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Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India II Year B.E.

Institute of Engineering & Technology TECHNOLOGY)

Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Credits

VLR4C2 L T P L T P Total
Fluid Mechanics - I 3 1 2 3 1 1 5
Duration of Theory
Paper: 3 Hours

Learning Objectives:
To enhance the concepts of Fluids Mechanics.


Introduction: Scope and Application of Fluid Mechanics: Physical Properties of fluids;
density; specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity, viscosity, dynamic and kinematic
viscosity, Newton’s law of viscosity, classification of fluids, compressibility, cohesion, adhesion,
surface tension, capillarity, vapour pressure.

Equilibrium of fluids : Pressure at a point, variation, barometer, gauges, manometers,

hydrostatic forces, equilibrium of fluid in motion, floatation – stability of floating and submerged
bodies, fluid masses subjected to rotation, free and forced vortices.

Kinematics of Fluid flow : Velocity field, classification of flows, stream, path and streak lines,
continuity equation, stream function, velocity potential, flow-nets.
Dynamics of Fluid flow: Eulers equation of motion, Bernoulli’s equation, pilot tube, prandil
tube, flow through openings- orifices, mouth pieces etc., flow through notches weirs, empirical

Dimensional Analysis & Model Study:Units and dimensions, dimensional homogeneity,
Buckingham II Theorem, dimensionless numbers, principles of similitude and applications.

Flow through Pipes: Laminar flow, flow between parallel plates, measurement of viscosity,
reynold’s experiment, turbulent flow in pipes, solution of pipe flow problems, flow in pipe-
Network- Handy Cross Method, Losses in pipes, measurement of pipe flow- orifice, nozzle, bend
meters, rotameters, concept of water hammer and surges.

Flow through Open Channels : classification, geometric elements, continuity, energy and
momentum equations, pressure, velocity distributions, uniform flow, concept of normal depth,
chezy, manning and other formulae, best hydraulic sections, specific energy, specific force,
hydraulic jump and its characteristics, gradually varied flow, surface profiles, dynamic

[Sessional Works: Experiments on basis principles of fluid mechanics, Practical Exams:

experimental and oral exam based on above sessional work, measurement of flow in open

Books & References Recommended:

Text Books:
1. Nagaratnam S, Fluid Mechanics
2. Jain A K, Fluid Mechanics
3. Subramanaya K, Fluid Mechanics
4. Modi P N & S M Seth, Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics

Reference Books:
1.Chow V T, Open Channel Hydraulics.
2.Rangaraju K G, Flow through open channels
3. Streeder V L, Fluid Mechanics.

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