Adobe Scan 17-Jan-2024
Adobe Scan 17-Jan-2024
Adobe Scan 17-Jan-2024
This course will provide a close eading of some of the key theoretical concepts.
par and debates within Media Studies. We will look at media from a sociological
perspective, approaching mass media as a tool that aids in constructing the political realm, the
public sphere, and subjectiviies. We will examine different traditions within the discipline/sub
disciplines such as communication, media studies and media sociology Three major sub-themes
will guide us throughout the course: a) Cultural studies b) Publie sphere c) Semiotics. We will
interrogate these dominant paradigms for what thcy might offer to our contemporary political.
social and cultural moment and in particular to readings of media in India.
Introduction to the Course
Section-I: Approaching Media
(Communication, Cultural Studies and Media Sociology). MAM
O,Mehan, Marshall Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. Cambridge: The 14IT
Walter Benjamin. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanica! Reproduction"(Written in
1936). From Walter Bnjamin, lMunminations, 1968, cdited by Hannah Arend1, New
Politicz! Ees.
Max Hórkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno. 2002. Dialeciic of Enlightenment: PhiBusophical
Frugmets. (From Page Dumber 94 to 137. "Cultyre Industry: Enlightennment as
Mass Deception"). Stanford: Stanford University Press. 2 Lecture
Adorpe. Theodor W. 1975. Cuiture Industry Reconsidered', New German Critique, 6: 12.19
Barthes, Roland. "Myth Today" (Pp: 108-147), in Mythologies New York: The Noonday
Press. 2 Lecture
Louis. 1971. ldeology and ldeological State Apparatuses (From Lenin and
Philosophy and Other Essays). New Delhi: Critical Quest. I Lecture
ReeçHn alys is
Miall, Stuar. 1997, "Encoding/ Decoding". in Paul Marris and Sue Thormham (eds). Media
Studies: AReader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Pp: 41-49. 1 Leetur
, Hl, Stuart. 1982. "The rediscovery of 'ideology': Return of the repressed in media studies".
in Michal Gurevitch, et al (eds). Culrure. Society and the Media, London: Methuen.
Pp: 56-90.
Publ1c Spihere
Habermas, Jurgen. 1991, The Siructural Transformation of the Public Sphere: A Inquiry
into a Category of Bourgeois Sociery (Translated by Thomas Burger) Massachusetts:
The MIT Press. 2 Lecture
KHabermas, Jurgen (198la): The Theory of CommunicativeAction, Vol-l. Reason and the
Rationalization of Society. [Translated by Thomas McCarthy], Boston: Bencon Press
doe leadd.
(chapters: 1,3 and 4].
Representation r uwt Urle
JAall. Stuart. 1997. (ed), Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices.
(Introduetion and chapter 1). London: Sage: Pp: 1-74. 2 Lecture
Hall, Stuart. 1996. "Gramsci's relevance for the study of race and ethnicity", in David Morley
and Kuan-Hsing Chen (eds). Stuart Hall: Critical IDialogues in Cultural Studies,
London and New York: Routledge. Pp: 41|-441. ( Roughly Rea)
Jucaul. Michel, 1990. The Mistory of Sexality. Volume I [Trans. Robert Hurley] London: Penguin. p
y Mazzarella. William. 2013. Censorium Cinema and the Open Edge of Mass Publicity.
Durham and London: Duke University Press
Morin, Edgar. 1978/2005. The Ciemu. or the Imaginary Man London: University of
Minnesota P'ress. (T wddnd
1Rogers, Ariel. 2012. You Don't So Much Watch It As Download It: Conceptualizations of
Digital Spectatorship". Flm History, 24 (2): 221-234.
|asudevan, Ravi. 2010. The Melodramatic Public: Film form and Spectatorship in Indian
Cinema. Ranikhet: Permancnt Black.