12 Implementation Research Bmj.f6753.full
12 Implementation Research Bmj.f6753.full
12 Implementation Research Bmj.f6753.full
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1 2 1
David H Peters professor , Taghreed Adam scientist , Olakunle Alonge assistant scientist , Irene
3 4
Akua Agyepong specialist public health , Nhan Tran manager
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of International Health, 615 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA;
Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, World Health Organization, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland; 3University of Ghana School of
Public Health/Ghana Health Service, Accra, Ghana; 4Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, Implementation Research Platform, World
Health Organization, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
The field of implementation research is growing, but it is not Implementation research can consider any aspect of
well understood despite the need for better research to inform implementation, including the factors affecting implementation,
decisions about health policies, programmes, and practices. This the processes of implementation, and the results of
article focuses on the context and factors affecting implementation, including how to introduce potential solutions
implementation, the key audiences for the research, into a health system or how to promote their large scale use and
implementation outcome variables that describe various aspects sustainability. The intent is to understand what, why, and how
of how implementation occurs, and the study of implementation interventions work in “real world” settings and to test
strategies that support the delivery of health services, approaches to improve them.
programmes, and policies. We provide a framework for using
the research question as the basis for selecting among the wide Principles of implementation research
range of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods that can
be applied in implementation research, along with brief Implementation research seeks to understand and work within
descriptions of methods specifically suitable for implementation real world conditions, rather than trying to control for these
research. Expanding the use of well designed implementation conditions or to remove their influence as causal effects. This
research should contribute to more effective public health and implies working with populations that will be affected by an
clinical policies and programmes. intervention, rather than selecting beneficiaries who may not
represent the target population of an intervention (such as
Defining implementation research studying healthy volunteers or excluding patients who have
Implementation research attempts to solve a wide range of comorbidities).
implementation problems; it has its origins in several disciplines Context plays a central role in implementation research. Context
and research traditions (supplementary table A). Although can include the social, cultural, economic, political, legal, and
progress has been made in conceptualising implementation physical environment, as well as the institutional setting,
research over the past decade,1 considerable confusion persists comprising various stakeholders and their interactions, and the
about its terminology and scope.2-4 The word “implement” comes demographic and epidemiological conditions. The structure of
from the Latin “implere,” meaning to fulfil or to carry into the health systems (for example, the roles played by
effect.5 This provides a basis for a broad definition of governments, non-governmental organisations, other private
implementation research that can be used across research providers, and citizens) is particularly important for
traditions and has meaning for practitioners, policy makers, and implementation research on health.
the interested public: “Implementation research is the scientific Implementation research is especially concerned with the users
inquiry into questions concerning implementation—the act of of the research and not purely the production of knowledge.
carrying an intention into effect, which in health research can These users may include managers and teams using quality
be policies, programmes, or individual practices (collectively improvement strategies, executive decision makers seeking
called interventions).” advice for specific decisions, policy makers who need to be
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BMJ 2013;347:f6753 doi: 10.1136/bmj.f6753 (Published 20 November 2013) Page 2 of 7
informed about particular programmes, practitioners who need static or linear processes, research designs often need to be able
to be convinced to use interventions that are based on evidence, to observe and analyse these sometimes iterative and changing
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.f6753 on 20 November 2013. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 1 November 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
people who are influenced to change their behaviour to have a elements at several points in time and to consider unintended
healthier life, or communities who are conducting the research consequences.
and taking action through the research to improve their
conditions (supplementary table A). One important implication Implementation research questions
is that often these actors should be intimately involved in the
identification, design, and conduct phases of research and not As in other types of health systems research, the research
just be targets for dissemination of study results. question is the king in implementation research. Implementation
research takes a pragmatic approach, placing the research
question (or implementation problem) as the starting point to
Implementation outcome variables inquiry; this then dictates the research methods and assumptions
Implementation outcome variables describe the intentional to be used. Implementation research questions can cover a wide
actions to deliver services.6 These implementation outcome variety of topics and are frequently organised around theories
variables—acceptability, adoption, appropriateness, feasibility, of change or the type of research objective (examples are in
fidelity, implementation cost, coverage, and sustainability—can supplementary table C).12 13
all serve as indicators of the success of implementation (table Implementation research can overlap with other types of research
1⇓). Implementation research uses these variables to assess how used in medicine and public health, and the distinctions are not
well implementation has occurred or to provide insights about always clear cut. A range of implementation research exists,
how this contributes to one’s health status or other important based on the centrality of implementation in the research
health outcomes. question, the degree to which the research takes place in a real
world setting with routine populations, and the role of
Implementation strategies implementation strategies and implementation variables in the
research (figure⇓).
