Materials Today Communications: Sciencedirect
Materials Today Communications: Sciencedirect
Materials Today Communications: Sciencedirect
Keywords: The structural, electronic, and optical properties of GaAs doped with two Cu atoms at different depths was
First-principles calculations studied using first-principles calculations based on the HSE hybrid density functional theory. The optical
Cu-doped GaAs properties, including the complex dielectric function, optical refractive index, extinction coefficient, and ab-
Electronic structure sorption coefficient were computed for radiation with an energy of up to 6.7 eV. The results show that the
Optical properties
characteristics of the GaAs system change when the Cu atoms are doped at different depths. When the two Cu
atoms are placed 5.653 Å or 2.827 Å from the surface of the GaAs crystal, it exhibits typical semi-metallic
properties. However, the Cu doping depth has little effect on the band structure and properties of the materials.
When Cu atoms are doped onto the GaAs surface, the material shows the band structure characteristics of a metal
conductor. The linear optical behavior of the GaAs system, which corresponds to its electronic structure, also
varies depending on the doping position. The contribution of Cu-3d orbital electrons to the material properties
varies with the doping position. In addition, copper atoms doped at a greater depth have a greater influence on
the absorption wavelength and intensity of the material.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. Ma).
Received 26 May 2020; Received in revised form 2 August 2020; Accepted 7 August 2020
Available online 19 August 2020
2352-4928/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Ma, et al. Materials Today Communications 25 (2020) 101549
Fig. 1. Supercell structure models containing two Cu atoms in different positions. (a) d =5.653 Å, (b) d =2.827 Å, and (c) d =0.0 Å.
guidance for improving the optical and electrical properties of GaAs ε (ω) = ε1 (ω) + iε2 (ω) (2)
where ε1 (ω) and ε2 (ω) are the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric
2. Model principle and fabrication function, and ω is the photon frequency. As can be seen from Eq. (2),
the complex dielectric function is dependent on the photon frequency.
For this study, the sphalerite structure of GaAs was selected, and 2 When GaAs is doped with a transition metal, the real and imaginary
× 2×2 supercell structures were used in the calculations. Fig. 1 depicts parts of the optical dielectric function change with the frequency of the
the three models of Cu-doped GaAs. In each of these models, two Ga incident photon, which allows the degeneracy of the three crystal di-
atoms were replaced with Cu atoms. The distance between the two Cu rections to be determined.
atoms was the same in all models (3.997 Å), but the distance d between The frequency and dielectric constant can be obtained from the
the Cu atoms and the surface of the GaAs crystal was set to 2.827 Å, Lyddane–Sachs–Teller relationship [17]:
5.653 Å, or 0.0 Å.
ωT2 ε
The band structure of a crystal can reflect the degeneracy of its ≪ ∞
energy levels and the electron energy levels, as well as its conduction ωL2 εδ (3)
behavior. Doping transition metal atoms into a semiconductor typically
where ωT is the long optical transverse wave frequency, ω L is the long
induces major changes in its electronic structure and band gap prop-
optical longitudinal wave frequency, ε∞ is the optical frequency di-
erties; these changes can be observed directly in the band structure
electric coefficient, and εδ is the static dielectric coefficient. It can be
seen from Eq. (3) that different distributions of electrons in different
The semi-metallic gap Eg can be expressed as [17]:
crystal directions will change the interaction forces between atoms,
Eg = Min (Ec , Ev ) (1) which in turn will result in different optical frequencies and static di-
electric coefficients along the different crystal directions.
