T Kanagasekaran Nuc Ins Meth in Phy (September 2009)
T Kanagasekaran Nuc Ins Meth in Phy (September 2009)
T Kanagasekaran Nuc Ins Meth in Phy (September 2009)
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this report, the modifications in the structural, optical, mechanical, electrical and nonlinear properties
Received 10 March 2009 of 70 MeV Li3+ and 100 MeV Ag7+ ion irradiated M-Nitroaniline single crystals are studied. The irradiation
Received in revised form 20 September induced defect structures at the crystal surface which becomes more prominent at higher irradiation flu-
ences, leading to the enhancement in the optical absorption behaviour and the nonlinear property of the
Available online 27 September 2009
irradiated crystals. The mechanism leading to the enhanced nonlinearity and the blue shift of the irradi-
ated M-NA crystals has been discussed.
Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
71.55. i
42.65. k
Impurity and defect levels
Optical properties
Effects of crystal defects, doping and
Ions and impurities
Nonlinear optical properties
1. Introduction electro–optic behaviour. This, together with its easy growth into
large single crystals, makes M-NA an attractive material for many
Organic materials offer flexibility to molecular design, virtually practical applications, such as digital deflectors for fast access large
an unlimited number of crystalline structures have a high damage scale memories.
resistance to optical radiation. Hence, these materials make it Ion implantation provides an alternative method of introducing
desirable to replace electronic switching circuits in computing dopant atoms into the lattice. In this case, a beam of dopant ions
and telecommunication systems. Certain classes of organic mole- accelerated through a potential of typically 10–100 kV is allowed
cules possess large second order nonlinear optical (NLO) co-effi- to impinge on the surface of the target atom. To achieve deep pen-
cient (b). For optimization of second order nonlinearities in etration of ions, the ions must interact and collide, individually or
organic molecules two properties are particularly important in collectively, with atoms of the solid matrix. During these collisions,
addition to non-centrosymmetry i.e., strong p electron delocaliza- energy will be exchanged between the moving ion and the station-
tion and intramolecular charge transfer stimulated by the presence ary lattice atoms with a concomitant energy loss by the ions and an
of electron donor and acceptor groups. Crystals of nitroaniline energy gain by the atoms. The energy loss serves to slow down the
derivatives exhibit the largest second order susceptibilities re- ions, eventually to rest in the lattice; the atomic energy gain results
ported to date for organic solids. Meta-Nitroaniline (M-NA) is a in the creation of defects or disorder in the lattice. The thermal
material with useful electro–optic properties. The effect of SHG annealing can be used to re-order the lattice. The radiation damage
of M-NA is one order higher than that of LiNbO3 [1]. Unlike most produced by implantation often produces conductivity changes
electro–optic crystals, M-NA combines low-permittivity with good that swamp those desired by the addition of the ion. Though
annealing removes the majority of the defect energy states and
trapping centers, some defect sites will persist. There are many re-
* Corresponding author. Address: Crystal Lab, Department of Physics and
ports on the ion irradiation on single crystals [2–4].
Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, India.
E-mail addresses: kanagasekaran@gmail.com, kanagasekaran@yahoo.com (T. Owing to the versatile applications of M-NA in photonic tech-
Kanagasekaran). nologies and NLO applications, the studies on irradiation effect
0168-583X/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Kanagasekaran et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268 (2010) 36–41 37
on M-NA is very important from the technical point of view. In this 3. Results and discussion
paper, we report the effect of irradiation with silver and lithium
ions on the structural, optical, mechanical and electrical properties 3.1. X-ray diffraction analysis
of M-NA single crystals.
