Review MANET and Challenges
Review MANET and Challenges
Review MANET and Challenges
Abstract—A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is composed research progress of MANET routing protocols is reviewed
of Mobile Nodes (MNs) without any fix infrastructure. Currently, and current MANET Challenges are identified.
It is one of the most attractive research topics in the wireless
communication. These MNs dynamically create temporary
network and transferring messages from one MN to others in
peer to peer fashion. A routing protocol runs on every mobile PROTOCOLS
host and therefore subjected to the limitation of resources on Although a variety of protocols have been proposed and
every node. Therefore, to guarantee communication an efficient implemented for the MANET. This section describes some of
routing technique is desirable to that allow nodes to communicate the widely used protocols along with their Merits and
in a timely manner. This routing technique must be able to
Demerits. Ad hoc routing protocols can be organized into Flat
minimize the computation overload on mobile host as well as
overhead of traffic on network. This paper, review the MANET routing, Hierarchical routing and Geographic position assisted
and recent routing protocols for efficient communication routing.
A. Flat Routing Architecture
Keywords— MANET; Proactive protocols; Reative protocols;
Manet charecteristics In this approach all the nodes are identical in terms of
responsibility, and there is no concept of special gateways.
The advantages of this approach are increased reliability or
survivability due to no single point of failure and alternative
Currently, MANET is a new paradigm of wireless routes in the network, Optimal Routing, reduced use of
communication for mobile host. A mobile ad hoc network can wireless resources and better load balancing property [3]. In
be developed by connecting different mobile nodes through a ad hoc routing literature there are three possible routing
wireless link with no supporting fixed infrastructure. Adhoc protocols, proactive, reactive, and Hybrid .These protocols
network is a suitable choice for a situation in which there is no maintain a table to discover the route before the sender starts
alternatives are available to create a network, this feature transmitting data. The protocol is further divided into
makes it challenging to create a network without any existing Reactive, Proactive and hybrid protocols as shown in table 1.
infrastructure. Typical challenges of mobile ad-hoc networks
include security, hidden terminal, bandwidth constraints, low 1) Proactive Routing Protocol: The proactive protocol is
power devices and routing [1]. also known as table driven routing protocol. These protocols
are mostly based on shortest path algorithms. The proactive
Under the real-time MANET environment, the nodes
protocols do not have initial route discovery delay but
involved in communications are highly mobile and the
network topology changes very frequently. Due to high consumes lot of bandwidth for periodic updates of topology.
mobility and dynamic nature of nodes in MANETs may cause There are several routing protocols that fall under this
adverse effects on the performance of message sending and category [4].
receiving. So the mobile nodes have to perform the a) Dynamic Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector
responsibilities to behave like routers and run routing protocol Routing Protocol (DSDV): The DSDV protocol is a table
on every node to established links by participating and driven algorithm. Each node maintain routing table which
maintenance of routes with other nodes in the network. carries information about all possible destinations, number of
The main requirement of routing protocols is to achieve hops for each destination and a unique sequence number that
minimal communication time with minimum consumption of is assigned by the destination. This sequence number is used
network resources. Many routing protocols have been to distinguish new routes from stale ones and also avoid the
proposed for MANETs, according to [2] but only three of loops formation. In order to make a consistent view of the
them are properly implemented. In this study, the most recent network each node transmits and updates its routing table
periodically. The data being broadcast by each station consist
PERP contain Source Identifier, Source Sequence Number, the except the source also adding its address in the Route Request
Destination Identifier, the destination Sequence Number, packet.
Broad cast ID and time to Live Field.. If the immediate DSR requires that each node that receives the message
neighbor has the destination route, it replies the broadcast must acknowledge it to the initiator, thus confirming the
otherwise it itself initiate the broadcast to its immediate validity of the node. If no reply is received form the next hop
neighbor. This process continues and each intermediate node the packet is resent until certain number of times, but if the
compares the destination sequence number with the result is negative the Route Error packet is sent to the initiator
destination sequence number received in PERQ to establish so it can remove that source route from its cache. One of the
valid route and this process continues until the broadcast is main advantages of DSR is that it avoids the periodic
received to the original destination or to the node which have propagation of update information due to which it save
the route to the destination. Once the trace of the route is bandwidth and reduce power consumption [9].
