An Undergraduate Thesis
To be Presented to the
Faculty of ACLC
Iriga City
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements in
Practical Research
Alvin Aguilar
Jiro Casim
Jenky Navarro
Chapter I
Education is a fundamental armor that people can use to make changes in the community
which make them rational in their behaviors and attitudes. Education is the primary tool for people
to be civilized and be skilled in different areas that are essential in building and developing the
entire nation. Education is focused on the academic achievement of students as well as their
performance. Academic performance may be influenced by various factors such as the students’
Socio-economic status is the overall social and economic measurement and process of an
individual’s position and experiences in the community. To determine the socio-economic status
of people, their educational attainment, occupational status, and income is assessed. In terms of
the socio-economic status of students, the said factors are also measured. There are usually three
(3) groups where socio-economic status is categorized: the low, middle, and high. Education is
evidently an instrument of social changes. The socio-economic status of a family can have an
effect on the academic achievements of students. Socio-economic status not only affects academic
achievement, but also makes it possible for students from low background to compete well with
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, parents and students became mentally stressed
because of tasks and expenses that they experience to comply with the current academic
requirements. Distance Learning Modality was implemented which brought forth the use of
modules and/or online classes where synchronous and asynchronous online learning occurs.
Students in elementary and high school were more likely to have difficulties dealing with the mode
of learning as well as the demand that come from it. Many people around the world have been
adversely affected by the pandemic in many areas, especially the economy. Further, financial
challenge to many families became more evident. In relation to this financial challenge, many
students were forced to look for a job to meet and support their educational needs. Majority of
these students belong to Senior High School, trying to make ends meet while complying with the
academic requirements in school. In connection with this problem, students tend to be stressed out
both physically and mentally resulting to low academic performance. There is a gap between their
previous academic performance and present academic performance due to the socio-economic
Financial difficulties pose a big problem to the academic performance of students. Lack of
financial capability results to difficulty of paying bills, especially when it comes to education. The
most crucial challenges among students nowadays they have not enough money to survive life at
school because of too many expenses. One of the major problems that students face is the lack of
money. ACLC Iriga Grade 12 HUMSS students B and D are experiencing poverty. We all know
that money is very important because we need it to sustain our needs, be it at home or for
educational purposes. If you have the means to buy necessities as school supplies, tuition, and
other expenses in school, your academic performance may likely be productive and high. The
researchers chose this study to determine how the socio-economic status of students affects their
Many senior high school students face similar money struggles as they work towards
building financial security and navigate through life events. However, financial concerns are
temporary as long as there is financial literacy to address the gap and have proper understanding
of managing finances. It is valid that the majority of graduates regard education as a priority
because it provides opportunities to succeed later in life by landing into their desired jobs.
However, it certainly is not easy to graduate nowadays due to socio-economic factors. One of the
reasons for this is that, students are exposed to stressors and pressure on a daily basis. This includes
the expectation to show excellent academic results, as well as the needs to balance studying and
The most common problems to a senior high school and college students they are facing
financial challenge with a rise in tuition cost, meals, supplies and transportation. Most of the
students find themselves having financial problems because of debts since they end up borrowing
money to sustain their rising cost of surviving as a student. Students who face this difficulty, tend
to lose focus and concentration on their studies which leads to low or poor academic performance.
In school, the greatest concern that teachers face is the academic performance of the students.
product of socio-economic, psychological, and environmental factors (Hijazi & Naqvi, 2006).
Students’ performance is affected by different factors such as learning abilities because new
paradigm about learning assumes that all students can and should learn at higher levels, but it
should not be considered as constraint because there are other factors like race, gender, sex that
can affect students’ performance (Hansen 2000 cited in Hijazi & Naqvi, 2006).
The researchers used the descriptive method to come up with the results of this research.
Survey questionnaires were prepared. The impact of socio-economic status on the ACLC Senior
High School students’ academic performance will be closely observed. Students from HUMSS
Section B and D answered the survey questions. Help from some experts or professionals will also
This study aims to determine the Impact of Socio-Economic Status to the Academic
Performance of HUMSS 12 Section B And D of ACLC Iriga City. Specifically, it sought answers
• age
• gender
4. How does the socio-economic status affect the respondents’ academic performance?
5. What are the proposed solutions that may be developed according to the
This study focused on the impact of socio-economic status to the academic performance of
HUMSS 12 section B and D of ACLC. The aim of this study is to identify the effects of socio-
economic factors in class participation and performance of the students. The respondents of this
study are Sections B and D students of Grade 12 HUMMS. The researchers conducted this study
to help the students be aware of the financial issues that affect their performance in school and
what they can do to prevent it from affecting their academic achievements in school.
