow the System Preferences easier than DisplayLink
instructions. Once this has been Cons: Second 4K display is 30Hz
completed your MacBook will rather than 60Hz; requires USB-C
automatically recognize the adapter charger
from then on.
It’s an easier solution than This double-function hub is designed
DisplayLink but with the same ability to provide two HDMI display ports
to allow M1, M2 and M3 Macs to for a MacBook M1/M2/M3, plus
connect to multiple external displays. passthrough charging for the laptop.
This compact hub still includes It doesn’t offer a bunch of other ports
10 ports, including the all-important like its big brother, the Hyperdrive
2x HDMI. The first display at 60Hz Dual 4K HDMI 10-in-1 USB-C Hub
is added via HDMI and DP Alt-mode reviewed above. As a result, it is
and the second at 4K 30Hz through cheaper and is one of the most
HDMI and InstantView. cost-effective solution for adding
Also included are Gigabit multiple monitors to the limited plain
Ethernet, microSD card reader M1/M2/M3 Macs.
(UHS-I), 3.5mm audio jack, 2x 5Gb/s Like the 10-in-1, it uses
USB-A, and one 5Gb/s USB-C. SiliconMotion’s InstantView rather
A further USB-C PD port
allows you to charge the
connected laptop at up to
100 watts – handy as the hub
itself uses up one of your
M1, M2 or M3 laptop’s two
Thunderbolt ports.

4. Hyper Hyperdrive
Dual 4K HDMI Adapter
Price: £66 from
Pros: Supports two external
displays at 4K; 100-watt 4.

February 2024 • Macworld 39


than DisplayLink software to get Do you really need four screens? If

past the limitation. you do, and you can do without 4K
The first display at 60Hz is added resolution, the Plugable USB-C to
via HDMI and DP Alt-mode and the Quad HDMI Adapter supports four
second at 4K at 30Hz through HDMI HD displays even on an M1, M2 or M3
and InstantView. MacBook using the Silicon Motion
If you require more ports, such as InstantView software (requires
Gigabit Ethernet, card readers and download and installation).
USB ports, consider the Hyperdrive The adapter features just the
10-in-1 or one of the other hubs or four HDMI ports so doesn’t offer any
docks reviewed here. Gigabit Ethernet or extra USB-C
ports, but does what it says on the
5. Plugable USB-C to Quad box. All four displays can support HD
HDMI Adapter (USBC-768H4) (1,920x1,080) at 60Hz images.
Price: £139 from The USB-C cable tucks neatly
Pros: Supports four external into the adapter’s case when not in
displays; InstantView easier than use, making this a portable solution,
DisplayLink as long as you don’t also carry the
Cons: HD, not 4K; doesn’t charge four screens around with you.
your MacBook; no card reader
6. UGreen 9-in-1 USB-C
Docking Station
Price: £199 from
Pros: Supports two external displays
at 4K 60Hz
9 ports, including 10Gb/s USB-C
and USB-A; 100-watt charging;
DisplayLink file on dock
Cons: Requires USB-C
charger; no card reader

If you don’t need three external

5. screens, we like this USB-C dock for

40 Macworld • February 2024

UGreen has made this easy
by adding the download
files to your Mac when you
first connect the dock.

7. Alogic DV4
Universal Quad Display
Docking Station
Price: £199 from
Pros: Supports three
external displays, one
at 4K 60Hz; 14 ports,
6. inc. 5Gb/s USB-C and
USB-A; 3x HDMI 2.0 and
its two HDMI and two DisplayPorts, 1x DisplayPort 1.4 video ports; 12-
which you can choose between when watt USB-C charging; 85-watt PD
adding two displays to your M1, M2 or charging
M3 MacBook. This should suit most Cons: 2 displays at HD, not 4K;
monitors, unless you prefer direct requires USB-C charger
USB-C displays.
Its spare USB ports (2x USB-A Apple-led limitations mean that
and 1x USB-C) are fast (10Gb/s) for no docking station can connect
data transfer, and another USB-C four external displays, which is
port can be plugged into a USB-C restricted to PCs with MST built-in.
charger (not included, which is With third-party DisplayLink drivers,
common with the docks reviewed this dock will support up to three
here) and supply up to 100 watts of displays on a Mac. You can connect
charging power to the connected one 4K at 60Hz display (3,840x2,160
laptop. There’s also a Gigabit pixels) via either the DisplayPort or
Ethernet port for fast, stable wired one of the HDMI ports. The other two
Internet access. displays via HDMI, however, are at a
You need to install DisplayLink on lesser HD (1,920x1,080) resolution,
your Mac – instructions above – and both at 60Hz.

February 2024 • Macworld 41


Cons: Second 4K display

is 30Hz rather than 60Hz;
no other ports except
passthrough charging;
requires USB-C charger;
no card reader

Like the Hyperdrive

Dual 4K HDMI 10-in-1
USB-C Hub, Hyper’s
cheaper Dual 4K HDMI
Adapter uses the simpler
7. InstantView software
rather than DisplayLink.
There is a link to the DisplayLink Lacking any other ports, it’s not a
download printed in the user manual, hub and so just facilitates the dual-
although the type in the manual is the display function on M1 and M2 Macs.
smallest we’ve ever seen. While it’s cheaper than its 10-port
It offers 5Gb/s a maximum data- sibling, we’d recommend the more
transfer rate, although charging able hub – unless you need three
wattage for USB-A (3.0) is up to 7.5 displays, in which case you’d need
watts each and USB-C is up to 12 to look at the other hubs and docks
watts. However, it does have both reviewed here.
SD and microSD card readers
for affordable portable storage
options, although UHS-I rather
than super-fast UHS-II.

8. Hyperdrive Dual 4K HDMI

Price: £66 from
Pros: Supports two external
displays at 4K; InstantView easier
than DisplayLink 8.

42 Macworld • February 2024

One HDMI port
supports 4K displays
at 60Hz, but the other
at the slower 30Hz. A
passthrough USB-C port
requires a USB-C charger
but can supply 100 watts
to the connected laptop.

9. Alogic Dual 4K
Universal Compact 9.
Docking Station
Price: £159 from This neat, compact dock doesn’t
Pros: Supports two external displays feature as many ports as others
at 4K 60Hz; 7 ports, including mentioned here but what it has are
10Gb/s USB-C and USB-A; HDMI top-rated: both the USB-A and
and DisplayPort versions USB-C ports support 10Gb/s data
Cons: Requires USB-C charger transfer. There is also a Gigabit
Ethernet port and a UHS-II SD card
The Alogic Dual 4K Universal reader. A passthrough USB-C port –
Compact Docking Station comes you need to add a suitably powerful
in two models – the CH2, which charger – can handle 100 watts,
features two HDMI 2.0 ports; and the although 22 watts is required by the
CD2, with two DisplayPort ports – so dock so leaving 78 watts for laptop
you can choose which best suits the and device charging. The dock must
external displays you already own. be connected to the laptop to allow
Two external screens are probably device charging.
enough for most people. If you
require three, see the other hubs and 10. Baseus 17-in-1 Docking
docks reviewed here. Both screens Station
can be up to 4K at 60Hz. Basic Price: £115 from
instructions are given on installing Pros: Supports three external
the DisplayLink software for M1, M2 displays at 4K 30Hz; 15 (actual)
and M3 Macs. ports; 85-watt PD

February 2024 • Macworld 43


Cons: Requires USB-C charger for to add power the dock via a USB-C
laptop; 30Hz at 4K not 60Hz; only charger and then onto the laptop.
mirrors laptop display But it has 15 other ports including the
upstream 5Gb/s USB-C connection
The Baseus 17-in-1 Docking Station to the MacBook, plus Gigabit
has three HDMI ports, each of Ethernet, card readers and 5Gb/s
which can connect to an external USB-A and USB-C ports.
4K display at 30Hz. If you require
three 4K external displays at 60Hz, WORKAROUND CAVEATS
the Ugreen Triple Display Dock will Whenever there is a new operating
fulfil your needs better. If 30Hz is system update DisplayLink and
fine, the Baseus will save you money. InstantView drivers may need to be
60Hz is better for gamers as it offers updated each time.
smoother video. Plugable doesn’t recommend
One big limitation for Macs, the workaround for gaming, video
though, is that the external displays editing, digital audio workstations
can only mirror and not extend the (DAWs), and protected content
Mac’s screen. (HDCP) playback. For these
Its claim to have 17 ports is workloads, users will want the full
exaggerated slightly as one is for the throughput of a ‘bare-metal’ native
external power supply that powers GPU connection – such as provided
just the dock at 12 watts, and another by the DisplayPort or HDMI port
on the dock using
Alt Mode.
Caldigit actively
recommends against
using DisplayLink, as
it finds it unreliable
and there would be
no synergy between
the driver and the
dock. Because it
requires a third-
10. party driver, users

44 Macworld • February 2024

are at the mercy of Apple and the streaming applications may not play.
third-party developer to support later The video remains black while audio
versions, the company told us. keeps playing.
However, this combination of This is all down to how the
display technologies does allow macOS interfaces the DisplayLink
M1 and M2 MacBooks to run more driver used to access graphics
than one external monitor, and the content. As soon as one DisplayLink-
M1 and M2 Mac mini to run more enabled screen is connected,
than two. And more manufacturers protected content becomes
are coming out with docks and unavailable on all screens. This is
hubs that support it. The only risk due to the streaming platforms using
is that it could stop working at any High-bandwidth Digital Content
time, although it wouldn’t harm Protection (HDCP), which is Intel-
your system if it did, and you could developed digital copy protection
simply uninstall DisplayLink. that prevents copying of digital
DisplayLink and InstantView audio and video content as it travels
are workarounds with a potentially across connections.
limited timespan but the likelihood is Because macOS requires
that compatibility would be restored DisplayLink and InstantView to
at some stage if the worst happened enable Screen Recording, HDCP
and you would get back your multi- moves in because it thinks you are
monitor set-up. actually trying to record the content
rather than just display it on screen.
INSTANTVIEW FAQ 2. How to enable streaming
1. Does DisplayLink and content when using
InstantView block Netflix or DisplayLink or InstantView
other streaming content? To get round HDCP stopping your
DisplayLink and InstantView are DisplayLink or InstantView set-up
great at adding multiple monitors showing Netflix, Amazon Prime
to M1, M2 and M3 Macs, but there and other streaming services, you
is a catch. Some protected content may need to disconnect all the
in Netflix, AppleTV, Amazon Prime, DisplayLink or InstantView screens,
Disney+ or YouTube TV and other or switch to a browser other than

February 2024 • Macworld 45


Safari or Chrome (for example Opera

or Firefox).
You can disable hardware
acceleration in your browser to
access the protected content.
On Google Chrome, go to
Google Chrome settings, and click
on ‘Advanced’ and then select
‘System’. Here you can disable
‘Use hardware acceleration when
available’. Select ‘Relaunch’ to
activate the new setting.
If that doesn’t solve the black
issue, disconnect the docking
station, and try using the laptop’s
build-in display or the direct video
ports of the laptop.
Uninstalling the software is the
ultimate solution.

