Technical Document of Acdm Portal Nia 2
Technical Document of Acdm Portal Nia 2
Technical Document of Acdm Portal Nia 2
BASED................................................................................................................................ 11
1.1 General Introduction .............................................................................................. 11
1.2 System Architecture ............................................................................................... 11
1.2.1 Solution Model of ACV Private Cloud ................................................................... 11
1.2.3. Data backup for ACV Private Cloud/ACDM PORTAL ............................................... 12
1.2.2 Security System for NIA Private Cloud .................................................................. 13
1.3 Configuration of hardware infrastructure and security services of NIA Private
Cloud/ ACDM PORTAL: ...................................................................................... 14
1.4 Organization and classification of network security zones upon demand of system
operations to maintain information security. ......................................................... 15
1.5 Configuration of NIA-ACDM PORTAL servers ................................................... 17
1.6 System requirement:............................................................................................... 17
2. CONNECTIONS TO ACDM PORTAL CLOUD AT NIA ........................................... 17
3. TECHNOLOGY SOLUTION.......................................................................................... 19
3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................ 19
3.2 NIA ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.2.1 Implementation of ACDM Phase 1 at NIA ............................................................. 21
3.2.2 NIA GATEWAY: .................................................................................................... 22
3.2.3 NIA SMIS:............................................................................................................... 23
3.2.4 VMS(VIAGS) NIA, FlightUpdate(HGS), FlightView(VJ): ................................. 25
3.3 NIA ......................................................................................................................... 26
3.3.1 NIA SMIS ................................................................................................................ 26
3.4 TestZone ................................................................................................................. 27
3.4.1 NIA .......................................................................................................................... 27
3.5 API description to update flight data ..................................................................... 29
3.5.1 Token ....................................................................................................................... 29
3.5.2 Header ...................................................................................................................... 30
3.5.3 Request Body ........................................................................................................... 30
3.5.4 Example ................................................................................................................... 31
3.6 List of Data fields in ACDM PORTAL: ................................................................ 32
3.6.1 List of Data fields .................................................................................................... 32
4. FDE FIELDS FOR PHASE 1........................................................................................... 38
4.1 FDE Detail information.......................................................................................... 38
4.1.1 EXIT (Estimated Taxi-In Time) .............................................................................. 38
4.1.2 EXOT (Estimated Taxi-Out Time) .......................................................................... 38
4.1.3 APRK (Arrival Parking Location) ........................................................................... 38
ACDM Portal Technical Description 2
Image 1. NIA Private Cloud overall solution model ............................................................ 11
Image 2. Data backup model NIA Private Cloud ................................................................. 13
Image 3. Security model for ACDM System........................................................................ 14
Image 4. Connections to ACDM Portal at NIA .................................................................... 18
Image 5. Overview of data flow from SMIS synchronized to ACDM PORTAL ................ 21
Image 6. NIA – VATM Topology of ACDM Phase 1 ......................................................... 22
Image 7. Dataflow description from AMAN/DMAN to SMIS ............................................ 23
Image 8. Dataflow diagram of ELDT/TSAT/TTOT/TRWY/LRWY pushing ..................... 24
Image 9. Dataflow of decoding AMHS and pushing to SMIS database .............................. 25
Image 10. Data flow from VMS (VIAGS), and FlightUpdate (HGS) is synchronized to
ACDM PORTAL at NIA ....................................................................................... 26
Image 11. Overview of data flow from SMIS synchronized to ACDM PORTAL ................ 26
Image 12. Data Mapping from VJ to ACDM TestZone ......................................................... 27
Image 13. Data flow from HGS Database is synchronized to NIA TestZone Database ........ 28
Image 14. Data flow from NIA Database is synchronized to NIA TestZone Database ......... 28
Image 15. Data flow from VMS (VIAGS) TestZone is synchronized to NIA TestZone
Database. ................................................................................................................ 29
Image 16. Request Body of API ............................................................................................. 30