The XRD pattern of pristine and irradiated M-NA single crystals
is shown in Fig. 2. There is no change in the (orthorhombic) phase
2. Experiment
structure of the irradiated samples; however there are changes in
the lattice parameters (Table 1), which was identified by the struc-
The M-NA single crystals were grown by Vertical Bridgman
tural refinement performed on the pristine and the irradiated crys-
Method (Fig. 1). The sliced wafers of volume (1 cm 1 cm 1 cm)
tals of M-NA. The standard deviation (s.d) values of the lattice
of M-NA crystals were subjected to irradiation. The 100 MeV Ag7+
parameters are given in Table 1. When the lattice undergoes an
and 70 MeV Li3+ ions were irradiated at room temperature with
interaction with the ion on irradiation, it will induce significant
fluences of 1 1011 and 1 1012 ions/cm2. The projected ranges
change in the properties of the lattice atoms. The change in the lat-
of Ag7+ and Li3+ ions in the M-NA crystals were predicted by Monte
tice manifests as line/plane shifting towards the lower or higher
Carlo SRIM-2003, which ascertain the penetration of ions into the
diffraction angle. The change in relative intensity and the shift in
crystal lattice. The nuclear energy loss (Sn) and the electronic en-
the angular position can be explained by change in lattice spacing
ergy loss (Se) values in the M-NA crystals are 2.9 and 6.9 for silver
[5]. In the present case, the peak positions are shifted to the higher
ion and 2.1 and 3.9 keV nm 1 for lithium ion, respectively, as ob-
2h values. This implies that the lattice shrinks. On the other hand
tained from the SRIM-2003 calculations. Since the Se value is larger
we can say that there is a compressive strain field generated in
than the Sn value, the incident Li3+ and Ag7+ ions lose energy pre-
the material. The intensity decreases and width of the peaks in-
dominantly via inelastic collisions with the target electrons.
creases on irradiation, which enumerate that the point/clusters of
Structural analysis of the pristine and the irradiated M-NA crys-
defects are produced along the ion trajectory. It is clear that the lat-
tals was performed by using Bruker XRD (Model D8 Advance) PW
tice strain increases on irradiation. From the above mentioned re-
1600 Powder X-ray diffractometer (Inter University Accelerator
sults it is obvious that Li and Ag ion irradiation has generated
Center (IUAC), New Delhi) with CuKa (k = 1.54606 Å) radiation. Dif-
point/clusters of defects not columnar defects (due to the
fraction were recorded over a range of 20°–70° with the scan rate
Se = 1.2 eV/Å which is less than the Seth = 1.2 keV/Å), in the case
of 2°/min. The UV–vis spectra of both pristine and irradiated M-NA
of Li ion irradiation the defect is less than the Ag ion irradiation.
crystals were recorded in the wavelength range of 200 and
It can be concluded that the strain developed due to the created
1200 nm using a Varian Cary 5E UV–VIS–NIR spectrometer. The
defects is responsible for the modification of different properties
photoluminescence (PL) spectra of the pristine and the irradiated
of the M-NA crystals.
M-NA crystals were recorded using a home assembled PL system
at National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, consisting of a
two-stage monochromator, a photomultiplier tube (PMT) with a
3.2. Optical properties
lock-in amplifier for PL detection, and an Ar+ ion laser operating
at 488 nm and 5 mW (corresponding to 0.125 W cm 2) for excita-
The pristine and irradiated M-NA crystals were subjected to
tion in all the measurements. Vickers microhardness tester (mhp-
UV–vis studies and the absorption spectra were recorded at room
100) equipped with a diamond pyramid indenter attached to an
temperature. The absorption of light energy by organic materials in
incident-light microscope (Neophat-2; Carl Zeiss, Germany) was
the ultraviolet and visible region involves promotion of electrons
used for measuring the mechanical hardness of the pristine and
in r, G and n-orbital from the ground state to higher-energy state.
