V Sem

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Structural Analysis - I

B.Tech V Semester: Civil Engineering

Course code Category Hours/week Credits Maximum Marks


20CE501 CORE
3 0 0 3 30 70 100

Contact Classes:60 Tutorial Classes: Nill Practical Classes: Nil Total Classes: 60

The course should enable the students to:
1. To give preliminary concepts of assessment of bending moment and shear force in fixed
beams and continuous beams due to various loading conditions.
2. To impart concepts of Bending Moment and Shear force for beams with different boundary
and loading conditions.
3. The procedure for development of slope deflection equations and to solve application to
continuous beams with and without settlement of supports.
4. The concepts of moving loads and influence lines are imparted for assessment of maximum
SF and BM at a given section when loads of varying spans rolling loads.
UNIT-I Classes:12

Fixed Beams: Introduction to statically indeterminate beams with U. D. load, central point load,
eccentric point load, number of point loads, uniformly varying load, couple and combination of
loads - shear force and Bending moment diagrams-Deflection of fixed beams including effect of
sinking of support, effect of rotation of a support.
UNIT-II Classes:12

Continuous Beams: Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments- Analysis of continuous beams with
constant moment of inertia with one or both ends fixed-continuous beams with overhang,
continuous beams with different moment of inertia for different spans-Effects of sinking of
supports-shear force and Bending moment diagrams.

UNIT-III Classes:12

Slope Deflection Method: Introduction, derivation of slope deflection equation, application to

continuous beams with and without settlement of supports.
Moment Distribution Method (M. D. M): Introduction to M. D. M., Definition of carry over
moment, carry over factor, Stiffness, Distribution factor, Problems in M.D.M with and without
settlement of Supports.
UNIT-IV Classes:12

Energy Theorems: Introduction-Strain energy in linear elastic system, expression of strain

energy due to axial load, bending moment and shear forces - Castigliano’s first theorem-
Deflections of simple beams and pin jointed trusses.
UNIT-V Classes:12
Moving Loads and Influence Lines: Introduction, maximum shear force, and bending
moment; At a given section and absolute maximum shear force and bending moment due to
various load cases, focal length; Definition of influence line for shear force, influence line for
bending moment, load position for maximum SF at a section, load position for maximum BM at
a section, for various loads.
Text Books:
1. Basic Structural Analysis, C. S. Reddy Tata Mc.Graw-Hill, New Delhi.
2. Analysis of Structures by T.S. Thandavamoorthy, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
3. Analysis of Structures- Vol. I and II, V. N. Vazirani and M. M. Ratwani, Khanna Publishers,
New Delhi.
4. Theory of Structures, B. C Punmia, A. K Jain & Arun K. Jain, Lakshmi Publications.
Reference Books:
1. Theory of Structures, R.S. Khurmi, S. Chand Publishers.
2. Structural analysis by R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson, New Delhi.
3. Structural Analysis-I, Hemanth Patel, Yogesh Patel, Synergy Knowledgeware, Mumbai.
Web References:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/downloads/105101085/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105106050/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105105166/
E-Text Books:
1. https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=0070702764
2. https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=8125942696
At the end of the course the students are expected to
1. Analyze fixed beams.
2. Estimate the bending moment and shear forces in beams for different fixity conditions.
3. Perform calculations using slope deflection method for structural analysis.
4. Analyse different structural components using Castigliano’s theorem for indeterminate structures.
5. Draw the influence line diagrams for various types of moving loads on beams/bridges.
6. Analyze the continuous beams using various methods, three moment method, slope deflection
method, energy theorems.
Hydrology and Water Resource Engineering
B.Tech V Semester: Civil Engineering

Course code Category Hours/week Credits Maximum Marks


20CE502 CORE
3 0 0 3 30 70 100

Contact Classes:60 Tutorial Classes: Practical Classes: Total Classes: 60

Nill Nill

The objective of this course is to enable the students to
1. Make the students understand physical processes in hydrology and components of the
hydrologic cycle.
2. Learn measurement and estimation of the components hydrologic cycle.
3. Provide an overview and understanding of Unit Hydrograph theory and its analysis.
4. Learn the concepts of Runoff and Stream Flow Measurement.
5. Appreciate the concepts of groundwater movement and well hydraulics.
UNIT-I Classes:13