Image 17. Example of data transmission by API ................................................................... 32
Image 18. Overall of FDE calculations .................................................................................. 43
Image 19. Diagram of fields directly inputted to ACDM Portal by NIA’s stakeholders ....... 46
Image 20. Diagram of fields transmitted via API from VIAGS ............................................. 46
Image 21. Diagram of fields transmitted via API from HGS ................................................. 47
Image 22. Diagram of fields transmitted via API from SMIS at NIA .................................... 47
Image 23. Diagram of fields transmitted via API from NIA Gateway ................................... 47
Image 24. Two-way data synchronization at NIA .................................................................. 48
Image 25. Notification panel for alert..................................................................................... 49
Image 26. Diagram of FLTST ................................................................................................ 53
Image 27. ACDM Flight page ................................................................................................ 54
Image 28. Header of ACDM Flight page ............................................................................... 54
Image 29. Toolbar of ACDM Flight page .............................................................................. 55
Image 30. Dropdown-list on toolbar ....................................................................................... 55
Image 31. Configuration to customize display function ......................................................... 56
Image 32. Customizable configuration to display information columns ................................ 57
Image 33. Customizable Notice interface ............................................................................... 58
Image 34. Customizable configuration for searching flight information ............................... 58
Image 35. Information display to filter by date ...................................................................... 59
Table 1. Configuration detail of hardware infrastructure .................................................... 15
Table 2. Configuration of Servers for NIA-ACDM ............................................................ 17
Table 3. Token Information ................................................................................................. 29
Table 4. Header information of API .................................................................................... 30
Table 5. Request Body of API ............................................................................................. 31
Table 6. Description of Information fields for API ............................................................. 38
Table 7. Statistical table for alerts ....................................................................................... 51
Table 8. Statistical table for the established states of FLTST ............................................. 52
Table 9. DropDown List Flights .......................................................................................... 98
Virtual Server
STT VS Hostname IP Status VLAN Domain
1 Database Server SQL-ACDM 156 NIA.local
2 DC Server PDC-ACDM 156 NIA.local
3 Web Server WEB-ACDM 157 NIA.local
5 AMHS AMHS-ACDM 156 NIA.local
1 Manager Manager Mgmt 141 iSCSi
2 Server Farm Farm 156
3 DMZ DMZ 157
4 C9300X-01 C9300-ACDM 102
5 C9300X-02
1.2.3. Data backup for ACV Private Cloud/ACDM PORTAL
(FR: [GEN]-[REC]-[010] to [GEN]-[REC]-[210])
• Veeam solution
• Scheduling on portal
• Data Compression
• Record multiple versions
• Fully backup, saving after changes
CPU 48
IPs 3
Backup License 10
The information security service uses new generation multi-layer firewall, redundancy
configuration to separate independent zones.
External layer: 2 NGFW devices, internal layer: 2 NGFW devices.
Protection services include anti-DDoS L4/L7, WAF for website
Connection services
The connection service is able to provide 10 gbps among virtual servers cluster and
also outside of the cluster.
Servers function:
• Web server
Web server gets necessary information, then display to website UI for end users to
• API Server
API server has these functions:
- Connect to to identify users.
- Connect and exchange data between Stakeholders.
- Connect to database server to update and get latest data.
• Database server
- Contain databases.
- Connect and exchange data with API server to update the latest data.
- Synchronize two-way data between Stakeholders (HGS, VJGS, VIAGS and NIA
Gateway) and ACV.
IT ACV use VPN to connect to MGT-App to develop and fix bug ACDM Website.
End User can access via the website
3. Technology solution
(FR: [OPS]-[PRO]-[010], [OPS]-[PRO]-[090], [GEN]-[SYS]-[070], [GEN]-[SYS]-[190],
3.1 Overview
(FR: [OPS]-[PRO]-[050] , [OPS]-[PRO]-[070], [AOD]-[DAT]-[050] to [AOD]-[DAT]-
- The ACDM PORTAL system uses the latest technologies in developing real-time update
systems such as SQL Dependency, SignalR allowing optimization of Resources,
Performance, and Response Time.
- The database system uses MS SQL Server running on Viettel's Private Cloud platform is
partitioned to store data separately to ensure security of ACV critical data such as: flight
information, Passenger volume…
- By using computers or mobile devices with internet connection, end users can access and use
the system on web browsers, which developed on Microsoft's latest Blazor .NET Core 7.0
- ACDM PORTAL solution will be synchronized in real time with SMIS, VMS, FlightView,
FlightUpdate systems according to existing data fields such as: FlightNo, Codeshare, Reg,
Type, Route, Status... The FDE information field for Phase 1 will also be developed and
synchronized to the ACDM PORTAL (details of each field are mentioned in section 3).
• Using micro services to monitor data changes (real-time update in flight information
retrieved from SMIS, API of Stakeholders, or information input directly on the Portal…).
