Assignment ON Project Management

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The document discusses the project management process of developing banking software for a client. It covers the project scope, requirements collection, workflow including design, development and testing, and warranty service.

The scope of the project involves developing banking software for the clients Military Bank online and Bank of America. The document also discusses scope creep and how to control costs.

The different phases of the project workflow discussed are design, development, low level architecture, analysis and design, internal review, technical architecture review, hard commitment, and production commitment.


Company Name Client Name Project name

: HCL Technologies Ltd. : Military Bank online ,Bank of America,USA. : Bank Software Development

Submitted by Swamy Sri Venkata Sheshu (1591010039) V.Rajesh (1591010040) M.Venkatesh(1591010041) V.S.Vignesh (1591010042) Vijayalakshmi (1591010043) Vinny Vhargese (1591010044)

Chapter 1: 1.0 HCL Technologies Ltd Profile. 4 Chapter 2: 2.0 Project Scope 5 2.0.1Scope Creep. 5 2.1 Activity Flow.. 6 2.2 Team Building Program.. 6 2.2.1 Benefits of Team Work.. 7 2.2.2 Types of Services 7 2.2.3 Team Members.. 7 2.3 Cost Control 8 2.3.1 Cost Control Techniques. 8 2.4 Requirements Collection.. 9 2.4.1Importance of Requirements. 9 2.5 Work Flow of Project.. 9 2.5.1 Design.. 9 2.5.2 Development.. 9 2.5.3 Low Level Architecture 10 2.5.4 Request Specification Matters(RFM).10 2.5.5 Analysis and Design10

2.5.6 Internal Re-Review 11 2.5.7 Tech architecture Re- Review 11 2.5.8 Minutes of Meeting.. 11 2.5.9 Hard Commitment. 12 2.5.10 Production Commitment 12 2.5.11 Warranty Service.. 12

Chapter 1
1.0 Company Profile:
HCL Technologies:
HCL Technologies is a leading global IT services company, working with clients in the areas that impact and redefine the core of their businesses. Since its inception into the global landscape after its IPO in 1999, HCL focuses on 'transformational outsourcing', underlined by innovation and value creation, and offers integrated portfolio of services including software-led IT solutions, remote infrastructure management, engineering and R&D services and BPO. HCL leverages its extensive global offshore infrastructure and network of offices in 26 countries to provide holistic, multi-service delivery in key industry verticals including Financial Services, Manufacturing, Consumer Services, Public Services and Healthcare. HCL takes pride in its philosophy of 'Employees First, Customers Second' which empowers our 77,046 transformers to create a real value for the customers. HCL Technologies, along with its subsidiaries, had consolidated revenues of US$ 3.5 billion (Rs. 16,034 crores), as on 30 June 2011 (on LTM basis).

HCL Enterprise
HCL is a $6 billion leading global technology and IT enterprise comprising two companies listed in India - HCL Technologies and HCL Infosystems. Founded in 1976, HCL is one of India's original IT garage start-ups. A pioneer of modern computing, HCL is a global transformational enterprise today. Its range of offerings includes product engineering, custom & package applications, BPO, IT infrastructure services, IT hardware, systems integration, and distribution of information and communications technology (ICT) products across a wide range of focused industry verticals. The HCL team consists of over 85,000 professionals of diverse nationalities, who operate from 31 countries including over 500 points of presence in India. HCL has partnerships with several leading global 1000 firms, including leading IT and technology firms. Vision Statement "To be the technology partner of choice for forward looking customers by collaboratively transforming technology into business advantage." Mission Statement "We will be the employer of choice and the partner of choice by focusing on our stated values of Employee First, Trust, Transparency, Flexibility and Value Centricity."