46 Macworld • February 2024

Those disappointing M3
benchmarks? You’re just
reading them wrong
The numbers might not show a massive speed boost over the M2, but
Apple is doing much more with its core design. Roman Loyola reports

ast month, we reviewed the in our email and on social media. A
new M3 iMac and the M3 Max frequent comment that struck us
16-inch MacBook Pro, and is the opinion that the M3 doesn’t
we’ve seen interesting and insightful provide enough of a boost over the
responses to Apple’s new Macs, both M1 and M2.

February 2024 • Macworld 47


Before the M3 came to market, improvement is about 20 percent

speculation was that the new between each chip. The M3 doesn’t
3nm fabrication process would provide a bigger boost, to the
allow for greater transistor density, disappointment of some. And
thus resulting in a larger-than- chances are, we’re going to continue
usual performance boost. Or maybe to see this type of improvement
people remember how big the M1 over the next few generations,
gains were during the switch from until Apple performs a major
Intel, and they expect the same type architecture change, or some other
of gains all the time now. Whatever technological development happens.
the reason, expectations have been That’s likely years away.
raised now. But there’s a different way to look
But historically, the generational at the progress of Apple chips and to
increase between chips has usually see how users can benefit.
been about 15- to 20 percent. That
was the case with Intel processors, THE M3 RAISES THE
and we’re now seeing that with PERFORMANCE BAR
Apple’s M-series. We’re getting Here’s a different perspective on
incremental changes, so we’re the M3 performance and how it
getting incremental improvements. compares to past chips. Spoiler: The
chart below is flat; in other words, the
Geekbench 6 (single-core) chips have the same performance.
M3 chip (10-core GPU): 3,177
M2 chip (10-core GPU): 2,628 Geekbench 6 (single-core)
M1 chip (8-core GPU): 2,355 M3 chip (8-core CPU): 3,177
M2 Pro chip (10-core CPU): 2,658
Geekbench 6 (multi-core) M1 Max chip (10-core CPU): 2,369
M3 chip (10-core GPU): 12,085 M1 Pro chip (10-core CPU): 2,369
M2 chip (10-core GPU): 10,090
M1 chip (8-core GPU): 8,453 Geekbench 6 (Multi-core)
M3 chip (8-core CPU): 12,085
Here are Geekbench 6 results M2 Pro chip (10-core CPU): 12,141
for the three base M-series chips M1 Max chip (10-core CPU): 12,105
that Apple has released. The M1 Pro chip (10-core CPU): 12,105

48 Macworld • February 2024

As you can see here, the M3 offers This chart isn’t flat like the
the same multi-core performance previous one. The performance
as the M1 Pro, M1 Max, and M2 Pro. differences are obvious, but
The M3 is an 8-core CPU, while there is much more happening
the others have 10 cores. That’s a in the background. Let’s get to
significant performance indicator, the main point, first: the M3 Pro
one that’s not necessarily obvious. performs roughly the same as a M2
What this chart also shows is that Max. On the surface, that leaves
the £1,699 M3 MacBook Pro has an impression – today’s Pro is
the same CPU performance value as yesterday’s Max.
the M2 Pro MacBook Pro and the M1 But as I said, much more is
Pro/Max MacBook Pro. I won’t go so happening. Apple made the decision
far as to say that the base M3 now to change the CPU core layout of the
offers Pro-chip level performance, M3 Pro. The 12-core version has a
but what the base M3 effectively base M3-like core distribution, with
does is raise the bar. an equal number of performance and
efficiency cores (six each). That’s
Geekbench 6 (single-core) different from previous Pro chips
M3 Pro chip (12-core CPU): 3,148 that had more performance cores;
M2 Max chip (12-core CPU): 2,888 the 10-core M1 Pro/Max had eight
M2 Pro chip (12-core CPU): 2,658 performance and two efficiency, and
M3 Pro chip (11-core CPU): 3,129 the 12-core M2 Pro and Max had eight
M2 Pro chip (10-core CPU): 2,658 performance and four efficiency.
M1 Max chip (10-core CPU): 2,369 So in a way, the M3 Pro is doing
M1 Pro chip (10-core CPU): 2,369 more with less. You could argue that
Apple diminished the M3 Pro by
Geekbench 6 (multi-core) giving it fewer performance cores –
M3 Pro chip (12-core CPU): 15,486 in fact, the 11-core M3 Pro has more
M2 Max chip (12-core CPU): 15,081 efficiency cores (6) than performance
M2 Pro chip (12-core CPU): 14,284 cores (5) – but it doesn’t tell the
M3 Pro chip (11-core CPU): 14,210 whole story. The reasons for why
M2 Pro chip (10-core CPU): 12,141 Apple changed its Pro core layout
M1 Max chip (10-core CPU): 12,105 are somewhat vague, citing customer
M1 Pro chip (10-core CPU): 12,105 research and application use. But it

February 2024 • Macworld 49


becomes obvious when you look at can’t get the Ultra chip in a laptop.
the M3 Max’s Geekbench scores. The Mac Studio beats the MacBook
Pro in graphics performance, but
Geekbench 6 (single-core) that’s a desktop chip – and the laptop
M3 Max chip (16-core CPU): 3,185 doesn’t disappoint. You get a lot of
M2 Ultra chip (24-core CPU): 2,856 power in a portable.
M3 Max chip (14-core CPU): 3,185
M1 Ultra chip (20-core CPU): 2,381 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
Everyone knows processors are
Geekbench 6 (multi-core) getting faster, but for a lot of general
M3 Max chip (16-core CPU): 21,111 consumers, Apple’s M1 chip is fast
M2 Ultra chip (24-core CPU): 21,329 enough. So the disappointment
M3 Max chip (14-core CPU): 19,379 comes when the speed increases
M1 Ultra chip (20-core CPU): 17,671 are predictably incremental. For
those who have an insatiable need
On the other side of the M3 coin, for speed, the M-series development
the M3 Max has 16 CPU cores, 12 of seems laggard.
which are performance cores. That’s But there’s more to it than that.
the most performance cores in an Chips that are being issued now are
M-series chip except for the 24-core not just replacing their older brethren
M2 Ultra, which has 16 performance on the same level, but one above it,
cores. And the M3 Max’s CPU as well. For example, today’s M3 Max
performance is equal to that of the bests the M2 Max and equals the
M2 Ultra. M2 Ultra. You get a level-up for your
The jump in performance from Pro money just a generation later.
to Max is a lot more profound with the Looking ahead, the time when
M3. This seems like a strategic move an M-series base chip is as fast as
by Apple to get its pro customers to today’s M2 Ultra chip is coming,
go with a Max and not settle for a Pro. and it may not be that far away. The
It seems like it’s worth it. gains might not be as blow-away as
The M3 Max with a 40-core GPU they were when the M1 arrived, but
in the MacBook Pro (£3,799) is £200 don’t sleep on the M3. You’re getting
cheaper than the Mac Studio with an significantly more bang for your buck,
M2 Ultra with a 60-core GPU – you and it’s only going to get better.

50 Macworld • February 2024

Opinion: After four years,
Apple’s entry-level
MacBook is terrible value
It’s almost 2024 and Apple still sells the 2020 MacBook Air at the
same £999 price. Why? Roman Loyola reports

ust over three years ago, a single M1 Mac remains in Apple’s
Apple’s M1 chip had a current Mac line-up: the MacBook
tremendous debut in the Air (M1).
Mac mini, 13-inch MacBook Pro, and Apple keeps the M1 Air around
the MacBook Air. Since then, those because, at £999, it’s the company’s
Macs have gone through their cycles only sub-£1,000 laptop (yes, by
and have had chip upgrades – or only a £1, but, you know, marketing).
have been replaced altogether. But It’s actually a decent MacBook by

February 2024 • Macworld 51


The MacBook Air (M1)

has the classic wedge
design that people love,
but its bezels are thick,
which cuts down on the
usable screen area. It has
half-sized Function keys,
and the colour choices
are limited to Space Grey,
gold and silver.
The MacBook Air (M2 ) (left) has a more modern At £999, customers
design than the MacBook Air (M1) (right). are paying a premium for
an old design that cuts
today’s standards, but it’s also a down on functionality. But hey, the
three-year-old laptop that’s no longer wedge shape holds some sentimental
worth that price – especially when value and some customers mourned
the M2 model is just £150 more. its disappearance in the new design.
But it’s not worth £999.
The £999 price was the original price AND THE M3
back in November 2020. But the An argument can be made that
price isn’t the only thing that hasn’t design is mostly a matter of taste
changed–the MacBook Air (M1) uses and that the 2020 MacBook Air’s
a design that was introduced in 2018. shortcomings don’t really affect
When the M2 MacBook Air was productivity. Fine. But processing
released, Apple redesigned the speed does, and we’re coming
laptop. Along with the retirement of close to a point where the price
the wedge profile, the new design has being paid is too much for the
thinner bezels, and the keyboard has performance you get.
full-sized Function keys. Apple also The 13-inch M2 MacBook Air is
added Midnight and Starlight to the £1,149 and is 20 percent faster than
Space Grey and silver colour choices the MacBook Air (M1). That’s not a
and dumped gold. bad deal – £150 more for a boost