The ACDM PORTAL system will update to other users in real time through Microsoft's
latest technology, SignalR Core, which is capable to support a huge number of users
concurrently accessing. Based on 16Gb Ram in the Server, it allows more than 50,000
users can concurrently access in real time (
us/aspnet/core/blazor/host-and- deploy/server?view=aspnetcore-6.0)
• Delay of ACDM PORTAL mostly due to the network speed of the devices connected to
the system. The delay can be happened when stakeholders update and send information
to the server, then it is processed and sent back to end user within 1500 to 1800ms.
Network delay will be included to the displayed time.
• Realtime feature of flight is only available in 3 days (current day, the next current day,
the current day before) to reduce workload of server
- In terms of operation procedures, end users still use SMIS, VMS, FlightUpdate to input data
and manage seasonal flight, daily flight schedules.
3.2 NIA
The below diagram described data synchronization between SMIS database managed by
NIA and ACDM Portal.
Image 10. Data flow from VMS (VIAGS), and FlightUpdate (HGS) is synchronized to ACDM
3.3 NIA
3.3.1 NIA SMIS
- Specification of data transmission model from SMIS at NIA to ACV's Database system and
display to end users according to following description:
Image 11. Overview of data flow from SMIS synchronized to ACDM PORTAL
ACDM Portal Technical Description 26
• Change monitoring tool for SMIS is programmed and developed to run as a Service
deployed on NIA Gateway, which is responsible to monitor and update data in real time
via API of NIA's Web server on-Premises, then data will be updated to Database Server
of ACDM.
• Another version of the Change Monitoring tool of ACDM is also programmed to be
deployed on Private Cloud infrastructure to monitor this ACDM Database, when there is
any change on the ACDM Database, based on SQL Dependency technology, the
program will recognize, and notify immediately to all clients who are using ACDM
PORTAL through SignalR technology.
• ACDM PORTAL’s data will be compared with Database of stakeholders to measure
changes and update to ACDM PORTAL in case the synchronous machine fails and the
synchronization program must be re-run.
• The data is monitored internally in Ground Handler’s systems to reduce delay of
connection to the ACDM PORTAL, only updated information fields are provided to the
ACDM PORTAL to reduce system resource and network bandwidth.
3.4 TestZone
3.4.1 NIA
VJ creates a Test table and VJ will scan real data and transmit the data to TestZone Database
of ACDM Portal. The data transmitted from VJ is shown in the following table:
Both HGS and NIA can create their own Test Database, and the data from this Database will
be transmitted to the NIA TestZone Database of ACDM Portal.
Image 13. Data flow from HGS Database is synchronized to NIA TestZone Database
Image 14. Data flow from NIA Database is synchronized to NIA TestZone Database
ACDM Portal Technical Description 28
Similar with SMIS TestZone, described in following diagram
Image 15. Data flow from VMS (VIAGS) TestZone is synchronized to NIA TestZone Database.
3.5 API description to update flight data
(FR: [COE]-[GEN]-[010], [COE]-[GEN]-[020], [GEN]-[SYS]-[090], [GEN]-[SYS]-[100], [GEN]-[SYS]-
[200], [GEN]-[SYS]-[210], [GEN]-[SYS]-[220], [GEN]-[SYS]-[230], [GEN]-[SYS]-[240], [GEN]-[SYS]-
[250], [GEN]-[SYS]-[260], [GEN]-[SYS]-[280], [SER]-[COM]-[010] to [SER]-[COM]-[050])
3.5.1 Token
Base Token Remarks
Test Zone (ACV) According to each stakeholder For testing purposes of Developers
Test Zone (NIA) According to each stakeholder For departure/arrival flights of NIA
arrival flights to store at HAN database, while using SGN tokens will be understood as departure
and data stored at SGN database. In terms of differences between flights, so the data will be
communicated in accordance with the definitions of the FDEs in Phase 1.
