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Technical Manual-Gb-2014

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STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

This plant has been designed to meet the requirements of ministerial education
programs, without losing sight of what an industrial implementation is.
We intentionally have excluded everything that could seem "miniaturised" or
"modelled". All the pieces of equipment can be easily found on the market and are
commonly used for industrial applications.
This will enable the students to get in touch with equipment and machinery they
will certainly meet during their future working life and to gain experience in
materials of industrial use.
The student's mind will be so trained up to cope with "real" equipment and not
with "scaled" models.
The plant dimensions are such as to allow an easy arrangement in any classroom
or laboratory and the installed powers are not too high in order to make easier
A number of details may not comply with the apparatus required by the customer,
as the Instruction Manual is realised considering the options which are ordinarily
included in standard specifications.
Both trials and analysing methods, however, will suit any model of apparatus.
The most serious attention has been paid to the whole engineering design so that
no wrong operation could damage the plant or harm the students.
We are therefore sure that our customers will appreciate our work.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

General foreword page

List of symbols and units of measure


• Introduction
• Description
• Options


• Installation
• Use
• Maintenance


• Introduction to Controlled Trials

• Controlled Trials

The information contained in this manual has been carefully prepared and is
correct at the moment of printing. However, our Company reserves the right of
modifying the apparatus in view of further improvements.

This text is of STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. property and it cannot be diffused to a

third party, not even making a summary.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

Symbol Description Units of measure

A area of section m2
ap, α opening degree -
c, v absolute speed m/s
d, D diameter m
F force N
g acceleration of gravity (normally g = 9,80665 m/s2) m/s2
G weight N
Kp (*)
GR, ρ reaction degree -
h, i mass enthalpy J/kg
h, z height, geodetic head m
l lever arm of a force m
l mass work J/kg
L work J
lg base 10 logarithm -
ln natural logarithm (base e) -
logx base x logarithm -
m mass kg
M, T moment of a force, torque Nm
m molar mass g/mol
n revolving speed rev./min (*)
p pressure, load bar, Pa
∆p pressure difference, pressure loss Pa
P power (1 CV = 0,735 kw) W
P, Φq thermal power (heat flow) (1 kcal/s = 4186,8 W) W
Qm mass flow kg/s
Qv volume flow, rate of flow m3/s l/s
t time s
t temperature °C
T temperature (T = t + 273,15) K
u tip speed m/s
v, c absolute speed m/s
v mass volume m3/kg
V volume m3 l
r r r
w relative speed (v = u + w)
τ specific gravity kp/m3 (*)
δ relative density -
η efficiency -
η, µ dynamic viscosity (1 cP = 10-3 kg/ms) kg/ms
υ kinematic viscosity (1 cSt = 10-6 m2/s) m2/s
cSt (*)

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Symbol Description Units of measure

ρ volume mass kg/m3

ρ, GR reaction degree -
i electrical current Ampere A
Q electrical charge Coulomb C
V potential difference Volt V
E electromotive force Volt V
R electrical resistance Ohm Ω
G electrical conductance Siemens S
ρ resistivity Ohm per metre Ω⋅m
C electrical capacity Farad F
ε dielectric constant Farad per metre F/m
L inductance Henry H
M mutual inductance Henry H
µ magnetic permeability Henry per metre H/m
XC capacity reactance Ohm Ω
XL inductive reactance Ohm Ω
Z impedance Ohm Ω
BC capacity susceptance Siemens S
BL inductive susceptance Siemens S
Y admittance Siemens S
P active power Watt W
Q reactive power reactive Volt Ampere VAR
Pa apparent power Volt Ampere VA
f frequency Hertz Hz
T period second s
ω pulsation radiant per sec rad/s
ϕ phase displacement radiant rad
λ, cosϕ power displacement dimensionless -
m number of phases dimensionless -
F magnetomotive force Ampere A
H magnetic field Ampère/metre A/m
B magnetic induction Tesla T
Φ magnetic flux Weber Wb
R reluctance 1/Henry H-1
N number of turns dimensionless
n ratio of transformation dimensionless -
p number of polar couples dimensionless -
s slip dimensionless -
(*) out of SI system

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com



STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com


The system has been realised for the study of the operating features of a
volumetric alternative single stage compressor regarding specially its ranges of
application. Thanks to the rich instrumentation it is possible to survey and
calculate all the operating parameters of the system. Some of them are listed
here following:
• power transferred from the compressor to the air
• mechanic power absorbed by the compressor
• electric power absorbed by the electric engine
• electric efficiency
• mechanic efficiency
• electrocompressor group efficiency
• compressor head/flowrate curves
Besides, it is possible to vary the rotation speed of the compressor as well as the
counterpressure of the circuit in order to perform experiences in different
working conditions.
At last, the option TD310v1 allows the very interesting visualisation of the
compression cycle in real time, with its variations et every working condition

Pre-Arrangement of the Computer Interfacing

The system is already prearranged for the installation of a set of transmitters

(see options) which send the values of the operation parameters to the
"Automatic data acquisition system" (CE35g). These values are then processed
by the computer for visualising the results of Controlled Trials by means of tables
and diagrams.
We point out that only one "Automatic data acquisition system" can be used to
interface with a computer all the computer adaptable systems of a laboratory.
Besides, a data elaboration software is included in the basic supply; useful for
the graphic elaboration and representation of some Guided Experiments.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

Alternative, Single-Stage, Single-Cylinder Compressor

• air cooling
• operating pressure 5 bar
• max displaced volume 200 l/min
• variable rotation speed between 600 and 1500 RPM
• splash lubrication

A.C. Electric Motor

• double shaft
• speed 0 ÷ 3000 RPM
• rated speed 2800 RPM
• power 1,5 kW


The equipment is equipped with:

• flowrate indicator (scale 1 ÷ 12 m3/h)
• pressure gauge, glycerine-type (Ø 100 mm) on the compressor delivery
• vacuometer, glycerine-type (Ø 100 mm) on the compressor aspiration
• torque indicator (electronic load cell)
• digital inverter equipped with:
- multilanguage alphanumeric digital display with the function of
precision tachometer (range 0 ÷ 3000 RPM)
- control to vary the speed
- supply, running, bad working signalling led
- regulation of the motor acceleration and deceleration ramps
- protections against overcurrent, overtension, overtemperature,
overload on the motor

Electric Panel

• main switch
• feeder for electronic load cell
• converter for electronic load cell
• analogic indicator for the transmitted torque visualisation
• inverter with digital display for the rotation speed visualisation frequency
and current consumption of the motor

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Air Receiver

• stainless steel
• capacity about 50 l
• base on casters to be easily moved

Pipes and Valves

• 1 bronze mushroom valve for the delivery regulation

• zinc plated steel pipes
• reduction station

Didactic Aids

Two Technical Manuals, included in the supply, are combined as follows:

• equipment description
• installation, use and maintenance
• Guided Experiments
• reproducible forms for Guided Experiments
• tables and diagrams
• enclosures

Furthermore, with the Technical Manuals a floppy disk holding a data elaboration
software is supplied; this software is a package elaborated by STEM - ISI
Impianti in Excel, consequently in Windows, which gathers the data introduced
by the students by hand (or acquired in automatic mode through the options
AF69f and CE35g), it elaborates them and displays them in graphic form.

Services Required

• Electrical supply 220V single-phase + earth 1,5 kW

• Differential protection with operating threshould ≥ 75 mA

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

AF69f – Data Transmitters and Software Package

Set of transmitters sending the following values to the "Automatic data

acquisition system" (CE35g):
• rotation speed
• delivery pressure
• suction pressure
• compressed air pressure sent out of the system
• temperature on compressor outlet
• temperature on cooling outlet
• flowrate
• transmitted torque

These data are processed by the computer (not supplied with this option) to
visualize the system operation by means of tables and diagrams and to work out
the Guided Experiments automatically.
The software package, stored on a DVD, includes computer program (run time
type) developed in LabVIEW enviroment. It allows the control, monitoring,
acquisition and processing of measurements coming from the equipment. The PC
screen (not supplied with this option) shows a synoptic panel reproducing the
main components of the plant with the measurements indication in real time.
The most important parameters relevant to the plant operation are visualized on
tables and diagrams.

LabVIEW system is developed in the Windows 2000/XP enviroment and it

requires a PC with the following characteristics:
• minimum of 256 MB of RAM, 512 MB are recommended
• screen resolution of 1,024 x 768 pixels
• Pentium III processor, Pentium IV is recommended
• Recommended 1,2 GB disk space
• DVD reader

The software also allows the faults simulation: on the display it appears a list of
possible faults relevant to the considered unit. Teachers can select one of the
faults included in the list to analyse which kind of consequence that particular
fault can cause to the unit. In fact the acquired measures are automatically
modified according to the introduced fault.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
CE35g - Data Acquisition and Recording Module

Automatic data acquisition and recording system used to convert signals coming
from electric transmitters positioned on an equipment, into digital signals which
can be elaborated by a Personal Computer.
The system is able to acquire 8 analogue signals with 4 programmable ranges,
the high speed data transfer is by USB cable.

With the acquisition system a software is provided that, loaded onto your
computer, allows you to record on the video, in real time, the trend of the
acquired variables; the recordings can then be printed or stored.
The recording function is very flexible, allowing to change:
• number of variables recorded
• time scale
• units (engineering or percentages)
• recording time
• sampling frequency

The system iscomposed of a bench top case, dimensions 280x200x150(h) mm,

• on the front side: the identity plate
• on the back side: the “AMP” incoming connector for the analogue signals
and the USB connector (female) for the output to the computer. The
system is completed with analogue signal cable coming from the field and
USB cable.
• inside there are:
- n° 1 analogue acquisition module 8 inputs (differential), continuous
voltage (Vdc); input range: +/- 10, +/- 5, +/- 1, +/- 0.2; resolution
16 bit; sampling frequency 250 kS/s
- n° 1 connector block composed by 36 screw terminals

Main technical features:

• absorbed power 9W
• power supply via computer through the USB connection.
• working conditions
- temperature -40 ÷ 70 °C
- humidity 10 ÷ 90% (not condensing)

AF69h – Air Cooler

It consists of an air/water heat exchanger which brings the temperature of the

compressed air to a value close to the environmental one (suction).
• 1-way straight tube nest
• countercurrent flow

Complete of:
• water flowrate regulation valve
• condensate separator with drain valve
STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA
Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
• 4 thermometers with inlet protection and air and water outlet
• calibrated tank for the measurement of water flowrate

TD310v1 – Cycle Indicator

Please refer to the relevant technical specification.