Curran and colleagues defined an “implementation intervention”
as a method to “enhance the adoption of a ‘clinical’ A more detailed description of the research question can help
intervention,” such as the use of job aids, provider education, researchers and practitioners to determine the type of research
or audit procedures.7 The concept can be broadened to any type methods that should be used. In table 2⇓, we break down the
of strategy that is designed to support a clinical or population research question first by its objective: to explore, describe,
and public health intervention (for example, outreach clinics influence, explain, or predict. This is followed by a typical
and supervision checklists are implementation strategies used implementation research question based on each objective.
to improve the coverage and quality of immunisation). Finally, we describe a set of research methods for each type of
research question.
A review of ways to improve health service delivery in low and
middle income countries identified a wide range of successful Much of evidence based medicine is concerned with the
implementation strategies (supplementary table B).8 Even in the objective of influence, or whether an intervention produces an
most resource constrained environments, measuring change, expected outcome, which can be broken down further by the
informing stakeholders, and using information to guide decision level of certainty in the conclusions drawn from the study. The
making were found to be critical to successful implementation. nature of the inquiry (for example, the amount of risk and
considerations of ethics, costs, and timeliness), and the interests
of different audiences, should determine the level of
Implementation influencing variables uncertainty.8 14 Research questions concerning programmatic
Other factors that influence implementation may need to be decisions about the process of an implementation strategy may
considered in implementation research. Sabatier summarised a justify a lower level of certainty for the manager and policy
set of such factors that influence policy implementation (clarity maker, using research methods that would support an adequacy
of objectives, causal theory, implementing personnel, support or plausibility inference.14 Where a high risk of harm exists and
of interest groups, and managerial authority and resources).9 sufficient time and resources are available, a probability study
The large array of contextual factors that influence design might be more appropriate, in which the result in an area
implementation, interact with each other, and change over time where the intervention is implemented is compared with areas
highlights the fact that implementation often occurs as part of without implementation with a low probability of error (for
complex adaptive systems.10 Some implementation strategies example, P< 0.05). These differences in the level of confidence
are particularly suitable for working in complex systems. These affect the study design in terms of sample size and the need for
include strategies to provide feedback to key stakeholders and concurrent or randomised comparison groups.8 14
to encourage learning and adaptation by implementing agencies
and beneficiary groups. Such strategies have implications for Implementation specific research methods
research, as the study methods need to be sufficiently flexible
A wide range of qualitative and quantitative research methods
to account for changes or adaptations in what is actually being
can be used in implementation research (table 2⇓). The box
implemented.8 11 Research designs that depend on having a
gives a set of basic questions to guide the design or reporting
single and fixed intervention, such as a typical randomised
of implementation research that can be used across methods.
controlled trial, would not be an appropriate design to study
More in-depth criteria have also been proposed to assess the
phenomena that change, especially when they change in
external validity or generalisability of findings.15 Some research
unpredictable and variable ways.
methods have been developed specifically to deal with
Another implication of studying complex systems is that the implementation research questions or are particularly suitable
research may need to use multiple methods and different sources to implementation research, as identified below.
of information to understand an implementation problem.
Because implementation activities and effects are not usually
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Does the research clearly aim to answer a question concerning implementation?
Does the research clearly identify the primary audiences for the research and how they would use the research?
Is there a clear description of what is being implemented (for example, details of the practice, programme, or policy)?
Does the research involve an implementation strategy? If so, is it described and examined in its fullness?
Is the research conducted in a “real world” setting? If so, is the context and sample population described in sufficient detail?
Does the research appropriately consider implementation outcome variables?
Does the research appropriately consider context and other factors that influence implementation?