Hydrologic Principles: Introduction, Hydrologic cycle, Importance of Hydrology. Global water

availability. India’s water availability. Practical applications of Hydrology, Hydrologic cycle
(Horton’s qualitative and engineering representations).
Precipitation: Weather systems, Forms and types of precipitation, Measurement of rain fall using
Symon’s and Siphon type of rain gauges, Optimum number of rain gauge stations, Consistency of
rainfall data (double mass curve method),Computation of mean rainfall arithmetic average,
Thiessen polygon and Isohyet methods, Estimation of missing rainfall data (Arithmetic average,
normal ratio and regression methods).Presentation of precipitation data, moving average, mass
curve, rainfall hyetographs, intensity – duration - frequency curves.
UNIT-II Classes:12

Evaporation: Process, factors affecting Evaporation, measurement using IS Class-A Pan,

Estimation using empirical formulae.
Evapotranspiration: Measurement of evapotranspiration, evapotranspiration equations: Penmen,
Blaney & Criddle Methods, Potential evapotranspiration over India. Actual evapotranspiration,
Interception, depression storage.
Infiltration: factors affecting infiltration capacity, measurement (double ring infiltrometer).
Horton’s infiltration equation, infiltration indices.
UNIT-III Classes:11

Runoff: Concept of catchment/ watershed, Water budget equation, components, Factors affecting
runoff. Rainfall - runoff relationship using simple regression analysis, SCS Curve Number
Method, Hydrographs, Unit Hydrograph method.
Stream Flow Measurement: Measurement of stage, measurement of discharge by Area –
Velocity method and slope area method, Simple stage discharge relation.
UNIT-IV Classes:12

Hydrograph Analysis: Components of hydrograph, separation of base flow, effective rainfall

hyetograph and direct runoff hydrograph, unit hydrograph, assumptions, derivation of unit
hydrograph, unit hydrographs of different durations, principle of superposition and S-hydrograph
methods, limitations and applications of unit hydrograph, synthetic unit hydrograph.
UNIT-V Classes:12

Ground Water: Occurrence, types of aquifers, aquifer parameters, porosity, specific yield,
permeability, transmissivity and storage coefficient, types of wells, Darcy’s law, Dupuit’s
equation- steady radial flow to wells in confined and unconfined aquifers, yield of a open well-
recuperation test.
Text Books:
1. A Text Book of Hydrology- Jayarami Reddy, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.
2. Irrigation and Water Power Engineering, B. C. Punmia, Pande B. B. Lal, Ashok Kumar Jain
and Arun Kumar Jain, Lakshmi Publications (P) Ltd.
Reference Books:
1. Hydrology- H.M. Raghunath, Wiley Eastern Publication, New Delhi.
2. Hand Book of Hydrology- Ven Te Chow, Mc Graw Hill Publications.
3. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering- R.K. Sharma and Sharma. Oxford and IBH,
New Delhi.
4. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering- Garg S.K., Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
5. Applied Hydrology- Linsley, Kohler and Paulhus, Wiley Eastern Publication, New Delhi.
6. Ground Water Hydrology- Todd, Wiley Eastern Publication, New Delhi.
7. Engineering Hydrology Subramanya, K, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt Ltd, (2013),New
Web References:
1. http://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/watermanagement/hydrology-of-catchments-rivers-and-deltas/
lectures http://nptel.ac.in/syllabus/105107129
2. http://nptel.ac.in/syllabus/105101002/
At the end of the course the students are expected to
1. Describe hydrologic cycle and analyse the rainfall data.
2. Compute the losses from precipitation.
3. Estimate the runoff from a watershed.
4. Explain methods for measurement of stream flow and steady radial flow into wells.
5. Develop unit hydrograph and synthetic hydrograph.
6. Determine aquifer parameters and yield of well.

