Phospholipasec, It Will Produce Ip

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‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬

Last physiology lecture Tuesday 5/8/2008 Dr. M.Sha3ban

Types of hormone receptors :

1. membrane receptors
a- ion channel-linked hormone receptors
b- G protein–linked hormone receptors
c- Enzyme-linked hormone receptors

2. nuclear (or intracellular) hormone receptors

now lets talk about them in some details

- ion channel receptors is mostly found in synaptic , for example when
acetylcholine binds to its receptors on postsynaptic neuron it open Na+
channels to allow entrance of sodium ions and make action potential.
- In G protein we have 2 types; stimulating (Gs ) and inhibiting (Gi) and
we have 2 different systems ; one to increase cyclic AMP (cAMP) ,
another to change phospholipase to produce IP3 (inositol triphosphate)
and DAG (diacylglycerol) .
- Binding the hormone to 1st G protein system cause activation by
changing it from binding to ADP to bind to ATP , this will stimulate
certain enzyme called Adenylyl cyclase which produce cAMP which
considered as 2nd messenger .
- in 2nd G protein system there is no Anenylyl cyclase , instead there is
phospholipaseC , it will produce IP3 and DAG which both are considered
as 2nd messenger , these produce other hormones can increase Ca+ within
the cell.

Q: cell has receptors for different hormones like ACTH, ADH, and PTH
which all affect same cAMP , then we have different functions, How the cell
can recognize each function from its hormone although they all pass same
cAMP ?
A: there is more than one step in response to hormone , and it can modify the
machinery , if we have X hormone receptor it can modify intracellular at
these steps , while if we have Y hormone receptor it can modify another
pathway so will alter the subsequence steps develop due to presence of
different hormone with different receptors.
- in kidney cells cAMP may lead to increase reapsorption of Ca+ , another
cAMP lead to increase reapsorption of water , so same cAMP may lead
to different functions due to different hormone receptors.
- In enzyme-linked protein receptors we have 2 hormones as an example ;
Insulin and Leptin.
- Insulin receptors have 2 α subunits on outer surface, and 2 β subunits
crossing cell membrane , when insulin bind to α subunits will stimulate
β subunits , then activate tyrosine kinase which will stimulate many
enzymes called IRS (insulin receptor substrates) , these IRS will do
different functions as in figure .

- When leptin bind to its receptor on outer surface of cell membrane , its
enable phosphorylation and activation of intracellular associated JAK
(janus kinase) system , this will stimulate STAT (signal transducer and
activator of transcription) phosphorylation , which stimulate certain
protein synthesis , phosphorylation of JAK also is lead to activation of
certain enzymes , so at the end we may have producing of new proteins
(enzymes) or activating existing ones .
-Nucleonic hormone receptors .
There is 3 types of hormones , one type is protein and polypeptide hormones
which are water soluble and lipid insoluble so it can’t enter the cell , it has
receptors on outer surface of membrane can goes different mechanisms as
explained .
Another 2 types are steroid hormones and amine hormones (tyrosine
derivatives ) , these are lipid soluble so it can enter the cell and have
receptors inside it or inside the nucleus , its also water insoluble so it bind to
plasma proteins to move within the blood

- Protein hormones can be stored in granules until it needed, but when

secreted it stay for short time, steroids can’t be stored and last more time
in blood, thyroxin can be stored and remain for long time.
- Steroid hormones all are derived from cholesterol, so all have almost
same structure of 5 fused rings , we have also vitamin D .
- The most important hormone derived from tyrosine amino acid is
Thyroxin, its secreted from thyroid gland, and composed of 2 amino
acids one lost its side chain , and 4 iodine molecules , it has receptors
inside the nucleus, it has many functions within the cell as shown.
- Also epinephrine, norepinphrine, and dopamine are derived from

- When these lipid soluble hormones reach the target cell it diffuse
through cell membrane and bind to receptors which either found in
cytoplasm or in nucleus itself , which form hormone-receptor complex in
- Complex has criteria , certain binding site to the hormone and specific
location to bind to chromosome at specific DNA , then cause unwinding
DNA and transcription to produce more DNA or more mRNA, we care
to mRNA, it go outside to produce proteins , we have 3 types of proteins;
structural, enzymatic, and secretory proteins.
- DNA process produce either secretion of proteins, or modification in the
structure of the cell, or modification in the amount of the enzyme within
the cell , that’s we called physiological response.

Q: what about time factor, which take longer effect ; membrane hormone
receptor or nucleus hormone receptor ?
A: nucleus hormone receptor, because it take effect on DNA to produce
mRNA then produce enzyme, but membrane hormone receptor activate (or
inactivate) existing enzyme, or make modification on ion channels or
increase membrane permeability.. all these functions take short time (may
seconds or minutes) than nucleus hormone receptors (may take hours, days
or even weeks).

- Sometimes we have more than one hormone act on same mechanism, but
in different levels , suppose we have 15 steps in pathway for example ;
hormone A initiate step no. 1 and hormone B inhibit step no. 7 this will
lead to inhibit the whole pathway of this hormone , but if hormone B
increase its step we get more effect of hormone A and the whole process.
- Although we talk about specific action for hormones but its not that
specific, there is a lot of additional minor regulators almost we don’t
know about it.
Refer to Guyton pages 905-906,910-915,934-935,949-950,962-963.

AND THAT’S IT ………………………………………………………….

O ba7eb abarek L Bara2 Zghoul mn 2nd year bmonasabet a5oh jab 2nd 3la
elmamlaka bel-tawjihi … 2lf mabrok.

Have a good times , and good luck in finals.

Basheer Zghoul

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