2020 Mayank Aggarwal Masc

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Low power analog front end design for 112 Gbps PAM-4

SERDES receiver


Mayank Aggarwal

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements

for the degree of Master of Applied Sciences
Graduate Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Toronto

Copyright c 2020 by Mayank Aggarwal


Low power analog front end design for 112 Gbps PAM-4 SERDES receiver

Mayank Aggarwal

Master of Applied Sciences

Graduate Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Toronto


This thesis proposes an analog front end (AFE) design of a 112 Gbps PAM-4 SERDES

receiver in 16 nm FinFET technology. It consists of a front-end termination block

and a CMOS inverter based continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE). The high trans-

conductance of the CMOS inverter as an amplifier provides a low power equalization

solution. The front end-termination network is exploited to achieve certain passive equal-

ization. The common-mode feedback loop (CMFB) improves the common-mode rejection

ratio (CMRR) of the CTLE and it is a low power biasing solution in comparison to a

self-biased diode connected inverter load. The tunability in the CMOS tristate inverter

cell enables power-scalability in the design. This also helps to track PVT variations.

Using the CTLE as the only means of active equalization for a long reach channel (back-

plane) with 30 dB attenuation at 28GHz nyquist frequency, this AFE design achieves

17dB of equalization consuming 10 mW power with a 0.8 V supply voltage in post layout

extracted results.

To my beloved mother, brother and bhabhi ♥

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Learn as if you were to live forever.

Mahatma Gandhi

First of all, I want to thank my supervisor Prof. David Johns, who has been very friendly

from the day I came in contact with him. His guidance led to lot of improvement in my

personality and technical knowledge. Without his support, this thesis work would not

have been possible. It is not possible to express my gratitude towards him in words.

I want to thank Prof. Tony Chan Carusone, Prof. Sorin Voinigescu and Prof. Andreas

Moshovos for serving as my thesis defense committee members. Sincere thanks to Dr.

Hossein Shakiba and Dr. Dustin Dunwell for their continuous support and mentorship.

I would like to thank Kunal Yadav for being there with me always in the hour of need.

Many thanks to Sameer Sharma for getting this thesis compiled in proper format and I

will miss table-tennis matches with you. I would like to thank Dhruv Patel and Xunjun

for sharing their experiences. I also want to thank Durand, Milad and Alireza Akbarpur

for accompanying me during the tapeout struggles. In addition, I want to thank Foad,

Danial, Paul, Saba, Rudraneil, Jack, Pooya, Miad, Constantine, Richard, Danny, Ali,

Jeremy, Mohammed, Suyash, Vikram and Jose for making this journey enjoyable. I hope

we continue to cross paths professionally and non-professionally for years to come.

I want to thank my mom and dad for making me strong enough to easily cross hurdles

in the life. I want to thank my brother, Nitin who inspired me to go for higher education

in Canada. I wish I will meet the standards you expect from me, sometime in future.

Finally, I am indebted to god for providing me everything what I wish for. I am not

capable enough to go places, but you are the driving force behind everything. Thanks a

lot for believing in me. ♥


1 Introduction 1

1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Typical SERDES system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3 Thesis organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Background 6

2.1 Data modulation techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.2 Need for equalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.3 Recent trend in the development of LR 112 Gbps SERDES . . . . . . . . 9

2.4 State of the art : Previous CTLE architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.5 Thesis scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3 Receiver Analog Front-end Design 17

3.1 Long-reach channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.2 Front-end termination network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.3 CTLE design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.3.1 Basic design elements used in CTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 CMOS tristate inverter as a basic amplifier unit . . . . . 24 Inverter as tunable active resistor : diode-connected load 29 Inverter as tunable active inductor . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.3.2 High-frequency boost stage (HF-CTLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.3.3 Mid-band gain stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Need for MF-CTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 MF-CTLE design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

3.3.4 Buffer stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.3.5 CMFB (Common Mode Feedback Loop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.3.6 Complete CTLE architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.3.7 Output buffer and back-end passive network . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

3.3.8 Top-level layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

4 Extracted Simulation Results 53

4.1 Magnitude response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4.2 Pulse response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4.3 Thermal noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4.4 Eye diagram for NRZ (PAM-2) data signaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.5 Eye diagram for PAM-4 data signaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4.6 Tunability to track PVT variations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4.7 Common-mode bias stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.8 Common-mode frequency response and PSRR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.9 Thermal noise effect on the eye diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

4.10 Power breakdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4.11 Comparison of inverter based CTLE with other recent works . . . . . . . 74

4.12 Conventional CTLE design results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

5 Conclusion 83

5.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

5.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Appendix 85

Tunability information in detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Impact of MF-CTLE on the eye-diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

References 93

List of Tables

2.1 Equalization component PPA analysis with data rates ≤ 56 Gbps [9]. . . 11

2.2 Equalization component PPA analysis with data rates ≥ 56 Gbps [9]. . . 11

3.1 CTLE model parameters in MATLAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.2 CMRR analysis for each stage in the CTLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.1 PVT corners list with details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.2 Comparison table for inverter based CTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

4.3 Comparison between the inverter based CTLE and the conventional CTLE 82

5.1 Tunability knobs information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

List of Figures

1.1 Global data traffic over years [2]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 OIF CEI-112G Development Application Space [4]. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 Typical SERDES transceiver system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.1 Backplane channel and CTLE magnitude response. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2 Pulse response at the channel and the CTLE output (with partial equal-

ization). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.3 Eye diagram: (a) at channel output; (b) at CTLE output with partial

equalization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.4 Conventional equalization architecture for data rates ≤ 56 Gbps (with

equalizers highlighted in pink colour). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.5 Next generation equalization architecture for higher data rates (100+

Gbps) (with equalizers highlighted in pink colour). . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.6 CML based conventional CTLE architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.7 CML based conventional CTLE architecture with negative capacitance

implementation [17]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.8 CMOS inverter based CTLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.9 CMOS inverter based CTLE for PAM-2 application [19]. . . . . . . . . . 15

2.10 CML and CMOS inverter based CTLE [20]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.1 LR channel characterization with ideal 50 Ω termination: (a) Magnitude

response shows 30 dB loss at 28 GHz Nyquist frequency; (b) Pulse response

for pulse width corresponding to 56 Gbps data-rate; showing the pre, post

and main cursors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.2 Front-end termination network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.3 Magnitude response from channel input to CTLE input due to various

termination circuits. Proposed architecture behaves closest to the case

when the channel is terminated ideally. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.4 Magnitude response of front termination network from the channel output

to the CTLE input with variation in Lt for the proposed architecture. . 22

3.5 Magnitude response from channel input to the CTLE input with variation

in Lt for the proposed architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.6 Analog front end block diagram showing three stage CTLE. . . . . . . . 24

3.7 Analysis of CMOS tristate inverter cell as an amplifier. . . . . . . . . . 26

3.8 Analysis of CML based differential amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.9 CMOS tristate inverter configuratios as an amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.10 CMOS tristate inverter architecture with switches away from ends. . . . 28

3.11 Tristate inverter symolic representation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.12 Tunable active resistor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.13 Tunable active inductor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.14 Inverter amplifier drives active inductor load alongwith capacitive load CL . 32

3.15 High frequency boost stage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.16 Large Lzhf value helps to have better filter gain at high frequencies. . . 34

3.17 Mid-band CTLE improves equalization in terms of magnitude response. . 37

3.18 Mid-band CTLE has less post-cursor ISI with reference to the main-cursor. 38

3.19 Signal to post-cursor ISI ratio for CTLE pulse response. . . . . . . . . . 40

3.20 Eye diagram at the output of the CTLE without mid-band stage. Green-

box highlights more ISI due to the long-tail in the pulse response. . . . . 41

3.21 Eye diagram at the output of the CTLE with mid-band stage. Green-box

highlights lesser ISI due to the long-tail in the pulse response. . . . . . . 41

3.22 Center eye opening at the output of the CTLE without mid-band stage.

(Vertical eye opening = 26 mVpp and horizontal eye opening = 42 % UI ) 42

3.23 Center eye opening at the output of the CTLE with mid-band stage. (Ver-

tical eye opening = 60 mVpp and horizontal eye opening = 57 % UI ) . . 42

3.24 Mid-band gain stage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

3.25 Small-signal gain circuit for half-circuit of mid-band gain stage. . . . . . 44

3.26 Buffer stage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.27 CTLE architecture highlighting common-mode feedback loop. . . . . . . 47

3.28 Complete CTLE core architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.29 CML based output buffer to drive the back-end passive network and the

outside world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

3.30 Top-level layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.1 CTLE magnitude response. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

4.2 CTLE magnitude response for linear frequency scale. . . . . . . . . . . . 54

4.3 CTLE Pulse response. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4.4 Thermal noise spectral density for CTLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4.5 Thermal noise spectral density for CTLE for linear frequency scale. . . . 57

4.6 Eye diagram at the channel output for 40 Gbps NRZ data rate (Pulse

PMR = 3.6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4.7 Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 56 Gbps NRZ data rate (Pulse PMR

= 3.14). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.8 Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 50 Gbps NRZ data rate (Pulse

PMR=2.85). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.9 Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 40 Gbps NRZ data rate (Pulse

PMR=2.4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.10 Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 112 Gbps PAM-4 data rate (Pulse

PMR=3.14). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4.11 Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 64 Gbps PAM-4 data rate (Pulse

PMR=2.18). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.12 Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 40 Gbps PAM-4 data rate for default

settings (Pulse PMR=2.05). Equalizer needs to be optimized for this data

rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.13 Magnitude response coverage due to overall sweep of all tunability knobs

(highlighted red one is the default setting) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4.14 CTLE magnitude response across PVT corners for: (a) un-optimized cir-

cuit (b) optimally-tuned circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4.15 CTLE pulse response across PVT corners for: (a) un-optimized circuit (b)

optimally-tuned circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

4.16 Eye diagram at the CTLE output for Strong corner for 50 Gbps NRZ data

rate for: (a) un-optimized circuit (Pulse PMR=2.7) (b) optimally-tuned

circuit (Pulse PMR=2.82). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.17 Eye diagram at the CTLE output for Weak corner for 50 Gbps NRZ data

rate for: (a) un-optimized circuit (Pulse PMR=3.21) (b) optimally-tuned

circuit (Pulse PMR=2.97). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.18 Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 50 Gbps NRZ data rate for: (a) SF

corner (Pulse PMR=2.75) (b) FS (Pulse PMR=3) corner. . . . . . . . . . 69

4.19 Common mode voltage at each stage of CTLE for 112 Gbps PAM-4 PRBS

data transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.20 Common-mode frequency response of the analog front-end for 0 dB input

common-mode AC signal at channel output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.21 Transfer function of supply noise from supply to output common-mode

voltage at each CTLE stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4.22 Transfer function of supply noise from supply to output differntial voltage

at each CTLE stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4.23 CTLE eye diagram for 50 Gbps NRZ data rate (without thermal noise) . 73

4.24 CTLE eye diagram for 50 Gbps NRZ data rate (with thermal noise) . . . 73

4.25 CTLE power breakdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4.26 Conventional CTLE architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

4.27 Magnitude response of the conventional CTLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

4.28 Magnitude response of the conventional CTLE for linear frequency scale. 78

4.29 Pulse response of the conventional CTLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

4.30 Thermal noise spectral density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

4.31 Total harmonic distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

4.32 Eye diagram at the output of the conventional CTLE for 64 Gbps PAM-4

data rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

4.33 Eye diagram at the output of the conventional CTLE for 40 Gbps PAM-4

data rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

5.1 CTLE architecture with tunability knobs information . . . . . . . . . . . 85

5.2 T rimhf −f ilter effect on the CTLE transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

5.3 T rimhf effect on the CTLE transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

5.4 T rimbias−hf effect on the CTLE transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

5.5 T rimres−hf effect on the CTLE transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

5.6 T rimdc effect on the CTLE transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

5.7 T rimbuf 1 effect on the CTLE transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

5.8 T rimbias−buf 1 effect on the CTLE transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

5.9 T rimres−buf 1 effect on the CTLE transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

5.10 T rimmf effect on the CTLE transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

5.11 T rimbias−mf effect on the CTLE transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

5.12 T rimmf cap effect on the CTLE transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

5.13 T rimbuf effect on the CTLE transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

5.14 Eye diagram at the output of HF-CTLE (inverter based) for 40 Gbps

PAM-4 data rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

5.15 Eye diagram at the output of MF-CTLE (inverter based) for 40 Gbps

PAM-4 data rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

5.16 Eye diagram at the output of complete CTLE (inverter based) for 40 Gbps

PAM-4 data rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

List of Acronyms

ADC Analog to Digital Converter

ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit

BER Bit-Error Rate

BEOL Back-End-Of-Line

BGA Ball Grid Array

C4 Controlled Collapse Chip Connection

DCD Duty-Cycle Distortion

CDR Clock and Data Recovery

CML Current-Mode Logic

CRU Clock Recovery Unit

CTE Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

CTLE Continuous-Time Linear Equalizer

DFE Decision Feedback Equalizer

DNL Differential Non-Linearity

EMI Electromagnetic Interference

FEXT Far-end Crosstalk

FFE Feed-Forward Equalizer

HBM High-Bandwidth Memory

HMC Hybrid Memory Cube

IIR Infinite Impulse Response

ILO Injection Locked Oscillator

INL Integral Non-Linearity

ISI Inter-Symbol Interference

LDO Low-Dropout

LSB Least Significant Bit

MCM Multi-Chip Module

MSB Most Significant Bit

NEXT Near-end Crosstalk

NRZ Non-Return to Zero

PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation

PCB printed circuit board

PD Phase Detector

PDN Power Distribution Network

PI Phase Interpolator

PRBS Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence

PSIJ power supply induced jitter

RDL ReDistribution Layer

RF Radio Frequency

SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy

SSO Simultaneous Switching Output

SST Source-Series-Termination

ToF Time-of-Flight

TSV Through Silicon Via

UBM Under Bump Metalization

UI Unit Interval

VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator

VCSEL Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitter-Laser

USR Ultra-Short Reach

VSR Very-Short Reach

1 Introduction

1.1. Motivation

There has been a continuous demand for increase in data consumption over the last

several years all over the world. Figure 1.1 shows the trend in which global traffic has

increased over the years. This demand comprises of consumer and business applications

in the form of multimedia streaming, audio-video conferencing, internet surfing, cloud

storage and other digital enterprise applications. As per the Cisco 2020 report, there will

be nearly 5.3 billion total internet users (66 percent of global population) by 2023, up from