Basic Reinforced Concrete Design

B.Tech V Semester: Civil Engineering

Course code Category Hours/week Credits Maximum Marks

20CE503 CORE
3 0 0 3 30 70 100

Contact Classes:60 Tutorial Practical Classes: Nil Total Classes: 60


The objective of this course is to enable the students to
1. Familiarize with different types of design philosophies
2. Equip student with concepts of design of flexural members.
3. Understand Concepts of shear, bond and torsion.
4. Familiarize students with different types of compressions members and Design
5. Understand different types of footings and their design.
UNIT-I Classes:12

Working stress method: Design codes and handbooks, loading standards – Dead, live, wind and
earthquake loads, Elastic theory: design constants, modular ratio, neutral axis depth and moment
of resistance for balanced, under-reinforced and over-reinforced sections. Design of singly and
doubly reinforced beams.
Limit State Design: Concepts of limit state design – Basic statistical principles – Characteristic
loads –Characteristic strength – Partial load and safety factors – representative stress-strain curves
for cold worked deformed bars and mild steel bars. Assumptions in limit state design – stress -
block parameters – limiting moment of Resistance.

Unit II to unit V to be taught in Limit State Design.

UNIT-II Classes:12

Design for Flexure: Limit state analysis and design of singly reinforced sections- effective
depth- Moment of Resistance- Doubly reinforced and flanged (T and L) beam sections- Minimum
depth for a given capacity- Limiting Percentage of Steel- Minimum Tension Reinforcement-
Maximum Flexural Steel- Design of Flanged Sections (T&L)- Effective width of flange –
Behavior- Analysis and Design.
UNIT-III Classes:12

Design for Shear, Torsion and Bond: Limit state analysis and design of section for shear and
torsion – concept of bond, anchorage and development length, I.S. code provisions. Design
examples in simply supported and continuous beams, detailing.
Limit state design for serviceability: Deflection, cracking and code provision, Design of
formwork for beams and slabs.
UNIT-IV Classes:12

Slabs: Classification of slabs, design of one - way slabs, one way continuous slab using IS
Coefficients (Conventional) –Design of two - way slabs-simply supported and various edge
conditions using IS Coefficients.
UNIT-V Classes:12

Design of Compression members: Design of axially loaded short columns of different cross
sections, Design of short columns under uniaxial bending and bi axial bending using SP-16
Footings: Different types of footings, Design of flat type isolated square, rectangular and circular
footings, Limit state of serviceability for deflection and cracking.
Text Books:
1. Limit State Design, A. K. Jain.
2. Design of Reinforced concrete Structures, N. Subrahmanyian.
3. Reinforced Concrete Structures, S. Unnikrishna Pillai & Devdas Menon, Tata Mc.Graw Hill, New
Reference Books:
1. R.C.C Design, B.C Punmia, A. K. Jain and A. K Jain. Lakshmi Publications.
2. Reinforced Concrete Structures, N. Krishna Raju & R. N. Pranesh, New Age Publications.
IS Codes:
1. IS -456-2000 Code of practice for Reinforced Concrete Structures (Permitted to use in examination
2. IS – 875
3. SP-16
E-Text Books:
1. https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=8122414605
2. https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=007014110X
3. https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=812033048X
At the end of the course the students are expected to
1. Work on different types of design philosophies.
2. Carryout analysis and design of flexural members and detailing.
3. Design structures subjected to shear, bond and torsion.
4. Design different type of slabs.
5. Design different type of compression members.
6. Design different type of footings.
Open Elective – I
Green Buildings
B. Tech V Semester: Civil Engineering

Course code Category Hours/week Credits Maximum Marks


20CE504 Open
Elective 3 0 0 3 30 70 100

Contact Classes:60 Tutorial Classes: Practical Classes: Nil Total Classes: 60

The objective of this course is to enable the students to
1. Identify the major environmental challenges and understand the concept of Green Buildings.
2. Design green buildings that maximize the use of efficient construction materials and
3. Outline the Green Building Concepts and Practices
4. Synthesize economic green building projects with the implementation of green construction
materials and resources.
UNIT-I Classes:12
Introduction: What is Green Building, Why to go for Green Building, Benefits of Green Buildings, Green
Building Materials and Equipment in India, What are key Requisites for Constructing a Green Building,
Important Sustainable features for Green Building.
UNIT-II Classes:12

Green Materials: Green construction materials, materials and resources, building deconstruction,
C&D Recycling, indoor environmental quality – Basic, building commissioning.