AF74b – Spare parts

n° 1 pressure gauge in glycerine

n° 2 thermometer
n° 1 aligning bearing diameter 17mm
n° 1 belt pulley acme
n° 1 belt acme
n° 1 ball bearing, inner diameter 12mm, outer diameter 37mm, length 17mm
n° 1 non-return valve for air ½ "
n° 1 solenoid valve for air ¼ "alim. 24 Vdc complete with connector
n° 1 pressure reducing valve ½ ", range 2-8 bar
n° 1 connector AMP37 pin

The Company reserves the right to make modifications or improvements. The
data included in this specification shall admit a ± 5% tolerance and they are
valid for environmental conditions of 20 °C, 1013 mbar and 50 Hz electrical

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA
Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

Range of Experiments

1. Operation of the reciprocating single-stage compressor

2. Theoretical compression cycle
3. Real compression cycle
4. Determination of the compression ratio
5. Determination of the compression work
6. Measure of the compressed air flowrate through calibrated orifice - orifice
constant method
7. Volumetric efficiency
8. Compression efficiency
9. Loss of power and mechanical efficiency
10. Compressor industrial efficiency
11. Exchanger efficiency
12. Characteristic Q - p of the compressor
13. Characteristic Q - p at the variation of the compressor rotation speed
14. Absorbed electric power as a function of the compressor's delivery pressure
and rotation speed
15. Calculation of the cycle total work
16. Operation of the control pressure switch
17. Operation of the safety valve

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

Dimension and data

− 1,20x0,86x1,62 m – 158kg

Service required

− Electric supply 220 V, 1f+g, 50/60 Hz, 1,5 kVA

− Water supply 10 l/h, ∅ inlet 20 mm

General data

− Single stage compressor

• Cylinder capacity 203,57cm3

• 203 l/min at 1450 RPM
• pressure 9 bar
• Lot 336238 Mod 2R00060ABC

− Electric motor
• ELECTRO ADDA; power 1,5 kW; cos ϕ=0,88

− Compressed air tank

• 50l; 12 bar

− Pressure switch
• Set at 4,5 bar

− Costant of the diaphram

• Diameter of the pipe 27,8mm
• Diameter of the diaphram 15mm
• Costant of the diaphram K=25,74

− Reduction ratio 0,5515

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com


STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

The plant is shipped completely pre-assembled and after performing several

acceptance tests.
Before putting the plant into service, it is necessary to go through a certain
number of operations and inspections.

Choice of the room:

In order to ensure a good elimination of heat, the plant shall be kept spaced
from walls, thereby allowing for satisfactory performance of the fan flywheel.

• Electrical connection
Strictly conform to the supply voltage shown on the plant switchboard.
The supply line power shall be adequate under pain of difficult, when not
impossible, plant start up. The plant is protected against short circuit by
means of a fuse. The supply cable is tripolar (phase, neutral + earth).
Earth connection of the equipment is recommended.

• Hydraulic connection

To supply coolers it is necessary to provide a connection to the waterworks

through a flexible pipe.
Secure the base of the calibrated tank to the structure and position the
calibrated tank

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
• Compressor lubrication

The compressor is already provided with lubricant oil in the sump. The oil
used is SAE 30.
It is necessary to check that oil is at the right level, between the two min
and max notches on the level rod.
In case of low level, restore the right level with oil of exactly the same
type. Refilling shall occur through the same hole of the level rod.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

To start the plant:

• remove torque transducer’s block
• make sure that the speed regulator knob is fully rotated counter clockwise
(1150 rev./min)
• to start the compressor close the switch “RUN”, will light up an led in the
inverter display; in this way it is interlocked with the pressure switch
• supply water to the cooler
• bring the compressor to the desired speed of rotation

To perform the various controlled trials illustrated hereinafter, it necessary to act

as follows:
• vary the compressor operating point by actuating the flow-rate regulator
valve present on the compressed-air distribution line
• the flow-rate value is determined by reading ∆ p on the differential
pressure gauge; pressure values by means of the various pressure gauges
located on the circuit
• keep the pressure of the compressed air crossing the diaphragm at 3 bar,
that is the diaphragm calculation rated value
• if the release point of the pressure switch is adjusted too high or there is a
failure in the latter the safety valve on the tank opens, immediately
reducing pressure on the plant
• remember that, if the speed regulator is set to a certain value, the
compressor will be started according to such a pre-determined
acceleration ramp as not to cause failures upon starting

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

The plant requires minimum preventive maintenance to be carried out

periodically in order to keep it always perfectly efficient.
For this reason, TABLE 2 shows a schedule which summarised the various
recommended maintenance operations and their frequency.
To carry out these operations, the following general rules are applicable:

• before any maintenance operation open the line breaker, since the
compressor, when connected to the mains, may start through the action of
the pressure switch
• blow off all the compressed air contained in the plant so that no internal
overpressure exists




Oil level check *

Sump oil replacement *
Air filter cleaning *
Cooler condensate draining *
Tank condensate draining *
Pressure – switch contact cleaning *
Pressure gauge adjustment *
Thermometer adjustment *
Safety valve efficiency check *
Reducer sat cleaning *
“V” – belt state and tension check *
Wear state check on the DC motor *
Cleaning of the carbon residues present in *
the manifold by means of a soft cloth

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

Poor Performance of the Compressor

If the compressor stars working irregularly, with decreased efficiency, causes

may be:

• dirty intake filter; accurately clean it, taking out the inner filter after
removing the fastening ring;
• breaking of a blade valve: in that case, after completely letting off air from
the tank, unscrew the plug thereby releasing the header to which the
check valve is connected. Subsequently, remove fastening bolts from the
compressor head. Thus, it will be possible to raise the compressor head,
remove the screws and uncover the valves(which in case of breaking, can
be requested from us); during reassembly, it is necessary to let them
adhere to the seat by means of same grease. In any case, gaskets shall be
replaced. Then, carefully reassemble the head, progressively fasting the
nuts, but not too much to avoid breakings.

Compressed Air Leaks

If, when the compressor stops, air continues escaping through the pressure
switch valve, it will be necessary to check the check valve.
In that case, vent off air from the tank completely, dismount the header, take off
the decompression tube leading to the pressure switch, unscrew the lower cap,
check that the seat (of rubber or metal) is intact and no impurities or scales are
present, preventing perfect closing thereon; similarly check that the spring is
intact and in its right position and that the disk or head can freely more in their
Retighten the valve, gasketed with Teflon tape around the thread to achieve
perfect closing, keeping the sleeve in the right position for connecting the
decompression tube leading to the pressure switch (in the automatic switch).