3.9 billion (51 percent of global population) in 2018 [1]. There will be ∼ 150 % increase in

networked devices per capita by the year 2023 [1]. As a result, the need for data centers

will rise exponentially. Especially, with the ongoing pandemic of corona-virus (COVID-

19), businesses have become more dependant on cloud services. Foreseeing this situation,

several big tech companies are investing heavily in worldwide digital transformation. This

increasing need for data centers and cloud resources has led to the development of large-

scale public cloud data centers called hyperscale data centers [1]. It is expected that by

2021 there will be ∼ 628 hyperscale data centers globally, compared to 338 in 2016 [1].

The power consumption within the data centres has been consistent at a rate of

nearly 1 % of the global electricity consumption since 2012 despite the continuous increase

in demand for data [3]. This has been achieved by improving the efficiency in power

Chapter 1. Introduction 2

Global data traffic trend over years


Zetabytes per year



2,013 2,014 2,015 2,016 2,017 2,018 2,019 2,020 2,021
Figure 1.1: Global data traffic over years [2].

consumption due to transistor scaling in newer technologies. However recent trends

indicate that transistor scaling no longer gives us more speed as per data demand, nor

it can offset the further increase in power consumption by data centres. It is predicted

that if data centres scale up to meet the data demand, they are likely to consume about

8 % of the global electricity consumption by 2030. This increased power consumption

will also result in increased undesirable carbon emissions [3]. Hence, the present research

focuses on developing high-speed, low power and low cost devices in data centres with

good signal integrity.

Data centres comprise of routers, switches, storage, servers, firewalls and network-

ing gear. These components exist in the racks and they are connected to each other

through wireline links and need SERDES (Serializer De-serializer) transceivers for inter-

communication. SERDES is a preferred choice as it can do efficient data communication

Chapter 1. Introduction 3

with fewer cables, low power, less number of ground isolators, terminations and low

connector costs. Also, fewer cables help in better air-flow among components and subse-

quently reduces the cooling requirement for the servers. The wireline link can be treated

as a channel with limited bandwidth, reflections and crosstalk issues. Apart from it, the

performance of SERDES transceiver is also limited by noise, linearity, jitter, clock and

data skew and bandwidth. At present, 112 Gbps links have been developed by several

companies (Intel, Xilinx, Rambus, etc.) and still research is ongoing to find more power

efficient wireline links for 100+ Gbps data rate. OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum)

has characterized different channels based on their length or the attenuation they expe-

rience. These different types of channels are commonly categorized as MCM (multi chip

module), XSR (extra short reach), VSR (very short reach), MR (medium reach) and LR

(long reach) [4]. Application of these channels is shown in Figure 1.2. This research

primarily focuses on the development of SERDES for LR channels. The LR channel

considered in this research project is a backplane (may actually be a cable) with length

∼ 1m and offers channel attenuation of ∼ 30 dB (excluding package loss) at 28 GHz

Nyquist frequency.
OIF CEI-112G Development Application Space
CNRZ-5: up to 25mm package substrate
CEI-112G-MCM No equalization/FEC
3D Stack 2.5D Chip-to-Chiplet Minimize power (pJ/bit)

PAM4: up to 50mm package substrate

Chip Optics
CEI-112G-XSR 6-10 dB at 28GHz
2.5D Chip-to-Chip Chip to Nearby Optics Engine Lite FEC, Rx CTLE

Pluggable PAM4: 12-16 dB at 28GHz

CEI-112G-VSR Optics FEC to relax BER to 1e-6
Chip to Module Multi-tap Tx FIR and Rx CTLE + multi-tap FFE or DFE

PAM4: 20dB at 28GHz

Chip Chip
CEI-112G-MR FEC to relax BER to 1e-6
Chip-to-Chip & Midplane Applications Multi-tap Tx FIR and Rx CTLE + multi-tap FFE or DFE

PAM4: 28-30dB at 28GHz

Chip Chip
CEI-112G-LR FEC to relax BER to 1e-4
Backplane or Passive Copper Cable Multi-tap Tx FIR and Rx CTLE + multi-tap FFE or DFE

• PAM4 modulation
Figure scheme
1.2: OIF becomesDevelopment
CEI-112G dominant in OIF CEI-112 Gbps
Application interface
Space [4]. IA
• One SerDes core might not be able to cover multiple applications from XSR to LR
• For short reach applications, simpler and lower power equalizations are desired

Copyright © 2020 OIF 6

Chapter 1. Introduction 4

1.2. Typical SERDES system

TX Data RX Data

TX Channel RX
Rt Rt


Figure 1.3: Typical SERDES transceiver system.

The block diagram of a typical SERDES transceiver system is shown in Figure 1.3.

Parallel data stream goes into the serializer, which feeds the serialized data into the trans-

mitter block. PLL (Phase Locked Loop) on the transmitter (TX) side scales up the clock

frequency for the circuit as compared to low frequency external reference clock. Several

data encoding techniques are used to modulate the data in the digital domain prior to

the TX. The driver sends out the signals over the channel. The received analog signal

gets attenuated by the channel and corrupted due to the noise and interference. Both

TX and receiver (RX) should be terminated properly with the characteristic impedance

of the channel transmission line to reduce reflections.

The receiver sub-system block includes RX core, CDR (Clock and Data recover block)

and de-serializer. RX consists of equalization circuits (discussed in next section in detail)

and DSP (Digital Signal Processing) unit to compensate for the signal attenuation. A

CDR block at the receiver end helps to recover the clock frequency. The CDR block

eliminates the need to feed-forward the clock signal through an additional channel from

TX to RX. This has several advantages such as it is cost-effective as there is no need for an

additional channel. Also, the clock can experience noise and attenuation like the received

data stream and can also get skewed over the channel. Once the receiver produces the
Chapter 1. Introduction 5

digital data, the information can be retrieved by de-coding and de-modulation. Finally,

de-serializer sends out the parallel data [5].

1.3. Thesis organization

The remaining thesis is organized as follows:

• Chapter 2 - Background: It provides the information about data modulation

schemes and the need for equalization. It describes the latest trend in SERDES

transceiver development with an emphasis on the state of the art Continuous Time

Linear Equalizers (CTLE) . Later, it specifies the scope of this thesis.

• Chapter 3 - Receiver Analog Front-end Design: This chapter discusses the

design considerations of the analog front end design in detail focusing towards low

power operation while maintaining the key performance parameters.

• Chapter 4 - Extracted Simulation Results: This chapter presents the sim-

ulation results for extracted netlist of top-level layout. Further it compares the

performance of the inverter based CTLE with other state of the art CTLEs and

the conventional CML based CTLE.

• Chapter 5 - Conclusion: This chapter summarizes the thesis and discusses about

the future directions for improvement in analog front end design.

2 Background

2.1. Data modulation techniques

The binary data is generally encoded with one of three modulation schemes - PAM-2,

PAM-4 or Duobinary. PAM-2 (Pulse Amplitude Modulation with 2 levels) is also known

as NRZ (Non Return-to-Zero) and maps the data bit to two symbols as +Vp and −Vp

voltage levels. The PAM-4 modulation scheme combines the two consecutive bits into
+Vp −Vp
one symbol, resulting in four possible symbols or voltage levels (i.e. +Vp , 3
, 3 and

−Vp ). So, PAM-4 has an advantage to transfer double data rate with same symbol rate

as compared to PAM-2. But, there are certain disadvantages associated with PAM-4,

which mainly includes less SNR (signal to noise ratio) and strict linearity requirements

(beacause of the tigher spacing between voltage levels in PAM-4 as compared to PAM-2)

In Duobinary modulation, the modulator output is w[n] = x[n]+x[n−1], where x[n] is

the present TX data bit and x[n−1] is the previous data bit . In other words, the present

bit at the modulator output is sum of present and previous data bit. So, it has some

controlled ISI (Inter-Symbol Interference), which leads to low bandwidth requirement

during equalization. However, there is a trade-off , design complexity of such modulators

is comparatively high and it requires additional circuitry for detection/decoding of the

received signals [6].

Chapter 2. Background 7

2.2. Need for equalization

All wireline links act as low pass filter by nature and exhibit significant attenuation at

higher frequencies. As a result, the higher frequency signals are more attenuated and

delayed as compared to lower frequency signals, which leads to ISI. ISI is the interference

experienced by the current symbol that is caused by the previously transmitted symbol.

The task of an equalizer is to invert the channel’s frequency response and provide a flat
symbol rate
frequency response till Nyquist frequency (f = 2
). Thus, most of the frequency

components in the input signal will have same delay and gain/attenuation, leading to

low ISI in time domain.

As an example, an LR channel model (IEEE channel) [7]) is chosen for analysis for

56 Gbps PAM-2 PRBS (Pseudo Random Bit Sequence) with PN-32 data sequence input

data. Figure 2.1 shows the channel has an attenuation of ∼ 30 dB at 28 GHz Nyquist

frequency. An approximate model of the CTLE in ideal scenario is realized which provides

∼ 18 dB equalization against the requirement of 30 dB equalization. This amount of

linear equalization is practically realizable and beneficial (explained in the next section).

Remaining equalization is expected from the further equalization stages.

The time-domain impact of this equalizer can be seen in Figure 2.2 through the

pulse response at the channel and CTLE output. The channel’s pulse response for 56

Gbps bit width shows a lot of pre and post cursors which leads to ISI and are thus

undesirable. Ideally, we expect the pulse response to be a dirac-delta function. The

equalizer model considered previously works fairly well in removing several pre and post

cursors. Theoretically, the input signal to a channel convolves with its impulse response

to produce the time domain output. The best way to visualize the medium’s time domain

response is through an ‘eye-diagram’. An eye-diagram is realized by clipping the received

signal into one unit interval time frame and superimposing each clipped block over each

other. In the absence of ISI, we expect the eye to be wide-open, which corresponds to a
Chapter 2. Background 8
Magnitude response CTLE

|H(f)| dB


-20 CHANNEL GAIN @ 28GHz = -29.85 dB

CTLE GAIN @ 28GHz = 7.75 dB

-30 CHANNEL+CTLE GAIN @ 28GHz = -22.10 dB

10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (in Hz)

Figure 2.1: Backplane channel and CTLE magnitude response.

low bit-error-rate (BER). Figure 2.3 shows the effect of the equalizer in opening the eye

as compared to the entirely closed eye at the channel’s output.

Equalization can be achieved in either the continuous time or discrete-time mode. It

can also be categorised into linear or non-linear mode of operation. The equalizer model

explained earlier is an implementation of linear equalizer in continuous time mode . The

issue with such equalizer (CTLE) is that it not only boosts high frequency signal content

but also amplifies the noise. This poses a limitation on the amount of equalization that

can be achieved through linear analog equalization. The discrete-time equalizer needs a

clock signal and is jitter sensitive. So for these equalizers, it is expected to have minimal

eye opening at their input in order for them to function properly. Typical examples of

discrete-time equalizers are DFE (Decision Feedback Equalizer) and FFE (Feed-Forward

Equalizer). The advantage with these equalizers is that they are easily programmable.
Chapter 2. Background 9

10 -3 Pulse Response

Pre[1] = 19.57 % Post[1] = 21.36 %

8 Pre[2] = -2.32 % Post[2] = -2.51 %
Pre[3] = -3.60 % Post[3] = -3.35 %
Amplitude (in volts)

Pre[4] = -0.08 % Post[4] = -0.45 %

Pre[5] = -1.21 % Post[5] = -1.00 %
6 Pre[6] = 1.61 % Post[6] = 1.58 %
Pre[7] = -0.77 % Post[7] = -0.86 %
Pre[8] = 1.37 % Post[8] = 1.42 %
4 Pre[9] = -0.34 % Post[9] = -0.32 %
Pre[10] = 1.15 % Post[10] = 1.01 %
Post[11] = -0.14 %
Post[12] = 0.60 %

6.7 6.8 6.9 7 7.1
Time (in sec) 10 -9

Figure 2.2: Pulse response at the channel and the CTLE output (with partial equalization).