where Ec and Ev are the absolute values of the energy difference be-
The extinction coefficient k (ω) , refractive index n (ω) , and absorp-
tween the Fermi level and the bottom of the conduction band or top of
tion coefficient α (ω) can be calculated from the real ε1 (ω) and ima-
valence band, respectively, in a few spin band structures. The Eg value
ginary ε2 (ω) parts of the complex dielectric function [19]:
can quantitatively describe the properties of semi-metallic materials. If
Eg is 0, it is a general ferromagnetic material; if Eg > 0, it is a semi- 1
2 2 2
metallic material. ⎡ ε1 + ε2 + ε1 ⎤
n (ω) = ⎢ ⎥
The linear optical properties can be obtained from the frequency- 2
⎣ ⎦ (4)
dependent complex dielectric function ε (ω) [18]:
D. Ma, et al. Materials Today Communications 25 (2020) 101549
2 2 2 levels in the forbidden band of GaAs, bridging the conduction and va-
⎡ ε1 + ε2 − ε1 ⎤
k (ω) = ⎢ ⎥ lence bands and completely eliminating the band gap, and thus the
2 (5) semiconductor characteristics. This band structure is very similar to the
⎣ ⎦
energy band structure of metal conductors. These impurity levels cor-
2 2 2 respond to the new impurity peaks in the electron density diagram of
⎡ ε1 + ε2 − ε1 ⎤
α (ω) = 2 ω⎢ ⎥ the partial wave states. The surface doping causes the conduction band
2 (6) to move downward and the valence band to move upward such that the
⎣ ⎦
two bands intersect. The corresponding electron density of states is also
The dielectric constant ε (ω) is a complex number; the real part ε1 (ω)
continuous near the Fermi level. More electronic energy states are in-
represents the permittivity, while the imaginary part ε2 (ω) represents
troduced into the forbidden band, which makes the electronic transition
the loss, which is related to the conductivity. A larger imaginary part
easier and improves the recombination rate of carriers; this electronic
corresponds to greater conductivity and worse insulation performance.
structure is somewhat similar to that of metal conductors. There are two
The light absorption information can be obtained from the imaginary
possible reasons for this result. The first is that the existence of impurity
atoms might disturb the potential field generated by the perfectly
All calculations employed the HSE hybrid density functional de-
periodic arrangement of the atoms in pristine GaAs, allowing the for-
veloped by Heyd, Scuseria, and Ernzerhof, with the projector aug-
mation of bands in the forbidden band and changing the conductivity
mented wave (PAW) as implemented in the Vienna Ab Initio Simulation
properties of the material. The second is related to the fact that the
Package (VASP). A screening parameter of 0.2 Å−1 and a mixture of the
(001) surface was terminated by adding a 10 Å vacuum layer. At the
Hartree–Fock exchange (28) with the generalized gradient approx-
surface of a semiconductor, the ideal periodic lattice is interrupted and
imation (GGA) of the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange (72 %)
hanging bonds are generated, which result in electronic states in the
was used for the HSE06 functional in order to reproduce the experi-
forbidden band. The materials in practical semiconductor devices
mental band gap of pristine GaAs. A cutoff of 400 eV was chosen for the
cannot be infinite, and surface effects thus have a significant impact on
plane-wave basis set. A 2 × 2×2 k-mesh within a -centered symmetry-
their characteristics. In fact, the characteristics of many semiconductor
reduced Monkhorst–Pack scheme with a Gaussian smearing of 0.02 eV
devices are determined by surface effects rather than the internal effects
was applied in the Brillouin-zone integrations to calculate the total
of the semiconductors [20].
energies. The valence electronic configurations for gallium, arsenic, and
Fig. 3(a) and (b) are diagrams of the total density of the spin-up and
copper are [Ga] 3d104s24p1, [As] 4s24p3, and [Cu] 3d104s1, respec-
spin-down state electrons and the density of the partial wave states for d
tively. Optical properties were calculated using frequency-dependent = 2.827 or 5.653 Å models. The distributions of the spin-up and spin-
dielectric response theory including local field effects in the random- down electrons are clearly symmetrical about the Fermi plane, which
phase-approximation (RPA) with a Gaussian smearing of 0.01 eV. Post- means that the double-exchange mechanism of the electron orbitals
processing of the VASP-calculated data was performed using the results in electron spins distributed on both sides of the Fermi plane. At
VASPKIT code. the same time, Fig. 3 shows that the distribution of electrons at the
Fermi level is discontinuous, which demonstrates that the corre-
3. Experiment and result analysis sponding band structure has a band gap and exhibits semiconductor
properties; this result is in agreement with the theoretical analysis of
Fig. 2(a) and (b) show the spin electron band structures of the the band structure. The low density of Cu-3d orbital and As-4p orbital
systems in which Cu atoms were doped below the surface of the crystal electronic states near the Fermi level arises from the impurity levels
(d =5.653 Å, 2.827 Å). Compared to the band structure of intrinsic resulting from the introduction of Cu, which induces electron transition
GaAs, the valence band rise and cross the Fermi level, a small number of corresponding to the hybridization of the Cu-3d and As-4p orbitals. The
electrons are present at the Fermi level, and the conduction band falls region to the left of the Fermi level mainly contains As-4p and Ga-4 s
closer to the Fermi level. Impurity levels are present at the top of the electrons from -6.7 to -4.2 eV, along with a small amount of As-4 s and
valence band and the bottom of the conduction band, but the top of the Ga-4p orbital electrons. To the right of the Fermi level, the region from
valence band and the bottom of the conduction band are still located 1.48 eV to 5.2 eV is composed of As-4p, Ga-4 s, and Ga-4p orbital
below and above the Fermi level, respectively, which means that the electrons. Localized Ga-4 s and Ga-4p states are formed at 2.71 and 4.68
doped samples have a direct band gap structure. The band gaps of the eV, respectively
two doped systems are 0.34 eV and 0.31 eV. These values are similar to Because the surface-doped GaAs exhibited metal characteristics, we
those of the system with a 6.25 % doping ratio in Ref [16], which in- studied the influence of the Cu atom doping positions on the optical
dicates that the Cu doping position has little effect on the band struc- properties of the GaAs materials with d = 5.653 Å and d =2.827 Å.
