Kochi, Kerala – 683 503, India. Tel: +91-9446899006, +91-9446899035
The National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS), Kochi, was established by Act 27 of 2005
of the Kerala State Legislature, which merged the National Institute for Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS),
established by the Bar Council of Kerala in 2002, with the NUALS. The University has been granted 12-B
status by the University Grants Commission in the year 2016 which has strengthened the University in its
overall development of the Academic activities and its infrastructure.
The Chief Justice of India is the Visitor and the Chief Justice of Kerala, the Chancellor of NUALS. In
2008, an amendment streamlined the powers and functions of the authorities of the University and ensured
the active involvement of the Government of Kerala.
Besides the subjects identified by the Bar Council of India for the Five Year Integrated B.A. LL.B. (Hons.)
Degree, NUALS envisages such courses on frontier areas of law as Maritime Transactions, Psychological
Medicine and Law, Media and Telecommunications Law, Forensic Science, History of Statutory
Presumptions and Descriptive Statistics.
In addition to the Five Year Integrated B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Degree Course, the University offers a One
Year LL.M. Degree Course in i) Constitutional & Administrative Law ii) International Trade Law and iii)
Public Health Law. Post-graduate Diploma Courses in Medical Laws & Ethics, Cyber Law, Banking
Law, Insurance Law and Education Laws and Management are also being offered. The University also
provide facilities for both full-time and part-time Research in Law. (Ph.D.). An Integrated LL.M. Ph.D.
Degree Programme and a Three Year Executive LL.M. Degree Programme are also being offered by
the University.
The NUALS pedagogy is non-conventional with a combination of various methods for disseminating law
and social science subjects with emphasis on Practical Training and Lawyering skills. Choice based Credit
and Semester System was introduced from the academic year 2009-10.
The NUALS Law Journal, managed by the students, draws the attention of the legal fraternity to certain
excellent research findings. The NUALS Legal Aid Clinic organizes awareness and outreach programmes
and initiates students to render legal advice and counselling.
The special lectures periodically delivered by eminent Judges, distinguished Jurists and reputed Visiting
Fellows attract the enlightened audience to the NUALS Campus, providing opportunity for intense
academic and intellectual discourses.
The University has also established the M. K. Damodaran International Centre of Excellence in Law in
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memory of the former Advocate General of Kerala and Member of the Executive Council, Late M. K.
Damodaran. It is also proposed to establish an Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) Cell under the aegis of
the Centre to enhance the ADR skills of the students with foreign collaboration like World Mediation
Organization (WMO) and to conduct online and regular Certificate Courses on Meditation and Conflict
Resolutions etc.
In order to make the study of Law relevant to social needs and to encourage focused research, the
University has established the following Centres of Study and Research:
The NUALS Campus is situated at Kalamassery, Kochi, the industrial capital of Kerala and the seat of the
Kerala High Court. At present, the Campus consists of an Academic Block which includes the Moot Court
Hall, an Amenities Centre, Faculty Apartments, Hostels for boys and girls, a computer lab, a well- equipped
Library with all online journals, an Administrative Block, an Auditorium and a state-of-the art Seminar
Hall. The Administrative Block and the Library Block, were constructed with the assistance from the UGC
and the State Government.
The NUALS campus provides adequate academic infrastructure – dedicated Internet access, Wi- Fi
Connectivity with VPN facility, online legal resources including SCC Online, Hein Online, Westlaw,
Manupatra, CDJ Law Journal, Taxman (Indian & International), Kluwer Arbitration, LexisNexis and Lloyd
Law Report, a computer lab, besides a good collection of standard books and reports, both foreign and
Indian. The University provides facilities such as Health Club including Gym, Table Tennis and other
indoor games besides facilities provided for Football/Cricket/Basketball/Volleyball.
An Internship Committee and a Placement Committee, under the supervision of a Faculty Member, function
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in the University. The NUALS Campus Recruitment Committee facilitates placements for students
graduating from NUALS. A substantial number of them have already been benefitted by this programme in
the past years. Endowments have been instituted for students who excel in the B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Degree
Examination. C. K. Sivasankara Panicker Memorial Endowment Gold Medal for the best outgoing student
with the highest academic proficiency, Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer Memorial
Endowment Gold Medal instituted by Sarada Krishna Satgamaya Foundation for Law and Justice for the
student who is first in Constitutional Law, Adv. T. R. Raman Pillai Memorial Endowment Gold Medal for
the best student in Criminal Law and Procedure and the PTA Gold Medal for the second rank holder in the
B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Degree Examination and Barrister M. K. Nambyar Memorial Endowment Gold Medal
in Public Law and Nani A. Palkhivala Memorial Gold Medal for LL.M. are illustrations.
The M.K. Nambyar Memorial Endowment will also help meritorious, but economically weak students to
complete their education by offering full or partial waiver of fees, support students to take part in
International Moot Court Competitions and to organise annual lectures, besides contributing for a special
Computer for blind students. The University also provides freeship to economically weaker students.