DFE in particular, is a non-linear discrete time equalizer and it does not amplify the

noise whereas linear equalizers do amplify the noise.

2.3. Recent trend in the development of LR 112 Gbps SERDES

The choice of data modulation is extremely important for LR channels. Traditionally,

PAM-2 modulation technique used to be the preferred choice for data rates less than 56

Gbps, since it is more immune to noise and has lenient linearity requirements. But for

higher data rates (112 Gbps) and with higher attenuated channels, PAM-4 modulation

is preferred [8]. It is due to the fact that the Nyquist frequency in the case of PAM-4

data stream is the quarter of the data rate while in the case of PAM-2 modulation, it is

half of the data rate. If we look at the magnitude response of the LR channel in Figure
Chapter 2. Background 10

(a) (b)

Figure 2.3: Eye diagram: (a) at channel output; (b) at CTLE output with partial equalization.

2.1, the equalizer needs to equalize till 56 GHz in case of PAM-2 modulation whereas in

the case of PAM-4, it is 28 GHz. Since the channel roll-off is steep at higher frequencies,

PAM-4 is the preferred choice. However, there are certain drawbacks associated with it

which have been discussed in Section 2.1.

For an LR channel, single equalization stage is not capable enough to fully equalize the

channel. Hence, equalization is achieved in multiple stages. Now, an important question

to pose here is how much equalization should be achieved through each stage in order

to have minimum area and power consumption while meeting adequate performance?

Several circuit blocks have been reported in the literature in this regard [9].Generally,

some fraction of equalization in carried out on the TX side while remaining equalization

is done on the RX side. Table 2.1 shows that most of the equalization is done on the

analog side for lower data rates [9]. However, with higher data rates (of 100+ Gbps),

designers are moving towards an ADC based receiver which digitizes the analog signal

using ADC post the CTLE stage and carries out digital signal processing to achieve

the remaining equalization as shown in PPA (Power, Performance and Area) analysis

in Table 2.2 [9]. This has been enabled due to the low power consumption for the

digital circuits realized via transistor scaling. Figure 2.4 shows the conventional SERDES
Chapter 2. Background 11

transceiver architecture for lower data rates while Figure 2.5 shows a typical modern

SERDES transceiver architecture for higher data (100+ Gbps).

Table 2.1: Equalization component PPA analysis with data rates ≤ 56 Gbps [9].

Power Performance Area

TX FIR 3 3 ◦
3 3 3
RX Analog
◦ 3 ◦
RX Analog
7 7 7
RX ADC 7 ◦ 7
7 3 7

• Legends: 3: good 7: poor ◦ : fair/medium

• ADC consumes power and area at larger process nodes.

Table 2.2: Equalization component PPA analysis with data rates ≥ 56 Gbps [9].

Power Performance Area

TX FIR 3 3 ◦
3 3 3
RX ADC ◦ ◦ 7
3 3 3
7 3 7

• Legends: 3: good 7: poor ◦ : fair/medium

Chapter 2. Background 12

TX Data RX Data

Driver Analog
Serializer TX-FFE CTLE serializer

Reference clock

Transmitter Receiver block

Figure 2.4: Conventional equalization architecture for data rates ≤ 56 Gbps (with equalizers
highlighted in pink colour).

TX Data RX Data

Driver FFE/
Serializer TX-FFE CTLE ADC serializer

Reference clock

Transmitter Receiver block

Figure 2.5: Next generation equalization architecture for higher data rates (100+ Gbps) (with
equalizers highlighted in pink colour).
Chapter 2. Background 13

2.4. State of the art : Previous CTLE architectures

The pre-ADC equalization becomes very important in modern SERDES architecture.

Its function is not to fully equalize the channel but to relax the ADC and DSP design

requirements [10]. PMR (Peak to main signal ratio) of a channel is defined as the ratio of

the sum of all cursors to the main cursor in the pulse response [11]. Frans et al reported

that a 6 dB improvement in PMR helps to save one bit of the ADC resulting in better

power performance [12]. It also reduces the RX-FFE noise boosting due to the reduced

FFE coefficients [10].

The conventional CML (current mode logic) based CTLE architecture is shown in

Figure 2.6. The pole and zero locations of the CTLE are controlled by the source degen-

eration impedance. This architecture has been widely adopted over the past years [13–16].

But with the scaling of the transistors and the reduced power supplies, CML based ar-

chitecture does not deliver power efficient solution. Moreover, this architecture utilizes

passive inductors to push the bandwidth, which results in higher area consumption.



Figure 2.6: CML based conventional CTLE architecture.

In order to save some inductor area and extend the bandwidth, negative capacitance
Chapter 2. Background 14

circuit (NCC) has been used to reduce the load capacitance as shown in Figure 2.7 [17].

But this solution

TH ADAPTIVE CASCADED is again power hungry and challenging to realize high frequency6100509
EQUALIZER negative


Fig. 6.2.7: Schematic
CML based of
witharchitecture with negative
both inductive peakingcapacitance
and NCC.implemen-
tation [17].

uctance de- However, CMOS inverter based architecture (shown in Figure 2.8) does in fact take
Hz) output C. Three-Stage Cascaded CTLE With Different
the advantage of technology scaling and can offer power-efficient solutions (explained
capacitance Peaking Frequencies
in the next chapter). It generally includes a cascade of passive equalizer and an active
e noise de- The conventional CTLE filter has been studied clearly [26].
amplifier. It has shown potential benefits in terms of area and power reduction [18], [19].
noise con- With the capacitive degeneration, this CTLE circuit achieves a
bution from A typical inverter based CTLE architecture [19] is shown in Figure 2.9.
boosting at high frequencies with the sacrifice of DC gain. The
high qual- transfer function is [26]
not signifi-
V Passiveg R 1 + ωsz 1
nce of M9 IN
out m
1 D
Vin g R
1+ 2 m 1 S s
1 + ω p 1 RL1 + CLs
ωp 2
TIA is vul- Active
fore, a fully where ωz 1 = 1/(RS CS ), p1 ωAmplifier
+ g m 12R D )/(RS CS ),
= (1
required to ωp2 = 1/(RD CL ), and gm 1 is the transconductance of M1 .
[24]. To en- This topology suffers
Figurefrom limited
2.8: CMOS bandwidth
inverter based CTLE.and consequently

e supply of insufficient boosting at high frequencies. Therefore, inductive

peaking was introduced into this topology as shown in Fig. 6(b).
The transfer function is [26]
transconductances, (gm1+gm2)/(2gml). The coupling capacitor
C is implemented with a fingered MOM device. Active
Chapter 2. are used in both low- and high-frequency paths for
Background 15

gm2 gml

C v
gm1 gml

Figure 2.9: CMOS inverterNyquist

based CTLE
gainfor PAM-2
~ (g +g application
m1 )/(2g ) [19].
m2 ml
There is another CTLE architecture proposed in [20] which makes use of a combina- c
tion of both CML and CMOS inverter based designs (shown in Figure 2.10). This design
has good CMRR (Common mode rejection ratio) and low power consumption. The front
high pass filter eliminates low frequency content and sets the low cutoff frequency for
input data stream. DC gain ~ gm1/gml 28GHz m

Fig. 4. Single-ended CTLE schematic and simulated frequency responses. N

Authorized licensed use limited to: The University of Toronto. Downloaded on Augu

Figure 2.10: CML and CMOS inverter based CTLE [20].

Fig. 3. CTLE Gm (a) and TIA (b) stages.

Chapter 2. Background 16

2.5. Thesis scope

Driven by the trending research in the high speed SERDES development, this thesis

focuses on developing a new CMOS inverter based architecture for analog front end design

of a long-reach 112 Gbps PAM-4 SERDES receiver. It should provide energy-efficient

equalization solution while maintaining satisfactory noise performance, linearity, power

supply noise rejection and programmability options. The design will be implemented in

16nm FinFET CMOS technology which will land on a flip-chip BGA (Ball Grid Array)

package substrate.
Receiver Analog Front-end
3 Design

3.1. Long-reach channel

In this project, the RX application is designed for 1m long backplane channel, which

provides ∼ 30 dB attenuation at the Nyquist frequncy of 28GHz. Frequency and pulse

response characteristic of this long reach channel model (provided by ieee803.ck) for

an ideal termination of 50 Ω is shown in Figure 3.1. However, when the channel is

connected with the input of the receiver, it no longer remains ideally terminated and

exhibits an attenuation ∼ 36 dB due to the package and on-chip parasitics. To improve

the additional attenuation due to package and on-chip parasitics, a front-end termination

network is used so that there is minimal addition attenuation at high frequencies.

3.2. Front-end termination network

The front-end termination block is the portion of the receiver from the channel output to

the CTLE input. The receiver input can have DC or AC coupling from TX through the

channel depending on the application. In our case (AC coupling), there is ≈ 1µF off-chip

coupling capacitor, which ensures to block signals only below 3.2 KHz as per equation

3.1. However, this large capacitor will have parasitic inductance and own self-resonance

frequency. The latter should be much greater than the Nyquist frequency. If this does

not happen, we can decrease the value of off-chip capacitor provided it does not hurt

Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 18

Channel magnitude response


Nyquist Frequency = 28 GHz



-20 CHANNEL GAIN @ 28GHz = -29.85 dB

|H(f)| dB




10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (in Hz)

10 -3 Pulse Response

Amplitude (in volts)

6.7 6.8 6.9 7 7.1
Time (in sec) 10 -9


Figure 3.1: LR channel characterization with ideal 50 Ω termination: (a) Magnitude response
shows 30 dB loss at 28 GHz Nyquist frequency; (b) Pulse response for pulse width corresponding
to 56 Gbps data-rate; showing the pre, post and main cursors.
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 19

lower cut-off frequency intended for our application.

fz ≈ (3.1)
2πRt Cof f −chip

In high speed SERDES, the frequency of the input data stream does not go that low

due to 8b/10b or 64b/66b coding, which is required to avoid baseline wandering due to

long stream of 1s or 0s. AC coupling enables the designer to set the input common-mode

voltage level of the CTLE. The front-end termination block is shown in Figure 3.2.

k = 0.6

≈ 1 uF off-chip cap 180 pH 73 pH CTLE OUT+

IN+ Rt = 50 Ω
Cesd = 70 fF
Cpad = 100fF
Lt = 500 pH
CM bias from CTLE

Lt = 500 pH
k = 0.6

Rt = 50 Ω
IN- 180 pH 73 pH

≈ 1 uF off-chip cap CTLE OUT-

Cesd = 70 fF
Cpad = 100fF

Front-end termination network

Figure 3.2: Front-end termination network.

The signal enters the CMOS die through C4 solder bump pads, which then passes

through the Tcoil, ESD cell and other passive circuitry for providing proper termina-

tion with channel’s characteristic impedance (≈ 50 Ω). The explanation about various

components in this network is given below -

Parasitic capacitors: The bump pad area is ≈ 80 µm x 80 µm. Upon extraction

Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 20

in layout and having some safety margin, pad capacitance is nearly 100 fF. Additionally,

there is always some level of HBM (Human Body Model), CDM (Charged Device Model)

and MM (Machine Model) ESD protection requirement. Since the input signal is a high

speed path, there is only primary ESD diode for protection. The ESD capacitance value

is ≈ 70 fF upon extraction. In addition to these parasitic capacitances, there is an

additional loading by CTLE input. These parastitics further degrade the transmission

(S21 ) response of the channel. However, with the help of Tcoil and another inductor Lt ,

we have boosted the signal and provided passive equalization.

Bandwidth enhancement with T-coil: T-coil is an old technique developed in

1920s to extend bandwidth of the circuit. The design and usage of T-coil is well explained

in [21]. Since ESD and bump pads are unavoidable, T-coils have proved to be very

beneficial in extending the bandwidth of the circuit in [22–25]. The circuit diagram

shown in Figure 3.2 shows the parameters of an asymmetric T-coil chosen for this design.

The use of T-coil is advantageous because the capacitors associated with the middle node

can be nullified to a certain extent by mutual coupling between the split inductors. The

functioning of T-coil network is explained in [23]. The parameters of the T-coil are chosen

such that it provides an adequate magnitude response at the CTLE input in addition to

the termination requirements.

