Guía 14 Metabolismo y Hormona Tiroidea
Guía 14 Metabolismo y Hormona Tiroidea
Guía 14 Metabolismo y Hormona Tiroidea
Paralelo: B
Periodo Académico
Octubre 2023 – Febrero 2024
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
You correctly answered: All of the energy from metabolism is ultimately stored in the
chemical bonds of ATP.
2 Thyroxine is
You correctly answered: the most important hormone for maintaining the metabolic rate
and body temperature.
4 An injection of TSH to an otherwise normal animal will cause which of the following?
You correctly answered: The hypothalamus primarily secretes tropic hormones that
stimulate the secretion of other hormones.
Experiment Results
Predict Questions
1 Predict Question 1: Make a prediction about the basal metabolic rate (BMR) of the
remaining rats compared with the BMR of the normal rat you just measured.
Your answer: The BMR of both remaining rats will be lower than the normal rat's BMR. 1/13
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
2 Predict Question 2: What do you think will happen after you inject thyroxine into the
three rats?
Your answer: The normal rat will become hyperthyroidic but will not develop a goiter.
3 Predict Question 3: What do you think will happen after you inject TSH into the three rats?
Your answer: The normal rat will become hyperthyroidic and develop a goiter.
Your answer: The normal rat will become hypothyroidic and develop a goiter.
Stop & Think Questions
1 Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.
2 Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can
calculate the metabolic rate per kilogram of body weight with the following equation
(note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms to use this
3 Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.
4 Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can
calculate the metabolic rate per kilogram of body weight with the following equation
(note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms to use this 2/13
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
5 Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.
6 Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can
calculate the metabolic rate per kilogram of body weight with the following equation
(note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms to use this
7 Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the
rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal,
thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels; BMR above 1800).
8 Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the
rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal,
thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels; BMR above 1800). 3/13
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
9 Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the
rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal,
thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels; BMR above 1800).
10 Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.
11 Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can
calculate the metabolic rate per kilogram of body weight with the following equation
(note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms to use this
12 Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.
13 Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can
calculate the metabolic rate per kilogram of body weight with the following equation
(note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms to use this
equation). 4/13
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
14 Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.
15 Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can
calculate the metabolic rate per kilogram of body weight with the following equation
(note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms to use this
16 Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the
rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal,
thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels; BMR above 1800)
after the thyroxine injection.
17 Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the
rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal,
thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels; BMR above 1800)
after the thyroxine injection.
18 Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the
rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal,
thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels; BMR above 1800) 5/13
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
You answered: None of the rats developed a goiter with this injection.
20 Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.
21 Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can
calculate the metabolic rate per kilogram of body weight with the following equation
(note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms to use this
22 Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.
23 Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can
calculate the metabolic rate per kilogram of body weight with the following equation
(note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms to use this
equation). 6/13
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
24 Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.
25 Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can
calculate the metabolic rate per kilogram of body weight with the following equation
(note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms to use this
26 Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the
rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal,
thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels; BMR above 1800)
after the TSH injection.
27 Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the
rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal,
thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels; BMR above 1800)
after the TSH injection. 7/13
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
28 Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the
rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal,
thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels; BMR above 1800)
after the TSH injection.
29 Which of the rats did not develop a goiter after injection with TSH?
30 Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.
31 Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can
calculate the metabolic rate per kilogram of body weight with the following equation
(note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms to use this
32 Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.
33 Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can
calculate the metabolic rate per kilogram of body weight with the following equation
(note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms to use this 8/13
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
34 Calculate the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat using the following equation.
35 Now that you have calculated the oxygen consumption per hour for this rat, you can
calculate the metabolic rate per kilogram of body weight with the following equation
(note that you need to convert the weight data from grams to kilograms to use this
36 Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the
rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal,
thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels; BMR above 1800)
after the PTU injection.
37 Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the
rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal,
thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels; BMR above 1800)
after the PTU injection. 99/13
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
38 Judging from their basal metabolic rates (an indicator of thyroid function), categorize the
rats as hypothyroid (low thyroid levels; BMR below 1600), euthyroid ("good," or normal,
thyroid levels; BMR = 1650-1750), or hyperthyroid (high thyroid levels; BMR above 1800)
after the PTU injection.