UNIT-III Classes:12

Green Building Concepts and Practices: Indian Green Building Council, Green Building Moment in
India, Benefits Experienced in Green Buildings, Launch of Green Building Rating Systems, Residential
Sector, Market Transformation;

UNIT-IV Classes:12

Green Building Opportunities and Benefits: Green Building Opportunities And Benefits:
Opportunities of Green Building, Green Building Features, Material and Resources, Water Efficiency,
Optimum Energy Efficiency, Typical Energy Saving Approach in Buildings, LEED India Rating System
and Energy Efficiency .
UNIT-V Classes:12

Green Building Design: Introduction, Reduction in Energy Demand, Onsite Sources and Sinks,
Maximise System Efficiency, Steps to Reduce Energy Demand and Use Onsite Sources and
Sinks, Use of Renewable Energy Sources. Ecofriendly captive power generation for factory,
Building requirement.
Text Books:
1. Abe Kruger, ―Green Building: Principles and Practices in Residential Construction‖,
Cengage Learning, 1st Edition, 2012.
2. Mike Guertin, ―Green Applications for Residential Construction‖, Delmar Cengage
Learning, 1st Edition, 2010.
3. Handbook on Green Practices published by Indian Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air
conditioning Engineers, 2009.
4. Green Building Hand Book by Tomwoolley and Samkimings, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Miki Cook., ―Green Home Building: Money-Saving Strategies for an Affordable, Healthy,
High- Performance Home‖, 2014.
2. Bill Maclay, ―The New Net Zero: Leading-Edge Design and Construction of Homes and
Buildings for a Renewable Energy Future‖, 2014.

Web References:
1. http://carleton.ca/fmp/energy-and-sustainability/topics/green-buildings/
2. http://www.sunyorange.edu/hvec/green_building_maintenance.htm
3. http://www.eco-business.com/news/green-buildings-need-careful-management-perform/
4. http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000006
At the end of the course the students are expected to
1. Understand the concept of Green Buildings.
2. Design green buildings that maximize the use of efficient construction materials and
3. Outline the Green Building Concepts and strategies for sustainable urban development.
4. Synthesize economic green building projects with the implementation of green
construction materials and resources.
5. Understand about the Green Materials.
6. Understand the concepts of design of Green Buildings.

Air and Noise Pollution: Monitoring and Control

B.Tech V Semester: Civil Engineering
Course code Category Hours/week Credits Maximum Marks


20CE505 PE
3 0 0 3 30 70 100

Contact Classes:60 Tutorial Classes: Practical Classes: Nil Total Classes: 60

The objective of this course is to enable the students to
1. Understand the formation of soils and classification of soils.
2. Determine the index and engineering properties of soils.
3. Determine the flow characteristics and stresses due to externally applied loads.
4. Estimate the consolidation properties of soils.
5. Estimate the shear strength and seepage loss.
UNIT-I Classes:12

Air pollution Introduction:

composition and structure of atmosphere, global implications of air pollution. classification of air
pollutants: particulates, hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, oxides of sulphur, oxides of nitrogen and
photochemical oxidants. Indoor air pollution. Effects of air pollutants on humans, animals,
property and plants.
UNIT-II Classes:12

Air pollution chemistry, meteorological aspects of air pollution dispersion; temperature lapse rate
and stability, wind velocity and turbulence, plume behavior, dispersion of air pollutants, the
Gaussian Plume Model, stack height and dispersion.
UNIT-III Classes:12

Ambient air quality and standards, air sampling and measurements; Ambient air sampling,
collection of gaseous air pollutants, collection of particulate air pollutants, stack sampling.
Control devices for particulate contaminants: gravitational settling chambers, cyclone separators,
wet collectors, fabric filters (Bag-house filter), electrostatic precipitators (ESP).