irradiated M-NA crystals. The dielectric measurements were made
The recorded spectra are shown in Fig. 3. From the plot it is ob-
for different temperatures (35–95 °C) using a Hewlett Packard
served that the optical absorption increases with increasing of irra-
4284A LCR meter for pristine and irradiated M-NA crystals for fre-
diation fluence delivered to the M-NA crystals resulting in higher
quencies range from 20 Hz to 5 MHz. Each sample was electroded
concentration of defects [6] and the capture of excited electrons
on either side with air drying silver paste so that it behaved like a
by existing ion vacancies in the irradiated M-NA absorption spec-
parallel plate capacitor. Typical sample thickness was about
trum. Due to the Li3+ ion irradiation, there is a change in the
0.3 cm. A small cylindrical furnace whose temperature was con-
absorption edge and almost uniform increase in absorption. The
trolled by a Eurotherm 818P controller with an accuracy of
pristine spectral structure was not altered much due to irradiation
±0.1 °C was used to house the sample. The SHG efficiency of the
process. Absorption of M-NA crystal increases but no additional
pristine and irradiated M-NA was measured using the Kurtz–Perry
absorption peaks were found. This may be due to the fact that
powder technique.
the energy of the irradiating ion is not enough to move atoms from
lattice to substitution positions. The energy gap values for the pris-
tine sample is 2.30 eV (539 nm) and 2.28 eV (546 nm), 2.25 eV
(550 nm) corresponding to Ag7+ 1 1011 and Ag7+ 1 1012 ion
irradiated samples, respectively. The energy gap values for Li3+
1 1011 and Li3+ 1 1012 ion irradiated samples are respectively
2.29 eV (542 nm) and 2.27 eV (548 nm). It may be mentioned here
that MeV ion irradiation produces point defects such as vacancies,
anti-site defects and interstitials, causing lattice damage. Hence,
the reduction in Eg with increasing ion fluence may arise due to
the effect of band tailing, owing to the defects produced during
irradiation. In fact, the MeV ions excite the electrons from both
the lone pair and bonding states to the higher-energy states.
Vacancies created in these states are immediately filled by the out-
er electrons with Auger processes that, in turn, induce more holes
in the lone pair and bonding orbital, leading to a vacancy cascade
Fig. 1. As grown single crystals of M-NA. process. The vacancies occupied by electrons act as donor centers,
38 T. Kanagasekaran et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268 (2010) 36–41
Table 1
The lattice parameters for the pristine and irradiated samples of M-NA.
Sample a (Å) b (Å) c (Å) s.d a (Å) s.d b (Å) s.d c (Å) Crystal structure
Pristine 6.3701 19.24 5.0811 0.0021 0.0011 0.0011 Orthorhombic
Ag 1 1011 6.4252 19.1113 4.8124 0.0031 0.001 0.002 Orthorhombic
Ag 1 1012 6.4491 19.1001 4.211 0.0011 0.0012 0.001 Orthorhombic
Li 1 1011 6.507 19.5291 5.0873 0.0041 0.0031 0.0011 Orthorhombic
Li 1 1012 6.6112 19.7033 5.2371 0.0021 0.0011 0.001 Orthorhombic
which are responsible for broad band absorption. In other words it The units of crystals can be treated as weak charge transfer (CT)
is difficult to form ion vacancies. Ag7+ ion irradiation causes less complexes. When exposed to low energy and low intensity radia-
absorption than the Li3+ ion irradiation in the M-NA crystal. tion, the paramagnetic species are generated in the crystals and
T. Kanagasekaran et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268 (2010) 36–41 39
these defects were detected by EPR [7,8]. The electronic absorption ardness of M-NA crystals follows a linear behaviour with load for
spectra of M-NA single crystals were thoroughly examined by Ben- both the pristine and the irradiated samples. The hardness value
dazoli et al. [9] who measured the polarized spectra and calculated of Li3+ ion irradiated sample is less than the pristine samples and
[by a self-consistent field (SCF) ab initio method] the electronic the Ag7+ ion irradiated sample has lesser value than the pristine
singlet–singlet and singlet–triplet transition moments and ener- and the Li3+ irradiated samples. Decrease in the value of microh-
gies. Photoluminescence spectra of pristine and irradiated M-NA ardness on irradiation may be attributed to defects on irradiation.