established the whole chain of PERP is sent back, and the
original source has route to the destination [8]. TABLE I ROUTING PHILOSOPHY COMPARISON
Routes in AODV are maintained if a source node move
away by some reason then it has to reinitiate the routing Advantages Drawbacks
discover mechanism to reallocate the destination node and if a Proactive
node move along with a route then the entire neighbouring
Delay of route determination Communication overhead
node must propagate the link failure notification message to increases increases
each of its neighbour so that each node in the network update Storage requirement increases
their routing table for that link . The amount of information Network Properties
maintained at each node is limited, where all nodes must be Number of communication increases Rate of topology change increases
aware of their neighbouring nodes either broadcasting hello Number of nodes in the network
messages periodically.Nodes have routes to destination and increases
maintain next hop.the nodes maintain “predecessor list” that
Communication overhead decrease Not Optimal bandwidth
contain information about all the nodes using the current node but it is subject to number of utilization
as a relay for information exchange. The information entry in communication in the network Delay of route determination
the routing table has a life time. increase
Network Properties
AODV is on-demand distributed approach, in which nodes Rate of topology changes increase Number of communication
maintain information about only those routes that are needed. increase
Thus reducing the size of routing table and also minimize the Number of node in the network
bandwidth overhead .It always replies to the first arriving
PREQ message using the destination numbers, which implies
Better trade-off between communication overhead and delay
that AODV favors the least congested route rather than
shortest route . AODV is scalable for large networks and Additionally, DSR maintain multiple routes to a
support loop-free routing but the periodic propagation of destination in its cache. If by some reason a route is broken to
“Hello message” creates routing overhead. some destination then it check its cache for another valid route
b) Dynamic Source Routing (DSR): The Dynamic to the same destination and does not re invoke the route
Source Routing protocol is on demand routing protocol and reconstruction process. That’s how the route recovery process
create a route when source node demands it. This protocol is faster in DSR than any other on demand routing protocol.
uses source routing in which each packet carries the complete The comparison is shown in table II. However if it does not
routing information for its destination in its header.The have an alternative route to the destination then it must
protocol is composed of Routing discovery and Routing reinitiate the route discover process. Placing the entire route
maintenance mechanisms; information in both reply packet and data packet create extra
bandwidth and processing overhead .DSR is not scalable to
During the route discovery mechanism the DSR large networks because it assumes that the diameter of the
accumulate the address of each device coming between the network is not more than 10 hops. Route discovery and route
source and the destination. The process of route discovery is
maintenances create extra bandwidth overhead.
work as follow.If a source has route of the destination in its
cache it utilize that route otherwise a route discovery protocol B. Location-Aid/ Geographic position assisted routing
starts. The source node sends a Route Request packet by With the aid of location information of MNs, several
flooding the network. If the node receive the Route request is protocols have been proposed as the variants of the reactive
intended destination it returns Route reply to the source. The routing protocols. Unlike the non-location-aid protocols which
Route reply contains the list of best path form the source to may force all the nodes be involved in the messages
destination. When the source receives this route reply packet it forwarding, MNs use locally stored location table which
updates its route cache for sending further data. However if contains location information of other nodes to direct the
the node that receive the Route request is not a intended message to the destination. In that case, only those MNs in a
receiver it again forward the route request to its neighbor specific area which normally locates in the same direction
with the destination) can forward the messages. Thus, the solution to all these problems by combining all the best
overall overhead caused by the routing algorithm can be properties of reactive and routing protocol. ZRP uses the
reduced to some extent, the energy of MNs outside the concept of zones and the radius of a zone can be define in term
forwarding area can be saved, and the traffic load due to the of radio hop. In ZRP, “a routing zone comprises a few
message flooding can be lessened. The popular protocols
mobile ad hoc nodes within one, two, or more hops away from
using location information include the Location-Aid Routing
protocol (LAR), Distance Routing Effect Algorithm for where the central node is formed.” If the source and
Mobility (DREAM). destination nodes are in the same node then table driven
approach is use for route mechanism but if they are present in
Location-Aided Routing (LAR): LAR is on demand different zones then on-demand approach is use for routing.
protocol which is based on DSR. LAR architecture utilizes The ZRP has three sub-protocols, Intrazone routing protocol
location information to improve the MANET performance by (IARP), Reactive Interzone routing protocol (IERP) and
reducing the routing overhead. It uses Global positioning Bordercast resolution protocol (BRP) [12].
