Manual Viberx3

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Index page

1 Important information 6

2 Introduction 7

3 Components at delivery 9

4 Instrument, keypad and LED:s 10

5 Menu and functions 12

5.1 Menu for vibration 13
5.2 Menu for temperature 14
5.3 Audio menu 16

6 Error messages 18

7 How to interpret vibration levels 19

7.1 Excerpt from ISO standard 20

8 Vibration analysis 21
8.1 Resonance 22
8.2 Recommended bearing condition levels 23
8.3 Listen to the bearing noise 24

9 Balancing with VIBER X3™ 25

9.1 3-point method for balancing 27
9.2 Important in all types of balancing 28
9.3 Preparations 29
9.4 Approximate calculation of the test weight 30
9.5 Determination of the test weight placement 30
9.6 Determination of the circular arc length 31
9.7 Determination of the angle 31

9.8 Balancing procedure 32
9.9 Example of a balancing report 34

10 VMI Trend View 35

10.1 Create a measurement project 36
10.2 Create a ”Route plan” and edit a project 59
10.3 Trend measurements 61
10.4 Transfer of measurement data 63
10.5 General description and viewing trends 73

Technical data 74

1 Important information
Security actions
Vibration measurements and balancing result in measurement on rotating
machine parts. Keep a safe distance and secure the accelerometer, including
cable from rotating parts. Always follow internal, local and national safety
precautions. When working with rotors always secure the starter button with a
locking and also use the emergency stop button for double safety. This is
especially important when using remote control.

VMI accepts no liability for personal injury or damage to machinery.

VMI and our dealers takes no responsibility for machinery or premises caused
by negligence or negligence when using the VIBER X3 ™ vibrometer.
VMI aims to improve and develop our products, which means that future
upgrade versions of this manual will be necessary.

2 Introduction
VIBER X3™ is designed for repair and maintenance personnel. It is an
excellent tool for condition monitoring, easy to use and reliable to permit
analysis. VIBER X3 ™ has the following features:

 Measurement in four frequency ranges, which provides high reliability.

 Measurement of total vibration level and bearing condition (BC),

measured and displayed in real time.

 Headphones with volume control and high pass filter for listening to noise
in bearings. Used with Bearing Conditioning measurement it can save
time compared with trending measurements. Used with advantage if there
are many small layers as in, for example. Printing machines or conveyor
or similar machines.

 Possible to listen to bearing noise and compare with displayed BC value.

 Quick and an easy analysis by looking at the five highest peak-

amplitudes and frequency.

 Measurement quantitiets and units of measure can be selected by the user

from the following list:

* g-value = Acceleration (RMS, Peak or Peak to Peak).

* a = Acceleration (m/s² ) (RMS, Peak or Peak to Peak).
* V = Velocity (mm/s) (RMS, Peak or Peak to Peak).
* D = Displacement (mils) (RMS, Peak or Peak to Peak).
* D = Displacement (µm) (RMS, Peak or Peak to Peak).

 Bearing condition is measured within the frequency range of 500Hz to


 Built-in infrared temperature sensors, selectable units are °C or °F.

 Bar indicator shows when the measurement is stable.

 High vibration and temperature alarms are indicated by red and yellow

 Display with backlight.

 Fast battery charging with external charger.

 Adjustable “auto shut-off” for energy saving.

 Dust and waterproof, class IP65.

3 Components at delivery

A complete delivery contains the following:

 VIBER X3™ Measuring device

 Accelerometer of high quality and with 1m integrated cable

 1 Measuring tip, 1 holding magnet

 Battery charger

 Headphones

 The software “VMI Trend View” and manual is delivered in a USB-

memory stick

 Cable for data transfer

All these components are packed in a sturdy and shock resistant bag, airtight,
resistant to chemicals and waterproof to class IP68.

5.3 Audio menu

Listening to machine sounds enables analysis of gears and low speed bearings
(<300 RPM) as an alternative way and can contribute to a faster analysis with
higher quality. VIBER X3™ makes it possible for the user to listen to the
machine while at the same time reading the vibration level on the instrument

When "Audio On" is activated, you return to the vibration menu by selecting
"Display". From the "Function Menu" select vibration.

Always connect the headphones to VIBER X3™ before turning on "Audio On"
volume can be controlled on both the instrument and the headphone cable
depending on the model.

When the menu key is selected, select "Audio" from "Function Menu" and the
menu in Figure 9 is displayed.

When audio is enabled, use LEFT or RIGHT arrow keys to adjust the volume.
Hold resp. Key pressed to the desired volume.