crystals are shown in Fig. 4. The photoluminescence intensities de- M-NA crystal loses its plasticity and becomes brittle on irradiation,
crease with increase in the irradiation fluence and finally this emis- the effect of Li3+ ion irradiation is less than the Ag7+ ion. This effect
sion disappears or becomes nearly zero, when Ag7+ was irradiated can be explained as the Ag7+ ion irradiation causes much damage
the emission disappears or becomes nearly zero at a fluence of to the lattice than the Li3+ ion. Hence the hardness value of Ag7+
1 1012 ions/cm2. The PL intensity is greater for the Li3+ irradiated ion irradiation is lesser than that of the Li3+ ion irradiation. The ef-
than the Ag7+ irradiated samples. The PL band at 2.16 eV for pris- fect of Ag7+ on the lattice can be evidenced from the XRD studies.
tine sample exhibiting the yellow luminescence can be attributed
to the donor–acceptor pair (DAP). It has already been reported by 3.4. Electrical properties
Magdalena Szostak et al. [10] that the doublet–doublet energy
for M-NA radical anion is 2.18 eV. The corresponding M-NA radical The large value of dielectric constant at low frequency is due to
cation amounts to 3.37 eV. The energy values corresponding to Li3+ the presence of space charge polarization [15]. The decrease in the
irradiated at 1 1011 and 1 1012 are 2.28 eV for both the cases. values of dielectric constant with the frequency takes place when
Whereas for the Ag7+ irradiated at the fluence of 1 1011 and the jumping frequency of electric charge carriers cannot follow
1 1012 are 2.28 eV and 2.34 eV, respectively. We note from the the alternation of the ac electric field applied beyond a certain crit-
above discussion that the blue shift occurs in the M-NA crystals ical frequency [16]. The variation of the dielectric constant with
when subjected to irradiation. GaAsP/GaAs/GaAsSb/GaAs laser frequency for the pristine and the irradiated M-NA crystals are
diodes also showed a smaller blue shift indicating that the optical
quality of active layers was improved [11]. The blue shift is the net
result of the effects of charge separation and band filling [12]. 50
Pure m-Na
When the M-NA crystal is subjected to irradiation, the electron–
hole pairs will be produced in the lattice. The decrease in the inten-
sity of the peak can be attributed to lattice deformation produced 40 ionirradiation
Hardness number (Hv)
The apparent microhardness of solids depends on the applied
indentation test load. This phenomenon, known as the indentation 0
size effect (ISE), usually involves a decrease in the apparent 0 20 40 60
microhardness with increasing applied test load, i.e., with increas- “load in g”
ing indentation size [13,14]. M-NA crystals exhibit the ISE in both
Fig. 5. Variation of microhardness values with load for pristine and irradiated M-
the pristine and the irradiated samples. Fig. 5 is a graph showing NA single crystals.
the variation of the microhardness values with load for the irradi-
ated and pristine samples of M-NA. It is observed that the microh-
1.2 6 12
m-NA pure Ag 1 x10 ions/cm 2
11 11
1.0 Ag 1 x 10 5 Ag 1 x10 ions/cm 2
Dielectric constant (ε')
Ag 1 x 10
Li 1 x10 ions/cm2
Li 1 x 1011 Pure m-NA
0.8 4 11
Li 1 x10 ions/cm 2
Li 1 x 1012
0.6 3
0.4 2
2 3 4 5 6 7
500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Log frequency (H z)
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 6. Variation of dielectric constant for pristine and irradiated M-NA single
Fig. 4. Photoluminescence spectra of pristine and irradiated M-NA single crystals. crystals.
