Phillips Newell 2013 Energy Policy Post Print Version
Phillips Newell 2013 Energy Policy Post Print Version
Phillips Newell 2013 Energy Policy Post Print Version
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This paper explores the ways in which clean energy is being governed in India. It
carbon finance in supporting lower carbon energy transitions, and to strengthen our
particular we emphasize the importance of politics and the nature of India’s political
defined as ‘clean’ both through the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism
institutions that exert formal and informal political influence over how the benefits
and costs of the CDM are distributed, the paper highlights shortcomings in the
narrow way in which CDM governance has been conceptualized to date. This
nature of the trade-offs that characterize debates about India’s energy future and the
relations of power which will determine how, and on whose terms, they are resolved.
All countries now face a range of energy challenges in promoting energy security,
change. But some countries face the dilemmas and conflicts between these objectives
challenging case for domestic energy planners and international climate policy
advocates alike. India is the fifth largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world and
projected to become the third largest emitter by 2015 (IEA 2007). The majority of
India’s emissions are produced by the energy sector (MoEF 2010), yet the carbon
intensity of India’s economy is around half that of China and lower than the US.
Moreover, the country’s low per capita emissions are projected to remain below the
2004 world average up to 2031 (MoEF 2009a). Indeed, while India is a major global
producer and consumer of energy, it also faces huge suppressed demand for energy,
with more than 400 million people lacking access to electricity and 700 million
Yet the political thrust of India’s drive for ‘energy independency’ (Planning
Commission 2006) is provided by the current energy supply-demand gaps and the
targets of 8-10 per cent in the medium term. Reconciling climate change concerns
with India’s economic growth will clearly require a significant transformation of the
country’s energy supply. As India’s Integrated Energy Policy notes: ‘even if India
5.6% of total energy required in 2031-32’ (Planning Commission 2006: 82). The
current installed capacity for grid-interactive renewable energy is over 26GW, with
MNRE 2013). However, while India has put in place policies for scaling up ‘clean
energy’1 power generation, there remains huge potential to scale up the use of
renewable sources to meet both on- and off-grid energy needs and replace
It is against this background that we situate our analysis of the politics and
governance of clean energy in India and in particular the present and potential role of
the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which currently constitutes the largest
source of mitigation finance to the developing world (World Bank 2009). India has
been one of the biggest recipients of CDM finance to date, hosting over 850
registered projects (a fifth of the global total), but has faced criticism with respect to
are meant to achieve. Existing literature on the CDM has addressed issues such as
the performance of specific technologies (e.g. Purohit & Michaelowa 2008), forms
the functioning of India’s Designated National Authority (DNA) (Ganapati & Lui
2009). More directly relevant to the broad governance approach taken in this paper,
some attention has also been directed to considering Indian ‘carbon governance’ in
the different levels of governance and the coalitions of actors and institutions which,
Conceiving of clean energy governance in this broad manner means situating CDM
projects and procedures within a wider set of political and economic power relations
practice: the role of power and politics in shaping clean energy governance, from
global to local level, and across the spectrum of public and private initiatives and
beyond the formal division of responsibilities for energy policy means discussing the
factors that impact upon actual decision-making and the outcomes of battles over
bureaucratic authority, access to finance, or the balance of power between state and
market actors in India – government officials, market actors and their critics – as
well us with many of the key regional and international institutions working on these
issues in India.2
The paper begins by outlining the regional and global influences that shape India’s
clean energy sector: the governance of clean energy ‘from above’. It then turns to the
governance of clean energy ‘from below’: the national politics of clean energy and
the domestic power struggles in which international instruments such as the CDM
become embroiled, and which they must engage if they are to make a significant
contribution to realizing India’s clean energy goals. We then outline areas of the ‘un-
