Research Chapter I Group 6
Research Chapter I Group 6
Research Chapter I Group 6
*Orfiano, Lester
Reintegrado, Jerald
Bustamante, Liza
Openano, Sonia
*Ubaldo, Janet
*Manangan, Jamier
Research Adviser
Chapter I
The Philippines is one of just three countries left in the world, along with
Djibouti and Angola in Africa, and the only one in Asia, with a 10-year pre-
compete with other countries that have at least 12 years of basic education.
The majority of those who do not attend college are too young to enter the work
force, thus they are either unemployed or unable to legally enter into contracts.
“A Happy School Sustaining Excellence”
Antonino, Balaoan, La Union
Many secondary school students assume that their future will be filled with
believe that once they graduate high school, they will be able to work in a big
corporation or company.
say but very few studies are made to investigate success of career path used in
the students of the Philippines, even the factors that affect the career choice of
Filipino students. This provides us with limited information on how to help our
students identify the proper career options and strand or track choice they
Career exploration should begin in the nursery school years and continue
through the primary, secondary, and tertiary school levels. The type of
lifestyle, friends, and mental and physical health. In other words, a person’s
career decision influences his or her entire life. Making a career choice decision
is not a simple undertaking, but everyone is faced with the task of choosing a
career, preparing for it, starting it, and progressing in it at some point in their
lives. This is without a doubt the most important step. This is due to the fact
that selecting the wrong profession choice might have a negative impact on
has begun to adopt the new k-12 curriculum, which is a major curriculum
reform for all schools countrywide. This reform includes developing and
improving the basic education curriculum so that learners can master basic
kindergarten through year 12. The program ensures that graduates earn the
necessary skills and legal age for employment to qualify for entrance into the
world of work, if they desire or need to do so, by extending the basic education
by adding two years in high school. Graduates who choose tertiary education,
on the other hand, are considered better prepared for college. Every country in
The inclusion of two years secondary school, known as Senior High school
four year secondary curriculum will be called Junior High School, which will
run from grades 7 to 10, and Senior High School will run from grades 11 to 12.
The program makes sure that graduates obtain the required skills and
achieve the legal age for employment to qualify admittance into the world of
work. If they desired or need to do so, by adding additional two years in High
The k-12 curriculum will be improved too. All of the core subjects will be
still applied using the spiral approach where learning is a process of creating
upon the previously learned knowledge. Based on interest, the students may
choose their selections. The subject a student will take in Senior High School to
prepare for their profession will depend on the career path they choose. The
Communication Technology.
students to plan out and pursue their desired careers. One of many significant
decisions student have to make while deciding their future plans is which
strand and track they have to follow. They will be affected by this choice for the
rest of their life.Career selection has been a severe issue among secondary
The findings of this study will be useful for educators and policy makers in
into how schools can better equip their students with the necessary skills and
goals to students as they make their decision in choosing their strand or track.
This study also primarily examine the career goals and aspirations of Senior
High School students in different strands such as ABM, STEM, GAS, and TVL.
By analyzing these goals, the study will provide insights into how students
choose their strands and what factors they consider when making these
School. It also aims to identify the factors that students consider when making
A. Personal Interest
B. Peer Pressure
C. Parental Influence
D. Societal expectation
“A Happy School Sustaining Excellence”
Antonino, Balaoan, La Union
2. How do these factors affect the formulation of career goals of the students?
3. What are the challenges that students face in aligning their career goals with
their strand?
1. Policy makers, they can benefit from this study by gaining a better
3. For educators. The educators will benefit from this research because they
can design more effective educational programs that cater to the needs and
4. Parents,The findings of this study may make parents aware of the aspects
that influence their children’s level of pleasure, allowing them to support them
5. For the School Heads of CZCMNHS, they could propose a pass pertinent
students programs like seminars that would allow them to figure out how to
guide by researchers who wish to carry out the aforementioned study in the
conclusions and provide solutions to issue that will pique their interest.
The scope of this study is to explore the role of career goals in strand decision
making among Senior High School students. This study will be conducted in
School year 2022-2023. The study will focus on the factors that influence
“A Happy School Sustaining Excellence”
Antonino, Balaoan, La Union
and the impact of career goals on their academic and career success. The
School and municipality, and the findings may not be applicable to other
study will only focus on a specific set of strand options available to students,
and the respective School. The researchers may only use a specific research
all the nuances of strand decision making or career goal formation. And this
research study will only focus on a specific time period or academic year, and
may not be applicable when the K-12 curriculum will be repealed out in future
E. Definition of terms
“A Happy School Sustaining Excellence”
Antonino, Balaoan, La Union
academic program or course of study, and are required to attend courses, take
basic education (six years of primary education, four years of junior high
secondary education, it also covers a wide variety of non formal and informal
public and private activities intended to meet the basic learning needs of people
of all ages.
4. Career selection, This relates to the wide range of chances for lifetime
courses, and practical experiences that prepare students for specific career
6. Senior High School, refers to the last two years of the K-12 program, which
was implemented in 2013. The program aims to provide students with the