UNIT-IV Classes:12

Control of gaseous contaminants: Absorption, Adsorption, Condensation and Combustion,

Control of sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons. Automotive
emission control, catalytic convertor, Euro-I, Euro-II and Euro-III specifications, Indian
UNIT-V Classes:12

Noise pollution: Basics of acoustics and specification of sound; sound power, sound intensity
and sound pressure levels; plane, point and line sources, multiple sources; outdoor and indoor
noise propagation; psycho-acoustics and noise criteria, effects of noise on health, annoyance
rating schemes; special noise environments: Infra-sound, ultrasound, impulsive sound and sonic
boom; noise standards and limit values; noise instrumentation and monitoring procedure. Noise
Text Books:
1. B.C. Punmia, Soil Mechanics and Foundations, (SI Modules), 16/e Laxmi Publications, 2005.
2. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg. By Dr. K.R. Arora, Standard Publishers and
Distributors, Delhi.
3. Gopala Ranjan and A.S.R, Rao, Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, 2/e, New Age
International Publishers, 2000.
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics, D. W. Taylor, Wiley.
2. An introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, Holtz and Kovacs; Prentice Hall.
3. Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering, B M Das, Cengage Learning, New Delhi.
Web References:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105103097/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105105168/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/downloads/105103097/

E-Text Books:
1. https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=8170087910
2. https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=8122412238
3. https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=0415327024

At the end of the course the students are expected to
1. Know the definition of the various parameters related to soil mechanics and establish their
inter relationships.
2. Know the methods of determination of the various index properties of the soils and classify the
3. Know the importance of the different engineering properties of the soil such as compaction,
permeability, consolidation and shear strength.
4. Apply the above concepts in day-to-day civil engineering practice.
5. Understand the concept of shear strength of soils, assessment of the shear parameters of sands
and clays and the areas of their application.
6. Understand the difference between compaction and consolidation of soils and to determine the
magnitude and the rate of consolidation settlement.

Pavement Analysis and Design

B. Tech VII Semester: Civil Engineering

Course code Category Hours/week Credits Maximum Marks


18CE708 CORE 3 0 0 3 30 70 100

Contact Classes:60 Tutorial Classes: Practical Classes: Nil Total Classes: 60

The objective of this course is to enable the students to
1. To know various factors affecting pavement design
2. To know various concepts for the stresses in pavements.
3. To understand material characterization and mix design concepts.
4. To acquire design principles of flexible and rigid pavements.
5. To acquire design principles of shoulders, overlays and drainage.
UNIT-I Classes:12

Factors Affecting Pavement Design: Variables Considered in Pavement Design, Types of

Pavements, Functions of Individual Layers, Classification of Axle Types of Rigid Chassis and
Articulated Commercial Vehicles, Legal Axle and Gross Weights on Single and Multiple Units,
Tire Pressure, Contact Pressure, EAL and ESWL Concepts, Traffic Analysis: ADT, AADT,
Truck Factor, Growth Factor, Lane, Directional Distributions & Vehicle Damage Factors, Effect
of Transient & Moving Loads.
UNIT-II Classes:14

Material Characterization & Mix Design Concepts: CBR and Modulus of Sub grade Reaction
of Soil, Mineral aggregates – Blending of aggregates, binders, polymer and rubber modified
bitumen, Resilient, Diametral Resilient and Complex (Dynamic) Moduli of Bituminous Mixes,
Permanent Deformation Parameters and other Properties, Effects and Methods of Stabilization
and Use of Geo Synthetics; Marshall’s and Hveem’s Methods of Bituminous Concrete Mix
Design, Field Implications of Stability and Flow Values, Introduction to Super Pave Mix Design,
IRC Cement Concrete Mix Design.
UNIT-III Classes:10

Design of Flexible Pavements: Flexible Pavement Design Concepts, Asphalt Institute’s Methods
with HMA and other Base Combinations, AASHTO, Road Note No 29 & IRC Methods, Design
of Runways & Taxiways, Design of Low Volume Rural Roads.
UNIT-IV Classes:11

Design of Rigid Pavements: Calibrated Mechanistic Design Process, PCA, AASHTO & IRC
Specifications, Introduction to Prestressed and Continuously Reinforced Cement Concrete
Pavement Design, Rigid Pavement Design for Low Volume Rural Roads.
UNIT-V Classes:13