When the filter is ON, a high-pass filter activates, allowing listening to only the
higher audio frequencies of the machine. You can also activate filters and
sounds from the setup menu and select Audio, see Figure 10 and Figure 11.

7.1 Excerpt from ISO standard

Iso Standard 10816-3 classifies machines differently depending on whether they

are flexible or rigid (fixed) mounted. This reflects the location of the machine's
"rigid resonances" related to the machine's operating speed.

8.1 Resonance

A resonance can easily be found when a flexible machine is running up or down

its speed. The resonance frequencies are located at the RPM´s where the
vibration has a local maximum level.

To understand a resonance you can compare with the string of a guitar. The
string has its natural basic tune that will ring as soon as the string is struck. The
actual frequency of the tune depends on the stiffness and the distributed mass of
the string.

All machines have similar built in “tunes” with corresponding properties

consisting of stiffness and a mass in the form of mechanical string such as
shafts, beams, floors and in all mechanical parts. If any natural excitation
(alternating force) in the machine has the same or nearly the same frequency as a
resonance frequency the vibration will be amplified in this machine part, and a
much higher vibration level will occur.

To identify, measure the vibration levels in three perpendicular directions at the

bearings. If you find a measurement with at least three times higher level than in
the other directions, consider resonance as a likely possibility. The resonance is
amplifying the mechanical force and thus gives a high vibration in that direction.
The resonance makes the machine unnecessarily sensitive to mechanical forces.

Actions to handle a resonance are different depending on its location, operating

conditions etc. It will normally require experience to alter the situation. One
reason is that the modification can affect the basic mechanical design of the
machine and normally require the competence of a machine designer.

We recommend however to consider such modifications since the change of the

resonance frequency normally is cheap compared to the high maintenance cost
that will follow any attempt to run a machine under the influence of a resonance.

Sometimes it`s possible to change the speed of machines, which often is a

simple solution.

8.2 Recommended bearing condition levels

The bearing condition value is the total RMS value of the acceleration of all
high frequency vibrations within the range from 500 Hz up to 16000 Hz, given
as a “gBC-value”.

Based on the machines measured “gBC-value”, follow the line corresponding to

the measured “gBC-value” on the left-hand axis, towards the line in the centre of
the chart that corresponds to the machines speed. Depending on which of the
four lines in the centre of the chart, which corresponds to the other two values,
(gBC and RPM), you can get the following information about the bearing:

The diagram above is a help to translate bearing condition values. About, for
example the measured gBC value is 2.0g. It shows that if a machine has a speed
of approximately: 10000 RPM, the bearing may still be good, while a machine
with a speed of about 550 RPM with the same gBC value can be considered as

If vibrations of other causes occur (eg flow, pressure shock, gears) and within
the frequency range, it may also give high "gBC values" without damage to the
bearings. A high "gBC value" can also be expected if the bearing is poorly
lubricated or overloaded (eg in case of poor alignment or hard tension drive

Compare this value with the bearing temperature. If both the "gBC value" and
the temperature are high or increase in a trend measurement, then there is
probably a bearing problem.

8.3 Listen to the bearing noise

Listening to bearing noise is an old method. Sound analysis of low-speed

bearings and gearboxes can sometimes be faster and more realistic than a
"bearing condition value" (gBC). With VIBER X3 ™ you can listen and view
the bearing condition value at the same time.

Also test to grease the bearing and after that, listen again.

9 Balancing with VIBER X3™
This chapter describes how you can perform balancing with your instrument.

The VMI 3-Point Balancing method does not need any additional hardware
except for the VIBER X3™ instrument and the accelerometer. Mount the
accelerometer on the bearing and in the direction where you have the highest
vibration caused by unbalance. Use this measuring point for all following
measurements. If you need to leave the place during the balancing procedure,
disconnect the accelerometer BNC-connector from the instrument and leave the
accelerometer at the point from where the measurements are taken. If this is not
possible, mark the position with a pen or paint. It is important that it is only the
trial weights that will influence the vibrations and not the change in vibration
due to a different position of the transducer.

To know if the vibration is caused by imbalance, study the five highest peaks in
the spectrum by pressing the right arrow key when the vibration menu is
displayed. The level of the peak at the machine speed or the frequency, indicates
whether balancing is necessary, if the peak level is 2 mm/s or lower, balancing is
usually not necessary. See the calculation of the RMS g-value on page 19.

During the balancing procedure remember that:

 It is only possible to balancing machines, if there is an unbalance.

 Do not change the position of the vibration transducer after the start of the
balancing procedure.

