St. Edward The Confessor
St. Edward The Confessor
St. Edward The Confessor
Catholic Church
See page III For Father Steves Traces of Grace And Page IV for Rasgros de Gracia
Fax: 496-1557
8 am - 8 pm 8 am - 5 pm 8 am - 5 pm
(949) 496-1307 33926 Calle La Primavera Dana Point, California 92629
Sacrament of the Sick In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, Anointing of the Sick and Eucharist may be arranged by contacting the Parish Office. Call (949) 257-8017 for a medical emergency after 8 p.m. Sacrament of Baptism Parents of infants requesting information about Baptism may contact the Faith Formation Office, 496-6011. Infant Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month following catechesis for parents and godparents of candidates. Celebration of Christian Funerals At the time of death, a family member should contact the parish office, as soon as possible, to arrange the date and time for the Funeral Liturgy. Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Adults requesting information about full initiation and communion with the Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) may contact the Faith Formation Office , 496-6011. Sacrament of Matrimony The Sacrament presumes active sacramental participation on the part of one or both persons. Couples must begin preparation for their Sacrament at least six months prior to their proposed wedding date. Please call the Parish Office for more information. Eucharistic Adoration On the first and third Monday of each month we gather in prayer and praise before the Blessed Sacrament. The Diocesan intention is that of an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
MISAS EN ESPAOL Sbado 5:30 p.m. Domingo 10:00 y 11:30 a.m. Da de Obligacin 7:30 p.m. Primer Viernes 7:30 p.m. CONFESIONES EN SN. EDUARDO Mircoles 7:00 p.m. Sbado 4:00 p.m. LA ADORACION al Santisimo Sacramento cada primer viernes del mes, 8am7:00pm EDUCACIN RELIGIOSA HORARIO Lunes y Martes 5:30-8:30pm BAUTISMOS Plticas: primer martes de cada mes. Bautismo: segundo sbado de cada mes QUINCEAERAS EN SN. EDUARDO Tercer sbado de cada mes BODAS Llamar 6 meses con anticipacin EMERGENCIA En caso de una enfermedad seria, emergencia mdica, un fallecimiento o por la necesidad de recibir la uncin de los enfermos y la Eucarista, llame a la oficina de Sn. Eduardo el Confesor al (949) 257-8017 para una emergencia despus de las 8pm.
Baile Folklrico Dance Caballeros de Colon/ Knights of Columbus Capo Community Mariachi Program Cenaculo Misionero Choirs/Coros Eucharistic Ministry (English) Ministros Eucarsticos (Spanish) Faith Formation/ Educacin Religiosa Jvenes Para Cristo Lectors (English) Lectores (Spanish) Javier Martinez Juan Avila Rosa Ceja Anita Uribe Vidal Ruelas Jeanne Exworthy Luis Rodriguez Martha Samano Osvaldo Sandoval Jeanne Exworthy Rafael Ocampo (949) 394-3912 (949) 495-1359 (949) 830-1560 (949) 728-0283 (949) 606-6240 (949) 496-4115 (949) 400-0206 (949) 493-8918 (949) 297-4302 (949) 496-4115 (949) 275-6689 (949) 249-8521 (949) 302-4110 (949) 364-7723 (949) 981-6269 (949) 456-5988 (949)842-7186 (949)842-9512 (949) 388-8650 (949) 257-9030 (949) 830-1560
Marriage Encounter/ Jose & Raquel Sosa Encuentro Matrimonial Mendoza Choir/Coro Cruz Mendoza Mission Hospital Health Miguel Martinez Ministry Osorio Choir/Coro Quinceaera R.C.I.A./R.I.C.A. San Felipe Choir/Cora Ushers/Ujieres Teresa Osorio Raquel Mares Martha Rodriguez Oralia Benetiz Alberto Sierra
Maria Dolores Padilla (949) 973-7210 Vidas en Transformacion Bertha Cardenas Youth Choir/ Coro Juvenil Rosa Ceja
Contribuciones Semanales
Meta Utimo domingo: $ 4,000 $ 2,731
2011 PSA San Felipe de Jesus PSA Goal $ 18,000 Amount Pledged $ 8,228 Amount Paid $ 4,323 Pledges 46
Traces of Grace
Dear Fellow Parishioners; What will our future be? Many great minds struggle with this question, especially in recent times. Our national and international economies continue to be unsteady, a long standing war has not produced the results we were hoping for, the Middle East is restless looking for a stronger identity, and Social Media connects persons in ways that just a few years ago were unimaginable. Our church is not exempt from this reality of wondering what our future will be as a church. Forces within our society and church communities continue to pull us in all sorts of directions. As our parish approaches our Annual Commitment Sunday in early November, it is a good time to reflect on the many blessings of our parish communities of San Felipe de Jesus and St. Edward the Confessor. We are