Design of Shoulders, Overlays & Drainage: Shoulder Design Considerations, Traffic

Prediction, Parking, Regular & Encroaching Traffic, Thickness Design Specifications for Flexible
& Rigid Shoulders; Types & Design of Overlays: AI’s Principal Component Analysis & IRC
Methods of Overlay Design, Importance of Profile Correction Course; Pavement Drainage
Concepts, Drainage Related Failures, Inflow-Outflow Concepts, Condition of Continuity, Surface
and Sub Surface Drainage Design Specifications.
Text Books:
1. Pavement Analysis and Design, Yang H. Huang, Pearson Education, Second Edition.
2. Principles of Pavement Design, Yoder. J. &Witczat Mathew, W. John Wiley & Sons Inc
3. Pavement Design, Srinivasa Kumar R, Universities Press, Hyderabad
4. Design of Functional Pavements, Nai C. Yang, McGraw Hill Publications
Reference Books:
1. Pavement and Surfacing for Highway & Airports, MichealSargious, Applied Science
Publishers Limited.
2. Principles of Transportation Engineering, Patha Chakroborty and Animesh Das, PHI Learning
Private Limited, Delhi.
3. Dynamics of Pavement Structures, G. Martineek, Chapmen & Hall Inc.
4. Concrete Pavements, A.F. Stock, Elsevier, Applied Science Publishers.
5. Pavement Evaluation Maintenance Management System, R Srinivas Kumar, Universities
Press, Hyderabad.
At the end of the course the students are expected to
1. Determine stresses in pavements.
2. Design bituminous mixes.
3. Design flexible pavements using various methods.
4. Design rigid pavements using various methods.
5. Design shoulders, overlays and drainage.
6. Understand Sub Surface Drainage and Design Specifications.

Ground Improvement Techniques

B. Tech VIII Semester: Civil Engineering

Course code Category Hours/week Credits Maximum Marks


18CE809 CORE

3 0 0 3 30 70 100

Contact Classes:60 Tutorial Classes: Practical Classes: Nil Total Classes: 60

The objective of this course is to enable the students to
1. The knowledge on the problems posed by the problematic soils.
2. The remedies to build the various structures in problematic soils will be imparted to the
UNIT-I Classes:10

Introduction: Need and objectives of Ground Improvement, Classification of Ground

Modification Techniques, suitability and feasibility
UNIT-II Classes:12

Dewatering: Methods Of De-Watering- Sumps And Interceptor Ditches- Single, Multi Stage
Well Points - Vacuum Well Points- Horizontal Wells-Foundation Drains, Blanket Drains- Criteria
For Selection Of Fill Material Around Drains –Electro-Osmosis.
UNIT-III Classes:13

Physical and Chemical Modifications: Stabilization with admixtures like cement, lime, calcium
chloride, fly ash and bitumen. Grouting – materials and methods.
UNIT-IV Classes:13

Reinforced Earth Technology: Concept of soil reinforcement, Reinforcing materials, Backfill

criteria, Design of reinforcement for internal stability, Applications of Reinforced earth structures
Ground Anchors and Soil Nailing: Types of ground anchors and their suitability, Uplift
capacity of anchors; Soil nailing and Applications.
UNIT-V Classes:12

Soil Confinement Systems: Soil Confinement Systems: Concept of confinement, Gabion walls,
Crib walls, Sand bags, Evergreen systems and fabric form work.
Geotextiles: Overview on Geosynthetics – Geotextiles, Geogrids, Geomembranes – Functions
and Applications
Text Books:
1. Manfred R. Haussmann - Engineering principles of ground modification – Pearson Education
Inc. New Delhi, 2008. 2. Bell, F.G. – Engineering Treatment of Soils – E& FN Spon, New
York, 2006.
2. Purushothama Raj, P “Ground Improvement Techniques” Laxmi Publications (P) Limited.
Reference Books:
1. Ground Improvement, Blackie Academic and Professional by Moseley M.P. (1993), Boca
Taton, Florida, USA.
2. Ground Control and Improvement by Xanthakos P.P, Abramson, L.W and Brucwe, D.A
(1994), John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.
3. Designing with Geosynthetics by Robert M. Koerner, Prentice Hall New Jercy, USA
At the end of the course the students are expected to
1. Identify ground conditions and suggest method of improvement.
2. Design and assess the degree of improvement.
3. Understand the principles of soil reinforcement and confinement in engineering constructions.
4. Design reinforced soil structures.
5. Identifying the different methods of geotextiles.
6. Evaluate the suitable procedure for the in-situ treatment of soils.
Transportation Engineering Lab
B.Tech VI Semester: Civil Engineering

