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COURSE CODE: EGE 308, BPE 310 & BJE 304
SECTION A (20 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section by circling the correct letter.
1. One’s ability to read and understand the written text is called ………………
A. Literature
B. Language
C. Liturgy
D. Literacy
2. Every standardized text, whether it is internal or external is first and foremost a/an
A. Listening test
B. Speaking test
C. Reading test
D. Writing test
3. A statement “literature is all about reading and writing” could be attributed to which
concept of literacy across the curriculum?
A. Importance of LAC
B. Principles of LAC
C. Fundamentals of LAC
D. Misconceptions of LAC
4. The dominant aim to the teaching of Literacy Across the Curriculum is to …………
A. Emphasize speaking and listening
B. Ensuring that learners understand the meaning of texts
C. Help learners to structure their writings
D. Develop conceptual knowledge of learners through Cross-curricular learning.
5. “A conventional way of using language that is appropriate in a specific context, which
may be situational, occupational or topical” is referred to as ……………..
A. Language
B. Registers
C. Language registers
D. Vocabulary Development
6. “The plaintiff is ready to take the witness stand” is an example of which register?
A. Linguistics
B. Religion
C. Legal
D. Weather
7. Everyday terms such as “times” and “share” are written by the facilities to mean
………….. in mathematics.
A. Divide and share
B. Multiply and add
C. Divide and subtract
D. Multiply and divide
8. This Cross- Curricular approach/instruction in teaching literacy shows the relationship of
different subjects to each other and to a common theme.
A. Intradisciplinary Integration approach
B. Multidisciplinary Integration approach
C. Interdisciplinary Integration approach
D. Transdisciplinary Integration approach
9. What are “Phonic words?” Words that …………………..
A. Can be pronounced by blending individual syllables
B. Can be pronounced by blending the sounds of the individual letters
C. Can be pronounced by using the pictures of the words
D. Have structures and are pronounced according to their structures
10. This is the ability of the learner to read a text or passage accurately and quickly.
A. Automaticity
B. Literacy
C. Fluency
D. Stress and Intonation
11. Communicative skills with regards to literacy are ……………..
A. Reading and writing skills
B. Speaking and reading skills
C. Listening and speaking skills
D. Speaking and writing skills
12. Practicing the effective use of language in teaching every subjects area is known as
A. Literacy across the curriculum
B. Reading across the curriculum
C. Language across the curriculum
D. Cross-Curricular
13. A situation where the learner is encouraged to reading in every subject, he/she is studying
at school is known as ………..
A. Language across the curriculum
B. Reading across the curriculum
C. Reading in other subject areas
D. Literacy across the curriculum
14. Reading and writing are basically the …………..
A. Productive skills
B. Oral skills
C. Literacy skills
D. Receptive skills
15. Who defined literacy as “a set of social practices that uses written texts, other semiotics
systems to make meaning?”
A. Street (2003)
B. Gee (2008)
C. Luke and Freebody (1999)
D. National Literacy Trust (2012)
16. The following are all benefits a learner may derive from literacy across the curriculum
A. Critical thinking and Analysis
B. Interpret information effectively
C. Bridging subject areas
D. Closing deficiency gaps
17. Which of the following elements cannot be considered as part of principles and practice
of LAC?
A. Integration
B. Vocabulary Development
C. Authentic Application
D. Learner Collaboration
18. Developing skills to decode and recognize subject –specific words and terms under word
level in literacy is referred to as ……………
A. Sight words
B. Word recognition
C. Vocabulary development
D. Print awareness
19. The following are the key strategies for planning literacy across the curriculum except
A. Collaborative planning
B. Content-Driven Instruction
C. Explicit Instruction
D. Double-Driven method
20. The following are the challenges of implementing literacy across the curriculum except
A. Pedagogical challenges
B. Logistical challenges
C. Attitudinal challenges
D. Behavioral challenges
COURSE CODE: EGE 308, BPE 310 & BJE 304
SECTION B (60 marks)
Answer any three questions in this section.
1a. Explain the concept “literacy Across the Curriculum”.
b. Discuss four (4) importance of Literacy Across the Curriculum to the learner.
(20 marks)

2. With relevant examples, explain any five (5) types of language Register.
(20 marks)
3. Discuss four (4) misconceptions of Literacy across the Curriculum in Ghanaian schools.
(20 marks)
4. As a teacher, how would you apply literacy skills in teaching the following subjects in basic
i. Mathematics
ii. Social studies/OWOP
iii. Science
iv. RME
v. ICT
(20 marks)
5. Discuss five (5) principles and practice of Literacy Across the Curriculum.
(20 marks)


