Practical Excercise Physiology Prof.dr.Heba Shawky-1 (1)
Practical Excercise Physiology Prof.dr.Heba Shawky-1 (1)
Practical Excercise Physiology Prof.dr.Heba Shawky-1 (1)
Physiological response to
Section 1
Metabolic response
Prof. dr.heba shawky
The chemical reactions that take place in the body cells
❖Catabolic Reactions
Energy released in 2 forms:
• Heat Energy
❖Anabolic Reactions
• Metabolic Rate?
The amount of heat released in chemical
reactions per hour, measured by calorie.
• calorie: the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of one gram of water 1οC.
• 5Cal. for CHO, 4.7 for fats and 4.6 for proteins
Measurement of Metabolic Rate
Direct Calorimetry:
MR ₌
volume of water × temperature difference before and after one hour.
• Difficult
• Only in research
Indirect Calorimetry:
MR ₌
volume of O2 utilization per hour × 4.8 divided by 1000
• Accurate
Energy Balance
Energy Balance?
Energy intake= Energy output
The energy output can be :
Essential metabolic functions
Various physical activities
Digestion and absorption of food
Body temperature
Specific dynamic action of food (SDA).
Thermogenic Effect of Food
• A temporary increase in the metabolic rate after food intake.
• It is due to different metabolic reactions in the liver associated with
storage of food, following digestion and absorption.
• Starts one hour after food intake.
• Lasts for 4 –12 hours.
Rise of MR following meals due to SDA
Factors affecting the SDA
1. Type of food
A meal containing carbohydrates or fats produces 4% - 6%
increase in MR.
A high- protein meal produces 30 % increase in MR.
2. Amount of food
SDA is directly proportional to amount of food intake.
Respiratory Quotient (RQ):
• Def. It is the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide produced to the
volume of oxygen used per unit time.
• RQ = CO2 produced / O2 consumed in the same metabolic process
1. Determination of the oxidized type of food substance
The RQ ranges from 0.7 to 1.0 according to the type of food substance used:
• RQ for CHO is 1.0 since one molecule of carbon dioxide is formed for each
molecule of oxygen used when metabolized with CHO.
• RQ for fats is 0.7 since a large amount of oxygen combines with hydrogen atoms
from fats to form water instead of carbon dioxide
• RQ for proteins is 0.82 and for a mixed diet 0.85
2-Can be measured for specific tissues or organs as well as for the whole body:
If the O2 consumption and CO2 produced by a specific organ can be calculated
(Blood Flow of the organ per unit time × arterio-venous difference of O2 and CO2
across the organ), then the RQ can be calculated.
• 3-Determination of the source of energy used by an organ:
• E.g. In the brain, the RQ is 0.97 – 0.99, since glucose is its principal source of
• 4-Determination of pathological disorders:
• In diabetes mellitus, RQ decreases to 0.7 since fats are the main source of energy.
When insulin is given, the RQ is increased to 1.0 due to the oxidation of glucose.
• 5-Determination of the energy equivalent of oxygen:
• When RQ is 1.0, the energy equivalent of oxygen is 5 Calories for CHO.
• When RQ is 0.7, the energy equivalent of oxygen is 4.7 Calories for fats.
• When RQ is 0.82, the energy equivalent of oxygen is 4.8 Calories for proteins.
Differences between the respiratory quotient and respiratory exchange ratio:
• The RQ should be differentiated from the respiratory exchange ratio (R).
• Respiratory exchange ratio (R) This is the ratio of the carbon dioxide output to
the oxygen uptake by the lungs at any given time whether or not equilibrium has
been reached
• Since 5 ml of oxygen is transported by each 100 ml blood from the lungs to the
tissues and only 4 ml of carbon dioxide is transported from the tissues to the lungs,
therefore R under normal resting conditions is less than one.
1. The RQ is affected by metabolism, but R is affected by factors other than
1. The RQ ranges between 0.7 and 1.
2. In contrast, R can reach values as low as 0.5 as in high O2 consumption
(After Exercise) and higher than 1.0 in the following conditions:
• Hyperventilation due to increased volume of expired carbon dioxide.
• During strenuous exercise, R may reach 2.0 due to an increase in the CO2 expired
and also that produced from the buffering of lactic acid to Co2 and water during
anaerobic glycolysis.