POST {URI}/UpdateListFlight
3.5.2 Header
"FlightNo": "FX6001",
"FlightDate": "2022-03-03",
"Route": "HAN-KIX",
"FlightData": [
"FieldName": "SIBT",
"FieldValue": "0825"
"FieldName": "ELDT",
"FieldValue": ""
"FieldName": "ALDT",
"FieldValue": ""
"FlightNo": "VJ180",
"FlightDate": "2022-03-03",
"Route": "SGN-HAN",
"FlightData": [
"FieldName": "ArrDep",
"FieldValue": "A"
"FieldName": "ACRegNo",
"FieldValue": "VNA662"
"FieldName": "ACType",
"FieldValue": "A320"
(FR: [GEN]-[SYS]-[160])
Source: FlightUpdate →
6 CodeShare String CodeShare SMIS, VIAGS Y Push in
Source: VMS, VJ case of
SMIS: CodeShare FlightView, HGS change
FlightUpdate →
7 Nature Of String Nature Of Flight: SMIS, VIAGS Y
Flight - --- Normal flight VMS, VJ
- AMY Army FlightView, HGS
- CIC Cargo in Cabin FlightUpdate →
- FER Ferry
- MED Medical
- TEC Technical
- TRN Training
SMIS: NatureOfFlight
8 ACGT String Actual Commence of Ground SMIS, VIAGS Push in
handling Time: when ground VMS, VJ case of
handler starts serving the airlines. FlightView, HGS change
String 4-5 digits. Ex: 1105 FlightUpdate →
AEGT String Actual End of Ground handling SMIS, VIAGS Push in
Time: when ground handler end VMS, VJ case of
serving the airlines. FlightView, HGS change
String 4-5 digits. Ex: 1105 FlightUpdate →
9 MGHA String Main Ground Handling Agent: Code SMIS, VIAGS Y
of Ground handler for flights. VMS, VJ
Ex: SAGS. FlightView, HGS
Source: FlightUpdate →
Arrival Flight
ACDM Portal Technical Description 34
Time data summary will be declared on database of ACDM PORTAL, the default values for
inbound flights are based on LRWY and APRK. If the actual taxi-in time is different to the
default value, AOC/ATC is responsible to manually input to ACDM PORTAL.
4.1.2 EXOT (Estimated Taxi-Out Time)
(FR: [COE]-[GEN]-[010], [COE]-[GEN]-[040])
At NIA, receiving ATOT directly via ARR telegram of ARO/AIS at NIA’s AFTN/AMHS
address: VVNBYDYX. NIA get this FDE via ground radar system with as ALDT.
4.1.14 CTOT (Calculated Take-Off Time)
At NIA, ATC manually inputs this FDE directly on ACDM Portal or share via ATFMC
system. This FDE will be input for all flights.
GHA provide:
4.1.15 ACREG (Aircraft Registration)
(FR: [AOD]-[DAT]-[130] )
Take ACREG automatically via SMIS and VMS from daily flight schedule.
4.1.16 IATAACSUBTYPE (IATA Aircraft Sub-Type)
Take IATAACSUBTYPE automatically via SMIS and VMS from daily flight schedule.
4.1.17 IATACSGN (IATA Callsign)
Take IATACSGN (follow IATA code) automatically via SMIS and VMS from daily flight
4.1.18 ICAOCSGN (ICAO Callsign)
Based on IATA-coded flight number, ACDM Portal will convert from IATA to ICAOCSGN
4.1.19 IATAADEP (Aerodrome of Departure IATA)
ACDM Portal can analyze flight route from departure airport information (follow IATA
code) automatically from SMIS and VMS based on flight plan for inbound flight to get
IATAADES information.
4.1.20 ICAOADEP (Aerodrome of Departure ICAO)
Take departure airport information follow IATA code automatically from SMIS and VMS
based on flight plan for inbound flight. ACDM Portal can analyze flight route to get IATAADES
information, then convert from IATAADEP to ICAOADEP
4.1.21 SIBT (Scheduled In-Block Time)
ACDM Portal get STA from daily flight schedule of SMIS/VMS.
4.1.22 AIBT (Actual In-Block Time)
ACDM Portal get information from C.ON of SMIS and AonBT of VMS
4.1.23 MGHA (Main Ground Handling Agent)
ACDM Portal Technical Description 40
GH will provide information for airlines, based on the declaration system for ground
handling contract.
4.1.24 ACGT (Actual Commence of Ground handling Time)
Providing time information when ground handling for airlines started.
GH will add ACGT on SMIS/VMS for each flight and transfer to ACDM Portal.
4.1.25 AEGT (Actual End of Ground handling Time)
Providing time information when ground handling for airlines ended. ACDM Portal get
information from ACDOORCLOSE from SMIS
4.1.26 ASBT (Actual Start Boarding Time)
Time when boarding is started. This FDE will be transmit automatically from SMIS/VMS to
ACDM Portal. ASBT = boarding call (SMIS)/Preboarding (VMS)
4.1.27 ETTT (Estimated Turn-round Time)
GH establish turn-around for each airline and each aircraft types to transmit to ACDM Portal.
