FDG-P Application Manual UM DOC1705991 3
FDG-P Application Manual UM DOC1705991 3
FDG-P Application Manual UM DOC1705991 3
FDG Phosphate
Application Manual
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
GE Healthcare (GEHC) does not accept liability for injury to personnel or damage to equipment that
may result from misuse of this equipment, failure to observe the hazard notices contained in this
manual, or failure to observe federal, state and/or local regulations.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the technical accuracy of this manual, the information
contained herein is subject to change without notice. GEHC makes no warranty of any kind with
regard to this material.
GEHC shall not be liable for errors contained herein, or for incidental or consequential damages
arising from the use of the equipment described in this manual.
FASTlab manuals are available for viewing and downloading via internet.
Please check regularly the GE Common Documentation Library (CDL) website for updates:
- Go to
- Click the “Radiopharmacy” menu entry.
- Select “FASTlab” in the Radiopharmacy Product drop down list.
- Select “All” in the Manual Types drop down list.
- Click “Search” at the bottom of the screen.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
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GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
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GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
Version Date Reason for change
1 OCT 2015 Initial release of the document
Correction of the amount of NaOH used for the hydrolysis
2 SEP 2016
3 MAY 2017 Update of company address.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
6-2-1 Process report 27
6-2-2 Yield summary 27
6-2-3 Activity trending 28
6-2-4 Trending 28
6-2-5 Log 28
6-2-6 Operator comment 28
6-2-7 Operator signature 28
6-2-8 Responsible signature 29
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
The FASTlab is a compact automated system that converts externally produced radio-isotopes
(from cyclotron) into radiochemicals ready for further processing and quality control. This is
achieved thanks to single-use consumables, called cassettes, which the FASTlab actuates following
step-by-step sequences. The radioactive tracers produced by the FASTlab are usable in Positron
Emission Tomography (PET).
Important note: Please note that the FDG phosphate cassette can be used with both FASTlab and
FASTlab systems. The synthesis method and performances are the same for both systems, and
only minor differences in the handling of the equipment must be considered for the production of
FDG phosphate depending on the system you own. For this reason, this manual will refer to the
synthesizer equipment as the “FASTlab synthesizer” but all the information found in this manual is
valid for both FASTlab and FASTlab 2 synthesizer. Should there be a difference in operation between
the two systems, it will be clearly indicated in the text.
In addition to the global documentation package “FASTlab – User Documentation” described here
below, each tracer cassette has its own manual called “Application manual”. The application
manuals describe the specific cassette items such as cassette configuration, set up, residual
activity, specific activity detectors calibration procedure, the general chemical process and a
tracer-specific trouble shooting.
This “FASTlab – FDG phosphate Application Manual” contains the necessary information about the
specific FDG phosphate cassette and can be used to assist the operator during FDG phosphate
synthesis and troubleshooting operation with the FASTlab supervision software version or
higher. Another document (DOC0283337) is available on CDL for production of FDG phosphate on
a FASTlab 1 with an older software version.
Before operating the FASTlab, each operator must read the “FASTlab – User documentation”
package and be fully aware of its content.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
All personnel associated with the operation and maintenance of the FASTlab must be appropriately
qualified for radiopharmaceutical production and must be made familiar with the use of the
Operating personnel must be informed of all applicable health and safety regulations.
The FASTlab is not shielded. It must be operated within a hot cell with sufficient shielding to be
compliant with local radioprotection regulations. The waste bottle must be shielded, even when
located in the hot cell. It is mandatory to close the door of the hot cell and to keep the door closed
during transfer of the radioactive species from the cyclotron to the FASTlab, and during the entire
After use, and although rinsed, the disposable cassette contains residues of radioactive material.
Do not remove the cassette before sufficient decay. The cassette contaminated with radioactive
material must be discarded in compliance with local radiopharmaceutical regulations. Note that
the cassette can also be contaminated with long half-life radioactive target impurities. Measure
the remaining radioactivity on the cassette in order to ensure proper storage until sufficient decay.
It is mandatory to use a radiation monitoring system inside the hot cell in order to assess the level
of radioactivity inside the enclosure before any potential opening. It should be noted that the
purpose of the embedded radioactivity detectors from the FASTlab is to follow the radiochemical
process only. Under no circumstances can they be used to assess the radioactivity level inside the
hot cell.
The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as safety glasses, gloves and a lab coat is
mandatory when handling the contaminated cassette or when operating the FASTlab after a hot
synthesis. Nitrile gloves are highly recommended when handling contaminated material, instead
of latex which is more porous.