Does the research appropriately consider changes over time and the level of complexity of the system, including unintended consequences?
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BMJ 2013;347:f6753 doi: 10.1136/bmj.f6753 (Published 20 November 2013) Page 4 of 7
Summary points
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Implementation research has its origins in many disciplines and is usefully defined as scientific inquiry into questions concerning
implementation—the act of fulfilling or carrying out an intention
In health research, these intentions can be policies, programmes, or individual practices (collectively called interventions)
Implementation research seeks to understand and work in “real world” or usual practice settings, paying particular attention to the
audience that will use the research, the context in which implementation occurs, and the factors that influence implementation
A wide variety of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods techniques can be used in implementation research, which are best
selected on the basis of the research objective and specific questions related to what, why, and how interventions work
Implementation research may examine strategies that are specifically designed to improve the carrying out of health interventions or
assess variables that are defined as implementation outcomes
Implementation outcomes include acceptability, adoption, appropriateness, feasibility, fidelity, implementation cost, coverage, and
important intellectual content, and all gave final approval of the version 12 Tabak RG, Khoong EC, Chambers DA, Brownson RC. Bridging research and practice:
models for dissemination and implementation research. Am J Prev Med 2012;43:337-50.
to be published. NT had the original idea for the article, which was 13 Improved Clinical Effectiveness through Behavioural Research Group (ICEBeRG).
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Table 1| Implementation outcome variables
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BMJ 2013;347:f6753 doi: 10.1136/bmj.f6753 (Published 20 November 2013) Page 6 of 7
Table 2| Type of implementation research objective, implementation question, and research methods
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Objective Description Implementation question Research methods and data collection approaches
Explore Explore an idea or phenomenon What are the possible factors and Qualitative methods: grounded theory, ethnography, phenomenology,
to make hypotheses or agents responsible for good case studies and narrative approaches; key informant interviews, focus
generalisations from specific implementation of a health groups, historical reviews
examples intervention? For enhancing or
Quantitative: network analysis, cross sectional surveys
expanding a health intervention?
Mixed methods: combining qualitative and quantitative methods
Describe Identify and describe the What describes the context in Quantitative: cross sectional (descriptive) surveys, network analysis
phenomenon and its correlates or which implementation occurs?
Qualitative methods: ethnography, phenomenology, case studies and
possible causes What describes the main factors
narrative approaches; key informant interviews, focus groups, historical
influencing implementation in a
given context?
Mixed methods: both qualitative and quantitative inquiry with convergence
of data and analyses
Influence Test whether an intervention
produces an expected outcome
With adequacy With sufficient confidence that the Is coverage of a health intervention Before-after or time series in intervention recipients only; participatory
intervention and outcomes are changing among beneficiaries of action research
occurring the intervention?
With With greater confidence that the Is a health outcome plausibly due Concurrent, non-randomised cluster trials: health intervention implemented
plausibility outcome is due to the intervention to the implemented intervention in some areas and not in others; before-after or cross sectional study in
rather than other causes? programme recipients and non-recipients; typical quality improvement
With With a high (calculated) probability Is a health outcome due to Partially controlled trials: pragmatic and cluster randomised trials; health
probability that the outcome is due to the implementation of the intervention? intervention implemented in some areas and not in others;
intervention effectiveness-implementation hybrids
Explain Develop or expand a theory to How and why does implementation Mixed methods: both qualitative and quantitative inquiry with convergence
explain the relation between of the intervention lead to effects of data and analyses
concepts, the reasons for the on health behaviour, services, or
Quantitative: repeated measures of context, actors, depth and breadth of
occurrence of events, and how status in all its variations?
implementation across subunits; network identification; can use designs
they occurred
for confirmatory inferences; effectiveness-implementation hybrids
Qualitative methods: case studies, phenomenological and ethnographic
approaches with key informant interviews, focus groups, historical reviews
Participatory action research
Predict Use prior knowledge or theories What is the likely course of future Quantitative: agent based modelling; simulation and forecasting modelling;
to forecast future events implementation? data extrapolation and sensitivity analysis (trend analysis, econometric
Qualitative: scenario building exercises; Delphi techniques from opinion
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Spectrum of implementation research33
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