• In metabolic acidosis, as respiratory compensation causes the amount of expired
CO2 to rise.
The Aerobic System (oxidative-
• In the presence of oxygen, fats and glucose can be oxidized completely to
CO2 and H2O (inside mitochondria).
• Glucose is converted to pyruvic acid that enters the mitochondria to react
in the presence of oxygen and give 38ATP/mol of glucose .
• •Aerobic system is required for prolonged athletic activity due to unlimited
source of energy.
• The volume exhaled in the first second is called forced expiratory volume 1
• The total volume exhaled is the forced vital capacity or FVC ( This is often slightly
less than the vital capacity measured on a slow exhalation).
FEV 1 IS REDUSED more than FVC Both FEV1 & FVC are reduced
A right ward shift of the curve means that at a given PO2 there is less O2
bound to hemoglobin and more O2 is available to the active muscle
The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
Arterial Pulsation
• With each systolic ejection of blood from the left
ventricle, the aorta expands and then recoils, thus
setting up a pressure wave or pulse wave.
• This rhythmic pulsatile phenomenon which is
transmitted from segment to segment of the systemic
arteries, and which can be felt is the arterial pulse.
Comments on radial pulsation:
• Rate, the number of
pulsations per min
• Rhythm, normal regular
heart rhythm is called Sinus
• Equality on both sides,
comparing both sides to
detect any obstruction of
Procedure :
Palpate the pulse while recording the time using stopwatch
A) At rest
B) Observe the change in HR
Then ask the person do acute exercise either by walking /running on
the treadmill or cycling .
Calculate HR
• Then, Calculate the expected maximum HR of the person during
exercise .
Maximum heart rate= 220- Age in years
Observe if the person able to achieve the maximum heart rate or not.
The effect of exercise on HR & CO:
Systolic pressure
Diastolic pressure
Definition of ABP:
It is the lateral pressure of the blood on the arterial wall.
Pulse pressure:
It is the difference between systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.
It equals 40 mmHg.
It is 90 mmHg in average and it provides the driving force for the blood into the tissues.
-In general, systolic blood pressure indicates the force contraction of the
heart, whereas the diastolic blood pressure indicates the state of the
peripheral resistance.
- Normally the flow of blood
in the vessels is streamline or
laminar. If a stethoscope is put on a
vessel with laminar flow, no
sound is heard.
- When the flow of blood in
vessel is turbulent, sounds can be
heard with stethoscope. The
sounds heard during the
auscultatory method of
measurement of ABP are known as
korotkoff sounds.
Blood pressure is measured indirectly by the use of sphygmomanometer.
The sphygmomanometer consists of:
•A rubber bag (23 × 13 cm)
2- Hand (air) pump
3- Mercury manometer
4- Mercury reservoir
Human blood pressure is most commonly measured in the brachial
artery of the upper arm. In addition to being a convenient place for
measurement it has the added advantage of being at approximately
the same level of the heart, so that the pressure which is obtained
closely approximates the pressure in the aorta leaving the heart. This
allows us to correlate blood pressure with heart activity.
General instructions:
1- Ask patient if he/she has ingested caffeine or used nicotine within the
past 60 minutes or exercised within the past 30 minutes. Also note if the
patient is in pain or very emotionally upset.
2- Patient should sit quietly for at least 5 minutes prior to measurement.
3- Measurement done on bare arm ‐ remove a sleeve that cannot be rolled
up without causing restriction.
4- Patient is seated in chair with back supported.
5- Feet flat on the floor, legs uncrossed.
6- Patient must evacuate his bladder from urine before measurement.
7- Patient is seated comfortably and the arm extended on the table.
8- The cuff is completely deflated by rolling it into a tight cylinder with
the valve open.
9- The cuff is then opened and wrapped around the bare upper arm,
making certain that the inflatable bag within the cuff is placed over the medial
aspect of the upper arm, i.e. over the brachial artery. The cuff should not be
too tight or too loose. The lower edge of the cuff should be one or two inches
above the antecubital fossa. If the inflation causes the bag to bulge unevenly,
the whole bag should be re-applied more evenly.