The operator should wear personal dosimeter at any time while handling or working with
radioactive products.
For more information regarding health and safety considerations while operating the FASTlab,
please refer to the “FASTlab – Health, Safety and Regulatory Manual” supplied as a part of the
global documentation package “FASTlab – User Documentation”.
Proper Quality Control must be conducted on each batch of tracer solution produced using the
FASTlab, according to the local radiopharmaceutical laws and regulations.
Any and all radiopharmaceutical production with the FASTlab is the sole responsibility of the
qualified radiopharmacist, and must be conform to all local laws and regulations.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
The FDG phosphate cassette must be replaced between each synthesis to ensure clean and
reproducible operation for every FDG phosphate production.
The disposable cassette is an original GEHC design. It includes a 25-valves stopcock manifold, a
reaction vessel, two 6 mL syringes, one 1 mL syringe, connections for incoming and outgoing fluids,
spikes for the connection with the reagent vials, a water bag spike for the connection with the
water bag, and various solid phase cartridges.
The FDG phosphate cassette package can only be purchased from GEHC and includes a hard
plastic sheet containing the cassette itself and a vent filter within a double sealed plastic bag. In
addition, the 100 mL water bottles and the certificates are included in the FDG phosphate cassette
Important note: The cassette pack does not contain the outlet product filter. It is mandatory to
use a 0.2 µm sterile filter between the cassette outlet line and the FDG collection vial.
3-2 Reagents
Five reagent vials are used in the FDG phosphate cassette. The eluent, acetonitrile, mannose triflate
precursor, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and phosphate buffer are placed into the reagent barrels on
the manifold. Water is also used but is not included in the cassette slots. The water bag is separated
from the cassette in the packaging.
Please find a brief description and safety hazards of the reagents in the TABLE I below:
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
3 mL glass vial –
Mannose triflate
capped – 11 mm Light green 2.0 mL
in MeCN
5 mL glass vial –
Acetonitrile capped – 13 mm Green 4.2 mL
Flammable - Toxic
5 mL PP vial –
Sodium hydroxide capped – 13 mm Red 4.2 mL
5 mL glass vial –
Phosphoric acid capped – 13 mm Silver 4.3 mL
Corrosive - Toxic
Important note: For complete information regarding safety and hazards of the reagents above-
mentioned, please refer to the MSDS of the cassette found in the cassette packaging, and the
“FASTlab – Health, Safety and Regulatory Manual”
3-3 Cartridges
Four cartridges are used on the FDG phosphate cassette. One QMA (light blue ring) to trap the
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
incoming activity, one tC18 cartridge (red ring), one Oasis® HLB and one Alumina A (light apple green
ring) cartridge.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
One production takes about 25 minutes between the entry of the activity in the synthesizer, and
the end of the delivery of the FDG to the collection vial. The resulting FDG solution is clear, colourless
and lightly acidic. It is ready for Quality Control.
Important note: The FDG phosphate tracer data package (version or higher) comes by
default with several synthesis sequences installed. All of them produce FDG phosphate in the
same formulation and quality. The small differences between the sequences are adaptation to
specific set-up. It is recommended to approve only one sequence in the “synthesis sequence
management” menu (see the “Pre-installation and Installation manual”).
WARNING – For bombardment within the cyclotron target, the use of [18O]-water enriched above
95% is recommended. Commercially available [18O]-water does not usually require further
purification. Following irradiation, the irradiated [18O]-water should be colourless and free of any
visible contamination, with conductivity below 10 µS/cm. GE Healthcare makes no guarantee
regarding the presence in the final product of radio contaminants from the target, because such
impurities are site related (contributing factors: cyclotron and target maintenance, quality of
enriched water and irradiation parameters).
WARNING – GE Healthcare makes no guarantee regarding the performance of the FDG phosphate
process if the cyclotron is not operated and maintained following supplier specifications.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
The operator is informed as soon as the synthesizer is ready to receive the irradiated water by
means of a message displayed on the screen.
The [18F]-fluoride ions are then eluted from the cartridge into the reaction vessel using 0.6 mL of a
solution containing Kryptofix K222, potassium carbonate, acetonitrile and water (eluent mixture).