This study only includes the demographic profile and socio-economic status of the
students. The information came from different references and researches from some researchers.
Significance of the Study
encountered by Senior High School students and its effects. In the conduct of this study, opinions,
notions, and information will be deduced from the respondents involved. The findings of this study
would, most likely, bring benefits to the college itself, to the students and teachers at the college,
ACLC Iriga City. Through this, the institution will be aware of its effects and impact in
teaching and learning. If it is found to have negative implications, then there will be further
Students. From this study, students will know the substance of having financial knowledge
in their education. This will encourage them to improve their financial literacy; this will help the
Teachers. The findings of this study can assist the teachers to facilitate better strategies in
the financial process of the leaners, especially the problems they encounter daily. This will help
the teacher to provide further activities to help students improve their financial skills that may
School Administrators. This will enable them to have insights on what means they could
Community. This study is an effort to help in refining the level of education observed to
be an essential component of the society that aims for the well-being and overall progress of every
student. The improvement in education also means improvement on the part of students leading
them to become cultured individuals in the society to mark change in the community.
The Researchers themselves. This study will serve as a guide to address students’
financial concern base on their needs. The academic performance of Senior High School students
may improve through financial literacy that will guide them effectively.
Future Researchers. For the researchers who would like to do further investigation of the
scope of the present study, this will be beneficial as a starting point in which they could get
Rothestein, R. (2004). Class and schools using social economic and educational reforms to close
the white and black achievement gap. Economic Policy Institute, U.S.A
Hijazi, Syed Tahir & Naqvi2, Raza S.M.M. (2006). Factors Affecting Student Performance.
Chapter II
This chapter is a presentation of the review of related literature and studies which has
Related Literature
With the lack of financial source, students faced problems like depression and anxiety just
to adapt to the high cost of living. This is a severe issue that lingers among high school and
university students that might affect their academic performance. Therefore, the purpose of this
study is to identify the relationship between financial problems and academic performance faced
Education widens minds, recognizes good and evil, makes us to segregate well from
terrible and uses out environment to the best of our capacity for the improvement of a
person and in addition the group (Sabzwari, 2004). Literature highlights the impact of socio-
economic status on academic achievement like Suleman et al., (2012) who retrieved that students
with high socioeconomic status perform better academically in comparison to those with poor
socioeconomic status, they showed poor and unsatisfactory academic achievement. Saifiand
Mehmood (2011) explored the effect of socio-economic status on student’s performance. Results
revealed that parental education and occupation affects the student’s achievement. Eamon (2005)
revealed that students whose parental socioeconomic status is low do does not show effective
performance in school.
Findings revealed that the academic achievement of students is negatively correlated with
the low parental socioeconomic status as it prevents the students in gaining access to resources of
learning. Solanke and Narayanaswamy (2015) showed a significant and positive correlation
between socio economic status and academic achievement. The study further revealed that there
exists a significant difference in the academic achievement of boys and girls belonging to different
socio-economic status. While Pedrosa (2006) in their study found that students who are coming
from deprived and low socio-economic and educational background performed slightly better
Related Studies
Correspondingly, in the study of Walberg, et. Al (2006), they had identified key variables
that affect students’ outcomes: student ability/prior achievement, motivation, age, developmental
level, quantity of instruction, quality of instruction, classroom climate, home environment, peer
group, and exposure to mass media outside of school. Adejumo (2013) revealed that age and
gender are not significant predictors of academic performance. In addition, the study of Balatbat
& Dahilig (2016) in tertiary institution in Manila, Philippines, revealed that while the students
utilized strategic studying techniques and some degree of academic competence, test anxiety and
test competence hampered their efforts towards academic success. Remedial measures, faculty
interventions, academic advising and counselling mechanisms need to be in place to help the
students cope with the demands of education. Further, the study of Simbulas (2014) among private
non-sectarian high school in Davao City, disclosed that self-efficacy measured of motivational
strategies, cognitive strategies, resource management, and self-regulated learning was not
Faaz, M. and Khan, Z.N. (2017). A Study of Academic Achievement of Upper Primary
School students in Relation to their Socio-economic Status. Asian Journals of Research in Social
Suleman, Q., Aslam, H., D, Shakir, M., Akhtar, S., Hussain, I., & Akhtar, Z. (2012).
in District Karak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan). Journal of Sociological Research, 3(2), 22-30.
The theoretical framework of this study was anchored on the point of view and the theories
of the following well-known authorities which are closely relevant to the researchers’ study.