Inductor load, Lt for passive equalization: Generally the use of only T-coil

is mentioned in research papers for bandwidth extension. For data rate exceeding 100

Gbps, we have to provide additional boost by using a passive inductor Lt . The need for

T-coil as well as additional inductor Lt can be understood from the waveforms shown in

Figure 3.3. It is shown that if the channel is terminated with only ideal resistor = 50

Ω (which matches with the characteristic impedance of the channel), then the channel’s

magnitude response shows ≈ 30 dB attenuation at Nyquist frequency. If the channel is

terminated with a network similar to shown in Figure 3.2 but without any T-coil and Lt ,

then the magnitude response at CTLE input drops to ≈ -35 dB. The inclusion of T-coil
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 21

to that network improves the magnitude response by 2 dB and finally with the proposed

architecture (with T-coil and Lt included), the magnitude response improves further by

3 dB and becomes almost similar to the case if the channel is terminated ideally.

Magnitude response at CTLE input


Nyquist Frequency = 28 GHz



|H(f)| dB

GAIN @ 28GHz = -29.67 dB

GAIN @ 28GHz = -35.22 dB

GAIN @ 28GHz = -33.29 dB

-25 GAIN @ 28GHz = -30.63 dB

Channel is terminated ideally with Rt = 50 ohms only

-30 No Tcoil and Lt but ESD, PAD and RX inputs connected
no Lt but Tcoil, ESD, PAD and RX inputs connected
Proposed termination network response
10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (in Hz)

Figure 3.3: Magnitude response from channel input to CTLE input due to various termination
circuits. Proposed architecture behaves closest to the case when the channel is terminated

The transfer function of the proposed network is shown in Equation 3.2, where Lt

term in the numerator helps to have sufficient gain at high frequencies. The derived

transfer function ignores parasitic capacitance of the elements in the proposed network.

In addition, the CTLE input impedance is assumed to be very high than Rt value.

The approximated transfer function provides good understanding of the network. The

magnitude response of this transfer function for different Lt values is shown in Figure 3.4.

The overall impact of the different values of Lt on the channel and the front-termination

network is shown in Figure 3.5. Finally a value of Lt = 500 pH is chosen that provides
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 22

the required passive equalization. It should be taken care that the self-resonance of this

inductor is greater enough than the Nyquist frequency. The inductors and T-coils in this

project are laid out in M10-M11 and then their extracted models are generated using

EMX simulation tool.

−Cesd Lt M s3 − Cesd M Rt s2 + Lt s + Rt
H(s) =
(−Cesd M 2 + Cesd L1 L2 + Cesd L1 Lt )s3 + Cesd L1 Rt s2 + (L1 + L2 + Lt + 2M )s + Rt

AC gain of front-end-termination network


Nyquist Frequency = 28 GHz



-2 GAIN @ 28GHz = -4.90 dB

|H(f)| dB

-3 GAIN @ 28GHz = -4.25 dB

-4 GAIN @ 28GHz = -3.13 dB

-5 GAIN @ 28GHz = -1.92 dB

Lt = 0 pH
-6 Lt = 100 pH GAIN @ 28GHz = -0.85 dB
Lt = 200 pH
-7 Lt = 300 pH GAIN @ 28GHz = 0.04 dB
Lt = 400 pH
-8 Lt = 500 pH GAIN @ 28GHz = 0.77 dB
Lt = 600 pH
10 9 10 10
frequency (in Hz)

Figure 3.4: Magnitude response of front termination network from the channel output to the
CTLE input with variation in Lt for the proposed architecture.
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 23

Magnitude response at CTLE input


Nyquist Frequency = 28 GHz



-15 GAIN @ 28GHz = -33.29 dB

|H(f)| dB

GAIN @ 28GHz = -33.06 dB

GAIN @ 28GHz = -32.43 dB
GAIN @ 28GHz = -31.73 dB
GAIN @ 28GHz = -31.12 dB
Lt = 0 pH
-25 Lt = 100 pH GAIN @ 28GHz = -30.63 dB
Lt = 200 pH GAIN @ 28GHz = -30.24 dB
Lt = 300 pH
-30 Lt = 400 pH
Lt = 500 pH
Lt = 600 pH
10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (in Hz)

Figure 3.5: Magnitude response from channel input to the CTLE input with variation in Lt
for the proposed architecture.

3.3. CTLE design

The analog front end block diagram is shown in Figure 3.6, which includes the front pas-

sive termination block (already discussed), CTLE core, an output buffer to take the high

speed signals off-chip. and finally a back-end passive network to extend the bandwidth

using T-coil. The CTLE core consists of three stages namely high frequency boost stage,

mid-band boost stage and final buffer stage to drive a 100 fF capacitive load. This ca-

pacitive load is the expected load for the front-end sampler of a 64-way time-interleaved

ADC. There is an ADC as a following block according to modern SERDES architecture

for LR channel, but we have limited our research to the CTLE design only.

The CTLE design is implemented using CMOS tristate inverter as driver and active

load in certain stages. The tristate nature of the inverter allows better tunability options,

which are discussed later in this chapter. The CMRR of a CMOS inverter amplifier

(generally CMRR ≤ 0 dB ) is worse than that of a current source based differential

Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 24

feedback amplifiers
Forced common-
mode voltage

Sensed common-
mode voltage


High-frequency Mid-band
Load Output
Buffer-stage capacitor
Analog CTLE CTLE Buffer Back-end
Front-end Passives


Figure 3.6: Analog front end block diagram showing three stage CTLE.

amplifier (CMRR >> 0 dB and ideally CMRR = ∞ for ideal current source). In addition,

this CTLE architecture needs to have a proper common-mode bias voltage to ensure

adequate biasing for amplification. There is a feedback loop to provide common-mode

bias voltage and and to improve the CMRR and PSRR (Power Supply Rejection Ratio).

The benefits and limitations of the feedback loop are discussed in Section 3.3.5.

3.3.1. Basic design elements used in CTLE

The CTLE architecture uses certain basic elements multiple times, which include CMOS

tristate inverter as an amplifier, a diode-connected load and an active inductor. Inverter

is used extensively in digital circuits however they can be used as good analog building

blocks provided they are biased properly. the strength of these cells are made tunable

using enable and disable switches. CMOS tristate inverter as a basic amplifier unit

This section will discuss the reasons for choosing to use CMOS tristate inverter cell

(shown in Figure 3.7) as a basic unit instead of the conventional current source based

differential amplifier (shown in figure 3.8). The primary advantage of using a differential
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 25

amplifier is that it has better CMRR as compared to the CMOS inverter operating as

an amplifier. But there are certain disadvantages too, which have been discussed later

in detail in this section only.

The small-signal model of the circuit shown in Figure 3.8 can be analysed to find

small-signal DC gain described in Equation 3.3.

+ −
Vout − Vout Vout − (−Vout ) Vout Z
Av = + − = = = gmn · ( k rds,n ) (3.3)
Vin − Vin Vin − (−Vin ) Vin 2

Further since in CMOS FinFET technology, the mobility, strength and other param-

eters of the PMOS and NMOS are almost the same, it is fair to assume that gmn ≈

gmp = gm and rdsn ≈ rdsp = rds for the NMOS and PMOS respectively. Also, with

the assumption that Z  rds, the overall DC gain of the differential amplifier can be

evaluated using Equation 3.4.

Av (differential amplifier) ≈ gm · (3.4)

However, the DC gain for small-signal model of CMOS inverter amplifier (shown in

Figure 3.7) is given in Equation 3.5.

Av (inverter amplifier) ≈ gm · Z (3.5)

Advantages of CMOS inverter as an amplifier over differential amplifier:

It is evident from the DC gain equations that for the same bias current, CMOS inverter

cell provides twice the gain as compared to the differential amplifier. This high gain

results from the transconductance which is twice in the case of CMOS inverter. Another

limitation of the differential amplifier is that it requires higher supply voltage to keep its

three-stack transistors in saturation that too with some margin. On the other side, the

inverter cell is a 2-stack transistor architecture and needs less supply voltage for adequate

biasing. With the transistor scaling, the supply voltages are becoming less than 1 V and
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 26

Ron ≈ 0 Ω

EN PMOS switch

-Vout +Vout
+gm_p*Vin rds_p rds_p -gm_p*Vin

-Vout +Vout
+Vin -Vin +gm_n*Vin rds_n rds_n -gm_n*Vin

CMOS Ron ≈ 0 Ω

NMOS switch +Vout


(gm_n+gm_p)*Vin Z
CMOS tristate inverter


Small-signal model
(assuming Z << rds_n ≈ rds_p

Figure 3.7: Analysis of CMOS tristate inverter cell as an amplifier.

-Vout Z Z +Vout

Z Z 2 2
2 2 +gm_n*Vin rds_n -gm_n*Vin rds_n

-Vout +Vout

+Vin -Vin


gm_n*Vin Z

Differential amplifier Small-signal model (assuming Z << rds_n)

Figure 3.8: Analysis of CML based differential amplifier.

Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 27

high-stack architectures are difficult to design and becoming obsolete. So, these two

are the primary reasons for choosing inverter cell as a low-power amplifier. In addition,

the enable/disable feature in the tristate CMOS inverter unit provides a tunability knob

which allows to have a power-scalable design. This has been used extensively throughout

the whole design.

However, the CMOS inverter has some disadvantages in terms of PSRR and CMRR.

Another disadvantage is that the common-mode level at the inverter inputs and out-

puts is mid-rail, which is incompatible with many/most other analog amplifier stages

under low supply voltages, such as the source-follower, common-source, most high-speed

comparators etc.

PMOS switch
EN switches EN

-Vout +Vout -Vout +Vout

+Vin -Vin +Vin -Vin





CMOS tristate inverter-1 CMOS tristate inverter-2

Figure 3.9: CMOS tristate inverter configuratios as an amplifier.

Further, there can be different architectures for an inverter-cell as an amplifier as well.

Two of them are shown in Figure 3.9. The CMOS tristate inverter-1 architecture provides

lower transconductance gm due to the source degeneration caused by the resistance of

the switch in ON mode. On the other hand, the CMOS tristate inverter-2 architecture
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 28

provides higher transconductance gm for the same bias current as there is no source

degeneration because the common source node is virtually grounded. Hence, the CMOS

tristate inverter-2 architecture has been adopted as the basic unit in this work. Inverter-2

architecture in this work is one of the primary differences between this design and that

in [10] where Inverter-1 architecture was used.

There can also be a third type of amplifier which is shown in Figure 3.10. In this con-

figuration, the main driving transistors and the switch transistors are swapped. But this

architecture requires large switch sizes and has more parasitics. Thus, it is discouraged

for our intended application.


EN switches

-Vout +Vout
+Vin -Vin


CMOS tristate inverter-3

Figure 3.10: CMOS tristate inverter architecture with switches away from ends.

Since, the inverter driver will be used several times in the design, its symbolic repre-

sentation alongwith its circuit diagram is shown in Figure 3.11 for better understanding.
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 29


fingers = 4*m
fins = 8 PMOS switch
len = 16nm
+Vin -Vout

fingers = m fingers = m
fins = 4 fins = 4
len = 16nm len = 16nm

m +Vin -Vout +Vout -Vin

-Vin +Vout fingers = m fingers = m

fins = 4 fins = 4
len = 16nm len = 16nm

fingers = 4*m
Symbol EN fins = 8 NMOS switch
len = 16nm

Circuit diagram

Figure 3.11: Tristate inverter symolic representation. Inverter as tunable active resistor : diode-connected load

The diode-connected load acts as an active resistor (shown in Figure 3.12) with an effec-

tive input resistance as given in Equation 3.6.

Rin (diode connected load) = (3.6)
2(gm + gds )

Generally, the output transconductance gds is very small as compared to the transcon-
ductance gm . Since the self-gain gds
is pretty high (≈ 15) for FinFET technology, so the

gds term can be ignored and the final input resistance is given by Equation 3.7.

Rin (diode connected load) ≈ (3.7)

This resistor can be tuned by changing the strength of the transistors through series

enable/disable switches. Not only this resistance is tunable, it also acts as a very good
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 30

fingers = 2*m
EN fins = 8
len = 16nm

fingers = m gm*Vin
fins = 4
len = 16nm
m Vin

Vin Vin
fingers = m
Symbol fins = 4
len = 16nm
Small-signal model
fingers = 2*m
(assuming rds >>0
EN fins = 8 & ideal switch)
len = 16nm

Circuit diagram

Figure 3.12: Tunable active resistor.

biasing circuit. Because of the negative feedback due to shorted gate and drain of the

transistors, the input node gets biased at nearly half of the supply voltage. However, the

bias voltage may be slightly different from the mid-rail supply voltage if the PMOS and

NMOS have different strengths, which is unlikely in the case of FinFETs. This self-bias

feature of the diode-connected load can be exploited to bias the drain node of the inverter


The CMOS inverter (which is a tranconductance amplifier) with a self-biased diode-

connected load works as a voltage amplifier. This combination will be used multiple times

throughout the CTLE design. Another benefit of using this configuration is that the DC

gain (given in Equation 3.8) is PVT insensitive. But these benefits come at the cost of

power. Especially, a small valued active resistor is very power hungry as it requires a

high gm value.