Note that Kryptofix is necessary in a following step to perform the nucleophilic substitution
After the transfer of the eluent containing the [18F]-ions in the reaction vessel, the solvents are
evaporated until dryness. During the drying process, a small amount of acetonitrile (80 µL) is added
to the reaction vessel. The evaporation is carried out with heating under nitrogen flow and under
O Nucleophilic
substitution O
H H H 18
Mannose triflate precursor
triflate precursor 2-[18F]-fluo-1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl D glucose
2-[18F] fluoro-1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-D- glucose
FIGURE 4-1: The nucleophilic substitution in the FDG synthesis process
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
Solution A Solution B
2.3 mL solution B
+ 4.0 mL H2O
Solution B Solution C
2.3 mL solution B
+ 4.0 mL H2O
Solution B Solution D
FIGURE 4-2: Trapping of the FTAG in solution on the tC18 environmental cartridge
The reactor is rinsed twice with 3 mL of water. The rinsing solution is also withdrawn and passed
through the tC18 cartridge.
After trapping of the labelled precursor onto the cartridge, the intermediate FTAG product is pre-
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
Important note: Users who wish to perform subsequent sterilization procedures may need
permission from third-party patent holders.
The cassette, the cartridges and the filter are rinsed with water in order to recover the residual FDG
remaining in the lines and to drain this FDG into the final vial.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
Over time, the radioactivity detectors might be subjected to a slight drift. That is why calibration of
the detectors is strongly recommended to keep a good estimation of the productions yields.
Yearly calibration of the detectors is recommended if the radioactivity range remains the same. A
calibration procedure must also be performed every time a new version of the tracer package is
uploaded in the software, or if the radioactivity level used for the synthesis is different than usual.
WARNING - The purpose of the embedded radioactivity detectors from the FASTlab is to follow the
radiochemical process only. Under no circumstances can they be used to assess the radioactivity
level inside the hot cell.
The calibration procedure requires comparison of the radioactivity on most of the components of
the cassette with the activity measurement done by the radioactivity detectors during the
synthesis. In order to achieve this, a regular FDG phosphate synthesis must be performed but the
“cassette rinsing” checkbox must be unchecked (i.e. one should not perform the cassette rinsing)
in order to precisely measure the residual activity on the cassette.
After the FDG production the cassette must be removed from the FASTlab synthesizer after a
timeframe sufficient enough to minimize the dose received by the operator, but short enough so
that residual radioactivity can still be measured on the different parts of the cassette.
Please disassemble the following parts and put them in a plastic bag for radioactivity counting with
a dose calibrator:
Please note that the following parts, not on the cassette, also have to be counted:
- The content of the waste bottle. To do so please carefully pour the liquid contained in the
waste bottle into a container that fits into the dose calibrator for the radioactivity
- The enriched water recovery vial
- The collected FDG product
Altogether, nine elements have to be counted (radioactivity and reference time). These data will be
entered in the FASTlab software as described in the “Calibration procedure” section of the FASTlab
Important note: This calibration method uses a hot run performed without the rinsing to precisely
evaluate the calibration parameters of the FASTlab. It is however also possible to modify the
calibration parameters of the radioactivity detectors manually by changing directly their value. This
procedure is explained in the chapter of the “FASTlab – Operator Manual” dedicated to the radio
detector calibration.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
Important note: The “Calibration Procedure” states that it is possible to perform the calibration
procedure either for the entire tracer package, or just for a specific sequence in the tracer package.
In the supervision, when asked to select a synthesis report for calibration, Please always uncheck
the “Configure calibration for the sequence defined in the report only” box when calibrating
the FDG phosphate production. The following confirmation message should then be displayed on
the screen, indicating that the calibration will be performed for the whole tracer package. Please
refer to the “Calibration procedure” section of the FASTlab documentation for more information.
FIGURE 5-1: The pop-up window informs you that you are calibrating the entire package and not just one
sequence in the package
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
The synthesis report is saved in the database when the operator clicks “Save” at the end of a
production or finalizes a calibration. Always save at the end of a production before viewing or
printing its report so you can be sure it has been finalized.
A report number is automatically generated by the system. This number is displayed on the upper
right corner of the synthesis report.
Important note: The report number is generated automatically is only PC specific. This means that
if two PC run the supervision software, their generated reports will have the same numbers even if
the production were different. Always verify both the report number AND the computer identifier
(recorded in the report) to identify a production.
The following part will describe the different information found in the synthesis report. For general
information and customisation of the report, please refer to the “Report” chapter of the ‘FASTlab –
Operator Manual”.
The reports’ layout is slightly different depending on the FASTlab supervision version, but they all
comprise the same information. Please find below and example of synthesis report as generated
by the FASTlab supervision version and higher.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
All the details are reported in the log table on the third page of the report.