100 mmHg
+ 0.77 mmHg/cm
Physiologic variations in ABP
7-Effect of exercise on systolic and diastolic BP
Dynamic Static
• Systolic Pr. increases • Systolic → Increases
due to increase SV • Diastolic → Increases
• Diastolic Pr. No • Due to compression of
change or fall due to Bl.V. and increased
VD metabolites lowest level at midnight
Record your basal ABP.
Exercise on treadmill for about 3-4 min and record ABP
Comment on ABP changes and interpret the findings.
8-Effect of Respiration on ABP:
• ABP fluctuates with respiratory cycles (about 12 cycles per minute).
• These fluctuations are known as “Traube-Hering waves”.
• Mean arterial pressure decreases during inspiration and increases
during expiration.
• These waves are caused by expansion and increased capacity of
pulmonary vascular bed during inspiration due to negative intrapleural
pressure ( suction pressure to the wall of pulmonary vessels ). This
decreases venous return to left ventricle with consequent decrease in
stroke volume, cardiac output and arterial blood pressure.
• The reverse occurs during expiration leading to elevation of arterial
blood pressure.
Section 6
Cardiovascular response to
prof.dr.heba shawky
Electrocardiogram ECG
- Depolarization & repolarization of cardiac myocytes results in
electrical currents.
- These currents can be recorded by electrodes on the body
surface(good conductor).
- Each wave of ECG has characteristic shape, direction,
duration and amplitude.
Electrocardiograph: It consists of:
1- A sensitive galvanometer and amplifier to amplify the picked electrical current from
the body surface.
2- Writing machine which has electrically heated stylus which inscribes on chemically
treated graph paper.
3- The recording paper moves out of the apparatus at a constant speed of 25 mm/sec.
The paper is divided into small squares 1 × 1 mm. Each 5 small squares are bounded by
a heavier line.
Each small square = 0.04 second. The horizontal calibration gives the amplitude of the
waves in mV. 1 mV = 10 mm.
4- Connector cable: connects the electrode leads to the body surface.
ECG machine
Description of the Normal ECG:
1-The P wave: represents atrial depolarization.
2-The QRS Complex: represents ventricular depolarization.
It is formed of:
a-Q wave which represents the depolarization of the interventricular septum.
b-R wave which represents the depolarization of the 2 ventricles simultaneously.
c-S wave which represents the depolarization of the thick posterobasal part of the
left ventricle.
3-The T wave: represents ventricular repolarization.
4-U wave (which is usually absent) represents repolarization of the papillary muscles
Important of ST Segment:
From the end of the S wave to the beginning of the T wave. During this
time the heart is completely depolarized, and therefore the record is
ECG Recording Analysis
1- Determination of the heart rate:
• Elevated heart rate of impulses greater than 100 beats/min in an average adult.
• Causes:
Physiological: exercise and stress.
Pathological: fever and hyperthyroidism.
• Symptoms:
Sinus tachycardia is often asymptomatic unless very rapid it may cause Heart
palpitations , a racing, uncomfortable heartbeat or a sensation of "flopping" in
the chest.
• Treatment:*Treatment of the cause.
* Beta blockers are useful if the cause is sympathetic over activity.
• 2. Sinus Bradycardia
Phase IV (Recovery):
- Is associated with increased cardiac output, "overshoot"
hypertension, and finally a reflex bradycardia.
- The restoration of venous return causes a continuous rise in
diastolic heart filling, thus improving the cardiac function leading to;
* An increased stroke volume and cardiac output
Pressure overshoot
• The arterial BP rises in this phase typically 20–40 mmHg above the
baseline pressure, although in some individuals, it can increase even to
80 mmHg above control values.
• (This is due to the fact that the previously released noradrenaline is still
circulating in the system, thus preventing the vessels to dilate, and to
the inertia of the constricted vessels and the high blood volume ejected
from the left ventricle to the constricted arterial tree leads therefore to
a significant increase in the arterial pressure (so-called pressure
Reflex bradycardia
The activity of arterial baroreceptors which responding to the increased
level of pressure initiates reflex slowing down of the heart rate .
- However valsalva maneuver is commonly accepted as a safe method of
testing cardiac function or the integrity of the autonomic nervous system, the
manoeuvre is not free of potential side effects
- The manoeuver results in an increased intra-ocular pressure which can
lead to retinal or macular haemorrhage