DC Gain (inverter with diode connected load) = (3.8)
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 31 Inverter as tunable active inductor

Inverter cell can be used as an inductor to reduce the area overhead caused by passive

coil-based inductors. The active inductor architecture used in this design is shown in

Figure 3.13. Ignoring the output transconductance term and solving the small-signal

model, the input impedance of the active inductor can be evaluated from Equation 3.9.

fingers = 2*m
fins = 8
len = 16nm Cgs

fingers = m gm*Vx
fins = 4
len = 16nm
m Rfb Vin
Vin Vin
Rfb Vx
fingers = m
Symbol fins = 4 Cgs
len = 16nm

EN fingers = 2*m Small-signal model

fins = 8 (assuming rds >>0
len = 16nm & ideal switch)
Circuit diagram

Figure 3.13: Tunable active inductor.

1 1 + sRf b Cgs
Zin (s) = ∗ (3.9)
2 gm + sCgs

The Rf b term provides low pass filtering and it creates a zero to give an inductive

boost. But, there also exists a parasitic pole which limits the bandwidth usage of this

inductor. Moreover, with the inclusion of other transistor parasitics, the bandwidth

extension provided by this inductor decreases even further. If we assume that Cgs is

negligible then the input impedance transforms and can be evaluated using Equation

Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 32

1 1 + sRf b Cgs
Zin (s) ≈ ∗ (3.10)
2 gm

1 Rf b
Zin (s) ≈ +s (3.11)
2gm 2ωt

Limitation on using large Rf b value: Looking at this equation, one can argue

that if we keep on increasing the Rf b value, one can attain very large inductor value, but

there is a limitation on that. It can be explained by a case study of a situation where

a CMOS inverter acting as an amplifier drives an active inductor with a capacitive load

CL , as shown in Figure 3.14.


Vin Vout (1+s*Rfb*Cgs)

gm gm_driver*Vin 2*(gm+s*Cgs)
gm_driver CL

Circuit diagram Small-signal model

Figure 3.14: Inverter amplifier drives active inductor load alongwith capacitive load CL .

Solving the small-signal model of the circuit given in the figure, the transfer function

of the inverter driving an active inductor can be evaluated using Equation 3.12. This

equation has a term dependant on Rf b in the denominator too, which indicates that

having a large value of Rf b can reduce gain at high frequencies. Rf b value can have further

implications on thermal noise [19]. The value of Rf b is a trade-off between noise and

bandwidth requirements and thus, it needs to be optimized under stringent requirements


gmdriver 1 + sRf b Cgs

H(s) = ∗ s(CL +2Cgs ) s2 Rf b Cgs CL
2gm 1+ +
2gm 2gm
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 33

In this work, in addition to tunable transistors, Rf b is also tunable through series tran-

sistor switches, which provides flexibility to tune the inductor value for a given bandwidth

requirement. However, the increased circuitry (due to tunability) has an adverse effect

on the circuit bandwidth due to the additional parasitics.

3.3.2. High-frequency boost stage (HF-CTLE)

This is the first stage of the CTLE and it is responsible for the major high frequency peak-

ing. The architecture consists of a combination of a high-pass filter and inverter based

active circuit for amplification as shown in Figure 3.15. The input signal is amplified in

two different frequency ranges. The high-pass filter path is responsible for amplification

in high frequency range only, whereas the DC coupled path is responsible for DC as well

as high-frequency gain. This is followed by an active inductor which provides bandwidth

extension. All the active elements are tunable due to the inverter’s tristate nature.

Cz_hf = 85 fF Lz_hf = 450 pH m=8
Rz_hf = 65 Ω (gm_loadhf)
m = 30
CM bias
Common-mode (gm_hf)
bias from Rz_hf = 65 Ω
feedback loop
Cz_hf = 85 fF Lz_hf = 450 pH

High pass filter m=8



Figure 3.15: High frequency boost stage.

The front high-pass filter uses a mom-cap which is more linear and has less parasitics
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 34

as compared to the MOS-capacitor. A tunable resistance is realized by using series

transistor switches. The switch sizes are big to ensure small ON resistance which adds

parasitics. As a remedy, it is better to have these switches close to the common-mode

node, so that there are less parasitics in the main differential signal path.

A series-peaking inductor is also used to reduce the attenuation due to the parasitic

capacitors at the output of this filter. The impact of this passive filter is very much

visible from the magnitude response of the transfer function of this circuit as shown in

Figure 3.16. Larger Lzhf values provide better gain at high frequency but also have sharp

roll-off in the magnitude response, which can cause under-shoots in the pulse-response

and eventually degrades horizontal margins in the eye diagram. So, an optimum inductor

value of 450 pH is chosen to meet the design requirement.

HF filter AC gain
Lz hf = 0 pH
0 Lz hf = 150 pH
Lz hf = 300 pH
-5 Lz hf = 450 pH
Lz hf = 600 pH

|H(f)| dB





10 9 10 10
frequency (in Hz)

Figure 3.16: Large Lzhf value helps to have better filter gain at high frequencies.

Upon ignoring the capacitive load and the inductor effect, the transfer function of this

CTLE stage can be given by Equation 3.13. Passive inductor and parasitic capacitors
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 35

are not considered while deriving this equation in order to have better visibility of the

circuit’s poles and zeros. The zero location of this CTLE stage is given by Equation 3.14

and the pole location is given by Equation 3.15.

1 gmdc + s(gmdc + gmhf )Rzhf Czhf

H(s) = ∗ (3.13)
gmloadhf 1 + sRzhf Czhf

wz = gmhf (3.14)
(1 + gmdc
)Rzhf Czhf

wp = (3.15)
Rzhf Czhf

Looking at these equations, the pole and zero locations, as well as the DC gain of the

high-frequency CTLE stage very much depend on the transconductance of transistors. So,

most of the tunability requirement is achieved by tuning the strength of the transistors.

However, it also changes either the DC or the high-frequency gain along with it. On the

other side, the tunability in the resistor will just change the pole and the zero location

without affecting the gain levels. The input bias of the inverter amplifiers is provided

by the common-mode node of the high-pass filter, which is controlled by a feedback loop

and will be discussed later in this chapter.

3.3.3. Mid-band gain stage

This is the second stage in the CTLE and is responsible for low to mid-frequency range

equalization. Before, diving into its circuit, it is better to explain the need for MF-CTLE

(mid-band CTLE) first. Need for MF-CTLE

Traditionally, there used to be only one high-frequency boost stage in the CTLE. But

now, as the Nyquist frequency of operation is increasing, the high-frequency CTLE stage

only is not sufficient for the low to mid-frequency range equalization [26]. This is largely
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 36

due to the channel’s magnitude response not being steep in low to mid frequency range

(due to skin loss) and the fact that the high-frequency equalizer is designed to have a

+20 dB/decade slope. So, there is a need for an equalizer that can match better with

the gentle slope of the channel’s frequency response in the mid frequency region.

MF-CTLE is also called the long-tail ISI equalizer because it eliminates several post-

cursors in the CTLE pulse-response [27] and thus removes the long-tail ISI. It is reported

that to accomplish the same task delivered by MF-CTLE for cancelling the post-cursors, a

multi-dozen-tap DFE/FFE would be required [27]. The inclusion of this block reduces the

complexity for the remaining equalization blocks. In order to have a better understanding

regarding the need for MF-CTLE, a MATLAB based model of CTLE (with and without

mid-band stage) is created for the same LR channel. The model transfer function is

shown in Equation 3.16. The CTLE model parameters are tabulated in Table 3.1.

s s
1+ f z,hf
1+ f z,mf 1
Av (CTLE model) = k · ( s )·( s )· s (3.16)
1+ f p,hf
1+ f p,mf
(1 + f p,parasitics

Table 3.1: CTLE model parameters in MATLAB.

fp,parasitics fz (zero due

fz (zero) fp (pole)
(pole) to inductor)
frequency 3 GHz 28 GHz 42 GHz 28 GHz
boost stage
frequency 150 MHz 200 MHz 42 GHz -
boost stage
Buffer stage - - 42 GHz -
• CTLE with mid-band stage has cascade of HF boost stage, MF-boost stage and buffer
stage with overall DC gain = -10 dB.

• CTLE without mid-band stage has cascade of HF boost stage and buffer stage with
overall DC gain = -10 dB.
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 37

It is important to ensure that the goal of the equalization is to have a flat magnitude

response till the Nyquist frequency. Figure 3.17 illustrates how a CTLE with mid-band

stage does better equalization till the higher frequency than the one without the mid-

band stage. Generally, the mid-band stage has a very small amount of boost in the

low frequency range, which is achieved by having a circuit with nearby zero and pole

locations, as shown in the CTLE model parameters table. It can be inferred that without

the mid-band CTLE, the equalized channel magnitude response is not completely flat.

This model provides the equalization to a certain extent and it is expected that the

remaining equalization is achieved by using RX-FFE and RX-DFE.

Magnitude response of Channel and CTLE



|H(f)| dB


Channel+CTLE with mid-band stage
-25 Mid-band stage CTLE
Channel+CTLE without mid-band stage


10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (in Hz)

Figure 3.17: Mid-band CTLE improves equalization in terms of magnitude response.

In order to understand long-tail cancellation effect, there is a need to examine the

CTLE’s pulse response and eventually the eye diagram. The pulse response (for pulse
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 38

width corresponding to 56 Gbps NRZ data rate) for the channel and the CTLE (with

and without MF-CTLE) is shown in Figure 3.18.

10 -3 Pulse Response
CTLE with mid-band stage
CTLE without mid-band stage

PMR = 4.74
PMR = 2.06
Amplitude (in volts)

PMR = 2.20

6.7 6.8 6.9 7 7.1
Time (in sec) 10 -9

Figure 3.18: Mid-band CTLE has less post-cursor ISI with reference to the main-cursor.

Main cursor corresponds to the main signal while the pre and post cursors are residues

in other bits. Cursors except the main cursor are responsible for ISI and are thus unde-

sirable. MF-CTLE especially provides a better attenuation for the case of post-cursors.

If the main cursor is treated as the main signal and other cursors as ISI, we can charac-

terize the pulse response in terms of Signal to ISI ratio (signal to noise ratio) given by

Equations 3.18 and 3.20.

Power of main-cursor
Signal to ISI ratiopre−cursors = (3.17)
ΣPower of pre-cursors
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 39

Signal to ISI ratiopre−cursors = (3.18)

Power of main-cursor
Signal to ISI ratiopost−cursors = (3.19)
ΣPower of post-cursors

Signal to ISI ratiopost−cursors = (3.20)

The Signal to post-cursor ISI ratio of the pulse response for ideal n-tap DFE is shown

in Figure 3.19. The n-tap DFE (or ”n” skipped cursors) means that it eliminates first

”n” number of post-cursors. The plot shows that Signal to ISI ratio improves as the

number of taps increase or unwanted cursors decrease. The key point of this plot is to

show that the CTLE with mid-band stage has significantly high Signal to ISI ratio for

post-cursor analysis, however it does not have much impact on the pre-cursors (can be

verified but not shown in the plot). This indicates better long-tail cancellation in the

case of MF-CTLE. This plot be be used to find number of DFE taps required to meet a

target Signal to post-cursor ISI ratio and hence BER. It can be inferred from plot that

with MF-CTLE, we need less number of taps to achieve same BER target.

Finally, the eye-diagram has been created for 50k bits at 56 Gbps NRZ data rate as

shown in Figures 3.20, 3.21, 3.22 and 3.23. In this simulation, the channel input receives

1 Vpp differential signal swing and there is no noise consideration . With MF-CTLE, the

eye diagram has better DC voltage level signals as highlighted in green boxes. Also, the

horizontal and vertical eye opening is better for the center eye as shown in Figures 3.22

and 3.23.
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 40

Signal to ISI ratio analysis for post-cursors in the pulse response

With midband CTLE
Without midband CTLE

Signal to ISI ratio (dB)



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Ideal n-tap DFE (number of skipped post-cursors)
Figure 3.19: Signal to post-cursor ISI ratio for CTLE pulse response.
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 41

Figure 3.20: Eye diagram at the output of the CTLE without mid-band stage. Green-box
highlights more ISI due to the long-tail in the pulse response.

Figure 3.21: Eye diagram at the output of the CTLE with mid-band stage. Green-box
highlights lesser ISI due to the long-tail in the pulse response.
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 42

Figure 3.22: Center eye opening at the output of the CTLE without mid-band stage. (Vertical
eye opening = 26 mVpp and horizontal eye opening = 42 % UI )

Figure 3.23: Center eye opening at the output of the CTLE with mid-band stage. (Vertical
eye opening = 60 mVpp and horizontal eye opening = 57 % UI )
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 43 MF-CTLE design

The architecture for MF-CTLE is shown in Figure 3.24. It consists of a high pass filter

post the inverter amplifiers, unlike the pre-amplifier filter in the case of HF-CTLE. Similar

to HF-CTLE, MF-CTLE also does amplification in two different frequency regions -

low and mid-to-high frequency regions. The top half as shown in the Figure 3.24 is

responsible for wide-band amplification while the bottom half provides gain only in mid-

to-high frequency range. The capacitor in the filter is tunable through series transistor

switch. The combination of Rdmf and Cz mainly decides the zero location for this CTLE.