The use or non-use of the pause and manual modes are also reported in this process report.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
6-2-4 Trending
The table present on the third page summarize the different activity and temperature of the
reaction vessel at the check points of the synthesis.
6-2-5 Log
The log tables reports the important events occurring during the synthesis. Those events may be
information like the end of the synthesis, warning, like the impossibility to read to bar code/RFID of
the cassette, or errors like a problem of leak tightness, or a manual abort of the synthesis by the
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
Important note: There is no possibility to digitally sign the production report via the FASTlab
supervision software. The report must be printed and completed with a handwritten signature.
Important note: There is no possibility to digitally sign the production report via the FASTlab
supervision software. The report must be printed and completed with a handwritten signature.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
GE Healthcare takes no responsibility for the conversion of the produced radiochemical into a
radiopharmaceutical suitable for human body injection. This is solely the responsibility of the
customer and the qualified radiopharmacist on site.
Important note: It is recommended to regularly check the hand contamination of the operator
during QC work, both for safety and accuracy reasons.
Important note: The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as safety glasses, gloves and
a lab coat is mandatory when proceeding to the QC analysis of the produced tracer. Nitrile gloves
are highly recommended when handling contaminated material, instead of latex which is more
Please handle the activity behind an appropriate shielding as much as possible even during QC
The operator should wear personal dosimeter at any time while handling or working with
radioactive products.
Find below the typical FDG quality control method (fully described in the European Pharmacopeia
and in the US Pharmacopeia).
WARNING – The final product filter, not included in the cassette package, must always be tested
for integrity (commonly thanks to a bubble point test). It is recommended to validate your site-
specific process of aseptic filtration.
The typical FDG quality control values, and the acceptable range as described by the
Pharmacopeia, are shown in the table below (TABLE 5).
TABLE 5: European and American Pharmacopeia specification compared with typical values obtained with
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
To remove the cassette, simply unclamp it and unfasten its connection to the [18O]-water recovery
vial. Do not remove the FDG phosphate cassette before complete decay if it is not necessary. It is
recommended to leave the cassette on the synthesizer until the next run before removing it. In
case the cassette has to be removed before complete decay, measure the radiation level before
the removal of the FDG phosphate cassette and make sure that no unnecessary radiation exposure
to the operator results from these operations.
After the synthesis, simply press the “Open drawer” button in the maintenance mode to unmount
the cassette from the FASTlab and automatically disconnect the line to the recovery water bottle.
Do not open the hot cell or remove the cassette from the open drawer before complete decay if it
is not necessary. It is recommended to do so only before the next run.
WARNING – Always measure the remaining activity before working next to the synthesizer after a
production. Appropriate personal protection equipment must be worn at all time.
In the case the cassette has to be removed before complete decay, measure the radiation level
before the removal of the FDG phosphate cassette and make sure that no unnecessary radiation
exposure to the operator results from these operations.
Important note: The FDG phosphate cassette can also be contaminated with long half-life
radioactive target impurities especially on the QMA cartridge. It is highly recommended to remove
the cartridge from the manifold and to store it in a long-life decay lead container.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
9-1 Introduction and preliminary warning
This chapter is dedicated to the chemistry and quality control related troubleshooting.
This chapter is complementary with the troubleshooting chapter of the “FASTlab - Service Manual”.
Altogether they are dedicated to cover the most common problems that could occur during
automated synthesis with the FASTlab synthesizer.
This chapter covers the cassette parts and chemistry related problems.
The troubleshooting chapter of the “FASTlab - Service Manual” covers the hardware and software
related problems.
WARNING – Always measure the remaining activity before working next to the synthesizer after a
production. Wait for sufficient decay before removing the cassette, and ensure that the activity has
been located and that the cassette can be handled with minimum exposure of the operator.
Appropriate personal protection equipment must be worn at all time.
WARNING – The system should be powered off before any maintenance or service intervention on
the FASTlab unless the intervention requires parts to be powered on (e.g. for troubleshooting
In case of a low yield, the best practice to identify the error is to identify where and under what
form the missing activity is. Please note that this operation should be only performed by an
adequately trained radiochemist or similar, as it involves potential manipulation of activity.
Please use the low yield fault finder, and then go to the corresponding section in this chapter:
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
9-2-1-1 The activity was not trapped properly on the QMA cartridge and a large amount of activity
is in the 18O enriched water recovery vial
This scenario can be explained by:
1. A defective QMA cartridge assembled on the cassette. In this case, wait for sufficient decay
before opening the hot cell, then start a new synthesis with a new cassette.
