CCN Question Bank All Chapter

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Prof. H. S.


CCN Question Bank

Chapter 1:-Data Communication

1. Write a short note on Network topologies?

3. Explain OSI Model in detail with Layer to Layer Communication?

4 What are network connections and types?

5. Explain Layer to Layer Communication?

6. What is meant by RS-232 structure?

7. Explain Data Communication in detail?

Chapter 2:-Data Link Layer

1. What is meant by Framing, explain its types?

2. Explain Lossless channel correction techniques?

3. What is stop and wait ARQ Protocol, explain in detail?

4. Write short note on GO-Back –N Protocol?

5. Describe Selective repeat ARQ protocol?

Prof. H. S. Deshpande(CCN)

6. What is MAC explain HDLC frame format?

Chapter 3: Transport Layer

1. Explain TCP/IP Protocol Suit?

2. Draw and Explain TCP Header format in detail?

3. Write a short note on TCP 3 way and 4 way Handshaking?

4. Explain UDP Header and pseudo header in detail along with encapsulation?

6 Explain IP address and its classes with masking?

7 Explain IPv4 Header format in detail?

Chapter 4:-LAN Standard

1. Explain IEEE 802.3 structure in detail?

2. Explain IEEE 802.4 Structure in detail?

3. Explain Token ring Structure in detail?

4. Explain ARP header format with its routing cases and encapsulation?
Prof. H. S. Deshpande(CCN)

5. Explain DHCP and RARP in detail?

6. Explain BOOTP in Detail?

7. Explain TOKEN RING in detail?

Chapter 5:-Network Layer

1. Explain Shortest path routing/ Dijkestra algorithm?

2. Write a short note on Distance vector Routing?

3. Explain Link state Routing?

4. Explain Flow based Routing?

5. Explain DJKASTRA algorithm?

6. Explain Routing optimality principle?

7. Explain LUT in Routing?

Prof. H. S. Deshpande(CCN)

Chapter 6:- Network Devices

1. Explain Routers in detail?

2. Explain Switches in detail?

3. What are types of bridges explain it?

4. Explain different network devices?

5. Explain Hub and bridge role in OSI data communication?

6. Explain Path vector in Switch?

7. What is meant by ETA-232 explain its structure?

Chapter 7 :- Application Protocols

1. What is TELNET and NVT character set?

2. Explain FTP and DNS in detail?

3. Explain and Draw header format of IPV6?

4. Explain SMTP in detail?

5. Explain NVT in TELNET?

6. Explain TELNET character set?

7 What are the two fields in FTP?

8 Explain the need of IPV6 over IPV4?

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