Irregular Pressure Stage

If the compressor stop and restart do not occur at a pressure of approximately

10 and 7 bar, the pressure switch shall be readjusted.
After removing the protection cover, by working on a screw according to the
symbols marked thereon, modify the disconnection pressure.
These operations must be carried out while the tank is under pressure.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com


STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

This section describes a number of basic experiments which can be used as a

guide for the student.
In spite of the limited range, they are meant to stimulate his creativity.
Every experiment quotes some theoretical remarks, while reference is always
made to the reality of phenomena. A description is given of the required
operations together with some suggestions about the treatment of the data.
A detailed description of some typical results is provided as an exemplary trace
illustrating the procedure and the method of data treatment.
These typical results are anyway supplied as exemplary data which can help the
operator during the first experiments. The customer should not try and obtain
the same starting data in order to get the identical typical results.
The operating conditions are affected by a number of variables, such as ambient
temperature, oil temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, etc.
For this reason the customer is in most case unable to reproduce the operating
conditions as stated in the exemplary data sheets, also considering that a
number of components of the plant may be different (e.g. new type of pump,
different type of regulating valve, etc.), or the voltage and frequency
requirements may be different.
It is far more interesting for the customer to take the data referring to the real
operation of the plant and to work them out according to the pattern shown in
the exemplary data sheets.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

1. Operation of the single-stage reciprocating positive – displacement

2. Theoretical compression cycle
3. Actual compression cycle
4. Determination of compression ratio
5. Determination of the compression work
6. Measurement of the compressed air capacity by means of a gauged
7. Volumetric efficiency
8. Compression efficiency
9. Lost power and mechanical efficiency
10.Compressor industrial yield
11.Exchanger efficiency
12.Q–P characteristic of the compressor
13.Q–P characteristic with the variation of the compressor speed of rotation
14.Absorbed electric power as a function of the delivery head and of the
compressor speed of rotation

Other Trials which can be carried out

15.Calculation of the cycle total work

16.Operation of the control pressure switch
17.Operation of the safety valve.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment n°1



The propaedeutic aim of this first Guided Experiments to understand the

operation of this kind of machine tool, through the use of the plant scheme in
Part One as an aid for description.
Remember that positive displacement compressors can be divided into the
following main categories:
• reciprocating compressor
• screw or lobe rotary compressors
• vane rotary compressor

The range of utilisation of compressors is illustrated in TABLE 3, according to

compression ratio and displacement; in the same table also centrifugal
compressors are to be found.
It is to be pointed out how reciprocating compressors are used for high
compression ratios, with rather low displacements. Furthermore, reciprocating
compressor, even if they have been constructed first, are still those
guaranteeing, under many conditions, higher operation efficiency.
The operation principle of reciprocating compressors is based on the
introduction of a certain volume of air at atmospheric pressure in a room
where the fluid is compressed, and on the subsequent sending of the same
fluid, at a higher pressure, to a closed tank, and then to a distribution network
of compressed air.
A single-stage reciprocating compressor is equipped with a position moving
inside a cylinder, by means of a rod-crank system (see TABLE 4). The cylinder
head is equipped with suction and delivery valves.
TABLE 5 schematically shows how the cylinder of a reciprocating compressor
works, with reference to a complete turn of the crankshaft.
The piston carries out a compression and a suction stroke, during which
pressure inside the cylinder theoretically varies as indicated in the same table,
according to percent volume.
At the beginning of the cycle, the piston is at its bottom dead centre 1, and
the cylinder is full of the air sucked by valve A during the preceding
downstroke. Air is at room pressure (theoretical valve). Besides, in 1, suction
valve is open, and delivery valve M is closed.
As soon as the piston moves, compression starts, and suction valve closes.
Pressure goes up according to a polytropic transformation.
Compression goes on till the piston reaches point 2, where there is enough
pressure in the piston to make delivery valve open. The further piston stroke
from 2 to 3 is a delivery one, and it takes place at the theoretical pressure
valve present in the receiver.
Ratio P2/P3 is compression ratio.
In 3, the position is in its top dead centre, and then it starts its backward
stroke. V4 valve cannot be zero because of residual (or detrimental) volume,

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
which is necessary to avoid mechanical troubles due to collision between
stationary and rotating parts. The normal valve of residual volume is 5%.
As soon as the piston starts its backward stroke, pressure in the cylinder
decreases, and this causes delivery valve to close. From 3 to 4 air in residual
volume re-expands.
In 4, pressure will have decreased to its ambient valve, and therefore suction
valve opens. From 4 to 1 suction stroke takes place. During it, air enters the
cylinder, filling the volume vacated by the piston to its low dead centre.

From this point on the cycle starts again.

The number of cycles carried out by the piston per unit of time depends on the
rotation speed of the compressor. It is important to notice that, in a graphic
sense, the path here is a closed cycle, while, in a thermodynamic sense, it is
not, as there is new fluid entering (open cycle).
TABLE 4 shows the optimum behaviour of valves during an ideal compression
Compressed air, before reaching the storage tank, goes through an exchanger
(or air aftercooler). Then, it is sent from the tank to the user network, on
which a flowmeter is installed.
From an industrial point of view, the presence of an aftercooler is justified by
the need to circulate good-quality compressed air in the network; humidity
condensating in pipelines due to cooling compressed air remains in the same,
and causes corrosion, loss of pressure, possible rupture due to frost. Besides,
users need air, which must be as much as possible dry and cool. That is why
aftercoolers (as well as intercoolers in case of multistage compressors) are
also equipped with condensate separators.
From a strictly didactic point of view, both exchangers allow to calculate the
amount of heat ceded by compressed air to cooling water.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment n°2


With reference to TABLE 6, a theoretical compression cycle in case of single-

stage single-cylinder compressors, is composed of four thermodynamic
• suction at constant pressure 4’ – 1
• compression (which can be hypothesised either isothermal, or adiabatic,
but which is actually polytropic) 1 – 2
• discharge (or delivery) at constant pressure 2 – 3
• polytropic expansion 3 – 4’.