considered a megaparish in Catholic terms and there are a lot of tremendous graces taking place every day in our midst. How are we securing the future of our Faith in the midst of all this activity? Sure, we can always do things better, but we are constantly trying to improve our ministries and faith life as a parish. We are not the Kingdom, but we submit ourselves to it. What will our parish look like in 2020? Certainly our demographics of our parish will continue to change. We will most likely have 2 priests working full time at our parish, since the numbers of active clergy will continue to decline, even in our Diocese. Diaconate ministry will be stronger and more visible in our community. Hopefully we will have a completed Parish Life Center which will enhance greatly our abilities to share our Faith. Social Media will continue to transform the how and what of our methods of communication and learning. Some of us are still attempting to figure out how to utilize email, while many younger persons have moved way beyond that form of communication. Many people already carry a personal computer in their pocket thanks to creative inventors like Steve Jobs. How does the rapid development of Social Media affect us as a parish and how we share our Faith? Honestly, I am not exactly sure but I do know that major shifts are already taking place and as a parish, we need to be aware of how to use this technology in a safe and productive way of communicating our Faith. No amount of electronic wizardry will take the place of the collective prayer of the Mass, but it will change the way we study and learn about our Faith. Our parish school, currently the largest single parish school in our Diocese, is embracing the new technologies in amazing ways. While all the basics are being taught, our students learning is tremendously enhanced by the new technologies. It is incredible how students quickly grasp the new technologies and learn in ways that I could never have imagined (chalk and blackboard were the major technology of my day!). We continue to learn how to use these technologies to study, understand and communicate our Faith as well. Parents sending their children to our school make a huge sacrifice, but it is my experience that there is great value in a solid Catholic education. In the formation of our young people, this is a great gift for the future of our church. What about the rest of the young people in our parish? How are they being formed? Obviously the family experience of church is overwhelmingly the key to the passing on of our faith. Currently about 20% of baptized Catholics in the United States attend Mass on a weekly basis. That number continues to decline. Today there are more Catholics in the United States than ever before and at the same time; fewer commit themselves to active participation in the Church. The majority of persons who participate in the church today are my age and older (I was born in the year Joseph Salk discovered the polio vaccine!) Is there any hope to change that trend? Well, several months ago, our Diocese received a grant to study future Faith Formation directions. We were one of the parishes accepted into this study. We are just beginning this two year process, but it is certainly exciting as to the possibilities. We are developing ways to utilize Social Media for teaching the Faith in ways that can touch the entire family, not just the youth. We are modeling this study in our Confirmation program this year with the parents and students from our combined communities of San Felipe and St. Edward. With a bit of trial and error, I believe this development in Faith Formation will deepen and strengthen the life of our parish in the future. Next week I will share with you some thoughts on the larger parish community. Together in Christ;
Rasgos de Gracia
Estimados Feligreses, Cul ser nuestro futuro? Muchas mentes brillantes batallan con esta incgnita, especialmente en los ltimos tiempos. Nuestras economas nacionales e internacionales siguen siendo inestables, una prolongada guerra que no ha producido los resultados que esperbamos, el Medio Oriente no descansa en la bsqueda de una identidad ms fuerte, y los medios de comunicacin social conectan personas en formas que slo hace unos aos eran inimaginables. Nuestra Iglesia no est exenta de esta realidad de no saber lo que ser nuestro futuro como Iglesia. Fuerzas dentro de nuestra sociedad y comunidades eclesiales continan empujando nos en toda direccin. Mientras nos acercamos a nuestro compromiso