There are active inductors in the wide-band gain path for bandwidth enhancement.

m = 11
m = 10

m = 11
Cz = 400 fF Cz = 400 fF (Rd_dc)

660 Ω


660 Ω


Figure 3.24: Mid-band gain stage.

Upon ignoring the capacitive load and the effect of the active inductor, the transfer

function for this gain stage is given in Equation 3.21 and the design parameters are given
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 44


Cz Rd_dc

gm_dc*Vin gm_mf*Vin Rd_mf Ld_dc

Figure 3.25: Small-signal gain circuit for half-circuit of mid-band gain stage.

in Equations 3.22, 3.23 and 3.24.

gmdc Rddc [1 + sCz Rdmf (1 + gmdc
H(s) = − (3.21)
1 + sCz (Rdmf + Rddc )

DC gain = gmdc Rddc (3.22)

wz = gmmf (3.23)
Cz Rdmf (1 + gmdc

wp = (3.24)
Cz (Rdmf + Rddc )
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 45

3.3.4. Buffer stage

This stage is a wide-band amplifier and does not provide any equalization, rather its

purpose is to drive the 100 fF capacitive load of the CTLE. This stage reduces the

capacitive load for MF-CTLE by providing sufficient isolation from the main load. The

architecture of the buffer stage is shown in Figure 3.26.

45 Ω

135 pH
m = 33
(gm_buf) (for feedback loop)
135 pH

45 Ω

Figure 3.26: Buffer stage.

The drivers are pretty strong in this stage and require a resistive load of ∼ 40 Ω.

Unlike other stages, this stage does not have any active load as it is unwise to realize

an active resistance of 40 Ω (power hungry circuit). The load also consists of a passive

inductor for bandwidth enhancement. Ignoring the capacitive load and the effect of the

inductor, a simplified form of the transfer function of this stage is given in Equation 3.25.

H(s) = gmbuf RL (3.25)

3.3.5. CMFB (Common Mode Feedback Loop)

The CMRR analysis for this CTLE is shown in Table 3.2. This information signifies

how a low frequency differential and common mode signal will be amplified through each
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 46

CTLE stage. In an ideal scenario, it is not desired that the common mode signal is

amplified. A low CMRR value implies that a common-mode noise can have significant

impact on the differential signals.

Table 3.2: CMRR analysis for each stage in the CTLE.

Differential DC Common-mode Differential gain

CM RR = Common-mode gain (in dB)
gain (in dB) DC gain (in dB)
HF stage
(after high 9.3 9.3 0
pass filter)
MF stage -1.5 -1.5 0
0.5 23 -22.5
(post HPF ∼ 8.3 ∼ 30.8 ∼ -22.5
to end)

In addition, if there is a small DC offset at the input common mode node, then that

offset will amplify and ruin the biasing for the next stages. So, there is a need to regulate

the common-mode voltage. The third stage of the CTLE has degraded CMRR largely as

compared to the other stages. The analysis shows that it is because of the fact that its

common-mode gain is equal to the intrinsic gain of the transistor. This is caused by the

passive load which is not the case with the first two stages. To overcome these issues, a

CMFB loop architecture is implemented and shown in Figure 3.27.

This architecture ensures better common-mode bias (nearly half of the supply voltage)

and PSRR (power supply rejection ratio) upto ∼ 100 MHz supply noise due to finite loop

bandwidth. The whole negative feedback loop consists of five negative polarity inverter

stages, three out of which are part of the CTLE core and the remaining two inverters are

in the feedback path. The open-loop DC gain is ≈ 60 dB with a phase margin of ≈ 80◦ ,

which is sufficient for the stability of the loop. The stability is achieved by using a 4.7

pF compensation capacitor in the feedback path as shown in the Figure 3.27. This loop

has gain cross-over frequency of ≈ 600 MHz.

Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 47


m=4 m=2 m=1

4.7 pF
Forced common-
mode voltage

Sensed common-
IN+ mode voltage





Figure 3.27: CTLE architecture highlighting common-mode feedback loop.

3.3.6. Complete CTLE architecture

The complete CTLE architecture containing the front-end termination block, HF-CTLE,

MF-CTLE, buffer stage and feedback loop is shown in Figure 3.28.


4.7 pF
m=4 m=2 m=1

k = 0.6 m=8
IN+ 180 pH 73 pH m = 11 OUT-
85 fF
50 Ω 450 pH 45 Ω
Cesd = 70 fF
500 pH 65 Ω 135 pH
Cpad = 100 fF m = 30 m = 10 m = 33
k = 0.6 500 pH 135 pH
65 Ω
180 pH 73 pH 50 Ω 85 fF 450 pH 45 Ω
Cesd = 70 fF
400 fF 400 fF
Cpad = 100 fF
660 Ω m = 11
Front-end termination m=8
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design

m=4 m=5

660 Ω


Figure 3.28: Complete CTLE core architecture.

Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 49

3.3.7. Output buffer and back-end passive network

For the testability of the CTLE , an output buffer stage is required to carry the CTLE

output signals to the outside world (including the external testing equipments such as

oscilloscope and network analyser) without any degradation. The output stage has to be

co-designed with the oscilloscope’s input impedance (≈ 50 Ω with parasitic capacitance

which limit its bandwidth for characterization). The overall architecture for this stage

is shown in Figure 3.29. The buffer uses a high supply voltage of 1.2V to ensure good

Vds saturation margin while providing large “gm ” (and hence gain) from single stage

amplifier. It consists of a passive level shifter circuit, CML based differential amplifer

as buffer, T-coil, ESD cell and bump pads. Generally the output bumps are located far

away from the output buffer and require transmission-line modelling for the routing. The

CML based architecture is chosen here for better CMRR.

Vdd = 1.2V


300 pH 300 pH
213 pH 63 pH OUT-

50 Ω
Cpad = 100 fF ~ 40 fF
Cesd = 70 fF
Long route
transmission k=0.53
213pH 63pH OUT+

50 Ω
Cpad = 100 fF ~ 40 fF
Cesd = 70 fF
1.2 pF m = 64 m = 64
fins = 8 fins = 8
l = 16 nm l = 16 nm
513 kΩ

513 kΩ
IN- m = 160 m=2
fins = 8 fins = 8
len = 36 nm len =36 nm
1.2 pF

Figure 3.29: CML based output buffer to drive the back-end passive network and the outside
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 50

Level Shifter: The common-mode voltage of the CTLE output is ≈ 0.4V , i.e. half

of the supply voltage. This input bias voltage is neither suitable for the NMOS nor the

PMOS based input transistors for meeting the biasing, lineariy and gain requirements.

So, a common mode voltage of 600 mV is provided through this passive high pass filter.

The cut-off frequency of the filter is ≈ 250 KHz, which is low enough to pass all the high

frequency signals required for the high data rate operation. The least frequency present

in the input data stream is defined by 8b/10b or 64b/66b encoding for 56 Gbps symbol

rate. However, the parasitics of this capacitor can significantly impact the bandwidth of

the prior CTLE. So, it is realized using a mom-cap as it provides less parasitic capacitance

with the substrate. The output buffer runs at a 1.2 V power supply which is different

from that of the CTLE.

CML buffer: This block is responsible for driving the off-chip load. The CML

based design approach has been adopted instead of the inverter based amplifier for buffer

action. The CML amplifier has inherently better CMRR which provides good immunity

against any common mode noise including the supply/ground noise. This is not the

case for the inverter based amplifiers. Also, the power consumption is not a significant

parameter for this block, as in real scenario, there is no output buffer, but rather an

ADC after the CTLE stage in a typical SERDES system. CML based buffer introduces

less non-idealities to the main differential signals.

Regarding the design of this differential amplifier, the tail current-source transistors

have larger length to ensure sufficient high value of rds. This helps in better CMRR

as well as more accurate mirroring of the current source from the diode-connected load.

The load resistance is chosen to be ≈ 65 Ω, so that the effective output impedance of

this amplifier matches with ≈ 50 Ω characteristic impedance of the on-chip transmission

line to the output pins. Additionally, there is shunt-peaking to extend the bandwidth.

The bias current source and the bias voltage of the level-shifter is controlled externally.

Backend passive network: It consists of ESD cells, bump pads and T-coils. This
Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 51

T-coil is again asymmetric is nature and serves the same purpose like the front-end T-coil.

Finally, there is an oscilloscope probe at the output for the off-chip measurements.

3.3.8. Top-level layout

The layout for the top-level design including the CTLE and the output buffer stage with

back-end termination is shown in Figure 3.30. The CTLE design (including the front-end

termination block) takes an area of ≈ 140 µm x 140 µm. The output buffer stage along

with the back-end termination takes an area of ≈ 90 µm x 140 µm. The majority of

the area is consumed by the T-coils, passive inductors, ESD cells and the compensation

capacitor in the feedback loop. The implementation of the active inductors in MF-CTLE

and HF-CTLE allows for miniaturization in area. There are certain things including

metal-filling, instantiating power clamps, ESD cells, and certain low speed tunability

circuit, which remain pending due to time-constraints.

Chapter 3. Receiver Analog Front-end Design 52





CMFB buffer


Figure 3.30: Top-level layout.

ECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 1
4 Extracted Simulation Results

This chapter presents the extracted layout results of the analog front end of the receiver

consisting of the front-end termination block, HF-CTLE, MF-CTLE, buffer stage and

the output buffer stage. The CTLE system was designed in 16nm FinFET technology

and tested for certain PVT conditions. Most of the results shown here are based on the

typical process corner at 80o C temperature and 0.8V power supply voltage for the CTLE

core, unless explicitly specified.

4.1. Magnitude response

Figure 4.1 shows the magnitude response of the unequalized channel, different stages of

the CTLE and the overall equalized channel. The CTLE has ∼ -9 dB DC gain and a

peak gain of ∼ 8 dB at the Nyquist frequency. The dashed plots show the breakdown of

inner stages of the CTLE. The CTLE achieves peak gain at ∼ 25 GHz.

Figure 4.2 shows the magnitude response of CTLE for linear frequency scale. It

provides better insight about the system in high frequency region of interest.

Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 54

Magnitude Response

Nyquist Frequency = 28 GHz


|H(f)| (dB)


HF-CTLE gain
-15 MF-CTLE gain
Buffer gain
Output buffer gain
CTLE gain
AC response at channel output
Equalized AC response at CTLE output

10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.1: CTLE magnitude response.

Magnitude Response
Nyquist Frequency = 28 GHz

|H(f)| (dB)


HF-CTLE gain
-15 MF-CTLE gain
Buffer gain
Output buffer gain
CTLE gain
-20 AC response at channel output
Equalized AC response at CTLE output

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
frequency (Hz) 10 10

Figure 4.2: CTLE magnitude response for linear frequency scale.

Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 55

4.2. Pulse response

Pulse Response
Channel output
HF-CTLE output
MF-CTLE output
Buffer output
0.1 Final CTLE output

Voltage (V)




7.15 7.2 7.25 7.3 7.35
time (sec) 10 -9

Figure 4.3: CTLE Pulse response.

Figure 4.3 shows the pulse response of the unequalized channel, different stages of the

CTLE and the overall equalized channel. The equalized channel response has significantly

less post cursor ISI, although due to steep roll off in magnitude response, some undesirable

undershoots (∼ 12 %) degrade the horizontal eye opening margins.

To overcome the undershoot issue, I have added the tunability options in active

inductors in the circuit, however it will adversely impact the high frequency gain. It

can be noticed that MF-CTLE has reduced post cursors relative to main the cursor as

compared to HF-CTLE. This helps in the long-tail ISI cancellation and its impact on the

eye-diagram is presented in the Appendix.

Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 56

4.3. Thermal noise

Figure 4.4 shows the output and input referred noise voltage spectral density for the ana-

log front end (including front termination, HF-CTLE, MF-CTLE and the buffer stage).

The integrated output thermal noise is 2 mVrms . Integrating the input referred noise

voltage spectrum till ∼ 50 GHz (system’s bandwidth) provides integrated input referred

noise voltage of 1.4 mVrms . The thermal noise impacts the SNR and hence impacts BER.

Simulation results yield that the major noise contributors are transistors in HF-CTLE.

Figure 4.5 shows that major noise contribution comes from thermal noise in high

frequency region as area under the curve will be larger in that region.

Output noise
Input referred noise

Integrated output thermal noise = 2.02 mVrms

40 Integrated input referred thermal noise = 1.37 mVrms




10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.4: Thermal noise spectral density for CTLE.

Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 57

Output noise
Input referred noise

Integrated output thermal noise = 2.02 mVrms

40 Integrated input referred thermal noise = 1.37 mVrms




0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
frequency (Hz) 10

Figure 4.5: Thermal noise spectral density for CTLE for linear frequency scale.