governance’ of clean energy and locate this within the wider political economy of
energy sector means exploring the power of competing interest groups – those both
directly involved in carbon markets and those influencing energy policy more
broadly – that can resist, block or steer the CDM and its governance in particular
and ‘niches’ (such as particular types of renewable energy), which compete for
resources and political support from state, private and other actors that populate the
particular, have called for approaches to move beyond a focus on institutional design
and management issues and to address more fully the politics and non-politics of
transitions (Scarse and Smith 2009; Meadowcroft 2009). This line of critique
politics and power, and how these shape outcomes. We draw on the following
notions of power to develop such an analysis of the role of the CDM in India’s
energy politics: (i) structural and material power, which derives from control of
resources, finance and production, but which might also extend to technological
power (Falkner 2008). In this context, these forms of power apply to the corporations
whose production CDM finance seeks to shape; to technology providers; and to the
organizational power, which derives from access to and control over key sites of
decision-making and here refers to the distribution of power and authority across
state agencies with responsibilities for energy and climate change; and finally (iii)
discursive power, or the power to shape framings of issues and the production of
narratives, which is employed by a range of actors in making the case for and against
the benefits brought about by the CDM and derives from access to media and key
communication channels (cf. Levy & Newell 2005; Fuchs 2007). We describe below
how these forms of power are mobilized to produce as well as frustrate change, and
to maintain the power of incumbent actors, as we explore in the final section on the
This section consider actors and institutions beyond India’s borders that have a role
in governing clean energy in India and the extent and ways in which these forms of
‘governance from above’ shape and constrain India’s policy making process and
policy autonomy (Newell et al. 2009). This resonates with what would be called
Within the formal channels of the UNFCCC, India has been a leading voice of the
G77+ China group in emphasizing that industrialized countries bear the historical
responsibility for climate change and are obliged to act first to reduce their emissions
and compensate countries such as India with finance for mitigation and adaptation
measures (Michel & Pandya 2009; Michealowa & Michaelowa 2011). This position
Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), which has sought to align carbon finance with
national energy and industrial priorities rather than allow it to be used as a means of
committing India to emissions reductions. For example, India has pushed for
expansion of the project-based CDM to include large hydro power projects, nuclear
‘additionality’ of CDM finance for renewable energy projects; and for the use of
public climate finance to meet the continued shortfall in demand for carbon credits in
Yet while increasing international pressure on India has not been the primary driver
powerful narrative around climate co-benefits for domestic actions de-linked from
global commitments, behind which government, business and civil society interests
have largely united (Dubash 2009). Through the CDM, India is engaging with
international climate finance in ways that are geared towards aligning the scale up of
clean energy with India’s domestic framing of climate policy. India’s Ministry of
New and Renewable Energy has stated for example that adequate international
finance through the CDM, NAMAs or other sources could double the ministry’s
CDM market has made the country a site of significant flows of global public
finance for energy. India has been the subject of ongoing capacity building programs
to develop its CDM governance from the United Nations Development Programme
(GTZ, now GIZ), dating back to 2003 in the case of GIZ and 1999 in the case of a
institutionalize the CDM, address apparent market failures, and build the capacity of
interest in the CDM beyond the DNA.3 Through this role, these institutions have
steered the CDM in certain directions by addressing governance deficits in line with
their respective expertise and interests, such as ADB efforts to increase the
participation of the domestic finance sector and support projects within its financing
The CDM is also supported in India through carbon funds operated for client
companies by the ADB and International Finance Corporation (IFC), (the private
sector lending arm of the World Bank Group). These funds co-finance projects
transparency and transferring the risk of non-delivery of credits away from buyers.
