Elam Parithi

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ISSN : 2347 - 8446 (Online) International Journal of Advanced Research in

ISSN : 2347 - 9817 (Print) Vol. 2, Issue 3 (July - Sept. 2014) Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST 2014)

Reactive Routing Protocols Route Discovery Using CNRR

Approach in Mobile Ad HOC Network
Elamparithi, IIS. Radhamani
M.Phil, Assistant Professor, Dept.of MCA, Saraswathi Thiyagaraja College, Pollachi.
Research Scholar, Saraswathi Thiyagaraja College,Pollachi.

Information on the location of mobile nodes in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) has the potential to significantly improve network
performance. The node location information to develop new techniques for route discovery in on-demand routing protocols such
as the Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), thus making an important contribution to enhancing the experience of using
mobile networks. A Candidate Neighbours to Rebroadcast the Route Request (CNRR) approach has been proposed to reduce the
deleterious impact, known as the broadcast storm, of RREQ packets flooding in traditional on-demand routing protocols. The Link
Stability and Energy Aware protocol (LSEA) has been developed to reduce the overhead while increasing network lifetimes. The
LSEA helps to control the global dissemination of RREQs in the network by eliminating those nodes that have a residual energy level
below a specific threshold value from participation in end-to-end routes.
Furthermore, merging the LSEA and CNRR concepts has the great advantage of reducing the dissemination of RREQs in the network
without loss of reachability among the nodes.

MANET, Route, Reactive, CNRR, LSEA, Broadcast.

I. Introduction and less portable. The energy efficiency remains an important

A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is an autonomous ad hoc design consideration for these networks. Therefore ad hoc routing
network consisting of a collection of mobile nodes that utilize protocol must optimally balance these conflicting aspects.
wireless transmission for communication and cooperation. Routing is mainly classified into static routing and dynamic
MANETs are self-configured, self-organized and self-controlled, routing. Static routing refers to the routing strategy being stated
without reliance on any pre-existing infrastructure or centralized manually or statically, in the router. Static routing maintains a
access points. Therefore, they can be deployed anytime and routing table usually written by a networks administrator. The
anywhere. The numerous applications of MANETs include search routing table doesnt depend on the state of the network status,
and rescue operations, academic and industrial applications, and i.e., whether the destination is active or not. Dynamic routing
Personal Area Networks (PANs). A node in a MANET is required refers to the routing strategy that is being learnt by an interior or
to operate as a host as well as a router that can forward packets so exterior routing protocol. This routing mainly depends on the state
that they can reach nodes that do not reside within the transmission of the network i.e., the routing table is affected by the activeness
range of the source node. The topology of MANETs is dynamic. of the destination.
Nodes are free to change their physical location by moving freely Classification of routing protocols in MANETs can be done in
in all directions. many ways, but most of these are done depending on routing
MANET is a special type of wireless network in which a collection strategy and network structure. According to the routing strategy
of mobile network interfaces may form a temporary network the routing protocols can be categorized as Table-driven and
without aid of any established infrastructure or centralized source initiated, while depending on the network structure these
administration. Ad Hoc wireless network has applications in are classified as flat routing, hierarchical routing and geographic
emergency search and- rescue operations, decision making in position assisted routing. Both the Table-driven and source
the battlefield, data acquisition operations in hostile terrain, etc. initiated protocols come under the Flat routing.
It is featured by dynamic topology (infrastructureless), multi-hop
communication, limited resources (bandwidth, CPU, battery, etc.)
and limited security. These characteristics put special challenges in
routing protocol design. The one of the most important objectives
of MANET routing protocol is to maximize energy efficiency,
since nodes in MANET depend on limited energy resources.
The primary objectives of MANET routing protocols are to
maximize network throughput, to maximize network lifetime, and
to maximize delay. The network throughput is usually measured
by packet delivery ratio while the most significant contribution to
energy consumption is measured by routing overhead which is the
number or size of routing control packets. A major challenge that
a routing protocol designed for ad hoc wireless networks faces is
resource constraints. Devices used in the ad hoc wireless networks Fig. 1.1: Classification of Routing Protocols
in most cases require portability and hence they also have size
and weight constraints along with the restrictions on the power II. Broadcast In Manets
source. Increasing the battery power may make the nodes bulky There are two main characteristics of MANETs: they are wireless