Finance theory provides some specific guidance when forming forecasts of future interest
rates. Nonetheless, important questions remain open. The Holy Grail of this literature is a dynamic
model that is parsimonious owing to economically motivated restrictions. The requirement of no-
arbitrage is motivated by economics, but by itself it is too weak to matter. Economic restrictions
with bite require, either directly or indirectly, that risk premium dynamics be tied down by
economic principles. There is no consensus in the literature about how this should be done. To
date, no restrictions that come out of our workhorse models of asset pricing appear to be consistent
Standard finance theory would predict that investors should hold a diversified portfolio of
equities across the world if capital is mobile across borders. Because foreign equities provide great
diversification opportunities, falling barriers to international trade in assets over the last 20 years
should have led investors across the world to relevance their portfolio away from national assets
toward foreign assets. The process of ‘financial globalization’ fostered by capital account
liberalizations, electronic trading, increasing exchanges of information across borders, and falling
transaction costs has certainly led to a large increase in cross-border asset trade. However,
investors are still reluctant to reap the full benefits of international diversification and tend to hold
a disproportionate share of local equities: the ‘home bias in equities.’ Since the seminal paper of
French and Poterba (1991), the home bias in equities constitutes one of the major puzzles in
international finance. Despite better financial integration, it has not decreased size ably: in 2007,
US investors still held more than 80% of domestic equities and the home bias in equities is
observed in all developed countries.
Corporate finance theory teaches that the debt of an operating company has a risk profile
intrinsic to the company’s franchise. Over the past 30 years, the static view of credit risk has been
experimentally relaxed through financial engineering and the partially successful development of
liquid, wholesale, near-continuous credit markets, to which synthetic replication techniques were
added. But, the onset of the sub-prime crisis, variously dated from the collapse of the Asset-Backed
Commercial Paper (ABCP) market in August 2007 and the fall of Lehman Brothers in September
2008, brought trading and issuance to large sectors of the structured finance market to a halt. The
ABX.HE market profiled in the last section failed to do its scheduled rolls beginning in January
2008. Congress, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority (FINRA) investigated whether dealers that created synthetic CDO ‘s did so
Researcher’s Theory Out of insight gained from the three (3) theory: The Finance Theory,
Theory of standard finance, corporate finance theory, and the researchers were able to formulate
the researcher’s theory- which guided them in the conduct of the study. The focus of the study is
to determine the effect of financial challenges on the academic performance of the respondents.
The researcher’s theory focuses on the effect of financial challenges to the academic performance
This study focused on “The Impact of Socio-Economic Status to the Academic Performance of
HUMSS12 Section B And D Of ACLC Iriga City. The conceptual paradigm is shown in figure, through
the flow of system on input, process, output and feedback mechanism. The different activities
Input is the study involves the legal basis, handouts and reading articles, related literature
Process is the study consists through securing letter of permission, survey, and
interpretation of data. This will be actions did by researchers to be able to determine the causes,
Output shows to determine the effect of financial challenge to the academic performance
of HUMMS 12 section B and D the problem of the researcher formed based on the findings, and
Feedback loop is this study is design to cover the effectiveness of financial challenge skills.
The relevance of the arrow from the output going to input is the continuity and assessment of the
effectiveness of the study with relevance of the main objectives of the study.
-Sex -Survey
-Address -Organizing or
tallying of
-Student gathered data
-Types of financial -Interpretation of
-Learning management system
For clarity in reporting, presentation and interpretation of the data and information, the
academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using
Expenses refer to the cost of operations that a company incurs to generate revenue. It is
Finance is a term for matters regarding the management, creation, and study of money and
Chapter III
This chapter contains the methods, sources of data, respondents of the study, and data
gathering procedures used by the researchers in gathering data to answer the specific problems in
The approach that will be employed in this study is Phenomenology, which is a type of
study that is based on people’s experience with a certain phenomenon. It focuses on the ways in
which one person’s experience can influence and elevate that of a wider community or society. In
this form of research must put aside knowledge and draw conclusions based on personal
experience. The researchers’ goal is to develop an interpretation using the data and information
This study utilized a case study, a type of Qualitative Research that determines the problem
of HUMMS 12 students of ACLC Iriga City regarding financial challenge. In this study, some of
the students.
The school in Iriga City with the highest proportion of senior high school students is
ACLC, Iriga City Inc. Almost a thousand students are enrolled at this institution for the 2022-2023
school year. Furthermore, the researchers are from the General Academic Strand section C.
Meanwhile, respondents come from two areas of the HUMMS strand, B and D.