GH will update the information according to real situation.
4.1.28 SOBT (Scheduled Off-Block Time)
Estimated time when aircraft leave its stand, information will be taken from STD of
SMIS/VMS from daily flight schedule.
4.1.29 EOBT (Estimated Off-Block Time)
Take estimated departure time from SMIS and VMS respectively to ETD from daily flight
4.1.30 TOBT (Target Off-Block Time)
1/ Initial value TOBT = EOBT
2/ First calculation: TOBT = ELDT + EXIT + ETTT = EIBT + ETTT
3/ Second calculation: TOBT = AIBT(ACGT) + ETTT
In order to get TOBT, ETTT will be modified based on flight number and date. For the flights
do not have AIBT, TOBT = ACGT + ETTT will be applied for one-way flights and overnight
4.1.31 AOBT (Actual Off-Block Time)
ACDM Portal Technical Description 41
Receive actual departure time from SMIS and VMS respectively to time column (PBT in
SMIS), that means time when aircrafts leave stands.
4.1.32 IATAADES (Aerodrome of Destination IATA)
Take destination airport information follow IATA code automatically from SMIS and VMS
based on flight plan for outbound flight. ACDM Portal can analyze flight route to get
IATAADES information.
4.1.33 ICAOADES (Aerodrome of Destination ICAO)
Take destination airport information follow IATA code automatically from SMIS and VMS
based on flight plan for outbound flight. ACDM Portal can analyze flight route to get
IATAADES information, then convert from IATAADES to ICAOADES.
4.1.34 ARDT (Actual Ready Time)
ACDM Portal receive information from C.OFF of SMIS and VMS
4.1.35 Overall diagram of FDE Calculation
4. User Input.
If the data is empty, the order of priority is reset.
4.2.2 Overall diagram
(FR: [OPS]-[PRO]-[020], [GEN]-[SYS]-[010]))
The following diagram shows an overview of the input method and responsibility of
stakeholders at NIA airport for the input of FDE fields.
Example 1: Users from AOC at NIA airport will directly input EXIT, EXOT to ACDM Portal
Overall diagram of data exchange between ACDM Portal and the system of Stakeholders at NIA airport.
Image 19. Diagram of fields directly inputted to ACDM Portal by NIA’s stakeholders
4.2.4 Diagram of fields transmitted via API from VIAGS
VIAGS transmitted to API Portal these following fields:
Image 22. Diagram of fields transmitted via API from SMIS at NIA
4.2.6 Diagram of fields transmitted via API from NIA Gateway
At NIA, NIA Gateway transmitted to API Portal these following fields: LRWY, ELDT,
Image 23. Diagram of fields transmitted via API from NIA Gateway
5. Two-way data synchronization
The data synchronization server will use SignalR technology to monitor the connection status
to the stakeholders through the System Monitor page.
In some objective cases where the data of the stakeholders pushed to the ACDM Portal is
not informative, the ACDM Portal can use the webservice to actively retrieve data from the
ACDM Portal will push data back to data synchronization server, data synchronization server
will use RabidMQ technology to return data to stakeholders.
6. Main features of ACDM Portal:
(FR: [OPS]-[PRO]-[100], [ASP]-[GEN]-[010] to [ASP]-[GEN]-[060], [SER]-[TRA]-[010]
to [SER]-[TRA]-[040] )
Find out more in the following link: User Guide.
6.1 Alert
(FR: [OPS]-[ALR]-[010], [OPS]-[ALR]-[020], [GEN]-[SYS]-[140], [ASP]-[GEN]-[080] )
When other users or the ACDM Portal itself re-calculate, update or edit real-time information
of any flight, which currently display on screen, there will be two types of alert:
1. The modified information will blink for 15 seconds
2. ACDM Portal will pop up a notification on bottom right of the screen, which contains: the
user modified the information, which information is modified, date and time and flight
Moreover, ACDM Portal also have other alert features as table below. Users can config the
parameters through the Alert Config page.
No Alert Detail
# Status Notes
# Status Notes
• Switch button for switching local and utc: Display flight information according to
GMT+7 time or UTC time
• Switch button for switching IATA and ICAO Display flight information according to
IATA code or ICAO code.
Item 4: Display username. Click it to navigate to profile user page.
