Week 11 Lesson 1

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Week Eleven – Lesson One

Parent information: Kids do: Assessment:

Activity We will be learning about four kinds of nonstandard measurement this week: Watch the videos. Take a
One  Measuring lengths picture of
 Measuring area Compare the lengths of household your chart.
 Measuring capacity objects, using a pencil. Send it to
 Measuring weight/mass your teacher
Create a chart showing objects that were via e-mail or
Watch the following videos to learn more about comparing lengths: shorter than the pencil, longer than the classdojo.
pencil, and about the same length as the

Today, your student will be comparing lengths. Using a pencil as a baseline, compare
objects around the house. Your student will find objects that are shorter than the
pencil, longer than the pencil, and about the same length as the pencil. Ask your
student to create a chart to share what he or she discovered. Mrs. Craven has an
example for you to see under the lesson one tab of the grade one website.

Activity Today’s fairy tale is told from a different perspective and switches the antagonist and Watch and listen as Mrs. Harris reads you
Two the protagonist. We all know the story of the Three Little Pigs … or at least, we think the story of the Three Little Pigs told
we do. Have your child watch this story to hear it from the wolf’s perspective. from the Wolf’s perspective.
What do you think? Is the Wolf a good
guy who was framed? Or is he still the
bad guy?

Tell someone in your family about this

Activity Teachers have assigned new books for your child to read in his or her Epic account. Log on to your Epic account. Check your
Three Make sure to read 20 minutes a day! You can also use you RAZ Kids account for more mailbox – this is where your teacher has
books! Each week, teachers will provide a new reading fluency or put your assigned reading!
Guided comprehension strategy that you can practice with your child to really
Reading strengthen his or her literacy skills. Please have your child read 20
minutes a day. You can help by listening to them read, reminding them
Daily to read, or reading to them!
Reading Strategy: Continue to build comprehension skills by asking
your child questions such as, "What was the main idea of the book?"
and "Did the characters have a problem? How did they solve it?"

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