2. A high level of impurities in the irradiated 18O water, either target impurities or residual
impurities remaining in the recycled water from a previous production.
Important note: For bombardment within the cyclotron target, the use of 18O-water enriched
above 95% is recommended. Commercially available 18O-water does not usually require further
Following irradiation, the irradiated 18O-water should be colourless and free if any visible
contamination, with conductivity below 10 µS/cm (recommended). The volume of irradiated 18O-
water sent to the FASTlab synthesizer should be within the range of 0.5 to 5 ml for regular synthesis
GE Healthcare makes no guarantee regarding the presence in the final product of radio
contaminants from the target because such impurities are site related (main contributing factors
are the cyclotron and target maintenance, the quality of the enriched water and the irradiation
Important note: GE Healthcare makes no guarantee regarding the performance of the FDG
process if the cyclotron is not operated and maintained following supplier specifications.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
9-2-1-2 The activity was not trapped properly into the QMA cartridge and the amount of
recovered 18O water is much lower than the target volume sent to the FASTlab
This is the result of the impossibility for the activity delivered by the cyclotron to flow properly
through the QMA cartridge to the water recovery vial:
1. The inlet activity tubing might not be well connected to the plunger. In this case, wait for
sufficient decay before opening the hot cell and properly connect the tubing.
2. The inlet activity tubing might not be leak tight anymore, or has been damaged and kinked.
Please follow the replacement procedure described in the FASTlab – Service Manual for
maintenance of this part.
3. An incorrect volume has been selected at the start of the production, and a portion of the
activity has been sucked to the waste bottle via the activity plunger.
4. The “Activity Received” button has been clicked before the complete transfer of the 18F to
the FASTlab synthesizer.
5. The tube for water recovery located on the first valve on the left of the manifold might be
squeezed (for example between the front face of the module and the hard cassette cover.
In this case a part of the enriched water will not pass through the cartridge during the
trapping step, and will remain in the conical reservoir;
6. The QMA (light blue ring) cartridge is blocked because of impurities coming out of the target.
A dark residue might be noticed on the QMA cartridge after the synthesis and some liquid
may have been left in the conical reservoir, unreacted.
7. The QMA cartridge is defective and clogged/blocked. In this case, the amount of recovered
water can be abnormally low, or there will be some liquid in the reservoir above the
cartridge after the synthesis, consisting of target water mixed with eluent.
8. The activity plunger might not be leak tight anymore. Please check the activity plunger
integrity by following the instructions described in the FASTlab – Service Manual, and
change the rubber O-ring if appropriate.
1. Verify that the correct level of eluent has been withdrawn from the vial at the end of the
production and that there is no leak in the elution system.
9-2-3 The activity was not trapped properly on the tC18 cartridge before the hydrolysis
After the labelling step, the newly synthesized FTAG is diluted with water and trapped on the tC18
cartridge. There are several reasons that could explain a bad trapping of the activity on this
cartridge, and to identify the origin of the problem, it is strongly recommended to analyse the
content of the waste bottle by Thin Layer Chromatography or by radio-HPLC, after waiting for
sufficient decay to do so safely.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
1. There is no water bag, or the water bag is not connected properly to the cassette. This
would obviously also lead to a lower amount of solution in the final vial
2. The ethanol vial has not been pierced properly, or a part of the septum obstructs the spike,
preventing the good conditioning of the cartridge.
4. The trapping occurred at a room temperature higher than 35 °C. It is always highly
recommended to use the system in normal usage conditions (between 5 and 30°C with a
less than 80% relative humidity
1. The spike did not pierce properly the crimp cap of the sodium hydroxide vial or a piece of
rubber from the stopper is blocking the spike. Verify that the correct level of sodium
hydroxide has been withdrawn from the vial at the end of the production and that there is
no leak in the hydrolysis system.
2. There is no water bag, or the water bag is not connected properly to the cassette. This
would obviously also lead to a lower amount of solution in the final vial.
9-2-5-1 The main part of the activity in the waste bottle is in 18F- form
This means that the mannose triflate precursor was not properly labelled and that the main
fraction of the activity is still in the 18F- form after labelling and is not retained on the tC18 cartridge.
Different reasons can explain a failed labelling step using the FASTlab synthesizer:
3. The transfer line between the cyclotron and the FASTlab has not been rinsed or replace
frequently, leading to high levels of impurity in the incoming activity. The transfer lines
should be rinsed and dried after every production, and should be replaced at least on a
yearly basis to ensure good quality of the activity provided to the FASTlab.