7.1.3 Toolbar ACDM Flight Page
• Item 5: Select all flights including domestic flights and international flights
• Item 6: Select international flights
• Item 7: Select domestic flights
• Item 8: refresh data
• Item 9: Customize to config columns view, config notification, config searching.
Reset Grid View: Since the ACDM Portal system caches the operating information on the
ACDM Portal system, if the user clicks this button, the ACDM Portal system will refresh the
display of flight data information by default.
Item 10: Only for Admin Users. Synchronize TwoWay Data between Stakeholder and
ACDM Portal
- Item number 11, 12, 13 combine to make different filters
• Item 10: Select the date and time to start filter. The default value is 2 hours ahead of current
• Item 11: Select the date and time to end filter. The default value 3 hours from now.
• Item 12: Options below:
o Hide deleted, canceled flights: Enable/Disable view the canceled or deleted flights.
o View only turn-around flights: Enable/Disable view only turn around flights.
o Search by date time: Enable/Disable the filter of date only.
o Hide finished flights: Enable/Disable display finished flights (chuyến bay có giờ ATOT).
o View flights by MGHA: Enable/Disable display flights based on MGHA.
Only Admin can view all MGHA’s flights.
Attention: “View flights by MGHA” only display on NOI BAI, NOI BAI Test Zone Base.
- Note when use the filter (item 11, 12):
Filter by date:
If “search by datetime” is disabled, This filter will show and filter flights by date.
Filter by date and time: When “search by datetime” is enable.
In date box filter, input date information to filter or click icon to show the date to select.
Then select the date to filter or click Today button to select the current date.
Users can type text directly date and time information to filter into 2 filters box or click on
the button containing the icon next to show the date and time to choose. Then select the
date to filter or press the Today button to automatically select the current date.
After selecting the time, click the Set button to finish. Click the Cancel button to cancel.
Image 45. Flight information display by VN time zone and ICAO standard
Image 46. Flight information display by UTC time and ICAO standard
Overview columns
First column: Show the total number of flights and the order number of the flights
Second column: Icons represent: two-way flights, arrival flights, departure flights.
From the fourth column, there will be difference based on ICAO code or IATA code
IATA Code (Picture 9): will display FlightNo, Date, Route, ACREGNO (Aircraft
registration number), ATYPE(ACType), FLTST(Flight-Status).
ICAO Code (Picture 10 and picture 11): will display FlightNo, Date, DEP (Depature
Code), DES(Destination Code), ATYPE(ACType), FLTST(Flight-Status).:.
After the FLTST column, there will be a change based on the authorization assigned to the
Default the view of field for user and stakeholder units are as follows:
- View-only field: All
- Editable Field:
GHA: Sags, Hgs, Viags, Vj gha, Bl gha (User airline can only edit their own airline
- View-only field: All
- Editable field:
- View-only field: All
- Editable field:
AO: VN, VJ, QH, VU (User airline can only edit their own airline flights)
- View-only field: All
Attention: ACDM Portal will cache the entire display interface including: flight filter
time, flight search, order of columns, width of columns... \
Example: The user is selecting to view the flight of 13-12-2023 and is searching for flight
VN190. When the user presses F5 to reload the page or when a problem of sudden loss of
Internet connection occurs, when the user reopens the page, the interface is displayed before
pressing F5 or the problem occurs.
Image 54. Dialog box display to adjust time milestones after click “Now”
information and the flight's SIBT/SOBT (greater than +/-15h), the system will handle the
following warning:
Image 57. Notification when information has large deviation from SIBT/SOBT interface.
The system will send an alert to the user, the user can choose 1 of 4 options as follows:
• “Confirm”: Confirmation, ACDM Portal will accept the value user just
• “Change”: Change the value user just entered.
• “Change to ….”: Change the input value to the new value suggested by
the ACDM Portal.
• “Cancel”: Delete the value user just entered.
Ex: Flight VN204 on March 21, 2023, SIBT: 0030.
Input Value: ELDT = 0015+
The ACDM Portal sends an alarm as shown in Figure 39, with the request to
change the ELDT to the value 0015.
This instruction will apply ACDM Portal only, not for others software like VMS
or SMIS…
7.1.7 Overview warning function Flight information edit warning
When the system, other user updates or edits any flight information field, if the system is in
a state of automatic real-time updating as mentioned in section 3.2.4 then the system will fire
two warnings. One is that the system will blink for 15s the cells that have been edited. Second,
the system generates a dialog box on the bottom right corner of the screen, which contains
information such as: who edited, what information was edited, modified date and time, modified
flight information.
