SB Resolution Checklist On NiEm Emergencies 2019 Final
SB Resolution Checklist On NiEm Emergencies 2019 Final
SB Resolution Checklist On NiEm Emergencies 2019 Final
WHEREAS, Presidential Decree NO. 491 provides for the directives for the
sustainable implementations and management of the nutrition program down to the grassroots
level in order to manage malnutrition problem of the country.
WHEREAS, the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010
otherwise herein referred as R.A. 10121, has created the National Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Framework and established the National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Plan to serve as guide or framework in minimizing or stopping casualties during
calamities or disasters.
Yes No
RESOLUTION NO. _________
Series of 2018- __________
Page-2 ______
RESOLUTION NO. _________
Series of 2018- __________
Section-3. Onsite and Actual NiEm cluster response first 24 Hours and more.
A. Vitamin-A
a) Malnourished PS Children
b) Malnourished SC Children
c) Pregnant Mothers
d) Postpartum Mothers
e) Breastfeeding Mothers
a) Malnourished PS Children
b) Malnourished SC Children
c) Pregnant Mothers
d) Postpartum Mothers
e) Breastfeeding Mothers
C. Iron
a) Malnourished PS Children
b) Malnourished SC Children
c) Pregnant Mothers
d) Postpartum Mothers
e) Breastfeeding Mothers
f) PWD
Priority of interventions:
D. Feeding: Please Check ____ Blanket ____ Base of Priority
a) Malnourished PS Children
b) Malnourished SC Children
c) Pregnant Mothers
d) Postpartum Mothers
e) Breastfeeding Mothers
f) PWD
RESOLUTION NO. _________
Series of 2018- __________
LET COPIES OF THIS resolution shall be forwarded to the honorable members of the
Barangay Council, the BNC & NiEm members, the DILG, the City Nutrition Committee and
other government agencies for information and appropriate actions.