Course code Category Hours/week Credits Maximum Marks


20CE508 CORE
0 0 3 1.5 30 70 100

Contact Classes:Nill Tutorial Classes: Practical Classes: 36 Total Classes: 36

The objective of this course is to enable the students to
1. To test crushing value, impact resistance, specific gravity and water absorption, percentage
attrition, percentage abrasion, flakiness index and elongation index for the given road
2. To know penetration value, ductility value, softening point, flash and fire point, viscosity and
stripping for the given bitumen grade.
3. To test the stability for the given bitumen mix.
4. To carry out surveys for traffic volume, speed and parking.
1. Aggregate Crushing value
2. Aggregate Impact Test.
3. Specific Gravity and Water Absorption.
4. Abrasion Test.
5. Penetration Test
6. Ductility Test.
7. Softening Point Test.
8. Flash and fire point tests.
Text Books:
1. Highway Material Testing Manual, S. K. Khanna, C. E. G Justo and A. Veeraraghavan, Neam
Chan Brothers New Chand Publications, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. R C Codes of Practice
2. Asphalt Institute of America Manuals
3. Code of Practice of B.I.S.
At the end of the course the students are expected to
1. test aggregates and judge the suitability of materials for the road construction
2. test the given bitumen samples and judge their suitability for the road construction
3. Ability to obtain the optimum bitumen content for the mix design
4. Ability to determine the traffic volume, speed and parking characteristics.

Geotechnical Engineering Lab

B.Tech V Semester: Civil Engineering

Course code Category Hours/week Credits Maximum Marks


20CE509 CORE
0 0 3 1.5 30 70 100

Contact Classes:Nill Tutorial Classes: Practical Classes: 36 Total Classes: 36

The objective of this course is to enable the students to
1. To impart knowledge of determination of index properties required for classification of soils.
2. To teach how to determine compaction characteristics and consolidation behavior from
relevant lab tests; to determine permeability of soils.
3. To teach how to determine shear parameters of soil through different laboratory tests.
1. Specific gravity, G
2. Atterberg’s Limits.
3. Field density-Core cutter and Sand replacement methods
4. Grain size analysis by sieving
5. Permeability of soil - Constant and Variable head tests
6. Compaction test
7. Consolidation test (to be demonstrated)
8. Direct Shear test
9. Unconfined Compression test
10. Vane Shear test
11. CBR Test
At least Ten experiments shall be conducted.

Text Books:
1. Braja M. Das, “Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual”, Engineering Press at OUP, 2001.
2. Michael E. Kalinski, “Soil Mechanics Lab Manual”, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Reference Books:
1. Head, “Manual of Soil Lab Testing: Effect. Stress Tests”, CBS Publishers, 1997.
Web References:
1. http://home.iitk.ac.in/~madhav/geolab.html
2. http://www.ammini.edu.in/Uploads/Lab_Manuals/CE09%20607(P)_%20Geotechnical
%20Engineeri ng%20Lab.pdf
At the end of the course the students are expected to
1. Determine index properties of soil and classify them.
2. Determine permeability of soils.
3. Determine Compaction, Consolidation and shear strength characteristics.
4. Determine CBR Value.
5. Determine Swelling Index Value.
6. Determine Grain Size Analysis.
Environmental Science