dominical, a principios de noviembre, es un buen momento para reflexionar en las muchas bendiciones que nuestras comunidades parroquiales de San Felipe de Jess y San Eduardo el Confesor poseen. Se nos considera un mega-parroquia en trminos catlicos y la gracia de Dios se hace cada vez ms presente en medio de nosotros. Cmo estamos asegurando el futuro de nuestra fe en medio de toda esta actividad? Cierto, siempre podremos hacer las cosas mejor, y nos esforzamos constantemente tratando de mejorar nuestros ministerios y nuestra vida de fe como parroquia. No somos el Reino, pero nos sometemos a el. Cmo ser nuestra parroquia en el 2020? Ciertamente, la demografa de nuestra parroquia continuar cambiando. Lo ms probable es que tengamos dos sacerdotes trabajando de tiempo completo en nuestra parroquia debido a que el nmero de sacerdotes activos seguir disminuyendo, incluso en nuestra Dicesis. El ministerio del Diaconado ser ms fuerte y ms palpable en la comunidad. Anhelamos poder tener un Centro Parroquial complet el cual acrecentar en gran medida nuestra capacidad de compartir nuestra fe. Los medios de comunicacin social continuarn transformando el Cmo y el Qu de nuestros mtodos de comunicacin y aprendizaje. Algunos de nosotros todava estamos tratando de encontrar la manera de utilizar el correo electrnico, mientras que muchas personas jvenes ya han superado dicha forma de comunicacin social. Muchas personas ya llevan consigo un ordenador personal en su bolsillo gracias a la creatividad de inventores como Steve Jobs. Cmo nos afectar a nosotros como parroquia, el rpido desarrollo de los medios de comunicacin social y la forma en que compartimos nuestra fe? Honestamente, no estoy exactamente seguro, pero s s que los grandes cambios ya estn ocurriendo, y como parroquia, tenemos que ser conscientes de cmo utilizar esta tecnologa de una forma segura y productiva para comunicar nuestra fe. Ninguna cantidad de embrujo electrnico tomar el lugar de la oracin comunitaria de la Eucarista, pero si cambiar la forma en que estudiamos y aprendemos acerca de nuestra fe. La escuela de nuestra parroquia, actualmente la ms grande en nuestra Dicesis, est adoptando las nuevas tecnologas de una manera increble. Mientras todo lo bsico se siguen enseando, la forma en cmo se aprende ha sido enormemente mejorada gracias a las nuevas tecnologas. Es increble cmo los estudiantes asimilan rpidamente las nuevas tecnologas y aprenden de una manera que yo nunca podra haber imaginado (tiza y pizarrn eran las grandes tecnologas de mi tiempo!). Seguimos aprendiendo cmo utilizar estas tecnologas para estudiar, comprender y comunicar nuestra fe. Los padres hacen un sacrificio tremendo para enviar a sus hijos a la escuela, pero en mi experiencia, el poder recibir una slida educacin catlica tiene un gran valor. En la formacin de nuestros jvenes, esto es un gran regalo para el futuro de nuestra Iglesia. Qu pasa con el resto de los jvenes en nuestra parroquia? Cmo se estn formando? Obviamente, la experiencia familiar de la iglesia es abrumadoramente la clave para la transmisin de la fe. Actualmente, alrededor del 20% de los catlicos bautizados en los Estados Unidos asisten a misa cada semana. Esta cifra sigue disminuyendo. Hoy en da hay ms catlicos en los Estados Unidos que nunca antes y, al mismo tiempo, menos se comprometen a participar activamente en la Iglesia. La mayora de las personas que participan en la Iglesia hoy en da son de mi edad y mayores (yo nac en el ao en que Jos Salk descubri la vacuna contra la polio!) Hay alguna esperanza para cambiar esa tendencia? Bueno, hace unos meses, nuestra dicesis recibi una beca para estudiar futuras orientaciones de formacin en la fe. Nosotros fuimos una de las parroquias aceptadas en este estudio. Apenas estamos empezando este proceso de dos aos, pero sin duda es muy emocionante. Estamos desarrollando maneras de utilizar los medios de comunicacin social para la enseanza de la fe de tal manera que se pueda tocar toda la familia, y no slo a los jvenes. Estamos modelando este estudio en nuestro programa de confirmacin de este ao con los padres y estudiantes de nuestras comunidades integrando San Felipe con San Eduardo. Con un poco de prueba y error, creo que este avance de la Formacin en la Fe profundizar y fortalecer la vida de nuestra parroquia en el futuro. La prxima semana compartir con ustedes algunas reflexiones acerca de la comunidad parroquial. Juntos en Cristo, Fr. Steve Sallot
valuable lessons and making great friends. I wouldn't trade my time there for anything."