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International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN : 2347 - 8446 (Online)
Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST 2014) Vol. 2, Issue 3 (July - Sept. 2014) ISSN : 2347 - 9817 (Print)

which means that broadcasting is inherent in their nature, and they as the most stable link; the second class of metrics concerns the
are mobile which means that they are continuously moving and selection of the youngest links, because they are considered more
require frequent route updates. The following sections describe resilient to breakage; the third criterion is based on the selection
the above-mentioned properties. of the link with the highest average residual lifetime value; the
fourth one makes selection of the link with the highest persistence
A. Mobility Induced error on Geography Routing in probability; finally, the fifth metric focuses on the connection
MANET failure probability. The latter approach has been shown to be
In Geographic routing, the packet forwarding technique was robust because it is based on the monitoring of the links lifetime
solely based on the location information of neighbors. Geographic of the mobile nodes in the wireless network, in the past and in the
routing in GPRS consists of two forwarding modes. i) Greedy present, to predict its behavior, in the future without considering
packet forwarding, ii) Perimeter forwarding. Initially the packet directly parameters depending by underlying mobility model
was forwarded by greed forwarding in which all the nodes were such as node speed or direction. End-to-end delay of a source
identified the location based on the neighbor nodes. The packet destination session is another considered performance metric,
forwarding mode has been changed in to perimeter forwarding particularly for real-time applications.
mode when the node was found out the maximum location Final
Stage. III. Existing Methodology & Proposed Scheme
In existing methodology, a fully distributed cooperative scheme
B. Routing Protocols for MANET using Mobility for NPV, which enables a source node, to discover and verify
Prediction the position of its communication neighbors. For clarity, here
In the MANET the nodes can construct a path in the network using we summarize the principles of route discovery and position
the routing capacity of the intermediate nodes. The communication verification process. A source node, S can initiate the protocol at
was established in wireless multi-hop fashion. In other words the any time instant, by triggering the 4-step message exchange process
communication is established in a wireless multi-hop fashion. [POLL, REPLY, REVEAL and REPORT], after completing the
The node can also have other characteristics such as small size message exchange process, source node S has derives distance range
and battery powered, making the node not only mobile but also of neighbor nodes to discover the shortest path to reach destination,
portable. As a result MANET can operate in places and situations after route discovery S runs several position verification tests in
where traditional networks cannot work properly, such us in order to classify each candidate neighbor as either VERIFIED,
disaster recovery areas, rural zones, and third world countries. FAULTY, UNVERFIABLE. Clearly , the verification tests aim at
avoiding false negatives(i.e..adversaries announcing fake positions
C. Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for MANET that are deemed verified) and false positives (i.e., correct nodes
Energy efficient Routing will be the most important Design in whose positions are deemed faulty),as well as at minimizing the
MANET. Since mobile nodes are powered by batteries with number of unverifiable nodes. We remark that our NPV scheme
limited capacity. Power failures of a mobile node not only affect does not target the creation of a consistent map of neighborhood
the node alone, it will affect the entire network life time. The relations throughout an ephemeral network: rather, it allows the
routing protocols were proposed in MANETs are table-driven verifier to independently classify its neighbors.
and on-demand driven routing. Routing in MANET includes new
generation of on demand routing schemes (AODV, DSR, TORA, A. Drawbacks of the Existing System
ABR etc). Proactive routing schemes (OSPF, RIP) compute global The network may contain few self nodes. These nodes will
routes in the background. The Benefit of proactive routing includes make of CPU power during the transmission from source node
low latency access, alternative paths for effective call acceptance to Destination.
control. These protocols concentrate on the energy properties The self node may consume the energy. This is not suitable for
scheme of applications. energy optimization.
Every node will know about the neighborhood node only, Route
D. Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for MANET looping can also occur while transmitting the longer packet. This
GPRS routing algorithm uses geography to achieve small per is not suitable for energy optimization.
node routing state, small routing protocol message capacity,
robust packet delivery etc. GPRS will use immediate neighbor B. Proposed Scheme
information in forwarding decisions. Routing protocol will relay Our proposed broadcast schemes use a novel neighborhood-based
on end to end state delivery path between a forwarding router and approach for dynamically selecting the group of nodes that forward
packets destination. the broadcast message. The source node selects a subset of its
1-hop neighbors for forwarding the broadcast packet, includes
E. Minimum Energy Mobile Wireless Networks their addresses in the packet header, and broadcasts the packet.
Position based algorithm is used to maintain the minimum energy A node that receives a broadcast packet is a forwarding node if
between the user. Each user will be denoted by nodes over two its address is included in the packet header. Otherwise, it drops
dimensional planes. Each mobile node has a portable transmission the packet. Forwarding nodes repeat the same process carried by
set, reception, processing capabilities. This distributed protocol the source.
will find the minimum power topology in the Ad hoc networks The two broadcast schemes we propose differ in the method used
for selecting forwarding nodes. In the first method, a number of
F. Stable Path Selection 1-hop neighbors that have the largest number of neighbors are
Five Different Metrics have been proposed for stable path selection. selected as forwarding nodes. In the second method, a subset of
The first technique is based on the local choice of the oldest link 1-hop neighbors that can reach all 2-hop neighbors forms the

