Mechanism of Hormone Action - 210826 - 080646
Mechanism of Hormone Action - 210826 - 080646
Mechanism of Hormone Action - 210826 - 080646
• Latent period for hormone action – It is
the time interval between the application
of stimulus and onset of a response. For
instance, oxytocin has among the shortest
latent periods; milk ejection occurs in a
few seconds. Thyroxine has one of the
longest latent periods; its metabolic
effects may take as long as 3 days to
Hormones can circulate either free or
bound to carrier proteins-
Most peptide hormones exist free in the
circulation. Steroid and thyroid hormones
circulate bound to plasma proteins. {IGF-I
and IGF-II are an exception to this rule: at
least six plasma proteins bind these
peptide growth factors.}
Forming a complex with a circulating
binding protein serves several functions:
(i) It provides the blood with a reservoir or
pool of the hormone, thus minimizing
minute-to-minute fluctuations in
hormone concentration. (ii) It extends the
half-life of the hormone in the circulation
(as only the free hormone is metabolized
by the liver or excreted by the kidney).
• Half-life in circulation: In general, peptide
hormones have shorter half-life in
circulation; steroids have longer half-life.
Epinephrine & norepinephrine have
among the shortest half-life (about 10-15
seconds). Thyroxine has a half-life of 7-8
days; 25(OH) vitamin D has a half-life of
15 days.
(The hormones bound to binding proteins
in plasma appear to be those whose
actions are chronic – in particular, those
involving induction of the synthesis of
new protein in target tissues. Hormones
that play a major acute role in the
regulation of body metabolism circulate
freely without associated binding
Ø Hormonal rhythms:
• Circadian (diurnal) rhythm: (24-hour
cycle) - cortisol, GH, prolactin
• Ultradian rhythms: (rhythms with a
periodicity of less than 24 hours) - LH,
FSH, testosterone
Mechanisms of hormone action
All the hormones exert their specific
actions on their target cells by binding to
specific receptors. The receptor proteins
can be divided into two broad categories:
(A) Cell membrane receptors – present on
the cell membrane, and (B) intracellular
receptors – present in cytoplasm or
nucleus of the target cell.
The protein/peptide hormones are not
lipid-soluble and cannot enter target cells
easily. Hence, receptors for these
hormones are situated on the cell
membranes. Steroid hormones are lipid-
soluble; they can cross the cell
membranes easily. Their receptors are
located inside the cells.
The protein/peptide hormones (the “first
messengers”) exert their effects without
entering the target cell. As they combine
with the membrane receptors, they
activate the so-called “second
messengers” within the cells. Second
messengers then activate the specific
enzymatic machinery within the cell to
produce the effect of the hormone.
There are 2 major types of cell
membrane receptors for the
peptide/protein hormones ~
1. G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) –
These integral membrane receptor
proteins work through an intermediary;
the intermediary is a heterotrimeric GTP-
binding complex called G-protein. {GTP =
guanosine triphosphate). By acting
through this G- protein, they activate or
inactivate a separate membrane-
associated enzyme or channel.
2. Catalytic receptors - When activated by a
ligand/hormone, these integral
membrane receptor proteins are either
enzymes themselves or part of an
enzymatic complex.
{A category of ion-channel linked
receptors may also be included in the
‘membrane receptor’ family. It is
mostly utilized by neurotransmitters
such as ACh. These receptors help
regulate the intracellular concentration
of specific ions.}
Many hormones and growth factors
bind to cell membrane receptors that
themselves have enzymatic activity (or
they are a part of an enzyme complex)
on the cytoplasmic side of the
membrane. 5 classes of such catalytic
receptors have been identified:
a. Receptor guanylyl cyclase – When a
hormone combines with the receptor, the
receptor guanylyl cyclase catalyzes the
formation of cGMP (cyclic guanosine
monophosphate) from the intracellular
GTP. E.g. Receptor for atrial natriuretic
peptide (ANP). cGMP is used as a second
messenger by nitric oxide (NO) and
b. Receptor serine/threonine kinase – When
a ligand binds with the receptor, the
receptor phosphorylates serine and/or
threonine residues on cellular proteins.
E.g. receptors for the transforming
growth factor (TGF)-β family, which
includes the hormones anti-mullerian
hormone and inhibin.
c. Receptor tyrosine kinase – When a
hormone binds with the receptor, the
receptor phosphorylates tyrosine residues
on themselves and other proteins. E.g.
Receptors for insulin and insulin-like
growth factors (IGFs).
d. Tyrosine kinase-associated receptor –
When a hormone binds with the receptor,
the receptor interacts with cytoplasmic
(that is, non-membrane-bound) tyrosine
kinases. E.g. receptors for growth
hormone (GH), prolactin, erythropoietin,
and leptin.
e. Receptor tyrosine phosphatase – These
receptors cleave phosphate groups from
tyrosine groups of cellular proteins.