The cycle is characterised by:

• a compression ratio P2/P1, where P1 is atmospheric pressure
• a detrimental volume between cover and piston at top dead centre, which
is necessary, as we have already said in the preceding Trial, for housing
valves, for coupling clearances and relevant wear; it is usually between
2% and 6% of displacement.

Because of detrimental volume, a reciprocating compressor is characterised by

a volumetric efficiency, which will be the subject of a subsequent Controlled
In order to calculate the theoretical cycle remember that:
• isothermal transformation (compression or expansion) takes place at a
constant temperature, following Mariotte’s law

pv  const

represented by an equilateral hyperbola; practically speaking, this kind of

transformation should occur in a cooled cylinder during compression.
Therefore, in this case, you get:

p V

p V

• adiabatic transformation takes place without heat exchange with the

outside; gas gets hot during compression, and absorbs the whole work
supplied by external forces

Transformation follows Laplace’s law:

pv   const

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
therefore, if this second hypothesis is true:

p V

p V

where for air K = 1,4, as K is the ratio between specific heat values at a
constant pressure and volume


• adiabatic and isothermal transformation are ideal, and cannot be obtained

in industrial practice

In this case, compression (or expansion) determine an intermediate law

between isothermal and adiabatic transformations. This law, for calculation
convenience, is assumed as coinciding with a law of the type pv σ = const
which is called polytropic law, where the value of σ for piston

compressors is generally

However, studies on the theoretical cycle still speak about reversible

Compressors require the less power the more their cycle is close to the
process of isothermal compression. This implies that heat produced by
compression must be removed as efficaciously as possible where it shows.
That is to say that it is not sufficient to cool compressed air before
circulating it in the network, but it needs to be continuously cooled step by
step during compression.
The more this concept is implemented, the more machine thermodynamic
efficiency is high.


That being said, the theoretical cycle shall be calculated as follows:

• start the plant and bring it to rated operation conditions

• point 1
- measure p1 = atmospheric pressure [bar]
- measure T1 = room temperature [K] by special thermometer
(see TABLE 1)
calculate v  R    knowing that R  c c  287,45  
- V1 [cm3]=displacement=113 cm3

• point 2
in case of polytropic transformation you get:
STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA
Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
- p2 = delivery pressure; it is measured on the gauge below the

V  V  భ 


- T p R

• point 3
being said that in phases 2-3 no transformation takes place, but only a
fluid transfer, we have:

p  p

T  T

v  v 

V3 = detrimental volume ~ 4% V1 since the cylinder ends its stroke at

top dead centre.

• point 4
in the theoretical cycle diagram, point 4’ represents the starting point of
the suction valve opening in the real case in which detrimental volume is
present, and therefore a part of the air remaining in the work room is
there as well.
If the piston goes back, this air expands and the compressor cannot start
sucking again until air inside the piston does not expand at a lesser. As a
consequence, the suction valve opens with a certain delay in 4’ instead of
in 4

p  p  p

V  V

T  p

After calculating the four points, plot them in a diagram pv and draw the
theoretical cycle in case of polytropic transformation.
Repeat the Trial in the hypothesis of adiabatic and isothermal
transformations and check that the polytropic curve is between the two
adiabatic and isothermal curves.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment No. 3


In this Guided Experiment are going to examine the differences between the
theoretical compression cycle, which has been illustrated in the previous
Controlled Trial, and the causes determining the said differences.
The indicated diagram relevant to the actual cycle is to be found in TABLE 7.
Generally speaking, reciprocating compressors are equipped with automatic
valves, actuated by pressure difference between operational room and suction,
or delivery.
Therefore, a delay in the opening of the suction valve occurs. It will not open in
4’, but in 4’’. So, the value of pressure in 4’’ will be lower than ambient
pressure in 4’.
The reasons for ∆ p to be there are:
• to obtain suction, pressure in the cylinder shall always be lower than room
pressure due to losses of pressure on the valve itself
• adhesion to housing, due to lubricants, must be overcome
• the valve has its own, even if light, inertia

then, suction phase takes place at a pressure P1’ < P1

Suction valve does not close immediately, but only after that compression has
already begun; this implies air outlet from the cylinder, and consequently, a
reduction of volumetric efficiency.
Compression takes place following an actual polytropic curve.
At the end of compression phase, delivery valve opens with a certain delay (in
2’’, instead of in 2) and overpressure is required again for the same reasons
described in the case of the suction valve.
Then, delivery phase takes place at a pressure P2’ > P2
In length 3’’ – 4’ re-expansion of the air remained in the detrimental volume
takes place, following an actual polytropic curve.
Blowdown valve does not immediately close, because it has its own closing
time, which, even if short, is not null.
This causes air to enter again in the cylinder, coming from the receiver, when
the former’s pressure goes blow that of the receiver,
this phenomenon, too, contributes to worsen volumetric efficiency, as it
increases the air mass remaining in the cylinder.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment No. 4



In this Guided Experiment compression ratio will be determined. For a single-

stage compression ratio is the ratio
P1 = absolute suction pressure in bar
P2 = absolute delivery pressure in bar


• start the plant and bring it to rated operation conditions

• measure delivery gauge pressure
• transform delivery gauge pressure and atmospheric pressure into absolute
pressure values
• calculate compression ratio