Chapter 2
2.0 Project Scope:
When it comes to project planning, defining the project scope is the most critical step. In case if you start the project without knowing what you are supposed to be delivering at the end to the client, and what the boundaries of the project, there is a little chance for you to success. In most of the instances, you actually do not have any chance to success with this unorganized approach. If you do not do a good job in project scope definition, project scope management during the project execution is almost impossible.The main purpose of the scope is to clearly describe the boundaries of your project. Clearly describing the boundaries is not enough when it comes to project. You need to get the client's agreement as well.Therefore, the defined scope of the project usually included into the contractual agreements between the client and the services provider. SOW, or in other words, Statement of Work, is one such document. In the project scope , the elements within the scope and out of the scope are well defined in order to clearly understand what will be the area under the project control. Therefore, you should identify more elements in detailed manner and divide them among the scope and out of scope.When the project is about to be funded, there should be a set of defined deliveries and objectives for the project. There can be a high level scope statement prepared at this level.This high level scope statement can be taken from the initial documents such as SOW. In addition to the SOW, you need to use any other document or information in order to further define the project scope at this level.In case, if you feel that you do not have enough information to come up with a high level scope statement, you should then work closely with the client in order gather necessary information.Project objectives can be used for defining the project scope. As a matter of fact, there should be one or more deliveries addressing each project objective in the project. By looking at the deliverables, you can actually gauge the project scope.Once you get to know the main deliverables of the project, start asking questions about the other processes and different aspects of the project. First identifying and clearly defining the out of scope also helps you to understand the scope of a project. When you go on defining the out of scope, you will automatically get an idea of the real project scope. In order to follow this method, you need to have a defined scope up to a certain level.Whenever you identify an item for the scope or out-of-scope, make sure you document it then and there. Later, you can revisit these items and elaborate more on those.Once you have successfully defined the scope of the project, you need to get the sign-off from the related and applicable parties. Without proper sign-off for the scope, the next phases of the project, i.e. requirements gathering, might have issues in executing.

2.0.1Scope Creep:
Scope creep is something common with every project. This refers to the incremental expansion of the project scope. Most of the time, the client may come back to the service provider during the project execution and add more requirements.Most of such requirements haven't been in the initial requirements. As a result, change requests need to be raised in order to cover the increasing costs of the services provider.Due to business cope creep, there can be technological scope creep as well. The project team may require new technologies in order to address some of the new requirements in the scope.In such instances, the services provider may want to work with the client closely and make necessary logistic and financial arrangements.When it comes to a project, the entire project is divided into many interdependent tasks. In this set of tasks, the sequence or the order of the tasks is quite important.If the sequence is wrong, the end result of the project might not be what the management expected.Some tasks in the projects can safely be performed parallel to other tasks. In a project activity diagram, the sequence of the tasks is simply illustrated.There are many tools that can be used for drawing project activity diagrams. Microsoft Project is one of the most popular software for this type of work.In addition to that, Microsoft Vision (for Windows) and Omni Graffle (for Mac) can be used to draw activity diagrams.

2.1 Activity flow:

Boxes of the activity diagram indicate the tasks and the arrows show the relationships. Usually the relationships are the sequences that take place in the activities. Following is an example activity diagram with tasks in boxes and relationship represented by arrows.

This type of activity diagram is also known as activity-on-node diagram. This is due to the fact that all activities (tasks) are shown on the nodes (boxes). Alternatively, there is another way of presenting an activity diagram. This is called activity-onarrow diagram. In this diagram, activities (tasks) are presented by the arrows. Compared to activity-on-node diagrams, activity-on-arrow diagrams introduce a little confusion. Therefore, in most instances, people often use activity-on-nodes diagrams. Following is anactivity-on-arrow diagram.

2.2. Team Building program:

Team building programs can be found everywhere nowadays. Almost all the business organizations send their project teams for team building programs every now and then. In team building programs, the entire program focuses on improving the group dynamics of the target team. Therefore, first of all, all the team members of the group should be present for such team building programs. Usually, team building programs take various faces and there are a lot of activities included in such programs. Each activity is focused on improving one or more aspects of teamwork. Take trust as an example. Trust towards other team members is one of the most important aspects when it comes to team work. In a corporate environment, you may not get an opportunity to get to know the other team members in detail and build trust in them.Therefore, team building programs address this matter during the teamwork activities and improve the trust between the team members. A good example is the blinded guidance.

2.2.1 Benefits for Teamwork:

Following are the benefits gained through team building programs for teamwork.