4. The spike did not pierce properly the cap of the mannose triflate precursor vial (orange
cap). Please verify the amount of residual mannose triflate in the vial after the production.
5. The cassette was handled with wet hands (water, isopropanol, ethanol) and its manifold
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
7. There is a substantial amount of impurities of impurities coming out of the target lines in
the irradiated water, inhibiting the labelling synthesis.
8. The reactorY inlet or outlet tube are (partially) squeezed or clogged between the cassette
E front face of the synthesizer.
cover and the
9. One of the connector on the reaction vessel is (partially) unscrewed.
10. An inert gasY other than nitrogen is used.
11. The bottomSof the reaction vessel is not in contact with the heater, leading to a poor heat
transfer and an incomplete reaction.
12. Verify the accuracy of the reactor heater according to the procedure described in the
“FASTlab – Service Manual”.
1. There is no water bag or the water bag is not connected properly to the cassette preventing
water withdrawal by the water bag spike.
2. The hydrophobic nitrogen inlet filter is connected to the outlet tubing instead of a 22 µm
filter (hydrophilic membrane), so the line is blocked. In such a case, one of the silicone tubing
may pop out of its barb fitting, leading to a potential activity leak onto the synthesizer.
3. A silicone tube is squeezed between the front panel of the FASTlab synthesizer and the
cassette cover, preventing fluid movement in the cassette. In such a case, one of the
silicone tubing may pop out of its barb fitting, leading to a potential activity leak onto the
This should be detected during the cassette tests.
5. The tC18 environmental cartridge or the alumina N cartridge used for the final purification
is defective or blocked (this happen very rarely), causing abnormally high back pressure.
This should be detected during the cassette tests.
6. The buffer vial has not been properly pierced, and the phosphate buffer failed to be
withdrawn and transferred to the right hand syringe during the production. In such a case,
the vial is still filled with liquid at the end of the process, and the pH of the [18F]-FDG solution
is too high.
7. There is an extension line mounted on one of the outlets of the cassette (to a dispensing
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
unit for example), and the inner diameter of this extension line is too narrow, leading to high
backpressure and potential leaks.
8. There is an extension line mounted on one of the outlets of the cassette (to a dispensing
unit for example) and the 0.22 µm filter is not mounted at the end of this extension line, but
between the cassette outlet line and the extension. The gas used to flush the FDG solution
through the line is removed by the filter, and FDG might then remain stuck in the extension
line and not been pushed into the vial/dispensing unit.
9. There is an extension line mounted on one of the outlets of the cassette (to a dispensing
unit for example) and some FDG solution leaks away from the connections between the
line and the cassette and/or the 0.22 µm filter.
12. The operator is waiting too long before transferring the FDG out of the cassette. In case of
a very high activity production, radiolysis may occur in the concentrated solution, lowering
the production yield.
13. The temperature inside the hot cell is too high (above 35°C), which can lead to a lower
trapping efficiency of the FTAG compound on the tC18 cartridge.
If it is not possible to regulate the temperature inside the hot cell, using a cold water bottle
will balance the ambient temperature effect (water bottle kept in the fridge prior the
9-5 The quality of the final product does not meet the pharmaceutical requirements
2. The buffer solution was not transferred properly into the right hand syringe during the
In this case, the amount of residual sodium hydroxide in the vial is higher than usual.
GE Healthcare FDG phosphate Application Manual
DOC1705991 FASTlab & FASTlab 2 – Version 3
filtration through a 0.22 µm filter, but complete quality control must then be conducted on the
filtered product.
If abnormally high amounts of non- or partially hydrolysed [18F]-FTAG are detected in the FDG
solution, this may indicate that the hydrolysis did not quantitatively occur because of some missing
sodium hydroxide.
If other unknown radioactive compounds are detected in the solution, this may have resulted from
the analytical method used for the quality control, or from a contamination of the sample or the
test equipment. In cases where the radiochemical purity is measured by Thin Layer
Chromatography (TLC), the TLC strips should not by dried at an elevated temperature after spotting
the sample just before migration to avoid degradation of the [18F]-FDG that would be also detected.
1. The water bag is not properly punched: there is not enough water for rinsing the tC18
cartridge after the trapping of the FATG. In this case, the yield and the final volume should
also be lower than expected.
2. The cassette used is too old. If the cassette is out of date, some leakages could appear from
the stopcocks, which can generate acetonitrile residue in the final product.
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