ture and properties of the materials. The degree of energy band bending We calculated the complex dielectric functions for the GaAs models
is approximately the same in the two systems. The reduced band gap into which two Cu atoms were doped at different depths; the results are
width means that less excitation energy is required for transitions from shown in Fig. 4. The real parts of the dielectric functions are shown in
the valence band to the conduction band; thus, the material can absorb Fig. 4(a) and (c). For the d =5.653 Å model, the energy of the real part
longer wavelength light to produce a photoelectric effect. In addition, was zero, and the static permittivity was very large. The characteristic
the additional impurity energy levels enable electrons to ascend from curves of the [010] and [001] directions coincided, while that of the
the valence band through the impurity bands to the conduction band in [100] direction deviated from the [010] and [001] curves at energies
a stepwise manner via the absorption of lower-energy photons. This than 0.9 eV. The curves of the other three crystal orientations are de-
multistep transition is conducive to light absorption, and increases the generated. For the d =2.827 Å system, the real parts of the complex
conductivity of the materials. dielectric function were almost the same for the three crystal orienta-
The band structure and partial density of states for surface-doped tions. The imaginary parts of the dielectric functions of the two doped
GaAs are shown in Fig. 2(c). Doping the Cu atoms on the surface gen- systems are shown in Fig. 4(b) and (d). The absorption edges of both
erated a number of disordered impurity energy levels and defect energy materials were close to 0 eV. In the d = 5.653 Å system, the absorption
maxima of the [010] and [001] curves were located at 0.15 eV; the light
absorption in the [100] crystal direction was very weak in comparison.
Fig. 2. Band structures of GaAs doped with two Cu atoms at depths of (a) 5.653 For the d = 2.827 Å system, the imaginary parts of the complex di-
Å or (b) 2.827 Å. (c) Band structure and partial density of states for GaAs with electric function were almost the same for all three crystal directions.
two Cu atoms doped on its (001) surface. The absorption maxima were located at 0.31 eV; however, the intensity
D. Ma, et al. Materials Today Communications 25 (2020) 101549
Fig. 4. (a) and (c) Real and (b) and (d) imaginary parts of the dielectric function
of GaAs doped with two Cu atoms: (a) and (b) d =5.653 Å; (c) and (d) d
=2.827 Å.
Fig. 5(b) and (d) show the relationship between the refractive index
Fig. 3. Total and partial densities of states of GaAs doped with two Cu atoms. and the photon energy. For the d =5.653 Å system, the refractive index
(a) d = 5.653 Å (b) d = 2.827 Å.
curve of the [100] direction is different from that of the [010] and
[001] directions in the energy range 0–0.6 eV. The static refractive
of these maxima was even lower than that observed for the [100] indices at an energy of 0 eV are 14.5, 60.5, and 60.5 respectively. In the
crystal direction in the d = 5.653 Å system. d =2.827 Å system, the refractive index–photon energy curves are
The different complex dielectric functions of the two systems de- nearly identical for all three crystal directions. The static refractive
monstrated that doping GaAs with two Cu atoms at different depths index is 14.8; this value is very similar to that of the [100] direction in
(2.827 Å and 5.653 Å) relative to the (001) surface (but with the same the d =5.653 Å system.
distance between the two Cu atoms) resulted in materials with different The differences in the absorption coefficient and refractive index
linear optical behavior. In turn, this different behavior corresponded to curves of the systems demonstrated that when the Cu atoms were doped
the changes in their electronic structures; in particular, the doping at different distances (2.827 Å and 5.653 Å) from the GaAs(001) sur-
position affected the contribution of the Cu-3d orbital electrons to the face, the behavior of the resulting materials was the same in the [010]
materials. With increasing doping depth, the light absorption intensity and [001] directions, but different in the [100] direction. This means
of the material increases. that the distance between the doped atoms is the same, showing dif-
As shown in Fig. 5, the absorption coefficient and refractive index of ferent properties, which is related to the distance to GaAs(001) surface.