Case 1:
For flights 1 day after the current date and the user is entering the time from 0000 to 0959,
the system will fire a warning reminding the user to enter the 5-digit time (with + sign).
Ex: 1000+.
Image 69. ACDM Flight Detail default display for roud trip flights
In Figure 69, the flight received ATOT, so the flight is at 16th Milestone step and is in the
Take-off phase. Therefore, the number 16 will be displayed in red and the Take-off phase will
be displayed in green. From 1st to 15th step, because these steps were passed, so these steps will
be displayed in green. Figure 70 and 71 are similar.
Image 70. ACDM Flight Detail default display for departure flight
Image 71. ACDM Flight Detail default display for arrival flight
Similar to the ACDM Flight page, ACDM Flight Detail can display information to comply
with IATA or ICAO standards, in Vietnam timezone or UTC.
Image 72. ACDM Flight Detail display to comply with ICAO for roud trip flight
7.2.2 Basic information fields of ACDM Flight Detail
For IATA code
Onblock column: contain information
Ready column: contain information
Taxi In column: contain information
- EXOT in EXIT EXOT table
Off-block column: contain information
Take-off column: contain information
7.2.4 Formula 16 Milestones
• Milestone 1 EOBT -3 hours: The current time before EOBT 180 minutes or lower
• Milestone 2 EOBT -2 hour: The current time before EOBT 120 minutes or lower.
• Milestone 3 Take-off outstation: this Milestone does not have formula because
ACDM Portal does not have Take-off outstation information
• Milestone 4 Local Radar Update: ACDM Portal had ELDT time and the current
time is earlier than ELDT Time
• Milestone 5 Final Approach: ACDM Portal had ELDT time
• Milestone 6 Landing: ACDM Portal had ALDT time
• Milestone 7 In Block: ACDM Portal had AIBT time
(FR: [AOD]-[DAT]-[030])
Click “+ADD” button on the top right corner. After click, a dialog box will appear. All
required parameters must be filled in, otherwise the system will ask you to re-enter. The
parameters are as follows:
- Runway: Select the taxiway.
- ArrDep: Choose departure flight or arrival flight.
- FromTime: Select the start time to activate this rule
- ToTime: Select the end time to activate the rule.
- Active: Enable/disable this rule.
After input all the information, click Update button to finish.
When arrival flight VN222 changes ACReg from VNA4321 to VNA4567, then that pair of
flights will cancel pairing and both VN222 and VN333 will become a single flight. Two single
flights VN222 and VN333 will find another suitable single flight to pair up. Specifically:
- Flight VN222 will find another SINGLE flight which has the same ACReg and EARLIEST
time IN 300 MINUTES before FLIGHT VN 222. For example, the suitable flight is departure
flight VN 888 has ACReg: VNA4567 and SOBT: 1405. At this time, the flight pair is: VN222-
- Flight VN333 will find another SINGLE flight which has the same ACReg and EARLIEST
time IN 300 MINUTES before FLIGHT VN 333. For example, the arrival flight VN111 has
ACReg: VNA4321 and SIBT: 1255. At this time, the flight pair is VN111-VN333.
The other cases are similar.
• SOBT time will be white, EOBT time will be yellow, TOBT time will be orange.
• DPARK: Depature Park. Parking lots in zone 1 will be green, parking lots in zone 2 will
be yellow. Parking lots that do not belong to the above two zones will be white.
• Remarks: Flight Remark. Can be entered any character. However, when the flight is
Pinned, the word "PINNED" will appear in the Remarks box and will override the
previous remark of the PIN flight.
• SID: Mark flights with ASAT times.
In addition, when clicking on the "+" sign to the left of the Atype box, detailed flight
information will be displayed. This information includes:
• ACReg: ACRegNo of flight
• TRWY: Take-off Runway.
• Link Flight: Link of flights
• Last TSAT Time: Last TSAT Time.
Right-clicking on the “Call Sign” box will display the flight history table.
7.6.4 Functionalities of TSAT Windows
In the “Choose Flight To Pin” box, select the flight according to CALLSIGN that needs
to be marked.
Note: You can select flights in the All Flights section below to PIN/UNPIN.
Current TOBT: 1100, X: 40, TOBT will be changed: 1110 → TOBT_Old = 1100, X = 40,
TOBT_New: 1110.