Improved communication with the rest of the team Ease the conflicts and frustrations in the work place and specially within the team Enhanced client relationships and conflict resolution High team productivity through understanding Enhanced management and soft skills Enhanced relationships

In addition to the above benefits, there can be many other enhancements to the team culture. If the team was a brand new team assembled for a new project, the team members will develop a good relationship with others. After a team building program, usually a change in the team dynamics can be observed.Sending a team for team building programs is not just enough. The management should track the progress of such programs and should send the team again for similar experiences when the effect of the first program is reduced overtime.The work pressure of the work place and new comers to the team are two of key reasons for reduced effectiveness that occur overtime.

2.2.2 Types of Services:

There are two main categories of team building programs. Internal External.

Internal team building programs are designed usually by the training and development department of the organization. The events may take place in the work place or at a location outside of the workplace. In these programs, someone from the organization will conduct the training. External party is invited to do the team building program. This event may also take place inside the work place or at an outside location. The very feeling of being away from the workplace gives the team a fresh state of mind and they are freer to engage with team building activities.

2.2.3 Team Members:

In HCL , Team consisting of 6 members to 10 members. Each team will be allocated to different module.For each and every team ,Team leader will be there.Number of Teams is dependens on the project going to handle.Currently Banking project is going on for that total team member size is 6 members to work on JAVA technologies and 4members to work on PHP Technology. Project manager is responsible total teams in a particular project.He will be engaged with each and every team leader time to time.

2.3 Cost Control:

Almost all the projects needs to be guided right through out, in order to receive the required and expected output at the end of the project. It is the team that is responsible for the project and most importantly the project manager that need to be able to carry out effective controlling of the costs. There are however several techniques that can be used for this purpose. In addition to the project goals that the project manager has to oversee, the control of various costs is also a very important task for any project. Project management would not be effective at all if a project manger fails in this respect, as it would essentially determine whether or not your organization would make a profit or loss.

2.3.1 Cost Control Techniques:

Following are some of the valuable and essential techniques used for efficient project cost control.

a) Planning the Project Budget

You would need to ideally make a budget at the beginning of the planning session with regard to the project at hand. It is this budget that you would have to help you for all payments that need to be made and costs that you will incur during the project life cycle. The making of this budget therefore entails a lot of research and critical thinking.Like any other budget, you would always have to leave room for adjustments as the costs may not remain the same right through the period of the project. Adhering to the project budget at all times is key to the profit from project.

b) Keeping a Track of Costs

Keeping track of all actual costs is also equally important as any other technique. Here, it is best to prepare a budget that is time-based. This will help you keep track of the budget of a project in each of its phases. The actual costs will have to be tracked against the periodic targets that have been set out in the budget. These targets could be on a monthly or weekly basis, or even yearly if the project will go on for long.

c) Effective Time Management

Another effective technique would be effective time management. Although this technique does apply to various management areas, it is very important with regard to project cost control.The reason for this is that the cost of your project could keep rising if you are unable to meet the project deadlines; the longer the project is dragged on for, the higher the costs incurred, which effectively means that the budget will be exceeded.The project manger would need to constantly remind his/her team of the important deadlines of the project in order to ensure that work is completed on time.

d) Project Change Control

Project change control is yet another vital technique. Change control systems are essential to take into account any potential changes that could occur during the course of the project.This is due to the fact that each change to the scope of the project will have an impact on the deadlines of the deliverables, so the changes may increase project cost by increasing the effort needed for the project.

2.4 Requirement Collection:

Project Intiation Requirement Collection Requirement analysis


2.4.1The Importance of Requirements:

In software development project, Once the project initiation is over, the business analyst team is in a hurry to collect requirements. The BA (business analysts) team use various methods to capture project requirements and then pass the requirements to the project team. Once business requirements are converted into technical requirements, the implementation starts.The project team will have to implement these missing requirements with no additional client payments or with client approved change requests. In case if it was BA team's fault, the services provider may have to absorb the cost for implementing the missing requirements. In such instances, if the effort for missing requirements has a significant impact of the cost of the project, the project maybe a financial loss for the services provider.Therefore, the requirement collection process is the most important phase of any project.