52 Macworld • February 2024

you can feel. If you really don’t want £150 more, you get 40 percent more
to pay over £1,000 for a laptop, performance. Now that’s a deal.
well, the M1 Air is a fine option, just
As it turns out, the M3 creates
Geekbench 6 (single-core) an opportunity for Apple and its
M3 chip (10-core GPU): 3,177 customers. If an M3 MacBook Air
M2 chip (10-core GPU): 2,628 starts at £1,049, then £999 for an
M1 chip (8-core GPU): 2,355 MacBook Air (M1) is way too much.
Apple could lower the price to £899,
Geekbench 6 (multi-core) which would be more palatable. After
M3 chip (10-core GPU): 12,085 all, Amazon regularly sells the M1 Air
M2 chip (10-core GPU): 10,090 for £750, so Apple would definitely
M1 chip (8-core GPU): 8,453 still make a tidy profit at £899.
At that price, it would continue to
But the introduction of the M3 sell, even if it is over three years old
also brings some intrigue. Apple will by the time the M3 MacBook Air is
upgrade the MacBook Air to an M3 out. Going forward, Apple could even
at some point, and if the MacBook copy the iPhone product cycle, where
Pro (M3) is any indicator, it’s going the new model is released, the old
to be about 40 percent faster than model it replaces is still on sale but
the M1 model (see
chart above). That’s a
huge boost.
If the M2 MacBook
Air is still priced at
£1,149 and offers
similar performance
as the MacBook Pro
(M3) (neither of which
if guaranteed), then
the £999 MacBook
Air (M1) becomes Imagine if Apple lowered the price of the MacBook Air
an afterthought. For (M1) to £899. It could spark Mac sales.

February 2024 • Macworld 53


with a price reduction, and the model Which would be too bad. It’s still
that is two cycles older than the a good laptop and with a lower price,
brand-new one is still on sale at an it could be the Mac that breaks the
even cheaper price. So the M1 would sales barrier that exists for Mac. If
be £899, the M2 would be £999, and the MacBook Air (M1)’s run does end
the M3 is £1,149. next year, it was a good one.
That £899 MacBook Air (M1) in
particular would be very popular
and could be the Mac that boosts
the lagging sales numbers that have
the company concerned. (£849
or £799 would be even better, but
Apple loves its margins.)


The MacBook Air (M1) situation
seems like it has a simple solution
that’s a win for Apple and its
customers. But Mac sales aren’t like
iPhone sales, so an iPhone product
cycle like I just described may not
create the Mac sales results the
company wants. An £899 MacBook
Air will cut into sales of pricier, more
modern Macs. Apple doesn’t want
to have a three-year-old laptop be a
top-selling product.
What’s more likely is that when
the M3 MacBook Air is introduced
(probably in the spring of 2024), the
M2 model becomes the new £999
option, and the MacBook Air (M1)
is discontinued.

54 Macworld • February 2024




iMAC (M3)

iPhone buying guide

Confused by Apple’s phone line-up? Over the following pages, we’ll
help you find the right iPhone for you. Karen Haslam reports

eciding which iPhone to We talk you through each of the
buy has always been tricky. phones currently available from
Which screen size is best for Apple, to help you decide which is
you, and how much storage do you best for you. We discuss iPhone
need? Should you save money by prices, specs and features, paying
selecting an older model or should particular attention to the cameras,
you splash out on the latest iPhone? screens and durability, so you should
Which iPhone is the best compromise leave feeling much more confident
between specs and value for money? about which iPhone you should get.

56 Macworld • February 2024

CURRENT MODELS transfer speeds. It features the A17
iPhone 15 Pro chip and an improved camera
The standard iPhone 15 doesn’t get compared to the previous generation.
all the bells and whistles of the Pro
models, though it does offer some iPhone 15 Pro Max
great new features in comparison The iPhone 15 Pro Max is similar
to 2022’s iPhone 14. For example, to the 15 Pro: both are made from
the non-Pro iPhones now have titanium instead of stainless
the Dynamic Island instead of the steel, are lighter than the previous
notch. The iPhone 15’s camera is generation and feature the A17 Pro
significantly better than the iPhone chip. But there are more differences
14’s, now up to 48Mp and with Smart in this generation: the 15 Pro Max has
HDR 5. You’ll get USB-C instead of a superior camera with a 5x optical
Lightning. The processor is the A16 zoom on the telephoto camera.
Bionic, as seen in the iPhone 14 Pro.
iPhone 14
iPhone 15 Plus Introduced in 2022, the iPhone 14
The iPhone 15 Plus is a bigger version brought new camera features like
of the iPhone 15. It has a 6.7-inch the Photonic Engine, better low-light
display, like the iPhone 15 Pro Max, photos and the Action mode, which
but is a little larger than the Pro aren’t available on the iPhone 13. The
variant. Battery life is better than biggest problem with the iPhone 14
the iPhone 15 so that could also be a is that it’s not that much different to
reason to choose it over that handset. the cheaper iPhone 13 in many other
ways, with the same generation chip
iPhone 15 Pro and practically identical appearance.
Made from titanium and lighter than
the predecessor, the iPhone 15 Pro iPhone 14 Plus
features the Action Button that can This handset is identical to the
be customizable so it can quickly iPhone 14 except for one big
perform complex actions. Like all difference: it’s bigger. If you prefer
the 2023 iPhones it has a USB-C a larger iPhone, but don’t want to
port, rather than Lightning, but the spend a lot of money, this is the
Pro models benefit from faster file device for you.

February 2024 • Macworld 57


iPhone 13 iPhone 15 Pro Max

As we said above, there’s not a huge 256GB:£1,199
difference between the iPhone 14 512GB: £1,399
and 13. They both have the A15 Bionic 1TB:£1,599
chip, but there’s an extra GPU core
in the 14, which might be important iPhone 14
if you are a keen gamer. If that, and 128GB: £699
the missing camera features, don’t 256GB:£799
matter to you then you could save 512GB: £999
your money and get the 2021 iPhone.
iPhone 14 Plus
IPHONE SE (3RD GEN) 128GB: £799
Apple introduced its latest iPhone SE 256GB:£899
in 2022. It’s both the cheapest and 512GB:£1,099
smallest iPhone you can buy. Plus, if
you want or need a Home button, this iPhone 13
is the only iPhone that has one. 128GB: £599
256GB: £699
PRICE 512GB: £899
iPhone 15
128GB: £799 iPhone SE (3rd gen)
256GB: £899 64GB: £429
512GB: £1,099 128GB: £479
256GB: £579
iPhone 15 Plus
128GB: £899 DESIGN
256GB: £999 Apple repurposed the notch into
512GB: £1,199 the Dynamic Island with the arrival
of the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max in
iPhone 15 Pro 2022, and now the Dynamic Island
128GB: £999 has arrived on the iPhone 15 and 15
256GB: £1,099 Plus, helping to distinguish those
512GB: £1,299 models from the iPhone 14 and
1TB: £1,499 13. The Dynamic Island conceals

58 Macworld • February 2024

constructed from titanium, which
gives them a more metallic sheen,
while, the standard phones are
aluminium, but available in a
larger variety of colours.
The colour options are the
most obvious difference between
ranges. There are standard shades
that tend to come up for every
generation, although sometimes
they get renamed (black as
Midnight, for example). The colour
pallet of the iPhone 15 is more
muted than the 14’s.
The iPhone 14 looks similar to
the 13. If you are upgrading from an
The iPhone 15 Pro and Max models have iPhone that’s older than the iPhone
three rear cameras. 13, then the notch is smaller on
both the 13 and 14. The best way to
the TrueDepth camera and other differentiate between the iPhone 13
Face ID tech in a black area at the and 14 is the colour options: the latter
top of the iPhone that can grow to offers blue, yellow, purple, Midnight,
incorporate elements such as low Starlight and a bright (Product) Red.
battery alerts, unlocking, Silent The iPhone 13 comes in green, pink,
mode and privacy indicators. blue (darker), Midnight, Starlight and
Now that the iPhone 15 has the red (darker).
Dynamic Island like the Pro and Pro The iPhone 14 Plus looks like
Max, the most striking difference the 14, but is a bit larger. In fact, the
between the pro and standard dimensions are similar to the iPhone
models is seen from the back: the 14 Pro Max, but you can tell those two
iPhone Pro and Max models have phones apart because the 14 Plus
always had three cameras compared has the notch. The iPhone 14 Plus
to the standard two cameras on could feasibly be mistaken for an 13
the back. The pro models are also Pro Max, but for the fact that the Pro