NUALS students have won laurels in co-curricular and extracurricular activities like moot courts, debates,
essay writing and quiz competitions at the national and international level. The University also facilitates
and encourages sports activities of students to contribute to the holistic development. Financial assistance is
being provided to the students for participating in Moot Court Competitions and Paper Presentations. The
winners of the International Moot Court Competitions are being awarded cash prize too.
The University has implemented the following programmes for the benefit of the students
▪ Skill Based Learning and Gamification: A new pedagogic strategy, Skill Based Learning with
Semester based outcome was introduced in NUALS in the academic year 2020-21. For the
implementation of this programme, software and computer applications were developed. Various
legal studies exercises, in the form of Gamification have been introduced in consultation with the
School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
▪ Mentoring Programme: NUALS believes that mentoring is an important aspect of the campus
based education which helps the students to build confidence, develop resilience and
competencies based on the industrial needs.
▪ Finishing School: The Finishing School aims to enhance and polish the skill set required for the
students to meet the particular needs of the specialized career options available for a law
graduate. Students are given training in four streams:
▪ Certificate Course with a Foreign Faculty: Foreign Faculties from around the world comes to
NUALS to provide an additional exposure in the field of law relating to the International traits.
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▪ Student Engagement: The main aim of this programme is to impart practical training to the
students in the chamber of Hon’ble Judges of High Court, Office of Government Pleaders and
Senior Advocates from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. so as to enhance professional skills, after the
rescheduling the classes from 8.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
▪ Jeevan Kaushal: The University has implemented the UGC Jeevan Kaushal scheme under New
Education Policy. Under this programme, four Life Skill Courses namely, Communication
Skills, Professional Skills, Leadership Skills, and Universal Human Values have been included
in the curriculum of B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Degree programme. Four hours per week in the first
four semesters of LL.B. course have been set apart for the implementation of the same.
▪ DigiLocker: Through the implementation of DigiLocker system, students can access their
certificates online. NUALS has become the first Law University to implement the facility of
National Academic Depository (NAD). All the Students who graduated from NUALS since its
establishment can now access their Degree Certificates from Digi Locker.
▪ Post Doctoral Fellowship: The University has instituted a Post Doctoral Fellowship in the
University. The aim of the Post Doctoral Fellowship scheme is to enhance the skills, proficiency
and competence of awardees for undertaking and carrying out independent research work and to
headway the post doctoral research culture in the Campus.
▪ Student Research Projects: The University is always in the forefront for the advancement of
legal knowledge and outlook of students as well as disseminating knowledge to the general
public through various initiatives and activities. As part of such initiatives, the Student Research
Project on Socio Legal Issues was initiated by the University. It is one of the novel initiatives of
NUALS where interested undergraduate and postgraduate law students and postgraduate
students pursuing social science are provided with a research opportunity.
Admission to the B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Degree course shall be based on the performance in the Common Law
Admission Test (CLAT).
a) The candidates for CLAT shall have passed the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination (10+2) or
an examination recognized as equivalent thereto with at least 45 % marks.
b) Exemption upto 5% from the requirement of the minimum of 45% for the qualifying examination is
given to the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) [declared eligible for
reservation in the State of Kerala] and upto 3% to the candidates belonging to Socially and
Educationally Backward Classes [declared eligible for reservation in the State of Kerala]. These
categories are allowed to apply for CLAT if they obtain not less than 40 % and 42 % of marks,
respectively, in the qualifying examination.
c) Students who are appearing for the qualifying examination are allowed to appear for CLAT.
However, they should submit the results of the qualifying examination at the time of admission. If
they do not do so, the candidates shall be considered ineligible.
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The intake for the B. A. LL. B. (Hons.) Degree Course for the academic year 2024-25 shall be 60. The seats
shall be apportioned as follows, as per the reservation criteria adopted by the Government of Kerala for
admission to professional courses:
Total: 100 % 31 29
Out of the above, 5% of the total intake of the 60 seats are horizontally reserved for the Specially Abled
Persons (SAP).
The apportionment of seats for various categories under the SEBC Quota for the B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Degree
Programme is given below:
Community Percentage Seats
i Ezhava, Thiyya, Billava (ETB) 9% 5
ii Muslims (MU) 8% 4
vi Kudumbi (KU) 1% 1
Total 30 % 18
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In addition to 60 seats, 6 seats are reserved for Economically Weaker Sections among the General Category
of Kerala, 2 seats are reserved for Transgenders (Kerala), 2 seats for Jammu and Kashmir migrants as
Supernumerary Quota admitted through CLAT.
In addition to the above supernumerary seats reserved for admission through CLAT, 6 seats are reserved as
Supernumerary Quota for NRI sponsored candidates and 2 seats for Foreign Nationals which are admitted
directly by the University. The candidates in these categories need not appear for CLAT and they can
directly apply to the University in the prescribed format provided in the website. If any seat remains vacant
in the NRI sponsored quota the same shall be filled from the CLAT 2024 rank list. If any seat remains
vacant in the Foreign Nationals quota, the same shall be filled from the NRI sponsored quota and in that
case, the fees applicable for NRI sponsored candidates shall be levied. In case NRI sponsored candidates
are not available, other CLAT 2024 ranked candidates shall be considered and in that case, the usual fees
shall be levied.