Not all such efforts to shape the operation of carbon markets in India have been
welcomed, however. The first of the World Bank’s carbon funds, the Prototype
Carbon Fund (PCF), for example, received criticism for offering poor deals on the
Despite the material power wielded by landscape actors through their control over
clean energy finance, their power has been contested. India has sought to assert its
policy autonomy in setting the terms of climate finance flows for energy by initially
rejecting potential funds from the World Bank’s Climate Investment Funds, despite
the country’s status as a ‘prominent potential client’ (Sethi 2008). Setting its
preferred terms, India has since submitted a draft investment plan to the Bank’s
Clean Technology Fund in 2011 (CIF 2011), prioritizing investments in, among
other projects, a policy development loan for politically contentious changes to the
Beyond carbon markets and climate finance, MDBs remain influential in shaping
India’s energy sector, both through the loans they extend and through the
providers of capital. Financial crises and calls for climate-sensitive energy financing
have provided MDBs with strategic opportunities to re-engage with energy financing
to meet project financing requirements. Within this context, MDBs have begun to
increase the proportion of their core concessional and private sector finance for clean
However, alongside its support for ‘clean’ energy, public energy finance to India
continues to provide significant financing for fossil fuel exploitation. For example,
the ADB and IFC are both part-financing the first of India’s Ultra Mega Power
projects (UMPPs), the $4.1 billion, 4000MW Mundra coal power plant project in
Gujarat,6 citing the use of more efficient supercritical technology as a key investment
criterion. The CDM Executive Board rejected Tata’s Mundra project on the grounds
Power’s UMPPs at Sasan and Krishnapatnam (Fisher 2009; IFC 2008), drawing
about the use of CDM finance for minor improvements in coal power plant
efficiency (Lazarus & Chandler 2011). The effect of such support from the CDM and
World Bank is to entrench the bureaucratic power of the incumbent coal regime in
India centered in the Ministries of Power and Coal at the expense of the Ministry of
New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) which aims instead to lever international
finance to shift the country’s energy fix in favour of ‘clean’ energy as described
promoting clean energy, levels of international finance for clean energy remain
inadequate compared to the scale of the energy challenge in India and contradictory
in their effects with simultaneous support for fossil fuel and renewable energy
development. We will now explore how the impact and effectiveness of ‘Clean
energy governance from above’ and its ability to reconfigure energy governance in
India is ultimately affected by the national and sub-national political processes that
Energy in India
India’s system of national governance has had a decisive influence over the direction
of clean energy development and over the role of the CDM in supporting clean
energy in the country. The growth of renewable energy in India has been generated
largely by the private sector, not through CDM finance, but by a regulatory
framework and series of incentives created by the state positioning itself as the
enabler of private investment. India’s Five Year Plans and various policy ‘missions’
such as the National Solar Mission are based on a model of state-led development
that dates from the era of Nehru. The majority of corporate finance has thus far
focused on mature markets in large scale wind installations and commercially viable
hydro projects (MNRE 2010), with the wind industry benefiting from a regulatory
The result is that for several successful sectors of clean energy technology mature
markets and significant capabilities exist (Lema & Lema 2012), such that renewable
energy projects in India are increasingly attractive to investors on a risk return basis,
Indian state, central planning and enthusiasm for domestic trading initiatives7 mean
that the promise of CDM revenue provides the ‘icing on the cake’ or a
‘psychological boost’ as project developers put it,8 but rarely drives investment
decisions. Many critics of the CDM in India have referred to a US Consulate cable
additionality calculation in practice involves more complex calculations of financial
risk and return than belies the formal process (Schiermeier 2011). Given the long
lead times inherent in the international CDM approval system, project developers
feel that relying on CDM finance represents a highly risky business strategy. Rather,
facilitate the uptake of renewable energy mean that, in practice, the CDM has come
We find a mixture of public and private power at work here consistent with other
work on the CDM’s ‘hybrid’ governance model (Streck 2004). While the CDM
Executive Board ultimately approves projects and issues credits based on judgments
about the additionality of projects, project developers and their consultants exercise a
degree of power about which projects are selected, and whether they are considered
worthy of support through their judgments about the financial viability of projects.
These include the preparation of distinct cases of financial viability for domestic and
power, constructing India as a positive place to invest and in doing so shaping flows
of finance. For example, when HSBC greets the planned release of a report outlining
how India plans to meet its energy intensity target by ‘upgrad[ing] the country’s
climate strategy rating to positive’ (Knight et al. 2010), it governs the market that it
The power of business groups also enters the picture as initiators and shapers of a
important in shifting the Indian government position on market mechanisms to one
that embraced the prospect of the CDM and led to the early establishment of the
and partnering with local technical consultants to promote project development and
influence the direction of early CDM investment towards particular sectors (Pulver
& Benny 2010). In the case of Price waterhouse Coopers (PwC), they also stand
& Purohit 2007), undermining the integrity of emission reductions. Industry lobbies
such as the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and the Federation of Indian
Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) have also played a part as market
Indian companies.