Brittany Morris St. Edward the Confessor, Class of 2007 JSerra Catholic High School University of Southern California "I spent nine wonderful years at St. Edward, learning all kinds of
"I've realized in life, everything you do is a result of a previous action, builds upon something you've done in the past. In this way, you can never forget your roots, which play a big role in the person you become in your later life. I appreciate St. Edward as a time of nourishing and enrichment, and the relationships with friends and teachers at St. Edward serve as the roots which eventually helped me grow into the person I am today.
Kyle Eckert St. Edward the Confessor, Class of 2007 Santa Margarita Catholic High School University of California, Berkeley
"St. Edwards will always hold a special importance in my life. It gave me intellectual curiosity, faith, and, not to mention, two of my best friends. I loved my experience there, as it instilled in me the confidence to adventure into the unknown, knowing that God will always be there to guide me along my path."
Alexandria Anderson St. Edward the Confessor, Class of 2007 Dana Hills High School Columbia University
From the Office for Parish Our office is located on the Knight Hall side of the rectory . We can be reached by calling 496-6011 or on the web:
Faith Formation
7:30pm - RCIA-Knight Hall 9:00am - Women of Wisdom-Knight Hall 4:30-5:30pm- Childrens Religious Education 7:00pm - Youth Insight -Knight Hall
7:30pm - Baptism Class in the Church Sunday Childrens Religious Education program begins! Grades 3-5 Sunday October 23rd at 9:00am In the lower lunchroom of the school. See you then!
Attention Religious Education Home School Parents: Please attend the Parent Home Study Meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 26th from 7:15 8:15pm in the Parish room of the school. Includes St. Annes School Families!
(Including St. Anne Students)
During this hour, our curriculum will be distributed and discussed, additional resources will be explained, and you will have time to touch upon any questions or concerns you may have.
SOCIETY of ST.VINCENT de PAUL Under the guidance of the Council of Orange, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County began providing food for the hungry in October 1983. Since 1983, the Food Bank has provided more than 272 million pounds of donated and surplus food to 470 charitable agencies. In partnership with these agencies, St. Edward's SVDP Conference being one, the Food Bank helps feed more than 240,000 individuals each week. HELP US HELP OTHERS
Named after Fr. Junipero Serra, Franciscan Friar and founder of the California Missions, Serrans are dedicated to enhancing Vocations to the Priesthood, Deaconate, and Religious Life,
We meet the 3rd Monday of each month after the 5:30pm Mass with dinner, religious guest speaker and prayer at St. Edward School in Dana Point.
There aren't two categories of people. There aren't some that were born to have everything, leaving the rest with nothing, and a majority that has nothing and cannot taste the happiness that God has created for all. The Christian society that God wants is one in which we share the goodness that God has given for everyone." -Archbishop Oscar Romero, "From Poverty to Decent Work: Bridging the Gap" (Via Maria Elena Perales, Justice Coordinator Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange). Share our blessings with those in need! Next Social Justice meeting: 11/8/11, @ 6:45 in the Church Meeting Room. CATHOLIC FAMILY LIFE WEBSITE
In Memoriam
Francisco Grajo Rafael Nantes Ann Scaduto
Mass Intentions
October 23 Molly Sanchez Edward Dolendo Lila Thode Sgt. Tyler Holtz Monique Curameng 9:00 a.m. Jim Chambers 11:00 a.m. Wanda Vail 12:30 p.m. Katherine Ngo 5:30 p.m. Helen Kukulski Monday October 24 8:15 a.m. John Capozzoli 5:30 p.m. Canceled Tuesday October 25 8:15 a.m. Charles Walenten 5:30 p.m. Matthew Mayville Wednesday October 26 8:15 a.m. Sue Peltz 5:30 p.m. Christine Belcher Thursday October 27 8:15 a.m. Joe Butler 5:30 p.m. Conrad Esser Friday October 28 8:15 a.m. Carmela Sanchez 5:30 p.m. Leland Belcher Saturday October 29 8:15 a.m. Terry Ritelli 5:30 p.m. Julien Hug Sunday October 30 7:30 a.m. Nicholas Cancela 8:00 a.m. SF Betty Bucher Sgt. Tyler Holtz Elizabeth Grugan 9:00 a.m. Mauren Crossen 11:00 a.m. Nguyen Family 12:30 p.m. Helen Kukulski 5:30 p.m. Christopher Foley Sunday 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. SF
Our armed forces and their families. Pray For Peace. If you or a family member are ill and would like to be included in our prayers or are in need of a priest, please contact the parish office at 496-1307.