Course code Category Hours/week Credits Maximum Marks

2 0 0 2 0 0 0
Contact Classes:30 Tutorial Classes: Practical Classes: Total Classes: 30
0 Nil
The course should enable the students to:
1. To create a stronger foundation in the understanding of fundamentals of environment with
an applied perspective for future engineers with a focus on Engineering & Technology.
2. To impart the awareness among the engineering students about the present day problems of
environment, threats to biodiversity, social issues and excess usage of natural resources to
reach the heights of technical globe with latest technologies.
3. Prepare with perspective of “Think Globally Act Locally”
UNIT-I Introduction to Environmental Studies Classes:6
Introduction to Environmental Studies: Definition, scope, need for public awareness.
Natural Resources: Renewable & Non-renewable resources in India,
Forest Resources: Use, Deforestation-Case Studies;
Water Resources: Use, Over-exploitation of surface and ground water, Environmental impacts of
Dams, Floods and Droughts;
Food Resources: Changes caused by agriculture, over grazing; Effects of modern agriculture-
fertilizer, pesticide problems, water - logging and salinity;
Energy Resources: Renewable & nonrenewable energy resources, Use of alternate energy sources.
UNIT-II Ecosystems:Biodiversity: Classes:6
Ecosystems: Definition, Structure of an ecosystem
Functions of ecosystem- Food chains, Food web, Energy flow, Ecological pyramids
Types of Ecosystems: Grass land, Desert, Forest Ecosystem, and Aquatic Ecosystem: Pond,
River, and Ocean Ecosystem.
Biodiversity: Definition, levels of biodiversity, Value of biodiversity, Hotspots of biodiversity,
India as mega biodiversity nation, Threats to biodiversity- Poaching, Habitat loss, Endangered &
endemic species of India, Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ & Ex-situ conservation.

UNIT-III Environmental Pollution Classes:6

Environmental Pollution: Definition, Causes & Control measures of Air pollution, Water
pollution, Soil pollution, noise pollution.
Solid waste management: Causes, effects and control measures
Role of an individual in preventing pollution.
UNIT-IV Social Issues & Environment Classes:6
From unsustainable to sustainable development, water conservation, rain water harvesting,
watershed management, environmental ethics & issues, possible solutions, ozone layer depletion,
global warming, consumerism & waste products.
UNIT-V Human Population and the Environment Classes:6
Population growth, variation among nations, Population explosion-family welfare programme,
Women and Child welfare, Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health, Case
Text Books:

1. Environmental Studies for Undergraduate courses by Erach.Bharucha for University Grants

Commission, Universities press
2. Environmental Studies by R Rajagopalan, Oxfords University Press.
3. Kaushik A, Kaushik CP, perspectives in environment, New International Publishers.
4. R.J.Ranjit Daniels and JagdishKrishna Swamy, (2009), “Environmental Studies”, Wiley
India Private Ltd., New Delhi.
Reference Books:

1. P. Meenakshi, “Elements of Environmental Science and Engineering”, Prentice Hall of

India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2006.
2. G. Tyler Miller Jr., “Environmental Science – working with the Earth”, Eleventh
Edition, Thomson Brooks /Cole, 2006.
3. S.M. Prakash, “Environmental Studies”, Elite Publishers Mangalore, 2007.
4. Raman Siva Kumar, “Principals of Environmental Science and Engineering”, Second
Edition, Cengage learning Singapore, 2005.
5. Dr.Pratiba Sing, Dr.AnoopSingh and Dr.Piyush Malaviya, “Text Book of Environmental and
Ecology”, Acme Learning Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Web References:

1. www.ugc.ac.in
2. https://en.wikiboos.org
E-Text Books:
1. Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses.By Erach Bharucha (Author)
2. A Textbook of Environmental Studies. By Dr. D.K. Asthana.
At the end of the course students able to
1. Apply their knowledge in biology, physics, chemistry, earth science and economics for better
understanding of earth’s environment.
2. Understanding the importance of natural resources.
3. Comprehend the environmental problems from multiple perspectives with emphasis on
human modern life style and developmental activities.
4. Influence his society in proper utilization of goods & services.
5. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the biological systems involved in the major global
environmental problems of the 21st century
6. Recognize the inter connectedness of human dependence on earth’s
ecosystems-Understanding the value of bio diversity & the conservation of biodiversity.
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