system due to which nodes are capable of knowing there IARP is a tale-driven approach and can be implemented
location [10].In LAR, signaling traffic overhead is reduced by using techniques like link-state or distance-vector routing. The
limiting the searching zone for a new route into a smaller main objective of IARP is having the most up to date
request zone. The two major concepts areExpecting zone and information about all the neighbouring nodes within the zone
Requesting zonein LAR protocol. It assumes that the source .The IERP is an on-demand approach to discover the route
node has the advance knowledge of the destination physical information outside the local routing zone. Bordercast is a
location and velocity, and then expected zone is defined using mechanism which forwards the route request information to
the location and velocity information. However the requesting the border nodes of the zone, which first checks if the target
zone is a small rectangle that contains the sender node location node is present in its zone or continues the process of
and the expected zone. In LAR, to send information from a bordercast. Bordercast must not forward the request message
source to destination, the source node explicitly specifies the to the zone already covered. If Zone routing protocol uses
request zone in its routing request message. Those nodes IERP to find the destination then it does not give an overall
which receive the route request message but don’t fall in that optimized shortest path, this is one of the main limitations of
zone, discard the route request message. ZRP. Also increase in network size cause unpredictable large
The GPS is used for position tracking and navigation, it’s overhead.
not necessary that every mobile device will be equipped with
GPS. So limits LAR in various situations. The Positional TABLE II. COMPARISON OF ON-DEMAND ROUTING PROTOCOLS
errors can create problem in routing. Communication Parameters AODV DSR
performance will be suffer, if data send is based on location Routing Metric Freshest and shortest path Shortest Path
information alone and do not consider factors like signal Frequency of Update Event Driven RM Event Driven RM
strength, power life and connectivity information.
Loop free Yes Yes
C. Hierarchical Routing Protocols
Use sequence number Yes No
The infrastructure-free characteristics ground every mobile Multi-path ability No Yes
node in MANET to act as a normal information source and
Structure Flat Flat
destination or router. In this mode, each node will play a very
similar role in the routing, forwarding, etc. With the number of Method Unicast Unicast
mobile nodes increase, the topology is getting extremely Update Destination Source Source
Multicasting Yes No
complicated. More self-organizing messages needed to be
exchanged in the network so that the traffic load will be a big Route maintained in Routing table Route Cache
issue which will deteriorate the overall performance and
efficiency. Some interesting ideas have been proposed to solve III. MANET CHALLENGES
this problem, using so called Clustering and Hierarchically The mobile ad hoc network brings a lot of great
Structuring. The entire network is clustered into a number of opportunities to technology but it also come up with different
Zones. A cluster-head is chosen inside each zone. Therefore, challenges [1],[13].
most of the detailed information can be only exchanged within
the cluster and the cluster-head is responsible for the x Routing: The mechanism of routing in ad hoc network
aggregated information exchanged amongst the zones. In this between any pair of nodes for information exchange is
mode, the cluster-head mobile node will have to perform a difficult because the mobile nodes in ad hoc randomly
much heavier self-organizing job, such as route recovery, move and leave or join the network . Thus the network
messages forwarding than others [11]. topology continually changing and make the routing
mechanism in Ad hoc challenging.
Zone routing protocol (ZRP): In order to maintain routing
information, proactive protocols utilize excessive network x Quality of Service: In a network, quality of a service
bandwidth, while reactive routing creates delays due to long is determined by the guaranteed data transfer in a
route request.The zone routing protocol was introduced as given period of time. The mobile nodes in MANET
are the low battery devices and act as both router and which came under the review in this study are either observe
host at the same time. Being a host it act as source and table driven or on demand approach for routing. Each
destination. However as a router it acts as an approach has its own characteristics and is adoptable to
intermediate bridge for the exchange of information specific environment and the selection of these protocols
between network nodes. The Quality of Service also depends on the suitability for the MANET applications.
dependent upon the volume of the network. If the
volume is large then it’s difficult to transmit REFERENCES
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MANET is a self organizing, self discovering and self
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defining routing mechanism for MANET is a challenging task.
Since the node is not familiar with its topology, therefore idea
to use the existing protocols developed for infrastructure
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it has been observed that several routing techniques have been
proposed but each has its own limitation. The routing protocol