COURSE CODE: EGE 308, BPE 310 & BJE 304
(20 Marks)
1. D 11. C
2. A 12. C
3. D 13. D
4. D 14. C
5. C 15. B
6. C 16. D
7. D 17. D
8. B 18. B
9. B 19. D
10. C 20. D

(60 Marks)
Q1a. Explain the concept “Literacy Across the Curriculum”.
• Literacy Across the curriculum is the integration of reading, writing and communicative
abilities outside the traditional English language arts classroom.
• Any scholarly definition by candidates should be accepted
b. Discuss four (4) importance of Literacy Across the Curriculum to the learner.
• Enhanced comprehension
• Critical thinking and Analysis
• Improved communication skills
• Increase motivation and engagement
• Future success
• Crossing disciplines
• Information availability
• Inclusive learning
• Development of life skills
• Reducing success gaps
Q2. With relevant examples, explain any five (5) types of Language Register.

Introduction: Language register is a term used to describe the formality or information of

language use in various settings
• Consultation
• Casual
• Formal/official
• Informal
• Neutral
• Technical
• Academic/Professional
• Colloquial
• literacy
Q3. Discuss four (4) misconceptions of Literacy across the Curriculum in Ghanaian
Introduction: The term ‘’misconception of literacy refers to a lack of awareness of or confusion
about the importance of literacy in a variety of topic areas outside of language arts and English
• Only language teachers can handle it
• It is only applicable to instruction
• Literacy across the curriculum is complicated
• Literacy across the curriculum is about reading and writing only
• Only children can become fully bilingual
• We all learn a new language in the same way
• Language learning is too difficult
• You have to have a gift for learning languages in order to succeed.

Q4. As a teacher how will you apply literacy skills in teaching the following subjects in
basic schools?
i. Mathematics
ii. Social Studies/OWOP
iii. Science
iv. RME
v. ICT

i. Mathematics
• Encourage learners to read and understand word-problems
• Explain their approaches to solving them in writing and express their mathematical
reasoning aloud.
• Interpret graphs & charts
• Writes explanations of mathematical topics

ii. Social studies/ OWOP

• Reading primary and secondary sources
• Historical writings
• Examining maps on timelines can help learners improve their comprehension
• Oral communication skills cab be developed through debates and discussions on
social and historical topics
• Hold dialogues in the classroom to critical thinking and oral communication

iii. Science
• Encourage learners to study informational materials about scientific ideas as well
as scholarly articles, research papers and books.
• Encourage learners to create lab reports, summaries of their findings and
explications of scientific phenomena.
• Encourage debate and presentations to improve learner’s oral communication
• Learners can read and evaluate scientific literature
• Learners can create lab reports, experiments, summaries and be able to explain
scientific terms.

iv. RME
• Promote literacy by reading musician biographies, analyzing song lyrics
• Learning musical notation
• Interpret Bible and Quran in the classroom
• Read attributes of God
• Understand the three main religious in Ghana through reading and writing
• Analyze moral issues through debate and writings
• Learners encourage to undertake presentations and discussions of issues in the

v. ICT
• Learners learn how to use to successfully search for assess and use digital
• They learn how to use a variety of digital tools and technology
• Usage of instructional technology can improve learners reading comprehension
and writing abilities in a variety of topic areas such as online conversations or
multimedia presentation
• Learners read and follow directions in technical manuals or online tutorials
• Encourage learners to produce podcasts, blogs or other multimedia content on
tech-related subjects
• Put an emphasis on having good digital communication abilities

Q5. Discuss five (5) principles and practice of Literacy Across the Curriculum.

Introduction: Principles and practice of literacy across the curriculum relate to the fundamental
concepts and procedures that support and integrate literacy abilities in all subject areas. These
guidelines acknowledge the importance of reading, writing, speaking and listening for learners to
excel in both their academic and personal life.
• Integration
• Content-specific strategies
• Vocabulary development
• Authentic Application
• Teacher collaboration
• Differentiation/ Differentiated instruction
• Metacognition
• Reading and Thinking Critically
• Writing Across Disciplines
• Speaking and listening skills
• Model literacy skills (teachers)
• Evaluation and feedback.

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