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment No. 5


Determining compression work is a fundamental step in the study of

reciprocating compressors.
To bring a gas from whatever pressure to a higher one it is necessary to reduce
the space at disposal of the gas itself; volume reduction takes place by means
of external forces supplying mechanical work, which is indeed the compression
For easiness’ sake, we shall go on considering compression phase (as well as
expansion phase) as a reversible transformation carried out in a cylinder in
which the piston slides frictionless and the fluid is free of any friction due to its
The most well-known representation of this transformation is that performed
taking volumes as abscissas, and fluid pressure as ordinates.
In TABLE 8 a generic transformation is to be found.
For an elementary displacement dC of the piston, the work carried out by
external forces is expressed as:

dL = p sdC

p = pressure inside the cylinder (in the infinitesimal stroke length dC it can be
considered as constant)
s = piston area

since the product sdC represents volume variation dV, then work equation shall

dL = p d V

Integrating between extremes 1 and 2, within which the whole transformation

takes place, you get:

L   pdV  area V , 1, 2, V 

Lc = work supplied by external forces during the piston stroke expressed in kJ

If, in the place of total volumes, specific volumes area introduced, work will be
expressed in kJ per kg of evolving fluid.
When compression law is known, compression work can be calculated,
considering that compression requires work and supplies heat.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
And now let us obtain an expression of work, which will allow us to
experimentally determine its value, always considering the three hypotheses of:

• isothermal transformation
• adiabatic transformation
• actual polytropic transformation

Also to the illustration of the three hypotheses, refer to Guided Experiment No.

• isothermal transformation

1 V p !
L   pdv  p v  dv  p v ln  RT ln  $

  V V p "#

pressure values are expressed in absolute bar
temperature is expressed in K
R = specific air constant = 287,45 [J/kg K]

• adiabatic transformation

Lc = ∫1

p2  v1 
 
p1 =  v2 k

K = 1,4


L  RT %  1' ( +Kg,

K1 P

• polytropic transformation

L  - pdv  . / σ σ  1,3


σ P

L  RT %  1'


σ1 P

where σ is the index of the polytropic curve, which we have already dealt
with in Guided Experiment No. 2.

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

• start the plant and bring it to rated operation conditions

• measure:
- delivery pressure P2 [bar]
- room temperature t1 [°C]
- delivery temperature t2 [°C]
- using the previously determined three expressions calculate the
value of compression work in the three different hypotheses.
Remember to use absolute temperature and pressure values
- check that the smaller value coincides with the hypothesis of
isothermal transformation

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment No. 6



This trial illustrates a rapid method to calculate the rate of flow, starting from
the measurement of super pressure ∆ p across the diaphragm.
The basic assumption of this method is that coefficient C (CNR – UNI 10023) is
constant, while actually it is not constant at all, in fact in this plant it features a
5% variation between the extremes of the range of ∆ p values of piratical
interest, which goes from the min. measurable 1 mm H2O, to top scale 400 mm
A 5% variation cannot be ignored when you want to determine the rate of flow
with much accuracy, but it can be allowed in other cases in which poor accuracy
is compensated by the quickness of the method we are going to describe.
CFS is chosen as constant value of C, and it corresponds to top scale ( ∆ p)FS.
This because in industrial practice it is easier to work with rates of flow close to
max. values, with a plant pressure of compressed air next to the common value
of 7 bar, while it is quite rare to measure much lower rates of flow.
Furthermore, it s agreed to refer rates of flow to a certain fluid under standard
conditions of humidity, temperature, and pressure, to which a well-defined
volume mass ρ mt corresponds.
Taking the hour as time unit, out of regard for routine procedure, you get:

∆p kg
Q   3600 C 5  $
ρ h

Q   K :∆p  $

where by K we mean the pre-calculable expression

K  3600

K is called diaphragm constant, but actually it also depends on the chosen

standard, through ρ mt. With the following standard operative conditions above
the diaphragm
t = 20 °C
p = 4,013 bar
ϕ = 50%

you get:
ρ  4,756

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
from the calculation you obtain:


for top scale rate of flow you shall calculate

Q    K :∆p  0,4 √400  8  $

These are the values which can be read on the diaphragm plate, together with
top scale gauge pressure.


• start the plant and bring it to rated operation conditions

• make sure that pressure above the diaphragm is equal to 3 bar; if not, act
on pressure reducer. With regard to it, it can be remarked that standard
conditions have been intentionally adjusted at 3 bar (even if industrially
speaking the most usual value is around 7 bar), so that it is possible to
investigate the whole operation curve (see Guided Experiment No. 12)
without performing further calculations.
• in order to obtain the rate of flow expressed in kg/h of air under standard
conditions, you simply have to multiply the square root of the ∆p read on
the gauge by the diaphragm constant K=0,4
• should air conditions remarkably differ from standard ones, then the
volumetric rate of flow shall be calculated according to actual conditions,
characterised by density ρ , as

ρ kg
Q   K :∆p 5  $
ρ h

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment No. 7


of a compressor, a hurtful volume V  V  V may be present (see TABLE 6).

In the preceding trials details have been given about how, inside the work room

The presence of the said detrimental volume is enormously important for the

filled is only equal to V  V (see TABLE 6).

purpose of flow rate, which can be worked out, since the volume which can be

actual volume) V  V  V  , and the total theoretical volume (displacement)

Therefore, there is a difference between the volume which can be filled (or

given by the surface of the piston multiplied by its stroke V  V V .

Volumetric efficiency is the ratio between these two volumes

V V  V  Q
V V  V Q

referred to the same conditions.

Volumetric efficiency is linked to compression ratio: in fact

V  V  V  V  V  A V V V 1  V   V  V
η   1 
V  V V  V V V V

V V V V V 
1 1 1

 . /

but in case of polytropic transformation, you get:

η  1  B  1


In the case of a constant detrimental volume, volumetric efficiency decreases as

soon as compression ratio  increases.