February 2024 • Macworld 59


and Max models have a more metallic Colours: Pink; Yellow; Green; Blue;
colour finish, and Apple no longer Black
sells that model.
When Apple introduces the new iPhone 15 Plus
Pro and Pro Max models it stops Dimensions: 160.9x77.8x7.8mm
selling the previous generation, so Weight: 201g
the only way to buy the 14 Pro and Colours: Pink; Yellow; Green; Blue;
Pro Max will be through a third-party Black
reseller, or the Apple refurbished
store. Colour choices are more iPhone 15 Pro
similar between these handsets. Dimensions: 146.6x70.6x8.25mm
The iPhone 15 and 15 Pro and the Weight: 206g
15 Plus and 15 Pro Max share screen Colours: Natural Titanium; Blue
sizes (more on the screens in the Titanium; White Titanium; Black
next section), but that is where the Titanium
comparison ends. The screen size
might be the same, but the size of the iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone differs: the Pro and Pro Max Dimensions: 159.9x76.7x8.25mm
models are slightly smaller, though Weight: 240g
thicker and heavier. The iPhone 15 is Colours: Natural Titanium; Blue
also a tiny bit smaller and lighter than Titanium; White Titanium; Black
the iPhone 14. Titanium
Speaking of size, now that Apple
has discontinued the iPhone 13 mini iPhone 14
the only small iPhone available is the Dimensions: 146.7x71.5x7.8mm
iPhone SE with its 4.7-inch display. Weight: 172g
This is also the only iPhone with a Colours: Blue; Purple; Midnight;
Home button for Touch ID. Starlight; Red
Here’s how the dimensions and
colours compare: iPhone 14 Plus
Dimensions: 160.8x78.1x7.8mm
iPhone 15 Weight: 203g
Dimensions: 147.6x 71.6x7.8mm Colours: Blue; Purple; Midnight;
Weight: 171g Starlight; Red

60 Macworld • February 2024

iPhone 13 The refresh rate goes as high as
Dimensions: 146.7x71.5x7.65mm 120Hz for smooth scrolling and as low
Weight: 173g as 1Hz. The low refresh rate arrived
Colours: Green; Pink; Blue; Midnight; on the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max
Starlight; Red to help with one of the new features
of those handsets: the Always-On
iPhone SE (3rd gen) display. The Always-On display is now
Dimensions: 138.4x67.3x7.3mm available on the 15 Pro and 15 Max.
Weight: 144g Thanks to the Always-On screen,
Colours: Midnight; Starlight and Red you will always be able to see
elements, such as the time and
DISPLAY date, notifications and Lock Screen
The Pro and Pro Max iPhones have widget, without waking the iPhone.
the best screens available on an The screen dims to minimize on-
iPhone. Like the iPhone 14 Pro and screen power usage to preserve
Pro Max, and the 13 Pro and Pro battery life and it will turn off should
Max before them, the iPhone 15 Pro you place it face down or walk away
and Pro Max offer ProMotion, which while wearing an Apple Watch.
allows for an adaptive refresh rate. Aside from the ProMotion
capabilities, the iPhone
15 Pro and Max also
offer 1,000 nits max
brightness and 1,200 nits
peak brightness (HDR),
but boost to 2,000 nits
peak brightness for when
you are outdoors in the
sunshine. The iPhone 15
and 15 Plus now go to
1,000 nits max brightness
(was only 800 nits max
brightness for the iPhone
The Always-On display on the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro 14 and 13) and 1,600
Max means you can see details without unlocking. nits peak HDR (up from

February 2024 • Macworld 61


1,200 nits on the 14 and 13). If you

There is also a new 2,000 need a
nits peak brightness for the large
iPhone 15 and 15 Plus that
the predecessors didn’t want to
offer. The iPhone SE (3rd opt for
gen) offers just 625 nits max either the
brightness and 1,200 nits iPhone
peak brightness (HDR). The 15 Plus
brighter the iPhone screen
or 15 Max.
the easier it will be to see Both
detail when it’s sunny. devices
Both the iPhone 15 and 15 have
Plus offer a few more pixels 6.7-inch
than their predecessors, displays.

matching the pixels of

the Pro and Pro Max
handsets this time round.
The screen size may be
the most important factor
in your decision. If you want the of media on your iPhone. It’s likely
biggest iPhone screen you can get that if you have previously owned a
the good news is that, since the Max or Plus handset you will feel like
introduction of the iPhone 14 Plus in your iPhone screen is cramped if you
2022, Apple no longer requires you upgrade to a smaller display.
spend all your money on the most On the other hand, for many the
expensive iPhone. The iPhone 15 larger iPhone sizes are far too large.
Plus and 15 Pro Max have a screen Small-handed people holding the
that measures 6.7-inches diagonally. giant iPhones may be afraid that
The extra space means you can they are going to drop the hefty and
fit a few extra lines of text on the expensive device. Apple sells three
screen, or comfortably bump up iPhones with a 6.1-inch screen: the
the text size. The larger screens are iPhone 15, 14 and 13. Even these
also preferable if you watch a lot handsets are considered too large

62 Macworld • February 2024

by some though, so there is one peak brightness (outdoor);1,000
even smaller iPhones on offer: the nits max brightness; 1,600 peak
iPhone SE with its 4.7-inch screen. brightness (HDR)
Unfortunately, Apple no longer sells Features: Super Retina XDR; OLED,
the iPhone 13 mini with its 5.4-inch ProMotion; Dynamic Island; Always On
screen, but you may be able to find a
refurbished model or one on sale at iPhone 15 Pro Max
an authorized reseller. Display: 6.7-inch screen; 2,796x1,290
pixels at 460ppi
iPhone 15 Display technology: 2,000,000:1
Display: 6.1-inch screen; 2,556x1,179 contrast ratio (typical); 2,000 nits
pixels at 460ppi peak brightness (outdoor);1,000
Display technology: 2,000,000:1 nits max brightness; 1,600 peak
contrast ratio (typical); 2,000 nits brightness (HDR)
peak brightness (outdoor); 1,000 Features: Super Retina XDR; OLED,
nits max brightness; 1,600 nits peak ProMotion; Dynamic Island; Always On
brightness (HDR)
Features: Super Retina XDR; OLED iPhone 14
Display: 6.1-inch screen; 2,532x1,170
iPhone 15 Plus pixels at 460ppi
Display: 6.7-inch screen; 2,796x1,290 Display technology: 2,000,000:1
pixels at 460ppi contrast ratio (typical); 800 nits
Display technology: 2,000,000:1 max brightness; 1,200 nits peak
contrast ratio (typical); 2,000 nits brightness (HDR)
peak brightness (outdoor); 1,000 Features: Super Retina XDR; OLED
nits max brightness; 1,600 nits peak
brightness (HDR) iPhone 14 Plus
Features: Super Retina XDR; OLED Display: 6.7-inch screen; 2,778x1,284
pixels at 458ppi
iPhone 15 Pro Display technology: 2,000,000:1
Display: 6.1-inch screen; 2,556x1,179 contrast ratio (typical); 800 nits
pixels at 460ppi max brightness; 1,200 nits peak
Display technology: 2,000,000:1 brightness (HDR)
contrast ratio (typical); 2,000 nits Features: Super Retina XDR; OLED

February 2024 • Macworld 63


iPhone 13 for the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which

Display: 6.1-inch screen; 2,532x1,170 gains a ‘tetra prism’ periscope
pixels at 460ppi lens that bounces light four times
Display technology: 2,000,000:1 internally for a longer focal length:
contrast ratio (typical); 800 nits 120mm, or a 5x zoom. This is a big
max brightness; 1,200 nits peak increase over the 3x/77mm telephoto
brightness (HDR) camera offered by the iPhone 15 Pro.
Features: Super Retina XDR; OLED The iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max
gained a 48Mp camera in 2022
iPhone SE (3rd gen) and in 2023 it’s the turn of the 15
Display: 4.7-inch screen; 1,334x750 and 15 Plus to gain a new 48Mp
pixels at 326ppi main camera. Shooting in 24Mp is
Display technology: 1,400:1 contrast standard, but the 48Mp photos can
ratio; 625 nits max brightness (typical) be taken in ProRAW or HEIF for
Features: LCD display with IPS more compact shots, which is an
technology improvement on 2022. One benefit
of being able to shoot in 48Mp is
CAMERAS that you can zoom and crop and still
For many it’s the capabilities of have enough resolution to get a good
the cameras that sell the iPhones, quality image. The iPhone 15 now
so it’s no wonder that every year offers a 2x optical zoom, up from 1x
Apple improves the camera on its on the iPhone 14. All the new iPhones
iPhones, sometimes improving the for 2023 get Smart HDR 5.
tech, sometimes the software. The There are also new video recording
iPhone 15 and 15 Plus still feature features for the pro models, including
a dual-camera array with wide and ProRes video recording up to 4K
ultra-wide lenses, while only the Pro at 60fps, LOG video recording and
and Pro Max offer the extra telephoto Academy Colour Encoding.
lens. In 2023 the iPhone 15 series In 2022, the TrueDepth (FaceTime
gains some technical improvements, and Face ID) camera was upgraded
with both Pro and non-Pro iPhones on the front of the iPhone 14 and 14
getting camera upgrades. Plus, gaining autofocus and improved
In 2023, the biggest and best low-light performance thanks to the
camera improvements are reserved wider aperture. That is a good reason

64 Macworld • February 2024

Front camera:
TrueDepth front
camera; 12Mp (ƒ/1.9
Video: 4K video
recording at 24-, 25-,
30- or 60fps; 1080p
HD video recording
at 25-, 30- or 60fps;
HDR video recording
The 15 Pro Max’s ‘tetra prism’ periscope lens bounces with Dolby Vision up to
light four times internally for a longer focal length. 4K at 60fps; Sensor-
shift optical image
to choose that iPhone over the 13. stabilization for video
The front camera of the iPhone 15 is Photo and video features: Photonic
unchanged. The iPhone 15 Pro and Engine; Action Mode; Night mode;
Pro Max models, just like the iPhone Photographic Styles; Smart HDR 5
14 Pro and Max, are able to shoot
Macro photos. This feature isn’t iPhone 15 Plus
available on the standard models. Rear cameras: 48Mp Main (ƒ/1.6
All models on sale offer Portrait aperture); 12Mp Ultra Wide (ƒ/2.4
Mode and the Portrait Lighting aperture); sensor-shift optical image
effects on the rear cameras for stabilization; 2x optical zoom out,
images with depth of field. The only digital zoom up to 5x; True Tone flash
camera that doesn’t offer Night Mode Front camera: TrueDepth front
is the iPhone SE (3rd gen), which camera; 12Mp (ƒ/1.9 aperture)
also has only one camera on the rear. Video: 4K video recording at 24-,
25-, 30- or 60fps; 1080p HD video
iPhone 15 recording at 25-, 30- or 60fps; HDR
Rear cameras: 48Mp Main (ƒ/1.6 video recording with Dolby Vision up
aperture); 12Mp Ultra Wide (ƒ/2.4 to 4K at 60fps; Sensor-shift optical
aperture); sensor-shift optical image image stabilization for video
stabilization; 2x optical zoom out, Rear cameras: Photonic Engine;
digital zoom up to 5x; True Tone flash Action Mode; Night mode;

