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Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


Activity A., p. 74 Activity A., p. 78
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 2 a. schooling
1. Students’ favorite comedies are n/a b. family
likely to be from their own cultures. 3 c. first professional writing job
Encourage them to describe what n/a d. university
the shows are about. 4 e. characters
2. Yes, I make a lot of people laugh; 1 f. birthplace
No, I don’t tell jokes, but I like the Activity B., p. 79
jokes that other people tell. 2 a. schooling
3. The people are making origami hats not much formal schooling, 12 stopped
out of paper. school
Activity B., p. 74 n/a b. family
1. comedies on TV, comedians
performing live, friends making each 3 c. first professional writing job
other laugh, and silly physical London Monthly Magazine
comedy (slapstick) n/a d. university
2. Answers will vary.
3. Answers will vary. 4 e. characters
Ebenezer Scrooge, Oliver Twist, Nicholas
PREVIEW THE LISTENING Nickleby, Polly Toodles
Activity D., p. 76 1 f. birthplace
Answers will vary. Possible answers: Landsport, England. February 12th
I think they’re laughing at a movie. I Activity C., p. 79
think they are reading a funny joke. 1. a
Activity E., p. 76 2. b
Answers will vary. 3. b
4. b
Activity A., p. 77 1. reading
a. sense of humor 2. money
b. however 3. his father had money problems
c. huge 4. a big success
d. professional Activity E., p. 80
e. comical 1. unusual, comical
f. talented 2. describes
g. hit 3. conversations
h. describe 4. humor
Activity B., p. 78
Answers will vary.

Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


Say What You Think, p. 80 3. a
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 4. a
1. because his characters have funny 5. a
names, because he tells funny 6. b
stories, because he makes sad 7. a
situations seem funny 8. a
2. Students may like novels because Vocabulary Skill Review, p.83
they are exciting and funny or may drop the –ing; Interest
dislike them because they focus less Activity C., p. 84
on the action than on story or Answers will vary.
character development. WORK WITH THE LISTENING
3. Students may talk about famous Activity A., p. 84
people on TV or stand-up Answers may vary. Sample answers:
comedians. They may be popular Put-down humor — make fun of
because they say and do funny another person Bonding humor — bring
things or because their humor people together through humor
appeals to many people. Hate-me humor — make oneself the
center of the joke
LISTENING SKILL Laughing-at life-humor — find humor in all
Activity A., pp. 80–81, A things
1. 15 Activity B., p. 84
2. 1812 or February 7th, 1812 Answers will vary.
3. 1817 Activity C., p. 85
4. London Monthly Magazine 1. c
5. 12 2. b
Activity B., p. 81 3. c
1. all 4. a
2. eighth Activity D., p. 85
3. 1849 Answers may vary. Sample answers:
4. David 1. T
5. factory 2. F He thinks people with this humor
6. writer style probably don’t have many
Activity A., p. 82 4. T
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 5. F He says their humor style makes life
Friends; Family; Comedians; Entertainers earlier.
6. T
LISTENING 2 Activity E., p. 86
PREVIEW THE LISTENING Answers will vary. Sample answers:
Activity A., p. 83 1. feel relaxed
1. a 2. communicate

Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

3. hurt GRAMMAR
4. not afraid to be in front of an Activity A., pp. 89–90
audience 1. 1 go
5. make themselves the joke 2 orders
6. can find humor in everything 3 brings
Activity F., p. 86 4 says
1. hate-me 5 replies
2. put-down 2. 1 is
3. laughing-at-life 2 asks
4. bonding 3 answers
4 thinks
Activity A., p. 86 3. 1 stops
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 2 sees
1. It is important to have a sense of 3 tells
humor because it helps you feel 4 says
relaxed and make friends. 5 asks
2. Yes, my brother has “hate-me 6 looks
humor.” He pretends to trip and fall Activity B., p. 90
so people will laugh at him. Answers will vary.
3. I have “laughing-at-life” humor. I
always make jokes, even about sad PRONUNCIATION
things. Activity A., p. 92
Activity B., p. 87 1. In the shop
Answers will vary. A man walks (/s/) into a shop and sees
Activity D., p. 87 (/z/) a little rabbit. He asks (/s/) the
Answers will vary. shopkeeper, “Does (/z/) your rabbit
VOCABULARY SKILL The shopkeeper says (/z/), “No, my
Activity A., p. 88 rabbit doesn’t bite.”
1. huge The man touches (/ə /) the rabbit, and
2. funny
the rabbit bites (/s/) him.
3. famous
“Ouch!” he says (/z/). “You said your
4. feelings
rabbit doesn’t bite!”
5. laugh
The shopkeeper replies (/z/), “That isn’t
6. funny
my rabbit!”
Activity B., p. 88
2. At school
Answers will vary. Sample answer:
A five-year-old boy asks (/s/) his teacher
1. enormous; His new house is
to help him put on his boots. The
teacher says (/z/), “Of course,” and he
2. chuckle; The comedian made me
starts (/s/) to help the boy. He pushes
3. amusing; This book is really amusing. (/ə /) and pulls (/z/) on the boots, but

Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

they don’t go on the boy’s feet. He gets

(/s/) very tired, so he takes (/s/) a rest. UNIT ASSIGNMENT
The little boy says (/z/), “Teacher, these CONSIDER THE IDEAS
aren’t my boots.” Activity B., p. 95
“Why didn’t you tell me?” the teacher “Well, that’s the fastest way.”
asks (/s/).
The boy replies (/z/), “They’re my
brother’s boots. My mom made me
wear them today.”
The teacher pushes (/ə /) and pulls (/z/)
on the boots some more, and finally, he
gets (/s/) them on the boy’s feet.
“OK! Now, where are your gloves?” he
asks (/s/) the boy.
The boy answers (/z/), “I put them in my

Activity A., p. 93
A man is at the doctor’s office. The
doctor asks him, “What’s the trouble?”
The man answers, “I hurt everywhere.
It hurts when I touch my head. It hurts
when I touch my leg, and it hurts when
I touch my arm.” The doctor thinks for
a moment. Then he says, “I know
what’s wrong.↑ Your finger is broken!”
Activity C., p. 94
1. A few minutes later, the waiter
brings the soup to the table. The
man says, “Excuse me. Your finger is
in my wife’s soup.” The waiter
replies,↑ “Oh, that’s OK. It isn’t too
2. The next day, the policeman sees
the man’s car again. The penguin is
still in the car. The policeman asks,
“Why do you have that penguin? I
told you to take it to the zoo!” The
man looks at the policeman and
says,↑ “I did that yesterday, and we
had a great time! Today we’re going
to the park!”

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