η  0  β∗  .  A 1/

β∗ = max compression ratio for which the rate of flow is null

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
In TABLE 9 two diagrams can be found relevant to the extreme hypotheses of
isothermal and adiabatic transformation.


It can be noticed in the case of

η  0 per β∗  20 E 22 (isothermal curve)

β∗  50 E 52 (adiabatic curve)

Therefore, to obtain a good volumetric efficiency, it must be:


This is why the multi-stage solution has been chosen for higher compression


• start the plant and bring it to rated operation conditions.

• check that the pressure reducer is as usual set on 3 bar.
• calculate the theoretical rate of flow using the following expression

π d
Q  l n 10
d = piston diameter in mm (bore)
l = piston stroke in mm
n = rotation speed in rev/min

Constructive data are to be found in Section I – Dimensions and data

• measure rate of flow of compressed air Q v, as illustrated in the preceding
Guided Experiment. If pressure is constant, the measured rate of flow will
coincide with the compressor delivery one, i.e., this will happen if the plant
is at a stable operational point

those of theoretical rate of flow: Q   1 A 3 Q   4 Q  if, as it should

• consider the actual rate of flow under the same reference conditions as

be, the pressure reducer is set on 3 bar

• calculate volumetric efficiency

• modify compression ratio acting on the valve regulating flow rate, so as to

reach a new point of stable operation
• measure rate of flow again
• calculate volumetric efficiency
• repeat these operations several times, so as to survey at least 6 points

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Plot the same on a Cartesian diagram having:
- compression ratio in the abscissas
- volumetric efficiency in the ordinates and join them by a curve

Check that volumetric efficiency decreases when compression ratio


STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment No. 8


In Guided Experiment No. 5 a method for the experimental determination of

compression work has been illustrated, relevant to the three different hypotheses
of transformation:

• isothermal transformation L  RT ln β

L  RT .β  1/
• adiabatic transformation

L  RT .β  1/
• polytrophic transformation 

In the three preceding hypotheses we have always taken into consideration

isentropic transformation.
On the contrary, in reality no transformation can be isentropic, and lost work is
introduced, due to friction, increase of specific volume, etc. (see TABLE 10).
As it always happen in studies concerning machines, non-isoentropicity is
attributed to the machine itself.
This allows to introduce compression efficencies defined as the ratio between
theoretical compression work (in each of the three hypotheses) and actual work,
which, as it is well know, is given by the following expression:

L  RT β  1  C T  T 


Therefore, in the case of:

η  η
• isothermal transformation you get

η  η
• adiabatic transformation you get

η  η
• polytrophic transformation you get

N.B. In order to get correct expression, you need to take into consideration the
mass of air actually dealt with in the two cases (actual case and isoentropic
case); this is why the ratio between works has been multiplied by the ratio
" # $$
%&   # $$


• start the plant and bring it to rated operation conditions

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA
Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
• check that the pressure reducer is set on 3 bar, as usual
• measure:
- delivery pressure P 2 [bar]
- ambient temperature t1 [°C]
- delivery temperature t 2 [°C]
• calculate the value of compression efficiency in the three different
hypotheses, using the previously determined expression. Remember to
use absolute temperature and pressure values
• repeat measurement and calculations for different stable operational
points of the plant

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment No. 9


The trial is to be carried out using the optionals TD310 and H86a.
Lost power is defined as the difference between the indicated horsepower and
the power absorbed by the shaft and supplied by the compressor:

P  P  P

It is used to overcome friction among rotary mechanical parts, to carry out the
work of pumping fluid, etc.
The indicated horsepower can be obtained by means of the cycle indicator, using
the following expression:

V ∗ P  ∗ n
60 ∗ 100

where, as it is well-known, the indicated mean pressure  represents the ratio
between the area of the indicated cycle, corresponding to the output, and the
length of the stroke, or displacement  .

V Hm I
Please remember that if:

P   $
n K M

the previous expression will give indicated horsepower in [kW].

The Absorbed power can be determined through the following expression:


V = voltage in Volt
I = current intensity in A

Besides, mechanical efficiency is defined as the ratio


STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

• mount the pressure transducer and connect it to the cycle indicator

• start the plant and bring it to rated operation conditions
• define indicated average pressure 
• measure V and I by means of optional H86a
• calculate indicated Horsepower and absorbed Power
• calculate lost Power and mechanical efficiency
• repeat measurements and calculations for different stable operation points
of the plant (at least 6)
• plot the points determined this way on a Cartesian diagram having:
- indicated horsepower in the abscissas
- mechanical efficiency in ordinates
and join them through a curve

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment No. 10


Industrially speaking, a compressor performance, is usually defined by its yield,

which is the ratio between the flow rate of compressed air and the power
absorbed by the electric motor:

Air Flow Rate



• start the plant and bring it to rated operation conditions

• act on the flow rate regulator valve so that pressure inside the tank is
• set pressure on the diaphragm at 3 bar acting on the pressure reducer
above the diaphragm
• measure gauge ∆p on the diaphragm
• calculate the compressor rate of flow, as illustrated in Guided Experiment
No. 6
• calculate absorbed power as illustrated in Guided Experiment No. 10
• calculate yield as per the previous formula
• repeat measures and calculations for at least 6 different stable points of
operation of the compressor

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment No. 11


The exchanger efficiency is defined as the ratio between the heat ceded by air
and the heat received by water:

φ H O

the heat ceded by air can be calculated by the following expression:

Q C T  T' 
φ  HkWI

Q = compressed air rate of flow in K M

C = specific air heat at a constant pressure = 0,241  1,009

 # .

T = temperature of compressor delivery air (entering the exchange) in [°C]

+ °- +

T' = temperature of compressed air coming out of the exchange in [°C]

Heat received by water will similarly be:

Q /0 C/0 T"  T 

φ/0  HkWI

Q /0 = flow rate of cooling water K % M

C/0 = water specific heat = 1  4,186

 # 1

T = temperature of water entering the exchanger [°C]

+ °- +

T" = temperature of water coming out of the exchanger [°C]


• start the plant and bring it to rated operation conditions

• adjust the flow rate of cooling water to the exchange so that temperature
t2 of the air coming out of the exchanger is the same as room temperature
• measure:
- ∆p at the gauged diaphragm in mm H2O
- temperature t2 of delivery air to the exchanger
- temperature t1 of water entering the exchanger
- temperature tu of water coming out of the exchanger
• determine the rate of flow of cooling water by means of the special
calibrated container and a stop watch
STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA
Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
• calculate flow rate of compressed air as illustrated in Guided Experiment
No. 6
• calculate the exchanger efficiency by the above described expressions
• repeat measurement and calculations for at least 6 stable points of
operation of the compressor

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment No. 12


By characteristic curve of the compressor we mean that of the Cartesian diagram

flow rate Q expressed in K M of actually sucked air, in the abscissas
•  %
• delivery pressure of the compressor in bar, in the ordinates

The characteristic is obtained using the compressor rotation speed as a



In order to obtain the characteristic curve:

• start the plant and bring it to rated operation conditions

• (Slowly) open the flow rate regulator valve so as to obtain max. flow rate,
checking that delivery pressure is constant. This means that the plant is at
a stable operational point
• measure:
- delivery pressure
- differential on the diaphragm
• repeat the measurements with always decreasing opening degrees of the
valve, and remember to keep the plant at a stable operational point,
characterised by a constant new delivery pressure
• check that the pressure reducer is on 3 bar, as usual.

Data processing

• record measurements carried out in a special table, as No. 12 enclosed

obtain flow rate from the differential on the diaphragm
transform flow rate Q from K M into K Munder normal conditions, as per

+ #
•  % 
Guided Experiment No. 7, relevant to volumetric efficiency
• record the following in a special Cartesian diagram:
- in the abscissas: volumetric flow rate
- in the ordinates: compressor delivery pressure
• plot all experimentally established points and join them by a curve

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment No. 13



In the previous Guided Experiment method for the experimental determination of

the characteristic curve – keeping the compressor rotation speed constant – has
been illustrated.
Varying the said speed, on the contrary, a family of characteristic curve at
different speed rates can be obtained.


• start the plant and bring it to rated operation conditions

• (Slowly) open the flow rate regulator valve so as to obtain max. flow rate,
checking that delivery pressure is constant. This means that the plant is at
a stable operational point
• measure:
- delivery pressure
- differential on the diaphragm
• repeat measurements with always decreasing opening degrees of the
valve, and remember to keep the plant at a stable operational point,
characterised by a constant new delivery pressure. Further, check that
rotation speed is kept constant (n = 1,450 rev/min) and that pressure is
always on 3 bar
• vary speed of rotation actuating the potentiometer equipped with a scale
plate, which is in the electric board, so as to obtain consecutively:

n = 1,200


n = 900


n = 700

• measure (for each of the above mentioned values of the compressor
rotation speed) delivery pressure and differential on the diaphragm, as
you have already done before, for different opening degrees of the flow
rate regulator valve
• record measurements carried out in a special table, as No. 13 enclosed
• obtain flow rate from the differential on the diaphragm
• record the following data in a special Cartesian diagram:
in the abscissas: volumetric flow rate
in the ordinates: compressor delivery pressure
• for each speed value, plot all experimentally established points and join
them by curves

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
Guided Experiment No. 14



This Trial is to be carried out using the optional H86a.


This Guided Experiment aims at the experimental determination of a family of

curves (using speed of rotation as a parameter) of the absorbed electric power
related to the compressor delivery pressure.


1. completely close the flow rate regulator valve

2. open cooling water
3. start the compressor and bring it to rated operation speed (n = 1,450
4. actuate the flow rate regulator valve so that pressure settles on the valve
of 10 bar, and check that it does not vary, and that the pressure reducer is
on 3 bar
5. record the compressor delivery pressure and number of revolutions
6. measure voltage and power using optional H86a
7. slowly open the flow rate regulator valve so that delivery pressure settles
on a new valve (9 bar)
8. repeat points 5 and 6
9. actuate flow rate regulator valve again, making it reach always decreasing
valves (even if always stable) until a min. valve of 3 bar is attained
10.for each value of delivery pressure, go through points 5 and 6
11.vary speed of rotation actuating the potentiometer equipped with a scale
plate, which is in the electric board (AF70v1), so as to obtain
n = 1,200 K M



n = 900


n = 700

12.for each of the above mentioned valves of the compressor rotation speed
repeat points 4 ÷ 10.

Data processing

• calculate absorbed power by the formula indicated in Guided Experiment

No. 10

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com
• prepare a diagram having delivery pressure values in the abscissas, and
absorbed power Pa in the ordinates
• plot the experimentally measured point in the diagram
• join points characterised by the same speed of rotation of the compressor
through curves
• if curves relevant to the various number of revolutions have been plotted,
it will be interesting to transform the obtained diagram in a similar one
having the values representing speed of rotation in the abscissas, and
power in the ordinates, so that it will be possible to obtain curves
characterised by the same delivery pressure

STEM-ISI Impianti S.r.l. – Via Gallesi, 64/5 – 16163 Genova ITALIA

Capitale Sociale € 115.000,00 – P.I.03389160106 (V.A.T.) – C.C.I.A.A. GE 341015 – Iscr.Reg.Trib.n°58692
Tel. +39 010 7261141 Fax +39 010 714217 e-mail info@stem-isi.com Web: http://www.stem-isi.com

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