Because TOBT_Old – Now → 1100 – 1030 = 30 and 30 > 25 therefore:
Max(TOBT_NEW, Now+25) = Max(1110, 1030 + 25) = Max(1110, 1055) = 1110
So TSAT = 1110.
Case 2: TOBT_Old – Now <= 25p
If X is 4040, Current TOBT: 1045, TOBT will be changed: 1050 → TOBT_Old = 1045,
X = 40, TOBT_New = 1050
Because TOBT_Old – Now → 1045 – 1030 = 15 and 15 < 25 therefore:
Max(TOBT_NEW, Now+X) = Max(1050, 1030 + 40) = Max(1050, 1110) = 1110
So TSAT = 1110.
If X is 10, Current TOBT: 1045, TOBT will be changed: 1050 → TOBT_Old = 1045,
X = 10, TOBT_New = 1050
Because TOBT_Old – Now → 1045 – 1030 = 15 and 15 < 25 therefore:
Max(TOBT_NEW, Now+X) = Max(1050, 1030 + 10) = Max(1050, 1040) = 1050
So TSAT = 1050.
SORAT will manual input X value ( X is integer and from 0 to 60) which X is shown in the
image below:
In addition, when clicking on the "+" sign to the left of the Atype box, detailed flight
information will be displayed. This information includes:
• DRWY: Depature Runway.
• Link Flight: Link Flights
• FlightDate: Date base on Local Time or UTC Time)
• Last TOBT Time: Last TOBT Time.
• Last TOBT By: Last TOBT By.
• Last TSAT Time: Last TSAT Time.
• Last TSAT By: Last TSAT By.
Right-clicking on the “Call Sign” box will display the flight history table.
Image 100. Alert New TOBT is updated from 0 minutes to -5 minutes from the current time
Case 4: If the TOBT time is updated from 5 minutes to 10 minutes compared to the current
time, the ACDM system will display yellow-white in the TOBT Time cell.
Image 101. Alert New TOBT is updated from 5 minutes to 10 minutes from the current time
“Other FLTs Within +/-90”
If the flight has an ARDT time, the TSAT will turn to red.
Image 105. Interface of configuration “Alert when EOBT and SOBTdiscrepancy +/- 0 mins”
Configuration of Warning Level:
In the Color column, the warning level is divided into 3 categories based on the Level
column. As follows:
• Yellow and white (Color Code: ffffe0): normal (Level 1)
• Dark yellow (Color Code: c7c791): attention (Level 2)
Image 106. Config Level column in “warning when EOBT is different with SOBT time”
Image 107. After config Level column in “warning when EOBT is different with SOBT time”
7.10 TSAT Windows for Pilot
7.10.1 Overview
The TSAT Windows for Pilot page is a page dedicated to pilots for the purpose of viewing
the necessary parameters by hand-held electronic devices such as Tables, phones. The TSAT
Windows for Pilot page has a feature to view pilot-specific data fields. These fields are
synchronized in real time. These fields include: TOBT, TSAT, ASRT, ARDT, ASAT, Depth
The default interface of the NIA TSAT Windows for Pilot page will be shown in the
following figure.
Image 109. Converting UTC time to Local time toggle button interface
Item 1: The real-time clock that defaults to Local. If you want to change to UTC time, click
the convert toggle button next to it.
Item 2: The Flight Dropdown list. Pilot will click on the “Please Select Flight” box which
will display a drop-down list of flights. After that, pilot will drag the list to search for a flight or
enter flight information in the flight search box. After selecting the flight, the system will display
the FDE of the selected flight.
Attention: These flights are scheduled between -2 hours and +3 hours from the current time.
Image 114. TSAT Windows for Pilot interface after selected flight
Pilots can change the flight number and flight segment according to the IATA code by
clicking the toggle button on the right next to UTC switch button.
When a FDE of a flight data field is updated, the system will blink to indicate that the field
has been updated.
Example: Update TSAT to 1435 according to UTC time.
The Images below illustrate the display of the announcement of the homepage and ACDM
Image 119. System Announcement button
ACDM Portal Technical Description 109
For example, SMIS sends data TSAT 1736 and TSAT 1738 of VJ147 on DEC 11, 2023 to
ACDM Portal. However, ACDM Portal returns the result “OK” for TSAT 1738 data and the
result “Failed Network Issue”.
Note: The FDE page only checks data received from StackHolder at +/-24 hours from
the flight date.