Research Part One
Research Part One
Research Part One
Research Methods
Asamenew E. (Assit. Prof.)
Addis Ababa Medical and Business College
Master of General Public Health
2. Clinical research:
Studies the prevention and diagnosis of diseases through new
methods of treatment to problems of care and rehabilitation.
3. Biomedical research:
Saving resources
Multiplying benefits
turning into Planning
action Research
Findings Implementing
(PAPER) research
Key Steps in Research Process
Step-1: Define the research population or target population
where questions)
Identifying Topics For Research
A number of research questions may be posed at the
various levels of the health system.
2. Problems
Diseases, mortalities, disabilities, etc.
3. Programs/services
Accessibility, quality, equity, effectiveness, impact, etc.
4. Phenomena
Changes in morbidity, policy, regulation, technology, etc.
Research Topic Selection
How large or widespread is the problem?
Who is affected?
How severe is the problem?
Avoidance of duplication
Suggested topic has been investigated before?
Complexity of the problem and resources needed.
Manpower, time, equipment, money, etc.
Ethical acceptability
How acceptable is the topic to the study participants?
- Culture? Religion? (minimizes Non-response rate)
Problem situation:
In district Y, where there are 1 hosp., 2 HCs and 10 HPs, a report
showed that out of 500 <1yr children who started immunization
in the 1st month, only 25 completed by the end of the fiscal
All the 500 children at district “Y” should have completed their
vaccination but only 5% did.
Definite answer:
Out of the found in district “Y” only 2 health stations were
functioning, the rest were closed due to insecurity in the area.
Problem situation:
In district Z (pop. 150,000) where there are 2 HCs, 1 hosp., & 15
HPs all functioning smoothly. The district’s annual report showed
an immunization coverage of only 25%.
With 100% availability of health services, at least 80% of children
should have been fully vaccinated; however, only 25% did.
Problem question:
What factors contributed to the low EPI coverage in district “Z”?
Possible answers:
Mothers might have problems for not attending in the EPI
MCH, EPI, OPD, etc. not integrated and children missed the
The follow up of defaulting children might not be effective, etc.
Planning Research
(Developing Proposal)
All words in the title should be chosen with great care and
association with one another must be carefully managed
Length of a title:
Occasionally titles are too short
Much more often, titles are too long
Long titles are less meaningful than short ones
Maximum of 15 words
3 min. Activity Evaluate the Titles
B. Summary
A concise summary of the material presented in the proposal,
it is a mini version of the paper
These materials are condensed to a page or less (less than 250
Summary should be typed as a single paragraph
the problem
The Specific Objective facilitate the development of research
•What would be the result?
Objectives •What can be concluded?