February 2024 • Macworld 65


Photographic Styles; Smart HDR 5; aperture) and 12Mp Telephoto (ƒ/2.8

Cinematic mode; Audio zoom aperture); second-generation sensor-
shift optical image stabilization; 5x,
iPhone 15 Pro 3x, 2x, 0.5x optical zoom; Adaptive
Rear cameras: 48Mp Main (ƒ/1.78 True Tone flash
aperture); 12Mp Ultra Wide (ƒ/2.2 Front camera: TrueDepth front
aperture) and 12Mp Telephoto camera; 12Mp (ƒ/1.9 aperture)
(ƒ/2.8 aperture); second-generation Video: ProRes video recording up
sensor-shift optical image to 4K at up to 60fps (with external
stabilization; 5x, 3x, 2x, 0.5x optical recording); 4K video recording at 24-,
zoom; Adaptive True Tone flash 25-, 30 - or 60fps; 1080p HD video
Front camera: TrueDepth front recording at 25-, 30- or 60fps; HDR
camera; 12Mp (ƒ/1.9 aperture) video recording with Dolby Vision up
Video: ProRes video recording up to 4K at 60fps; Sensor-shift optical
to 4K at up to 60fps (with external image stabilization for video
recording); 4K video recording at 24-, Photo and video features: LOG
25-, 30 - or 60fps; 1080p HD video video recording; Academy Colour
recording at 25-, 30- or 60fps; HDR Encoding System; Photonic Engine;
video recording with Dolby Vision up Night mode portraits; Night mode;
to 4K at 60fps; Sensor-shift optical Photographic Styles; Macro photos;
image stabilization for video ProRaw; Smart HDR 5; Cinematic
Photo and video features: LOG mode; Macro video recording; Action
video recording; Academy Colour Mode; Audio zoom
Encoding System; Photonic Engine;
Night mode portraits; Night mode; iPhone 14
Photographic Styles; Macro photos; Rear cameras: 12Mp Main (ƒ/1.5
ProRaw; Smart HDR 5; Cinematic aperture); 12Mp Ultra Wide (ƒ/2.4
mode; ProRes video recording up to aperture); sensor-shift optical image
4K at 30fps; Macro video recording; stabilization; 2x optical zoom out;
Action Mode; Audio zoom digital zoom up to 5x; True Tone flash
Front camera: TrueDepth front
iPhone 15 Pro Max camera; 12Mp (ƒ/1.9 aperture)
Rear cameras: 48Mp Main (ƒ/1.78 Video: 4K video recording at 24-,
aperture); 12Mp Ultra Wide (ƒ/2.2 25-, 30- or 60fps; 1080p HD video

66 Macworld • February 2024

recording at 25-, 30- or 60fps; HDR image stabilization for video
video recording with Dolby Vision up Photo and video features: Photonic
to 4K at 60fps; Sensor-shift optical Engine; Action Mode; Night mode;
image stabilization for video Photographic Styles; Smart HDR 4;
Photo and video features: Photonic Cinematic mode; Audio zoom
Engine; Action Mode; Night mode;
Photographic Styles; Smart HDR 4; iPhone 13
Cinematic mode; Audio zoom Rear cameras: 12Mp Main (ƒ/1.6
aperture); 12Mp Ultra Wide (ƒ/2.4
iPhone 14 Plus aperture); sensor-shift optical image
Rear cameras: 12Mp Main (ƒ/1.5 stabilization; 2x optical zoom out,
aperture); 12Mp Ultra Wide (ƒ/2.4 digital zoom up to 5x; True Tone flash
aperture); sensor-shift optical image Front camera: TrueDepth front
stabilization; 2x optical zoom out; camera; 12Mp (ƒ/2.2 aperture)
digital zoom up to 5x; True Tone flash Video: 4K video recording at 24-,
Front camera: TrueDepth front 25-, 30- or 60fps; 1080p HD video
camera; 12Mp (ƒ/1.9 aperture) recording at 25-, 30- or 60fps; HDR
Video: 4K video recording at 24-, video recording with Dolby Vision up
25-, 30- or 60fps; 1080p HD video to 4K at 60fps; Sensor-shift optical
recording at 25-, 30- or 60fps; HDR image stabilization for video
video recording with Dolby Vision up Photo and video features: Night
to 4K at 60fps; Sensor-shift optical mode; Photographic Styles; Smart
HDR 4; Cinematic
mode; Audio zoom

iPhone SE
(3rd gen)
Rear cameras: 12Mp;
f/1.8 (wide); PDAF; OIS
Front camera:
FaceTime HD camera;
7Mp (ƒ/2.2 aperture)
The iPhone 13 may have been released in 2021, but it Video: 4K video
still takes great pictures. recording at 24-,

February 2024 • Macworld 67


25-, 30- or 60fps; 1080p HD Apple’s

video recording at 25-, 30- or iPhones
60fps; Optical image stabilization come with
a number
for video
of safety
Photo and video features: features,
Photographic Styles; Smart HDR 4 including
Apple added some safety
features to all the iPhone 14
series and these also feature on
the iPhone 15 handsets. These
include a Crash Detection feature
and Satellite Connectivity for
emergency phone calls. The 2022
and 2023 Apple Watches also
offer these safety features.
Crash detection uses the
gyroscope and accelerometer
in the iPhones to recognize if the the feature your iPhone can alert the
vehicle you are in has crashed. If the emergency services to your location
iPhone thinks you’ve been involved in an emergency, the iPhone will also
in a crash, it will call emergency contact your emergency contact.
services and notify your preferred
contacts (unless you tell it not to). DURABILITY
All phones offer the ability to send Another factor in the choice of which
an Emergency SOS, but only the iPhone to choose is how durable
iPhone 14 and 15 series offers the the model is. How likely are you to
ability to do so via satellite, which damage the iPhone.
would be useful if you were in an area As you can see from the section
with no signal. You just need to be on design (above) the majority of
able to establish a clear view of the iPhones on sale right now (except
sky, and be in a country that supports for the iPhone SE) offer a Ceramic
the feature (many do now). Thanks to Shield front, which should mean that

68 Macworld • February 2024

the glass on the front is less likely processor. That changed in 2022
to smash if you drop it. Only the Pro when the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max
and Pro Max are constructed from both gained the A16 chip, while the
titanium (previous generations were iPhone 14 and 14 Plus stayed back
stainless steel), which is a more a generation, adopting the A15 chip
durable than aluminium, which all found in the iPhone 13 and iPhone SE
other iPhones are encased in. (3rd gen), albeit with an extra core.
All iPhones have a glass back The iPhones 15 Pro and Pro Max
(which is necessary for MagSafe offer the A17 and the 15 and 15 Plus
charging). This does mean if you drop offer the A16 (so they are, at least,
your iPhone with no case on then you better than their predecessor was).
are pretty much guaranteed to break The A17 in the iPhone 15 Pro and
the glass on the back. So be sure to Pro Max has one extra GPU core
pop your new iPhone in a case. compared to the A16 in the iPhone
The other way people damage 14 Pro and the iPhone 15, but that’s
their iPhones is by dropping them not the only way it is better. The
in water. Most are rated as water A17 is the first 3nm chip to appear
resistant to a depth of 6m for up in a consumer device. Apple claims
to 30 minutes (IP68), the SE (3rd that the two high-performance CPU
gen) only offers water resistance to cores are “10 percent faster”, the four
a depth of 1m for up to 30 minutes high-efficiency cores are “faster”,
(IP67). We still wouldn’t recommend the 6-core GPU offers 20 percent
getting your phone wet though, faster peak performance and better
because Apple will know and it energy efficiency, and the Neural
could void your warranty should Engine is up to twice as fast. There
anything go wrong. are new graphics features like mesh
shading and hardware ray tracing
STORAGE AND acceleration, which Apple claims is
PROCESSOR OPTIONS the fastest in any smartphone and up
In the past, when Apple has to four times faster than software ray
introduced a new generation of tracing. Apple has also incorporated
iPhones, each of the new models a hardware AV1 decoder for the
featured the same processor, first time. You may be wondering
or at least a variant of the same why you need all this in a phone,

February 2024 • Macworld 69


you probably don’t unless you are a

gaming fanatic.
The A16 Bionic was made using a
4nm process and back in 2022 Apple
claimed it was the “fastest in any
smartphone”, 40 percent faster than
the closest competition, 10 percent
faster than the A15 Bionic and 20
percent more power efficient. So
you can expect improvements in the
iPhone 15 compared to the iPhones
14, 13 and SE.
Storage is likely to be a factor in
your decision too. Only the Pro and
Pro Max models offer 1TB onboard Apple’s top-end handsets come with
storage, but do you need that the company’s new A17 Pro chip.
much storage? Perhaps if you are
purchasing one of these models you recommend you pay the few pounds
do need that much storage – if you extra to buy the 128GB model.
record, and need to have continual One reason you may not need
easy access to, large quantities of more storage is if you choose to sync
high-resolution video, this may be a your data to the cloud. If you pay a
boon. But for most, it will be overkill. monthly fee for iCloud storage all
Each iPhone is available in your data will be available on any
between three and four capacity of your devices, and crucially your
options. It’s important to consider photos will be stored in the cloud
how much you need before buying rather than on your device, freeing
because iPhones don’t have a up many gigabytes of space. iCloud
microSD card slot that will allow you starts at 99p for 50GB. Before you
to add additional storage at a later decide how much storage you need
date. For the typical iPhone user, have a look at your current phone’s
128GB is probably sufficient. Only usage (go to Settings > General >
the iPhone SE (3rd gen) offers less iPhone Storage) and think about how
than that, with a 64GB option and we much space you need.