Oct. 16: Anne Montgomery (1993) Oct. 17: Phyllis Shainman (1977), Patrick McGraw (1981), Mabel Hyland (1987), Francis X. Witt, Jr. (1997), Melville H. Behrendt (2006) Oct. 18: G. Ralph Bartolme (1986), Rose Foster (2002), LaVonne Grillo (2008) Oct. 19: Roseanne T. Lindquist (2005) Oct. 20: Willfredo Partosa (1996), James W. Vanderhoof (1999), Ronald P. Tamillo (1999), Lillie Bream (2001), Valeria Strossel (2003), Frank Jimenez (2008) Oct. 21: Robert Leone (1981), Mary (Mickey) Ettlin (1998), Doris Staley (2006), Kay Jones (2008) Oct. 22: John Redfern (1995), Ron Wells (1995), Greg Johnson (1998) Jocelyn Paniagua (2007) Oct. 23: Robert Donegan (1974), Henry McCarthy (1979), Carol Ann Tevis(2004), Raymond Feddersen (2006)
7:30 a.m. Monday-Saturday Rosary, Morning Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) 8:15 a.m.MassMonday through Saturday 5:15 p.m.Evening Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours, except Sat.) 5:30 p.m.Mass (Saturday is Sundays Liturgy) We invite you to celebrate daily Mass with us!
Daily Schedule
Scripture Readings
Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Romans 8:12-17; Luke 13:10-17 Romans 8:18-25; Luke 13:18-21 Romans 8:26-30; Luke 13:22-30 Romans 8:31b-39; Luke 13:31-35 Ephesians 2:19-22; Luke 6:12-16 Romans 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Luke 14:1, 7-11 Malachi 1:14b-2:2b, 8-10 1 Thessalonians 2:7b-9, 13 Matthew 23:1-12
Christian Service ... Food Distribution *: 139 Families (221 adults, 196 children) Services provided: 47 Referrals provided: 17
* Food Distribution is sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul and administered by St. Edwards Christian Service Ministry.
Your Contributions
Last week/ month Last Week . $ 19,649 Parish Pay (monthly)-September $ 72,752 Last yearsame week/month Same week 2010. .. $ 17,872 Last Years Parish Pay-Sept. 2010. . $ 67,824
Wedding Banns
Tyler Hung & Katie Harroldson, October 29, 2011 Matthew W. Sears & Carmen Garcia, November 4, 2011 Dustin Simon & Jaime Forman, November 11, 2011 Emmanuel Calixto & Maria Dominguez, November 12, 2011 Timothy Stocker & Michelle Griffith-Jones, Nov. 12, 2011
Weekly Calendar
Monday 8:45 a.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Wednesday 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Thursday 7:00 p.m. October 24 Cursillo, Church Cry Room October 25 Serenity Day, Knight Hall Blue Army, Church Grief Support Group, Rm. 220 School October 26 Women of Wisdom, Knight Hall Blinky Patrol, Copy Room Music Ministry, Church October 27 Mens Bible Study, Copy Room
TODAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY We are called to this Eucharistic celebration along with Catholics in every parish, chapel and church throughout the world to fulfill the call we first heard at Baptism, the call to be missionaries, to share our faith. On World Mission Sunday, we are invited to celebrate the hope that saves through prayer and participation in the Eucharist, and by giving generously to the collection today for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Let us pray especially at this Mass for all who long to hear the hope-filled, saving message of Jesus, and for the priests, religious and lay catechists in mission countries worldwide who offer them that Good News. Prospective Students and Their Parents Please Join the JSerra Lions
Support the preschool & school by donating to the silent auction, purchasing ball drop tickets, or dancing the night away at the dinner. Please visit our web site for forms and information on the tournament
Friday, November 4th @ Arroyo Trabuco Golf Course Registration due by October 26 Dont golf?
Open House and Campus Tour Thursday, November 3, 2011 from 6:30-8:00pm JSerra Pavilion-Athletic Side of Campus 26351 Junipero Serra Road San Juan Capistrano, CA For more information call 949-493-9307 or check the website:
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