Homework Choices Grid Autumn 1

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Marvellous Me

Mathematics Literacy Out and About / UTW

Make handprints of everyone who lives in your home. Sit in your garden or a favourite outside space. Use
Choose a familiar story that you love
Cut them out. Can you put them in order of size? Can your senses to explore. Make a list of what you hear,
reading or listening to at home.
you use them to make a repeating pattern? see and smell. What parts
Can you re-tell your story for
of the body do you need
your friends in school? You
use to do this?
could create a story map or film
a video of you re-telling your

Expressive Arts and Design Autumn Term 1 Homework All about me / PSED

Make or design a ‘people who

Challenge Chart Take photographs or draw pictures of you being a
help us’ vehicle. Use lots of Please choose at least two activities to superhero at home.
different media and materials. complete and post to your portfolio on Class
Dojo by... Maybe tidying your room or helping wash the dishes?
Thursday 15 October 2020

Technology and Science / UTW Working with Others / PSED Health and Wellbeing/ PD

Use a camera or video equipment to Create a thank you card for someone who Can you try 3 new healthy foods?
show us your favourite room in your has helped you.
home and tell us why you like it. Tell us what they were and whether you enjoyed them.
Example: a doctor who looked after you or
a vet that looked after your pet.

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