70 Macworld • February 2024

iPhone 15 iPhone 14
Processor: A16 Bionic chip; 6-core Processor: A15 Bionic chip; 6-core
CPU; 5-core GPU CPU; 5-core GPU
Storage: 128GB/256GB/512GB Storage: 128GB/256GB/512GB
Battery life: Up to 20 hours video Battery life: Up to 20 hours video
playback; up to 50 percent charge in playback; up to 50 percent charge in
30 minutes with 20-watt adapter or 30 minutes with 20-watt adapter or
higher higher

iPhone 15 Plus iPhone 14 Plus

Processor: A16 Bionic chip; 6-core Processor:A15 Bionic chip; 6-core
CPU; 5-core GPU CPU; 5-core GPU
Storage: 128GB/256GB/512GB Storage: 128GB/256GB/512GB
Battery life: Up to 26 hours video Battery life: Up to 26 hours video
playback; up to 50 percent charge in playback; up to 50 percent charge in
35 minutes with 20-watt adapter or 35 minutes with 20-watt adapter or
higher higher

iPhone 15 Pro iPhone 13

Processor: A17 Pro chip; 6-core CPU; Processor: A15 Bionic; 6-core CPU;
6-core GPU 4-core GPU
Storage: 128GB/256GB/512GB/1TB Storage: 128GB/256GB/512GB
Battery life: Up to 23 hours video Battery life: Up to 19 hours video
playback; up to 50 percent charge in playback; up to 50 percent charge in
30 minutes with 20-watt adapter or 30 minutes with 20-watt adapter or
higher higher

iPhone 15 Pro Max iPhone SE (3rd gen)

Processor: A17 Pro chip; 6-core CPU; Processor: A15 Bionic; 6-core CPU;
6-core GPU 4-core GPU
Storage: 256GB/512GB/1TB Storage: 64GB/128GB/256GB
Battery life: Up to 29 hours video; up Battery life: 15 hours video playback;
to 50 percent charge in 35 minutes up to 50 percent charge in 30 mins
with 20-watt adapter or higher with 20-watt adapter or higher

February 2024 • Macworld 71


BATTERY LIFE with 20-watt adapter or higher’,

In 2022 the iPhone 14 series offered while the larger models require 35
some nice battery life boosts. For minutes to offer the same.
2023 battery life is on par with As for how you charge the
those phones. The iPhone 15 and the iPhone, fast charging requires a
iPhone 14 both claim up to 20 hours 20-watt adapter or higher that
video playback, compared to 19 hours plugs into either the USB-C on
for the iPhone 13. The iPhone 15 Plus 2023 iPhones, or the Lightning
and 14 Plus both offer 26 hours video port on older iPhones. All but the
playback, the iPhone 15 Pro and 14 SE (3rd gen) can also be charged
Pro up to 23 hours, and the iPhone wirelessly via MagSafe.
15 Pro Max and 14 Pro Max up to 29 Battery life and charging times
hours video playback. can be seen on the previous page.
The iPhone 13 offers up to 19
hours, while the SE (3rd gen) offers VERDICT
just 15 hours of video playback. In The best iPhone you can buy right
typical use though, you can expect to now is the iPhone 15 Pro Max, with
get more than a day of use out of all its additional camera features and
iPhones, it’s been a few years since longer battery life. However, if you
it has been necessary
to charge your iPhone
every night, although
you likely will maintain
the habit of doing so.
Should you forget to
charge your iPhone the
important question is
how much time would
you need to plug it in
for to get a reasonable
amount of charge?
All smaller iPhones
offer ‘Up to 50 percent If money is no problem, the 15 Pro Max is the best
charge in 30 minutes iPhone you can get right now.

72 Macworld • February 2024

want a smaller, lighter iPhone, the iPhone then there is now only one
iPhone 15 Pro is still a good choice. to choose from (unless you find a
If you don’t have the budget for refurbished iPhone 13 mini). The
the iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max the iPhone SE (3rd gen) also offers
iPhone 15 and 15 Plus are still good the Home button, which, for some
choices. If you want a bigger screen people, is still essential.
then you don’t have to settle for
Apple’s most expensive iPhone. If
you choose these iPhones you will
miss out on the telephoto lens, and
the graphics capabilities might not
be as good, but for the majority of
people these phones will be more
than sufficient.
You could save money and opt
instead for an iPhone 14 or 13, which
might appeal if you are upgrading
from a particularly old iPhone. Our
recommendation would be that if
saving money is the most important
thing the iPhone 13 is a better choice
as there isn’t that much to set it
apart from the iPhone 14. The choice
between an iPhone 13 and iPhone 14
will depend on how much the camera
improvements and the extra hour
of battery life in the newer iPhone
matter. There’s also the safety
features, but we don’t think people
will be buying new iPhones just
because of these features.
If it’s a large screen you want the
iPhone 14 Plus is your only low-cost
option. If you want the smallest

February 2024 • Macworld 73


How to figure out which

iPhone model you have
Not sure which iPhone you’ve got? Here’s how to identify an Apple
handset. Martyn Casserly reports

hether you’re an There are various reasons why
experienced iPhone user you might be wondering what iPhone
or just got your first one, I have. Not everyone walks into an
it can be hard to know which model Apple shop to buy the latest model.
you have. Apple updates its handset You might have been handed down an
every year, but it doesn’t always iPhone by a family member who was
change the design – sometimes the unclear about which model it is, in
significant changes are on the inside, which case you might be wondering
such as faster new components. if it would be a good idea to update

74 Macworld • February 2024

the iOS on it. This can be an issue
because only certain models can run
the latest version of iOS.


The simplest way to tell which iPhone
you have is to follow these steps.

1. Open the Settings app.

2. Go to General > About.
3. At the top of the list, you’ll see
Model Name, which tells you exactly As long as you can get into Settings it’s
which iPhone model you have. easy to see what iPhone you have.

Tip: You can also scroll down to There’s a huge number of possible
check the capacity of your iPhone, M numbers, far more than we can list
which is something you will want to here. Check the iPhone Wiki for a full
share if you are thinking of selling it. list:


Below Model Name, you will also see Here’s how to find that iPhone part
Model Number in Settings. This can number in Settings.
tell you a little more than the name
of the device. 1. Open the Settings app.
This is actually even more useful 2. Go to General > About
because the number that is displayed 3. Below Model Name you will see
by default is actually the part number Model Number.
(it probably begins with an M, though 4. Tap Model Number to see the Part
if you have a replacement phone it Number (it will begin with an A).
may start with an N). If you pop that
part number into a search engine it The easiest way to identify an
will tell you exactly which model you iPhone if you couldn’t turn it on used
have including capacity and colour. to be to check the part number that

February 2024 • Macworld 75


identify the iPhone A number, which

we will discuss below.
This model number can give you
useful information like the country it
was sold in, which may be important
for warranty reasons.


If you have an older iPhone (iPhone
7 and earlier) you will see a small
identification number printed on the
The A number is hidden – you have to back. When we say “small number”,
tap on the Model Number section. we really do mean small, and you may
find it hard to read the number with
was etched onto the back. But Apple the naked eye. A magnifying glass
hasn’t printed part numbers on the will help if you’ve got one.
back since the iPhone 7. If you have a
recent model, or find the number too IF YOU HAVE A SIM TRAY
small to read, there are other ways to There is another way to find the A
number if you can’t
turn your iPhone on
and it’s not on the
back, but you may
need a magnifying
glass. Assuming you
have one of those
tools for removing a
SIM tray handy pop
it out and look very
carefully at the slot
where the SIM card
goes and you can
Apple used to print the number on the back of iPhones. see the A number.

76 Macworld • February 2024

White Titanium, Blue Titanium
and Natural Titanium. It’s the
first iPhone to have a USB-C
port on the bottom.

iPhone 15/15 Plus: The

iPhone 15 ditches the notch
for the Dynamic Island and
comes in several new shades,
If you have a poky thing for opening the SIM including pink, yellow, green,
card slot, you can find the A number. blue and black.

(Note, Apple stopped putting SIM iPhone 14 Pro/14 Pro Max: The 14
trays in iPhones with the iPhone 14.) Pro has the Dynamic Island instead
of a notch and comes in two unique
LOOK FOR DESIGN colours, Deep Purple and Space
DIFFERENCES Black, along with silver and gold.
If you simply can’t turn the iPhone on
to check Settings for the information iPhone 14/14 Plus: The iPhone 14
above, don’t worry. You can still line is the first with a 6.7-inch model
tell which kind of iPhone you’ve in the Plus and comes in several new
got by checking its build, external colours, Midnight, Starlight, red,
features, and so on. Simply compare blue, purple and yellow.
it against this guide, which includes
all models of iPhone. iPhone 13 Pro/13 Pro Max: The
If you’re trying to identify a iPhone 13 Pro has a smaller notch
bricked device or one you can’t than its predecessor and comes in
unlock, this visual identification guide the following colours: graphite, gold,
section is for you. silver, Sierra Blue and Alpine Green.

iPhone 15 Pro/15 Pro Max: Apple’s iPhone 13/13 mini: Like the Pro, the
newest iPhone has titanium sides iPhone 13 has a smaller notch than
instead of stainless steel and comes the 12 and has a diagonal camera
in four new colours: Black Titanium, layout for the first time. It comes