Private actors also enact CDM governance through the less formal, everyday acts of
received a great deal of attention in India, due to both the high degree of formal
authority they are delegated (Green 2008) and the common perception that their poor
performance has caused delays in project validation and emissions auditing. Due in
part to capacity constraints, the DNA is heavily reliant on the assessments of DOEs.
This is problematic in light of claims that certain DOEs are reluctant to visit the sites
duplicate ‘cut and paste’ comments in PDDs for separate projects (CSE 2005).
Hence while efforts to make information about projects held in PDDs more publicly
available are important, they do not detract from the potential for serious
shortcomings in the quality and reliability of the information contained in them. Nor
do they compensate for poorly conducted consultation processes about the impact of
projects, as we discuss below. The technical expertise required to make sense of the
documents, produced not for public consumption, but to seek approval from
governments and the EB, means they are often in reality inaccessible or intelligible
Beyond the governance of claimed emissions reductions, what then is the role of the
Indian government in overseeing the delivery of the other aim of the CDM, to bring
sustainable development benefits? The state in India has played a notably less active
role in governing and steering the CDM than in other areas of the energy economy.
The DNA is responsible for ensuring that sustainable development benefits are
integrated into the design of each CDM project. Pressure over the high rejection rate
of Indian projects by the Executive Board has reportedly led to a tightening of the
(Benecke 2009) but to date the Government of India has opted not to enforce ‘hard’
regulations such as taxation regimes, a floor price for CERs, or differential fees in
line with priority sectors. Indeed, the Indian DNA’s broad sustainable development
smooth domestic approval process for project developers than ensuring the integrity
of sustainable development outcomes.10 Late in the day, in 2012, the Indian DNA
dictated that large scale projects should commit to sharing 2 per cent of CER revenue
with local communities, partly in response to sustained criticism of the contribution
revenue on this scale is unlikely to shift the calculus of investors in CDM projects
companies on the CDM approval process for example indicate that firms perceive
there to be a low risk of project rejection by the Indian DNA (Hultman et al. 2012),
reinforcing concerns that project approval proceeds with little scrutiny and few
checks about whether CDM projects are likely to deliver claimed sustainable
development benefits or avoid harm for local stakeholders.11 Critics have claimed
(Böhm & Dabhi 2009). Likewise, domestic industrial projects that receive support
from MDBs have provided focal points for activists documenting the shortfalls
against the environmental and social investment guidelines of MDBs. Activists have
used global networks and online media to expose cases of alleged ‘carbon fraud’
dispossessed of their land by foreign actors. In governance terms the effect of this
watchdog activism is to force responses from the DNA and from project developers,
a small proportion of whom in India have sought to establish the credibility of their
projects by seeking certification from the Gold Standard Foundation. The Gold
Standard provides an extra set of process checks and requirements on the fulfillment
been considered too great for some project developers even where they consider
Given the light touch steering role adopted by the DNA, it does not currently have
the decisive role in governing the CDM within India envisaged by formal CDM
governance structures. Governance at state and local level also has a key role to play
in determining the extent to which benefits flow from the CDM. This is reflected in
the uneven distribution of CDM projects and revenue within India, where Tamil
Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Rajastan each have over 200 projects at
validation stage, while several other states host no projects at all (Fenhann 2012).
While economically prosperous states have generally seen greater CDM investment
than poorer ones (Sirohi 2007), ‘good governance’ also appears important since
these same states are those that generate confidence among investors based on
perceived respect for the rule of law and property rights and having an attractive
investment climate.
