Avila Et Al-2016-Parasite Immunology
Avila Et Al-2016-Parasite Immunology
Avila Et Al-2016-Parasite Immunology
Post-Graduate Program in Parasitology, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, Brazil, 2Center for Technological Development
– Biotechnology, UFPel, Pelotas, Brazil, 3Post-Graduate Program in Health Science,Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), Rio
Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Parasite Immunology, 38, 326–330 327
L. F. d. C. de Avila et al. Parasite Immunology
otic supplementation promoted a 42-fold increase of IL-12 increased transcription of IL-10 (P < 005) (Figure 1b).
mRNA in splenocytes analyzed ex vivo (without stimula- The same modulation tendency occurred with splenocytes
tion) (P < 005), and after in vitro stimulation with from uninfected mice, in which T. canis stimulation
S. boulardii, the expression of this cytokine was even increased IL-10 mRNA levels while S. boulardii decreased
higher, increase by 51-fold. When the splenocytes from it (P < 005) (Figure 1f). IFNc gene transcription was
uninfected mice were stimulated with T. canis larvae a low down regulated in T. Canis-infected mice (below the
level of IL-12 mRNA was observed (Figure 1e). Similar threshold 1). However, after in vitro stimulation with
effect was observed in splenocytes from infected mice S. Boulardii, we can see a blockade in IFNc suppression
when stimulated in vitro with T. canis larvae (P < 005) (Figure 1c). In uninfected S. boulardii supplemented mice,
(Figure 1a). the levels of IFNc mRNA were 43 times increased
Regarding IL-10 mRNA, T. Canis-infected mice (Fig- (P < 005) (Figure 1g). The IL-4 gene transcription
ure 1b) showed an increase of this cytokine when com- levels were low in all periods analysed and there was no sig-
pared to non-infected mice (Figure 1f). After 48 h of nificant variation after T. canis infection as well as in mice
infection, only mice without supplementation showed supplemented with S. boulardii (Figure 1d and h).
S· boulardii Control
(a) (e) Figure 1 Gene transcription of IL-12, IL-10,
10 60 *
IFNc and IL-4 in splenocytes of mice
mRNA relative levels
8 * 50 * supplemented or not with S. boulardii.
* 40
6 Letters a (IL-12), b (IL-10), c (IFNc) and d
24 h 48 h
3 50 *
mRNA relative levels
2·5 * 40
0·5 10
0 0
ex vivo Tc Sb ex vivo Tc Sb ex vivo Tc Sb con A
24 h 48 h
(d) (h)
2·5 2
mRNA relative levels
2 1·5
0·5 0·5
0 0
ex vivo Tc Sb ex vivo Tc Sb ex vivo Tc Sb con A
24 h 48 h
328 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Parasite Immunology, 38, 326–330
Volume 38, Number 5, May 2016 IL-12 and IFNc protect against Toxocara canis
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Parasite Immunology, 38, 326–330 329
L. F. d. C. de Avila et al. Parasite Immunology
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