After the team formation ,Team meeting will conduct.In that meeting ,project leader will give the instructions to the team about work,and discuss about, First divide the project into modules. Allocation of team for each module. Time specification of each module. No.of persons allocation between two teams like a coordinator .

2.5.1 DESIGN:
Techarchitech will analyze the project first regarding flaws and risks, and then start planning, which day which work have to be done.

2.5.2 Devoloping:
Developing team will start doing their individual work .after some part of work completion project will be tested. There are three types of testing in software development process. System testing. Design Testing. Integrated Testing

After testing ,this code will be shown to the client.if client is satisfied ,team will be proceed with next module, otherwise the same module will be modified with some different categories.

2.5.3 Low Level Architecture:

The meeting after every completion of module company will discuss with the cilient. In this discussion idea of each and every one will be discussed.

2.5.4 Request Specification Matters (RFM):

RFM is the specification given by the client to develop the code .like for example,when the user login to the website,they will be displayed as WELCOME ,(name of the user) .or other wise in the following web pages the bank logo should display at right top corner of the page.These are the examples of the RFM. Some examples of RFM: Logo display Previous login details Welcome screen Location of present place where user open webpage Services like insurance policy , interest etc.

2.5.5 Analysys and Design:

Software Devolopers will create the versions of each modules.and those versions will be given to the client.after that client will give some sugessions about modifications in the next versions

2.5.6 Internal Rereview:

When the client is asking for modification in the next versions, company will conduct the internal; review among all the members belonging to the team from team member to team leader and project manager.

2.5.7 Techarchitecture Re- Review:

Again tech architect will review the requirements and analyze the same.if next version will not get success ,company savesthe code for client.if not, company asks the client that client will provide some experts to solve the problems. NOTING of each point is very important about client requirement.It plays the important role in the process development cycle.Company will maintain Sheet regarding this client requirements.


2.5.8 Minuits Of Meeting:

Make sure that all of the essential elements are noted, such as type of meeting, name of the organization, date and time, name of the chair or facilitator, main topics and the time of adjournment. For formal and corporate meetings include approval of previous minutes, and all resolutions. Prepare an outline based on the agenda ahead of time, and leave plenty of white space for notes. By having the topics already written down, you can jump right on to a new topic without pause. Prepare a list of expected attendees and check off the names as people enter the room. Or, you can pass around an attendance sheet for everyone to sign as the meeting starts. To be sure about who said what, make a map of the seating arrangement, and make sure to ask for introductions of unfamiliar people. Don't make the mistake of recording every single comment, but concentrate on getting the gist of the discussion and taking enough notes to summarize it later. Remember that minutes are the official record of what happened, not what was said, at a meeting. Use whatever device is comfortable for you, a notepad, a laptop computer, a tape recorder, a steno pad, shorthand. Many people routinely record important meetings as a backup to their notes. Be prepared! Study the issues to be discussed and ask a lot of questions ahead of time. If you have to fumble for understanding while you are making your notes, they won't make any sense to you later. Don't wait too long to type up the minutes, and be sure to have them approved by the chair or facilitator before distributing them to the attendees. Don't be intimidated, you may be called upon many times to take minutes of meetings, and the ability to produce concise, coherent minutes is widely admired and valued.

Example of Minutes Form

Name of Organization: Purpose of Meeting: Date/Time: Chair: Topic 1. Discussion Action Person Responsible



2.5.9 Hard Commit:

Hard commit is the signing of code, after finishing every module. After hard commit code will be tested internally at own unit level. After that integrated testing will be several types of tests will be held,and then small changes will be assigned to particular person . Thisteam is know as STAR team.

2.5.10 Production Commit:

Finally production process starts. HCL has more than 20 years experience of product development and product management. This has resulted in an unique knowledge of products and components in both simple and advanced products. HCL knowledge along with the increased demands from the customers has made HCL become a complete production partner. HCL has by means of our experience and knowledge created good assignments with components suppliers world wide. These assignments make good lead times and good prices possible and gain a clear insight into the life cycle of the product.

2.5.11 Warrenty Service:

Until the time period of agreement , company Should give the service to the client for failures and damages and database shortages.


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