1 How would you treat a thyroidectomized animal so that it functions like a "normal"
animal? 1010
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
3 An injection of thyroxine to an otherwise normal rat will cause which of the following?
4 Why didn't any of the rats develop a goiter after thyroxine injection?
You correctly answered: In all cases, TSH levels were not elevated by the thyroxine
5 Why did the normal rat develop a palpable goiter with the TSH injection?
You correctly answered: The TSH receptors on the thyroid gland were excessively
7 Why did the normal rat develop a palpable goiter with the propylthiouracil injection?
You correctly answered: The injection decreased the negative feedback mechanism on
Your answer:
2 Why did the metabolic rates differ between the normal rat and the surgically altered rats?
How well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Las tasas metabólicas diferían entre la rata normal y las ratas alteradas quirúrgicamente
porque las ratas alteradas quirúrgicamente no podían producir hormonas específicas (t4
y TSH) porque ya no tenían tiroides ni glándula pituitaria.
3 If an animal has been thyroidectomized, what hormone(s) would be missing in its blood?
Your answer: 1111
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
4 If an animal has been hypophysectomized, what effect would you expect to observe in
the hormone levels in its body?
Your answer:
Los niveles de TSH faltarán porque se extirpa la glándula pituitaria, por lo que tendría una
tasa metabólica disminuida.
What was the effect of thyroxine injections on the normal rat's BMR?
Your answer:
6 What was the effect of thyroxine injections on the thyroidectomized rat's BMR? How does
the BMR in this case compare with the normal rat's BMR? Was the dose of thyroxine in
the syringe too large, too small, or just right?
Your answer:
La rata tiroidectomizada tenía una TMB alta después de las inyecciones, lo que la hacía
hipertiroidea. Antes inyecciones la rata era hipotiroidea. La dosis era demasiado baja.
7 What was the effect of thyroxine injections on the hypophysectomized rat's BMR? How
does the BMR in this case compare with the normal rat's BMR? Was the dose of thyroxine
in the syringe too large, too small, or just right?
Your answer:
Las ratas hipofisectomizadas también tenían una TMB alta después de las inyecciones, lo
que hacía que la rata tuviera hipertiroidismo. La TMB fue un poco más alta en la rata sin
glándula pituitaria con tiroxina que la de la rata normal. La tiroxina en la jeringa era una
dosis demasiado pequeña.
What was the effect of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) injections on the normal rat's
Your answer:
9 What was the effect of TSH injections on the thyroidectomized rat's BMR? How does the
BMR in this case compare with the normal rat's BMR? Why was this effect observed? 1212
11/1/24, 18:41 PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1
Your answer:
10 What was the effect of TSH injections on the hypophysectomized rat's BMR? How does
the BMR in this case compare with the normal rat's BMR? Was the dose of TSH in the
syringe too large, too small, or just right?
Your answer:
La tasa metabólica aumentó a 1.839,80, que era más alta que la TMB de la rata normal.
Tiene una glándula pituitaria, por lo que algunas hormonas todavía están allí.
What was the effect of propylthiouracil (PTU) injections on the normal rat's BMR? Why did
this rat develop a palpable goiter?
Your answer:
Disminuyó la tasa metabólica, en comparación con el valor inicial normal. PTU inhibe la
producción de tiroxina... es por eso que esta rata desarrolló bocio palpable.
12 What was the effect of PTU injections on the thyroidectomized rat's BMR? How does the
BMR in this case compare with the normal rat's BMR? Why was this effect observed?
Your answer:
Esta rata tenía una tasa metabólica más lenta porque no tenía tiroides y no se vio tan
afectada por las inyecciones.
13 What was the effect of PTU injections on the hypophysectomized rat's BMR? How does
the BMR in this case compare with the normal rat's BMR? Why was this effect observed?
Your answer: 1313