4.4. Eye diagram for NRZ (PAM-2) data signaling

The eye-opening in PAM -2 signal is higher in comparison to PAM-4 signal due to more

margin in symbol voltage levels. In PAM 4 signaling, the the adjacent symbols have

1/3 times the margins in comparison to PAM-2 signaling. So, the eye-diagrams for both

PAM-2 and PAM-4 data modulations are presented in this work to have deeper insight.

The eye diagrams are generated for 10k PRBS data symbols pattern from TX end with

an output signal swing of 1 Vpp differential. The eye at the channel output is fully closed

even at a lower data rate (40 Gbps NRZ) as shown in Figure 4.6

The eye-diagram at the final CTLE output for 56, 50 and 40 Gbps NRZ data signaling

is shown in Figures 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 respectively. The eye has a small vertical opening of ≈

15 mVpp with a horizontal opening of 33 % UI for 56 Gbps data rate but it gets improved
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 58

Figure 4.6: Eye diagram at the channel output for 40 Gbps NRZ data rate (Pulse PMR =

for 50 Gbps data rate (with a vertical eye opening of ≈ 75 mVpp and a horizontal eye

opening of ≈ 58 % UI) because this CTLE provides maximum high frequency gain till

25 GHz as shown in Figure 4.1. The eye is wide open for lower data rates because of the

lower attenuation offered by the channel at lower frequencies.

Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 59

Figure 4.7: Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 56 Gbps NRZ data rate (Pulse PMR =

Figure 4.8: Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 50 Gbps NRZ data rate (Pulse PMR=2.85).
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 60

Figure 4.9: Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 40 Gbps NRZ data rate (Pulse PMR=2.4).
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 61

4.5. Eye diagram for PAM-4 data signaling

This section shows eye diagrams at the CTLE output for 20k PRBS PAM-4 data symbols

with an output signal swing of 1 Vpp differential. The eye for 112 Gbps PAM-4 data rate

is completely closed as shown in Figure 4.10. However, there is certain eye opening for

lower data rates (64 and 40 Gbps PAM-4) as shown in Figures 4.11 and 4.12. The eye-

diagram for 40 Gbps data rate shows asymmetric eye opening for middle and edge eyes

because the equalizer needs to be optimized for this data rate.

Figure 4.10: Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 112 Gbps PAM-4 data rate (Pulse
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 62

Figure 4.11: Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 64 Gbps PAM-4 data rate (Pulse

Figure 4.12: Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 40 Gbps PAM-4 data rate for default
settings (Pulse PMR=2.05). Equalizer needs to be optimized for this data rate.
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 63

4.6. Tunability to track PVT variations

The programmability been provided in all stages of the CTLE to track the PVT varaitaions

and to provide a single solution for different channel profiles. Figure 4.13 shows the fre-

quency magnitude response of the CTLE for different extreme tunability options. It may

be difficult to comprehend information about the role of each tunability knob by looking

at this plot. Impact of each tunability option is demonstrated in the Appendix.

Figure 4.13: Magnitude response coverage due to overall sweep of all tunability knobs (high-
lighted red one is the default setting)

The system has been tested across extreme PVT conditions as mentioned in table 4.1.

Figures 4.14- 4.18 demonstrate the PVT tracking ability of the CTLE for chosen PVT

conditions. The default tunability setting (setting for nominal process) does not provide

optimum performance across different PVT conditions. Tunability options provided in

design are able to match the nominal corner performance across different PVT conditions

upto ∼ 10-15 GHz frequency. Beyond this frequency, the circuit bandwidth is limited
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 64

by the process and may require more transistor fingers in the case of SS process. This

provision can lead to lot of parasitic capacitance and hence not attempted.

Table 4.1: PVT corners list with details.

Supply voltage Temperature

(Volts) (o C)
Nominal corner typical 0.8 80
Strong corner FF (fast-fast) 0.84 0
Weak corner SS (slow-slow) 0.76 125
SF corner SF (slow-fast) 0.8 80
FS corner FS (fast-slow) 0.8 80

Figure 4.14 shows the CTLE magnitude response for the PVT optimized and un-

optimized case. In un-optimized case, the default tunability setting (setting for the

nominal process) is used for the other PVT corners. However, for optmally tuned con-

figuration for each PVT corner, the magnitude response matches the desired response

(nominal process response) till ∼ 10 GHz frequency. Beyond this frequency, the circuit

bandwidth is limited by the process.

In SF and FS corners, the model file includes slow-fast variations for transistors

whereas the passive components behaviour is same as the typical process. As shown

in Figures 4.14, 4.15, 4.18 and 4.8, the SF and FS corners show similar results as the

nominal corner. This signifies that the biasing of the circuit is proper even for skewed

strength of the NMOS and PMOS.

Figure 4.15 shows the CTLE pulse response for the PVT optimized and un-optimized

case. The long-tail ISI is reduced due to optimal tunability setting in the Weak corner.

In strong corner, the amount of ringing is reduced due to PVT optimization.

Figures 4.16 and 4.17 show improvement in the eye opening due to optimized circuit

settings for strong and weak corners respectively. Figures 4.18 shows the eye-diagrams

for SF and FS corners which are similar to the one in the nominal corner as shown in

Figure 4.8.
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 65

CTLE magnitude response for unoptimized circuit

Nominal corner
8 Strong corner
Weak corner
6 SF corner
FS corner

|H(f)| (dB)





10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

CTLE magnitude response for optimally tuned circuit

Nominal corner
8 Strong corner
Weak corner
6 SF corner
FS corner

|H(f)| (dB)





10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.14: CTLE magnitude response across PVT corners for: (a) un-optimized circuit (b)
optimally-tuned circuit.
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 66

CTLE pulse response for unoptimized circuit

Nominal corner
Strong corner
Weak corner
SF corner
0.1 FS corner

Voltage (V)




7.15 7.2 7.25 7.3
time (sec) 10 -9

CTLE pulse response for optimally tuned circuit

Nominal corner
Strong corner
Weak corner
SF corner
0.1 FS corner

Voltage (V)




7.15 7.2 7.25 7.3
time (sec) 10 -9

Figure 4.15: CTLE pulse response across PVT corners for: (a) un-optimized circuit (b)
optimally-tuned circuit.
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 67



Figure 4.16: Eye diagram at the CTLE output for Strong corner for 50 Gbps NRZ data rate
for: (a) un-optimized circuit (Pulse PMR=2.7) (b) optimally-tuned circuit (Pulse PMR=2.82).
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 68



Figure 4.17: Eye diagram at the CTLE output for Weak corner for 50 Gbps NRZ data rate for:
(a) un-optimized circuit (Pulse PMR=3.21) (b) optimally-tuned circuit (Pulse PMR=2.97).
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 69



Figure 4.18: Eye diagram at the CTLE output for 50 Gbps NRZ data rate for: (a) SF corner
(Pulse PMR=2.75) (b) FS (Pulse PMR=3) corner.
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 70

4.7. Common-mode bias stability

The feedback loop in the CTLE architecture ensures that the common-mode voltage at

each node is biased to ∼ half of the supply voltage for FinFET process. This loop is

stable with a minimum phase margin of ≈ 65o and a gain margin of ∼ 25 dB across PVT.

The transient common-mode voltage at each CTLE stage for 112 Gbps PAM-4 PRBS

data pattern is shown in Figure 4.19. The variation in the common mode voltage at

HF-CTLE and MF-CTLE stages is very small. The buffer-stage output common-mode

voltage is also stable but wiggles by a certain tolerable amount.













0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
time (us)

• HF-CTLE output common mode voltage

• MF-CTLE output common mode voltage

• Buffer stage output common mode voltage

Figure 4.19: Common mode voltage at each stage of CTLE for 112 Gbps PAM-4 PRBS data
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 71

4.8. Common-mode frequency response and PSRR

Figure 4.20 shows common-mode frequency response for the analog front end. The plot

shows that the closed loop system is able to reject common-mode noise till a frequency of

∼ 1 MHz. Figure 4.21 shows the impact of supply noise on the common-mode output of

each CTLE stage. The closed loop system is able to reject supply noise till ∼ 100 MHz.

Figure 4.22 shows the impact of supply noise on the differential output of each CTLE

stage. For the case mismatch is not considered, the system rejects supply noise to large

extent even in GHz frequency range.

Common-mode frequency response




|H| (dB)



Channel output CM
-50 CTLE input CM
HF-CTLE output CM
-60 MF-CTLE output CM
Buffer stage output CM
10 2 10 4 10 6 10 8 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.20: Common-mode frequency response of the analog front-end for 0 dB input
common-mode AC signal at channel output.
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 72

PSRR for output common-mode voltage



|H| (dB) 0



HF-CTLE output CM
MF-CTLE output CM
Buffer stage output CM
10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.21: Transfer function of supply noise from supply to output common-mode voltage
at each CTLE stage
PSRR for output differential voltage



|H| (dB)



-70 HF-CTLE output Vdiff.

MF-CTLE output Vdiff.
Buffer stage output Vdiff.
10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.22: Transfer function of supply noise from supply to output differntial voltage at
each CTLE stage
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 73

4.9. Thermal noise effect on the eye diagram

Figure 4.23 shows eye diagram at CTLE output for 50 Gbps NRZ data rate for 2k PRBS

(PN-32) data symbols. Figure 4.24 shows very small degradation in the eye when thermal

noise is enabled during transient simulation. However, the AC noise simulation prediction

of 2 mV integrated output thermal noise seems bit pessimistic.

Figure 4.23: CTLE eye diagram for 50 Gbps NRZ data rate (without thermal noise)

Figure 4.24: CTLE eye diagram for 50 Gbps NRZ data rate (with thermal noise)
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 74

4.10. Power breakdown

The inverter based CTLE consumes a total of 10 mW power. Figure 4.25 shows the

percentage of power consumption for each block in the CTLE.



26.6% 3.4%

Figure 4.25: CTLE power breakdown

4.11. Comparison of inverter based CTLE with other recent works

Table 4.2 shows comparison between the work in this project with other state of the art

CTLEs published in 16nm FinFET technology. Due to lack of information about the

circuit specifications (especially load capacitance and signal swings) in the publications,

it is challenging to do a fair comparison with other state of the art designs.

The CTLE presented in this work provides an overall gain of 17 dB which is ∼ 40 %

higher than the design presented in [19]. The capacitive load considered in this design

is 100 fF which is ∼ 3.2 times the load considered in [19]. The power consumed by this

CTLE is 10mW which is higher than that in [19], but is lower than the design presented

in [34].

The power consumption of a CTLE depends a lot on the nyquist frequency of opera-
P ower
tion and the load capacitance. So, to make a fair comparison, a parameter F requency∗Load−cap
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 75

Table 4.2: Comparison table for inverter based CTLE

This work [19] [28] [29] [30]

16 nm 16 nm 16 nm 16 nm 16 nm
1.2 V +
Supply volatge 0.8 V Ground 1.2 V 1.2 V 1.2 V
CTLE type Inverter Inverter Inverter CML CML
Modulation PAM-4 PAM-2 PAM-4 PAM-4 PAM-2
28 GHz 28 GHz 14 GHz 14 GHz 28 GHz
DC gain /
Nyquist gain
-9 dB /
-6 dB / 6
- 0 dB / 7
-6 dB / 6
Channel loss at ∗ ∗ ∗
30 dB 8 dB 35 dB 31 dB 8 dB
Load capacitance 100 fF 30 fF - - -
Power 10 mW 6 mW 34 mW 8.4 mW 6 mW
P ower
F requency∗Load−cap 3.57 V 2 7.14 V 2 - - -
90 µm x 80 20 µm x 15 50 µm x 85 125 µm x 80 µm x 50
µm µm µm 40 µm µm

* CTLE provides fraction of total equalization requirement

− Information not reported

is used as figure of merit and its lower value implies more power efficient architecture.

On the basis of this parameter, this CTLE outperforms the design in [19] in terms of

power efficiency.

Moreover, this CTLE uses a high pass filter prior to CMOS amplifier in HF-CTLE

stage, which attenuates low-frequency signals and thus reduces signal swing before am-

plification. But the architecture in [19] uses a high pass filter after amplifier, so my

understanding is that it increases signal swing and makes the architecture in [19] diffi-

cult for PAM-4 applications or to meet linearity and so, a higher supply voltage of 1.2

V is used. The same author of [19] proposes a separate architecture for PAM-4 appli-

cation [28] to meet linearity requirements, but with a different load (not quantified in
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 76

fF). The power consumption increases a lot in [28] because of power hungry architecture.

This work (our AFE) works for 1 Vpp differential input signal swing while [19] works for

600 mVpp differential input signal swing. However, linearity is not quantified in the state

of the art designs, so it is not possible to do fair comparison.

[29] and [30] use CML based CTLE architecture and make use of passive inductors

and thus consume larger area as compared to [19] and [28]. But their load capacitance

is not known, so it is again difficult to compare.

This design is able to operate at a low supply voltage of 0.8 V, driving a load capac-

itance of 100 fF with PVT tracking ability.

This work uses least voltage supply and very low power consumption for a load

capacitance of 100 fF. Moreover, this design provides relatively high AC gain. The CTLE

core in this work does not have compact layout, uses 4 passive inductors and also the

area of CMFB with large compensation capacitor is included in the mentioned numbers.