February 2024 • Macworld 77


in purple, blue, green, red, white iPhone 11: The iPhone 11 has curved
and black. edges and a dual camera with a
vertical array. It has a plastic back
iPhone SE (3rd gen): Unless you and comes in white, black, green,
have an iPhone that’s many years old, yellow, purple and red.
the SE is the only iPhone made since
2017 that has a home button. It’s iPhone XS/XS Max: The XS looks
trickier to tell the difference between extremely similar to the iPhone X but
the 2nd- and 3rd gen models, as the the Max model is the first iPhone over
colours are only slightly different six inches. It comes in a new colour,
(Starlight and Midnight versus white gold, along with white and black.
and black).
iPhone XR: The iPhone XR is Apple’s
iPhone 12 Pro/12 Pro Max: The first 6.1-inch iPhone and has a single
iPhone 12 Pro has a ‘flat’ design with camera on the back. It comes in six
a relatively small camera array on colours: black, white, blue, yellow,
the back. The Pro Max is Apple’s first coral and red.
6.7-inch iPhone and comes in silver,
graphite, gold, Pacific Blue. iPhone X: The iPhone X is Apple’s
first iPhone without a home button
iPhone 12/12 mini: The iPhone 12 and is available in two colours, silver
has a vertical camera arrangement and Space Grey. It has a completely
and comes in black, white, red, light new design with stainless steel sides
green, dark blue and purple. The 5.4- and a notch for the front camera. If
inch mini model is one of only two and you have one you should keep it.
the only with a vertical camera array.
It’s also Apple’s first non-Pro phone iPhone 8/8 Plus: The iPhone 8 is
with an OLED display. Apple’s last design with a home
button (until the SE revived it) and
iPhone 11 Pro/11 Pro Max: The iPhone comes in silver, Space Grey, gold
11 Pro is Apple’s first triple-camera and red.
phone and its last with curved edges.
It comes in gold, silver, Space Grey iPhone 7/7 Plus: The iPhone 7 is
and Midnight Green. Apple’s last with an aluminium back

78 Macworld • February 2024

and first with a dual camera. It also iPhone 5c: This one’s easy to spot:
ditches the headphone jack. It was The iPhone 5c came in a range
also the first iPhone to come in red of bright plastic colours and had
and the only to come in Jet Black. a curved plastic back. No other
iPhone looks like this.
iPhone 6/6S: Apple completely
redesigned the iPhone 6 with a 4.7- iPhone 4/4S: The Phone 4 has a new
inch screen and a curved design. flat design with a glass back.

iPhone 6 Plus/6S Plus: The iPhone iPhone 3G/3GS: the iPhone 3G has
6 Plus introduced a 5.5-inch display a similar design to the original but
for the first time and come in black, with a plastic back. The iPhone 3GS
silver, gold and Rose Gold. also came in white along with black.

iPhone SE (1st gen): The original Original iPhone: The first iPhone
iPhone SE is a revamped iPhone 5s has a silver back with a large black
with a new Rose Gold colour. antenna band across the bottom. It
has a 3.5-inch display.
iPhone 5/5S: The iPhone 5 has a
larger 4-inch display while the 5S
ditched the clicky Home button for
a new Touch ID fingerprint scanner.

The iPhone 5c
came in a range
of bright plastic

February 2024 • Macworld 79


FJDynamics Pony 500

Price: £260 from

s the name implies, which is used in many power banks,
FJDynamics’ Pony 500 lasts longer.
houses a 504-watt- The Pony 500 is clean and cool
hour (Wh) battery. looking, with a housing made of an
FJDynamics uses a lithium nickel aluminium alloy that is resistant to
manganese cobalt oxide (NMC) shock, splash water, and dust and
battery that allows the Pony 500 has a protection class of IP4X. It
to be more compact and usable in a weighs just under 3.6kg and measures
wider temperature range. A lithium 220x145x83mm. The leather carrying
iron phosphate battery (LiFePO4), handle is a nice touch.

80 Macworld • February 2024

To promote its
portability, the Pony
500 has only three
ports, all of which can
be used to charge
devices or to charge
the Pony 500 itself.
One port is a 100-
watt USB-C port,
while the other two
are XT60 ports that
are used with remote- The rear module is detachable, which can be handy in
controlled devices a mobile situation where you need to whittle down your
such as drones. The load and don’t need multiple connectors.
XT60 ports can also
be used with the 120-watt 18-volt release button. The modular concept
Lightweight Folding Solar Panel allows for further options in the future,
offered by FJDynamics to charge but the manufacturer has yet to
the Pony 500, but be careful with announce any plans for this.
the XT60 connections, because The on/off switch and a five-stage
they are only designed for 46- to 58 LED display for the battery capacity
volts. FJDynamics was not able to are located on the front below the
accommodate a charge controller in connections. To switch it on, you have
the compact housing, but it is being to hold down the button for about a
planned as an accessory. second. If you forget to switch it off,
To provide connectivity flexibility, the Pony 500 turns off automatically
the Pony 500 comes with a after a few minutes.
connection module that attaches However, lithium-ion batteries
to the back of the device. It has two in general require careful handling.
additional USB-C ports (65- and 100 Users should not completely
watts) and two USB-A ports (18 watts discharge them and, if possible, not
each). The connection module snaps charge it to 100 percent too often.
into the main housing and can be Fully discharging and recharging a
easily removed again by pressing a lithium-ion battery puts excessive

February 2024 • Macworld 81


crowd of competitors
and the price is slightly
below comparably
large power stations.
However, FJDynamics
has also forgone
longer-lasting LiFePO4
battery technology
in favour of an NMC
battery that allows
for a smaller size. The
The adapter includes a set of ports for charging devices. Pony 500 does pack
a lot of power, and the
wear on it. FJDynamics offers a additional ports on its power adapter
36-month guarantee on the Pony are a nice touch. Thomas Bergbold
500, which seems a little short if
you’re using the device constantly and
putting more wear on the battery.
When charging via USB-C for
30 minutes, I charged an iPhone 15
by 49 percent, an iPad Pro by 33
percent, and a MacBook Air by 39
percent. The Pony 500 itself can be
fully charged within five hours using
the included USB-C power adapter,
but the power adapter gets very hot.
The power supply has added value – it
delivers a maximum output power of
100 watts and has two USB-C and
two USB-A ports.

With its compact and modular design,
the Pony 500 stands out from the

82 Macworld • February 2024

PC Matic for Mac
Price: £60 from

ometimes an application regains its stride, and a series of
that could have been infuriating corporate decisions makes
outstanding shoots itself a frustrating interface only that much
in its own feet, a series of more infuriating.
corporate and engineering decisions First and foremost, PC Matic
as well as bugs twisting a potentially is an application for macOS that,
great idea into something clunky and like similar applications, works to
awkward to use. This may have been scan for and remove viruses and
the case with PC Matic, as the macOS malware. The app takes a unique
version stumbles out the gate, never approach in that it’s centred around

February 2024 • Macworld 83


customizable blacklist and whitelist customizable and various folders and

classifications, which designate which file types can be targeted or ignored
applications and file systems are safe as needed, and the application’s
to use and which not to use within SuperShield feature can prevent
its SuperShield Protection feature. questionable software from running.
PC Matic also includes powerful Blacklist and whitelist files can be
tools such as Remote Access and readily customized, and it’s simple
File Manager, which allow for even enough to teach the application
greater control of file systems. This which files should be run and which
is all available within PC Matic’s should continue to be blocked. The
£60 annual license for the Standard application can also readily check for
Security package, and a Lifetime virus definition updates, and future
package can be purchased for £180. scans can be scheduled for later.
The standard licence fee covers up For power users, the application
to five devices, and you’ll have to can create a custom blocklist of file
download and install the software and hashes, certificates, file paths, and
log into each device to begin using it. scripts, and can report the data to
PC Matic downloads and installs Microsoft Excel or upload a file to
as expected, requesting full disk other users as needed.
access on Apple’s more recent That’s the good news.
operating systems. Disk scans are Unfortunately, there’s a litany of
issues to contend
with, and while
the scan tests are
customizable and
effective, each
one took over
50 minutes to
completely scan
my M2 MacBook
Pro’s SSD. While
the scan features
a progress
PC Matic’s hard drive scan in progress. animation, there’s

84 Macworld • February 2024

no live count as to
how many files have
been scanned, and
the user interface,
which lacks a
minimize feature,
either stays in
place or has to be
dragged down to the
bottom of the screen
if you want to work
with any other
applications while a Although SuperShield blocked all of the suspect software
scan is running. I installed for the tests, it also blocked out legitimate
The SuperShield applications such as Parallels Desktop.
feature can be
overzealous, and although it blocked the fact that with the lack of a trial
all of the suspect software I installed version of PC Matic for macOS, you
for the tests, it also blocked out effectively can’t begin using the
legitimate applications such as World software unless you buy a license
War II Online and Parallels Desktop, key for it. Yes, you can download and
which later had to be added to the install the software, but until you
whitelist to run again. PC Matic, for purchase a license and create an
its part, offered no error window account to log into the software, you
indicating that the SuperShield won’t be able to test it. This, along
function was blocking the applications with the fact that the basic package
from launching. Add in the fact that includes Dark Web monitoring, but
the Scheduler feature failed to initiate lacks a VPN or firewall and doesn’t
a scan that had been scheduled include phone support or identity
and there’s work to be done on the protection feels as if the company
engineering end. is truly making the customer pay for
There seem to be some any amount of its attention. Emails
questionable corporate decisions at to support and public relations
play here, and chief among them is personnel within the company went

February 2024 • Macworld 85


unanswered, and while it was easy expected. Yes, there’s a good engine
enough to call and get a refund here, but until these problems have
from an automated phone tree been fixed, it might be best to look
system, it just feels as if PC Matic is elsewhere for your macOS security
arguably busy chasing after B2B and needs. Chris Barylick
federal markets.
There’s arguably a good security
application for the macOS to be had
here, along with some impressive
features, and perhaps a few weeks
with a debugging sprint and a
significant revision of corporate
policies could bring it to the surface,
but for now, there’s a considerable
amount of work to be done. Trial
versions of software existed for a
reason and allowed people to make
up their minds without surrendering at
least £60 to a company to see if they
even liked the software in question,
and the lack of a minimize feature for
PC Matic’s windows feels entirely lazy,
especially when it’s one of the first
things addressed in Apple’s software
development kits.