 Balancing using this method requires three consecutive trial runs to change
by adding weights.

 Only measurement of the vibration level is needed.

 Balancing can only reduce the vibration caused by unbalance.

 VIBER X3™ can display the frequency of the five highest peaks. If none of
the peaks in spectrum matches the machine speed, the cause of vibration is
probably something else.

 A balancing round will often be a good approach and a first attempt to find
the reason for increased vibration. If the balancing attempt is not successful,
the cause can be loose rotor parts or other faults.

 If the machine speed is variable, be sure to choose the same speed during
every trial run. Do not search the speed that gives the highest vibration. Such
speeds mostly show non-linear results.

 Start balancing with measuring the bearings in the directions (horizontal,

vertical and axial). Select the direction in which the highest vibration is read.
The unbalance vibration should be at the same speed/frequency as the
machine speed/frequency.

 You must use the same radius for the trial weights and the balancing weights.

 Accuracy in balancing ensure a good result.

9.1 3-point method for balancing

VMI:s 3-point method has been further developed and adapted to

VIBER X3 ™. This method gives a result fully comparable to more
advanced instruments. This is possible due to bandpass filtering of the
measurement signal, where vibration is measured at the machine-
speed. This can not be done with older instruments that measure with
a larger bandwidth (total level). VIBER X3 ™ calculates balance-
weight and where it should be placed. The balancing procedure
requires 5 runs/test.

Balancing Classes are available in standard ISO 1940-, there are

recommendations for various applications. We can, with 3-point
method and a VIBER X3™ at normal rotor weights and speeds often
balance to class G (2.5).

This method calculates the balancing weight and where to place it.
The balancing requires 5 starts/test runs.

Test drives 1 – 5
1. Test drive 1, measures the unbalance before action

2. Test drive 2 with trial weight

3. Test drive 3 with trial weight

4. Test drive 4 with trial weight

5. Test and verify result

9.2 Important at all types of balancing are:

• The machine must have the same rotational speed at all tests

• The rotational radius must be the same for both trial weights and
balancing weights.

• Placement of the sensor must be the same during balancing.

• Accuracy at measuring and mounting of trial weight is important and

critical for the result.

• The behaviour of some machines can be non-linear, and can

therefore not be balanced without constructional changes as rigidity,
mass or boundary conditions.

The manual is divided into two sections, one with preparation and one
section with balancing runs.

10 Trend View software use for trends and route
This software is designed to trend measurement and this enables the users to
monitor the condition in machines.

Trends are one method to perform condition monitoring (CM). TREND

VIEW™ is designed for use only with VIBER X2 Pro™ and VIBER X3™.

For every plant or building, you can create a database and a rout with up to 100
measurements. If there are need for several measurement points, you can create
several projects with 100 new storage locations. Each measurement store
vibration amplitude and bearing condition. This covers normally 5 – 20
machines / project, depending on how many directions are measured on every
bearing* and the number of bearings. That amount is equivalent to number of
measuring points in a route.

For VIBER X3™ you can also store temperature, there is an additional space
for 100 temperature measurements.

If only one direction is measured at each measuring point, choose the direction
with the highest vibration. After the measurement, the data can be uploaded to
the computer. In the computer you can store almost an unlimited number of
machines. You can choose what unit you want to display in TREND VIEW™.

Analyzing this information, periodically, you can act proactively and avoid

Regarding installation of the software, see the installation guide.

* Bearing condition is stored in horizontal direction on each bearing. If you not

measures this direction you must choose one of the direction you measure.
Change direction in properties.

10.1 Create a measurement project

You start by creating a "measurement project" to store measurement values.

In this manual, we show an example of how to build a "measurement project" or

"database" with two grinding machines. Grinding machine 1 and Grinding
machine 2. For both machines we measure : Vibration, Bearing condition (BC)
and Temperature. The machines belong to the "Grinding department".

Start the "Trend View" program by clicking on the icon:

on the desk.

You can also click on the symbol that shows a "white sheet of paper" to create a
new project.

Here is the new project.

You can build a hierarchical tree, from a plant or department down to a single
measuring point, or just set up a single machine. In this example, we select
"Department" (Grinding Department). We also add two machines, (Grinding
machine 1) and (Grinding machine 2). Next step is to click on the icon:

If you click on the icon "Add Group or Location" before you

create a project, you will receive the following prompt:

Assign the project a name by clicking on the green "W"

Assign a project name to the project and decide where you want to save your
projects. Create a "Folder" and give it a name, for example: "Trend View

Continue by clicking on the "Add measurement group or location" icon.