The researchers chose these two portions using a purposive sampling strategy. The
brainstorming results are used to make the decision. The T-test will be used to determine the
Chapter IV
This chapter presents the responses of the ACLC students about the impact of socio-
economic problems to the academic performance of HUMSS 12 B and D of ACLC Iriga City. The
discussions and interpretation of data analysis and findings were presented and arranged according
I. Demographic Profile
The profile of the respondent was presented in table 1 according to age, gender, no of
Total: 50 100%
Table 1.1
Table 1.1 shows the profile of the respondent along age. It shows that most of the respondents
belong to the age group. 20 years old and above which was zero (0). Ages 17-19 years old has
four-thy-seven (47) respondents, and three (3) respondents belong to sixteen (16) years old and
Female 31 62%
Male 19 38%
Total: 50 100%
Table 1.2
Table 1.2 shows the gender of the respondent. Its shows that male are the highest number of
respondent which has thirty-one (19) and Female is the least of respondents which has thirty-one
1-3 11 22%
4-6 32 64%
Total: 50 100%
Table 1.3
Table 1.3 shows the no. of family members of the respondents. It shows the majority of the
thirty-two (32) respondents belong to 4-6 members. Seven (7) respondents belong to 7 and above.
The common reason of having a socioeconomic problem in the student was presented in
table 2 (Lack of work, Lack of finance, High house expenses, Unemployed parents).
Total: 50
Table 2
Table 2 shows the common reason for having a socioeconomic problem. All the fifty (50)
respondents choose the lack of finance as a main reason for having a socio-economic. While, the
The negative impact of socioeconomic problems to the students of ACLC has presented in
143 286%
Table 3
Table 3 shows the negative impacts of socioeconomic problems to the student. Ninety-
eight (98) respondents choose the lack of finance; twenty-eight (28) respondents choose high
The reaction of the respondents to the socioeconomic problem was presented in table 4
Angry 1 2%
Sad 12 24%
Neutral 12 24%
Disappointed 25 50%
Total: 50 100%
Table 4
Table 4 shows the reactions of the respondents to having socioeconomic problems. One
(1) respondent is angry about having a socioeconomic, there are twelve (12) respondents
are sad, while the neutral is twelve (12) and lastly, twenty-five respondents are disappointed.
Total: 50 100%
Table 5
student. There are eighteen (18) respondents suggest the “Earn Money”. While fifteen (15)
respondents suggest the “Conserve Money”. Lastly seventeen (17) respondents like to suggest
Chapter V
the study. The summary highlights the findings that serve as the basis of the conclusions derived
The overall purpose of this study was to determine the impact of socio-economic status
on the academic performance of HUMSS 12 section B and D of ACLC Iriga City. Specifically, it
• age
• gender
4. How does the socio-economic status affect the respondents’ academic performance?
5. What are the proposed solutions that may be developed according to the
The study made use of descriptive method. All the information concerning the respondents
1. The majority of the respondents are 17 years old and above in terms of age. Female
respondents are highest in terms of gender. While in the no. of family members the majority
of the respondents belong to 4-6. Lastly, the majority of the respondents are students.
3. Unstable job is the negative impacts of socioeconomic on the student of ACLC HUMSS B
and D.
5. Most of the respondents suggested that be responsible on holding money and use money
to buy important things is one of the best solutions to prevent socioeconomic problem.
1. The study concluded that socio-economic status affects aspects such as age, gender,
2. The study revealed that high expenses are one of the factors that lead to socio-economic
3. The study showed that money is needed every day and it is important to all of us.
In line with the findings of the study, the researchers recommend the following in line with
1. Even if you are experiencing socio-economic problems, try to find a job to survive in life.
2. Being disappointed will not help to solve the problem instead try to find a better solution
and convince others to help each other on how to solve socio-economic problems.
3. There are stores or companies that need a staff or employee to work and to help you with
Age: 19
Gender: MALE
Status: SINGLE
Citizenship: Filipino
Occupation: Housewife
Age: 18
Gender: FEMALE
Status: SINGLE
Citizenship: Filipino
Occupation: Housewife
Age: 18
Gender: MALE
Status: SINGLE
Citizenship: Filipino
Occupation: Housewife
Age: 18
Gender: FEMALE
Status: SINGLE
Citizenship: Filipino
Occupation: Housewife
Occupation: MECHANIC
Age: 18
Gender: FEMALE
Status: SINGLE
Citizenship: Filipino
Occupation: Housewife
Occupation: PAINTER
Age: 17
Gender: MALE
Status: SINGLE
Citizenship: Filipino
Occupation: Housewife