There’s a way to program an
application and a way to treat your
customers, and while it may be more
fun and lucrative to chase down
bigger game from the corporate end,
this detracts from what PC Matic for
macOS could have been and what was

86 Macworld • February 2024

Credit: Getty ImagesNutthaseth Vanchaichana
Help Desk
Solutions to all your Mac problems. Glenn Fleishman reports

HOW TO BLOCK all together, all the way to allowing

UNWANTED WEBSITE Critical Alerts in some apps for
NOTIFICATIONS ON A MAC events you absolutely don’t want to
Push notifications were the best miss a message about.
thing since sliced bread when they Apple added push notifications
appeared first in Android and later in to Safari in macOS to let websites
iOS and iPadOS. Instead of requiring access the system-wide notification
a lot of attention, a notification can system because the increasing
appear briefly, is easily dismissed, reliance on web apps (a website that
and can be controlled – you can provides an app-like set of features)
suppress apps from showing them means you could have a tab open

February 2024 • Macworld 87


performing tasks that require

your attention.
It’s a double-edged sword,
though: spammers, scammers,
and assorted thieves and ne’er-
do-wells take advantage of
any opening to try to part you
from your money through lies
and fear. A malicious site can
leverage push notifications to
fill the right edge screen with
unwanted alerts.
How can this happen? You A reader sent these screens of malicious
visit a safe site that, through notifications from the ‘Ask You’ site.
the vagaries of ad networks, is
hosting an advertisement that either Misleading messages on
you click on without realizing the macOS Safari
danger or the bad ad runs illegitimate When Apple first introduced the
JavaScript to force open a window or feature to macOS, it only allowed
prompt you to open one. You might developers to trigger a standard
also visit a URL for a site that has dialog box that said Don’t Allow and
been hijacked or failed to renew its Allow, with Allow highlighted. Not
domain registration, and now you’re long after, Safari began to allow a
on a page of no repute. custom opt-in message and design
However you get there, a ( The text that
malicious site incorporates a request appears can be entirely misleading
in the page you load that triggers ( it’s possible that
Safari to prompt you to ask if you you would click a button intending
want to enable notifications for the to not allow alerts and actually have
site or not. This is harder to trigger opted in to them. For instance, the
in iOS and iPadOS, which only text that misled one Macworld reader
allow notifications from web pages says:
you’ve added to your home screen
( [space]ask you

88 Macworld • February 2024

Confirm that you’re not a robot, you and then the site tries to lure you into
need click Allow installing malware, typing in your
credit-card number, or much worse.
I must have been taken in once All that said, you can easily
because I found this entry in System defeat the creeps who set you up by
Settings > Notifications on my Mac. disabling notifications. (And find and
As long as the web page remains close that tab or window.)
open, even if it’s in a window or tab In macOS:
you’re not viewing, it can send you
notifications. Because Apple shows 1. In Safari, go to Safari > Settings/
the favicon of the website (a small Preferences > Websites.
icon set by the site owner), as part 2. Find the entry for the website. If
of the notification, it can be quite you can’t find it by domain, look for
misleading. For example, in the the icon, as in the figure below.
figure below, the favicon is a System 3. Choose Deny from the pop-up
Preferences icon with a red dot menu to the right of the site name or
overlaid. That gives the impression select the item and click Remove.
it’s a macOS notification but it’s not.
Clicking the notification takes you How do you decide whether to
to the web page trying to sucker you, choose Deny or click Remove?

• Choosing Deny
means if you visit
the site again, an
alert about wanting
to notify you
won’t appear.

• Removing the
entry means it
doesn’t appear in
the Notification
Use Safari’s Websites pane with Notifications selected at settings/pane
left to block sites from popping up alerts. in System

February 2024 • Macworld 89


Settings/Preferences or in Safari’s WHY YOUR MAC WANTS

Websites list. PERMISSION TO
You can also use System OR USB DEVICE
Settings > Notifications to disable Apple enhanced the security of
notifications directly. Safari and the attaching and inserting thumb drives,
Notifications settings don’t seem printers, and memory cards to (or
to communicate directly: I had the into) the Thunderbolt, USB, and SD
malicious site described above set to Card ports on M-series Apple silicon
Deny in Safari, yet in Notifications it Macs in macOS, stating with Ventura.
was shown as enabled. When anything is plugged or inserted
into one of those ports, you’re asked
1. Go to Settings > Notifications. to provide permission to proceed
2. Find the entry for the home if it’s never been seen by the Mac
page web app by title, and disable before. If your Mac is locked, it must
notifications for it. be unlocked before you can continue.
3. Also, you might want to remove The intent is to prevent someone
that from your home screen from inserting something that
altogether – that site is sending you contains malicious firmware or for
unwanted notifications. malicious purposes – like copying
the contents of your
drive – without explicit
permission being
granted when the Mac
is unlocked. However,
you might receive this
prompt for a device,
drive, or memory card
you’re sure you had used
with your Mac previously.
That’s because of a
security footnote: after
The System Settings/Preferences Notifications three days, macOS may
controls don’t seem to match Safari’s. decide to prompt you

90 Macworld • February 2024

Apple has digital reams of
documentation and how-
to manuals online, but the
company often leaves out
the details required for fully
troubleshooting problems.
(That’s why Help Desk is
here.) A reader asked why
You can control how macOS on an Apple silicon they were seeing an icon I’d
Mac allows or prompts accessories to connect. never spotted before: an
exclamation point inside an
again, under the assumption that if iCloud icon in a file list in iOS.
you aren’t using the connected thing After much research, I’ve
continuously, perhaps something has concluded it shows an upload
gone amiss with it in the meantime. Is synchronization problem: an error
it overkill? I’m sure there’s a reason with the file or folder prevents iCloud
for the three-day timeout that Apple Drive from copying the file from its
knows and isn’t disclosing. location on a device into iCloud.
If you find these alerts com storage associated with your
unnecessary and annoying – say, account. A mysterious exclamation
your computer is in your home
and nobody but you and trusted
family members are ever near it – point
you can go to System Settings > inside an
Privacy & Security and set ‘Allow iCloud icon
accessories to connect’ to Always appears to
indicate a
or Automatically When Unlocked.
file or folder
Alternatively, if you want the highest
degree of paranoia, set it to ‘Ask error.
Every Time’.

February 2024 • Macworld 91


point inside an iCloud icon appears to actual programmable circuits within

indicate a file or folder upload error. your iPhone or iPad.
The diagnosis is easier than When you want to reset or fully
the solution. Examine the files or erase your device to hand it over to
folders in question. Can you open someone else, sell it or recycle it,
them using software on your device? what choice you make can affect
Can you copy them, and then they whether the eSIM remains in use
upload? If you move all the items for the next person who handles it.
from a folder that won’t sync to a new In most cases, you’ll want to delete
folder with the same contents, does all eSIMs. But there are exceptions:
everything work? (Then delete that you may want to retain it if you’re
malformed folder.) transferring a data plan or even a
If problems persist, this is a phone number to another family
perfect time to contact Apple member, or if performing a factory
Support, who will provide endless reset to try to solve a problem.
help with iCloud Drive and iCloud (Deleting an eSIM doesn’t affect your
sync problems, as I recently subscription with a carrier – contact
discovered over a four-month them to end or change service.)
process with a senior support tech Here’s how to make sure you pick
( about files the right option in iOS 17/iPadOS 17,
that wouldn’t sync via upload – no starting with Settings > General >
exclamation point icon in sight. It was Transfer or Reset iPhone/iPad:
ultimately resolved through behind-
the-scenes engineering fixes. To erase just eSIMs: tap Reset,
Delete All eSIMs, and follow prompts
HOW TO DELETE (OR to complete.
WHEN ERASING IT To reset the device to factory
Modern iPhones (since the XR/ settings, which includes removing
XS series) and iPads (a more eSIMs: tap Reset All Settings and
complicated mix of models) can follow prompts.
support one or two eSIMs. But these
eSIMs aren’t just a text file that’s To erase the device and leave it
loaded with settings. Rather, they’re ready for use by another person:

92 Macworld • February 2024

You can use messed with when
the pathway to you factory reset
erase settings or otherwise erase
(left) to delete
the phone.
an eSIM as
part of the In the event
process or you make a choice
using General > during erasure or
Cellular (right) reset you didn’t
to delete an intend:
eSIM before
erasing or
resetting your If you retained
device. an eSIM: Go
through the stages
to set up the
tap Erase All Contents and Settings iPhone or iPad with all the default
and review the list display. One item choices, go to General > Cellular,
will be labelled eSIM if there’s one or and delete the eSIM. Reset or erase
more installed. Tap it to see what will the device again. Or, you can call
happen during the following steps. your carrier and ask them to cancel
the plan if that was your intent in any
If you pick the last item, erase the case. They will deactivate service
device, tap Continue, then during connected to the eSIM.
the process in which your iPhone or
iPad is wiped,you’ll receive a prompt If you delete an eSIM you wanted to
asking if you want to retain or delete keep: After setting up the device or
the eSIM or eSIMs. Make the choice restarting it, navigate through the
at that point based on your needs. website of the carrier to find the tools
You can take a pre-emptive step if for reinstalling the eSIM. You may
you want more assurance by going to need to call them to get them to send
Settings > Cellular (iPhone)/Cellular you an image via a text message or
Data (iPad) and tapping Delete install their app for them to push a
eSIM beneath one or more eSIMs profile into it that you can then use.
listed in your settings. By deleting at
this stage, the eSIM won’t even be

February 2024 • Macworld 93

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