2nd Unit Test 2022-23 Class-9th

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R9th Sub- English Second Unit Test -2022-23 Mark - 20

Section I –Language study

Q.1) Do as directed. 03
1) Complete the words by using correct letters. 01
i) bra_e ii) spea_
2) Put the following words in alphabetical order. 01
i) ticket, brick, story, honey
ii) wise, difficult, spoken, harsh
3) Make two words each (min-3 letters) using the letters in given word. 01
Section- II-Prose
Q.2 A. Read the following passage and do the activities. 10
State whether the following sentences are true or false. 02
i) The wise teacher gave him a fresh sheet of blank paper and a pen.
ii) It was difficult for the young man to collect the bits of paper.
iii) The young man went to his spiritual teacher.
iv) The young man had spoken soft and kind words to his friend.

A young man went to his spiritual teacher and said, “I have spoken very harsh and unkind words to
my friend, and he is deeply hurt. I am afraid I have lost my friendship with him. How can I make
amends?” The wise teacher gave him a fresh sheet of blank paper and a pen; he said to the young
man, “Write down on this paper all the harsh things you said to him.” The young man did as he was
told, and showed the paper to the teacher.
“Now tear up this sheet of paper into as many small bits as you can,” the wise teacher said. Soon, the
single sheet was torn into a hundred tiny bits of paper. “Throw the bits out of this window,” the
teacher told him. That was easily done! It was a windy day and the tiny bits were scattered far and
wide even as the young man watched. “Now, go out into the street and collect as many bits of the
paper as you can,” the teacher ordered him. The young man was taken aback. “But…but, that will be
difficult …” he stammered. “It will be difficult indeed, but do give it a try,” the teacher suggested. The
young man went out. He returned half an hour later, exhausted. He had not been able to get hold of
a single torn bit from the paper he had torn up just a while earlier! “This is what happens with the
spoken word,” the teacher said to him. “Once you have spoken the words aloud, it is very difficult to
take them back. Therefore, learn to think before you speak in anger.”

A2) Arrange the following events in proper order. 02

i) The young man went out.
ii) The young man was taken aback.
iii) The young man threw the bits of paper out of window.
iv) The wise teacher gave him a fresh sheet of blank paper and a pen.
A3) Write describing words for the following from the passage. 02
i) …………. teacher ii) …………. Man iii) ……….. day iv)………… sheet

A4) Do as directed. ( Add question tags ) 02

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

1) They young man went out a) wasn’t it?
2) I have spoken very harsh and unkind words b) didn’t he?
3) It was windy day c) will you?
4) Throw the bits out of this window d) haven’t I?
A5) Do you like to listen more? Why? 02

Section III (Poetry)

Q.1 A) Read the following stanzas and do the activities. 05
A1) Complete the following sentences. 02
i) .........................................are the kings of the sea.
ii) The fishermen want to set their ............................................free.
iii) ..................................... wanted to capture fish.
iv) The wakening skies pray to...................................

Rise, brothers, rise; the wakening skies pray to

the morning light, Sweet is the shade of the coconut glade, and the
The wind lies asleep in the arms of the dawn like scent of the mango grove,
a child that has cried all night. And sweet are the sands at the full o' the moon
Come, let us gather our nets from the shore and with the sound of the voices we love;
set our catamarans free, But sweeter, O brothers, the kiss of the spray and
To capture the leaping wealth of the tide, for we the dance of the wild foam’s glee;
are the kings of the sea! Row, brothers, row to the edge of the verge, where
the low sky mates with the sea.
No longer delay, let us hasten away in the track
of the sea gull’s call,
The sea is our mother, the cloud is our brother,
the waves are our comrades all.
What though we toss at the fall of the sun where
the hand of the sea-god drives?
He who holds the storm by the hair, will hide in
his breast our lives.

A2) Complete the following web. 02

Fishermen like thing on

A3) Find out two pairs of rhyming words from the extract. 01

Section IV (Translation)
Q.4 Translation. 02
a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction. (any two) 01
1) fresh 2) young 3) sea

b) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction. (Any Two) 01
1. Respect your elders and teachers.
2. Exercise regularly.
4. Always use dustbin.

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