Select "Department" for our example. In other cases, choose the option that
suits. The top level of the project (Database) is usually a building or department,
which must be added to the project. Then click on the next.

Enter a name for the department, proceed with a click on "Next".

Select the type of measurement you want to do "Measuring Project" or
"Balancing reports". In our ex. We choose "Measurement Projects" because we
will perform trend measurements. Click "Finish".

The next step is to add a machine

Mark "Grinding machine 1", drag the line to see "Slot" and "Data".

The next moment is to add a measurement point (usually a bearing). In this

example we want to measure two bearings in three directions for each machine,
and also the temperature.

Vibration and temperature are stored in different tables, so you can use the same
numbers in the "slots" (Memory cells). You can skip the allocation of "Slot
number" and, at a later time, perform an automatic sorting of storage slots
locations (Auto Assign), see pages 56 - 58.

The next dialog box allows to select alarm levels, manually or from a standard
table. In the example, the default values are choose.

"Grinding machine 1" is finished. To create "Grinding machine 2" you can make
a copy of grinding machine 1, and then edit it.

We now need to assign "Grinding machine 2" slot number (Storage locations).

Repeat the sorting procedure also for temperature.

Thus, the first "project" is finish and you can now start measuring on the
machines and then transfer measurement data to "Trend View".

10.2 Create a "Route Plan" and edit a project

We recommend to print out a route plan and used every time same machines are
measured. Make the route plan based on how often the machines should be
measured, such as week, month, half year etc.

When selecting "Route plan", a list appears to the right in the picture, that can be
printed out.

Save all Route plans in a binder.

10.3 Trend measurements
Perform the project (database) with the machines you want to measure within
the same interval, (weekly, monthly, etc.).

Mark the machines according to the printed list:

Each new measurement performed on the same machine must be stored in the
same "slot number" (memory cell) as the previous measurement. Before a new
measurement is performed, first the previous measurement must be
transferred to the "Project" in Trend View.

Press the SAVE key to save a measurement, and the vibration storage
table appears on the instrument display:

If you want to place the measurement value in "slot number 1" confirm with the

green key. If you want to move the measurement value to another slot
number, use the arrow keys. When measurement of "temperature", shows the
Temp table:

10.4 Transfer of data to Trend View
When each measurement in a route is complete, measurement data must be
transferred to the “Trend View” computer software. Note. It is important that
you make the "transfer" in the correct order, see below.

1) Connect "(USB - 3.5mm plug)- cable" to the instrument "Serial data

connector" (This is the same connector as the headphones, see page 7), and the
USB side to the computer's USB input. You must verify that the correct serial
port is selected by the computer (If a problem occurs, see the special installation
instructions for the PC software.

2) Start the VIBER X3 ™ instrument, and select "Upload" from the function

3) Open "Trend View" and select "Import measurement data from instrument"

Note. The VIBER X3 ™ instrument must be "on" and upload must be selected
from the function menu, confirm with the green key. A rotating symbol appears
on the screen. In this mode, you continue in "Trend View" by clicking "Next" in
the dialog box.

Wait a while, and the transfer procedure will start.

Since the instrument does not store times when the measurement was
performed, but only time for the transfer, you have to change the date
manually. If you want to save the times when the measurement was performed
select: "Timestamp each measurement individualy".

Here shows all vibration data from the first measurement.

Here shows all temperature data from the first measurement.

Data is transferred to the project,

Transmission of measurement data for "Grinding machine 1" is now complete.
In order to see a graph showing the trend, at least two "2" measurements, at
different times, must be performed and transferred to the project.

After the second measurement for the same machine, the new measurement
values are stored in the same "Slot-places" as before, in our case: 1, 2, 3 for
vibration and slot: 1 for temperature.

To see a "Graph", double-click on the vibration direction or temperature you
want to see. The graph below shows "measurement data" after three
measurements (those blue-marked in horizontal direction) and after three data

10.5 General description and viewing trends
After all measurements are saved, you can choose to study a graph to see any
change of the vibration.

To see the "Trend chart", select and double-click the project tree and the
direction you want to study.

The window that shows the graph is automatically adjusted according to the
number of measurements performed. To change the window view, use the
"toolboxes" in the chart header.

Properties can be used to change units in the chart, all measurement points can
be expressed in the following units: Vibration (mm/s), Acceleration (m/s²) or
expressed as a g-value, and displacement (μm).

If the Trend measurement shows a large change in vibration or Bearing

Condition, then you should measure the machine for shorter intervals.

Technical data VIBER X3™


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