40 T. Kanagasekaran et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268 (2010) 36–41
shown in Fig. 6. The dielectric constant was found to increase by a The defects induced due to low dose ion irradiation has not created
factor of nearly 3, after Li3+ ion irradiation of fluence of any drastic change in noncentrosymmetric crystal structure of M-
1 1011 ions/cm2. The drastic increase in dielectric constant due NA and hence its nonlinear properties. However, when the irradi-
to ion irradiation may be correlated to the defects created along ation dose was increased the SHG efficiency increases. The reason
the ion tracks. Incident heavy ions get embedded in the crystal; to this may be the defect structure of the lattice [21].
lose energy by both the inelastic collisions that dominate near
the end of the irradiated ions and elastic collisions. The increase
4. Summary and conclusions
in dielectric constants for Li3+ ion irradiated samples may be attrib-
uted to the disordering of the crystal lattice by the ion beam [17].
In summary, we have studied the 70 MeV Li3+ and 100 MeV Ag7+
When the fluence is 1 1011 ions/cm2 the damaged regions are
ion irradiation induced modifications in the structural, optical,
isolated from each other as the ion produces a region of amorphous
electrical, mechanical and nonlinear properties of M-NA single
material surrounded by regions containing defects [18]. As we in-
crystals. We find that there is no structural phase change in the
crease the fluence to 1 1012 ions/cm2, more ions are activated
M-NA crystals due to irradiation. However lattice strain increases,
with the lattice disorderness and causing more activation of inter-
as a result the peak positions are shifted to higher 2h values (in
action between the ions thus increases the capacitance hence the
both Li3+ and Ag7+ ions). The optical absorption increases with
dielectric constant increases.
increasing fluence of ion irradiation and with the reduction in Eg
In the case of Ag7+ ion irradiation on the M-NA crystals, there is
by increasing ion fluence may arise due to the effect of band tailing,
a notable decrease in the dielectric constant value. The decrease in
owing to the defects produced during irradiation. The blue shift oc-
dielectric constant is attributed to the decrease in the degree of
curs in the M-NA crystals when subjected to irradiation. The blue
electronic polarization and to the increase in the free volume due
shift is the net result of the effects of charge separation and band
to the diffused Ag7+ ion. The flow of space charge carriers is ob-
filling occurring due to the auger effect. The energy gap values in
structed and thus the build up of space charge polarization is im-
the photoluminescence study are compatible with the UV–vis
peded [19]. We know that the dielectric constant is directly
study, which ascertains the formation of the defects on irradiation.
proportional to the electro–optic co-efficient (reff). The increase of
Hence with Li3+ ion irradiation (rather than Ag7+ ion) on M-NA
the dielectric constant of M-NA crystals on Li3+ ion irradiation im-
crystals, it is possible to create electrically transparent windows
plies that the irradiation with the Li3+ ion can be used to construct
along with the optical activity of laser structure without any dam-
the more efficient electro–optic modulators.
age to the active region. The mechanical strength of pristine and
irradiated M-NA crystals was studied. The increase of the dielectric
3.5. Nonlinear properties constant of M-NA crystals on Li3+ ion irradiation implies that the
irradiation with the Li3+ ion can be used to construct more efficient
Kurtz–Perry powder method [20] is an important and popular electro–optic modulators. The ion irradiated M-NA crystals had the
tool to evaluate efficiency of nonlinear optical materials. The sec- radical ions generated, leading to the charge separation, hence the
ond harmonic conversion efficiency of the title M-NA crystal was irradiated samples resulted in higher SHG efficiency compared to
studied using a 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser. The input laser beam was that of the pristine sample.
directed on the M-NA pure and irradiated powder packed on the
optically plane glass plate to get maximum second harmonic gen-
eration. A photomultiplier tube was used to detect the emitted Acknowledgements
green light. Urea was used as a reference material in the present
study. It is found that the frequency doubling efficiency of pristine One of the authors Dr. T. Kanagasekaran acknowledges Univer-
M-NA crystal is comparable to that of urea. Thus the SHG relative sity Grants Commission for awarding Dr. D.S. Kothari Postdoctoral
efficiency increases slightly with increasing fluence in the case of Fellowship. We are grateful to Dr. G. Bhagavannarayana and Dr.
Li3+ irradiated M-NA crystals. The details of relative efficiency are Shailesh N. Sharma for helping in the Photoluminescence studies.
given in Table 2.
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