Several states that have attracted CDM projects have also created single window
policy environment. In other states, CERS were shared with the electricity grid
reducing the financial incentive for project developers.13 However, considering that
CDM revenue alone is rarely if ever sufficient to initiate project development, it is
perhaps unsurprising that the biggest winners have been states such as Gujarat and
Tamil Nadu with established industrial sectors and attractive policies and governance
there has been a perception in some states that, as a market mechanism, the CDM
‘would be taken care of by industry’.14 Many states lack the capacity to promote and
process CDM projects. The experience of state bureaucrats suggests that the
promotion of renewable energy and the CDM at state level is often driven by
variability in institutional capacity across states, as well as between the actual roles
and functions that analogous state authorities perform. From the perspective of
Local Governance
Beyond the national and state structures that direct CDM investment, the distribution
in so far as CDM projects (like other proposed industrial development projects) are
particular projects, and the extent to which certain projects are endorsed or resisted at
the local level. Who gains from particular projects is shaped by the nature of
consultation processes, the capacity of local institutions to engage with them, their
political power to (re)shape the design of projects (since project developers have to
provide an account of how they have addressed any issues raised during the
Political decentralization in India has opened space for local institutions to play a
greater role in mediating between project developers, the state and citizens,
with the sort of permanent and visible presence in local political life that cannot be
achieved by central or state bodies. However, precisely because the Panchayat Raj
system of local institutions has been delegated greater responsibility for running a
range of local affairs, they often have little capacity to take on the additional
of the Gram Sabha17 mean that discussion can often only focus on a single issue,
such as the government’s rural employment guarantee scheme. Given the limited
is perhaps not surprising that reports of lax procedures on the part of project
where the language is rarely spoken or a significant proportion of residents are not
Moreover, local institutions are not immune to corruption or capture of consultative
processes by local elites and often have weak systems of accountability in place for
the management of revenue and project benefits. For example, the wind turbine
producer Suzlon has made allegations of corruption among state and local officials
while attempting to secure the necessary community approval for India’s largest
wind farm.18 However, the time and effort required to initiate projects with strong
prohibitively high transaction costs in the eyes of CDM investors and project
While some of these issues stem from the fundamental design of the CDM, given its
significantly shapes whether CDM projects produce the social and development
benefits promised and where and to whom the benefits are distributed.
A series of interventions from public and private actors have attempted to address
2011) is important given that lack of capacity presents a significant constraint for the
DNA, which is sometimes required to review fifty to sixty PDDs in each monthly
sitting; and for the ministries on the approval committee, which typically have little
technical knowledge of the CDM itself.19 These programs are well supported by
the success of the CDM as a carbon offset mechanism. GIZ, for example, has
paperless application process and has responded to criticisms of consultation
available. However, while these efforts address the efficiency and effectiveness of
core CDM procedures, they fail to locate the distribution of CDM benefits and costs
in the broader context of politics and the relations of power that influence the CDM
In this section we discuss how the national governance of the CDM and clean energy
powerful coalitions of interests seek to shape India’s energy future and – directly and
indirectly – the role of the CDM within it. Although ongoing market-based reforms
of energy governance are planned in India, the energy sector as a whole retains a
high level of state influence (Joseph 2010). As described above, with regard to
carbon markets and renewable energy the most significant role of the state has been
in setting enabling policies, rules and procedures for private sector finance and
technology development. But a broader set of political dynamics within the state
impact upon these policy areas. Considering renewable energy specifically, new
policy initiatives such as the Renewable Energy Certificate Scheme may continue to
and entrenched political interests have resulted in poor implementation in several
states and produced unstable and unpredictable policies (ADB 2008). In this context,
navigating CDM governance presents just one of a set of political challenges for
At the local level too, CDM financing enters India’s national and local energy policy
Impact Assessment (EIA) process has been repeatedly criticized for failing to allow
involvement of affected citizens in the scoping stage of project design, opting instead
for public hearings based on the completed EIA, a similar process to the majority of
CDM project consultations (Mahalingham et al. 2006). Although policies such as the
Electricity Act of 2003 have allowed for greater opportunities for civil society input
to policy, the dynamics of the power sector can prove to be complex and the range of
al. 2006). Likewise, some local NGOs and civil society organizations such as Carbon
Market Watch are actively engaged in monitoring selected CDM projects. But their
capacity to critically monitor the environmental and social planning of India’s large
number of CDM projects is limited. Hence while the democratic space for local and
national engagement with the CDM is greater in India than other major host
alone in a large, diffuse and complex market, such as the CDM in India. In the
compensating presence of an engaged and well-resourced civil society are
These and other features of India’s contemporary political economy shape how and
where CDM investment goes and who benefits at a variety of scales. In the short
term, many of the most accessible sites for on-shore wind projects in India,
encouraged by the sorts of policies we have analyzed above, are situated in forested
by ‘a huge amount of murky political economy’ (Kadakia & Acharya 2010: 15).