In order to drive larger capacitive load of 100 fF, the design in this work becomes very

challenging to meet bandwidth requirements. The mentioned numbers in this work will

improve a lot for a smaller load capacitor as in [19].

4.12. Conventional CTLE design results

A CML based conventional CTLE is also designed to drive the same capacitive load in

order to compare its power consumption against the inverter based CTLE. The CTLE

architecture (shown in Figure 4.26) consists of three stages similar to the inverter based

CTLE. The results shown for conventional CTLE are based on layout level extracted

netlist at block level. The individual layout blocks need to be connected at top-level

yet. The CTLE design here uses a higher supply voltage of 1.05V to ensure adequate Vds

saturation margin for transistors to keep in saturation.

The magnitude response of the conventional CTLE is shown in Figure 4.27. The

response is similar to the inverter based CTLE except that the bandwidth of the con-
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 77

Vdd = 1.05 V Vdd = 1.05 V Vdd = 1.05 V

400 pH 400 pH 300 pH 300 pH 135 pH 135 pH

130 Ω 130 Ω 94 Ω 94 Ω 40 Ω 40 Ω


IN+ m = 40 m = 40 IN- m = 28 m = 28 m = 64 m = 64
fins = 4 fins = 4 fins = 4 fins = 4 fins = 4 fins = 4
len = 16nm len = 16nm len = 16nm len = 16nm len = 16nm len = 16nm

1 KΩ 60 Ω

250 uA
100 fF 6 pF

m = 64
fins = 8
m=2 m = 20 m = 20 m = 14 m = 14
len = 36nm
fins = 8 fins = 8 fins = 8 fins = 8 fins = 8
len = 36nm len = 36nm len = 36nm len = 36nm len = 36nm


Figure 4.26: Conventional CTLE architecture.

ventional CTLE is better than the inverter based CTLE, primarily due to the use of

passive inductors. Moreover, this CTLE does not have any tunability circuitry which

can degrade the circuit bandwidth significantly.

The pulse response of this CTLE is shown in Figure 4.29. The eye diagrams for

64 and 40 Gbps PAM-4 data rates are shown in Figures 4.32 and 4.33 respectively.

These eye-diagrams are better than the inverter based CTLE primarily because of more

bandwidth. Figure 4.30 shows the conventional CTLE has less thermal noise than inverter

based CTLE. Figure 4.31 shows total harmonic distortion for both CTLEs when pure

sinusoidal differential signal is provided at the input of the analog front-end. The THD

is calculated for input signal frequency of 1 MHz because the CTLE will suffer maximum

non-linearity at low frequency (because channel does not attenuate low frequency signals).

Comparison between the inverter based CTLE and the conventional CTLE:

Table 4.3 provides comparison between both the CTLEs. To summarise, the inverter
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 78

Magnitude Response of the conventional CTLE


|H(f)| (dB)


HF-CTLE gain
-15 MF-CTLE gain
Buffer gain
Output buffer gain
-20 CTLE gain
AC response at channel output
Equalized AC response at CTLE output
10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.27: Magnitude response of the conventional CTLE.

Magnitude Response of the conventional CTLE

Nyquist Frequency = 28 GHz

|H(f)| (dB)


HF-CTLE gain
MF-CTLE gain
Buffer gain
Output buffer gain
CTLE gain
AC response at channel output
Equalized AC response at CTLE output

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
frequency (Hz) 10 10

Figure 4.28: Magnitude response of the conventional CTLE for linear frequency scale.
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 79

Pulse Response of the conventional CTLE

Channel output
HF-CTLE output
MF-CTLE output
Buffer output
0.1 Final CTLE output

Voltage (V)




7.25 7.3 7.35 7.4 7.45
time (sec) 10 -9

Figure 4.29: Pulse response of the conventional CTLE.

Output noise - Inverter based CTLE
Input referred noise - Inverter based CTLE
30 Output noise - Conventional CTLE
Input referred noise - Conventional CTLE

25 Total output thermal noise (Inv. CTLE) = 2.02 mVrms

Total input referred thermal noise (Inv. CTLE) = 1.37 mVrms

Total output thermal noise (Conv. CTLE) = 1.64 mVrms

Total input referred thermal noise (Conv. CTLE) = 0.53 mVrms



10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.30: Thermal noise spectral density

Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 80

Total harmonic distortion

Inv. based HF-CTLE output
16 Inv. based MF-CTLE output
Inv. based Buffer stage output
Conventional HF-CTLE output
14 Conventional MF-CTLE output
Conventional Buffer stage output
THD (%age)


0 500 1000 1500
Input signal amplitude (Vpp differential)

Figure 4.31: Total harmonic distortion

Figure 4.32: Eye diagram at the output of the conventional CTLE for 64 Gbps PAM-4 data
Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 81

Figure 4.33: Eye diagram at the output of the conventional CTLE for 40 Gbps PAM-4 data

based CTLE is better in terms of supply voltage, power consumption, area, PVT insen-

sitivity and tunability. However, the conventional CTLE offers better bandwidth and

linearity. The bandwidth of the inverter based CTLE can improve a lot if the load ca-

pacitance can be decreased or if the extent of the tunability can be reduced so that there

are less additional parasitics.

Chapter 4. Extracted Simulation Results 82

Table 4.3: Comparison between the inverter based CTLE and the conventional CTLE

Inverter based CTLE Conventional CTLE

Supply voltage 0.8 V 1.05 V
DC gain /
- 9 dB / 8 dB -8 dB / 9 dB
Nyquist gain
Power 10 mW 17 mW
Area Less (4 passive inductors) More (6 passive inductors)
less (gain levels of HF-CTLE and
PVT MF-CTLE are PVT invariant.
sensitivity Tunability can track remaining
PVT variations)
power-scalable, mainly due to
Tunability may have some tunability
tristate inverters
better (as inferred from PAM-4
less (as inferred from PAM-4
Linearity eye-diagrams because it uses higher
supply voltage too)
less (Active inductors are difficult
to realize at high data rate
especially when driving high
Bandwidth more (because of passive inductors)
capacitive load. Also additional
parasitics due to tunability degrade
the bandwidth a lot)
output 2 mV 1.4 mV
thermal noise
5 Conclusion

5.1. Summary

This thesis presents the design of a low power analog front end for 112 Gbps PAM-4 data

rate for LR SERDES application. It is implemented in 16nm CMOS FinFET technology

and the results shown are based on layout level extracted netlist. This design uses

passive equalization techniques in the front-termination network to overcome the signal

attenuation caused by the channel, ESD cells, bump pads and other parasitics. The

CTLE design exploits the power advantage in using a CMOS inverter based amplifier

instead of the conventional CML based differential amplifier. Moving forward with the

choice of a CMOS inverter as a basic design element, this CTLE provides 17 dB of

equalization, consuming 10 mW power with a 0.8 V supply voltage, which is significantly

smaller than the previous state of the art CTLE designs. Inverter based active inductor is

used instead of coil based passive inductor in some stages to reduce the area. A common-

mode feedback loop ensures robust biasing (low-power solution too) for the amplifiers.

The tunability offered in this design enables power-scalable design and also helps to track

the PVT variations.

Chapter 5. Conclusion 84

5.2. Future work

This design will be fabricated in 16nm FinFET technology to test its performance. The

CTLE designed in this work is a part of the SERDES transceiver chain. To fully equalize

the channel and observe the improvement in the overall system efficiency, there is a need

to include the remaining equalization blocks, which is possible by having an ADC and

DSP after the CTLE.

Another inverter based CTLE architecture can be explored where MF-CTLE stage

acts as a parallel path instead of a cascade after HF-CTLE, to see if that provides better

bandwidth and power efficiency. My perception is that it will have higher loop-bandwidth

for the CMFB, which is better for PSRR. At one time during the design of this CTLE,

there was an attempt to use variac capacitors to tune zero location of the CTLE, but

it could not be used because of discrepancy in the model file. I believe use of variac

capacitors can be a better choice than capacitor with series transistor switch to tune the

circuit, as it does not include the switch parasitics.

Driving a large capacitance of 100 fF limits the performance of the CTLE and poses

several design challenges in this work. If the input load capacitance of the following

ADC block can be reduced, it is possible to significantly improve the performance (can

eliminate the need for some passive inductors, better active inductors implementation

and more power-efficient design with better bandwidth) of the proposed CTLE design,

without the need to look for other CTLE architectures.


Tunability information in detail


trim_bias_hf m = 11 OUT-
trim_res_hf trim_bias_buf1
65 Ω m = 30 m = 10 trim_res_buf1
m = 33
65 Ω trim_hf trim_buf1 trim_buf

IN- trim_mfcap
trim_hf_filter OUT+
400 fF 400 fF

Front-end BUFFER
m = 11
m=8 trim_bias_buf1
m=4 trim_bias_hf m=5 trim_res_buf1
trim_dc trim_res_hf trim_mf

HF-CTLE trim_bias_mf

Figure 5.1: CTLE architecture with tunability knobs information

Chapter 5. Conclusion 86

Table 5.1: Tunability knobs information

No of bits Comments
T rimhf −f ilter 5 controls zero location of HF-CTLE
T rimhf 4 controls gm of the amplifier
T rimbias−hf 3 controls active load resistance
T rimres−hf 3 tunabile active inductance
T rimdc 3 controls gm of the amplifier
T rimbuf 1 3 controls gm of the amplifier
T rimbias−buf 1 3 controls active load resistance
T rimres−buf 1 3 tunabile active inductance
T rimmf 3 controls gm of the amplifier
T rimbias−mf 5 primarily controls zero location of MF-CTLE
T rimmf −cap 3 controls zero location of MF-CTLE
T rimbuf 4 controls gm of the amplifier

Trim hf-filter effect on CTLE AC response


|H(f)| (dB)





10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.2: T rimhf −f ilter effect on the CTLE transfer function.

Chapter 5. Conclusion 87

Trim hf
effect on CTLE AC response
m =3
8 m =5
m =7
m =9
m =11
m =13
4 m =15
m =17
2 m =19
|H(f)| (dB)

m =21
m =23
0 m =25
m =27
-2 m =29
m =31
m =33



10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.3: T rimhf effect on the CTLE transfer function.

Trim bias-hf effect on CTLE AC response

m =4
8 m =5
m =6
6 m =7
m =8
4 m =9
m =10
2 m =11
|H(f)| (dB)






10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.4: T rimbias−hf effect on the CTLE transfer function.

Chapter 5. Conclusion 88

Trim res-hf
effect on CTLE AC response


|H(f)| (dB)





10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.5: T rimres−hf effect on the CTLE transfer function.

Trim dc effect on CTLE AC response

m =1
m =2
m =3
m =4
m =5
m =6
0 m =7
|H(f)| (dB)




10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.6: T rimdc effect on the CTLE transfer function.

Chapter 5. Conclusion 89

Trim buf1 effect on CTLE AC response

m =2
m =4
m =6
5 m =8
m =10
m =12
0 m =14
|H(f)| (dB)





10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.7: T rimbuf 1 effect on the CTLE transfer function.

Trim bias-buf1
effect on CTLE AC response
m =4
8 m =5
m =6
m =7
m =8
m =9
4 m =10
m =11
|H(f)| (dB)





10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.8: T rimbias−buf 1 effect on the CTLE transfer function.

Chapter 5. Conclusion 90

Trim res-buf1
effect on CTLE AC response


|H(f)| (dB)





10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.9: T rimres−buf 1 effect on the CTLE transfer function.

Trim mf effect on CTLE AC response

m =0
8 m =1
m =2
6 m =3
m =4
4 m =5
m =6
2 m =7
|H(f)| (dB)






10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.10: T rimmf effect on the CTLE transfer function.

Chapter 5. Conclusion 91

Trim bias-mf
effect on CTLE AC response

|H(f)| (dB)





10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.11: T rimbias−mf effect on the CTLE transfer function.

Trim mf-cap
effect on CTLE AC response
Cz =200 fF
8 Cz =400 fF

|H(f)| (dB)





10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.12: T rimmf cap effect on the CTLE transfer function.

Chapter 5. Conclusion 92

Trim buf effect on CTLE AC response

m =3
m =5
5 m =7
m =9
m =11
0 m =13
m =15
m =17
-5 m =19
|H(f)| (dB)

m =21
m =23
-10 m =25
m =27
m =29
-15 m =31
m =33



10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10
frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.13: T rimbuf effect on the CTLE transfer function.

Chapter 5. Conclusion 93

Impact of MF-CTLE on the eye-diagram

Figure 5.14: Eye diagram at the output of HF-CTLE (inverter based) for 40 Gbps PAM-4
data rate.
Chapter 5. Conclusion 94

Figure 5.15: Eye diagram at the output of MF-CTLE (inverter based) for 40 Gbps PAM-4
data rate.

Figure 5.16: Eye diagram at the output of complete CTLE (inverter based) for 40 Gbps
PAM-4 data rate.

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