Particulars Fee (Rs.)
1 Admission fee
(At the time of admission)
2 Annual Tuition fee 1,25,000/-
Campus Development &
3 18,500/- per annum
Infrastructure fee
4 Library fee 8,000/- per annum
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17 Recognition fee
(For candidates coming from Institutions outside
18 Alumni Association fee
(At the time of admission)
19 Miscellaneous fee 8,000/- per annum
20 Caution Deposit
(At the time of admission)
21 Contribution towards PTA fund
(At the time of admission
Total fee for NRI Sponsored candidates - USD 6500 per year
These Candidates are required to remit a Caution Deposit of INR 10,000 /- in addition to the above fees at
the time of admission.
* Note: The fee structure is subject to revision by the Executive Council of NUALS
English – 1 English – 2
Foundation - 1 – Legal Methods Foundation - 5 – Development Economics
Foundation - 6 – Political Science 2
Foundation - 2 - Principles of Economics
– International Relations
Foundation - 3 - Political Science 1 - Principles Foundation - 7 - History of
of Polity Statutory Presumptions
Foundation - 4 – History BCI-CP-04A - Law of Tort
BCI-CP-07A - Law of Crimes - 1 (IPC) –
Foundation - 8 - Sociology
General Principles
Life Skill Course - 1 - Communication Skills Life Skill Course - 2 - Professional Skills
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BCI-CP-16 - Public International Law Foundation - 10 - Descriptive Statistics
Life Skill Course - 3 - Leadership
Life Skill Course - 4 - Universal Human Values
and Management Skills
5th Semester 6th Semester
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NUALS offers a One Year LL.M. Programme in Constitutional & Administrative Law, International Trade
Law, and Public Health Law. The total intake for the LL.M. Programme in the three streams shall be 60
seats. Admission to the LL.M. Degree Course shall be based on the performance in the Common Law
Admission Test (CLAT) on Merit-cum-Preference basis.
A candidate shall have passed the 5 Year Integrated B. A. LL.B. (Hons.) Degree of the National University
of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS) or an examination recognised as equivalent thereto with a minimum
of 50 % of the total marks in the aggregate [Not less than 45% in the case of SC/ST (declared eligible for
reservation in the State of Kerala) candidates].
Out of the above, 5% of the total intake of the 60 seats are horizontally reserved for the Specially Abled
Persons (SAP).
The apportionment of seats for various categories under the SEBC Quota for the PG Programme is as
Community Percentage Seats
i Ezhava, Thiyya, Billava (ETB) 9% 5
ii Muslims (MU) 8% 4
vi Kudumbi (KU) 1% 1
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viii Dheevara and related communities (DV) 2% 1
Total 30 % 18
In addition to 60 seats, 6 seats are reserved for Economically Weaker Sections among the General Category
of Kerala, 2 seats are reserved for Transgenders (Kerala), 2 seats for Jammu and Kashmir migrants as
Supernumerary Quota admitted through CLAT.
Particulars Fee (Rs.)
1 Admission fee 5,000/-
Students belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) and Other Eligible Communities (OEC)
belonging to Kerala are eligible for educational concessions from the Government of Kerala.
* Note: The Fee structure is subject to revision by the Executive Council of NUALS
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Semester II
Course 1
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Course 16 Judicial Control over Administrative Adjudication 2
Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Backward and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes mean
communities as identified and listed as such for admission to professional courses, by the Government of
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Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates shall have to produce Community Certificates issued by the
competent authorities in the State of Kerala. Candidates seeking admission against the seats reserved for
Socially and Educationally Backward Classes shall, in addition to the Community Certificate, produce a
Non-Creamy Layer Certificate issued by the competent authority in Kerala. For details visit
Seats reserved for the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe categories shall be inter-changeable. In case
sufficient candidates are not available for seats reserved for Socially and Educationally Backward Classes,
such seats shall be filled up under the State Merit quota. The seats unavailed by the Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates will be filled by Other Eligible Communities (OEC) candidates in the
State of Kerala and in case of seats remaining vacant under the Specially Abled Persons (SAP) Quota, such
seats shall be filled up under the State Merit Quota.
Candidates seeking admission against seats reserved for State Merit Quota shall produce ‘Nativity
Certificate’ as prescribed by the Government of Kerala for admission to professional courses in the State.
Candidates seeking admission in the State Merit Quota and against the seats reserved for the Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes shall be entitled to claim the
benefit of reservation only if they claim the same at the time of submission of online application form and
on uploading the relevant certificates (to prove Nativity, Community, Non-Creamy Layer, Disability etc.)
along with the application.
The University provides limited residential facilities for Boys and Girls in the Campus.
Fee Structure
The National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS)
NUALS Campus, HMT Colony P.O., Kalamassery, Kochi – 683 503, Kerala
Tel: +91-9446899006, +91-9446899035
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