Ga30Cu2As32 (d =5.653 Å, 2.827 Å) depend on the photon energy. For As shown in Fig. 6, the energy loss, reflectivity, and extinction
the d =5.653 Å model (Fig. 5(a)), the absorption coefficients in the coefficient of Ga30Cu2As32 (d =5.653 Å, 2.827 Å) also depend on the
[010] and [001] directions show basically the same behavior with in- photon energy. Similarly to in the cases of the dielectric function and
creasing photon energy, with strong absorption between 0.5 eV and absorption coefficient shown above, the range and maxima of the en-
17.5 eV and a maximum of 1.78 at 0.68 eV. The absorption in the [100] ergy loss spectra for the d =5.653 Å system (Fig. 6(a)) are the same in
direction ranges from 3 to 15 eV, and the absorption coefficient in the the [010] and [001] directions, but differ in the [100] direction. In the
energy range 0.2–17.8 eV is lower than in the other two crystal direc- [100] direction, the maximum energy loss is 14.8 at 14.5 eV, while in
tions. For the d =2.827 Å system (Fig. 5(c)), the absorption coefficient the [010] and [001] directions, the maximum is 72.5 at 17.4 eV. For the
is isotropic in all three crystal directions, and shows a similar trend to d =2.827 Å system, the energy loss spectra are the same in all
that of the [100] crystal direction in the d =5.653 Å system.
D. Ma, et al. Materials Today Communications 25 (2020) 101549
Fig. 5. (a) and (c) Absorption coefficient α (ω) and (b) and (d) refractive index
n (ω) : (a) and (b) d =5.653 Å; (c) and (d) d =2.827 Å.
directions (Fig. 6(b)), but the energy loss intensity is relatively small.
The energy loss value for pristine GaAs has been experimentally de- Fig. 6. (a) and (b) Energy loss spectrum, (c) and (d) reflectivity, and (e) and (f)
extinction coefficient as a function of the photon energy: (a), (c), and (e) d
termined to be 16.8 [19]; thus, deep doping of Cu atoms strongly affects
=5.653 Å, (b), (d), and (f) d =2.827 Å.
the absorption wavelength and intensity of the material, especially in
the [010] and [001] directions.
The static reflectance of the two systems can be obtained from 4. Conclusions
Fig. 6(c) and (d). The static reflectance of the d =5.653 Å system in the
[010] and [001] directions is 0.92. This value is very different than that In this paper, HSE mixed density functional theory was used to
of the d = 2.827 Å system, which has a static reflectance of 0.78 in all study the structure and electrical and optical properties of GaAs doped
three directions. However, the static reflectance of the d =5.653 Å with Cu atoms at different positions in detail; the Cu impurity con-
system in the [100] direction is similar to that of the d = 2.827 Å centration was kept constant at 6.25%. The results show that the GaAs
system at 0.76. Therefore, the reflectance of the systems changed with system had different characteristics when the Cu atoms are doped into
increasing Cu doping depth. The extinction coefficient describes the different positions. When the distance between the two Cu atoms and
attenuation of electromagnetic waves within a material. Fig. 6(e) and the GaAs(001) surface was 5.653 Å or 2.827 Å, the system showed
(f) show the extinction coefficients of the two systems in the different typical semi-metallic properties. However, when the Cu atoms were
crystal directions. Both systems show maximum attenuation at ap- doped onto the GaAs(001) surface, the material showed a band struc-
proximately 0.5 eV; the peaks of the d = 5.653 Å system in the [010] ture characteristic of a metal conductor. Meanwhile, the Cu doping
and [001] directions were much more intense than the others, and the position had little effect on the energy band structure or properties of
light attenuation is relatively strong. This was mainly due to the im- the material in the d = 5.653 Å and 2.827 Å systems. In contrast, the
purity absorption resulting from Cu atom doping in the forbidden band. linear optical behavior of the GaAs system differed significantly de-
pending on the Cu doping position, which corresponded to the changes
in their electronic structure, i.e., the different contribution of the Cu-3d
orbital electrons to the material. With increasing doping depth, the
D. Ma, et al. Materials Today Communications 25 (2020) 101549
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