Regulation DD-24.0 Abrasive Blasting
Regulation DD-24.0 Abrasive Blasting
Regulation DD-24.0 Abrasive Blasting
0: Abrasive Blasting
24.1 Abrasive blasting has several Environment, Health & Safety implications and requirements that should
be adhered strictly. It should be noted that no open to air blasting shall be carried out under any
circumstances and such uncontrolled activities shall invite serious action from the Authority. All
measures shall be taken to protect workers, land and ambient air from any contamination due to this
24.2 Sand or any abrasive blasting media containing more than 1% free silica shall not be used in abrasive
blasting operations. All abrasive blasting shall be of recyclable non-metallurgical abrasive material. No
open blasting shall be carried out unless approved by EHS with requisite controls as specified by the
24.3 Dust from abrasive blasting must be contained at the work-site to the maximum feasible extent and
should not result in off-site nuisance. Particulate emissions from extraction/ filtration systems should not
exceed EHS standard of 0.1 grams/NM .
24.4 Unless large items of work are involved, all blasting operations must be done in enclosed
blast cleaning machines, cabinets or rooms.
24.5 Whenever abrasive blasting is done inside an enclosed room, this should be properly ventilated and the
exhaust air from these rooms or cabinets should be vented through appropriately designed dust collectors
(e.g. filter bags or similar equipment). The dust collector should be set up so that accumulated dust can
be removed without generation of fugitive emissions and contaminating work areas.
24.6 Portable blast – cleaning equipment used in the open by industrial establishments and construction sites
should be provided with appropriate enclosures such as tarpaulin, screens to prevent dust migration and
reduce hazards to adjacent workers and the general public.
24.7 Companies using abrasives must take all practicable steps to minimize the loss of the materials to the
environment, especially the ambient air, drainage and marine waters.
24.8 Abrasive blast cleaning of ship hulls must be off-water and shall be appropriately provided with
enclosures or catchments to prevent dust migration/waste spills. Where it is necessary to blast over
water, only abrasives material approved by the EHS shall be used.
24.9 Appropriate abrasive blasting technology or low dust abrasives must be used to control dust in the out
door blasting of large items of work where off site impact and nuisance is likely.
24.10 Appropriate “WARNING” signs shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the work areas to warn workers
about the hazards and specify personal protective equipment (e.g. respirators).
24.11 Personnel involved in abrasive blasting must wear a blaster’s helmet with impact protection cover, fresh
air supply and inside collar, suits made of hard wearing material, leather gloves and safety shoes.
24.12 Measures must be taken to ensure that personal protective equipment are kept separately from other
clothing belonging to employees, and outside the working area in special changing rooms.
24.13 All workers within the blasting area must wear appropriate personal protective equipment.
24.14 Workers should not eat, drink or use tobacco products in the blasting areas.
24.15 Workers should wash their hands and face before eating, drinking and smoking.
24.16 The employer should provide facilities for workers to take a shower before leaving the work site.
24.17 Workers engaged in abrasive blasting must be instructed on the health risks and on the use of
appropriate personal protective equipment.
24.18 All workers engaged in abrasive blasting activities should be medically examined every One year
(annually) and given a chest x-ray. A file and records of each such staff member shall be submitted to
EHS annually.
24.19 Periodic maintenance of all equipment’s associated with the abrasive blasting shall be
carried out.
24.20 Waste abrasives exceeding the limits specified in columns II and III are hazardous wastes in Dubai and
must be disposed of in accordance with the appropriate EHS/DM procedures.
Contaminant Total Concentration Leachable
mg/kg Fraction(*) mg/1
Arsenic 500 5
Lead 3000 5
Cadmium 50 0.50
Chromium 3000 5
Copper 1000 10
Nickel 1000 2
Mercury 50 0.1
Zinc 5000 50
Tin 500
Selenium 100
Disposal of wastes to approved reuse schemes (i.e. cement products or similar) is encouraged, subject to
approval from EHS. Any abrasive blasting wastes which are non-hazardous under the above definition and
which are not reused may be disposed of as an inert solid waste in Dubai.