Reviewer in UTS
Reviewer in UTS
Reviewer in UTS
Before the Spanish colonization, According to Daskeo (2012), many Filipinos still
Filipinosbelieved in animism, a belief that all spice their life with superstitious beliefs that
objects havespirits. They also believed in they strongly believe could help them cope with
supernatural being. day to day activities especially most important
events in life such as marriage, finding a job,
According to McClenon (1991), the concept of and moving to a new house.
supernatural has been shaped by the Western
notion of nature and causality and it is culturally These superstition beliefs are passed by the
specific. early ancestors orally and still practiced by
some of the Filipinos in recent times.
They also praised the spirit of their
ancestors,which is called “cult of the dead.” With the influence of Americans and science,
the numbers of Filipinos following superstitious
They believed on the immortality of the soul. An beliefs were diminished.
One of the influences of American colonization
is the introduction of science in the day to day
lives of Filipinos especially on health and Function of Rituals:
to enhance and maintain the balance
Their influence taught the Filipinos that between man and
believing in superstitious beliefs may be nature;
detrimental to health. have a good harvest;
ask for the guidance and protection
Kaluluwa, Ikararuwa or kararuwa (duwa) which from their
means two. The soul has two parts – one is the ancestors and unseen forces;
physical part, where it is connected to the body to heal the sick;
and its life, and other spiritual, where it exists to bring good luck; and
on its own. to conceive.
For Ibanags, the soul is the principle of life in Religiousness is the degree by which one is
man. Body is the matter; soul is the form. As affiliate with an organized religion in terms of
long as the body and soul are one unit, man is the person’s participation in the prescribed
alive. rituals and practices, connection with its beliefs
and involvement with its community of
The Dungan may leave the body voluntarily believers.
while the person is asleep according to
BIsayans. Among the ancient Filipinos, when the Spirituality, on the other hand, involves
person is asleep they should not be awakened experiencing something beyond oneself in a
quickly in order to give ample time for the transcendent manner and living in a way that
Dungan to return to the body. benefits others and society. It could be related
to a search for the sacred.
While the Dungan is travelling outside of the
body it should be free from accidents because Spiritual Identity is the persistent sense of
there is a possibility that it might be trapped in self that addresses ultimate questions
a jar or be poured out with liquid from a vessel. aboutnthe nature, purpose and meaning
When the soul has safety returned home to the The definition of a sense of spiritual identity
body of its owner, they could then be focuses on the individual construction of
awakened. arelationship to the sacred and ultimate
Rituals is a sequence of activities involving The term “sacred” may signify aperson, an
gestures, words, actions, or revered objects. object, a principle, or aconcept that
Rituals may be prescribed by the traditions of a transcends the self.The sacred can include a
community, including a religious community. divine being or a divine object that is “set
apart” and considered as holy or beyond
Dance and chants are a very essential part of ordinary.
their ritual.
It represents the distillation of collective
memory, affect,
religious piety, humility, and purity of intention.
Magic is the power apparently influencing the LESSON 10: POLITICAL SELF
course of events by using mysterious or
supernatural forces. POLITICAL SELF
Politics refers to the actions or activities
Balang is the Filipino term for a sorcerer. It is concerned with achieving and using power in a
used to describe malignant sorcery or familiar nation or society.
spirits (usually a swarm of destructive insects,
specially carnivorous beetles). It is also defined as the ways that power is
shared in an organization and the ways it is
Mambabarang is a person who practices this affected by personal relationships between
specific type of sorcery or witchcraft. Binarang people who work together.
is the target (usually a person) of sorcery
orwitchcraft. According to Aristotle: “Man is, by
nature, a political animal.”
Kulam is the Tagalog word for “voodoo” or
“witchcraft”. This is because man is a social being and
A mangkukulam is a person who uses black that people naturally drawn to
magic or spells on a victim. After the spell is variouspolitical involvements in order to
cast, the victim will experience a form of illness satisfy their social needs.
which cannot be cured by modern medicine, Politics as imbibed by man implies several
misfortunes to himself and loved ones, inability things:
to concentrate, lack of sleep, loss of appetite,
freak accidents, and other unexplained events. 1. Politics is concerned with power. Power
inequalities can be observed within societies.
Albulario/mananambal is a Filipino practitioner The one who holds power holds influence.
of traditional medicine (a Filipino doctor); they
also a medicine man who is also capable of 2. Politics functions based on a particular social
performing sorcery. economic and cultural context. The nature of
politics and political systems is dependent on
According to Frankl, everybody can discover the the culture of the state. Political claims made by
meaning in their life in three different ways: advocates are influenced by their geographical
location and ideology.
By creating a work or doing a deed.
3. The political is also personal. One’s personal
By experiencing something orencountering choices reflect his/her personal politics; both
someone areindistinguishable.
By the attitude we take towardunavoidable 4. Politics goes hand in hand with the society.
suffering and that everything can be taken from Politics pervades the structure of society, and
a man but one thing: the last of the human thus influences inhabitants in their beliefs,
freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any ethics, and behavior.
given set of circumstances
Active citizenship refers to the structured forms
of engagement with political processes and
everyday forms of participation in society.
It is also defined as the process of sharing
decisions which affect one’s life and the life of a
community in which one lives.