Indeed, many conventional energy generation projects are said to have been delayed
where land is available and the transfer of its use is less contentious, such as for solar
power installations in desert states (MNRE 2010). Yet as Narain (2011) notes, strong
for whom energy policy is designed and to whom the benefits and potential trade-
when considering the potential trade-offs of providing the ‘long, loud and legal’
initiatives, the National Solar Mission creates perhaps the clearest example of
political challenges in constructing long term policies for clean energy, and the
Solar Mission is contentious due to its costs, as it proposes to step outside of the
medium term. Questions of who will bear the cost of solar electricity tariffs and
decentralized energy distribution, and how the costs will be managed, are foremost
in determining the short and long term success of a policy that could put India in a
strong political position with respect to clean energy technology manufacturing and
World Trade Organization (Politi 2013). The governance of this rapidly emerging
policy area will be critical to determining in which ways climate finance, including
the CDM, will contribute to its realization or increased ambition. The role of the
political interests, the political economy of energy in India will likely shape how the
limited and variable flows of CDM finance will need to be governed in order to
institutions and actors that – in various modes and capacities – govern the role that
the CDM and clean energy have come to play in expanding India’s energy
energy in India as it is to assess the institutions that assume formal responsibility for
deliberate and active neglect, where power is exercised to ensure action is not taken
and prevailing material and bureaucratic interests protected (cf. Crenson 1971). In
this context it entails recognition that the actors and institutions with primary
responsibility for clean energy development are rarely those actors which yield most
power over the course of energy policy development. It manifests itself in the way
the incumbent regime, largely centered around the continued use of fossil fuels,
begin to imply limits on fossil energy development. This tends to occur only in the
rare cases when clean energy measures are positioned outside of the dominant
discursive framing of clean energy ‘co-benefits’ in India. Hence, while India’s much
feted MNRE is the only ministry in the world dedicated solely to renewable energy
and has seen large budgetary increases over recent years (Planning Commission
2010), the financial allocation for renewable energy remains small in comparison to
total energy allocation which continues to favor the incumbent coal regime.
Moreover, the decision to form a National Clean Energy Fund from a tax on
domestic and imported coal21, which might appear as a loss for coal interests, has
revenue collected is essentially small enough to constitute no real threat to the coal
The Ministries of Power and Coal command much greater financial resources and
political power within government than either MNRE or MoEF. When former
(Ramesh 2010). While staff in MNRE in particular are keen to utilize the CDM to
support greater ambition in the development of policies such as the National Solar
Mission,23 the CDM does not garner significant interest from the Ministry of Power
(MoP) despite the significant proportion of India’s CERs generated from India’s
capital intensive large coal power plants.24 Indeed, the prominent industrial
developers of such projects are largely those with the capacity to engage with CDM
procedures and accounting exercises, such that state steering or sectoral prioritization
of the CDM may appear of little relevance to powerful ministries such as the MoP.
Any potential prioritization of particular energy service needs for poverty alleviation,
industry expertise would, in effect, challenge this ability of existing political interests
to benefit from climate finance. And whilst the MNRE may provide avenues of
obliged to include MNRE within its decision making on policies that affect the
In light of the differential power among energy ministries, India’s Planning
Commission – the coordinating body for Five Year Plans and ‘holistic’ energy
planning exercises such as the Integrated Energy Policy – has a potentially important
change and energy poverty concerns. For example, in preparation for the country’s
next Five Year Plan (2012-2017), the Planning Commission was tasked with
preparing a roadmap for inclusive low carbon growth, including how the government
may meet its carbon intensity target. Yet the Planning Commission is not deemed to
have the authority nor the mechanisms to enforce change in the relevant ministries,
or to ensure coherence between them (Dubash 2011). Its ability to unsettle existing
specifically address clean energy growth, the nature of these power relations in the
energy sector in India play a critical role in determining how India will govern clean
energy and how carbon and climate finance will be received into the political
Our analysis has sought to highlight the role of politics, power and political economy
in understanding how and whether schemes such as the CDM are capable of
producing social and development benefits while levering additional sources of clean
energy finance in India. In so doing it has added to, and gone beyond, an
governance factors that influence the performance of the CDM are determined by the
structural design of the mechanism itself, we have argued that in the case of India,
and local level shapes how and whether benefits flow from the CDM to their
large-scale change, need to understand, engage and ultimately unsettle this broader
political terrain.