2014, IJARCST All Rights Reserved 232 www.ijarcst.com

ISSN : 2347 - 8446 (Online) International Journal of Advanced Research in
ISSN : 2347 - 9817 (Print) Vol. 2, Issue 3 (July - Sept. 2014) Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST 2014)

forwarding group. The two schemes are respectively referred to if destination is in the neighborhood(nbr) vector
as the Broadcast-based CNRR Scheme, and the Broadcast-based { unicast RREQ to the neighbor;
Covering Neighbors Scheme. Below, they are described within exit(); }
the context of on-demand route discovery. In this case, the packet Choose a value in K such that (3 K 7)
being broadcast is the Route REQuest (RREQ) packet, and the if ((n/k) <= 1)
goal is finding a path to a destination node. { if (n/2 <= 1) {
When a RREQ packet reaches its destination node, the destination Choose the only neighbor to rebroadcast ;
sends a reply to the source of the request, and it does not forward Unblock the neighbor if it was previously blocked by other node
the packet. Information on neighbors that is used in the proposed in the network }}
schemes is obtained via HELLO messages that are exchanged Choose n/K farthest neighbors from nbr vector;
periodically, as in LSEA & AODV. Block the other neighbors from rebroadcasting;
PathDiscovery(); } }

Route Reply
If current node is the sender then
Create a chase packet
Broadcast the chase packet
Start transmitting the data
Route the route reply message to the sender.
End if
1 if(node = = source)
then broadcast(RREQ) with routelist;
else if(received RREP)
then sort(routes);
using [link_Quality (strong),
Maximum(min_re_energy) and
else rebroadcast(RREP);
endif //go to 2
2 if (node == intermediate node)
Fig. 3.1: Overall Scheme of the proposed system calculate remaining energy
calculate delay;
The PROPOSED FRAMEWORK algorithm (See Figure 1) update in routelist;
requires each node i to advertise its location (xi, yi, zi), rate of broadcast(RREQ) with Route_list;
energy consumption (MDR), and link stability index for each link endif //go to 3
outgoing by node i. We will insert the information mentioned 3 if (node == destination)
above in PROPOSED FRAMEWORK HELLO packet. Each node then stop broadcast(RREQ);
broadcasts HELLO packets to all its neighbors that are in its update as advertised_hop_count = 0;
communication range; each node in PROPOSED FRAMEWORK Calculate overall delay, link quality;
maintains the table of its direct neighbors. When a node receives Update route_list,
the HELLO packet, it updates the information of the neighbor, reply (RREP) with route_list;
if neighbor ID is already present in table or adds neighbor endif
information, if it is a new neighbor.
The data forwarding strategy of PROPOSED FRAMEWORK is The number of rebroadcasts is determined by the reachability
based on a greedy technique such as GPSR. However, differently parameter K which ranges between 3 and 7. The number of route
by GPSR, the next hop selection tries to minimize the joint energy requests to be rebroadcasted by each node to determine an optimal
stability metric. PROPOSED FRAMEWORK packet forwarding path depends on the chosen reachability parameter and the local
presents high scalability property because only the neighborhood density of the network. Selecting half of the neighbors from the
and destination knowledge are necessary for the greedy technique. neighborhood vector in a dense network establishes a shortest path
The flexibility of energy-stability-based greedy forwarding is between the source and the destination nodes reducing the control
offered through the capability to weight the stability and the energy overhead to half from the one that is actually required.
consumption on the basis of the interest of the application layer.
This means that if an application is more sensitive to the path IV. Performance Evaluation Of Proposed Scheme
stability and, consequently, the link stability, it is possible to give The proposed system is classified with energy metric evaluation
more importance to the si;j index. and link stability metric which considers mainly the power
dissipation factor that frequently alters with respect to the mobility
Route Request of the nodes in the simulation area. The system mainly uses greedy
Protocol PathDiscovery() approach where the data packets are forwarded based on the
{ while(1) heuristic nature of the energy factors considers. The architecture
{ for each chosen neighbor is quite flexible for usage of minimum energy consumption even