The approach to examining governance presented here has included the governing
roles of a range of actors across the public-private spectrum; across scales from
village institutions to global institutions; and including both formal institutions and
the informal practices of day to day governance. Using this wide definition, we have
considered how the power and influence over energy policy-making and
administrative procedures concerning the CDM has impacted upon the creation and
design of CDM governance, who influences decisions at national and local levels,
and therefore who benefits from clean energy financing. These processes in turn
shape how significant a role ‘clean energy’ initiatives including the CDM come to
play in India’s energy regime. Far from being technocratic or purely managerial
overall state energy strategies, and decisions about who has the right to participate in
decisions about projects and policy, are aspects of governance that are highly
international and domestic clean energy finance and the associated benefits and
of market-based mechanisms such as the CDM. Here in particular, the ‘un-
governance’ of clean energy often has significant impacts on whether or not clean
energy goals are achieved: the actors and policy processes that are not typically
perceived as the subjects of clean energy governance but which can undermine the
effect of clean energy policies, through ongoing investments in fossil fuels and
India’s early state-led growth in clean energy technologies has largely dictated the
role that the CDM has come to play in the country. In this regard, the extent to which
the CDM can fulfill its dual aims of creating sustainable development benefits
and political economy of energy policy and the relations of power which characterize
the domestic energy sector. In turn, we argue that this implies an appreciation of how
the influence and power of ‘incumbent’ versus ‘niche’ actors, for example, shapes
the extent to which national policy is steered towards particular public goals and
change, energy poverty and energy security. We have argued here for greater
appreciation in scholarship and policy making of the role that national and local
energy governance and politics plays in determining whether the CDM becomes
aligned with domestic clean energy politics and, ultimately, in shaping its prospects
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In this paper we consider energy generation defined as ‘clean’ through the CDM and through
various aspects of Indian energy policy, while recognising that definitions of clean energy are
with a range of Delhi-based policy makers and bureaucrats in relevant government ministries and
bilateral and multilateral donors, and representatives of non-governmental organisations and civil
society (Appendix 1). Interviewee data has been triangulated prior to interpretation in order to assess
September 2010.
Authors’ interviews with a carbon market services consultant; and with a Director, MNRE, New
$50m in equity.
In addition to the REC scheme, the most significant of these is the Perform, Achieve and Trade
(PAT) scheme for trade in energy efficiency measures, which came into force during August 2012.
Pilot schemes are also planned for the introduction of domestic trade in sulphur- and nitrogen-based
Authors’ interviews with private, public and third sector project developers, New Delhi, September
Authors’ interviews with carbon market consultants and project developers, New Delhi, September
Authors’ interview with Member Secretary of the DNA, MoEF, New Delhi, September 2010
Authors’ interviews with carbon market consultants and project developers, New Delhi, September
Authors’ interviews with Programme Manager, Gold Standard Foundation, New Delhi; Project
Developers, Carbon Market Conclave 2010, New Delhi; Senior Program Officer of an international
NGO and former staff member in the Maharashtra State Government, Gurgaon, September 2010.
We thank an anonymous reviewer for highlighting this point.
Authors’ interview with Senior Program Officer of an international NGO and former staff member
target of 15 per cent of renewable energy in the electricity mix can be met without additional costs to
the end-user, with additional costs borne by state electricity utilities (Gupta 2010).
A $1.1 per tonne tax was placed on coal in the 2010 budget.
Authors’ interview with Director, MNRE, New Delhi, September 2010.
Interview with Director of MNRE, New Delhi, September 2010
Interview with Director in the Ministry of Power, New Delhi, September 2010
Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
Planning Commission
Ministry of Power
Winrock International
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)