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International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN : 2347 - 8446 (Online)
Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST 2014) Vol. 2, Issue 3 (July - Sept. 2014) ISSN : 2347 - 9817 (Print)

with highest mobility. Delay. In each simulation, we compare the performance of our
To compare the different routing protocols for MANETS there LSEA protocol with AODV protocol, which is well-known and
are a group of important parameters to take into account. These commonly used ad hoc on demand routing protocol.
parameters are common in the quantitative analysis but it is
necessary to know and to understand them to do a theoretical A. Total Overhead
study. In the next points some of the most representatives are The proposed mechanisms increase path stability because the
explained: returned path consists of those nodes with better link lifetimes
and high residual energy levels.
Packets delivered per second (TCP traffic only). Examining
throughput, especially when it is considered relative to different
network scenarios, helps to determine how well the routing
protocols permit applications to optimize the use of the available

Packet Delivery Ratio

Packets successfully delivered to destinations over total number
of packets sent. Packet delivery ratio is calculated by dividing the
number of packets received by the destination by the number of
packets originated by the application layer of the source. It specifies
the packet loss rate, which limits the maximum throughput of the
network. The better the delivery ratio, the more complete and
correct is the routing protocol. B. Delivery Ratio
The data delivery ratio of the proposed schemes was compared with
Control Packet Overhead that of the AODV protocol. The results show that the combined
The routing overhead describes how many routing packets for effects of residual energy and link lifetimes affect the delivery
route discovery and route maintenance need to be sent in order ratio. This figure shows that LSEA give a better average packet
to propagate the data packets. It is an important measure for the delivery ratio than the AODV protocol.
scalability of a protocol. It, for instance determines if a protocol
will function in congested or low-bandwidth situations, or how
much node battery power it consumes. If a protocol requires
sending many routing packets, it will most likely cause congestion,
collision and data delay in larger networks.

Control Byte Overhead

The total number of control bytes used in the control packets.

It is End-to-end packet delay, from source to destination. The end-
to-end delay measures the delay a packet suffers after leaving the
sender and then arriving at the receiver application.
This includes delays due to route discovery, queuing at Internet
protocol (IP) and medium access control (MAC) layers, and C. Network Lifetime
propagation in the channel. The network lifetime increases with increases in the energy
threshold level in the case of the LSEA protocol. When the energy
Hop Count threshold is increased, any node can be prevented from forwarding
It represents the number of hops that a packet has taken before it the RREQ if its energy is below this level.
has been correctly delivered.

Table 4.1: - Simulation Environment

Map Size 350m * 350m
Channel Bandwidth 11Mbps
Channel Delay 10sec
Simulation Time 900s
Number of Hosts 100
Channel Gain 0
Mobility Model Random Way Point
Message Packet Size 512bytes
Three performance metrics are of interest: (1) Route Request
Success Rate, (2) Saved Rebroadcast, and (3) Route Request

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ISSN : 2347 - 8446 (Online) International Journal of Advanced Research in
ISSN : 2347 - 9817 (Print) Vol. 2, Issue 3 (July - Sept. 2014) Computer Science & Technology (IJARCST 2014)

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